Ass.7 CPCLJ2 OLM10 Esternon, Mariel
Ass.7 CPCLJ2 OLM10 Esternon, Mariel
Ass.7 CPCLJ2 OLM10 Esternon, Mariel
Mr. Mabutol, Mark Ryan M.
1. Give 5 examples of crimes committed by public officers.
2. What are the elements of the crime of knowingly rendering an unjust judgment?
a) That the offender is a judge;
b) That he renders a judgment in a case submitted to him for decision;
c) That the judgment is unjust;
d) That the judge knows that his judgment is unjust.
8. What is the difference between illegal use of public funds under Article 220 of the
RPC and malversation?
- the public officer applies public funds under his administration not for his or another's
personal use, but to a public use other than that for which the fund was appropriated by
law or ordinance while malversation public officer has the custody in it but he gave his
consent, permitted another person to take the funds or property.
9. Does the law require that there be a demand first before an accountable officer can
be held liable for the crime of failure of accountable officer to render accounts?
- It's not required.