FC Socio 4-23
FC Socio 4-23
FC Socio 4-23
Top Model
Easy (30%) Moderate (50%) Difficult (20%)
CRIMINOLOGY Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Percentage Number of Recall information Explain, Interpret, Using the Understanding, hypothesizing, Generating
Weight Items summarize, information in critiquing,
Recognizing, examine another familiar Comparing, experimenting, Designing,
and and listing, describing, organizing, constructing,
The registered criminologist can Distribution retrieving, naming,
perform the competencies under the finding Implementing
carrying out, using,
following sub-topics: executing
20% 100
3% 15
a. 1345
b. 2345
c. 135
d. 245
16. Kardo was born from a criminal family and he was always looking
for a pleasure in life but do not take any want risk and avoids pain. PO1
Victor Mangubat is a great representation of a _____.
A. Rational Calculator
B. Atavistic
C. Hedonist
D. Criminaloid
17. Select the approach used by Lombroso, Ferri, and Garofalo that
quantifies and measures behavior and the social conditions associated
with it.
A. Positivism
B. Socialism
C. Modernism
D. Behaviorism
18. Who added a social dimension to Lombroso's work by arguing that
people commit crimes due to outside forces that they cannot control?
A. Cesare Beccaria
B. Enrico Ferry
C. Jeremy Bentham
D. Raffaele Garofalo
19. What is innate to man when desire and capability is present?
a. Intent
b. Motive
c. Instrumentality
d. Criminal tendency
20. According to him, crime is as old as mankind and is inevitable to
growing society. He maintains that crime is not only normal for society
but that it is necessary. Without crime there could be no evolution of
a. Cesare Beccaria
b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Abrahamsen
d. Emile Durkheim
21. The bio-psychosocial model of crime causation is an example of
1. SINGLE/UNITARY THEORY – contends that crime is produced by
one factor. It may be biological, sociological, or psychological.
2. MULTIPLE FACTOR THEORY – views that crime is not a product of
a single cause or factor but a combination of several factors.
3. ECLECTIC THEORY – That crime stemmed by one or more
factors while in other instances it is caused by another set of
4. INTEGRATED THEORY – A theory that combines two or more
theories to generate a single model or framework
2. Interpret and differentiate the
fundamental concepts of law, crime,
criminology, criminal justice, deviance,
and delinquency.
22. Refers to the scientific study of crimes, criminals, and victims. It also
deals with the prevention, and solution of crimes.
a. Criminology as defined by Edwind Sutherland
b. Criminology as defined by RA 6506
c. Criminology as defined by IRR RA 11131
d. Criminology as defined by RA 11131
In its broadest sense, criminology is the entire body of
knowledge regarding crimes, criminals, and the effort of the
society to prevent and repress them.
In a narrower sense, criminology is the scientific study of
crimes and criminals.
B. By means of culpa or fault - when the wrongful act results from imprudence,
negligence, lack of foresight, or lack of skill.
• Criminal negligence - that is, the crime was the result of negligence, reckless
imprudence, lack of foresight or lack of skill;
• Freedom of action
• Intelligence
55. Adultery and other offense is an example of
a. Crimes
b. Formal crimes
c. Material crimes
d. Continuing crime
3. According to the stages in the commission:
1. Formal Crimes
Formal crimes are crimes, which are consummated in one
instance (Adultery)
2. Material Felonies
Those that have various stages of execution (Homicide)
Less grave felonies or those to which the law punishes with penalties which in their
maximum period is correctional;
Correctional penalties include: Prision Correccional, Arresto Mayor, Suspension,
and Destierro
Light felonies or those infractions of law for the commission of which the penalty is
arresto menor.
Light penalties: Those infractions of law for the commission of which the penalty of
arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, or both is provided. Art. 9, par. 3,
59. Tanggol fired at Kardo, but the latter had dodge the bullet. Narda,
who was behind Kardo was hit instead and died. This is a best example
of ___
a. Complex crime
b. Delito compuesto
c. Delito complejo
d. Composite crime
e. Nota
60. Kardo, wanted to take revenge to Tanggol. He smashed Tanggol
from behind with baseball bat. He did not noticed that Narda was also
hit and suffered an injury for almost a week in hospital.
a. Complex crime
b. Delito compuesto
c. Delito complejo
d. Composite crime
e. Nota
Consists in the successive execution by the same individual of different
criminal acts upon any of which no conviction has yet been declared.
1. COMPOUND CRIME - When a single act results in two or more grave or
less grave felonies
2. COMPLEX CRIME PROPER - When an offense is a necessary means for
committing the other.
Special Complex/Composite Crimes
The substance is made up of more than one crime but
which in the eyes of the law is only a single indivisible
offense. All those acts done in pursuance of the crime agreed
upon are acts which constitute a single crime.
Mala in se
An act, by its very nature, is inherently and morally wrong; it
should be done with criminal intent.
Malum prohibitum
An act is wrong only because there is a law punishing it. It is
enough that the prohibited act was voluntarily committed and need not
be committed with malice or criminal intent to be punishable.
62. One way of classifying criminals in on the basis of etiology. What
kind of criminal is that whose action arises from the intra-psychic
conflict between the social and anti-social components of his
A. Acute
B. Neurotic
C. Chronic
D. Normal
63. The type of killer that run on a certain group of people as their
target. They believe to unworthy people, the statement is referring to a
mission oriented killer but how about to excitement?
A. Mission-oriented
B. Lust killer
C. Thrill oriented
D. Missionary motive killer
64. Kardo went to canteen to buy snacks ,but he forgot his wallet in the
desk in the room. Suddenly RJ sees Kardo’s wallet and he get the bag,
laptop, and tablet of Kardo, no one see what RJ do. What crime dis RJ
A. Acquisitive
B. Extinctive
C. Seasonal
D. Situational
Illegal copyright infringement, identity theft, internet securities fraud,
• Cyber vandalism
• Malicious attacks aimed at disrupting, defacing, and destroying
Website defacement, worms, viruses, cyberstalking,
74. These are those traditional, illegal behaviors that most people think
of as crime.
a. Conventional crime
b. Violent crimes
c. Property crimes
d. Index crime
Conventional crimes are those traditional, illegal behaviors that most
people think of as crime.
Conventional crimes are groups of crimes categorized as violent crimes
(index crimes) and property crimes.
Violent Crimes - Violent crimes are criminal acts, which in the threat of or
actual physical harm by an offender to a victim.
Violent acts are in the forms of:
Organized Criminal is one who associates himself with other criminals to earn a
high degree of organization to enable them to commit crimes easily without
being detected by authorities. They commit organized crimes. Is one who
possesses some skills and know-how which enable him to commit crimes.
Force violence intimidation and bribery are use to gain and maintain control over
economic activities.
Accidental Criminals are those who commit crimes when the situation is
conducive to its commission. Those who commit criminal acts as a result
of unanticipated circumstances.
Habitual Delinquent
Is a person who, with in a period of ten years from the date of his
release or last conviction of the crimes of serious or less serious
physical injuries, robbery, estafa, or falsification, is found guilty of
any of the said crimes or a third time oftener.
Is one who, at the time of his trial for one crime, shall have been
previously convicted by final judgment of another crime embraced in the
same title of the Revised Penal Code.
A delinquent person is one who repeatedly commits an act that
is against the norms or mores observed by the society. When a
person habitually commits an act that is not in accordance with
the rules or policies of a community where he belongs, he is
considered a delinquent.
A CRIMINAL is a person who has violated the penal law and has
been found guilty of crime charges upon observing of the standard
judicial procedure while DELINQUENT is a person who merely
committed an act not in conformity with norms of society.
1. waywardness of children
2. Street corner gang
3. Children out of parental control
4. school dropouts without justifiable reasons
83. They Kill in order to “rid” society of a certain group.
a. Visionary
b. Mission-oriented
c. Hedonistic
d. Power/control
These types are based on their motivations for carrying out their crimes.
Believes that a person or entity is commanding him to kill. Most likely suffering
from psychosis.
Kills in order to “rid” society of a certain group.
Commits his acts for his own personal pleasure. For example, rape, torture or
money. (Lust, Thrill and Comfort)
Fantasizes about having power and seeks to dominate and control his victims.
84. This is the most common form of serial murderer
a. Thrill killers
b. Mission killers
c. Expedience killers
d. Nota
Types of serial killers
(jack liven & james allan fox)
Thrill killers
These killers strive for either sexual sadism or dominance. This is the most
common form of serial murderer
Mission killers
These killers want to reform the world or have a mission that derives them to
Expedience killers
Killers who kill out for profit or want to protect themselves from a perceived
85. They are mass murderers who are usually trying to cover-up a
crime, eliminate witnesses, and carry out a criminal conspiracy.
a. Revenge killers
b. Love killers
c. Profit killers
d. Terrorist killers
86. These are are crimes which are sufficiently significant and which
occur with sufficient regularity to be meaningful.
a. Index crimes
b. Non-index crimes
c. Sensational crime
d. Malum In se
87. Violation of special penal laws and other crimes against moral and
order are examples of ____
a. Index crimes
b. Non-index crimes
c. Sensational crime
d. Malum In se
- It refers to the measure of the level or amount of crimes.
-The collection or study of numerical data of crimes recorded/reported
to the police.
-It uses the terms index crimes and non-index crimes in classifying
Index crimes are crimes which are sufficiently significant and
which occur with sufficient regularity to be meaningful such as murder,
homicide, physical injury, robbery, theft and rape.
Non-index crimes are crimes that are not classified as index
crimes. Violations of special laws and other crimes against moral and
order. These crimes are generated from the result of positive police-
initiated operations.
4. Understand and introduce
innovation on the concepts of
punishment, sentencing, and
rehabilitation; allied discipline/fields
of criminology.
88. It includes the study of control and prevention of crime through
punishment of criminal offenders.
a. Correction
b. Penology
c. Sociology of law
d. Etiology of crime
89. Which is the study of human society, that deals for its origin,
structure functions and direction?
A. Sociology
B. Physiology
C. Physiognomy
D. Phrenology
90. It is the mother discipline of Criminology.
a. Sociology
b. Psychology
c. Psychiatry
d. Criminal Politics
Sociological Criminology – the study of crime focused on the group of people and
society as a whole. It is primarily based on the examination of the relationship of
demographic and group variables to crime. Variables such as socioeconomic status,
interpersonal relationships, age, race, gender, and cultural groups of people are probed in
relation to the environmental factors that are most conducive to criminal action, such
as time, place, and circumstances surrounding the crime.
Psychiatric Criminology – the science that deals with the study of crime through
forensic psychiatry, the study of criminal behavior in terms of motives and drives that
strongly relies on the individual. (Psychoanalytic Theory - Sigmund Freud – traditional
view). It also explains that criminals are acting out of uncontrollable animalistic,
unconscious, or biological urges (modern view).
91. What is this principal division of criminology that deals with the
reformation of criminal adult offender, youthful offenders polishing
their behaviour for their return in the mainstream of the society?
A. Correction
B. Criminal Etiology
C. Sociology of Law
D. Penology
92. Which refers to restraining or isolating criminals behind prison or
jail facilities to effectively protect society?
A. Crime prevention
B. Crime deterrence
C. Crime control
D. Crime suppression
93. The branch of the administration of criminal justice charges with
the responsibility for the custody, security, supervision and
rehabilitation of a convicted offender.
A. Community
B. Rehabilitation Center
C. Penology
D. Correction
94. This process submits that the criminal behavior was due to the gap
between the criminal and the community. For this reason the offender
must be assisted to strive hard to face the forces of the society or
community which will join upon his release from jail/prison.
A. Rehabilitation
B. Purpose of sentencing
C. Isolation of prisoners
D. Re-integration
95. Theft like pickpocket is very rampant during holidays in Divisoria
market. What are/is the factors that enhances the development of
criminal behavior of those pick pocketers?
a. Criminal Demography
b. Criminal Epidemiology
c. Criminal Physical Anthropology
d. Criminal Ecology
96. The profile of inhabitants can be a factor to determine what crime
or how crime can develop in such community.
a. Criminal Demography
b. Criminal Epidemiology
c. Criminal Physical Anthropology
d. Criminal Ecology
a. Criminal Demography – study of the relationship between criminality
and population.
b.Criminal Epidemiology – study of the relationship between
environment and the criminality.
c. Criminal Ecology – study of criminality in relation to spatial
distribution in the community.
d.Criminal Physical Anthropology – study of criminality in relation to
physical constitution of men.
e. Criminal Psychology – study of human behavior in relation to
f. Criminal Psychiatry – study of human mind in relation to criminality;
g.Victimology – study of the role of the victim in the commission of a
97. The public will be protected if the offender has been held in
conditions where he cannot harm others especially the public.
a. Retribution
b. Expiation or Atonement
c. Deterrence
d. Incapacitation and Protection
punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated
to afford the society or the individual the opportunity of imposing
upon the offender suitable punishment as might be enforced.
Offenders should be punished because they deserve it.
2. Expiation or Atonement – it is punishment in the form of group
vengeance where the purpose is to appease the offended public or
3. Deterrence – punishment gives lesson to the offender by showing
to others what would happen to them if they violate the law. Punishment
is imposed to warn potential offenders that they cannot afford to do what
the offender has done.
4. Incapacitation and Protection – the public will be protected if the
offender has been held in conditions where he cannot harm others
especially the public. Punishment is effected by placing offenders in
prison so that society will be ensured from further criminal
depredations of criminals.
5. Reformation or Rehabilitation – it is the establishment of the
usefulness and responsibility of the offender. Society’s interest can be
better served by helping the prisoner to become law abiding citizen
and productive upon his return to the community by requiring him to
undergo intensive program of rehabilitation in prison.
98. Punishment should be no more or less than the offenders actions
deserve, it must be based on how blameworthy the person is
a. General Deterrence
b. Specific Deterrence
c. Incapacitation
d. Retribution/Just Desert
Goals of Punishment
1. General Deterrence - the state tries to convince potential criminals that
the punishment they face is certain, swift, and severe so that they will be afraid
to commit an offense.
3. Incapacitation - if dangerous criminals are kept behind bars, they will not
be able to repeat their illegal activities.
This Act shall be known as "The Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018".
Criminology refers to the scientific study of crimes, criminals, and victims and criminal
behavior. It also deals with the prevention, and solution of crimes.
(sec. 4 IRR)
Registered criminologist refers to a natural person who holds a valid certificate of
registration and an updated professional identification card as criminologist issued by
the Board and the Commission pursuant to this Act.
SECTION 27. Lawful Practitioners of Criminology. — The
following persons shall be authorized to practice the criminology
(a) Natural persons;
(1) Duly registered criminologists and holders of valid certificates
of registration and valid professional identification cards issued
by the Board and the Commission pursuant to RA No. 11131.
(b) Juridical persons;
(1) Single proprietorship whose owner and technical staff are registered
(2) Partnership duly registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) as professional partnership pursuant to the Civil
Code and composed of partners majority of whom are registered
(3) Corporation duly registered with the SEC as engaged in the practice
of criminology and with officers and Board of Directors whom are all
registered criminologists; and
(4) Association and cooperative duly registered with the appropriate
government agency as a non-stock corporation where majority of the
officers, Board of Trustees and members are registered criminologists.
These juridical persons shall also be registered with the Board and the
Commission in accordance with the rules and regulations thereon. The
Board shall issue a separate guideline to implement this provision.
A total 192 lawmakers voted to
approve House Bill (HB) 7191 or the
“Philippine Criminology Profession Act”
authored by Reps. Gary Alejano and
Maximo Rodriguez, Jr.
103. All but one are the objectives of the Philippine Criminology
Profession Act of 2018.
a. The examination, registration and licensure for criminologists;
b. The participation in the standardization of the criminology
education program
c. To promulgate and adopt Code of Ethics and Code of Good
Governance for the practice of criminology;
d. The development of the professional competence of criminologists
through Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
SECTION 3. Objectives. — This Act
shall govern:
(a) The examination, registration and licensure for criminologists;
(b) The supervision, control and regulation of the practice of criminology;
(c) The participation in the standardization of the criminology education
(d) The development of the professional competence of criminologists
through Continuing Professional Development (CPD); and
e) The integration of all criminology professional groups and membership
of all registered criminologists to the accredited professional organization.
104. Refers to the one and only recognized and accredited integrated
national organization of criminologists.
a. Autonomous International Professional Organization
b. Accredited Integrated Professional Organization
c. Alliance of Integrated Professional Organization
d. Ako’y Isang Pilipinong taga Olongapo
105. It provides that only nationals of foreign countries in which the
requirements for the licensure examination and/or registration and
practice of criminology are substantially the same as those required
and contemplated by the Philippine laws and regulations, and which
laws and regulations allow Philippine citizens to practice criminology
within the territory of such foreign countries shall be allowed to take
the Philippine Criminologists licensure examination
a. Foreign Reciprocality
b. Foreign Reciprocity
c. Foreign Alliance on Criminologists
d. Practice Through Temporary/Special Permit.
(j) Foreign Reciprocity refers to Sections 14 (a) and 29 of this
IRR which provide that only nationals of foreign countries in
which the requirements for the licensure examination and/or
registration and practice of criminology are substantially the
same as those required and contemplated by the Philippine
laws and regulations, and which laws and regulations allow
Philippine citizens to practice criminology within the
territory of such foreign countries on the same basis and
grant the same privileges as those enjoyed by their citizens,
subjects or nationals shall be allowed to take the Philippine
Criminologists licensure examination and be given CORs
and PICs pursuant to R. A. No. 11131;
SECTION 30. Practice Through
Temporary/Special Permit.
Temporary/Special permit may be issued by the Board subject
to the approval by the Commission and payment of fees the latter
has prescribed and charged thereof to the following:
(a) Registered criminologists from foreign countries/states
whose services are rendered either for free or for a fee:
(1) If they are internationally known criminologists or experts
in any branch, specialty or allied field of criminology; and
(2) If their services are urgently and importantly required for lack or
inadequacy of available local specialists or experts; or for the promotion or
advancement of the practice of criminology through transfer of technology;
(b) Registered criminologists from foreign countries/states whose
services shall be free and limited to indigent clients or for research
purposes; and
(c) Registered criminologists from foreign countries/states employed as
exchange professors in a branch, specialty or allied field of criminology,
in schools, colleges or universities offering the course of criminology.
(d) Filipino professionals in allied disciplines who intend to teach in PHEI
offering criminology program and in review centers for criminology
licensure examination subject to the conditions as stated in section 16 of
this IRR.
The permit shall, among other things, contain the following limitations
and conditions:
(1) its validity must be for a period coterminous with the contract or
engagement but not exceeding one (1) year subject to renewal;
(2) the branch or specialty of criminology; and
(3) specific place of practice such as national security, public safety,
law enforcement agencies, center, school, college or university offering
the program or review of criminology. The Board, subject to the
approval of the Commission, shall promulgate rules and regulations on
the implementation of this particular section.
106. All but one are the qualification of the Chairperson and Members
of the Board.
a. Must be a natural-born Filipino citizen and a resident of the
b. Must be a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Criminology, and a
holder of a Post Graduate Degree in Criminology
c. having at least two (2) years of practice in the profession prior to
the appointment including no less than ten (10) years teaching
experience of criminology or law subjects
d. Must not be a member of the faculty of any school, college or
university where a regular class or review course in criminology
SECTION 7. Qualification of the Chairperson and Members of
the Board. — The chairperson and each member shall, at the
time of their appointment, possess all these qualifications:
(a) Must be a natural-born Filipino citizen and a resident of the
(b) Must be of good moral character, good reputation and of sound mind
and body;
(c) Not convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any offense
involving moral turpitude;
(d) Must be a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Criminology, and a
holder of a Post Graduate Degree in Criminology from any reputable
school recognized by the CHED or a criminologist-lawyer in good
standing before the Supreme Court and the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP);
(e) Must be a registered criminologist with a valid certificate of
registration and a valid professional identification card, having at least
ten (10) years of practice in the profession prior to the appointment
including no less than two (2) years teaching experience of
criminology or law subjects in full-time or part-time capacity in any
college of criminology, college of law or law enforcement training
institutions recognized by relevant government agency;
(f) Must be a member in good standing of the AIPO but not an officer or
trustee thereof; and
(g) Must not be a member of the faculty of any school, college or
university where a regular class or review course in criminology is
offered, nor a member of the staff of reviewers in a review school or
center for criminologists, and must not have any direct or indirect
pecuniary interest in any such institution.
Percentage Number of (30%) (50%) (20%)
Weight Items
3% 15
Hydraulic model
any physiological or psychological model based on the analogy of fluid flowing
through a system under pressure, such that pressure may build up in the system
and seek release. Sigmund Freud’s model of the libido as an energy that can build
pressure and seek release (catharsis) is a notable example.
The following are explanations of the imitation theory of Gabriel Tarde,
except ____.
A. When two behavior patterns clash, one may take the place of the
other, as when guns largely replaced knives as murder weapons
B. Individual imitate others in proportion to the intensity and
frequency of their contacts
C. A breakdown of social order is a result of loss of standards and
values and if plagued by anomie, disintegration and chaos replace
social cohesion
D. Inferiors imitate superiors - that is, trends on from town to country
and from upper to lower classes
In human personality which of the following can differentiate reality
from fantasy?
A. Id
B. Ego
C. Superego
D. Super id
In psychoanalytic theory, the unconscious wish for death is called ____.
A. Eros
B. Mortem
C. Thanatos
D. Ethos
In ICAP theory, ________ is a person’s risk or propensity to engage in
crime and cognition is the thinking process that turns potential into
actual behavior.
a. Criminal tendency
b. Antisocial potential
c. Antisocial behavior
d. Antisocial propensity
David Farrington
The antisocial potential (AP) and cognition are the key concept of
this theory
This is also interested in the process of desisting from offending,
which occurs for both social and individual reasons and occurs at
different traits according to a person’s level of AP.
As people get older, they tend to become less impulsive and less
easily frustrated
3. Apply and illustrate sociological
and economic theories in
understanding the causes of crimes.
What is this theory which holds that crime is a function of the conflict
between the goals people have and the means they can use to legally
obtain them? It argues that it is the inability to obtain these goals,
usually materials goals that trigger the commission of crimes because
members of the lower class are unable to achieve these goals which
come easy for members of the upper class.
A. Social disorganization theory
B. Cultural deviance theory
C. Social learning theory
D. Strain theory
Strain Theory
(Robert King Merton)
Holds that crime is a function of the conflict between the goals people
have and the means they can use to legally obtain them. Consequently,
they feel anger, frustration and resentment, which is referred to as
The primary causes of criminal behavior were
neighborhood disintegration and slum conditions to place
what they called transitional neighborhood which refer to the
place in Chicago where ridden by poverty and which suffers high
rates of population turnover and were incapable of inducing
residents to remain and failed to defend the neighborhoods
against criminal groups.
This theory combines the effects of social disorganization
and strain to explain how people living in deteriorated
neighborhoods react to social isolation and economic deprivation.
Because of the draining, frustrating and dispiriting experiences,
members of the lower class create an Independent Subculture
with its own set of rules and values.
This lower-class subcultures stresses excitement, toughness,
risk-taking, fearlessness and immediate gratification.
Subcultural norms such as being tough followed by the
lower class may tend to clash with conventional values – the
norms set by society.
People are not actually born to act violently but they learned to be
aggressive to their life experiences. Criminality is learned through close
relationships with others;
Asserts that children are born “good” and learn to be “bad” from
Sources of behavior:
a) Family member/Parents (Adults to whom they are in close contacts
with)- family life showing children who use aggressive tactics have parents
who use similar behaviors when dealing with others.
b) Mass-media such as movies and films shows commonly depict violence
c) Environment are people who reside in areas where violence is a daily
occurrence are more likely to act violently than those in low crime areas.
Steps in Behavior Modeling Process:
Attention: Observing the model's behavior.
Retention: Remembering what you observed.
Reproduction: Imitating the model's behavior.
Motivation: Having a good reason to reproduce the behavior.
The _____ is a broad analysis of the relationship between personal and
social controls. This theory is a form of control, which suggest that a
series of both internal and external factors contributes to criminal
A. Anomie theory
B. Strain theory
C. Containment theory
D. Differential Association theory
Denial of Responsibility
Denial of Injury
Denial of the Victim
Condemnation of the Condemners
Appeal to Higher Loyalties
What is this THEORY puts the focus on the process of naming
behaviours and the people that perform them.
B. Rational choice
C. Anomie
D. Labelling
Explained that society creates deviance through a system of social control
agencies that designate (label) certain individuals as delinquent,
thereby stigmatizing a person and encouraging them to accept this
negative personal identity.
Members of the rule-making society may label rule breaking behavior
deviant depending on the degree of reaction over time (Becker 1963).
In 1938, Frank Tannenbaum presented his own approach to labeling
theory in response to his studies of juvenile participation in street gangs.
Tannenbaum describes the process of defining deviant behavior as
different among juvenile delinquents and conventional society, causing a
"tagging" of juveniles as delinquent by mainstream society.
The stigma that accompanies the deviant "tag" causes a person fall
into deeper nonconformity (Pfohl, 1994).
Labels are believed to produce stigma. People who have been
negatively labeled because of their participation or alleged
participation in deviant or outlawed behaviors maybe socially
outcasted wo may be prevented from enjoying a higher education, well-
paying jobs, and other social benefits.
It refers to the process by which a person who has been negatively
labeled accepts the label as a personal role or identity.
Example: A child who has been treated by his family as stupid may live
life assuming that he is stupid.
Deviant behavior patterns that are in response to an earlier labeling
experience, a person act out these social roles even if they were
falsely bestowed.
Example: A wife who keeps on saying that her husband is a cheater
although it is untrue, there is a chance that the husband would fulfill
the statements made by her wife.
Transforms the offender’s identity from a “doer of evil” to “an evil
Example: One who is labeled as a hired killer from committing a crime
because he is being hired may become a real evil killer
20% 100
The registered criminologist can
perform the competencies under the
following sub-topics:
3% 15
Prenatal Period
• This period begins at conception and ends at birth.
• It occurs within about 270 to 280 days or 9 calendar months.
• From birth to 2 weeks.
• It is the shortest of all developmental periods and is considered
a time of extreme adjustments, thus making it a hazardous
• 2 weeks to 2 years
• period of the true foundation of age and marks the beginning of
socialization and creativity.
Early Childhood
• From 2 to 6 years
• A problematic or troublesome age
• Preschool age
Late childhood
• 6 to 1`0 or 12 years
• the so-called elementary years
• This is the “gang age”
Puberty Or Preadolescence
• 12 to 13 or 14 years
• Short overlapping period
• Subdivided into prepubescent, pubescent and post
pubescent stage
• Period of rapid growth and change
• 13 or 14 to 18 years
• Important transitional period that is characterized by significant change.
• A problem or dreaded age
• The child searcher for his/her identity
• About to cross over into adulthood
Early Adulthood
• 18 to 40 years
• The productive age
• Period of dependency
• Period of emotional tension or even social isolation
• Time of commitment
• A time of values changes which can lead to changes in lifestyle choices
Middle Age
• 40 to 60 years
• Time of stress and transition
• Others may feel bored with their lives
• May feel awkward or inadequate when comparing themselves with
• Evaluating their lives against them
THE INADEQUATE FAMILY – characterized by the inability to cope with the ordinary
problems of family living. It lacks the resources, physical of psychological, for
meeting the demands of family satisfaction.
THE ANTI-SOCIAL FAMILY – those that espouses unacceptable values as a result
of the influence of parents to their children.
THE DISCORDANT/DISTURBED FAMILY – characterized by non-satisfaction of
one or both parent from the relationship that may express feeling of frustration. This
is usually due to value differences as common sources of conflict and dissatisfaction.
THE DISRUPTED FAMILY – characterized by incompleteness whether as a result of
death, divorce, separation or some other circumstances.
Childhood Trauma
The experiences, which affect the feeling of security of a child undergoing
developmental processes. The development processes are being blocked
sometimes by parental deprivation as a consequence of parents or lack of adequate
maturing at home because of parental rejection, overprotection, restrictiveness, over
This is a result of drives which is a psychological state of arousal
that prompts someone to take action.
a. Needs
b. Drives
c. Motivation
In order to further understand and provide answers on the
question that why do some people behave criminally, it is
important to study the other determinants of behavior. These are
needs, drives and motivation.
2% 10
Example: Example:
Walking Digestion
Peter was walking down the street when he heard several boys catcall a
lady who was wearing mini skirt. Peter told the group to stop what they
are doing since it was wrong. Select which best describes Peter's action.
A. Moral decision
B. Moral issue
C. Courtesy
D. Moral judgment
Which of the statement best suits on the phrase "Ignorance of the law
excuses no one"?
A. Mr. Trilly a crazy person shouting that the mall is on fire
B. Mr. Trilly skills another person just to save himself from danger
C. Mr. Trilly did not renew his driver's license while driving a vehicle
D. Mr. Trilly violated an offense because he was not informed
Invincible ignorance
Is simply ignorance that cannot be overcome by ordinary diligence
and effort or without being aware of having it
is the type which a person possesses without being aware of
Two siblings of opposite sex, who got separated when they were
infants, eventually ended up marrying each other not knowing that
they were related by blood.
Vincible Ignorance
Ignorance that can be overcome with due diligence and effort on part of
the agent
Agent must be aware of his ignorance for him to dispel it
A student heard a rumor regarding a new school policy but he is unaware
whether it is true or not. This made him aware of his ignorance and with
due diligence by asking proper school authorities, he will be able to
overcome his ignorance
Affected Ignorance/ studied ignorance
A type of vincible ignorance where the agent is very much aware and fully
capable of overcoming his own ignorance without exerting much effort.
can increase culpability for a sin, especially if it displays hardness of heart,
whereby one would commit the sin irrespective of any law that might exist
concerning it. Such an attitude shows contempt for moral law and so increases
A police officer helps a murderer escape after knowing it was his brother.
What is the most supreme CORE VALUES of the Philippine National
A. Respect for sanctity of marriage
B. Respect for women
C. Respect for authority
D. Love of God
During Local and National elections, the Commission on Election
requires Ricardo "Cardo" Dalisay not to carry firearms and other form
of explosives even if he is a law enforcer unless he is on duty. If Cardo
shall be caught in the said regulation he shall be facing administrative
case. What type of duty is the above mentioned?
A. Natural duties
B. Positive duties
C. Confirmative duties
D. Negative duties
What is this ability to go on despite the tremendous adversity?
A. Endurance
B. Patience
C. Perseverance
D. Prudence
a habit that inclines the person to act in a way that harmonizes with his nature
the habit of doing good
the opposite is vice (the habit of doing bad)
4 Cardinal Virtues
Prudence (exercising the right decisions)
the ability to govern and discipline oneself by means of reason and sound judgment
the virtue that attracts the intellect to choose the most effective means for accomplishing what is morally good
and avoiding what is evil
Temperance (resistance to temptations)
• one’s ability to moderate or avoid something
• the virtue that regulates the carnal appetite for sensual pleasures
Fortitude (courage to pursue)
• Patience: calmness and composure in enduring situations
• Perseverance: the ability to go on despite the obstacles
• Endurance: the ability to last
Justice (giving what is due)
• Commutative: regulates those actions that involve the rights that exist between one and another, violation of
which calls for reparation and restitution
• Distributive: regulates those actions that involve the rights that an individual may claim from society
This provides the basis for judgments about what is important for the
organization to succeed in its core business.
A. Habits
B. Customs
C. Moral values
D. Practices
Pat Kardo was conducting beat patrol when he found a bag with no
apparent owner in a sidewalk. When he opened the bag, it was full of
money. He was faced with a moral issue between appropriating the bag
or returning it to its rightful owner. This situation is called
a. Moral judgment
b. Moral dilemma
c. Moral decision
d. Moral issue
Kardo was a bus driver. As he was driving near a bridge, he noticed a
couple riding a motorbike. When he applied the brakes, it did not
respond. The only way he could avoid the couple is to ditch the vehicle
into the river which will possibly kill numerous passengers or run over
the couple. This situation which calls for choosing between, two evils is
a. Moral judgment
b. Moral dilemma
c. Moral decision
d. Moral issue
Maria Osaka, a fourth year criminology student was approached by the
school janitor who claimed that he has a photocopy of the final
examination. The latter offered to give her a copy in exchange for
PhP1,000. Maria Leonor declined saying that she would rather fail the
exam than cheat. She was placed in a situation and confronted by the
choice of what act to perform. This is called
a. Moral judgment
b. Moral dilemma
c. Moral decision
d. Moral issue
2. Relate and demonstrate the
Professional Regulation Commission Oath
and Philippine Registered Criminologists
Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical
All public officers and employees of the government including every
member of the armed forces shall, before entering upon the discharge
of his duties ______
a. bear true faith and allegiance to it; obey the laws, legal orders and
decrees promulgated by the duly constituted authorities
b. Take an oath or affirmation to uphold and defend the Constitution
c. voluntarily assumes the obligation imposed by his oath of
d. Copies of the oath shall be deposited with the Civil Service
Commission and the National Archives.
Executive Order No. 292
Official Oaths
SECTION 40. Oaths of Office for Public Officers and Employees.—All
public officers and employees of the government including every member
of the armed forces shall, before entering upon the discharge of his
duties, take an oath or affirmation to uphold and defend the
Constitution; that he will bear true faith and allegiance to it; obey the
laws, legal orders and decrees promulgated by the duly constituted
authorities; will well and faithfully discharge to the best of his ability the
duties of the office or position upon which he is about to enter; and that he
voluntarily assumes the obligation imposed by his oath of office, without
mental reservation or purpose of evasion. Copies of the oath shall be
deposited with the Civil Service Commission and the National Archives.
Officers authorized to administer oaths, with the exception of
notaries public, municipal judges and clerks of court, are not
obliged to administer oaths or execute certificates save in
matters of official business.
a. notaries public
b. municipal judges
c. clerks of court
d. All of the above
SECTION 42. Duty to Administer Oath.—
Political Patronage
PNP members shall inhibit themselves from soliciting
political patronage on matters pertaining to assignment,
award,, training and promotion
Setting Example
All PNP members shall set good example to their
subordinates and follow good example from the superiors.
Identify the basic mission of the police.
A. Public approval
B. Cooperation from the public
C. Respect for the police
D. Crime prevention
11 Canons of Police Ethics
Primordial Police Responsibility
the primary responsibility of the police is crime prevention
Limitation of Police Authority
laws set limits to the power of the police
police officers are not exempted from obeying the laws they are enforcing
Knowledge of the Law and other Responsibilities
police officers are expected to know and understand the laws they are enforcing
police officers must fully understand their duties and responsibilities as police officers
police officers must know and fully understand the relationship of the PNP organization with other law
enforcement agencies and other government agencies
Use of Proper Means to Obtain Proper Ends
police officers must only employ legal methods in the conduct of their work
Cooperation with Public Officials
police officers must cooperate with other public officials and government agencies
The PICE program is intended to enhance police skills and to promote
work ethics. The acronym P.I.C.E stands for?
A. Police Investigations Corrections Education
B. Police Information and Continuing Education
C. People's Initiative for Corrective Education
D. Police Investigation and Correctional Engagement
Patrolman Kardo hosted a birthday party in a hotel which provided him
with one free room. When he was in the room, he found out that he
lost several pieces of jewelry and cash. Suspecting that the program
coordinator is the perpetrator, Patrolman Kardo frisked him in front of
the guests. Which is the basis of the civil liability of Patrolman Kardo, if
A. Abuse of a right
B. Doctrine of self help
C. Doctrine of vicarious liability
D. Performance of duty
Self-help, in the sense of a legal doctrine, refers to individuals'
implementation of their rights without resorting to legal writ or
consultation of higher authority, as where a financial institution repossesses
a car on which they hold both the title and a defaulted note. Individuals
resort to self-help when they retrieve property found under the
unauthorized control of another person, or simply abate nuisances (as by
using sandbags and ditches to protect land from being flooded).
Vicarious liability exists due to the legal doctrine of respondent superior,
which essentially means let the master answer. Employers, parents or
others with a superior legal relationship to someone who does harm are
expected to answer for those who are under their control.
The PNP is characterized as an agency which is civilian in character and
national in scope. What is the source of this provision?
A. RA 8551
B. 1987 Constitution Section 6 Article XVI
C. 1987 Constitution Section 16 Article VI
D. RA 6975
SPO2 Jack Chan, an active member of PNP General Santos City,
conhabited with Mrs. Ashley Conrado knowing her to be legally
married. What virtu as PNP member SPO2 Chan did not passess?
A. Integrity
B. Honor
C. Charity
D. Valor
Police Traditions
Spiritual Beliefs
PNP members are traditionally religious and God-loving person. They attend religious services
together with the members of their family.
History attests that the Filipino law enforcers have exemplified the tradition of valor in defending the
country from aggression and oppression and protecting/preserving the life and property of the
people. They sacrificed their limbs and lives for the sake of their countrymen whom they have
pledged to serve.
The PNP members are traditionally patriotic by nature. They manifest their love of country with a
pledge of allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend the constitution.
The discipline of the PNP members is manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders and
thorough and spontaneous actions towards attainment of organizational objectives guided by moral,
ethical and legal norms
Police officer Cardo Dalisay is assign in one of the street in Pasay to
patrol and he do his daily routine as a police officer, upon patrolling
police officer Cardo see a suspicious person who wants to go inside a
store that night. What will be the response or action of Ricardo Dalisay?
A. He will shoot immediately the person to prevent him from
committing a crime
B. He will arrest the person in a clandestine manner and extract
C. He will ignore the person and continue his daily routine
D. Ricardo Dalisay use his wise own judgment
Important Terms
the failure to perform an act or duty that is part of one’s obligation without sufficient excuse
the commission of an act that one is prohibited to do
the improper or incorrect performance of an act that should be done or performed
lack of adequate ability and fitness for the satisfactory performance of police duties; could be due to
physical or intellectual limitations or lack of skill
abandonment or renunciation of one’s loyalty to the government of the Philippines
advocating to overthrow the present administration
the act or the liberty to decide according to the principles of justice and the police officer’s ideas of
what is right and proper under the circumstances
The PNP shall endeavor to promote a lifestyle for every member of the
organization that is ____ in the eyes of the public.
A. Respectable and adorable
B. Disciplined and professional
C. credible and respectable
D. Efficient and competent
PNP Basic Issues
in consonance with the requirements of honor and integrity in the PNP,
all members must have the moral courage to sacrifice self-interest in
keeping with the time-honored principle of delicadeza.
Police Lifestyle
The PNP shall promote and maintain a lifestyle for its members which
the public will find credible and respectable.
The public expects a police officer to live a simple and dignified life.
They must be free from greed corruption and exploitation.
Which of the following refers to the state of affairs requiring tact to
protect the integrity of a person?
A. Dedication
B. Word of honor
C. Delicadeza
D. Trustworthiness
Police Traditions
PNP members are upright in character, gentle in manners, dignified in appearance, and sincere
in their concern to fellowmen.
Word of Honor
PNP members’ word is their bond. They stand by and commit to uphold it.
PNP members have historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public servants who
perform their tasks with a deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice. They shall readily
accept assignment anywhere in the country.
PNP members are traditionally loyal to the organization, country and people as borne by
history and practice.
The binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the police organization,
extending to the people they serve., in manifested by the PNP members’ deep commitment
PNP Basic Issues
in consonance with the requirements of honor and integrity in the PNP,
all members must have the moral courage to sacrifice self-interest in
keeping with the time-honored principle of delicadeza.
Police Lifestyle
The PNP shall promote and maintain a lifestyle for its members which
the public will find credible and respectable.
The public expects a police officer to live a simple and dignified life.
They must be free from greed corruption and exploitation.
Which of the following doctrine states that immediate commanders
shall be responsible for supervision the effective supervision and
control of their personnel?
A. Chain of command
B. Span of control
C. Command responsibility
D. Leadership
PNP members shall perform their duties with dedication, thoroughness,
efficiency, enthusiasm, determination and manifest concern for public
welfare is called ____.
A. Loyalty
B. Perseverance
C. Devotion of duty
D. Morality
Police Professional Conduct
Conservation of Natural Resources
PNP members shall help in the development and conservation of
our natural resources for ecological balance and posterity as
these are the inalienable heritage of our people
PNP members shall conduct themselves properly at all times in
keeping with the rules and regulations of the organization
PNP members shall be loyal to the Constitution and the police
service as manifested by their loyalty to their superiors peers
and subordinates as well
When these public officials and employees remains true to the people
at all times, what norm of conduct they are emphasizing?
A. Professionalism
B. Responsiveness to the public
C. Commitment to public interest
D. Justness and sincerity
Public officials and employees shall perform and discharge their
duties with the highest degree of excellence, professionalism,
intelligence and skill.
They shall enter public service with utmost devotion and
dedication to duty.
They shall endeavor to discourage wrong perceptions of their
roles as dispensers or peddlers of undue patronage.
Commitment to public interest
Public officials and employees shall always uphold the public interest over
and above personal interest..
• Responsiveness to the public
• Public officials and employees shall extend prompt, courteous, and adequate
service to the public.
• Unless otherwise provided by law or when required by the public interest,
public officials and employees shall provide information of their policies and
procedures in clear and understandable language, ensure openness of
information, public consultations and hearings whenever appropriate,
encourage suggestions, simplify and systematize policy, rules and procedures,
avoid red tape and develop an understanding and appreciation of the socio-
economic conditions prevailing in the country, especially in the depressed
rural and urban areas.
What is being emphasized under the new rule during the conduct of
anti-illegal drugs operation?
A. All cops to wear body cameras in operation
B. Respect for human rights shall always be strictly observed at all
C. Implement the one strike policy in addressing the problem
D. Police to focus on high value targets
The unnecessary and unreasonable use of force in effecting arrest or
abuse in the manner of conducting search and seizure.
A. Disloyalty
B. dishonesty
C. Incompetency
D. Oppression
Concealment or distortion of truth in a matter of fact relevant of
one’s office or connected with the performance of his duties.
Presupposes conviction in court of any offense penalized under
Revised Penal Code or any Special Ordinances
Act of cruelty, severity, unlawful execution, domination, or excessive
use of authority.
Exercise of unlawful powers or others means, in depriving an
individual of his liberty or property against his will
What does it presents if Patrolman Kardo and his immediate family
members were actively involved in the religious, social and civic
activities which somehow enhance the image of the Police Organization
even without affecting Patrolman Kardo official duties?
A. Non-partisanship
B. Physical Fitness
C. Table manners
D. Social awareness
The PNP members shall actively involved in all civic, religious and other
social activities with the end purpose of increasing ____ awareness.
A. Business
B. Camaraderie
C. Religious
D. Social
It was observed by the public through media and news print outs that
Police Chief Dalisay was exercising proper legitimate use of authority in
the performance of his duty to avoid critiques from the oppositions,
Police Chief Dalisay is performing what ethical standard?
A. Police discretion
B. Public service
C. Justice
D. Judicious use of authority
P/Supt. Kardo Dalitay went to Criminal Justice College and punched
Prof. Prof. Tango Ol in the stomach after berating the professor for
scolding the police official's son who is a Criminology student. P/Supt.
Dela Cruz's act should be condemned because it is an act
A. Of irregularity in the performance of duty
B. Of malfeasance
C. Of misconduct
D. Of incompetence
5. Understand and correlate human
and public relations.
What is this regular program of the PNP designed to harmonized and
extend support between police and community?
A. Psychology
B. Public information
C. Civil information
D. Public relation
Terms Related to Community Relations
• Police Community Relations
• the sum total of the dealings between the police and the people it serves, and whose goodwill and
cooperation it craves, for the greatest possible efficiency in the service
• refers to the reciprocal attitudes of the police and the community
• Public Relations
• the act of bringing about better understanding, confidence and acceptance for an individual or an
• Police Public Relations
• the continuing process by which endeavors are made to obtain the goodwill and cooperation of the
public for effective enforcement of the law and accomplishment of the police purposes
• Human Relations
• consist of the fundamental rules both moral and legal, which govern the relationship of men in all
aspects of life
• Most important element in community relations
Which statement refers to a conduct that a public servant, especially
members of the uniformed services, must strictly observe social
A. A formal act or set of formal acts established by customs or
authority as proper to special occasion
B. A set of norms and standards practiced by members during social
and other functions
C. Bodies of unwritten beliefs, stories, customs and usages handed
down from generation to generation
D. A manifestation or expression of consideration and respect to
Choose the level of care that is required of PNP members to exercise in
the protection and care of public property like a " good father of the
A. Degree of diligence exercised by regulatory institutions
B. Degree of diligence exercised by banks and financial institutions
C. Duty of extraordinary care, vigilance and precaution
D. Reasonable care required of an ordinarily prudent person
Police Professional Conduct
Non- Solicitation of Patronage
PNP members shall seek self-improvement through career development and shall not
directly or indirectly solicit influence or recommendation from politicians, high ranking
government officials prominent citizens, persons affiliated with civic or religious
organizations with regards to their assignments, promotions, transfer or those of other
members of the force, nor shall they initiate any petition to be prepared and presented by
citizens in their behalf.
• Moreover, they shall advise their immediate relatives not to interfere in the activities of
the police service particularly in the assignment and reassignment of personnel
Proper Care and Use of Public Property
PNP members shall promote and maintain sense of responsibility in the protection, proper
care and judicious disposition and use of public property issued for their official use or
entrusted to their care and custody just like “ a good father of their family”.
When the Commander/Director is relieved from his post, all properties/equipment
belonging to the government must be turned-over to the incoming. A committee for the
purpose shall be proper. Hence, it is a taboo for outgoing Commander/Director to detach,
remove and bring home or to his new assignment properties which do not personally belong
to him.
Which of the following is not a principle of police community relation?
A. Public support must be maintained
B. Public resentment must be encouraged
C. Public goodwill must be developed
D. Keep the public informed
Police Community Relations
Community support must be maintained.
Every police shall be worthy of high public trust by doing his job and leaving nothing undone
He shall make himself available and be willing to serve everyone
Community resentment must be avoided.
Every police officer shall have in mind the interest of the public
He shall develop friendly relations by his good conduct
He shall avoid by any occasion to humiliate, embarrass, annoy or inconvenience anyone
Community goodwill must be developed.
Police officer should be courteous, fair, and quick to assist individuals in the solution of their
Community must be kept informed
The people should inform the community of the regulations and policies of the police force
and the reasons of their adoption
Design to bridge any communication between the police and people
a. Public information program
b. Civic action program
c. Mass communication program
d. Public relations program
• Civic Action Program - designed to maintain and encourage
community development
• Public Relations Program - designed to maintain harmony and
mutual support between the police and the community; designed to
“sell” the police to the public
• Mass communication program - Designed to influence public opinion
in favor of the police force.
MEDIA/MASS MEDIA - the channels through which information is disseminated
to the public may be in the form of television, movies, radio or newspaper, and
the like
PROPAGANDA - the planned use of mass communication for public purpose
It is an influencing action through information which has a value or relevance to
needs that motivates target audience
• POLICE PUBLIC IMAGE - refers to how the people in the community
perceive or regard the police
Designed to influence public opinion in favor of the police force.
a. Public information program
b. Civic action program
c. Mass communication program
d. Public relations program
Consist of moral and legal precepts which govern the relationship of
man in all aspects of life.
a. Public relations
b. Human relations
c. Police community relations
d. Civic action program
Terms Related to Community Relations
• Police Community Relations
• the sum total of the dealings between the police and the people it serves, and whose goodwill and
cooperation it craves, for the greatest possible efficiency in the service
• refers to the reciprocal attitudes of the police and the community
• Public Relations
• the act of bringing about better understanding, confidence and acceptance for an individual or an
• Police Public Relations
• the continuing process by which endeavors are made to obtain the goodwill and cooperation of the
public for effective enforcement of the law and accomplishment of the police purposes
• Human Relations
• consist of the fundamental rules both moral and legal, which govern the relationship of men in all
aspects of life
• Most important element in community relations
The most important medium to determine public attitudes between
the police and the public attitude is the:
a. Radio and television
b. Print mass media
c. Individual policeman
d. Police public relation officer
(30%) (50%) (20%)
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Percentage Number of
A. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY AND Weight Items Recall information Explain, Interpret, Using the Understanding, hypothesizing, Generating
JUVENILE JUSTICE summarize, information in critiquing,
and and Recognizing, examine another familiar Comparing, experimenting, Designing,
Distribution listing, describing, paraphrase, situation organizing, judging constructing,
Distribution deconstructing, planning,
The registered criminologist can retrieving, naming, Implementing interrogating, producing,
perform the competencies under the 20% 100 carrying out, finding inventing
using, executing
following sub-topics:
3% 15
above twelve (12) years of age up Where the victim/s were killed or
to fifteen (15) years of age raped (KRC-D)
(DRIMP) 1. kidnapping and serious illegal
1. Parricide detention
2. Murder 2. Drug cases (more than 12 yrs
3. Infanticide imp.)
4. destructive arson 3. Robbery with homi beef
5. Rape 4. Carnapping
shall be deemed a neglected child and shall be mandatorily placed in intensive juvenile
intervention and support center (IJISC) in Bahay Pag-asa
(30%) (50%) (20%)
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
A. DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND Percentage Number of
Weight Items Recall information Explain, Using the Understanding, hypothesizing, Generating
and Interpret, information in critiquing,
and Recognizing, summarize, another familiar Comparing, experimenting, Designing,
listing, describing, examine, situation organizing, judging constructing,
The registered criminologist can perform the Distribution paraphrase, deconstructing, planning,
competencies under the following sub-topics: retrieving, Implementing interrogating, producing,
naming, finding classify
20% 100 carrying out, finding inventi
using, executing
2% 10
b. Court-Referred Mediation
Means mediation ordered by a court to be conducted in
accordance with the agreement of the parties when an action is
prematurely commenced in violation of such agreement.
JDR is a process whereby the judge employs conciliation,
mediation or early neutral evaluation in order to settle a case at
the ___________.
a. Arraignment
b. Pre trial
c. Before trial
d. Trial
• JDR is a process whereby the judge (called
the JDR Judge) employs conciliation,
mediation or early neutral evaluation in order
to settle a case at the pre-trial stage. In the
event the JDR fails, then another judge (called
the trial judge) shall proceed to hear and
decide the case.
The following is the process to be observed
in conducting Judicial Dispute Resolution
before the court:
Mediator attempts to work out a settlement or
agreement that both parties accept or reject
A mediator, will, in most cases and as a
matter of principle, refrain from making such a
The conciliator will be asked by the parties to
provide them with a non-binding settlement
No pre-existing agreement present, but parties were still directed to
Mediation to declog court dockets
Expressly stated in an Agreement to resort to Arbitration before
filing a case in Court
Judge tries to settle the dispute for cases not successfully settled
in CAM
What is the ultimate goal of mediation
a. To help the disputants to come to a consensus of their own.
b. To render a peaceful resolution
c. Both a and b
d. Nota
2. Compare and differentiate Restorative
Justice from Retributive Justice.
(Methods, Techniques, and Strategies of
Negotiation, Arbitration, Mediation, and
Retributive justice focuses on the past by determining the person
to be blamed for the crime committed, while restorative justice
a. Requires that the punishment fit the crime and that like cases
be treated alike.
b. Wrongdoers deserve blame and punishment in direct
proportion to the harm inflicted
c. Focused on determining the following what law was broken.
d. Focuses on the future to determine the matters to be
considered so that the crime will not be repeated.
Restorative justice is an approach focused on determining the
following, except:
a. What is the harm resulted from the crime
b. What law was broken
c. What needs to be done to repair the harm
d. Who is responsible for repairing the harm
The following are the distinctions between
retributive justice and restorative justice:
Retributive justice is an approach focused on determining the
• What law was broken;
• Who broke it; and
• How shall offenders be punished?
• An Activation Protocol- This serves as the trigger for the crisis management plan,
with the sense of urgency; this defines the circumstances that activate a particular crisis
• A Chain of Command- this refers to the succession of leadership from superior to a
subordinate through which the command is exercised, this is also known as Command
Channel (NSC, 2012).
• A Command Center Plan = this refers to the location or place that will serve as the
base of operations for the team during a crisis. It also deals with the supplies and utilities
the team will require (Marker, 2020).
Command Post is a unit's or subunit's headquarters where the commander and the staff
perform their activities. It is the principal facility employed by the commander to control
• Response Action Plans- This refers to the detailed planning on how the
organization will respond to various crises incidents. This planning includes
assigning responsibility for each task (Marker, 2020).
• Internal Communication Programs = this pertains to the systems and
backup methods for members of the crisis management team to communicate
with each other.
• External Communication Programs This refers to the plans for
communicating with the public and key external stakeholders. This includes the
appointment of a spokesperson.
• Resources This pertains to everything the crisis management team might need,
from hardhats to credit cards and a standby public relations advisor.
Information resources - which include stakeholder
agreements, including union contracts, maps of facilities, timelines, flowcharts of
key processes and procedures, supplier contracts, benefits information, and
more (Marker, 2020).
• Training
• A Review
It Is the stage of advance planning, organization and coordination and
control in response to an anticipated future crisis occurrence.
The first stage of anticipating future crisis
occurrences through the following;
1. Update- Intelligence – involves the collection of
information from variety of sources as basis of actions and
plan; those that are related to crisis management
contingency planning.
2. Events – are those incidents that are already passed
which can facilitate analysis necessary for identification of
probable threat groups, targets and necessary for advance
It is the first stage of anticipating future crisis occurrences.
When a crisis occur despite the pro-active effort, the
organization concerned must be prepare to perform the crisis
management in accordance with their plan.
It is the action stage, the implementation of the crisis
management contingency plan.
In hostage taking situation, to successfully negotiate, there must be
a. A highly disciplined and secured chain of command
b. A skilled and trained negotiator
c. need to live on the part of the hostage taker
d. A mutual understanding between the offender and the victim
5. Identify and demonstrate the
various Types, Characteristics,
Phases, and methods of Critical
Incident Management
Natural calamities and disasters are the responsibilities of the
________ while PNP shall act as the _________
a. National and Local Peace and Order Council : Support
b. National and Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council : First Responder
c. National and Local Peace and Order Council : First
d. National and Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council : Support Personnel
Natural calamities and disasters are the
responsibilities of the National and Local Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
" This study will be limited only to assess the factors that affect
the on-the-job training of the students
It can be used to guide the reader with tips, suggestions or modes of
action that the reader can follow.
a. Interpretation of data
b. Conclusions
c. references
d. Recommendations
An author’s statement recognized his use of the works of other authors
or a declaration or avowal of one’s act of a fact to give it legal validity.
a. Dedication
b. Abstract
c. Introduction
d. Acknowledgment
In some cases, additional information that is not critical to
understanding the research paper, such as a list of experiment stimuli,
details of a secondary analysis, or programming code, is provided. This
is often placed in________.
a. Tables and Figures
b. Appendix
c. References
d. abstract
It suggests that when one variable is increased, the value of another
variable increases. Example of this is as the number of pedestrians
increases, so do ,jaywalking incident.
a. Positive associations
b. Negative associations
c. Associations and Cause and Effect
d. Nota
Associations and Cause and Effect
Association means that two or more things are related or
connected to one another. It can be positive or negative (the positive
and negative associations do not necessarily mean that the association
is 'good' or bad’).
Positive associations suggest that when one variable is increased,
the value of another variable increases (e.g., as the number of
pedestrians increases, so do ,jaywalking incident).
Negative associations mean that when a variable is increased,
the value of another variable decreases (e g., Police visibility is
increased and Petty crimes decreased).
It is a comprehensive research paper often written in consultation with
a faculty adviser. It is a long essay that poses an interesting research
question and persuasively answers it.
a. Thesis
b. Thesis Paper
c. Research
d. Scientific Article.
Parts of a Scientific
1. Abstract - is a short summary (150-200 words or less) of the important points of
the paper. It does not generally include background information nor the
2. Introduction - provides the background information necessary to understand
why the described experiment was conducted.
3. Methods - The technical details on how the experiment was carried out or
designed. The function of this section is to describe all experimental procedures,
including controls.
4. Results - The presentation of the data generated by the experiment. The
function of this section is to summarize general trends in the data without
comment, bias, or interpretation.
5. Discussion - The author's conclusions that are drawn on the data generated
through the experiment. This is the interpretation and evaluation of the results.
6. Conclusions - This is an expansion of the Discussion section that will place the
results into the field's context.
7. References - The documents referenced by the author. This section can be a
good place to look for more sources on a topic.
What is a Thesis Paper
A thesis paper is a comprehensive research paper often written
in consultation with a faculty adviser. It is a long essay that poses an
interesting research question and persuasively answers it.
Along with an introductory paragraph providing background
information on a topic the author is examining, he/she will write a
thesis statement that includes his/her own personal stance on the
In writing a thesis statement, what kind of paper explains something to
the audience.
a. Analytical paper
b. Expository
c. Argumentative paper
d. Nota
Tips for Writing Thesis Statement According to the Purdue Online Writing
Lab (OWL),
The following are the tips on writing thesis statement (2021):
1. Determine what kind of paper you are writing is it a:
• An analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component
parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and
evaluation to the audience.
• An expository (explanatory) paper explains something to the audience.
• An argumentative paper makes a claim about a topic and justifies this claim
with specific evidence. The claim could to be an opinion, a policy proposal, an
evaluation, a cause-and-effect statement, or an interpretation. The goal of
the argumentative paper is to convince the audience that the claim is true
based on the evidence provided.
It presents research findings written by researchers and scientists. They
are generally considered primary sources and are written for other
a. Thesis
b. Thesis Paper
c. Research
d. Scientific Article.
What is a Scientific Article?
A scientific article presents research findings written by researchers and
scientists. They are generally considered primary sources and are written for
other researchers.
The most recent articles will contain the most recent work in the field,
with references to previously published works in the field of study. Journal
articles may include original research, re-analyses of research, reviews of
literature in a specific area, proposals of new but untested theories, or opinion
It represents the most vital an means for disseminating research findings
and is usually specialized for different academic disciplines or subdisciplines.
Often, the research challenges common assumptions and/or the research data
presented in the published scientific literature in order to gain a clearer
understanding of the facts and findings.
2. Explain or apply the rules adopted in
writing technical papers under the APA -
American Psychological Association,
under the following but not limited to:
Basic Formatting of Thesis/Research
Paper; Verb, Tone, Punctuations, Rules in
writing Numbers, Tables, and Figures;
Quotation and Paraphrasing, Citations and
Headings serve an important purpose in research papers – they
organized your paper and make it simple to locate different pieces of
information. In APA format, there are ________of headings..
a. Three levels
b. Four levels
c. Five levels
d. Six levels
The last paragraph of introduction should state that ________
a. what is known
b. what is unknown
c. why the study was done
d. how the study was done
Writing good introduction
The first paragraph should provide a brief background in present
tense to establish context, relevance, or nature of the problem,
question, or purpose (what is known)
The second paragraph may include the importance of the problem
and unclear issues (what is unknown)
The last paragraph should state the rationale, hypothesis, main
objective, or purposes (why the study was done)
The definition of terms must be arranged ________
a. In order
b. Chronologically
c. Alphabetically
c. From earliest to recent
Itshould provide a brief background in present tense to establish context,
relevance, or nature of the problem, question, or purpose (what is
a. First paragraph of introduction
b. Second paragraph of introduction
c. Last paragraph of introduction
d. Introduction and its rationale
This referencing is used widely for academic writing, particularly in the
b. Modern Language Association (MLA)
c. American Psychological Association (APA)
d. Nota
This format of thesis writing is most commonly used to cite sources
within the social sciences.
b. Modern Language Association (MLA)
c. American Psychological Association (APA)
d. Nota
As per the APA research paper format, the title should be between
_________and should reflect the essence of the paper.
a. 10-30 words
b. 10-20 words
c. 20-30 words
d. Unlimited words
Your abstract should be a single paragraph, double-spaced, and
typically be ____________
a. no more than 250 words.
b. no less than 250 words.
c. no more than 200 words.
d. no less than 200 words.
In this section, you could describe how you analyzed the data and
explain your findings.
a. Introduction
b. Methods
c. Results
d. Discussion
Results are interpreted and understood in this section. It helps
understand the research hypothesis better and places the results in the
broader context of the literature in the area.
a. Introduction
b. Methods
c. Results
d. Discussion
This type of comma is placed before the words AND and OR or in a
series of three items.
a. Webster comma
b. Oxford comma
c. APA comma
d. MLA comma
In presenting a table for your research, this sequence must be
a. Title, table number, table, and note.
b. Table number, title, table, and note.
c. Note, table, title, and table number
d. Title, note, table number and table.
General format of a table
should be:
• Table number
• Title
• Table
• Note
Numbers and title
Include the table number first
and at the top. Table 1 is the first
table discussed in the paper.
Table 2 is the next table
mentioned, and so on.
Add a title under the number:
Create a brief, descriptive title.
Capitalized the first letter for
each important word. Italicize
the title and place it under the
table number.
Only use horizontal lines.
Limit use of cell shading.
Keep the font at 12-point size and use single or double spacing. If
you use single spacing in one table, make sure all of the others use
single spaces as well. Keep it consistent.
All headings should be centered.
In the first column (called stub), center the heading, left-align the
information underneath it. (indent 0.15 inches if info is more than
one line).
Information in other columns should be centered.
(American psychological association) style
Is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. This resource,
revised according to the 7th edition of the APA manual, offers examples for the
general format of APA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and
the reference page.
Aside from simplifying the work of editors by having everyone use the same format
for a given publication, using APA style makes it easier for readers to understand a
text by providing a familiar structure they can follow. Abiding by APA’s standards
will allow writers to:
Provide readers with cues they can use to follow the writer’s ideas more efficiently and to
locate information of interest to them.
Allow readers to focus more on your ideas by not distracting them with unfamiliar
Establish the writers credibility in the field by demonstrating an awareness of his/her
audience and their needs as fellow researchers.
Guidelines for APA style paper
Page Layout and Font
Type the content and keep double-space on standard-sized paper (8.5”
x 11), with 1” margins on all sides.
You should indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches.
Include a page number on every page.
You could use accessible font like Times New Roman 12pt., Arial 11pt.,
or Georgia 11pt.
Title Page
As per the APA research paper format, the title should be between 10-20 words
and should reflect the essence of the paper.
After writing the title, write your name followed by name of the college or your
Furthermore, create a page header using the “View Header” function in MS
Word and on the title page include a running head – a short title that appears at
the top of pages of published articles (flush left) and page number on the same
line (flush right). The running head should not exceed 50 characters, including
punctuation and spacing.
Moreover, you could use the toolbox to insert a page number, so that it
automatically numbers each page.
Beginning with the next line, write a concise summary of the key points of
your research. (DO NOT INDENT). Your abstract should contain at least your
research topic, research questions, participants, methods, results, data
analysis, and conclusions. You may also include possible implications of
your research and future work you see connected with your findings. Your
abstract should be a single paragraph, double-spaced. Your abstract should
typically be no more than 250 words.
You may also want to list keywords from your paper in your abstract. To do
this, indent as you would if you were starting a new paragraph, type
keywords : (italicized), and then list your keywords. Listing your keywords
will help researchers find your work in databases.
A good introduction critically evaluates the empirical
knowledge in the relevant area(s) in a way that
defines the knowledge gap and expresses your aim for
your study and why you conducted it. However, the
challenge here is to keep the reader’s interest in
reading your paper.
The method section in APA research paper format is straight forward.
However, the protocol and requirements should be mentioned
precisely. The goal of this section is to describe your study and
experiments in detail, so that there is no issue in reproducibility of
results and other researchers could duplicate your methods
This section includes materials and/or Apparatus and Experiments /
Procedure / Protocols. Furthermore, keep the procedures brief and
accurate, and make sure to read through so as to not repeat the
steps or avoid redundancy.
The method section in APA research paper format is straight forward.
However, the protocol and requirements should be mentioned
precisely. The goal of this section is to describe your study and
experiments in detail, so that there is no issue in reproducibility of
results and other researchers could duplicate your methods
This section includes materials and/or Apparatus and Experiments /
Procedure / Protocols. Furthermore, keep the procedures brief and
accurate, and make sure to read through so as to not repeat the
steps or avoid redundancy.
In this section, you could describe how you analyzed the
data and explain your findings. If your data analyses are
complex, then break the section into subsections, ideally a
subsection for each hypothesis and elaborate the
subsections by using statistical analysis and including tables
or figures to represent results visually. Most importantly, do
not share interpretation of the results here. You can
interpret and explain the results in the discussion section.
Results are interpreted and understood in this section. Discussion section helps understand the research
hypothesis better and places the results in the broader context of the literature in the area. This section is
the reversal of introduction section, wherein you begin with the specifics and explain the general
understanding of the topics.
In discussion, you start with a brief of your main findings, followed by explaining if your research findings
support your hypothesis. Furthermore, you could explain how your findings enhance or support the
existing literature on the topic. Connect your results with some of the literature mentioned in the
introductions to bring your story back to full circle. You could also mention if there are any interesting or
surprising findings in your results. Discuss other theories which could help you justify your surprising
Explain the limitation of your study and mention all the additional questions that were generated from
your study. You could also mention what further research should be conducted on the topic and what are
the knowledge gaps in the current body of research. Finally, mention how your results could relate to
the larger issues of human existence and highlight “the big picture” for your readers.
When writing a possessive singular noun, you should place the apostrophe before the s. For possessive
plural nouns, the apostrophe is placed after the s.
Em dashes (long dashes) are used to bring focus to a particular point or an aside.
There are no spaces after these dashes.
Use en dash (short dash) in compound objectives. Do not place a space
before or after the dash. Here are a few examples:
Number rules
You should use Arabic numerals (1,7) instead of Roman numerals (II, XI), unless
the Roman numerals are part of established terminology in your field.
In numbers greater than 1,000, use commas to separate groups of three digits
except in page numbers, binary code, serial numbers, temperatures, acoustic
frequencies, and degrees and freedom.
Do not add apostrophes when writing a plural of a number (2000s, the 70s)
Use a numeral in these cases:
A number 10 or higher anywhere in the paper;
A number right before a unit of measurement (3 m, 24 g);
A number denoting: mathematical functions, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios,
percentiles (2:1 ratio, 5%)
A number denoting: time, a date, an age, a point on a scale, an exact amount of
money, or a numeral (the 3 key on your board, 7 years old, a 5 on the test); and
A number indicating a place in a series or a part of a book/table, if the number is after
a noun (i.e, Item 4, but words are used in cases like “the fourth item”).
Spell the number out in words in these cases:
A number from 0-9 anywhere in the paper, except the
specific cases above;
A number that starts a sentence, heading, or title.
A number that is a common fraction (one half, two thirds)
A number that is part of a common phrase (Noble Eightfold
APA allows for the use of two different forms of in-text
citation, parenthetical and narrative. Both forms of citations
require two elements:
Author’s name
Year of publication
The only difference is the way that this information is presented
to the reader.
Parenthetical Citations are the more commonly seen form of in-text citations
for academic work, in which both required for academic work, in which both
required reference elements are presented at the end of the sentence in
Example: Harlem had many artists and musicians in the late 1920s (Belafonte, 2008)
Narrative citations allow the author to present one or both of the required of
the reference elements inside of the running sentence, which prevents the
text from being too repetitive or burdensome. When only one of the two
reference elements is included in the sentences, the other is provided
Example: according to Belafonte (2008), Harlem had many artists and musicians in
the late 1920s.
If there are two authors listed in the source entry, then the
parenthetical reference must list them both
• (Smith & Belafonte, 2008)
If there are three or more authors listed in the source entry, then
the parenthetical reference can abbreviate with “et al.”, the Latin
abbreviation for “and others”
• (Smith et al., 2008)
The author’s names are structured differently if there is more
than one author.
Reference list
Your reference list should appear at the end of your paper.
It provides information necessary for a reader to locate and
retrieve any source you cite in the body of paper, each source
you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise,
each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text.
Your references should begin on a new page separate from
the text of the essay; label this page “References” in bold,
centered at the top of the page. (Do not underline or use
quotation marks for the title). All text should be double-space
just like the rest of your essay.
Referencing in
Harvard, mla and apa format
uses the ‘author-date’ style of referencing. In-text references (generally) appear in the following format:
(Author’s Surname, Year of Publication, Page Number.
Note: If you are conducting research on human behavior, then it can be quite complicated to
study it by using two variables. You will want to at least consider 3 controlled variables.
1. Random sampling
Selecting the individuals out of N such that individuals have equal chances of
being selected.
Techniques suitable for homogeneous population.
2. Systematic random sampling
Sample is selected through simple random process.
Succeeding samples are chosen in a pre-established
3. Stratified sampling
Divide samples in homogeneous groups
called strata.
Draw sample from simple random sampling.
4. Simple cluster sampling
A one stage sampling technique where the
population is grouped by cluster elements.
This sampling is ideal when the researcher wishes to study in- depth a
particular phenomenon.
a. Probability sampling/Scientific Sampling
b. Non-probability sampling
c. Judgment sampling
d. Accidental sampling
e. Snowball Sampling
Non-probability sampling
Judgment sampling
Selecting representative sample according to your subjective
Appropriate to make when you have made a judgment about an
individual’s potential as source of information
• Quota sampling
• A variation of judgment sampling
• A defined quota must be filled, predetermined by certain
extent of characteristics of the population so that the
quota sample will be representative of the population.
Accidental sampling
Simple technique whoever happens to be there at the
time of data collection.
Done on spot surveys.
Authoritative Sampling – Determines the target population or
those to be involved in the study. (Only those who met the
qualification needed).