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English Version
Panneaux sandwiches autoportants, isolants, double peau Selbstragende Sandwich-Elemente mit beidseitigen
à parements métalliques - Produits manufacturés - Metalldeckschichten - Werkmäßig hergestellte Produkte -
Spécifications Spezifikationen
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United
© 2013 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 14509:2013: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Contents Page
Foreword ..............................................................................................................................................................8
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................9
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................9
3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................ 12
4 Symbols and abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 13
5 Requirements, properties and test methods ................................................................................... 17
5.1 Requirements for component materials ........................................................................................... 17
5.1.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.1.2 Metal facings ....................................................................................................................................... 17
5.1.3 Core materials ..................................................................................................................................... 19
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
ZA.3.2 Information accompanying CE Marking symbol – Internal walls and ceilings ........................... 163
ZA.3.3 Information accompanying CE Marking symbol – External walls ................................................ 164
ZA.3.4 Information accompanying CE Marking symbol – Roofs.............................................................. 166
ZA.3.5 Example of CE Marking and descriptive information .................................................................... 168
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................... 175
EN 14509:2013 (E)
This document (EN 14509:2013) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 128 “Roof covering
products for discontinuous laying and products for wall cladding”, the secretariat of which is held by NBN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 2014, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the
latest by October 2014.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies requirements for factory made, self-supporting, double skin metal faced
insulating sandwich panels, which are intended for discontinuous laying in the following applications:
The insulating core materials covered by this European Standard are rigid polyurethane, expanded
polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, phenolic foam, cellular glass and mineral wool.
Panels with edge details that utilise different materials from the main insulating core are included in this
European Standard.
i. sandwich panels with a declared thermal conductivity for the insulating core greater than 0,06 W/m·K at
10 °C;
ii. products consisting of two or more clearly defined layers of different insulating core materials (multi-
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 485-2, Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Sheet, strip and plate - Part 2: Mechanical properties
EN 485-4, Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Sheet, strip and plate - Part 4: Tolerances on shape and
dimensions for cold-rolled products
EN 508-1, Roofing products from metal sheet - Specification for self-supporting products of steel, aluminium
or stainless steel sheet - Part 1: Steel
EN 826, Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of compression behaviour
EN 1172, Copper and copper alloys - Sheet and strip for building purposes
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 1365-2, Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 2: Floors and roofs
EN 1396, Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Coil coated sheet and strip for general applications -
EN 1602, Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of the apparent density
EN 1607, Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of tensile strength
perpendicular to faces
EN 10169, Continuously organic coated (coil coated) steel flat products — Technical delivery conditions
EN 10346:2009, Continuously hot-dip coated steel flat products - Technical delivery conditions
EN 12085, Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of linear dimensions of test
EN 12114, Thermal performance of buildings - Air permeability of building components and building elements
- Laboratory test method
EN 12865, Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements - Determination of the
resistance of external wall systems to driving rain under pulsating air pressure
EN 13162, Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made mineral wool (MW) products -
EN 13163, Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made expanded polystyrene (EPS) products -
EN 13164, Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made extruded polystyrene foam (XPS)
products - Specification
EN 13165, Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made rigid polyurethane foam (PU) products -
EN 13166, Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made phenolic foam (PF) products -
EN 13167, Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made cellular glass (CG) products -
CEN/TS 13381-1, Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members -
Part 1: Horizontal protective membranes
EN 14509:2013 (E)
ENV 13381-2, Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part
2: Vertical protective membranes
EN 13501-1, Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 1: Classification using
test data from reaction to fire tests
EN 13501-2, Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 2: Classification using
data from fire resistance tests, excluding ventilation services
EN 13501-5, Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 5: Classification using
data from external fire exposure to roofs tests
EN 13823, Reaction to fire tests for building products - Building products excluding floorings exposed to the
thermal attack by a single burning item
EN 15254-5, Extended application of results from fire resistance tests - Non-loadbearing walls - Part 5: Metal
sandwich panel construction
EN ISO 717-1, Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Airborne
EN ISO 1182, Reaction to fire tests for products - Non-combustibility test (ISO 1182)
EN ISO 1716, Reaction to fire tests for products - Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific
value) (ISO 1716)
EN ISO 6270-1, Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 1: Continuous
condensation (ISO 6270-1)
EN ISO 6892-1, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at room temperature (ISO 6892-1)
EN ISO 6946, Building components and building elements - Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance -
Calculation method (ISO 6946)
EN ISO 9445 (all parts), Continuously cold-rolled stainless steel - Tolerances on dimensions and form
(ISO 9445)
EN ISO 10140 (all parts), Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements
(ISO 10140)
EN ISO 10211, Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flows and surface temperatures - Part 1:
Detailed calculations (ISO 10211)
EN ISO 10456, Building materials and products - Hygrothermal properties -Tabulated design values and
procedures for determining declared and design thermal values (ISO 10456)
EN ISO 11654, Acoustics - Sound absorbers for use in buildings - Rating of sound absorption (ISO 11654)
EN ISO 11925-2, Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of products subjected to direct impingement of flame –
Part 2: Single-flame source test (ISO 11925-2)
ISO 12491, Statistical methods for quality control of building materials and components
EN 14509:2013 (E)
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
self adhesion of the core to the face(s) occurring automatically without the use of an adhesive
bending moment capacity
maximum bending moment recorded during a test on an individual panel
bending resistance
characteristic value of bending moment capacity determined on the basis of a test series
bond, bonding
adhesion between the face(s) and the core normally provided by an adhesive
ability of the panel to withstand the environmental effects and accommodate the consequent decrease in
mechanical strength with time caused by factors such as temperature, humidity, freeze-thaw cycles and their
various combinations
edge, longitudinal edge
side of the panel where adjacent panels join together in the same plane
face, facing
flat, lightly profiled or profiled thin metal sheet firmly bonded to the core
flat facing
facing without any rolled or pressed profile, or raised strengthening rib
incompletely bonded face
metal face whose bond to the core is adequate for sandwich action but does not include the entire surface of
the core
Note 1 to entry: An example is a trapezoidally profiled face that has voids between the raised profiles and the core.
incompletely bonded panel
panel in which one or both faces is incompletely bonded
EN 14509:2013 (E)
interface between two panels where the meeting edges have been designed to allow the panels to join
together in the same plane
Note 1 to entry: The joint may incorporate interlocking parts that enhance the mechanical properties of the system as
well as improving the thermal, acoustic and fire performance and restricting air movement.
Note 2 to entry: The term 'joint' does not refer to a junction between cut panels or a junction where the panels are not
installed in the same plane.
core material consisting of mineral wool that has been cut and orientated with the fibres perpendicular to the
facings prior to bonding
lightly profiled facing
facing with a rolled or pressed profile not exceeding 5 mm in depth
self-supporting panel
panel capable of supporting, by virtue of its materials and shape, its self-weight and in the case of panels fixed
to spaced structural supports all applied loadings (e.g. snow, wind, internal air pressure), and transmitting
these loadings to the supports
period of production during a working day, normally 6 h to 8 h but can be less
side lap
folded area of one or both of the facing materials along the longitudinal edge of the panel which engages with
the adjacent panel to form an interlocking or overlapping joint
wrinkling strength
characteristic value of wrinkling stress
wrinkling stress
stress in the compressed face of a panel undergoing failure in bending where the failure mode takes the form
of a “wrinkle” extending over the full width of the panel near the section of maximum bending moment
For the purposes of this document, the following symbols and abbreviations apply.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
B flexural rigidity (may be full width of panel or per unit width), overall width of the panel/specimen,
C ratio
E modulus of elasticity
I moment of inertia
M bending moment
Q variable action
T temperature
U thermal transmittance, thermal transmittance including the influence of the joints Ud,s
V shear force
l length, deviation
m mass
p pitch of profile
q live load
EN 14509:2013 (E)
r radius
v variance factor
x, y, z coordinates
α parameter (A.5.5.4), coefficient of thermal expansion, sound absorption (αw), ratio (A.4.5.3)
δ deviation
φ angle
τ shear stress
ρ coefficient, density
C core
G self-weight, degree
M material (γM)
Q variable action
adj adjusted
EN 14509:2013 (E)
d design
eff effective
i internal (λfi)
i, j index
k characteristic value
lin linear
m material
n nominal
t tension, time
tr traffic (Ctr)
u ultimate (Fu)
v shear, variance
y yield
CG cellular glass
EN 14509:2013 (E)
MW mineral wool
PUR rigid polyurethane foam (the abbreviation PUR includes polyisocyanurate foam (PIR))
PF phenolic foam
The product shall be manufactured with materials and components conforming to 5.1.2 to 5.1.4. Steel
Steel faces (other than stainless steel) shall be a construction steel according to EN 10346:2009, Table 1 and
have a minimum yield strength of 220 N/mm and shall conform to the requirements of the appropriate
standard given in Table 1.
For steels according to EN 10346:2009, Table 1, the steel grade, nominal thickness and tolerance system of
each face shall be declared. Tolerances on thickness shall be according to the “special” or “normal” tolerances
as described in the relevant standards.
Organic protective coatings shall be selected according to their durability in the application environment.
Organic coated steel sheets shall conform to the requirements of EN 10169. Multi-layer coatings shall conform
to EN 508-1.
The panel manufacturer shall state the metal grade, thickness and tolerance system of each face. Tolerances
on thickness shall be according to “special” or “normal” tolerances as described in the relevant standards. The
thickness of steel facing sheets shall be determined in accordance with EN 10143.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE Not all steels in Table 1 are suitable for sandwich panels in all the intended end uses.
If the metal face is bonded over its whole area to a rigid foam core with a closed cell structure, the reverse
side metallic coating mass shall be a minimum of 50 g/m .
When relevant to intended end use application, resistance of metallic protective coatings and organic back
face coat (duplex coating) against corrosion shall be ensured by laboratory tests. Minimum resistance of
backing coat shall be CPI2 according to EN 10169. Additionally to the requirements in EN 10169 only slight
colour change (DE < = 2,0) shall be acceptable in the condensation-water test (EN ISO 6270-1) over 1 000 h.
NOTE The requirements in are only applicable to back face coatings.
The panel manufacturer shall state the metal grade, thickness and tolerance system of each face. Tolerances
Aluminium facings shall have a minimum design value of the stress at the 0,2 %-strainlimit (for simplification
called “yield strength“) of 140 N/mm . The chemical composition, temper and mechanical properties of
aluminium shall conform to EN 485-2 or EN 1396.
The panel manufacturer shall state the metal grade, thickness and tolerance system of each face. Tolerances
on thickness shall be according to “special” or “normal” tolerances as described in the relevant standards. The
thickness of aluminium facing sheets shall be determined in accordance with EN 485-4 or EN 1396.
NOTE Not all aluminium alloys covered by EN 485–2 or EN 1396 are suitable for sandwich panels in all the intended
end uses. Reference can be made to EN 508–2.
Copper facings shall have a minimum design value of the stress at the 0,2 %-strainlimit (for simplification
called “yield strength“) of 180 N/mm . The chemical composition, temper, mechanical properties and thickness
tolerances of copper faces shall conform to EN 1172.
The panel manufacturer shall state the metal grade, thickness and tolerance system of each face. Tolerances
on thickness shall be according to “special” or “normal” tolerances as described in the relevant standards. The
thickness of copper facing sheets shall be determined in accordance with EN 1172.
Not all copper facings in EN 1172 are suitable for sandwich panels in all the intended end uses. Reference
should be made to EN 506.
NOTE Only R240 and R290 grades satisfy the requirement of 180 N/mm .
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The declared and design thermal conductivity of core materials shall be determined in accordance with 5.2.2.
The thermal stability of the core materials in a sandwich panel shall be evaluated through the durability testing
in accordance with 5.2.3.
The adhesion between the core and the faces of the panel has a fundamental role in the satisfactory
performance of the panel. The surface preparation of the facing material shall be appropriate for the adhesive
or the method of adhesion.
For mechanical properties, unless stated otherwise, the mean value and the characteristic value (5 % fractile
value assuming a confidence level of 75 % for each population of test results) shall be determined according
to ISO 12491.
Declared values shall be given to either two or three significant figures as specified in Annex ZA.
The declared values of the shear strength and shear modulus of the core shall be determined using the
appropriate test procedures from A.3 or A.4 in accordance with Table 2. The same test procedure shall be
used to determine both the shear strength and shear modulus of a panel. In principle, each test method is
suitable for panels with flat, lightly profiled or profiled facings.
The declared value of the shear strength shall be less than or equal to the characteristic value and shall be
declared by the manufacturer in megapascals (MPa).
Only the mean value of the shear modulus obtained from the available test results shall be declared. The 5 %-
fractile value shall be recorded for FPC purposes in accordance with A.3 or A.4.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.4 – 2 load points All core materials. A.10 A.7 Alternative to A.3.
(on full panel) Flat or lightly For panels with one
profiled faces or two profiled
faces wrinkling of
One or both faces A.12 A.11
the faces may
A.4 – Vacuum All core materials. A.10 A.13 Alternative to the
The creep coefficient shall be determined according to A.6 and expressed as a number.
The creep coefficient shall be determined for all panels used as a roof or ceiling designed to carry long term or
permanent loads e.g. snow and self-weight.
The compressive strength of the core σm or its compressive stress at 10 % deformation σ10 (whichever is
reached first) shall be determined in accordance with the method given in A.2 and shall be declared by the
manufacturer in megapascals (MPa).
Where required, the shear strength after long term loading shall be determined in accordance with A.3.6.
This value shall be determined for all panels used as a roof or ceiling designed to carry long term or
permanent loads e.g. snow and self-weight. The declared value shall be less than or equal to the
characteristic value (fCv) and shall be declared by the manufacturer in megapascals (MPa).
NOTE The reduction obtained from the small scale long-term test can be applied to panels where the shear strength
has been determined on the basis of large scale tests to A.4 or calculated on the basis of A.3.5.3.
The characteristic value for tensile strength and cross panel tensile strength perpendicular to the panel faces
shall be greater than 0,018 MPa when tested in accordance with A.1 and shall be declared by the
manufacturer in megapascals (MPa).
The declared values shall be less than or equal to the characteristic value.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE Low tensile strength can reduce the wrinkling strength and increase its variability. Account is taken of this in
A.5.5.5 (k2 factor).
For panels with flat, lightly profiled or profiled faces, the wrinkling stress shall be calculated in accordance with
A.5.5 and the wrinkling strength shall be declared by the manufacturer in megapascals (MPa).
The declared wrinkling stress should generally be determined on the basis of the results of bending tests.
However, A.5.5.3 also allows a conservative value of the wrinkling stress to be calculated according to
Formula (A.20) and declared.
Wrinkling stress is related to bending moment by a simple mathematical relationship so that it is not necessary
to declare both the bending resistance and the wrinkling strength.
For a panel with a profiled face in compression, the bending resistance shall be declared together with the
span of the test specimen. Optionally the wrinkling stress can be declared. Bending moment capacity and wrinkling stress over a central support
Where required, the bending moment capacity over a central support shall be determined in accordance with
A.7. For panels with flat or lightly profiled faces, the wrinkling stress shall then be calculated in accordance
with A.5.5.
The bending moment capacity over a central support is required when panels which are continuous over two
or more spans are to be designed by calculation in accordance with Annex E. In such cases, the comparison
of the design values of resistance according to E.2 is usually carried out in terms of stresses. If the panel has
one or more profiled faces, the determination of the ultimate compressive (wrinkling) stress from the bending
moment capacity requires calculation in accordance with E.7.5. It is recommended that this calculation is
carried out at the time of testing.
The thermal transmittance value for the panel (U), incorporating the declared thermal conductivity for the core
material (λDeclared) and the joints and any profiled facings, shall be determined in accordance with A.10.
Panels shall satisfy the criteria for reduction in tensile strength in accordance with the relevant test method
DUR1 and DUR2 (see Table 3) as described in Annex B.
Durability tests shall be applied to panels designed for external applications. They are based on the
accelerated ageing effect of temperature or humidity, which from long-term experience are critical for each
core material.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Where required, the durability tests may be used to assess the performance of internal sandwich panels.
NOTE 1 These tests evaluate the reduction of tensile strength as a result of temperature or humidity on a pass/fail
NOTE 2 The durability requirement covers the performance of all essential structural components of the panel, for
example backface coatings, adhesion layers and core material.
PUR panels manufactured using the blowing agents covered within EN 13165 and a combination of these
blowing agents, but excluding CO2 blown foams shall be considered to satisfy the durability requirements
without testing. PUR panels manufactured with other blowing agents shall be tested according to test DUR1
and the colour reflectivity levels shall be declared (B.2.5). Resistance to point loads and access loads – ceiling panels and roofs
Where required, the ability of a sandwich panel to resist point loads and access loads shall be determined in
accordance with A.9.1. For applications where there will be more frequent access than occasional foot traffic
(see Note), the procedure described in A.9.2 shall also be carried out.
NOTE 1 Point loads are loads resulting from a single person walking on the panel, for occasional access both during
and after erection.
The span capabilities of a ceiling panel and its supporting system should be checked before access is
NOTE 2 Ceiling panels are generally unsuitable for regular foot traffic.
Ceiling panels should be protected when used on regular walking routes or working areas both during
installation and in end use.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Panels should allow a wide and safe support for a foot and should not be subject to permanent deformations
under occasional foot traffic for access or maintenance. For maintenance purposes, only one person at a time
should be allowed to walk on a panel.
The reaction to fire classification of the product shall be determined according to EN 13501-1. The
classification shall apply to panel applications defined in Clause 1 (Scope) of this European Standard.
Test arrangements for reaction to fire tests shall be in accordance with the following, as appropriate for the
intended class:
— EN ISO 1182;
— EN 13823 and EN ISO 11925-2 together with the additions set out in C.1.
Where required, the fire resistance classification of the product shall be determined according to EN 13501-2.
The test methods for sandwich panels shall be in accordance with the following standards:
— EN 1364-1 (non-load bearing walls) together with the additions set out in C.2.3;
— EN 1364-2 (ceilings);
— EN 1365-2 (load bearing roofs) together with the additions set out in and C.2.3;
Where the manufacturer wishes to declare external fire performance (e.g. when subject to regulatory
requirements), the product shall be tested and classified in accordance with EN 13501-5.
Sandwich panels that satisfy the criteria set out in C.3.1 shall be considered to satisfy the requirements for the
characteristic external fire performance without the need for further testing in accordance with Decision
2006/600/EC. These products shall be given a BROOF (t1, t2 and t3) classification as satisfying CEN/TS 1187 Test
Methods 1, 2 and 3.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Test arrangements for external fire performance tests shall be in accordance CEN/TS 1187 together with the
additions set out in C.3.2 to C.3.5.
The dimensional tolerances for sandwich panels shall be in accordance with Table 4.
Where required, the water permeability (resistance to driving rain) of a complete assembly of sandwich panels
shall be assessed, i.e. the assembly that is to be installed in a building, including the product and its coatings,
factory applied seals, standard joints, site applied seals, representative flashings, and a method of fixing as
appropriate to the test.
The resistance classification of a sandwich panel assembly to driving rain under pulsating air pressure shall
be determined according to A.11. The test method shall be used for both external wall and roof applications.
Sandwich panels covered by this European Standard are metal faced. When correctly manufactured and if
satisfying an appropriate visual inspection they may be deemed to be impermeable to water. The water
tightness of the assembly is a function of its installation. Water permeability is only relevant to the joints and
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Where required, the air permeability of a complete assembly of sandwich panels shall be assessed, i.e. the
assembly that is to be installed in a building, including the product and its coatings; factory applied seals,
standard joints, site applied seals, representative flashings and a method of fixing as appropriate to the test.
The measurement of air permeability of a sandwich panel assembly shall conform to A.12. The test method
shall be used for both external wall and roof applications.
Sandwich panels covered by this European Standard are metal faced. When correctly manufactured and if
satisfying an appropriate visual inspection they may be deemed to be impermeable to air. The air tightness of
the assembly is a function of its installation. Air permeability is only relevant to the joints and fixings.
For the purposes of this European Standard, the water vapour transmission coefficient for the metal facings
used is considered to be infinity. Metal faced sandwich panels are therefore considered to be impermeable to
water vapour.
Where required, the airborne sound insulation of a sandwich panel assembly shall be determined according to
A.13. The result shall be declared as a Rw (C;Ctr) rating to EN ISO 717-1.
Where required, the sound absorption of a sandwich panel assembly shall be determined according to A.14.
The result shall be declared as single number rating to EN ISO 11654.
National regulations on dangerous substances may require verification and declaration on release, and
sometimes content, when construction products covered by this European Standard are placed on those
In the absence of European harmonised test methods, verification and declaration on release/content should
be done taking into account national provisions in the place of use.
NOTE An informative database covering European and national provisions on dangerous substances is available at
the Construction website on EUROPA accessed through: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/construction/cpd-ds/
The product shall have sufficient mechanical resistance to the design loads arising from the actions of self-
weight, snow, wind, temperature and pressure gradients and access, where these loads shall be factored
such that, either alone or in combination, they do not impair the performance of the product in service.
The safety of the product shall be verified by design procedures based on the limit state concept. This
requires that the ‘design value of the resistance’ shall be greater than the ‘design value of the effect of the
actions’ and shall be satisfied at both the serviceability limit state and the ultimate limit state. Verification shall
be by calculation in accordance with Annex E.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Information shall be produced which gives all values necessary for both mechanical design and the production
of load tables together with the corresponding characteristic values obtained during initial type testing and
factory production control. For the purpose of this European Standard provision of this information shall be
regarded as part of the product.
In design for mechanical resistance the following actions: permanent actions, variable actions and actions due
to long-term effects, shall be taken into account in the calculations. They shall be considered either
individually or in combination using the combination factors in Annex E.
6.1 General
The conformity of a sandwich panel to the requirements of this European Standard and to the stated values
including classes shall be demonstrated by:
The principle of grouping products into families may be used in order to obtain more uniform characteristic
values and material safety factors as the parameters within a range of similar products are varied, or to reduce
testing costs.
Where the manufacturer produces products that have the same physical and chemical characteristics on more
than one production line or in more than one factory there shall be no need to repeat ITT for the different
production lines.
If there is a difference between the characteristic values for products from two different lines, the worst values
shall be used.
Initial type testing shall be conducted to show conformity to this European Standard in accordance with
Table 4.
Whenever a change occurs in the product, raw material or supplier of the components, or the production
process (subject to the definition of a family), which would change significantly one or more characteristics,
the type tests shall be repeated for the appropriate characteristic(s).
In addition, initial type testing shall be performed at the beginning of the production of a new panel type
(unless a member of the same family) or at the beginning of a new method of production where this may affect
the declared properties or conformity of the product.
Characteristics which are required for specific applications, e.g. permeabilities or acoustics, shall be tested on
a ‘where required’ basis.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
In general, it is not required to repeat ITT tests previously performed in accordance with the provisions of
EN 14509:2006 (same product, same characteristics, test method, sampling procedure, system of attestation
of conformity etc.). Data obtained from earlier tests may be used without the need for further testing to the
revised procedures providing the declared data does not change significantly. There are two exceptions as
a) Reaction to fire test EN ISO 11925-2. In cases where the edge was protected in the original test and is
unprotected in the new test (See C.1.2) the product shall be retested.
b) Where the thermal transmittance was calculated using the tabulated values in A.10, the thermal
transmittance shall be recalculated. General
Samples shall be representative of the product to be placed on the market and the manufacturer shall keep
The number of test specimens (for ITT) shall be in accordance with the test methods in Table 5. The sample
taken, i.e. panel, shall be a simple random sample, drawn from a finite panel population.
Where test specimens are obtained from a single panel, the specimens shall be taken from a range of
positions covering the width of the panel. At least one specimen shall be taken from the middle of the panel
and at least one specimen from close to the edge of the panel, with the first cut edge not greater than 10 % of
the cover width of the panel from an outside edge.
Conditioning of the test specimens, before or after the test, shall not be carried out unless otherwise specified
in the test method.
The minimum age of specimens for initial type tests shall be at least 24 h. The date and time of production
shall be recorded at the time of sampling.
Test specimens are very sensitive to the process of cutting and the accuracy of testing, in particular for tensile
test measurements. Considerable care is required in the cutting process, especially if the core material is
relatively weak or has brittle tendencies. The cutting can be carried out with a band saw with a fine-toothed
blade. It may be advantageous to sandwich the specimen between two pieces of plywood or similar material
in order to reduce vibration during the cutting process. It is suggested that specimens should be carefully
inspected after cutting. Specimens that show evidence of delamination caused by the cutting process should
be rejected (up to a maximum of 30 % of those cut for any family of tests).
— identification mark.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
— manufacturing plant;
— place of sampling;
— stock or batch quantity (from which the samples have been taken);
— quantity of samples;
— properties to be tested;
If a third party is responsible for sampling, the sampling records of that third party may be used.
All characteristics in Table 5, where relevant, shall be subject to ITT tests with the exception of external fire
performance when using the CWFT option, where measurement in accordance with C.3.1 is required to
ensure that the product meets the definition required for CWFT.
Unless the test method requires otherwise, all testing shall be carried out under ambient laboratory conditions,
without any special conditions.
For mechanical properties, unless stated otherwise, the mean value and the characteristic value (5 % fractile
value assuming a confidence level of 75 %) for each population of the test results shall be determined
according to ISO 12491 using the formula and fractile factors in A.16.3.
The results of all type tests shall be recorded and held by the manufacturer for at least 10 years after the last
date of production of the product(s) to which they belong. General
If there is only a change of the core material or the adhesive for a panel family, a shortened test programme
(not the whole range of ITT) – see Table 6 may be used to compare the values of shear strength and
modulus; tensile strength and modulus; compression strength and modulus of the core; and creep against the
values from the original ITT.
Provided that all of these characteristic material values for the new core material are better than or equal to
the values declared as a result of the original ITT test, the existing declared values for the mechanical
properties of the panel may be retained without further ITT.
If there is only a change in the grade of the facing material a shortened test programme to compare the
bending moment capacity values shall be used (see Table 6).
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The shortened test programme requires that the following characteristics are tested in accordance with
Table 6:
— shear strength fcv (see Formula (A.5)) and shear modulus of the core Gc (see Formula (A.7));
— tensile strength fct (see Formula (A.1)) and tensile modulus of the core Ect (see Formula (A.2));
— compression strength fcc (see Formula (A.3)) and compression modulus of the core Ecc (see
Formula (A.4));
— creep coefficient;
If the performance of the above 6 characteristics are better than or equal to the values from the existing ITT
but there is a reduced performance with respect to creep, where relevant, then the existing values of tensile,
shear and compression strength may be retained but the creep test shall be repeated and a new creep
coefficient shall be declared.
In the case of the fire characteristics any requirement for a retest shall be in accordance with the direct
application rules, C.1.3 – reaction to fire and C.2.4 – fire resistance.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Characteristic Test method Type of Min. number Compliance criteria and specific
Tested panel
test of ITT conditions
a a
5.1.2 Mechanical properties of a face EN ISO 6892–1 3
Technical properties of a panel and its core
material Shear strength and modulus A.3 or A.4 ITT Minimum, 3
maximum and Compressive strength and modulus A.2 ITT 6
c d Reduced shear strength A.3.2 ITT (Max,Min,I) 1/10
Statement of declared values Cross panel tensile strength: (and A.1 ITT 6
modulus )
A.5 ITT 3 Bending moment capacity and
wrinkling stress Bending moment capacity and A.7 ITT (Max,Min,I) 3 -
wrinkling stress over a central support
c Creep coefficient A.6 ITT Max 1 [Number]
Cross panel tensile modulus at elevated A.1.6 ITT (Max,Min,I) 3
Density A.8 ITT (Max,Min,I) The average value shall be declared
5.2.2 Thermal transmittance A.10 ITT (Max,Min,I) See A.10 Limit value according to A.10
5.2.3 Durability Annex B ITT Max, Min Pass (see 5.2.3 and Annex B) Reaction to fire EN ISO 1716, EN ITT As specified in Classification in
ISO 1182 EN 13501–1 accordance with
EN 13501–1
EN 13823 (SBI) Min, Max – Specific
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Characteristic Test method Type of Tested panel Min. number of Compliance criteria
test thickness ITT specimens Shear strength and modulus A.3 or A.4 ITT Maximum 3 GC and fCv ≥ original
c Creep coefficient A.6 ITT Maximum 1 [Number ≤ original
value] Compressive strength and modulus A.2 ITT Maximum 6 ECc and fCc ≥ original
value Cross panel tensile strength: (and A.1 ITT Maximum 3 ECt and fCt ≥ original
modulus ) value Cross panel tensile strength at A.1.6 ITT Maximum 1 ECt and fCt ≥ original
elevated temperatures (fCt) value
EN 14509:2013 (E)
6.3.1 General
The manufacturer shall establish, document and maintain an FPC system to ensure that the products placed on
the market conform to the stated performance characteristics. The FPC system shall consist of procedures,
regular inspections and tests and/or assessments and the use of the results to control raw and other incoming
materials or components, equipment, the production process and the product.
An FPC system conforming to the requirements of EN ISO 9001, and made specific to the requirements of this
European Standard, shall be considered to satisfy the above requirements.
Where this European Standard permits alternative test procedures to be used, all FPC tests shall be carried out
using the test procedure that was used for the corresponding ITT tests.
Where CE marking is based on the use of existing ITT test data in accordance with 6.2.2, and where a
subsequent change in the required test speed results in a significant change in the FPC results, it is permissible
to use the same test speed for FPC tests that was used for the original ITT tests.
When products of the same family (see 6.1) are produced using the same process equipment, the manufacturer
Where a manufacturer operates different production lines or units in the same factory or production lines or
units in different factories and these are covered by a single overall FPC system, the manufacturer shall keep
control records for each separate production line or unit.
In addition to the test results, the following minimum information shall also be recorded:
— type of product;
Each individual value of a declared mechanical property determined by FPC shall be equal to or higher than the
value declared as a result of ITT. If one or more values are lower, a statistical evaluation of this property shall
either be carried out over the previous year and the 5 % fractile value determined or, if FPC of this property has
been carried out for less than one year, all available results shall be included in the evaluation. This 5 % fractile
value shall be equal to or higher than the declared value.
For each declared value, if the fractile value is lower than the declared value, additional FPC tests shall be
carried out on material from the same batch and a corrected 5 % fractile value determined. If this value is lower
than the declared value, the batch shall be rejected.
If sustained FPC results indicate that the declared value cannot be attained, either the declared value shall be
reduced on the basis of the existing ITT tests, or a new set of ITT tests shall be carried out and a new value for
the relevant property shall be declared.
Where values shall be reduced, any related characteristics that are not subject to FPC shall be adjusted.
NOTE The number of additional tests required is at the discretion of the manufacturer.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Where the results of FPC consistently exceed the declared value these results may be used to determine a 5 %
fractile value which may be used as the basis for an increase in the declared value.
6.3.3 Equipment
Tests to demonstrate conformity of the finished product to this European Standard shall be carried out using
equipment described in the relevant test methods referred to in this European Standard.
All weighing, measuring and testing equipment necessary to achieve, or produce evidence of, conformity shall
be calibrated or verified and regularly inspected according to documented procedures, frequencies and criteria.
Calibration and/or checking shall be against equipment or test specimens traceable to relevant international or
nationally recognised reference test specimens (standards). Where no such reference test specimens exist, the
basis used for internal checks and calibration shall be documented.
All equipment used in the manufacturing process shall be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure use,
wear or failure does not cause inconsistency in the manufacturing process.
Inspections and maintenance shall be carried out and recorded in accordance with the manufacturer’s written
procedures and the records retained for the period defined in the manufacturer's FPC procedures.
The calibration of all test equipment shall be repeated if any repair or failure occurs which could upset the
calibration of the test equipment. General
The specifications of all incoming raw materials and components shall be documented, as shall the inspection
scheme for verifying their conformity.
The manufacturer shall have written procedures which specify how non-conforming raw materials and
components shall be dealt with. Any such events shall be recorded as they occur and these records shall be
kept for the period defined in the manufacturer’s written procedures.
Conformity for metal facings shall be in accordance with, pre-manufactured core components with and adhesives with
Where provided by the facing manufacturer, declarations shall be according to EN 10204, document Type
3.1,and shall be provided for every 50 t of coil material. For all metals that do not have a guaranteed yield
stress, material certification shall be provided for every batch.
Pre-formed material for the cores of sandwich panels shall undergo factory production control testing (see
Table 7). The panel manufacturer shall determine or obtain a manufacturer’s declaration for the following
properties in accordance with the relevant insulation product standard (EN 13162 to EN 13167):
— thermal conductivity.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE In the context of this European Standard, declaration means the supplier’s formal declaration of the properties. Adhesives
The panel manufacturer shall obtain the supplier’s declaration for the following:
— viscosity/speed;
— shelf life. General
The manufacturer shall establish procedures to ensure that the stated values of all of the characteristics are
maintained in accordance with and
Suppliers who purchase the product from a manufacturer whose production plant is outside the EEA shall
The minimum factory production control procedure for the manufacture of panels shall include testing according
to Table 7.
Factory production control tests shall be carried out either on aged specimens or on specimens taken
immediately after production.
The number of test specimens for FPC shall be in accordance with the test methods in Table 7.
The specimens shall be taken from a range of positions covering the width of the panel. At least one specimen
shall be taken from the middle of the panel and at least one specimen from close to the edge of the panel, with
the first cut edge not greater than 10 % of the cover width of the panel from an outside edge.
NOTE 1 Test specimens are very sensitive to the process of cutting and the accuracy of testing in particular for tensile
test measurements. Considerable care is required in the cutting process, especially if the core material is relatively weak or
has brittle tendencies. The cutting can be carried out with a band saw with a fine-toothed blade. It may be advantageous to
sandwich the specimen between two pieces of plywood or similar material in order to reduce vibration during the cutting
process. It is suggested that specimens should be carefully inspected after cutting. Those that show evidence of
delamination caused by the cutting process may be rejected (up to a maximum of 30 % of those cut for any family of tests).
For panels without joints in the core, if Formula (A.20) (A.5.5.3) is used or if the wrinkling strength and the
bending resistance are determined by calculation on the basis of A.5, it is not necessary to carry out the
wrinkling stress tests. Then the FPC control of the tension and compression modulii shall be carried out in
accordance with Table 7.
If the ultimate bending moment is controlled at least once per week then there is no requirement to control the
tension and compression modulii.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
a) Panels with insulation created by foaming (chemical action) during the manufacturing process shall be
controlled by recording the precise specification of all chemical components, fire retardants etc. for each
production batch including origin of supply; proportions used etc. In the case of chemical systems supplied
by an external manufacturer, a sufficient statement of the specification shall be provided. The panel
design/type shall be recorded to confirm the panel to panel joint detail.
b) Panels with pre-formed or lamella insulation produced by bonding shall be controlled by recording the
precise specification of all pre-formed or lamella components for each production batch including as
applicable the full chemical specification; density; fire retardants; binders; adhesives; or other organic
material, including backing coats etc. In the case of pre-formed or lamella and other components (i.e.
adhesives) supplied by an external manufacturer a sufficient statement of the specification shall be
provided. The panel design/type shall be recorded to confirm the panel to panel joint detail. General
Where a supplier purchases the product from a manufacturer whose production plant is outside the EEA, the
supplier shall take full responsibility for demonstrating conformity for the product in accordance with
Where a supplier purchases the product from a manufacturer who does not operate an FPC system as
described in 6.3, either the manufacturer shall be obliged to operate such a system or the supplier shall take full
responsibility for the product in accordance with
Where a product is purchased by a supplier under the conditions given in, the supplier shall take full
responsibility for demonstrating the conformity of the product and shall operate an FPC system, including test
equipment and non-compliance procedures, to ensure that conformity is maintained with the same degree of
certainty as if a full FPC system in accordance with 6.3 had been operated.
Conformity shall be based on product testing of the whole panel or specimens taken from a panel in accordance
with Table 9.
Values of the following characteristics shall also be provided in accordance with and
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The concept of families is described in 6.1. This concept is generally applied to mechanical characteristics and
the parameters, which may vary within a family, include core depth, geometry of the faces, span and face
material characteristics.
The evaluation of families of test results shall follow the principles given in EN 1990:2002, Annex D. The
procedure that follows is a simplified version of the more general procedure given in EN 1990, which is deemed
to be adequate for the purposes of this European Standard.
The characteristic resistances of the members of the family shall be determined on the basis of a suitable
design expression ‘xdes’ that relates the test results to all of the relevant parameters. This design expression
may either be based on the appropriate formulae of structural mechanics or determined on an empirical basis.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The design expression shall be modified to predict the measured resistance as accurately as possible by
adjusting the coefficients in order to optimise the correlation.
NOTE 1 An optimum design expression may be determined on the basis of a regression analysis but this is not
essential. A limited amount of trial and error is sufficient to meet the requirements of this clause.
Where possible, design expressions with a linear variation between the varying parameter(s) and the required
values should be preferred.
NOTE 2 This method remains valid if the required “design expression” is a constant value.
In order to calculate the standard deviation, each test result ‘x’ should first be normalised by dividing it by the
corresponding value predicted by the design expression.
xn =
The number of tests ‘n’ should be taken as the total number of tests in the complete family. For a family of at
least four tests, the characteristic resistance Rk shall then be obtained using the following formula:
yn = Ln(xn);
1 n
yn = ∑ Ln ( xn.i )
n i =1
A sandwich panel shall be classified and designated in accordance with Table 10 where required, for example
when subject to regulatory requirements. Declared values shall be rounded to two or three significant figures.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The following information shall be supplied by the manufacturer with or attached to every pack, or bundle of
sandwich panels or supplied with the commercial documentation:
a) name or registered identification of the manufacturer and address of production plant or identification,
where applicable, of his agent within the EEA;
EN 14509:2013 (E)
f) description of the metal faces including grade of metal, and coatings where applicable;
g) description of the core material including material identification, thickness, density etc.;
NOTE Where ZA.3 covers the same information as in 8.1, the requirements of this subclause are met.
Manufacturers may wish to supply additional information with the product as appropriate.
Any instructions regarding transport, storage and handling shall be clearly visible on the package or in the
accompanying documentation.
If severe service conditions are expected during transportation, storage or processing, the product may be
supplied with an additional protection of a temporary, strippable film, wax or oil.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Annex A
A.1.1 Principle
This test measures the cross panel tensile strength and the E-modulus of the core material.
The characteristic value of the cross panel tensile strength shall be determined in accordance with EN 1607 and
the following subclauses.
A.1.2 Apparatus
Sampling and conditioning of the test specimens shall comply with 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.
The test shall be performed with the faces of the panel intact (in place) in order to include the tensile bond
strength between the faces and the core or to demonstrate adequate bond.
For panels with profiled faces the specimens shall be cut from the predominant thickness (see examples in
Figure A.1).
Test specimens shall be of square cross-section having side dimensions between 100 mm and 300 mm. Where
applicable the test specimen shall include the full width of lamellas.
For incompletely bonded panels, the specimens shall be cut from the fully-bonded part of the cross-section (see
the right hand example in Figure A.1).
The dimensions of the specimen shall be measured in accordance with EN 12085. The tolerance on side
dimension shall be ± 3 mm.
Test specimens are very sensitive to the process of cutting and the accuracy of testing in particular for tensile
test measurements. Considerable care is required in the cutting process, especially if the core material is
relatively weak or has brittle tendencies. The cutting can be carried out with a band saw with a fine toothed
blade. It may be advantageous to sandwich the specimen between two pieces of plywood or similar material in
order to reduce vibration during the cutting process. It is suggested that specimens should be carefully
EN 14509:2013 (E)
inspected after cutting. Those that show evidence of delamination caused by the cutting process shall be
rejected (up to a maximum of 30 % of those cut for any family of tests).
Where it is not possible to cut a specimen with two plain faces, due to the profile of the faces, the specimen
shall be prepared with an appropriately shaped filling piece, which is glued to the profiled face (see examples in
Figure A.2).
Additional thin layers may be adhered to the faces in order to ensure that the loading platens of the testing
machine are parallel at the commencement of the tensile test.
NOTE As an alternative to the use of shaped filling pieces and if the shape of the profiled face is suitable, it may be
possible to glue two specimens together in such a way that the profiled faces mate.
A.1.4 Procedure
The test shall be carried out by loading the specimen continuously, or in at least 10 increments, using a tensile
testing machine. The deflection rate shall have a minimum value of 1 % of dc per minute and shall not exceed
3 % of dc per minute. During the test the extension shall be measured with a precision of 0,01 mm.
The test shall be continued until the ultimate load (Fu) is reached (Figure A.3). If the specimen does not exhibit
a clearly defined ultimate load the test shall be discontinued when the relative deformation exceeds 20 %.
The tests shall be performed under normal laboratory conditions of temperature and humidity except when
carrying out the test at elevated temperature (A.1.6).
A load-deflection curve shall be drawn (see Figure A.3) and the tensile strength shall be calculated as follows.
fCt =
A (A.1)
A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen determined from the measured dimensions.
NOTE For specimens that do not exhibit a well-defined ultimate load, Fu may alternatively be defined as the load at a
specified relative deformation. For polyurethane foams, 10 % relative deformation (0,1 dc) may be an appropriate limit. For
materials with a more rigid cell structure or of non-cellular structure, a lower value may be used.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Figure A.3 – Load against deflection curve (FU against displacement ‘w’)
Special attention should be given in cases where the failure is close to the adhesion layer to determine the
location of the failure.
The test report shall also give the characteristic E-modulus for the core material.
Fu dC
ECt =
wu A (A.2)
dc is the thickness;
wu is the ideal displacement at ultimate load based on the linear part of the curve as shown in Figure A.3;
A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen determined from the measured dimensions.
Where required for design and ITT but not for FPC procedures of external panels, the test described in A.1.1 to
A.1.5 shall also be carried out on specimens which have been heated for 20 h to 24 h in a heating chamber at a
temperature of 80 −1 °C. The tensile test shall be carried out immediately, before the specimen has cooled.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The test may be carried out by heating the specimens together with the load distributing platens to a
temperature a little above 80 °C and then carrying out the tensile test before the specimen has cooled below
80 °C (limits 80 −1 °C).
The characteristic value for the E-modulus at elevated temperature shall be added to the test report.
A.2.1 Principle
This test measures the compressive strength and E-modulus in compression of the core material.
The characteristic value of the compressive strength of the core material shall be determined in accordance
with EN 826 and the following subclauses.
A.2.2 Apparatus
Test specimens shall be prepared as described in A.1.3. If the profile of the face(s) requires the use of filling
pieces then these shall not be glued to the loading platen.
A.2.4 Procedure
The specimen shall be placed between the two parallel stiff loading plates of a compression testing machine.
The deflection rate shall have a minimum value of 1 % of dc per minute and shall not exceed 3 % of dc per
minute. During the test the displacement shall be measured with a precision of 0,01mm and a load-deflection
curve drawn (see Figure A.3).
The tests shall be performed under normal laboratory conditions of temperature and humidity.
The compressive strength fCc of the core material shall be calculated using Formula (A.3):
fCc =
A (A.3)
A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen determined from the measured dimensions.
NOTE For specimens which do not exhibit a well-defined ultimate load, Fu may alternatively be defined as the load at a
specified relative deformation. For polyurethane foams, 10 % relative deformation (0,1 dc) may be an appropriate limit (see
Figure A.3). For materials with a more rigid cell structure or of non-cellular structure, a lower value may be used.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The test report shall also give the characteristic E-modulus for the core material.
The compressive modulus ECc of the core material shall be calculated using Formula (A.4):
Fu dC
ECc =
wu A (A.4)
dc is the thickness;
wu is the ideal displacement at ultimate load based on the linear part of the curve as shown in Figure A.3;
A the cross-sectional area of the specimen determined from the measured dimensions.
The test report shall state the characteristic value (6.2.3) for compressive strength and modulus of the core
A.3.1 Principle
This test determines the shear strength and shear modulus of the core material. The ultimate load carried by
the specimen failing in shear shall be measured and the shear modulus calculated from the load deflection
A.3.2 Apparatus
Steel load spreading plates (p) are required below the load points and over the supports. The thickness of the
load spreading plates shall be between 8 mm and 12 mm.
The width Ls of the load spreading plates at the support and load points shall be a minimum of 60 mm. This
value shall be increased as necessary, in order to avoid local crushing of the core and to achieve the maximum
possible shear stress at failure. The clear distance between the load plate and support plate shall not be less
than 1,2 dc.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
F applied load
Conditioning of the test specimens shall comply with 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.
The specimens shall be cut in the lengthwise direction of the panel. The position shall be chosen so that the
faces of the specimen are flat and parallel.
For all core materials except MW lamellas, the width of the specimen shall be 100 mm ± 2 mm. For MW
lamellas the width to be used shall be ≥ 100 mm and shall be chosen to incorporate at least one full width of
lamellas. There shall be no cut ends of lamellas or pre-formed core material within the length of the test
NOTE 2 With thicker panels and panels with lamella cores, it may be preferable to use the test described in A.4 to
determine the shear strength and modulus of panels.
Span L shall be chosen so that a shear failure is obtained. The recommended span is 1 000 mm. If the
recommended span does not result in a shear failure similar to that illustrated in Figure A.5, the span shall be
reduced in increments of 100 mm until a shear failure is obtained. Subsequent tests shall then be carried out at
the reduced span.
NOTE 3 With thicker panels it may be advantageous to use spans greater than 1 000 mm.
If the test does not result in shear failure, the results may be used for ITT and FPC as the outcome will be safe.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.3.4 Procedure
The specimen shall be loaded as shown in Figure A.4. The loading rate shall be uniform and such as to result in
failure between 1 min and 5 min after the commencement of the test. During the test the deflection shall be
measured with a precision of 0,01mm. The loading shall be continued until failure and a load-deflection curve
shall be drawn.
In the case of thick panels, test procedures using four point loads may be used to achieve shear failure.
The ultimate shear strength fCv of the core material shall be calculated from the maximum load attained in a
specimen failing in shear as follows (A.5):
fCv = kv
2 Be (A.5)
The shear strength for panels with offset pre-formed or lamella cores shall be reduced to take account of the
fact that the cut ends of the core materials have little or no shear strength. For non-lamella panels with pre-
formed cores, no reduction in shear strength shall be considered when the joints are adhered.
If no reduction is taken into account it is important that the joints between the ends of the lamellas are
completely adhered, usually by adhesion. The manufacturer should demonstrate adequate performance.
For panels with the core material foamed in situ or pre-formed in a single piece, or for panels with cut ends
which are adhered, kv = 1,0. For other panels with pre-formed or lamella cores, unless a better result can be
justified by testing a full cover width of panel to A.4, kv shall be calculated by Formula (A.6):
EN 14509:2013 (E)
the minimum width of uncut core material across a line of cut ends
kv = (A.6)
the full width of the panel
Where the cut ends are closer to each other than 5 cm in the longitudinal direction, they shall be treated as one
cut end.
The test report shall state the characteristic value (6.2.3) for the shear strength in megapascals (MPa). The
span shall be declared in the test report.
For each test specimen, the shear modulus GC shall be calculated from the slope of the straight part of the load-
deflection curve
∆w as follows (A.7):
EF 1 ⋅ AF 1 ⋅ EF 2 ⋅ AF 2 2
Shear deflection
∆wS = ∆w − ∆wB
∆F L
Shear modulus GC = (A.7)
6 AC ∆wS
AF1 is the measured area of cross-section of the top face based on measured steel thickness;
AF2 is the measured area of cross-section of the bottom face based on measured steel thickness;
Δw is the deflection at mid-span for a load increment ΔF taken from the slope of the linear part of the load-
deflection curve;
dC is the depth of the core material (see D.2.1 where dc = D - (t1 + t2) i.e. the thickness of the two facings);
Ac is the cross sectional area of the core based on measured depth dc;
The test report shall state both the mean and characteristic values (6.2.3) of the shear modulus in megapascals
(MPa). The span shall be declared in the test report.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
If the core is not completely bonded with the faces the declared values shall be calculated using the following
procedures based on the dimensions illustrated in Figure A.6.
It is important that the unbonded area on the full modular width of panel is not too large and that bonded areas
have a safe minimum dimension. Manufacturer should test to ensure there is a safe functional dimension
between unbonded areas.
Where b nd ≤ 2 ⋅ d c ⋅ 0,58 the unbonded area has only a small influence on the recorded values.
The declared value of the shear strength fCv shall be determined using Formula (A.5) and the shear modulus GC
using Formula (A.7).
Where b nd > 2 ⋅ d c ⋅ 0,58 the declared values shall be reduced in accordance with Formulae (A.8) and (A.9).
b − 1.16 d c
Cv , red fCv 1 − nd
p (A.8)
b − 1.16 d c
C , red GC 1 − nd
p (A.9)
fCv and GC are determined using Formula (A.5) and Formula (A.7)
Alternatively, the shear strength fCv and the shear modulus GC shall be determined in accordance with A.4.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.3.6.1 Principle
Where required for design purposes for roof and ceiling applications, and if no tests are available, the long term
shear strength at 2 000 h and 100 000 h shall be calculated as:
40 % of the short term value, if the φt is less or equal than 2,4 at 2 000 h
A.3.6.2 Procedure
Using the apparatus described in Figure A.4 at least 10 long term loading tests shall be carried out. These tests
shall be carried out on nominally identical specimens subject to a range of loads, which shall be held constant
after initial application. The loads shall be chosen such that the failures of n ≥ 10 specimens are spread over the
time interval 6 min ≤ t ≤ 1 000 h. Specimens failing after t > 1 000 h may also be incorporated into the analysis.
The tests shall be performed under normal laboratory conditions of temperature and humidity.
Based on the test results for the failure loads, a straight regression line shall be drawn (see Figure A.7), in order
to show the relationship of the mean long-term shear strength to the initial shear strength (short-term strength)
as a function of the loading time plotted on a logarithmic scale.
The long-term shear strength at 2 000 h or 100 000 h shall be determined by extrapolation using the mean-
value regression line.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.4.1 Principle
This test is an alternative to A.3 and offers a more reliable method of determining the shear strength and shear
modulus of panels with lamella and pre-formed cores where joints between the core elements may affect the
shear properties. The value determined by the test takes account of the influence of the end joint on the shear
NOTE 1 When this test is used for panels with profiled faces there may be a primary failure due to wrinkling in the
profiled face and only a secondary failure due to the shear of the core. The achieved value can be used as the shear
NOTE 2 The expressions to determine the shear properties of panels with profiled faces (see A.4.5.3 and A.4.5.5)
become relatively complicated and require the use of design charts or computer software to find numerical solutions.
Additional information on the formulae for sandwich panels of all types is given in ‘Lightweight sandwich construction’ [3].
A.4.2 Apparatus
The test load shall be applied using either line loads extending across the full width of the panel, as illustrated in
Figure A.4 or in the form of a uniformly distributed load using either air pressure or a partial vacuum. When
using a uniformly distribute load, the applied load shall be measured by means of load cells, not air pressure.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Steel load spreading plates are required below the load points and over the supports. When testing samples
with profiled faces and line loads are used the load shall be applied through timber or steel transverse loading
beams together with timber loading platens (see Figure A.12).
The width Ls of the load spreading plates shall not be less than 60 mm. This width may be increased as
necessary in order to avoid local crushing of the core. The clear distance between the load plates and the
support plates shall not be less than 1,2 dc. The thickness of the load spreading plates shall be between 8 mm
and 12 mm.
The support conditions shall be such as to apply no restraint to the rotation of the panel about the lines of
Sampling and conditioning of the test specimens shall comply with 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.
For panels with discontinuous core material, tests shall be carried out on the full cover width of the panel with
joints in the core material in the worst arrangement that may arise in practice but not at a distance from the
The span should be chosen to be close to but less than the largest span that gives rise to a reliable shear
NOTE Joints in the core material near the support are more critical than joints near mid span.
At the discretion of the manufacturer, visible compressive deflection of the core material at the supports may be
taken into account in the calculation of the shear modulus. If this is the case, visible deflections ws1 and ws2
over the supports shall be measured during the tests. The deflection w at mid span shall then be modified by
ws1 + ws 2
from the measured deflection w
ws1 and ws2 are the measured deflections of the top face of the specimen over the left and right hand
supports respectively.
In EN 14509:2006, the deduction for visible compression at the supports was mandatory. However, subsequent
detailed finite element analyses have suggested that making this deduction may not always result in the most
accurate value of the shear modulus. For this reason, pending further research, making this deduction is now to
be regarded as optional. There is no 'safe' procedure because introducing a low value of the shear modulus into
the design calculations will generally result in more critical deflections together with less critical stresses in the
faces, and vice versa. The manufacturer's decision should reflect which of these is considered to be the most
critical factor in the design.
The net metal thickness, excluding all protective coatings, of both faces of each test specimen (tf1, tf2) shall be
measured and recorded. The joint arrangement used in the tests shall be described in the test report.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.4.4 Procedure
The test shall be carried out by subjecting a simply supported panel of full cover width to either two equally
spaced line loads, or to a uniformly distributed load.
A uniformly distributed load may by applied using air pressure caused by either a partial vacuum chamber test
apparatus or air bags (A.5).
Other load positions may be used and the properties calculated accordingly.
The loading rate shall be uniform and such as to result in failure between 1 min and 5 min after the
commencement of the test. During the test the deflection shall be measured with a precision of 0,01 mm. The
loading shall be continued until failure and a load-deflection curve shall be drawn.
The tests shall be performed under normal laboratory conditions of temperature and humidity.
A.4.5.1 General
For panels with flat or lightly profiled faces subject to two line loads applied at the third points of the span the
shear strength fCv shall be calculated as follows (A.10):
fCv =
2 Be (A.10)
Fu is the ultimate load carried by the specimen failing in shear including the self-weight and the weight of
any loading equipment;
In cases where a vacuum box is used and the support area is not protected and therefore affected by air
pressure, the measured support reaction shall be reduced by multiplying the measured total load by the ratio
L − Ls
L + Ls
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.4.5.3 Panels with one or two profiled faces using line loads
For panels with either one or two profiled faces subject to two load points applied at the third points of the span,
the shear modulus GC shall be calculated from the slope of the straight part of the load deflection curve ∆w
using Formula (A.11):
NOTE This calculation is iterative as λ depends on the shear modulus which is initially unknown
∆F 2
GC = ∆ws
6 AC e 2 ( BS + BD )(1 + α )
Shear modulus (A.11)
α =
BD = EF 1 I F 1 + EF 2 I F 2
EF 1 AF 1 EF 2 AF 2 e 2
BS =
EF 1 AF 1 + EF 2 AF 2
Be 2 GC L2
1+ α
and where the assumed geometry and the remaining symbols are given in E.1.
The shear strength fCv shall then be calculated as follows using Formula (A.12)):
EN 14509:2013 (E)
λ 2λ
sinh 3 + sinh 3
1 − (A.12)
2 (1 + α ) AC sinh ( λ )
A.4.5.4 Panels with flat or lightly profiled faces subject to vacuum chamber or air bag loading
For panels subject to a uniformly distributed load, the shear strength fCv shall be calculated using A.10.
The shear modulus shall be calculated from the slope of the straight part of the load deflection curve
∆w as
follows (A.13)
∆F L3
Bending deflection ∆wB =
76,8 BS
A.4.5.5 Panels with one or two profiled faces subject to vacuum chamber or air bag loading
For panels subjected to a uniformly distributed load, the shear modulus shall be calculated from the slope of the
straight part of the load deflection curve ∆w using Formula (A.14), where the assumed geometry and
symbols are given in E.1:
NOTE This calculation is iterative as it depends on the shear modulus which is initially unknown
Shear modulus GC = (A.14)
8 Be 2 ( BS + BD )(1 + α )
cosh − 1
∆F L 3
5 2
Bending deflection=
∆wB −
( BS + BD ) 384 α λ 4 cosh λ
EN 14509:2013 (E)
1 2
(1 + α ) AC 2 λ
λ cosh
2 (A.15)
For panels with other loading systems, the shear strength and modulus of the core material shall be determined
by calculation. Where relevant, this calculation shall take account of the profiled faces.
Recording and interpretation of test results shall comply with A.16. The test report shall state both the mean and
characteristic values (6.2.3) of the shear modulus and shear strength in megapascals (MPa). Only the mean
value of the shear modulus obtained from the available test results shall be declared. The 5 %-fractile value
shall be recorded for FPC purposes.
A.5 Test to determine the bending moment capacity of a simply supported panel
A.5.1 Principle
A.5.2 Apparatus
The test shall be carried out by subjecting a simply supported panel to four line loads (see Figure A.8 or
Figure A.9) extending across the full width of the panel, or to air pressure caused by either a partial vacuum
chamber test apparatus or air bags (see Figure A.10).
NOTE Each of these load systems gives rise to the same maximum bending moment.
Fu L
Mu =
8 ,
Fu is the total ultimate load on the panel including the self weight of the panel itself and the weight of the loading
In general the load shall be measured by load cells located below the supports. Alternatively, if the load is
applied by a jack and loading beams, it may be measured by a load cell at the point of application of the load.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
w load per unit length
The support conditions shall be such as to apply no restraint to the rotation of the panel about the lines of
A suitable panel support detail is shown in Figure A.11. The width of the supports shall be sufficiently large to
prevent local crushing of the core.
Timber blocks may be used to avoid deformation of a side rib which does not contain core material.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Where line loads are applied to panels with lightly profiled faces, they shall be applied through loading platens
(see Figure A.4).
Steel load spreading plates are required below the load points and over the supports. The width Ls of the load
spreading plates at the support and load points shall be a minimum of 60 mm. This value shall be increased up
to 200 mm, if necessary, in order to avoid local crushing of the core. The thickness of the load spreading plates
Where line loads are applied to a profiled face, they shall be applied through timber or steel transverse loading
A layer of felt, rubber or other similar material may be placed between the loading platens and the panel in
order to reduce the possibility of local damage.
Line loads should not be applied directly to an incompletely bonded profiled face, i.e. a face where there are
voids below the profile.
The loads shall be maintained perpendicular to the panel throughout the test.
If the trough of the profile includes rolled-in stiffeners, the loading platens shall be shaped appropriately (see
Figure A.13).
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The necessary span is dependent on several factors including the overall depth dc of the panel and shall be
chosen to give a bending failure.
If the span values in Table A.1 are found to give rise to a shear failure, they shall be increased in increments of
1,0 m until a bending failure is obtained.
In the case of panels of the same type but with different face-thickness, at least panels with the thinnest face
shall be tested.
NOTE 2 There may be an advantage in testing more than one face thickness to obtain improved wrinkling stress values.
A.5.4 Procedure
For all panels, including those with similar upper and lower faces, this test shall be carried out on both
orientations of the panel because the wrinkling stress may be greatly influenced by whether the face was at the
top or bottom of the panel during manufacture.
Prior to the test a small load, which shall be not greater than 10 % of the failure load, shall be applied for no
more than 5 min and then removed.
The tests shall be performed under normal laboratory conditions of temperature and humidity.
The panel shall be loaded steadily in at least 10 increments until failure occurs. The loading rate shall be such
as to result in failure between 5 min and 15 min after the commencement of the test. Both the load and the
central deflection shall be recorded. Displacement transducers shall have an accuracy of 0,1 mm.
After completion of the test, the net metal thickness excluding all protective coatings and yield stress of each
face shall also be determined from a minimum of three specimens per panel and recorded.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.5.5.1 General
The failure load and the nature and location of the failure shall be recorded. A load-deflection curve shall be
drawn for the central displacement.
Fu L
Mu =
8 (A.16)
Mu is the ultimate bending moment recorded in the test including the effect of the self-weight of the
Fu is the total load recorded in the test including an allowance for the self weight of the panel and the
The bending moment values determined from the tests shall additionally be corrected by the correction factors
set out in A.5.5.4 and A.5.5.5 prior to obtaining the characteristic values to be declared.
A.5.5.3 Determination of the wrinkling stress (σw) of a flat or lightly profiled face or the local buckling
stress of a profiled face
The wrinkling stress σw is only directly relevant for panels where the face in compression is fully bonded and
either flat or lightly profiled. However, for the purposes of this European Standard, the term ‘wrinkling stress σw‘
is also taken to include local buckling of a profiled face in compression, whether fully or incompletely bonded to
the core.
The wrinkling stress of a panel shall be obtained by first determining the ultimate bending moment. The face
stress at failure shall then be determined by calculation.
For panels of nominally identical inner and outer faces, the wrinkling stress for design purposes shall be based
on the least favourable wrinkling stress.
NOTE 1 Due to the way that the foam or adhesive is laid down during manufacture, it is possible for nominally identical
upper and lower faces to have significantly different wrinkling stresses. This requirement recognises that it may not be
possible to identify which face was uppermost during manufacture once the product has left the factory.
If the face under tension is flat or lightly profiled the wrinkling stress σw shall be determined from the bending
moment in accordance with Formula (A.17):
σw =
e AF 1 (A.17)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
If the face under tension is profiled, the wrinkling stress σw shall be determined from the ultimate test load in
accordance with Formula (A.18):
cosh − 1
Fu L
1 2 (A.18)
(1 + α ) e AF 1 8 λ 2 cosh λ
Where the assumed geometry is given in E.1 and the symbols are as defined with Formula (A.11).
The wrinkling stress calculated in this way shall not exceed the yield stress of the face material.
The wrinkling stress values determined from the tests shall additionally be corrected by the correction factors
set out in A.5.5.4 and A.5.5.5 prior to obtaining the characteristic values to be declared.
In the case of panels of the same type but with different face-thickness, where only panels with the thinnest face
A1 × 3 I 2
f is the reduction factor =
A2 × 3 I1
A1, I1 is the cross-sectional area and moment of inertia of the face with t1;
A2, I2 is the cross-sectional area and moment of inertia of the face with t2.
For panels without joints in the core the wrinkling stress σw may be determined, as an alternative to testing, by
Formula (A.20):
σ w = α 3 GC EC EF (A.20)
EC is the mean of the mean values of the tensile and compressive moduli of the core material, Formula (A.21).
ECt + ECc
EC = (A.21)
GC is the mean shear modulus of the core material;
α is a numerical value which is generally greater than 0,5. In the absence of large scale tests, σw may be
determined by calculation with α = 0,5.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE 3 Although, in most cases, the design value of the wrinkling stress may be calculated, more favourable values of
the wrinkling stress will generally be obtained by testing.
NOTE 4 Local buckling of a profiled face in compression generally causes a non-uniform stress distribution in the
elements of the profile and this in turn causes an apparent reduction in the yield stress. This effect is resisted by the core
material and is, therefore, more significant when the profile is not filled with fully-bonded core material as in an incompletely
bonded panel. For the purposes of this European Standard, the wrinkling stress σyr is the apparent yield stress when this
effect is taken into account.
If the face in compression is profiled and the other face is either flat or lightly profiled, the wrinkling stress σyr
shall be determined from the bending moment in accordance with Formula (A.22):
M Su M Du EF 1 d11
σ yr
= + ` (A.22)
e AF 1 BF
cosh − 1
Fu L 1
− 2
If both faces are fully profiled, Formula (A.22) shall be replaced by the appropriate formulae from E.7.2.5.
A.5.5.4 Correction factors to be applied to test results for bending moment capacity and wrinkling
The following correction factors shall be used within the range of tolerance whenever the measured thickness
tobs is less than the design value t and/or the measured yield stress fy,obs is greater than the design yield
For the failure of the profiled metal face in compression [wrinkling] the individual test results shall be adjusted
according to the following Formulae (A.23a) and (A.23b):
α β
fy t
Radj,i = Robs,i [wrinkling stress calculation.] (A.23a)
y,obs t obs
NOTE 1 Formula (A.23a) is also applicable to all tests intended solely for design by testing.
α β
f B
= Robs,i y [bending moment capacity calculations] (A.23b)
y,obs obs
Radj,i is the test result modified to correspond to the design values of metal thickness and yield stress;
EN 14509:2013 (E)
B BF + BS Bending stiffness with t and e;
Bobs BF ,obs + BS ,obs Bending stiffness with tobs and eobs.
BF EF 1 I F 1 + EF 2 I F 2
t1,obs t2,obs
BF ,obs EF 1 I F 1 + EF 2 I F 2
t1 t2
EF 1 AF 1 EF 2 AF 2 e 2
BS =
( EF 1 AF 1 + EF 2 AF 2 )
eobs is the distance between the faces on the basis of the measured geometry;
α = 1 if fy,obs > fy
b EF
α = 0,5 if f y,obs > f y and > 1,27
t fy
In general:
β = 1,0
β = 1,0 if tobs ≤ t
EN 14509:2013 (E)
b E
β = 1,0 if tobs > t and ≤ 1,27 F
t fy
b E
β = 2,0 if tobs > t and > 1,27 F
t fy
is the width to thickness ratio of the widest part of the profiled face
A.5.5.5 Correction factors for bending moment capacity and wrinkling stress
The wrinkling stress or the bending moment capacity obtained from original tests shall be corrected with the
following correction factor k in order to obtain the value to be declared.
NOTE This factor takes account of the reduction in the wrinkling stress caused by higher temperatures (k1) and the
additional variability in the case of low cross-panel tensile strength (k2).
k = k1 ⋅ k 2
For panels in external end use applications with a lightly profiled or flat face in compression (wrinkling) and with
a face temperature higher than +20 °C according to the design procedure (E.3), the individual test results shall
be reduced according to Formula (A.24):
ECt ,+80o C
k1 = 3
Ct ,+20o C (A.24)
For the failure of the lightly profiled or flat face in compression (wrinkling) the individual test results shall be
adjusted additionally according to the following procedure:
k 2 = (6,10 × f Ct + 0,39)
and k2 ≤ 1,0
EN 14509:2013 (E)
k2 shall only be used in the case of a uniformly distributed load i.e. vacuum chamber, air bag or similar.
A.6.1 Principle
Where required for the design of roof or ceiling panels, a single test on a simply supported panel with a constant
uniform load shall be sufficient to determine the creep coefficient for a particular core material.
A.6.2 Apparatus
The test shall be carried out by subjecting a simply-supported panel (Figure A.10) to a uniformly distributed
dead load.
NOTE The creep test is usually carried out by loading the panel with weights because of the difficulty of maintaining
Where the range of thickness is up to 200 mm the thickest panel shall be tested. If the thickest panel exceeds
200 mm, it is sufficient to test a panel of 200 mm thickness. However, it is permissible to test greater
A.6.4 Procedure
The test shall be carried out by subjecting a simply-supported panel to uniformly distributed dead load. The
panel shall be supported on two lines of support distance ‘L’ apart with the exterior face upwards. The load used
for the creep test shall be chosen to give rise to a maximum shear stress in the core not less than 30 % of the
shear strength to be declared. After application, this load shall remain constant for a minimum of 1 000 h.
Deflections at mid span shall be measured at two locations close to the longitudinal edges of the panel using
dial gauges or equivalent transducers capable of a resolution of 1 % of the static deflection anticipated.
NOTE 1 The load used for creep tests is not unduly critical.
Deflection measuring devices shall be set to zero with the panel freely supported under its own weight. Prior to
the placing of the load, the panel shall be propped from below on a minimum of two lines located at the third
points of the span in such a way that the propping can be removed quickly and smoothly in order to initiate the
test. Hydraulic or pneumatic prop removal is to be preferred. The props shall be located at levels that retain the
unloaded shape of the panel as the load is applied. The static self-weight deflections may then be calculated
and the props may then be positioned to raise the panel by the calculated amount. Alternatively, the initial
deflections may be corrected for the calculated self-weight deflection at the conclusion of the test. Deflection
measurements at mid span shall commence as soon as the full load is applied and the props removed and shall
be recorded regularly for the duration of the test. As a minimum, deflections shall be recorded at 30 s, 1 h and
24 h after removal of the props and then at intervals of 24 h for the first week and 48 h thereafter. The final
deflection shall be recorded just before removal of the load. The graph of deflection versus time should be
smoothly continuous for the duration of the test otherwise the test shall be repeated.
The initial deflection ‘w0‘ at time t = 0 shall be determined by extrapolating the deflection versus time curve back
to the starting time. Alternatively, this value may be determined by calculation.
NOTE 2 It is preferable to use both methods of determining w0 and to check one against the other.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
On the basis of the results of the tests within the time range 0 > t ≥ 1 000 h, the creep coefficients required for
design shall be determined by extrapolation using a linear approximation to the deflection versus time curve on
a semi-logarithmic diagram.
NOTE 1 Creep behaviour and its treatment for the purposes of design is described in Annex E.
NOTE 2 The creep coefficient is generally required at t = 2 000 h for snow load and t = 100 000 h for permanent actions
(self-weight), see E.7.6.
The creep coefficient for the core of a lightly profiled sandwich panel shall be determined using Formula (A.25):
wt − w0
ϕt =
wb is the deflection caused by the elastic extension of the faces (without shear deformation).
If, prior to the commencement of the test, at zero deflection, the panel is supported in such a way that its self
weight is carried by the support system, w0 shall be multiplied by the factor (1 + g/q) where g is the self weight
of the panel and q is the applied load.
NOTE If the deflections are determined from the graph of deflection versus time at t1 = 200 h and t2 = 1 000 h, the
required creep coefficients may be determined as follows:
The deflections caused by the bending and shear deformations of a sandwich panel with strongly profiled faces
cannot be separated in the expression for the deflection because the distribution of the bending moment into
the sandwich component MS and the facing components MFl, MF2 depends on the shear stiffness of the core
(see E.7.2.4). The creep coefficient shall be evaluated on the basis of the measured deflections as a function of
the time.
If one or both faces of a sandwich panel are profiled, the creep coefficient shall be evaluated from
Formula (A.26).
β ( CD − 1)
ϕt =
β1 (1 − β − β ρ ( CD − 1) )
EN 14509:2013 (E)
CD = is the relationship between the deflection after a loading time of t and the initial deflection;
β =
IW= IF +
1+ k
IF is the moment of inertia of the profiled face(s) (sum if both faces are profiled);
π 2 × E F2 × AF2 e 2
β1 =
1+ k
NOTE If the deflections are determined from the graph of deflection versus time at t1 = 200 h and t2 = 1 000 h, the
required creep coefficients may be determined with the formulae given in A.6.5.2, Note.
For declaration, φ2000 shall be declared for applications where snow lies for significant periods and φ100000 shall
be declared for general roof and ceiling applications.
A.7.1 Principle
This test is used to determine the interaction between bending moment and support force at the serviceability
limit state. It simulates the conditions at an internal support of a panel which is continuous over two or more
spans. The bending strength shall be first determined and the corresponding wrinkling stress for flat or lightly
profiled faces or the buckling or yield stress for profiled faces shall then be determined by calculation.
The interaction between bending moment and support reaction force shall be determined from a single span
panel subject to a line load.
NOTE 1 This is often referred to as the “simulated central support test” because it simulates the conditions in the central
support of a two-span beam (see Figures A.14 and A.15).
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE 2 The ultimate limit state is determined for zero bending moment at an internal support, see E.4.3.2.
A.7.2 Apparatus
The test arrangement for the interaction between bending moment and support reaction force shall be a single
span panel subject to a line load.
z face against support in practice
s screws
L span
o overhang beyond the end of the support plate not exceeding 50 mm
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The tests shall be carried out on a full panel width and span according to A.7.4.
For the uplift load test the fixing detail and the number and type of screws and washers shall conform to those
used in practice.
A.7.4 Procedure
In order to determine the wrinkling stress at an intermediate support two types of test shall be carried out:
— for test a), the compressive force between the panel and the support (under the line load) at the time of
wrinkling failure shall be less than the support reaction capacity of the panel. For the purposes of this test,
the support reaction capacity shall be determined as the product of the characteristic compressive strength
— and for test b), the forces in the fasteners at wrinkling failure of the panel are less than their design values.
NOTE 2 If the test is carried out on a shorter specimen than that described, the failure mode is likely to be dominated by
core crushing and a conservative value of the wrinkling stress will be obtained.
The failure load and the nature and location of the failure shall be recorded. A load-deflection curve shall be
drawn for the displacement at the load position.
M u 4 + 8 L
The bending moment capacity determined in this way shall be corrected using the procedures given in A.5.5.4
and A.5.5.5 prior to the determination of the characteristic values to be used in design (see E.4.2). The wrinkling
stress shall then be determined from the characteristic ultimate moment using the procedure given in A.5.5.3.
For a panel with one or both faces fully profiled, the test shall be evaluated as follows:
EN 14509:2013 (E)
sinh cosh − 1
FL 1
Ms = u − 2 + FG L 1 − 2
1 + α 4 λ sinh ( λ ) 1 + α 8
λ 2 cosh
Fu Lα 1
sinh 1 cosh 2 − 1
MD = + 2 + FG L α +
1 + α 4 α λ sinh ( λ ) 1 + α 8 λ
α λ cosh
The components of bending moment capacity determined in this way shall be corrected using the procedures
given in A.5.5.4 and A.5.5.5 prior to the determination of the characteristic values to be used in design (see
E.4.2). The wrinkling stress of the face in compression shall then be determined from the components of
ultimate moment using the formulae given in E.7.2.5.
A.8.1.1 Principle
A.8.1.2 Apparatus
Specimens shall be taken during the production of the sandwich panels as follows:
(a) Panels with core material from slabstock or lamella bonded to faces:
Three specimens of the core material with the dimensions 100 mm x 100 mm x thickness shall be taken
before bonding.
Three specimens including the faces with the dimensions 100 mm x 100 mm x thickness shall be cut from
positions covering the width of the panel (see Figure A.16).
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Dimensions in millimetres
The faces shall be removed carefully (e.g. by cutting) with the remaining core specimens to be orthogonal. The
thickness of the cut off core material shall not exceed 3 mm at each face.
For panels with profiled faces specimens shall be cut from the predominant thickness (see examples in
A.8.1.4 Procedure
Calculations shall be as defined in EN 1602. Recording and interpretation of test results shall comply with A.16.
The mass of the panel shall be determined by calculation based on the nominal dimensions and nominal
densities of the core material and faces.
The mass of the panel is required for the design of roofs and ceilings and also seismic calculations for certain
applications. It is also useful for handling purposes and shall be recorded on the accompanying documentation.
A.9.1.1 Principle
This test checks the safety and serviceability of roof or ceiling panels e.g. with respect to a single person
walking on the panel, for occasional access both during and after erection.
A.9.1.2 Apparatus
The test specimen shall be a single panel of full width. The length (span) shall be the largest envisaged in
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.9.1.4 Procedure
The tests shall be carried out on single span panels of full width.
A load of 1,2 kN shall be applied unless required otherwise by national regulatory requirements. The load shall
be applied at mid-span on the edge rib or on the edge of a flat panel through a timber block measuring
100 mm x 100 mm. In order to avoid local stresses, a 10 mm thick layer of rubber or felt shall be placed
between the timber block and the metal skin of the panel.
Panels shall sustain a point load giving rise to three possible outcomes:
a) if the panel carries the applied load without permanent visible damage, there are no restrictions for
occasional access onto the roof or ceiling either during or after erection;
b) if the panel supports the load but with permanent visible damage, measures shall be taken to avoid
damage during erection (e.g. walking boards). Furthermore, there shall be no provision for access to the
roof after building work is completed;
A.9.2.1 Principle
This test checks the safety and serviceability of roof or ceiling panels e.g. with respect to a single person
walking on the panel, for repeated access both during and after erection.
NOTE In the absence of a small-scale test which can satisfactorily replicate the effect of repeated heel impacts at
varying locations within a panel, this test aims to reproduce the actual behaviour over a small area of a full sized panel.
A.9.2.2 Specimen
A single panel of length approximately 5,7 m and full cover width. This panel shall be conditioned for at least
24 h under normal laboratory conditions prior to the test.
A line shall be drawn down the centre line of the panel and eight squares, each measuring 100 mm × 100 mm,
shall be clearly marked on the upper face of the panel at 600 mm centres as shown in Figure A.17. Rigid lines
of support, each providing a bearing width of 75 mm ± 5 mm shall be provided at 1 200 mm centres as shown.
Sufficient restraint shall be provide to ensure that the panel cannot move with respect to the points of support as
a person walks on the panel.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The test shall be carried out by a person carrying a toolbox (if required). The total weight of the person plus
After 500 passages, a plywood sheet of minimum thickness 12 mm shall be placed over two of the squares, one
in a span and the other over a support, so that these are protected from any further direct heel impact. After a
total of 1 000 passages, a further two such squares shall be similarly protected. This part of the test shall be
terminated after a total of 2 000 passages across the specimen. The eight marked squares shall then be
carefully cut out from the panel. Three similar squares shall also be cut out from random parts of the panel
remote from the line of walking.
The metal faces of the 11 panel samples shall be bonded to tensile plates with an adhesive and they shall be
tested to determine their cross-panel tensile strength in accordance with A.1.4.
For each specimen, the cross panel tensile strength (fCt) shall be calculated as in A.1.5.1 using f Ct =
The average tensile strength shall be calculated (fCt,0) for the three specimens taken from points remote from
the walking route.
The test results shall be plotted on a graph of tensile strength versus number of heel impacts including fCt,0. The
test series is valid in there is a progressive deterioration of the tensile strength with number of cycles.
NOTE In the nature of this test, a significant scatter of test results is to be expected. The results may also be
influenced by the care taken to cut test specimens, which may have already been weakened by repeated impacts, from the
complete panels. It would, therefore, be optimistic to expect the test results to give rise to smooth curves, a generally
decreasing trend with number of cycles is all that is required.
The test shall be interpreted on the basis of the four results for specimens subjected to 2 000 cycles of load. If
these form a compact block of results, the characteristic value of the reduced tensile strength, fCt,2000, shall be
taken as the mean of the four relevant values of fCt minus 2,68 standard deviations. If the results for specimens
from over a support are significantly different from those for specimens in the span, fCt,2000 shall be taken as the
lowest of the four values of fCt. If the pattern of results does not allow a rational interpretation, then the complete
test series shall be repeated with a different panel.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
If fCt,2000 > 0.8 fCt,0, Then the panel shall be deemed to be suitable for occasional foot traffic for access or
maintenance without additional protection.
A.10.1 General
The thermal transmittance (U) of metal faced insulating sandwich panels shall be determined in accordance
with the procedures in A.10.2, A.10.3 and A.10.4.
The declared thermal conductivity (λDeclared) shall be determined in accordance with the procedures described in
the appropriate product standard for the core material:
The following variations from the conditions described in the product standard procedures shall be taken into
— the core material surface shall have the same orientation, relative to the direction of heat flow, that it would
have in the panel;
— the core material surface shall be normal to the direction of heat flow in the test equipment.
The design thermal conductivity (λdesign) shall be determined according to EN ISO 10456, except in the case
where the declared value is the aged value, when it is not necessary to use the ageing calculations in
EN ISO 10456.
The value of the declared thermal conductivity value (λDeclared) for the core, determined in the correct orientation,
shall be used in determining the design thermal conductivity value (λdesign).
For panels created by adhesive bonding of metal faces to preformed cores, which are subject to thermal
conductivity ageing in the absence of the metal faces, the 90/90 declared values shall be determined using the
measured thermal conductivity of the preformed core at time of bonding as initial value and adding ageing
increments in accordance with EN 13164 for XPS, EN 13165 for PUR and EN 13166 for PF (ageing increments
for products with diffusion tight facings). Alternatively the 90/90 declared aged value quoted by the
manufacturer for the preformed core product shall be used.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
For auto-adhesively bonded PUR cores the aged core thermal conductivity value shall be derived from
EN 13165, either by applying the ageing procedure given in EN 13165, C.4.2, or the fixed increment procedure
given in EN 13165, C.5.
For materials, other than the core material, for which no design thermal conductivity is given, tabulated values in
accordance with EN ISO 10456 shall be used.
When determining the thermal transmittance for the panel the following conditions apply:
— tests and calculations shall take account of the thermal effect of the profiles of the external and internal
The thermal transmittance (Ud,S) of the panel shall take account of the profile geometry of the panel and the
thermal influence of the longitudinal joint and shall either be determined by calculation (Formula (A.28)), or
U d , S = U n , S + ∆U j (A.28)
U n , S , the thermal transmittance of the panel including the profile geometry of the panel
U n,S =
tni d c + ∆e tne
Rsi + + + + Rse
λ fi λc λ fe
∆U j =j
dc is the nominal thickness of the core (ignoring the thickness of the facings (m) and the geometry of the
main profiles), see Figure A.18 and Figure A.19;
∆e is the additional thickness due to the profiles of both faces (m) (see Tables A.2 and A.3);
EN 14509:2013 (E)
∆e = ∆ei + ∆ee
Ψj is the linear thermal transmittance of the joints per metre length of panel (W/m⋅K) according to
EN ISO 10211;
S sandwich panel;
d design value;
n nominal value;
The declared thermal conductivity for the facing, sealant and fixing materials shall be determined according to
The linear thermal transmittance of the joints (ψj) shall be determined according to EN ISO 10211.
The internal surface resistance (Rsi) and the external surface resistance (Rse) shall be determined according to
EN ISO 6946.
For profiled panels the additional thickness due to the main profiles (∆ei,e) shall be calculated according to
EN ISO 10211. Examples are given in Table A.2 and A.3.
NOTE For flat and lightly profiled (profile height less than 10 mm) panels (∆ei,e)is zero.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Table A.2 –Examples of additional thickness due to the main profiles (∆ei,e), mm for trapezoidal
0,5 × ( b1 + b2 )
r= (A.29)
Table A.3 – Examples of additional thickness due to the main profiles (∆ei,e), mm for sinusoidal
Geometry of Numerical
sinusoidal sheet calculation
h [mm] b [mm] Δe [mm]
20 77 6
20 125 7
25 125 8
27 125 9
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.10.4 Simplified method for the calculation of the thermal transmittance of a panel (Ud,S)
Alternatively the thermal transmittance of a panel Ud,S can be calculated with a simplified method by using
Formula (A.30) neglecting the influence of the profiled faces and using the linear thermal transmittance
contribution factor of the joints (fjoint) obtained from Table A.4 for steel faces according to the generic type of
joint (see Figure A.20).
1 1,0
U d ,S = ⋅ 1 + f jo int ⋅ (A.30)
+ Rse B
Rsi +
fjoint the linear thermal transmittance contribution factor of the joints calculated for a joint distance of 1,0 m
(see Table A.4).
The design thickness dd (see Table A.4), to determine the thermal-bridge effect of the longitudinal joint is given
by Formula (A.31):
d d = t ni + d c + t ne (A.31)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Table A.4 –Thermal transmittance contribution factor (fjoint) for steel faces
Type II
Type I no clip clip Type III Type IV Type V Type VI Type VII Type VIII
(fjoint,nc) (fjoint,c)
30 - - - - 0,057 - - - 0,061
40 0,160 - - - 0,045 0,144 - 0,098 0,044
60 0,083 0,111 0,818 0,244 0,031 0,072 0,227 0,049 0,030
80 0,052 0,063 1,016 0,105 0,024 0,044 0,094 0,036 0,024
100 0,039 0,047 1,184 0,072 0,021 0,032 0,064 0,029 0,020
120 0,032 0,039 1,325 0,057 0,019 0,026 0,049 - -
160 0,025 0,030 1,555 0,041 0,015 0,019 0,034 - -
200 0,020 0,025 1,733 0,033 0,013 0,015 0,026 - -
a − bc b
f joint = f joint, nc + f joint, c c (A.32)
a a
fjoint,nc is the thermal transmittance contribution factor of the joints with no clips;
fjoint,c is the thermal transmittance contribution factor of the joints with clips;
a is the distance of the clips (if no other information is available, a = 2 500 mm shall be used);
bc is the width of the clips (if no other information is available, bc = 120 mm shall be used).
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.11.1 Principle
Where required, the resistance of a sandwich panel assembly to driving rain under pulsating air pressure shall
be tested according to EN 12865.
A.11.2 Apparatus
The dimensions of the test specimen shall be as specified in EN 12865. Both horizontal and vertical joints shall
be incorporated where these are an intrinsic part of the panel assembly.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.11.4 Procedure
— no water penetrates through the panel assembly to the inside of the building, which would continuously or
repeatedly wet the inside face of the assembly or any part of the specimen intended to remain dry;
— any water penetrating through the joint system or fixings is of the order of a few small drops and is
estimated to dry out.
— Class A: Demanding applications with heavy rain and wind. The assembly shall be watertight up to
1 200 Pa;
A.12.1 Principle
Where required, the air tightness of a sandwich panel assembly shall be tested according to EN 12114
including the following additional requirements.
A.12.2 Apparatus
The dimensions of the test assembly shall be as large as necessary to be representative of the intended use.
The assembly shall not be less than 1 200 mm x 2 400 mm.
The joints of the modules comprising the test assembly shall be representative, i.e. the same length per m as
in end use. Both horizontal and vertical joints shall be incorporated where these are an intrinsic part of the panel
A.12.4 Procedure
The air permeability (air loss) shall be determined in accordance with EN 12114.
The air permeability test should begin with a pressure difference ∆pmax of at least 200 Pa between the inside
and outside of the test assembly.
The values n and C shall be declared on the basis of the test results (according to EN 12114, app. B,
Formula (B.8). The air loss V can be calculated using
EN 14509:2013 (E)
C = exp(α) and V = C⋅Δp (EN 12114, app. B, Formula (B.1)
A.13.1 Principle
Where required, the airborne sound insulation of a sandwich panel assembly shall be tested in accordance with
EN ISO 10140 including the following additional requirements.
A.13.2 Apparatus
The mounting of the test specimens in the test opening shall conform to the normal assembly in a building with
the same connections and seals between the elements.
A.13.4 Procedure
The following single number rating shall be declared in accordance with EN ISO 717-1: Rw(C;Ctr).
A.14.1 Principle
Where required, sound absorption shall be determined in accordance with EN ISO 354.
A.14.2 Apparatus
The mounting of the test specimens shall conform to the normal assembly in a building with the same
connections and seals between the elements. The test specimen shall be placed directly against one of the
internal surfaces (wall, ceiling or floor) of the chamber in accordance with EN ISO 354:2003, Annex B Type A. A
reflective frame shall be installed round the test specimen.
A.14.4 Procedure
The result shall be declared as a single number rating (αw) in accordance with EN ISO 11654.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
A.15.1 Principle
Where required for design purposes and as an alternative to calculation in accordance with E.4.3.2, the reaction
capacity at the end of a panel where the contact face is either plain or lightly profiled shall be determined by
tests on full width panels according to A.15.5.
NOTE This test may also be used to determine an experimental value of the factor ‘k’ in order to improve the
calculation of the reaction capacity at an internal support.
A.15.2 Apparatus
The right hand support shall be a 10 mm thick steel plate held firmly at an inclination of 1:20. The right hand end
of the specimen shall be aligned vertically with the right hand end of the support, i.e. there shall be no
overhang. The support width LS shall either be the minimum used in practice or tests shall be carried out for
each support width used in practice. The dimensions L1, L2 and L3 shall either be chosen so that the test
specimen fails in compression at the right hand support, or, if the failure mode is a shear failure between the
w compressive deflection
Ls support width
e distance between centroids of the faces
Figure A.21 – Test arrangement for the determination of the resistance for the end support reaction
Sampling and conditioning of the test specimens shall comply with 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The test shall be carried out on test specimens of length L, where the length is as specified in A.15.2. Three
tests are carried out for each support width.
Where a test series is intended to cover a range of core depths, it is sufficient to test one core depth at each
end of the range and one near the middle and to use interpolation and/or extrapolation. Characteristic values of
the support reaction capacity FR1 shall then be calculated by treating the test results as a family according to
A.15.4 Procedure
The rate of loading shall be such that the ratio w/e rises by between 1 % and 3 % per minute. A minimum of
three tests shall be carried out at each support width. The compressive strength fCc of the core material of the
test specimen shall be determined according to A.2.
The test value of the reaction capacity, FR1, shall either be measured by a load cell placed below the support or
calculated using Formula (A.33):
FR1 = Fu
L1 + L2 (A.33)
F support reaction
Flin load at the end of the linear part of the curve
w compression
Figure A.22 – Definition of the ultimate load from the load-deflection curve in an end support reaction
The test results shall be adjusted by multiplying them by the ratio fCc/fC.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The adjusted characteristic value of FR1 shall be the value to be used in design (see E.4.3).
Where required for use in E.4.3, the distribution parameter k may be determined using Formula (A.34).
2 ( FR1 − f c B Ls )
k =
fc B e (A.34)
fCc is the relevant characteristic value of the compressive strength of the core following initial type testing;
For each ITT test series, formal documentation shall be prepared giving all the relevant data so that the test
series can be accurately reproduced. In particular, in addition to the results of the tests, the specimens shall be
fully and accurately described in terms of dimensions and material properties. Any observations made during
the tests shall also be recorded.
b) method of manufacture and orientation of panel during manufacture (e.g. which face was uppermost, which
was the leading edge during continuous foaming);
c) date of testing;
f) support conditions (number and length of spans, width and details of supports, number and details of
connections to supporting structure etc.);
h) type and properties of face material (thickness, yield stress, geometry etc.);
EN 14509:2013 (E)
l) mode of failure.
The analysis of the results of a test shall be based on the measured dimensions and material properties of the
test specimens rather than the nominal values assumed in the design.
a) date of manufacture;
c) date of testing;
e) type and properties of face material (thickness, yield stress, geometry etc.);
i) mode of failure.
The analysis of the results of a test shall be based on the measured dimensions and material properties of the
test specimens rather than the nominal values assumed in the design.
Unless otherwise required by a horizontal standard, for each of the test procedures that result in quantified
design parameters, the characteristic values of the relevant properties shall be determined in accordance with
the following statistical procedure.
For each population ‘x’of test results, the mean value and the 5 % fractile value shall be determined using a
confidence limit of 75 % in accordance with ISO 12491.
The 5 % fractile value shall be determined according to Formula (A. 35) and used as the characteristic value Rk:
( y − kσ y )
k x=
p e (A.35)
y = Ln(x)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
1 n
y= ∑ Ln ( xi )
n i =1
1 n
∑ ( Ln ( xi ) − y )
=σy (A.37)
n − 1 i =1
Number of 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 60 100
specimens (n)
kσ 3,15 2,68 2,46 2,34 2,25 2,19 2,14 2,10 1,99 1,93 1,87 1,80 1,76
In the case of panels of the same type the minimum requirement is that the greatest and least thickness shall
be tested together with a panel from the middle of the range. If only three thicknesses are tested, the values for
products of intermediate thickness and of greater thickness up to 20 % but not more than 30 mm higher may be
However, it is recommended that interpolation and extrapolation should be carried out by treating the results as
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Annex B
B.1 General
The influence of ageing on sandwich panels or their constituent materials is tested by measuring changes in the
tensile strength across the depth of the panel. The durability is defined by the change in the tensile strength of a
test specimen that is subjected to climatic test cycles denoted as DUR1 and DUR2. The cycle DUR1 is defined
in B.2 and cycle DUR2 in B.3.
The effect of ageing (durability) shall be measured by determining the change in tensile strength in accordance
The test shall be used on panel types where the effect of temperature is known to be the main cause of ageing
(see, Table 2).
The test shall be carried out at one of the three temperature levels (T) that reflect the maximum temperatures
that may be reached in end use, according to the colour of the exposed facing:
The reflectivity definition of the three colour ranges is listed in the note in E.3.3.
B.2.2 Apparatus
1) Test apparatus for the durability test in accordance DUR1 comprising a test chamber with constant
temperature of (T ± 2) °C (see B.2.1) and dry conditions (relative humidity not greater than 15 %).
2) Test apparatus for the tensile strength test in accordance with EN 1607.
The thickness of the specimens shall be the full product thickness including, where applicable, any irregular
The specimens of 100 mm x 100 mm shall be cut from the centre of the sandwich panel and not closer to the
edge than 250 mm. The samples shall be taken four weeks after production but immediately before artificial
ageing. All test specimens for the test programme shall be cut from the same panel in accordance with A.1.3.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Six test specimens shall be used for the determination of the initial tensile strength (initial test) and a minimum
of five test specimens shall be used for each subsequent part of the test sequence:
NOTE Where there is a wide scatter in the tensile strength results in the initial test, it may be necessary to test more
than five specimens.
If panels are produced in more than one thickness, the tests shall be conducted with samples from panels of
both maximum and minimum thickness. The worst result shall apply to panels of all intermediate thickness.
Before commencing the tests, the specimens shall be stored for at least 24 h under normal laboratory
B.2.4 Procedure
The dimensions of all test specimens shall be measured before and after the tests and shall be according to
The tensile strength of the product shall be determined in accordance with A.1 using the initial set of the test
specimens (see B.2.4.2). The strength value obtained shall be denoted fCt0 and shall be determined as the
mean strength of the tested specimens.
After testing, the specimens shall be visually inspected, paying special attention to the failure type (cohesive
failure of the core, adhesive bond failure in any of the bonded surfaces, proportional area of the adhesive failure
etc.). A description of the results of these observations shall be included in the test report.
If the metal faces of any of the specimens have suffered from general edge corrosion during exposure, and if
the corrosion has propagated deeper than 10 mm into the joint between the surface sheet and the core over an
edge length longer than 50 % of the specimen perimeter, the specimen shall be rejected and its results shall not
be included in the calculation of the test results. A note on this rejection shall be included in the test report.
The test shall be carried out at the selected temperature level, T = 90 °C, 75 °C, or 65 °C, as defined in B.2.1.
Set 1 (initial set): Condition for 1 day in normal laboratory conditions followed by tensile test;
Set 2: Condition for 42 days at T °C followed by tensile test;
Set 3: Condition for 84 days at T °C followed by tensile test;
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The tensile strength tests shall be conducted under normal laboratory conditions. The tensile strength shall be
determined with both metal faces intact.
If panels are produced in more than one thickness, the tests shall be conducted with samples from panels of
both maximum and minimum thickness. The worst result shall apply to panels of all intermediate thickness.
The durability criteria shall be satisfied providing the following conditions are met:
— fCt42 or fCt84, whichever is lowest, shall not be less than 50 % of the initial tensile strength value fCt 0;
— the mean value of tensile strength fCt42 or fCt84, whichever is lowest, shall be not less than 0,02 MPa;
— the dimensional change of the specimen width in all three directions of the sections at T °C in test
procedure DUR1 for all samples tested shall not be greater than 5 %, in the most affected area.
The test report shall state the temperature at which the specimen passed the DUR1 test. The colour limitation
— Durability pass: suitable for very light colours only. Reflectivity 75-90. (T = 65 °C test).
B.3.1 Principle
The test shall be used on panel types where the effect of humidity is known to be the main cause of ageing (see, Table 2).
When evaluating the effect on the core material the effect of ageing (durability) shall be measured by
determining the change in tensile strength in accordance with A.1, performed on panel samples that have been
subject to durability test cycle DUR2.
NOTE 1 The DUR 2 test covers both, testing of the core material as such, the adhesion layer and the back face coating.
NOTE 2 For core materials tested according to both DUR 1 and DUR 2 (see, Table 3) the DUR 2 test is used to
check the corrosion risk of the back face coating.
B.3.2 Apparatus
The humidity test shall be carried out using the DUR2 test chamber.
Test apparatus for the humidity test in accordance with DUR2 comprises a test chamber with constant
conditions: air temperature of (65 ± 3) °C and moisture saturated air (app. 100 % relative humidity) is achieved
by heating up water at the bottom of the chamber.
The test chamber shall consist of a box in which the water is heated up to roughly +70 °C, (see Figure B.1).
Uniform air temperature shall be achieved before starting the test.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE Normally it is not necessary to provide any accelerated thermal exchange by means of fans in the test chamber.
By putting the heating element to one side circulation of the water is ensured.
Test apparatus for the tensile strength test shall be in accordance with EN 1607.
All test specimens shall be cut from the same panel and shall be in accordance with A.1.3.
The thickness of the specimens shall be the full product thickness including, where applicable, any irregular
Specimens taken from panels with core materials other than mineral wool shall have a square plan form with
squarely cut edges in accordance with EN 12085 having sides of 100 mm and an accuracy of 0,5 %.
At least five test specimens shall be used for the determination of the tensile strength in each series:
DUR2 specimens: Set 1(initial set) + three sets of minimum five specimens.
If panels are produced in more than one thickness, the tests shall be conducted with samples from panels of
both maximum and minimum thickness. The worst result shall apply to panels of all intermediate thickness.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The cut edges of the metal facing sheets in the samples shall be protected from the effects of corrosion by the
application of a layer of water resistant sealant.
Before commencing the tests, the specimens shall be stored for at least 24 h under normal laboratory
B.3.4 Procedure
B.3.4.1 General
The exact dimensions of all test specimens shall be measured before and after the tests and the dimensional
changes for all three directions shall be according to EN 12085.
The tensile strength of the product shall be determined in accordance with A.1 using the initial set of the test
specimens (see B.3.4.2). The mean strength value obtained shall be denoted fCt0 and shall be determined as
the average strength of the tested specimens.
After testing, the specimens shall be visually inspected, paying special attention to the failure type (cohesive
Set 1 (initial Condition for 1 week in normal laboratory conditions followed by tensile test.
Set 2: Maintain under constant conditions for 7 d at (65 ± 3) °C and moisture saturated air (B.3.2.1)
followed by tensile test.
Set 3: Maintain under constant conditions for 28 d at (65 ± 3) °C and moisture saturated air
(B.3.2.1) followed by tensile test.
If required (see B.3.4.3):
Set 4: Maintain under constant conditions for 56 d at (65 ± 3) °C and moisture saturated air
(B.3.2.1) followed by tensile test.
The tensile strength tests shall be conducted under normal laboratory conditions. The tensile strength shall be
determined with both metal faces intact.
The tensile strength test after the 7, 28 and 56 day exposure time shall be carried out on stabilised samples.
After the ageing test, the samples shall be stored until the mass has stabilised under ambient laboratory
conditions. Constant mass shall be fulfilled when the change in mass between two subsequent weighings with a
24 h interval is smaller than 1 % of the total mass. The ambient laboratory conditions shall be included in the
test report.
The mean tensile strength values obtained from the initial samples shall be denoted as fCt0; after conditioning
for seven days as fCt7; and after 28 days as fCt28.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
If the test results illustrate a continuing decline in tensile strength with time a further set of test specimens that
have been exposed to the DUR2 test cycle for 56 days shall be tested. The strength value obtained shall be
denoted as fCt56.
The durability criteria shall be satisfied providing the following conditions are met:
— the dimensional change of the specimen for all three directions after exposure to each condition in test
procedure DUR2 for all samples tested shall not be greater than 5 %, in the most affected area.
If this is not fulfilled, specimens shall be exposed to the DUR2 test for 56 days. The criteria for acceptance shall
be that:
b) product identification:
2) type of product;
3) packaging;
6) type of adhesive;
8) other information as appropriate, e.g. nominal thickness, nominal density, the conditions under which
the product was stored and transported before arriving at the laboratory;
c) test procedure:
1) conditioning;
3) date of testing;
EN 14509:2013 (E)
ii) interruptions in the cycling test programme and the treatment of specimens during these;
iii) rejection of individual test specimens due to the failure of the edge corrosion protection.
Information about the apparatus and identity of the technician shall be available in the laboratory, but does not
need to be recorded in the test report,
d) results:
3) a statement as to whether the product has passed or failed the acceptance criteria.
B.5 Adhesive bond between faces and prefabricated core material (wedge test)
B.5.1 Principle
The wedge test shall be used to control the adhesion between the adhesives and the back face coating of the
B.5.2 Apparatus
Test apparatus for the wedge test comprises a small aluminium or stainless steel wedge as shown in
Figure B.2.
Dimensions in millimetres
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Five specimens shall be used for the wedge test. The test specimens shall be fabricated from two strips of the
face material with a width of 20 mm and a length of at least 100 mm. The face tested shall be between 0,5 mm
and 0,6 mm. If the manufacturer is using thicker faces only, the thinnest available face shall be used.
These strips shall either be cut from the coil material to be used in the manufacturing process or, alternatively,
the strips shall be cut from the manufactured panels. When cutting from completed panels, the core material
shall be carefully removed without damaging the back face coating of the metal face.
Samples for the wedge test may be produced the following ways:
A piece of face material may be adhered to the core material during normal production of the panels. After
production this area may be removed and the test specimen cut out. Before applying the wedge, a portion of the
glue should be removed to facilitate penetration.
Alternatively the required strips of material may be cut directly from the coil. The glue should then be applied
directly onto the strips which may then be assembled with the help of an additional spacer. The glue should be
The wedge shall be pressed between the two faces, thus causing an initial crack whose length shall be
measured (Figure B.3). The wedge shall then be loaded with a force of approximately 3 N. The specimen shall
then be immersed for 24 h in water heated to 70 °C.
NOTE The load of 3 N can either be applied by means of a simple rubber band of suitable size or by holding the test
specimens vertically using small weights.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The initial crack shall not extend for more than approximately 30 mm and shall not grow by more than a further
20 mm to 25 mm after immersion for 24 h in heated water in order to ensure a reasonable stress level in the
glue layer. Test results are only valid if these criteria are fulfilled.
The test shall be passed when the crack only extends within the adhesive layer. The test shall fail if the crack
reaches the back face coating.
NOTE It is acceptable for a ‘pass’ if four out of five specimens fulfil the acceptance criteria.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
B.6.1 Principle
The repeated loading test is part of the durability assessment procedure for sandwich panels identified in (Table 3). The requirement is that the wrinkling stress shall not be reduced by more than the allowed
limit in B.6.5.
B.6.2 Apparatus
The loading arrangements and support conditions for subjecting a simply supported panel to four line loads
shall be in accordance with A.5.2.
Sampling and conditioning of the test specimens shall comply with 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.
The specimens shall be in accordance with A.5.3. The test shall be carried out on the thickest panel of the
B.6.4 Procedure
The load shall be applied for 5 000 cycles with a load frequency not less than (1 ± 0,25) Hz.
If the frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the specimen, the load frequency shall be reduced until
no effect takes place.
After cyclic loading, the load shall be increased statically until failure occurs.
The deflection at the centre of the specimen shall be continuously measured by means of a suitable transducer
during both cyclic loading and static loading to failure.
The tests shall be performed under normal laboratory conditions of temperature and humidity.
Panels shall satisfy the test providing that the reduction in the characteristic wrinkling strength of the panel after
repeated loading is less than the initial characteristic value divided by γM.
The increase in the maximum deflection as a result of cyclic loading shall be less than 5 % of the maximum
deflection observed during the first cycle.
B.7.1 Principle
The thermal shock test is part of the durability assessment procedure for sandwich panels identified in
(Table 3). The requirement is that shear failure, blistering or delamination does not occur.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
B.7.2 Apparatus
The framework designed to support an assembly of two full-width panels with half-width panels at the top and
bottom to complete the assembly is shown in Figure B.4.
Alternatively an assembly of 3 full-width panels can be used depending on the way panels are normally fixed.
The framework shall have a central support beam and two support beams located at the end of the span
(Figure B.4) to support the panels. The support beams shall be rigid and free of any movement.
The framework shall be vertical or quasi-horizontal with a slope 0: −10° to facilitate run off of the cooling water.
Sampling and conditioning of the test specimens shall comply with 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.
The test shall be carried out on the thickest panel of the product family with the thinnest facing. The test
specimens shall be between 4 m and 7 m in length spanning equally either side of the central support
(Figure B.4). Fixings shall be as in practice. Where the assembly comprises two full-width and two half-width
panels only the full width-panels shall be considered as the testing zone.
B.7.4 Procedure
The panel assembly shall be subject to four cycles of thermal loading which shall be applied in sequence, after
which the panels shall be subject to thermal shock.
Cycles 1, 2 and 3: The panels shall be heated in five steps such that the average temperature difference
between the two faces is 10 °C ± 2°C, 20 °C ± 2°C, 30 °C ± 2°C, 40 °C ± 2°C and 50 °C ± 2°C respectively. At
each step, the temperature shall be kept constant for one hour and the displacements measured.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
In the fourth cycle there shall be a sixth step with a temperature difference of 60 °C ± 2°C. The final
temperature shall then be maintained for a further 2 h, after which the panels shall immediately be subjected to
thermal shock by spraying water until the temperature difference between the facings has reduced to less than
5 °C in less than 10 min.
Panels shall be carefully inspected during each cycle and the location and size of any shear failure, blistering,
waves in the facing that disturb the esthetical aspect of the panel, or delamination recorded.
NOTE 1 Blisters are most easily observed when the panel is hot. Delamination can often be detected by tapping the
panel with a hard object.
1. The force exerted on the internal support due to a temperature gradient in the panel may be measured. For
this purpose, the test rig should incorporate a load-cell under each end support. Results of measurement at the
end of each cycle can be tabulated. This information can be useful to the manufacturer for comparison with with
calculated data.
2. The average displacements in the middle of every span can also be measured. For this purpose, the
displacements are measured at the end of each cycle, either in the middle of the span and the middle of the
Panels shall satisfy the test providing that no shear failure, blistering or delamination is observed at the
conclusion of the test cycles. Small waves in the facing are normally regarded as an aesthetic problem. They
shall be classed as a failure of the tests if the panel no longer satisfies dimensional tolerance requirements of
the Standard.
A clearly defined wrinkle at the internal support shall not be classed as a failure.
NOTE 1 Optionally obtained measurements are not part of the thermal shock test.
NOTE 2 Results from tests carried out using more stringent conditions e.g. by using more cycles and higher
temperatures, are equally valid.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Annex C
C.1.1 Fire test EN 13823 (SBI) – specimens and mounting and fixing
C.1.1.1 General
All sandwich panel products, including roof, ceiling and horizontal wall types, shall be tested vertically in the test
rig with a vertical panel-to-panel joint on the long wing.
— products with similar facings (e.g. same metal type, profile and coating – see Table C.1) and with
symmetrical geometry of the panel to panel joint shall be tested on one side only;
— products with asymmetrical or dissimilar facings (e.g. different types of material, profile geometry, or
coating – see Table C.1) shall be tested on both sides. In this case, two options are possible for the
— either the worse test result shall be used to declare the reaction to fire class of the panel (valid for both
faces exposed);
— or a declaration of the reaction to fire class of each face shall be made, provided that the identification
of the faces is clearly visible in the marking and labelling of the panel.
In the case of a Euroclass F declaration for one of the faces, no test needs to be performed on that face.
C.1.1.2 Specimen
NOTE The maximum panel thickness that can be accommodated in the rig is 150 mm. This is measured at the thickest
point of the panel and allows for a minimum 35 mm gap between specimen and backing board behind the panel.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
In cases where the profile depth of the face to be tested is between 10 mm and 50 mm, the facing shall be cut
away to extend over the U-profile – see C. and Figure C.2.
C. General
Sandwich panels shall be installed and fixed as described in EN 13823 in the configuration shown in Figure C.1
and in accordance with C. and C.
Dimensions in millimetres
Figure C.1 – Assembly and corner detail for standard assembly, fire test EN 13823
— the two panels forming the long wing shall be assembled with the joint secured according to C.;
— the cut edge of the short wing panel shall be placed against the long wing assembly to form an internal
corner so that the vertical joint on the long wing is 200 mm from the internal corner. The two wings shall
then be secured at 90° to each other using internal and external corner flashings and steel screws or ‘pop’
type rivets at 400 mm spacing. Positioning of the fixings measured from the bottom of the specimen shall
be at the following centres: 50 mm; 450 mm; 850 mm; 1 250 mm and 1 450 mm (see Figure C.1);
EN 14509:2013 (E)
— the internal corner flashing shall have the same coating as the panel specimen;
— the cut panel edges at the top and sides and bottom of the specimen shall not be covered by flashings, foil
or other materials;
— panels that are produced and manufactured where the core material is covered by metal facings on all
sides and will not be cut or perforated in end use application shall be tested with the edges covered.
Panels shall be produced for testing in accordance with the dimensions specified in C.1.1.2.
Where required for specific end use applications, alternative corner flashings i.e. aluminium, plastics shall be
used in the EN 13823 test. Internal seals, e.g. cold store vapour seals which are normally applied on site, shall
also be incorporated into the assembly. The materials used in the tests shall be representative of those used in
The type of alternative materials, dimensions, fixing centres, coatings etc. shall be recorded on the test report.
NOTE The assembly may be prepared and fixed together away from the test chamber. The complete assembly can
then be placed on the trolley.
Backing boards shall be placed in accordance with EN 13823 with a minimum 35 mm distance between board
and the panel specimen using a spacer bar at top and bottom. The frame between backing board and specimen
shall be open to allow ventilation into the gap.
Non-flat products, where the facing to be tested is profiled, shall be tested in such a way that not more than
30 % of a representative area of 250 mm ”square“ of the facing to be tested, i.e. B > 0,7 × A in Figure D.1, is
more than 10 mm behind the vertical plane through the rear side of the U-profile.
Non-flat products shall be reshaped (cut-back) to partly extend over the U-profile to the side of the burner to
fulfil this requirement (see Figure C.2). A product shall not extend over the burner (i.e. maximum extension over
the U-profile is 40 mm).
The cut section shall be covered with a flashing (Figure C.2 key a) manufactured from the same material as the
face to be tested. The bottom edge of the panel behind this flashing shall not be covered (see Figure C.2).
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The following principles shall apply when securing the panel joint on the long wing:
— Panels that are normally fixed to spaced structural supports i.e. in external roof and wall applications, shall
be mounted in one of the following ways:
— by using rivets or screw fixings to hold the panel joint in place. This represents the tight joint achieved
in end use. Fixings shall be placed 40 mm from the top and bottom of the specimen (within the
aperture dimensions formed by the upper board and lower ‘U’ section). Both internal and external
facings shall be secured. The internal face shall be secured first;
— for panels where the joint design does not allow a screw type of fixing to be used, a thin plate fixing of
maximum size 100 mm x 20 mm x 2 mm may be used to hold the joint tightly together.
— Sandwich panels that are normally held together with an internal locking system, i.e. some wall panels in
controlled environmental chambers, shall be fixed together using the locking method. Panels shall be cut
so that the locking system is positioned symmetrically between the top and bottom of the test sample.
If the locking system does not hold the joint together over the whole length of the specimen, an additional fixing
may be used at either the top or bottom of the specimen.
C.1.2.1 Specimen
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Where the thickness of the sandwich panel is greater than 60 mm, the specimen shall be prepared by reducing
the thickness to 60 mm by cutting away the unexposed external face of the panel and some of the insulation.
The facing may be replaced with a flat steel sheet adhesively bonded to the 60 mm specimen.
C.1.2.2 Method
a) Standard procedure
In the edge exposure part of the test, the flame shall be applied directly to the insulating core of the
sandwich panel without any facing, flashing or covering and shall be carried out on the middle of the
thickness of the insulating core (specimen turned 90°). For this European Standard, other layers i.e.
adhesive shall be considered non-substantial and shall not be tested individually.
In the case of panels that are designed and manufactured so that the core material is covered by the
facings on all sides and will not be cut or perforated in end use application, only the surface flame attack
shall be carried out.
The results shall be recorded for both surface and edge flame attack test methods.
The results shall be valid for all end use applications whether the edge of the sandwich panels is either
unprotected or protected by a metal facing or separate edge flashing.
In the case of panels that are designed and manufactured where the core material is covered by the
facings on all sides, the result shall be valid only for that end use application.
The direct field of application of the reaction to fire tests for the standard parameters for sandwich panels
described in Table C.1 shall apply.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
PUR, XPS, Valid for the same chemical system and blowing
a) chemical composition
EPS, PF agent
insulating core b) density
Valid for ± 15 % of tested density
Panels produced in different In the case of a single test, valid for ± 15 % of tested
thicknesses thickness
Where the same panels are produced in different
thicknesses, both the maximum and minimum
Thickness of thickness shall be tested and the lowest classification
panel (D) declared
In cases where the thickest panel is > 150 mm the
results from any specimen in the range
100 ≤ D ≤ 150 mm in thickness shall be valid for the
thickest specimen
Orientation of Vertical or horizontal application of Test (vertical) is also valid for horizontally installed all
panels sandwich panels panels and ceiling applications
Valid for end use flashings of same material as that
Metal corner tested and of at least the same width and thickness
flashings Tests carried out with no corner flashings or steel
flashings shall be valid for all types of steel flashings
Plastic corner Valid for end use flashings of the same material; no
flashings flashings; or metal flashings
Fixings for
Standard spacing is 400 mm Valid for fixing spacing of 400 mm or less
metal flashings
Seals which are applied in end use
d Valid for seals of the same type as tested or seals
Seals but not part of the manufactured
with the same or lower PCS
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
C.2.1 General
EN 14509:2013 (E)
C.2.2.1 General
The dimensions of the specimen/panel assembly shall be at least 3 m x 3 m and be sufficient fill the opening in
the test frame.
The exposed face to be tested for sandwich panels used in external and internal roof and wall applications shall
depend on the end use conditions and the regulatory requirements in the Member State of use. There may be a
requirement to test both faces. However if the faces are symmetrical and have the same composition the test
for one side shall be sufficient for classification.
The number of fixings shall not be greater than those used in end use applications. The diameter of the fixings
used shall not be larger than fixings used in end use applications.
Fixings may be used independently to secure both the exposed and non-exposed facings (typically for
partitions). Alternatively a ‘through-fixing can be used to secure both faces as for external claddings. The
through-fixing method represents the worst case and results are valid for the independently secured method.
Fixing between panels (stitching) may be used as in end use conditions but shall be declared in the
classification report.
Fixings shall only be protected inside the furnace if the same method is applied in end use.
NOTE It may be necessary to use a method of fire protection for both flashings and fixings to obtain classes of fire
resistance greater than 2 h.
C. General
The specimen shall be mounted with one fixed and one free vertical edge (see Figure C.4). This covers the
majority of end use applications. However both edges can be unrestrained where this conforms to the end use
application but shall be declared in the classification report.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
a free edge
Figure C.4 Mounting and fixing of wall panels with vertically orientated joints
NOTE The gap above the panels does not provide a means for expansion because the movement of the panel is
restrained by the fixings and any expansion results in bowing of the panel.
The vertical free edge is shown in Figure C.4. The free edge (min. 30 mm gap between specimen and frame)
shall be filled with a non-combustible insulating material class A2 (e.g. mineral wool). This material shall be held
in place with profiles that are fixed to the sandwich panel, not fixed to the concrete test-frame. Alternatively two
layers of MW with one side of aluminium foil to provide less friction etc. may be used.
Panels shall be fixed to the bottom of the concrete test frame using at least one angle profile on the exposed
side of the panels and using either through-fixings or fixings on the exposed side only. The angle profile shall be
sufficient to simulate a rigid construction element of the supporting structure. The manufacturer shall decide and
show in test documentation how the horizontal leg of L-profile on bottom of test structure will be positioned
according to end use.
NOTE For partitions, installation with the horizontal leg under the panel is the most practical way and represents a
worst-case scenario regarding thermal bridging.
Angle profiles on the exterior side or a U-profile can also be used. A U-profile covers all methods of fixation.
Panels representing external applications are generally fixed at the bottom with the angle profile turned away
from the panel (exposed side). However this is not the worst-case condition if both applications are considered
in the test.
A filling with a non-combustible insulating material class A2 may be used under the panels.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
C. Fixing along the fixed vertical edge of the specimen – vertical orientation
At the fixed vertical edge angle profile(s) shall be fixed to the concrete test-frame to restrain the movement of
the panel in the horizontal direction. The panel shall be fixed to the angle profile(s) as in end use condition. This
method of fixing of the panel is considered to be equally valid for partition or external wall applications. The
angle profile(s) shall not cover the panel facing more than they would in end use conditions.
If a panel shall be cut in width to fit the assembly into the test-frame, the cut panel shall be mounted on the
restrained vertical side
C. General
The specimen shall be mounted with one fixed (bottom) and one free (top) horizontal edge (see Figure C.5).
This covers the majority of end use applications. However both edges can be unrestrained where this conforms
to end use application.
Figure C.5 Mounting and fixing of wall panels with horizontally orientated joints
C. Fixing along the fixed vertical side of the specimen – horizontal orientation
At the fixed vertical edge angle profile(s) shall be fixed to the concrete test-frame to restrain the movement of
the panel in horizontal direction. The panel shall be fixed to the angle profile(s) as in end use condition. This
method of fixing of the panel is considered to be equally valid for both partition or external wall applications. The
angle profile(s) shall not cover the panel facing more than they would in end use conditions
NOTE 1 The fixing of both the exposed and non-exposed side either independently or using a through-fixing are
expected to have the same effect. The first method is used more often in partitions, the second one in external applications.
NOTE 2 Expansion movement in the panels can be expected at both ends between the concrete frame and the panel
C. Closure at the free top edge of the specimen – horizontal orientation
The top panel shall be either the smallest width panel or the panel with the cut edge. This corresponds with end
use applications where the full panel width is always at the bottom. The gap between the top panel and the
frame shall be at least 30 mm and shall be filled with a non-combustible insulating material class A2 (e.g.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
mineral wool). This material shall be held in place with profiles that are fixed to the sandwich panel, not fixed to
the concrete test-frame.
NOTE Expansion movement can be expected between the panel and the frame as experienced in the end use
applications (in case of internal partitions against a ceiling or horizontal construction.
Panels shall be fixed to the bottom of the concrete test frame using at least one angle profile on the exposed
side of the panels and using either through-fixings or fixings on the exposed side only. The angle profile shall be
sufficient to simulate a rigid construction element of the supporting structure. The manufacturer shall decide and
show in test documentation how the horizontal leg of L-profile on bottom of test structure will be positioned
according to end use.
NOTE 1 For partitions, installation with the horizontal leg under the panel is the most practical way and represents a
worst-case scenario regarding thermal bridging.
Angle profiles on the exterior side or a U-profile can also be used. A U-profile covers all methods of fixation.
Panels representing external applications are generally fixed at the bottom with the angle profile turned away
from the panel (exposed side). However, this is not the worst-case condition if both applications are considered
NOTE 2 A filling with a non-combustible insulating material class A2 may be used under the panels. If in end-use
Additional measurements covering the bow of panels between joints, and the opening of the joints as described
in EN 15254-5 shall be carried out. These measurements shall be reported in the test report in addition to the
standard reporting requirements in accordance with EN 1363-1, Clause 12.
C.2.3.1 General
Sandwich panel roofs may be subject to loads. Only in exceptional designs (e.g. acting as diaphragms) do they
carry part of the primary load of the building structure.
C.2.3.2 Apparatus
The framework shall be designed to support the panel assembly as in end use.
C.2.3.3 Procedure
The applied load shall be in accordance with national regulations valid in the country of use and determined
according to EN 1365-2 for the end use condition.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The field of application of the fire resistance test results for sandwich panels used for wall applications shall be
in accordance with EN 15254-5 together with the additional in field of application in Table C.2.
Table C.2 – Fire resistance – Additional direct field of application of test results – wall panels
The field of application of the fire resistance test results for sandwich panels used for ceiling applications for the
EN 14509:2013 (E)
This European Standard does not provide rules for direct field of application of fire resistance test results for
roof panels, which are considered loadbearing.
C.3 Fire tests CEN/TS 1187 - external fire performance for roofs
The following types of roof panel have been approved for CWFT providing they are designed for external roof
applications satisfying the specifications below and are subject to FPC controls for safety in fire characteristics
Panels with a profiled external metal facing and a core material of PUR or MW incorporating:
— at each longitudinal joint between two panels an overlap of the external metal facing extending across the
crown and a minimum 15 mm down the opposite face of the crown,
EN 14509:2013 (E)
— at each transverse joint between two panels an overlap of the external metal facing of at least 75 mm;
— a protective weather coating comprising a liquid applied PVC paint of maximum nominal dry film thickness
2 2
0,200 mm, a PCS of not greater than 8,0 MJ/m and a maximum dry mass of 300 g/m ,
— minimum reaction to fire classification of the panel of D-s3,d0 without edge protection in accordance with
EN 13501-1;
— a nominal core density > 35 kg/m for PUR insulating cores;
— a nominal core density > 80 kg/m for MW with lamella cores;
— a nominal core density > 110 kg/m for MW with full width board cores.
NOTE The raised profile of the external metal facing may be either trapezoidal or sinusoidal in shape (see
Figure A.18). The crown is the upper section or point of the profile. The opposite face of the crown is the reverse face for
The specimens shall be cut so that the end of the overlap sheet is at least 250 mm from cut edge of panel.
Panels shall be fixed to three support sections (Top-hat or angles) at top, centre and bottom and side laps shall
be stitched every 400 mm.
The specimens shall be cut to create an end lap so that the cut edge of the upper panel is positioned 750 mm
from the lower edge of the specimen.
The panel at the end lap shall be fixed in each trough to a support angle with a minimum bearing surface of
75 mm and the overlap sheet shall be stitched in each trough 50 mm from the cut edge.
C.3.4.1 Specimens
The test specimen shall be made up from two part-panels with a central standard side-lap joint. The central
line shall be the edge of the overlap not the edge of the panel. The left hand panel shall have a standard
end lap situated 500 mm from the bottom edge.
The test specimen shall be made up from two full-length part-panels with a standard side-lap joint. The
dimension to the cut edge of the overlap, not the edge of the panel, shall be 785 mm from the left hand
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The panel at the end lap shall be fixed in each trough to a support angle with a minimum bearing surface of
75 mm and the overlap sheet shall be stitched in each trough 50 mm from the cut edge.
Panels shall be fixed to three support sections (Top-hat or angles) at top, centre and bottom and side laps
shall be stitched every 400 mm.
Panels shall be fixed to three support sections (Top-hat or angles) at top, centre and bottom and side laps
shall be stitched every 400 mm.
NOTE For the CEN/TS 1187 tests, the position of the cut edge stated in the test requirements refers to the position of
the edge of the overlapping top sheet and not the position of the panel joint underneath.
Specimens shall be secured to a non combustible framework using standard fixings so that the joint is held
C.4.1 General
Where required, the amount and thickness of the adhesive layer shall be determined in accordance with C.4.2
for panels after production, or in accordance with C.4.3 for control measurements during production.
C.4.2.1 Principle
The method to collect and calculate the amount and thickness of adhesive used in the manufacture of sandwich
panels shall be determined according to C.4.2.2 to C.4.2.5.
C.4.2.2 Specimen
A 500 mm x 500 mm specimen of the panel facing shall be cut (e.g. by sawing) from the panel. The length and
width of the facing sheet shall be measured with 1 mm accuracy at three places in both directions and the area
A shall be calculated using the measured mean values. The place of the sample in the panel shall be
C.4.2.3 Procedure
The insulation material shall be removed from the facing. Any wool fluff or insulant shall be carefully removed
with a steel brush so that a clean adhesive surface is visible.
A paint remover shall be spread over the adhesive and the softened adhesive removed with a steel trowel.
The facing sheet shall be weighed without adhesive, on the same scales.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
mglue is the amount of adhesive in grams per square metre (g/m );
hglue = mglue / ρ
C.4.2.5 Reporting
C.4.3.1 Principle
The method to collect and calculate the amount and thickness of adhesive used in the manufacture of sandwich
panels shall be determined according to C.4.3.2 to C.4.3.3.
C.4.3.2 Procedure
Weigh a suitable carrier e.g. an A3 size piece of paper (mc). The length and width of the carrier shall be
measured with 1 mm accuracy at three places in both directions and the area shall be calculated using the
measured values.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Place the carrier on the lower sheet of the sandwich panel over which the adhesive dispensing head passes.
The place of the carrier on the facing sheet shall be documented.
Coat the carrier as part of the normal application process and remove from the line.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Annex D
Dimensional tolerances
D.1 General
Tolerances have an impact on the strength of a panel and its safety in use. The tolerances defined in 5.2.5,
Table 3 are the maximum permissible.
The following tolerances shall apply to measurements made in the factory, before delivery, on panels that have
reached a stable condition. Prior to measurement for ITT only, foamed panels shall be kept fully supported on a
flat surface at ambient temperature for at least 24 h. The measurements shall be corrected for temperature
variations to 20 °C where appropriate.
When measurements are taken, the panel shall be placed on at least three equally spaced supports, which are
The measured thickness (D) of the panel shall be the nominal distance between the external flat surfaces of the
faces excluding from the measurement any trapezoidal profiles or stiffeners and including the thickness of both
metal faces (see Figure D.1).
These measurements shall be taken at each end of the panel on lines 200 mm from the ends of the panel and
at a minimum distance of 100 mm from the longitudinal edge. Two of these measurements shall be at the
opposite edges of the panel and one at the centre.
In the case of panels that have profiled faces, the measurement shall be made at the position of predominant
thickness. FPC records shall indicate where, within the geometry of the panel, this measurement is to be made
and a consistent measurement location shall be used.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Deviation from flatness (l) shall be defined as the distance between any point in the surface and the theoretical
flat plane as shown in Figure D.2. Flatness shall be measured in both the longitudinal and transverse directions
over a minimum distance of L = 200 mm.
The location of the measured distance L shall be at least 100 mm from the edge of the panel and 200 mm from
the end of the panel.
A straight metal bar shall be placed on the surface of the panel and the maximum gap between the bar and the
panel measured with a precision gauge.
L measured distance on flat plane
l deviation from flatness
a straight metal bar
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The depth of the profile (h) shall be the distance between the crown and valley measured on the same side of
the sheet (see Figure D.3), at 200 mm from the sheet end. This measurement shall only be taken for panels
that have at least one lightly profiled or profiled face.
5 mm < h ≤ 50 mm ±1 mm;
50 mm < h ≤ 100 mm ±2,5 mm.
The depth of each valley across the sheet shall be measured by means of a template or a measuring rule at
both sides of the valley (see Figure D.3). The tolerances shall apply to the average value for each valley:
h1 + h2
h= mm
D.2.4 Depth of stiffeners on lightly profiled facings
The depth of any stiffeners (dS, see Figure D.4), on crown, valley or web, or the depth of light profiling, shall be
measured across the sheet on a line at 200 mm from the end by means of a template or measuring rule and a
precision gauge.
The average depth obtained in ITT tests shall be the value used for the depth of stiffeners (ds).
dS ≤ 1 mm ±30 % of dS,
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Where flat faced panel properties are used as the basis of design for mechanical resistance, the tolerance of
the stiffeners or light profiling need not be considered.
D.2.5 Length
The length (L) shall be measured along the centre axis of the panel (see Figure D.5) with the panel continuously
supported on a flat surface. The panel length shall be verified at least once during each shift (6 h or 8 h).
If the length over the foam is different from the length over the steel sheet, the tolerance shall be based on the
length of the metal sheet. A separate tolerance shall be applied to the overlap.
c/l centre line of the panel
The cover width, w, shall be stated by the manufacturer. For profiled panels with a side lap, the cover width is
the distance between the centre lines of the two outer profiles as shown in Figure D.6.
For flat panels or panels with a male and female joint or panels with a joint built up on site, the cover width is the
distance between the axes of the joints. In such cases, the points of measurement depend on the details of the
joint. The manufacturer shall clearly define the measurement points and the same points shall be used every
time a measurement is made (see examples in Figures D.7 and D.8).
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The cover width of the sheet shall be measured across the sheet by means of a purpose-made gauge (see
Figure D.9) or as the distance between two plates placed on the side webs (see Figure D.14 for example of
Measurements of cover width w1 and w2 shall be taken at a distance of 200 mm from the panel ends (see
Figure D.6). Both measurements shall be within the specified tolerance.
A third measurement w3 of cover width shall be made across the centre line of the sheet to determine the
contraction or bulging of the panel. This w3 measurement shall be within the stated tolerance referred to the
average value for w1 and w2:
w1+ w2
. w3 =
Dimensions in millimetres
Figure D.7 – Design width (w) in the case of a male and female joint
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Dimensions in millimetres
Figure D.9 – Dimensional check for cover width w and pitch p using a calibrated gauge
The deviation from squareness of the profiled sheet end is defined as the dimension s in Figure D.10.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The deviation of straightness from the theoretical straight line is defined as the dimension δ in Figure D.11.
The straightness of a panel shall be measured from a thin steel wire tightly stretched between two points on the
same edge at 200 mm from each end of the panel. The measurement shall be made at the centre of the panel.
Dimensions in millimetres
D.2.9 Bowing
The bowing of the panel is a measure of the displacement between the surface of the panel and the straight line
connecting the two ends (see Figure D.12).
A thin steel wire shall be tightly stretched between two ends of the panel along the longitudinal centre line or
across the width. The maximum displacement between the wire and the panel surface shall be measured using
a graduated metal scale. Alternatively, the straight line between the two ends of the panel may be defined by
means of a laser beam.
The location of the measured tolerance b shall be at least 100 mm from the edge of the panel and 200 mm from
the end of the panel.
Care shall be taken that no transverse load is applied to the panel during the measurement. Advantageously,
this test may be carried out with the panel on its side in order to eliminate the influence of self-weight.
Tolerance: 2,0 mm for each metre length but not greater than 20 mm;
8,5 mm for each metre width for flat or lightly profiled – h ≤ 10 mm (see D.2.3);
10 mm for each metre width for other depths of profile – h > 10 mm (see D.2.3).
Continuously laminated panels may bow in this way during curing. The measurement should not be carried out
until the panel is cured to ambient temperature.
Panels with dissimilar faces e.g. steel/aluminium in particular should be checked for bowing.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
b bowing displacement
The pitch p of the profile (see Figure D.13) shall be the distance between the centres of adjacent ribs,
measured at 200 mm from the sheet ends.
a) as the distance measured between two plates placed on the webs, as illustrated in Figure D.14;
NOTE This measurement may also be related to D.2.6 cover width. Problems may arise in practice if the relationship of
the profile to the edge of the panel is not correct.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The widths of a rib (b1) and valley (b2) (see Figure D.15) shall be measured at 200 mm from the sheet ends.
The widths of ribs and valleys shall be measured on a line across the sheet by means of a template.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Annex E
Design procedures
NOTE This annex supports mechanical resistance characteristics required by the standard and describes the methods
required for their calculation. The mechanical resistance characteristics can equally be obtained by testing. E.7.2.8 is an
informative guidance for the calculation of additional stresses due to expansion. E.8 gives informative guidance on the
design of panels with specific profiles.
The cross-section and material properties of a sandwich panel shall be as shown in Figures E.1 a) and E.1 b)
and Table E.1.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Figure E.1 b) – Panel cross-section, profiled face and material properties of a sandwich panel
A cross-sectional area
NOTE A, cross sectional area and B, flexural rigidity may apply either to the full width of a panel (e.g. in Annex A when
interpreting test results) or to a unit (metre) width of panel when carrying out design calculations or preparing load tables.
F force, load
I moment of inertia
L span, distance
M bending moment
Q variable action
EN 14509:2013 (E)
T temperature
V shear force
h height of profile
n number of webs
q live load
Ф angle
φ creep coefficient
τ shear stress
ψ combination coefficient
C core
M material (γM)
Q variable action
c compression, core
EN 14509:2013 (E)
d design
i, j index
k characteristic value
nom nominal
t time
0 basic value
Where relevant, the formulae in this annex assume the following sign convention:
E.2 General
The design values Ed of the effects of the actions shall be calculated and shall be compared with the design
values of the corresponding resistance Rd or the relevant serviceability criterion Cd taking into account the
appropriate material partial factors γM.
It shall be verified by means of calculation and/or testing that that the Formulae (E.1) to (E.4) are satisfied using
the procedures in E.5 to E.7.
EULS;d and ESLS;d are the design values of the effects of the actions, i.e.
Rd = = design value of the resistance at the ultimate limit state (E.4)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Cd = limiting design value of the relevant serviceability criterion expressed as the maximum serviceability
limit state design stress or limit on deflection taking into account the material partial factor for serviceability
limit state design γM.
NOTE 1 The procedures which follow conform to the “European Recommendations for Sandwich Panels: Part 1: Design”
[2] and present a sub-set of the more detailed procedures which are given in these Recommendations.
NOTE 2 This product standard is primarily concerned with the values of Rd and Cd. The load levels and the levels of
safety may be specific to each Member State.
The actions in E.3.2 to E.3.4 shall be taken into account in the calculations. They shall be considered either
individually or in combination using the combination factors in E.5 and E.6.
The permanent actions to be taken into account in the design shall include the following:
— self-weight of the panel (calculated from the nominal dimensions and mean densities);
— mass of any permanent components of the structure and installation that apply load to the panel;
— permanent imposed deformations, e.g. due to temperatures in cold stores (calculated using nominal values
relevant to the specific application).
The variable actions shall include the following, where they are relevant:
— wind loads;
— construction loads;
— climatic effects (e.g. due to a temperature difference between the faces of a panel).
The temperature gradients resulting from the difference between the outside temperature T1 and the inside
temperature T2 are variable actions.
NOTE 1 If national specifications do not give values for external temperatures, the following values for the temperature of
the outside face may be used:
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Depending on the latitude, the height above sea level and the distance from the sea, four different minimum
winter temperature levels (T1) are used throughout the continent of Europe: 0, −10 °C: −20 °C and −30 °C. The
temperature of the outer face of a roof panel with an over layer of snow is 0 °C.
The temperature T1 of the outside face has a maximum summer value which depends upon the colour and
reflectivity of its surface. Values of T1, which are minimum for ultimate state calculations and which are suitable
for serviceability calculations, may be taken as follows:
In special cases, the maximum temperature of a face exposed to the sun may be determined more precisely on
the basis of the actual colour used.
NOTE 2 The greatest difference between the inside and outside temperatures may arise during installation.
Where relevant, creep of the core material shall be taken into account in the design.
NOTE 1 Creep of the core may cause a change in both stresses and deformations with time.
E.4 Resistance
E.4.1 General
The values of resistance necessary for design shall be determined in accordance with 5.2. In addition,
depending on the application, the procedures in E.4.1 and E.4.2 may be required.
NOTE The following characteristic resistance values are required in order to carry out design by calculation in
accordance with this annex – see Table E.2.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE In Table E.2, the term wrinkling strength includes the local buckling stress of a profiled face in compression.
The comparison of the design values of actions and the design values of resistance according to E.2 is usually
carried out in terms of stresses, which are determined from the stress resultants according to E.7.2.5 and
E.7.2.6. Determination of the compressive strength (wrinkling stress) of a profiled face from the bending
resistance of the panel requires a calculation for which the formulae are given in E.7.5.2 (Table E.10.2).
If the load-deflection curve, determined according to A.7, is as shown in Figure E.2 a), the attainment of
maximum bending moment at an internal support corresponds to a serviceability limit state. Furthermore, where
required, a non-zero rest moment shall be determined and incorporated into the calculations at the ultimate limit
state. If the load-deflection curve falls away suddenly, as shown in Figure E.2 b), the attainment of maximum
bending moment at an internal support shall be deemed to correspond to the ultimate limit state.
A suitable value for the non-zero rest moment Mrest shall be determined from a load-deflection curve type (a) by
subtracting the elastic component of deflection and choosing Mrest as the moment on the drooping part of the
curve corresponding to a “plastic hinge” rotation of 3°.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
F load
E.4.3.1 General
The reaction capacity at the end of a panel where the contact face is either plain or lightly profiled shall be
determined either by calculation according to E.4.3.2 or by tests on full width panels according to A.15.5.
The reaction capacity at an internal support at the ultimate limit state shall be determined by calculation
according to E.4.3.2. This calculation may be improved by using a value of ‘k’ determined by test according to
The reaction capacity at an internal support at the serviceability limit state shall be determined by test according
to A.7.
The capacity in compression at an end support without an overhang or with an overhang less than 0,6e
(Figure A.21) shall be given by (E.5):
An end support with an overhang greater than 0.6e shall be treated as an internal support. For the capacity at
an end support in shear, see A.15.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
fCc is the declared value of the compressive strength following initial type testing;
k shall either be determined by testing according to A.15.5, or the following values shall be used:
— for rigid plastic foams and cellular glass cores where e < 100 mm, k = 0,5;
— for rigid plastic foams and cellular glass cores where e ≥ 100 mm, k = 0,5 with e = 100 mm in
Formulae (E.4) and (E.5);
The principles by which the relevant combinations of actions shall be compared with the corresponding
resistances to give appropriate safety levels at both the ultimate and serviceability limit states shall be in
accordance with E.5.2 to E.5.5.
The principles and procedures in this annex are in accordance with EN 1990. However, the recommended
values of combination factors and material partial factors are particular to sandwich panels and reflect the
special characteristics of this product, notably the increased importance of temperature stresses and
deflections, the potentially highly variable nature of characteristics influenced by the properties of the core
material and the influence of creep.
Values determined according to National Regulatory Requirements of any of these factors may be used
provided that these have been formally declared as being appropriate for sandwich panels.
NOTE Temperature is often the dominant load case and may cause greater stresses and/or deflections than wind,
snow or imposed load.
The ultimate limit state, which corresponds to the maximum load-carrying capacity of the panel, shall be
characterised by the most critical of the following failure modes either individually or in combination:
EN 14509:2013 (E)
E.5.3 Combination of the effects of actions for the ultimate limit state
For each load case, the design value for the effects of actions at the ultimate limit state shall be obtained by
summing the effects of the separate actions multiplied by their appropriate load factors and combination
coefficients as shown in Table E.4.
Table E.4 – Design values of effects of actions for use when combining actions for the ultimate limit
state according to EN 1990
The design values in Table E.4 shall be combined in the following way according to Formula (E.7):
Qki is the characteristic value of the non-dominant variable action i (i > 1);
The verification of the serviceability limit state shall be sufficient to ensure the proper functioning of the panels
under the serviceability loads. The serviceability limit state shall be characterised by one of the following:
— the attainment of specified amounts of axial movement in the panel due to thermal expansion and
contraction in the faces.
In the absence of any other information from national standards, the following indicative deflection limits may be
EN 14509:2013 (E)
- long term loading (including span/100
Walls span/100
NOTE There has been a perception that thermal expansion and contraction in the faces causes thermal bow such that
the axial movement at the ends of the panels can be neglected. Recent research has shown that this is not always the case.
Thermal bow reduces the axial movement but does not eliminate it. The movement that remains may be significant and
needs to be considered in the detailing of the connections. This effect is likely to be a potential problem only in special cases
with long panels e.g. 20 m with aluminium facings, particularly at end laps.
E.5.5 Combination of the effects of actions for the serviceability limit states
For each load case, the design value for the effects of actions at the serviceability limit state shall be obtained
by summing the effects of the separate actions multiplied by their appropriate load factors and combination
coefficients as shown in Table E.5.
Verification of the serviceability limit state shall include consideration of both stresses and deflections.
The load factors γG and γQ shall be taken as 1,0 except where specified otherwise.
Table E.5 – Design values of effects of actions for use when combining actions for serviceability limit
a) Characteristic (rare) combination (for resistance at intermediate supports) according to Formula (E.8):
S d= ∑G
j ≥1
kj + Qk 1 + ∑ψ 0i Qki
i >1
Sd = ∑G
j ≥1
kj +ψ 11 Qk 1 + ∑ψ 0i ψ 1i Qki
i >1
ψ0i is the combination coefficient of a variable action i (i > 1) to be used in characteristic combinations,
ψ11 is the combination coefficient of the dominant action effect Qk1 to be used in frequent combinations
ψ1i is the combination coefficient of the other action effects Qki (i > 1) to be used in frequent combinations.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Values for combination coefficients ψ0i and ψ1i shall be as given in Table E.6.
Values of the combination coefficients ψ0 and ψ1 defined in E.5.3 and E.5.5 shall be as given in Table E.6
unless these are given in whole or in part in national regulatory requirements concerning sandwich panels
(Table E.7). It is not permissible to remove the combination factor for temperature if no value is given in the
national regulatory requirements.
Combination Factors
Snow Wind Temperature
ψ0 0,6 0,6 0,6 / 1,0
b b
ψ1 0,75 / 1,0 0,75 / 1,0 1,0
As an alternative to the values in Table E.6, the values in Table E.7, which are according to EN 1990, may be
used when required by national regulatory requirements.
Combination Factors
Snow Wind Temperature
ψ0 0,5 or 0,7 0,6 0,6
ψ1 0,2 or 0,5 0,2 0,5
The higher values of snow load coefficient are applicable to Finland, Iceland, Norway and
Sweden (see EN 1991–1-3) and to the remainder of CEN Member States for sites at an
altitude greater than 1 000 m above sea level.
Values of the load factors γF given in Table E.8 shall be used unless national regulatory requirements require
other values. It is not permissible to remove the temperature action if no load factor is given in the national
regulatory requirements. The factor in parentheses for permanent actions shall be used if the effect of the action
is favourable.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
E.6.3.1 General
Material safety factors γM shall reflect the variability of the mechanical properties of sandwich panels, as
indicated by the results of initial type testing and factory production control. Two alternative approaches are
In E.6.3.2, γM is determined on the basis of test results. Initially, this determination may be on the basis of
These values shall be used unless National Standards require the use of other values.
The material safety factors γM for the ultimate and serviceability limit states shall be determined according to
EN 1990. The following formulae may be used:
γ M = 1, 0e0,755v (E.11)
The above formulae may also be used to obtain unified safety factors for complete families of test results
evaluated according to 6.3.3 provided that:
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE The material safety factors given in Table E.9 are examples of values that may be obtained for a product with
relatively consistent properties such as continuously laminated PUR or PIR. They may be unsafe for products with less
consistent properties.
E.7.1 General
In the determination of the internal stress resultants and deflections, the shear flexibility of the core shall be
taken into account. For this purpose, a constant value of the shear modulus of the core, corresponding to an
average value at normal indoor temperature, shall be used. The stress resultants shall then be determined
using the methods described in E.7.2.
E.7.2.1 General
— elastic analysis;
— plastic analysis.
Elastic analysis shall be used for the serviceability limit state and may be used for the ultimate limit state.
Plastic analysis shall only be used for the ultimate limit state and shall be used whenever the design is
controlled by bending stresses at an internal support. Plastic analysis shall not be used when the first failure
mode is a shear failure of the core, unless the core material has adequate plastic shear capacity.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The action effects S (bending moments, normal and shear forces, deflections, axial movements due to thermal
expansion and contraction) resulting from the combination of all actions applied to the sandwich panels shall be
found by using the theory of elasticity taking into account the shear flexibility of the core material.
The bending moment distribution at the ultimate state in a continuous sandwich element may be chosen
arbitrarily, provided that the internal stress resultants are in equilibrium with the actions, which shall be equal to
or higher than the most unfavourable combination of factored actions, and that the internal stress resultants
nowhere exceed the plastic resistance of the cross-section.
In plastic analysis calculations at the ultimate limit state, a continuous multi-span sandwich panel may be
It shall be assumed that, for the range of deformations to be considered, except where “plastic hinges” are
assumed in plastic design, the materials of the core and faces remain linearly elastic. It shall also be assumed
that the extensional stiffness of the core is so small in comparison to that of the faces that the influence of
longitudinal normal stresses in the core may be neglected. The load bearing capacity of a sandwich panel shall
then be divided into two components (see Figures E.3 and E.4):
into a moment component MF in the metal faces and a moment component MS (the sandwich part) arising
from the normal forces N F1 and N F2 in the faces multiplied by the distance between the centroids e.
into a shear force component VF in the faces and a shear force component VS in the sandwich part of the
If the faces of a sandwich panel are thin and flat or they are lightly profiled, the bending stiffness of the faces
(BF1 = EF1.IF1, BF2 = EF2.IF2) is small and has a negligible effect on the stress distributions and deflections of the
panel, in which case, the bending stiffness of the faces shall be neglected (BF1 = BF2 = 0) in the analysis and the
calculations shall be based on the stress resultants MS = e × NF1 = e × NF2 and VS only (see Figures E.3 and
E.4, Formulae (E.12) and (E.15)).
NOTE 1 Normal forces NF1 and NF2 cause a uniform compressive and tensile stress distribution over the external and
internal faces, while the bending moments MF1 and MF2 result in normal stresses which vary linearly over the depths of the
faces. Local buckling of a compressed web of a face profile makes the normal stress distribution in the face nonlinear.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE 2 The shear force VS causes a constant shear stress distribution τC over the depth of the core, when the
compressive and tensile rigidity of the core layer in the longitudinal direction of the sandwich panel is ignored. The shear
forces VF1 and VF2 cause shear stresses τF1, τF2 in the face layers with non-vanishing bending rigidity.
These shear stresses τF1, τF2 shall be assumed to be a constant over the depths of the webs of the metal face
profiles (see Figure E.6 and Formula (E.16)).
The figures and formulae that follow assume the following sign convention:
Figure E.3 – Stress resultants in a thin (flat or lightly profiled) faced sandwich panel
a face 1
b core
c face 2
Figure E.4 – Stress distribution over the cross-section in a thin faced sandwich panel
EN 14509:2013 (E)
a face 1
b core
c face 2
In panels with one or both profiled (thick) faces, the bending stiffness of the faces shall not be neglected
(BF1 + BF2 ≠ 0). The stress resultants in the cross-section shall be M = MS + MF1 + MF2 and V = VS + VF1 + VF2
Figure E.6 – Stress distribution over the cross-section in a sandwich panel with profiled faces
After carrying out a suitable analysis according to E.7.2, E.7.3 and E.7.4, the bending stresses in the faces shall
be determined using Formulae (E.12) to (E.14):
N F1 M N M
σ F1 =− =− S , σ F 2 =F 2 = S (E.12a,b)
AF 1 e AF 1 AF 2 e AF 2
M F1 M
σ F 11 = σ F 1 − d11 , σ F 12 = σ F 1 + F 1 d12 (E.13a,b)
I F1 I F1
M F2 M
σ F 21 = σ F 2 − d 21 , σ F 22 = σ F 2 + F 2 d 22 (E.14a,b)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
and other symbols are defined in Figure E.1 and Figures E.3 to E.6.
After carrying out a suitable analysis according to E.7.2, E.7.3 and E.7.4, the shear stresses in the core and
faces respectively shall be determined using Formulae (E.15) and (E.16):
τC = (E.15)
τ F1 = , τ F2 = (E.16a,b)
n1 s w1 t1 n2 s w2 t 2
sw1 and sw2 are lengths of the webs of the profiled faces,
The reactions at internal and end supports shall be determined by testing or analysis according to E.7.3.
Thermal expansion and contraction at the ends of a panel arise as a combination of the linear thermal
expansion and contraction of the metal faces due to changes of temperature and the axial strains due to
thermal bow. The axial strains due to thermal bow tend to reduce the movement of the outer face and induce
compensating movements in the inner face. Where required for the detailing of connections, these movements
may be calculated by integrating the face strains arising from the sandwich component of the bending moments
associated with thermal bow.
NOTE 1 See E.5.4 NOTE regarding serviceability and where this effect is likely to be a potential problem.
A safe approximation to the net thermal movement over the length L of a long panel may be determined as A
safe estimate of the net thermal movement over the length L of a long panel may be determined as follows.
Sandwich component of bending moment, M S e F 1 F 1 F 2 F 2 (T2 α 2 − T1 α1 )
EF 1 AF 1 + EF 2 AF 2
Elongation of face 1 = L α1 T1 + ρ
e AF 1 EF 1
Elongation of face 2 = L α 2 T2 − ρ
e AF 2 EF 2
Where ρ is a reduction coefficient for end effects which, in the absence of a more accurate value, may be
taken to be 0,85 where the exposed outer face is steel and 0,7 where it is aluminium.
NOTE 2 In this context, “long” may be taken to mean a panel continuous over 6 or more spans. For shorter panels this
approximation will tend to underestimate the net movement as a consequence of end effects.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE 3 The panels themselves are very rigid so that any relative movement of the faces due to thermal expansion and
contraction is mainly taken up by the connections. Experience has shown that, in the majority of cases, the movements that
arise can be accommodated by conventional fastening systems. Situations where the connection detailing may require more
detailed consideration are long panels, panels with an aluminium outer face and long roofs where panels butt end to end.
Combinations of these factors are likely to be particularly critical.
The static system used in the calculation of sandwich panels shall be in accordance with the number and
location of supports in the practical application for both pressure and uplift loads. The lengths of spans are
determined as being the distances between the mid-lines of the supports. Sandwich panels are usually
assumed to rotate and to move axially on the supports without restraint, thus corresponding to ‘simple’ support
conditions between the sandwich panel and the support. If partial or full rigidity against the rotation at supports
is utilised in design calculations, the validity of the assumption shall be verified experimentally.
Dimensions which are of significance for the static behaviour and resistance, such as the depth and width and
the dimensions of the face profiles, shall correspond to the actual dimensions of the sandwich panel product in
question. If nominal dimensions are used in calculations, the real dimensions shall agree with the dimensions
used in the calculations within the tolerances given in 5.2.5.
E.7.4.1 General
In sandwich panels with flat faces or with faces which are only lightly profiled, the bending stiffness of the faces
shall be neglected in comparison with the bending stiffness of the sandwich part of the cross-section. No
division of the global stress resultants into components shall be conducted.
NOTE The total bending moment is carried by normal forces in the faces and the total shear force by shear stresses in
the core.
The static behaviour of single span sandwich panels shall be illustrated by the expressions for the stress
resultants and deflections caused by a uniformly distributed load and a temperature difference (stress resultants
per unit width) given in Table E.10.1.
NOTE With continuous sandwich panels (multi-span panels), the shear flexibility of the core gives rise to smaller
moments at the internal supports than would arise with a shear-stiff connection between the faces.
The static behaviour of continuous sandwich panels shall be illustrated by the expressions for the bending
moment, support reaction and shear force at mid-support and the deflection in the spans caused by a uniformly
distributed load and a temperature difference on a continuous two or three span sandwich panel (stress
resultants per unit width) given in Table E.10.1.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
E.7.5.1 General
NOTE When the bending stiffness of a face in a sandwich panel cannot be neglected, the panel is itself statically
indeterminate in addition to any global structural indeterminacy that may be present.
Explicit solutions are given in the references for a few simple cases but, in general, numerical methods of
analysis, e.g. the finite element method, shall be used.
Solutions for a simply supported sandwich beam with strongly profiled faces or with faces having large material
thickness and loaded by a uniformly distributed load or temperature difference shall be as given in Table E.10.2.
The stress resultants are defined per unit width.
Multi-span sandwich panels with profiled (thick) faces shall be designed either by calculation (see Note 2) or by
NOTE 2 Additional information on the design calculations for sandwich panels of all types, including multi-span, thick-
faced panels, is given in a number of texts, for example ‘Lightweight sandwich construction’. [3]
NOTE 1 Typical core materials, especially the plastic foams, are visco-elastic materials in which the deformations
increase in the course of time even if the loads remain constant. In the core, long-term loading causes shear creep which
may be considered as a reduction in the shear modulus GC of the core.
NOTE 2 The stresses and deflections due to shear creep of the core require a separate calculation in accordance with
E.7 using the reduced value of the shear modulus GCt.
Where relevant, the reduced value of the shear modulus, GCt, shall be determined for a time period of 2 000 h
for snow load and 100 000 h for permanent actions (dead load). The reduced shear modulus is given by
Formula (E.17):
GC t = (E.17)
1+ ϕt
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Creep under snow load shall be neglected in regions where snow does not regularly lie for more than a few
If φt is less than 0,5, creep effects shall be neglected in thin faced sandwich panels, i.e. in panels with flat or
micro or lightly profiled faces.
E.8.1 General
For the purposes of this section, panels with special profiles are typified by a panel with a conventional inner
face and an outer face that has a profile which is not uniform along the length of the panel. However, other
arrangements are not precluded provided that they are amenable to design using similar principles and
procedures to those described in this section.
E.8.2 Determination of the effective properties of the faces and the core
The properties shall be determined on the basis of bending tests according to A.5 in order to determine the
characteristic moment of resistance in both positive and negative bending.
If the failure mode in negative bending is tensile yielding in the profiled face, a further set of bending tests shall
be carried out in which the profiled face is replaced by a plane face of similar thickness. The results of these
tests are then used to determine the wrinkling strength of the lower face in accordance with A.5.
NOTE This may be achieved by removing the profile and machining the core flat and then bonding a replacement face
using adhesives or it may be a special manufacture with a nominally identical core material.
The yield strength of the profiled face is somewhat arbitrary and it is sufficient to use the guaranteed value as
the basis of the calculations. The bending strength of the profiled face shall be neglected. The effective depth of
the section shall be taken as the distance from the centroid of the inner face to an arbitrary point at the centre of
the profiled face.
An effective area of the positive face for the purposes of design shall now be calculated on the basis of
compressive yield using simple bending theory. If the panel is to be designed for a range of core depths, this
effective area may vary with the depth of the panel. If yielding of the profiled face was also the failure mode in
negative bending, an effective area for this case shall also be calculated. The effective area for design is then
the lower of the two effective areas.
The shear strength and modulus of the core shall be determined according to A.3 with the profiled face replaced
by a suitable flat face as described above.
The sequence given in E.8.2 provides sufficient information for the conventional design formulae to be used.
The resulting model includes an estimate of the deflection. This shall be checked against the load deflection
curves from the bending tests. If this is not conservative, it shall be corrected by inserting an effective Young’s
modulus for the outer face into the design formulae.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
NOTE The deflection correction is not considered to be critical as, with profiles of this type, the spans are relatively
small and deflection is rarely significant.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Shear at end Shear at internal Intermediate Bending moment in Bending moment Maximum deflection in
support support support reaction (end) span at internal support span
Temperature difference θ L2
T1 – T2 8
NOTE For geometry and section properties, see Figure E.1. For stress systems, see Figures E.3 and E.4.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Temperature difference
− BF 1θ (1 − β ) BF 1θ (1 − β ) θ L2
T1 – T2
0 (1 − β )
BF 1 BF 1
For uniform load, β = For temperature difference, β =
BF 1 + BF 1 +
1 + 3.2k 1 + 2.67 k
NOTE 2 For geometry and section properties, see Figure E.1. For stress systems, see Figures E.5 and E.6.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Annex F
Annex F provides details of significant technical changes between this European Standard and the previous edition.
NOTE The technical changes referred to include the significant technical changes from the EN revised but is not an
exhaustive list of all modifications from the previous edition.
Type of
Section Clause/Table/Figure Note
2 Normative New EN 506: EN 508–2: EN 508–3: EN 1363–2:
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Type of
Section Clause/Table/Figure Note
6 Evaluation of 6.1 New Grouping of products into families clarified
6.2.2 New Use of existing test data
assessment 6.2.4 Table 5 New Tested panel thickness added
and sampling
6.2.5 and Table 6 New Shortened ITT testing programme
6.3.1 Modified Use of existing test data
6.3.2 New Clarification if values have to be reduced Modified and Table 7 Modified Modifications concerning tension,
compression and shear strength testing Table 8 Modified Revised test frequency Table 9 Modified Reference to incompletely bonded panels
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Type of
Section Clause/Table/Figure Note
A.6.5.2 Modified Clarification
A.7.5 Modified Procedure where both faces are fully profiled
A.9.2 New Revised procedure for repeated loads
A. Modified Revised criteria for λ
A.10.3: A.10.4 Modified Revised calculation methods for ‘U’ value
A.12.5 Modified Revised calculation methods for air
A.13.3 Modified Mounting and fixing clarification
Annex A A.14.3 Modified Mounting and fixing clarification
A.15.2 Modified Mounting and fixing clarification
A.16.4 New Interpolation and extrapolation of test results
Annex B B.2.3.1 Modified Revised sampling procedure
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Type of
Section Clause/Table/Figure Note
Annex E Introductory note New
E.1.3 New Clarification on sign convention
E.5.4 Modified Added characterisation and note
E.6.3.1: E.6.3.2: Modified Clarification
E.7.2.4 Figure E.6 Modified Figure corrected
E.7.2.8 New
E.7.3 Modified Clarification on tolerances
E.8 New
Annex ZA Tables ZA.1.1 and Modified
Tables ZA.2 and Modified
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Annex ZA
This European Standard has been prepared under Mandate M/121 “Internal and external wall and ceiling finishes”
and Mandate M/122 “Roof coverings” given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade
The clauses of this European Standard shown in this annex meet the requirements of Mandates M/121 and M/122
given under the EU Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC).
Construction product: Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating sandwich panels – Factory
made products
Intended uses: a) roofs and roof cladding
b) external walls and wall cladding; and
c) walls (including partitions) and ceilings within the building envelope.
Classifications for reaction to fire, fire resistance and external fire performance shall be accompanied by a
description of the system tested. For examples see Figure ZA.2, Figure ZA.3 and Figure ZA.4.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Table ZA.1.1 – Relevant clauses for internal and external wall and ceiling finishes
EN 14509:2013 (E)
The requirement on a certain characteristic is not applicable in those Member States (MSs) where there are no
regulatory requirements on that characteristic for the intended use of the product. In this case manufacturers placing
their products on the market of these MSs are not obliged to determine or declare the performance of their products
with regard to this characteristic and the option “No Performance Determined” (NPD) in the information
accompanying the CE marking (see ZA.3) may be used. The NPD option may not be used however where the
characteristic is subject to a threshold level, or for mechanical resistance characteristics (5.2.1) that determine
fitness for intended use.
— Table ZA 0,1.1 in accordance with the decision of the Commission 98/436/EC of 1998-06-22 (see OJEU L194 of
1998-07-10), as corrected (see OJEU L278 of 1998-10-15) and amended by 2001/596/EC of 2001-01-08 (see
OJEU L209 of 2001-08-02), as given in Annex III of the mandate for “Roof coverings, roof lights, roof windows
and ancillary products”,
— Table ZA 0,1.2 in accordance with the decision of the Commission 98/437/EC of 1998-06-30 (see OJEU L194 of
1998-07-10), as corrected (see OJEU L278 of 1998-10-15) and amended by 2001/596/EC of 2001-01-08 (see
OJEU L209 of 2001-08-02), as given in Annex III of the mandate for “Internal and external wall and ceiling
EN 14509:2013 (E)
These systems are shown in Table ZA.2 for the indicated intended uses and relevant levels or classes.
The attestation of conformity of the sandwich panels in Tables ZA.1.1 and ZA.1.2 shall be according to the
evaluation of conformity procedures for the relevant levels and classes (Table ZA.2) indicated in Tables ZA.3.1 to
ZA.3.3 resulting from the application of the clauses of this European Standard indicated therein.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
For sandwich panels the footnote* of Tables ZA.2, ZA.3.1 and ZA.3.2 applies except when it can be demonstrated to
the notified body for a particular product that no stage in the production process will result in an improvement of the
reaction to fire classification (see Table ZA.2, footnote**).
Table ZA.3.1 – Assignment of evaluation of conformity tasks for sandwich panels under system 1
Evaluation of
Tasks Content of the task conformity
clauses to apply
Parameters related to all characteristics of
Factory production
Tables ZA.1.1 and/or ZA.1.2 relevant for the 6.3
control (FPC)
intended use
Further testing of
All characteristics of Tables ZA.1.1 and/or
samples taken at 6.3
ZA.1.2 relevant for the intended use
All characteristics of Tables ZA.1.1 and/or
Tasks under ZA.1.2 relevant for the intended use, i.e.
the Initial type testing by a resistance to fire, external fire performance
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Table ZA.3.2 – Assignment of evaluation of conformity tasks for sandwich panels under system 3
Evaluation of
Tasks Content of the task conformity clauses
to apply
Parameters related to all characteristics
Factory production
of Tables ZA.1.1 and/or ZA.1.2 relevant 6.3
control (FPC)
for the intended use
All characteristics of Tables ZA.1.1
and/or ZA.1.2 relevant for the intended
Tasks under the use, i.e. mechanical resistance, sound
responsibility of Initial type testing by the insulation/ absorption, thermal resistance, 6.2
the manufacturer manufacturer air permeability, water permeability,
durability, dimensional variation, other
than those shown below
Reaction to fire (Classes A1**, A2**, B**,
Initial type testing by a C**, D, E), resistance to fire, external fire
notified test laboratory performance other than CWFT, release
Evaluation of
Tasks Content of the task conformity clauses
to apply
Parameters related to all characteristics
Factory production
of Tables ZA.1.1 and/or ZA.1.2 relevant 6.3
control (FPC)
for the intended use
Tasks under the All characteristics of Tables ZA.1.1
responsibility of and/or ZA.1.2 relevant for the intended
the manufacturer Initial type testing by the use, i.e. mechanical resistance, sound
manufacturer insulation/absorption, thermal resistance,
air permeability, water permeability,
durability, dimensional variation
(In case of products with system 1): When compliance with the conditions of this annex is achieved, the certification
body shall draw up a certificate of conformity (EC Certificate of conformity), which entitles the manufacturer to affix
the CE marking. The certificate shall include:
— name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and place of
NOTE 1 The manufacturer may also be the person responsible for placing the product onto the EEA market, if he takes
responsibility for CE marking.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
— particular conditions applicable to the use of the product (e.g. provisions for use under certain conditions);
— name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the certificate.
(In case of products under system 3): When compliance with the conditions of this annex is achieved, the
manufacturer or his agent established in the EEA shall prepare and retain a declaration of conformity (EC
Declaration of conformity), which entitles the manufacturer to affix the CE marking. This declaration shall include:
— name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and place of
NOTE 2 The manufacturer may also be the person responsible for placing the product onto the EEA market, if he takes
responsibility for CE marking.
— description of the product (type, identification, use,...), and a copy of the information accompanying the CE
— particular conditions applicable to the use of the product, (e.g. provisions for use under certain conditions);
— name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer or
his authorised representative.
(In case of products under system 4): When compliance with the conditions of this annex is achieved, the
manufacturer or his agent established in the EEA shall prepare and retain a declaration of conformity (EC
Declaration of conformity), which entitles the manufacturer to affix the CE marking. This declaration shall include:
— name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and place of
NOTE 4 The manufacturer may also be the person responsible for placing the product onto the EEA market, if he takes
responsibility for CE marking.
— description of the product (type, identification, use,...), and a copy of the information accompanying the CE
NOTE 5 Where some of the information required for the Declaration is already given in the CE marking information, it does not
need to be repeated.
— particular conditions applicable to the use of the product (e.g. provisions for use under certain conditions);
— name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer or of
his authorised representative.
The above mentioned declaration and certificate shall be presented in the language or languages accepted in the
Member State in which the product is to be used.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
ZA.3.1 General
The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the EEA is responsible for the affixing of the
CE marking. The CE marking symbol to affix shall be in accordance with Directive 93/68/EEC and shall be shown on
the packaging of the sandwich panels (each package to be marked). Panels shall not be placed on the market
without packaging.
The CE marking symbol, on its own or together with some or all of the following information on the product and its
essential characteristics may appear on the packaging (see example in Figure ZA.1) and/or the commercial
documentation. If not all of the information appears on the packaging, then all information, including a repeat of that
given on the packaging, shall be given on the commercial documentation (see examples in Figure ZA.2 (roofs),
Figure ZA.3 (external walls) and Figure ZA.4 (internal walls/ceilings)).
— number of this European Standard (EN 14509) with date of Revision e.g. 2012;
— description of the product: generic name, grade and thickness of facing materials, metalic coating mass and
coating type and thickness, core material and thickness, mass, density and intended use;
— reaction to fire (Classification including any mounting and fixing conditions, or Class F);
— fire resistance (Classification including any mounting and fixing conditions, or NPD);
EN 14509:2013 (E)
face 1;
— wrinkling strength in span;
— wrinkling strength at a support (continuous panels) for loads pressing at an internal support;
face 2:
— wrinkling strength in span;
— wrinkling strength at a support (continuous panels) for loads pressing at an internal support;
— resistance to point loads – ceilings – where required. The maximum achieved load and tested span shall be
The ‘No performance determined’ (NPD) option shall not be used where the characteristic is subject to a threshold
level or for mechanical resistance characteristics (5.2.1), which determine fitness for intended use. The NPD option
may be used for other characteristics when and where the characteristic, for a given intended use, is not subject to
regulatory requirements.
— identification number of the notified body (only relevant for system 1);
— number of this European Standard (EN 14509) with date of Revision e.g. 2012;
— description of the product: generic name, grade and thickness of facing materials, metalic coating mass and
coating type and thickness, core material and thickness, mass, density and intended use;
— reaction to fire (Classification including any mounting and fixing conditions, or Class F);
— fire resistance (Classification including any mounting and fixing conditions, or NPD);
EN 14509:2013 (E)
inner face:
— wrinkling strength in the span, ambient temperature;
— wrinkling strength at an internal support (continuous panels) for loads pressing on a support, ambient
outer face:
— wrinkling strength in the span, ambient temperature;
— wrinkling strength in the span, elevated temperature (see A.5.5.5);
— wrinkling strength at a support (continuous panels) for suction loads, ambient temperature;
— wrinkling strength at a support (continuous panels) for suction loads, elevated temperature (see A.5.5.5);
EN 14509:2013 (E)
— durability (Statement of colour and reflectivity levels). Pass required before affixing CE Marking.
Either the wrinkling strength or bending resistance shall be declared
The ‘No performance determined’ (NPD) option shall not be used where the characteristic is subject to a threshold
level or for mechanical resistance characteristics (5.2.1), which determine fitness for intended use. The NPD option
may be used for other characteristics when and where the characteristic, for a given intended use, is not subject to
regulatory requirements.
— identification number of the notified body (only relevant for system 1);
— number of this European Standard (EN 14509) with date of Revision e.g.2012;
— description of the product: generic name, grade and thickness of facing materials, metalic coating mass and
coating type and thickness, core material and thickness, mass, density and intended use;
— reaction to fire (Classification including any mounting and fixing conditions, or Class F);
— fire resistance (Classification including any mounting and fixing conditions, or NPD);
EN 14509:2013 (E)
inner face:
— wrinkling strength in the span, ambient temperature;
— wrinkling strength at an internal support (continuous panels) for loads pressing on a support, ambient
— resistance to point loads – roofs – where required. The maximum achieved load and tested span shall be
— resistance to access loads. (for occasional foot traffic without additional protection) – roofs – where required.
Pass required before affixing CE Marking;
— durability (Statement of colour and reflectivity levels). Pass required before affixing CE Marking.
Either the wrinkling strength or bending resistance shall be declared
The ‘No performance determined’ (NPD) option shall not be used where the characteristic is subject to a threshold
level or for mechanical resistance characteristics (5.2.1), which determine fitness for intended use. The NPD option
may be used for other characteristics when and where the characteristic, for a given intended use, is not subject to
regulatory requirements.
NOTE Reaction to fire Class F and external fire performance Class FROOF are equivalent to NPD for these characteristics.
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Figure ZA.1 gives an example of the CE Marking and descriptive information to be given on the packaging.
Figure ZA.2 (roofs), Figure ZA.3 (external walls) and Figure ZA.4 (internal walls and ceilings) give examples of the
information to be given on the accompanying documents unless all the relevant information has been placed on the
The CE marking shall be presented in the language or languages accepted in the Member State in which the
product is to be used.
AnyCo Ltd, PO Box 21, B-1050 Name or identifying mark and registered address
EN 14509:2013 (E)
AnyCo Ltd, PO Box 21, B-1050 Name or identifying mark and registered address of
the producer
Name and registered address of the supplier (if
13 different from the producer)
EN 14509:2013 Last two digits of the year in which the marking was
Metal faced insulating panel for use in buildings.
Certificate number (where relevant)
Reference: XX1000.
3 No. of European Standard with Revision date
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Shear modulus (core) 6,0 MPa Airborne sound insulation. Only for panels
intended for acoustic insulation requirements.
Compressive strength (core) 0,08 MPa Classification or NPD
Bending resistance in the span (Tested span 3 m) Sound absorption. Only for panels intended for
- +ve bending 6,60 kNm/m internal acoustic conditioning. Classification or
- +ve bending, elevated temperature 6,30 kNm/m
Statement of colours/reflectivity if subject to
- -ve bending 6,60 kNm/m durability test DUR1
- -ve bending, elevated temperature 6,30 kNm/m
Bending resistance at an internal support
- +ve bending 5,30 kNm/m
- +ve bending, elevated temperature 5,00 kNm/m
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
EN 14509:2013 (E)
Figure ZA.4 – Example CE marking (internal walls and ceilings): accompanying information
EN 14509:2013 (E)
[1] Commission Decision 2006/600/EC of 04/09/06 amending Decision 2001/671/EC establishing the classes of
external fire performance of certain construction products
[2] European Recommendations for Sandwich Panels: Part 1: Design. ECCS/CIB Report – CIB Publication
Number 257: 23 Oct 2000. ISBN 90-6363-024-7
[3] Lightweight sandwich construction. Ed J M Davies, Blackwell Science on behalf of CIB Commission W56 and
ECCS Working Group TWG 7.9, ISBN 0-6322-004027-0, 2001
[4] EN 10002-1, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at ambient temperature
[5] EN 12524, Building materials and products - Hygrothermal properties - Tabulated design values
[6] EN 506, Roofing products of metal sheet - Specification for self-supporting products of copper or zinc sheet
[9] EN 1363-2, Fire resistance tests - Part 2: Alternative and additional procedures