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ABRSM Violin Exams

Here are somekey pointsto help you prepare for your Grade4 exam.All requirements are valid from 1 January 2020 until
31 December2023. More detailed information on the syllabus requirements and syllabus overlap details can be found
online at www.abrsm.org/violin. In the exam, the requirements can be taken in any order.

Pieces (3x 30 marks)

This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's 2020-2023 Grade4 Violin syllabus. In the exam,
you will need to play three pieces, one from each of the three syllabuslists (A, B and C).
You can choosefrom the piecesin this book and/or the otherpieces setfor the grade: a full list is on the
opposite page. You will needto follow all da capo (D.C.) and dal segno(D.S.) indications but other repeats
(includingfirst-time bars) should not be played unlessthey are very short(i.e. a few bars) or unless the
syllabusspecifies differently.

Scales and arpeggios (21 marks)

Learningscales and arpeggios helps you to build strong technical skills by developingreliable finger
movement, handposition, co-ordination and fingerboardfluency.It also helps you to develop your
musical understanding through familiarity with keys andtheir related patterns.
You can find a complete list of scales and arpeggios required for Grade 4 in the back of this book.In the exam,
they should be played from memory.

Sight-reading (21 marks)

Learningto sight-read helps you to develop quick recognition of keys, tonality and common rhythm
patterns.It also helps you to learn to keep going even when you makemistakes, and work musicoutfor
yourself - which makes learning new pieces quicker andeasier.
In the exam,youwill be askedto play a short unaccompanied piece of music that you have not seen before.
Youwill be given half a minute to look through and,if you wish,try outall or any part of the test before you
are askedtoplayit to the examinerfor assessment.Forthefull sight-reading parameters, please see the

Aural tests (18 marks)

Auralskills enable you to assess the sound andbalanceof yourplaying, keep in time andplay with a sense
of rhythm andpulse. Theseskills also help you to develop yoursenseof pitch, your musical memory and
to spot any mistakes.
In the exam,thetests will be administered by the examinerfrom the piano, and youwill be asked:
a To sing or play from memory a melody played twice by the examiner.
b To sing five notes from scorein free time.
c (i) To answer questions about twofeatures of a piece played by the examiner.
(ii) To clap the rhythm ofthe notesin an extract from the samepiece, andto identify whetherit is in
two time, three time or four time.

For moredetailed information onthetests, please see the syllabus.

(Total available: 150 marks)

Editorial guidance
Wehavetaken the piecesin this book from a variety of sources. Where appropriate, we haveedited the pieces to help
you prepare for your performance. We have added metronome markings(in square brackets) and ornamentrealisations.
The fingering and bowingindications have been amended wherenecessaryto ensure a consistent approachwithin the
album. Details of other changesor suggestionsare given in the footnotes. Fingering, bowing andeditorial additions are for
guidanceonly: you do nothaveto follow them in the exam.

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