Ijph 48 808 PDF
Ijph 48 808 PDF
Ijph 48 808 PDF
Background: Physical rehabilitation, as one of the rehabilitation disciplines, can play a great role in humanitar-
ian reliefs. The effectiveness of physical rehabilitation services is completely dependent on time of intervention,
the importance of good timing in providing services during disasters is not well understood. The objective of
this study was to systematically review the physical rehabilitation services provided in disasters and emergen-
Methods: An electronic search of PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane, and PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Data-
base) was undertaken from Jan 2000 to Sep 2017. All English studies reporting physical rehabilitation services
in natural and man-made disasters were selected regardless of study design. The included studies were analyzed
by descriptive and analytical method.
Results: Thirteen studies were included after reviewing by title, abstract and full text in this study. Most of the
physical rehabilitation studies come back to recent years. Most of the disaster physical rehabilitation services
were physiotherapy and occupational therapy. The physical rehabilitation experts have been attended in the
affected area from the few first hours until several months after disasters in order to provide the required ser-
vices to the affected population.
Conclusion: There are few studies about physical rehabilitation services provided in the disaster-affected areas
and this study showed that the services were limited and at different times. Physical rehabilitation services post
disasters should have a comprehensive service model, like other health services. Therefore, it is necessary to
conduct further studies to achieve this aim.
Keywords: Physical rehabilitation; Disability; Disasters; Emergencies
Many major health conditions need rehabilitation and maintain optimal functioning in interaction
to improve outcomes following disasters and with their environments” (4). If rehabilitation
emergencies (1-3). Rehabilitation is “a set of intervention is provided in time, they can result
measures that assist individuals who experience, in better health outcomes; reduce hospital stays
or are likely to experience disability to achieve and the probability of long term disability. Reha-
bilitation includes improving an individual`s abil- derstanding of the necessary rehabilitation reliefs
ity to function and to impact his/her environ- provided in disasters (23).
ment (4). Moreover, rehabilitation includes pre- Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate the
vention of the loss of function, restoration of physical rehabilitation services provided in disas-
function and increase or maintenance of current ters and emergencies.
function (4, 5). There is a lack of data on the
global need for rehabilitation (4, 6). Rehabilita- Methods
tion has recently been recognized as an important
sector of humanitarian response (7). Some of the This study was conducted to answer this research
injured people in disasters and emergencies expe- question as follows: what are the characteristics
rience short or long-term disability due to inade- (kind of service and time of service delivery) of
quate treatment of injuries (8). Bone fractures, physical rehabilitation services in provided in past
spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, am- disasters and emergencies?
putations, peripheral nerve injuries, and burns are
common injuries in disasters and conflicts which Data sources
can lead to physical or cognitive limitation in For the purpose of this review, PubMed, Scopus,
functioning in the victims (9-12). Cochrane, and PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence
Article 11 of the United Nations (UN) conven- Database) databases were the main sources of
tion on the rights of persons with disabilities information in this study. Since research on disas-
mandates countries to support persons with disa- ter physical rehabilitation is a relatively new con-
bility in disasters and conflicts (13). The UN cept, the time of the search was limited to Jan
convention mandates that rehabilitation interven- 2000 to Sep 2017.
tions should occur during early disaster response They were accessed and searched in Dec of 2017.
and follow months and years later at the commu- In addition, for locating gray literature, we used
nity level. Currently, rehabilitation services are different searching strategies: 1) Google search
rarely provided for victims of disasters, if they engine, 2) purposive websites, and 3) consultation
are, they tend to be not at the right time or place with national and international experts. The ref-
(14). erence lists of founded studies were other fruitful
Physical rehabilitation plays an important role in sources of material.
the rehabilitation process and it is an essential
part of fully integrating disabled people in society Search strategy
(15). Several studies have confirmed the effec- All sources of written material were obtained us-
tiveness of early rehabilitation intervention for ing the same search strategy. Terms such as phys-
treating injured people in disasters (10, 16, 17). ical rehabilitation, physiotherapy, physical thera-
Moreover, persons with preexisting disabilities py, occupational therapy, speech therapy, orthot-
can benefit from rehabilitation services in affect- ics, prosthetics, disaster, and conflict were ap-
ed areas (4, 14, 18). Many studies have reviewed plied by using Medical Subject Headings
rehabilitation services post-disasters such as Hur- (MESH). MESH terms were also used to find
ricane Katrina, the Pakistan flood, Sichuan and more relevant articles (Table 1).
Haiti earthquakes and have found that unique
Inclusion criteria
rehabilitation intervention which relied complete-
Included articles were that published in academic
ly upon researchers’ experiences and interests (16,
journals, reported one or more kinds of physical
19-21). Literature on rehabilitation reliefs in dis-
rehabilitation intervention such as physiotherapy,
asters is scarce, anecdotal (22) and is dependent
occupational therapy, speech therapy, orthotics
on the authors' field experiences. Some rehabili-
and prosthetics in natural/man-made disasters
tation experts have recommended conducting
and conflicts.
various scientific researches to gain a better un-
There was no publication on physical rehabilita- patible with the conditions and facilities of the
tion in disasters and emergencies in 2006. In region before occurring disaster.
2007, two articles were published, Bam earth- In addition, there is not a consensus on time of
quake 2003, and Hurricane Katrina 2005, respec- physical rehabilitation service delivery in disas-
tively. There was another gap between 2008 and ters and emergencies. In some cases such as
2009. However, in 2010 three articles were pub- bombing attack, the mentioned services have
lished in relation to the Haiti earthquake and es- been provided during hospitalization for victims,
tablishing physical rehabilitation services to while in a conflict, access to rehabilitation ser-
affected population. During 2012, 2013 and 2014, vices may postpone for several months. We ob-
two, one and two articles were published, respec- served in other studies that this time between
tively. One article was published in 2015 and one the occurring of disaster and delivery of rehabili-
article was published in 2016 (Table 2). tation services varies from medical stabilization
of the injured persons in first or two weeks to
Analytical analysis one or two months following disasters. In all
Most studies indicated the multidisciplinary physi- studies, physical rehabilitation services were es-
cal rehabilitation including physical therapy, oc- tablished by rehabilitation professionals. In the
cupational therapy and assistive devices as the Bam earthquake, first, the international provid-
provided rehabilitation services in the earthquake ers established rehabilitation services to affected
zones. Two studies focused on physical therapy as local people and then the Iranian specialists
an intervention, one study highlighted on pros- were involved in the delivery of rehabilitation
thetics delivery in humanitarian action and the services. In relation to preparedness of physical
other research was related to orthotics and physi- rehabilitation relief teams, most of these teams
otherapy. In such disasters, the physical rehabilita- that attended at the disaster scene were not pre-
tion services were established temporary in peri- viously prepared. Only, in one case the coordi-
ods of time and depended on existing cases in the nation between international organizations and
affected area. In the other disasters, the provided national service providers were organized prior
rehabilitation services completely relied on mod- to disaster. Table 3 shows the rehabilitation ser-
ern and professional equipment that was incom- vices provided in past disasters and emergencies.
Table 3: Provided physical rehabilitation services during past disasters and emergencies
needs further studies to be able to create a com- 7. Tataryn M, Blanchet K (2012). Evaluation of
prehensive model to deliver coordinated and post-earthquake physical rehabilitation re-
appropriate services of physical rehabilitation fol- sponse in Haiti, 2010 – a systems analysis. In-
lowing disasters and emergencies, so does the ternational Center for Evidence on Disability
other healthcare models. (ICED). UK, 2012.
8. World Health Organization (2013). Guidance
Note on Disability and Emergency Risk
Ethical considerations Management for Health.
9. Gosney JE Jr (2010). Physical Medicine and Re-
Ethical issues (Including plagiarism, informed habilitation: Critical Role in Disaster Re-
consent, misconduct, data fabrication and/or fal- sponse. Disaster Med Public Health Prep,
sification, double publication and/or submission, 4(2):110-2.
redundancy, etc.) have been completely observed 10. Li J, Xiao M, Zhang X, Zhao Z (2011). Factors
by the authors. affecting functional outcome of Sichuan-
earthquake survivors with tibial shaft frac-
tures: A follow-up study. J Rehabil Med,
Acknowledgements 43(6):515-520.
11. Mohebbi HA, Mehrvarz S, Saghafinia M et al
No financial support was received for this study. (2008). Earthquake related injuries: assess-
ment of 854 victims of the 2003 Bam disaster
Conflict of interest transported to tertiary referral hospitals. Pre-
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China. Injury, 40(1):84-86.
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