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Precast Concrete Report

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Precast concrete is a construction product produced by casting concrete in a reusable mould or "form"

which is then cured in a controlled environment, transported to the construction site and lifted into place.
In contrast, standard concrete is poured into site-specific forms and cured on site. Precast stone is
distinguished from precast concrete using a fine aggregate in the mixture, so the final product
approaches the appearance of naturally occurring rock or stone. More recently expanded polystyrene is
being used as the cores to precast wall panels. This is lightweight and has better thermal insulation.
Precast is used within exterior and interior walls. By producing precast concrete in a controlled
environment (typically referred to as a precast plant), the precast concrete is afforded the opportunity to
properly cure and be closely monitored by plant employees. Using a precast concrete system offers
many potential advantages over onsite casting. Precast concrete production can be performed on ground
level, which helps with safety throughout a project. There is greater control over material quality and
workmanship in a precast plant compared to a construction site. The forms used in a precast plant can be
reused hundreds to thousands of times before they have to be replaced, often making it cheaper than
onsite casting when looking at the cost per unit of formwork.[1]
There are many different types of precast concrete forming systems for architectural applications,
differing in size, function, and cost. Precast architectural panels are also used to clad all or part of a
building facade or free-standing walls used for landscaping, soundproofing, and security walls, and some
can be pre stressed concrete structural elements. Storm water drainage, water and sewage pipes, and
tunnels make use of precast concrete units.
To complete the look of the four precast wall panel types — sandwich, plastered sandwich, inner layer
and cladding panels — many surface finishes are available. Standard cement is white or grey, though
different colours can be added with pigments or paints. The colour and size of aggregate can also affect
the appearance and texture of concrete surfaces. The shape and surface of the precast concrete moulds
have an effect on the look: The mould can be made of timber, steel, plastic, rubber or fibreglass, each
material giving a unique finish.


Certificate 2

Acknowledgement 3

Abstract 4

Table of Contents

Introduction 6
Comparing Precast vs. Site cast concrete 7
Manufacturing process of Precast concrete elements 9
Dimensions of Precast elements 12

Types of Precast concrete units 14

Materials used for Precast concrete buildings 17
Precast Installation 23
Connections and Attachments in Precast concrete 24
Types of Precast Concrete 26
Advantages and Disadvantages of Precast concrete 28



Precast concrete is a form of  concrete  that is prepared, cast and cured off-site, usually in a
controlled factory environment, using reusable moulds. Precast concrete elements can be joined to
other elements to form a complete structure. It is typically used for structural components such
as; wall panels, beams, columns, floors, staircases, pipes, tunnels, and so on.

Structural steel frames can provide an alternative for pre-fabricated structural components, but precast

concrete can be more economical and sometimes more practical. Many buildings now include a mixture of
both construction techniques, sometimes incorporating structural steelwork, in-situ concrete and precast
concrete elements.

The concept of precast (also known as “prefabricated”) construction includes those buildings where the majority
of structural components are standardized and produced in plants in a location away from the building, and then
transported to the site for assembly. These components are manufactured by industrial methods based on mass
production in order to build a large number of buildings in a short time at low cost.

FIG. 1: precast wall being placed at its position FIG.2: Precast column structure

The main features of this construction process are as follows:

• The division and specialization of the human workforce

• The use of tools, machinery, and other equipment, usually automated, in the production of standard,
interchangeable parts and products

This type of construction requires a restructuring of the entire conventional construction process to enable
interaction between the design phase and production planning in order to improve and speed up the construction.
One of the key premises for achieving that objective is to design buildings with a regular configuration in plan
and elevation. Urban residential buildings of this type are usually five to ten stories high. Many countries used
various precast building systems during the second half of the 20th century to provide low-income housing for
the growing urban population. They were very popular after the Second World War, especially in Eastern
European countries and former Soviet Union republics. In the former Soviet Union, different precast buildings
systems are denoted as “Seria,” whereas in Romania they are called “Secţiunea.”
 Comparing Precast vs. Site cast concrete:

Quality control: Because precast concrete is mixed, poured and cured in a factory, ideal conditions and exacting
measurements can be maintained throughout the process. Unfortunately, the logistics of site casting make this far
more challenging. You are subject to the humidity and temperature of the day you are doing the casting. You
have to do the work using far less precise tools. The result is an inferior quality product even under the most ideal

Labour efficiency: Precast is much more labour efficient. Because work is done in a factory, the effort is
maximized through the use of tools and machinery that simply isn’t available on the job site. Therefore, with site
casting, work that might be done with machines has to be instead performed by hand. This is much more labour
intensive, thus increasing labour costs and making the process more costly.

Curing conditions: Because curing conditions can be controlled in a factory, they can be accelerated without
sacrificing strength or quality. That simply isn’t the case on site. While you can do certain things to accelerate
curing on site, they are difficult and generally not worth the logistical hassle and costs. Furthermore, they run the
risk of lower quality concrete, as delicate variables are hard to account for. If you need accelerated curing, precast
is the only way to move forward confidently.

Full strength: Because concrete gains strength over time, it isn’t fully strong immediately after drying. However,
with precast concrete, that hardening process takes place before arriving on the job site. That’s not the case with
site cast concrete. Before you can raise the concrete into place, you have to wait for site cast concrete to harden
fully. This can delay construction and increase costs. It is much more time and cost efficient to have fully
hardened concrete slabs ready to be placed the moment they arrive.

Cast ahead of time: With precast concrete, you can do the casting of your materials ahead of time, holding them
until they are needed. Unfortunately, overlapping tasks and improving efficiency is all but impossible with site
cast concrete. Because of the amount of space and labour required for on-site casting, you generally have to stop
construction while you wait for your materials to be ready. This is a costly way to stand around and wait.
Weather: An unexpected rain storm can grind construction work to a halt if it occurs when you are doing site
casting. Thankfully, this simply isn’t a problem when it comes to precast solutions. If it is raining when your
precast slabs arrive on site, you can lift them into place just as you would during a sunny day.

Insulation: Because precast concrete is factory made, certain elements can be incorporated within the concrete
that cannot be added to site cast concrete. Added insulation is one of the most common elements. By adding
additional insulation materials within the concrete slab, you can save both labour and architectural design space
when constructing a building. Rather than hanging and lining the interior of your building with insulation, the
slabs that you lift into place with have the insulating power of traditional concrete with additional hung

Specialized reinforcement: Finally, just as specialized insulation can be added to precast concrete, specialized
structural reinforcements can be added as well. For certain projects, this is crucial, as it allows the panel to bear
loads at a thickness that simply isn’t possible with traditional poured concrete. By decreasing the amount of
material needed to make a building structurally sound, you are saving money while being less taxing on the
resources available.
 Manufacturing process of Precast concrete elements:

Crucial factors that are to be considered for effective production and supply of precast concrete components are:
1. Storage facilities.
2. Suitable transport facilities.
3. Erection equipment.
4. Availability of raw materials.

Manufacture of precast concrete units can be done in a centrally located factory, or in a site where a precasting
yard is set up at or near the site of work.

1. Factory Prefabrication:

Factory prefabrication is adopted in a centrally located plant for the manufacture of standardized components on
a long-term basis.
The production unit has to work throughout the year, preferably under a closed shed to avoid the effects of
seasonal variations. The feasibility of the introduction of the latest manufacturing technique should be
Further, there should be some room for the possibility of introducing enhanced technology. To ensure continuous
production, work has to be organized in a factory-like manner with support from a team of workmen.
The disadvantages of factory prefabrication are:
• Extra cost incurred while transportation.
• Limitation of the availability of transportation equipment for the size and shape of the prefabricated
component and road contour.
• Employment of organized labour and their service benefits cause a huge establishment.

2. Site Prefabrication:

In this case, the components are manufactured at the site or as near to the site as possible. This type of precast
concrete manufacturing is employed for specific jobs that last for a short span of time.
The locally available labour force is, as for as possible, used, and the equipment and moulds are rented.
Generally, the work is carried out in open space.
Although this has some economic benefits, there are a few disadvantages:
• There are no elaborate arrangements for quality control.
• Work may be disrupted due to weather conditions.
• A high degree of mechanization cannot be adopted.

3. Process of Manufacture:

Processes of manufacture comprise the main process supplemented by an auxiliary process and a subsidiary
1. Main Process:
The activities involved in the main process are given below:
• Providing and assembling the mould.
• Placing a reinforcement cage in position on the reinforced concrete work and stressing the wires in the
case of prestressed concrete elements.
• Fixing tubes and inserts wherever necessary.
• Placing the concrete in the moulds.
• Vibrating the concrete and finishing.
• Demolding the forms, removing the units, and stacking the products for curing.
• Curing is done. Preferably steam curing may be resorted to.
FIG. 3 :Precast manufacturing in Factory

2. Auxiliary Process:

The activities affecting the successful functioning of the main process are as follows:
• Mixing of proportionate ingredients and manufacture of fresh concrete, which is done in a mixing station
or by a batching plant.
• Prefabrication of a reinforcement cage is done in a steelyard or workshop.
• Manufacturing of inserts and other finishing items needed for the precast units.
• Taking on the job of finishing the precast products.
• Arranging for the testing of these products.

3. Subsidiary Process:

The activities that help to keep the main production unit functioning properly are as follows:
• Storage of all the ingredients for concrete and other materials.
• Arranging to transport cement, sand, and aggregates.
• Transporting the green concrete and reinforcement cages to the molding yard.
• Transporting the finished products to the stacking yard.
• Undertaking all repair works, maintenance of tools, machines, etc.
• Arranging to produce steam for curing.

4. Overall Management:

For the successful running of the entire production unit, the following aspects should be properly exercised:
• To ensure speed and economy while manufacturing precast concrete, a cyclic technological method has to
be employed.
• To improve quality and increase productivity, the mechanization has to be improved.
• Optimum production has to be achieved with quality elements produced.
• To maintain speed to meet the supply.
• Working conditions should be improved for the people on the job.
• To minimize the interruption of production due to weather or other causes.
5. Methods of Manufacturing:

There are two methods of manufacturing precast concrete units, viz., the Stand Method and the Flow Method.
In the Stand Method, the moulds are stationary and remain in one place, where the various processes involved
are carried out in a cyclic order at the same place.
In the Flow Method, the precast units under consideration are in movement from one place to another in a cyclic
order according to the various processes involved in the work.

FIG.4: Precast slab manufacturing with proper reinforcement

 Dimensions of Precast Elements:

The preferred dimensions for different elements of a building considering the basic module are as follows:

1. Flooring and Roofing Scheme:

Precast slabs or other precast structural flooring units:

-- Length:
Normal length shall be in multiples of 3 M.
-- Width:
Normal width shall be in multiples of 1 M.
--Overall thickness:
The overall thickness shall be in multiples of M/4.

2. Beams:
Normal length shall be in multiples of 3 M.
Normal width shall be in multiples of M/4.
--Overall depth:
The overall depth of the floor zone shall be in multiples of M/4.

3. Columns:
Overall depth (i.e., floor-to-floor or the clear height) shall be in multiples of 1 M for heights up to 2.8 M, and for
heights above 2.8 M, it shall be in multiples of 2 M.
--Lateral dimension:
The overall lateral dimension or diameter of columns shall be in multiples of M/4.

4. Walls:
The nominal thickness of walls shall be multiples of M/4.

5. Staircase:
Nominal width shall be in multiples of 1 M.

5. Lintels:
Nominal length shall be in multiples of 1 M.
Nominal width shall be in multiples of M/4.
-- Depth:
The nominal depth shall be in multiples of M/4.

6. Sunshades Projections:
Nominal length shall be in multiples of 1 M.
Normally acceptable methods of finishes for these components are:
1. Moulded concrete surface to design.
2. Laid-on finishing tiles fixed during casting.
3. Finishes obtained by washing, tooling, grinding, and grooming of hardened concrete.
4. Exposed aggregates are in-situ.
5. Finishes added in-situ.

a) Precast concrete flooring b) Precast concrete Beams

c) Precast concrete Columns d) Precast concrete Stairs

FIG. 5: Above pictures shows different precast concrete elements

 Types of Precast Concrete Units:

Different types of precast concrete units are discussed below.

1. Hollow Concrete Blocks:

Hollow concrete blocks are manufactured in various shapes and sizes. Blocks of concrete are molded in a
machine. Details of standard size blocks, which are used for different works, are given below:
(i) Hollow concrete blocks – 39 cm × 19 cm × 30 cm.
(ii) Hollow building tiles – 39 cm × 19 cm × 20 cm.
(iii) Hollow concrete blocks for partition walls – 39 cm × 19 cm × 10 cm.
The face thickness of blocks is maintained as 5 cm or more. Different forms of hollow concrete blocks are shown
in the below figure.

Standard hollow blocks are used for the construction of walls and columns. To ensure maximum economy in
construction, the overall length and height of walls should be so fixed so as to make maximum use of full and
half-length blocks.
The availability of the size of hollow blocks should be considered while determining the height of the door and
window openings.
Specially shaped blocks are manufactured for corners, sills, lintels, and jambs, wall closures, piers between doors
and windows, etc.
2. Lintel Units:

Prefabricated RCC lintels can be used conveniently over windows, door openings, and passage openings. Precast
lintels indirectly accelerate the speed of construction as the curing period is eliminated.
Precast RCC lintels are preferred for small spaces up to 2 meters, and they are usually cast in wooden moulds and
cured well in advance.
While laying a precast lintel case, care has to be taken to see that the marked face of the lintel is on the top or
upper side.
All pre-cast lintels are marked with tar or paint at the top so as to distinguish them from the bottom. This is
essential; otherwise, the position of reinforcement is reversed, which causes structural failure.

3. Door and Window Frames:

Door and window frames can also be prefabricated. Steel bars of about 4–40 mm in diameter run through the
frames of the doors or windows.
Suitable hardwood blocks are used for fixing hinges, etc., to them. Concrete is vibrated on a table vibrator and
then poured into the mould, which ensures a durable mix.

4. Roofing and Flooring Elements:

Prefabricated reinforced concrete battens are used instead of wooden battens. For the sloping roof, precast
reinforced and prestressed concrete trusses may be used.
Plain precast concrete tiles can be used for roofing and flooring flat roofs.
5. Precast Shell Units:

Plain or lightly reinforced concrete can be used in the form of precast shell roofing. A suitable frame is made to
cast the shell unit.
The hessian cloth is spread over it. The cloth is given a sort of sag to maintain the shape of the shell. To regulate
the thickness, a thin frame of 2.5 cm height is placed.
Chicken mesh cut to fit this mould is placed on it. Cement concrete is poured and manually compacted. The
frame is made to rest to permit the hessian to sag with wet concrete. Edge beams are also cast.
To obtain a level surface, the depression is filled with concrete or earth—the shell units maybe 1 m × 1 m to
about 3 m × 3 m in size.

6. Sunshade Unit:

Sunshades are made 75 mm at the cantilever end and tapered upwards to the depth of the lintel. They come
monolithic with lintel.
On average, the projection will be 60–90 cm. The main rods of the cantilever of the sunshade can be 8 mm rods
at 10 cm centers with 8 mm distributors at 15 cm centres.
At least a 20 mm cover is provided. A typical cross-section of a sunshade is shown in the below figure.
 Materials used for Precast concrete buildings:

1. Cement for Precast Concrete Buildings

Cement should comply with the requirements of IS 456;2000, for gaining satisfactory performance in a structure.
The standard classifies cement under two divisions; General-purpose- Ordinary Portland Cements [OPC] 43
grade [IS:8112] and 53 [IS:12269] are normally used in precast concrete construction.

Special purpose-These cements are specified for elements in aggressive environments, eg. tidal and splash zones,
in sulfate bearing soils and in chemically polluted environments. Portland Pozzolana Cement [IS 1481] and
Portland Slag Cement [IS 455] are preferred

Avoid high silica cement as it suffers reversion and loses a large portion of its strength in warm and humid

FIG.6 : Cement used in precast construction

2. Supplementary Cementitious Material [SCMs] for Precast Concrete Buildings

Supplementary cementitious materials are natural materials or industrial by-products that exhibit cementitious
behaviours when combined with either water or water and other compounds. SCMs enhance the results of
ordinary Portland cement (OPC) hydration reactions in concrete and are either incorporated into concrete mixes
as a partial replacement for Portland cement or blended into the cement during manufacturing. SCMs augment
cement’s actions and can improve fresh concrete characteristics, strengthen hardened concrete properties and
reduce raw material costs.

Supplementary cementitious materials include fly ash, ground granulated blast- furnace slag, met kaolin and
silica fume. They should comply with the requirements of the appropriate parts of IS; 3812 for fly ash, IS;12089
for GGBS and IS;15388 for silica fumes. The benefits of Supplementary cementitious materials include reduced
cost, improved workability, and lower heat of hydration, improved durability and chemical resistance.

3. Aggregates for Precast Concrete Buildings

Aggregates for precast concrete should be durable. They should not deteriorate or disintegrate under the action of
the weather. Items for consideration under weathering action are freezing, thawing, and variations in moisture
content, and temperature changes. General aggregates [coarse and fine aggregates including manufactured sands]
should comply with requirements of IS:383. Methods of the test of aggregates are covered by IS; 2386. Special
Aggregates may be required to give desired features such as colour and texture for exposed aggregates surfaces.
Where special aggregates are used it is better to stockpile them at the beginning of a project for avoiding
variations in supply. Gap- graded aggregates will give the most uniform exposed aggregate surface.
FIG.7:Aggregates used in Precast Concrete Buildings

4. Water for Precast Concrete Buildings

Water should be free from matter which will reduce the strength and durability of the concrete. The use of
recycled water may lead to a rise in the proportion of soluble salts and alkalis in the concrete. Testing should be
carried out to ensure the limits are not exceeded and where potentially alkali-segregates are being used. Mixing
water/curing water shall conform to the requirements as per IS 456-2000.

5. Waterproofing admixture for Precast Concrete Buildings

Waterproofing admixture for precast construction should comply with the requirements of IS; 9103-1999, when
compared with the manufacturers’ declared values. Where two or more admixtures are to be used in combination
they should be checked for compatibility with the cement. It is also desirable to conduct trials with admixtures
using the specific materials to be used in the project to ascertain the dodge for the desired performance.

Crystalline waterproofing admixture is a great option for precast buildings. Integral crystalline admixture powder
specifically formulated to interact with concrete capillary pore structures to provide a waterproofing system that
is a permanent part of the concrete. These can be used in above- and below-grade applications. Active chemicals
combine with the free lime and moisture present in the capillary tracts and pores, to form insoluble crystalline
complexes. These crystals block the capillaries and minor shrinkage cracks in the concrete to prevent any further
water ingress.

FIG. 8:Waterproofing admixture for Precast Concrete

6. Pigments [Oxides] for Precast Concrete Buildings

Oxide pigments are commonly used to colour precast concrete. Pigments are available in a wide range of colours
from deep to pale pastel hues. The major non-blended standard pigments are green, black, red, brown, yellow,
blue and white. These can be obtained in the commercially blended form to produce many intermediate colours.

Pigments for use in precast concrete should be-

 chemically inert and particularly alkaline resistant

 insoluble
 chemically inorganic to prevent fading by photochemical degradation.

Pigments may be natural or synthetic. Mineral oxide pigments are the most widely used materials, fulfilling all
the above requirements.

FIG.9: Pigments [Oxides] for Precast Concrete Buildings

7. Reinforcement bars for Precast Concrete Buildings

Reinforcement bars should comply with IS; 1786-2008 for high strength deformed bars for concrete
reinforcement, IS; 432 for mild steel and medium tensile bars. Bars are classified by shape, ductility, class,
strength grade and size. The physical properties, chemical compositions and geometry of ribs and lungs in case of
steel reinforcement shall be in conformity with IS; 1786-2008.

FIG.10: Reinforcement bars for Precast Concrete

8. Prestressing tendons for Precast Concrete Buildings

Steel tendons for prestressed concrete may be wires, strands or bars. Wires and strands are commonly used for
pre-tensioned members. 7- wire strands systems are the most common system used for post-tensioned members.
Prestressing tendons should be clean and free of harmful matter such as loose mill scale, loose rust, mud, oil
grease, or any other coating which could reduce the bond between the concrete and the steel. Prestressing steel
should confirm to IS;1343.

FIG.11:Prestressing tendons for Precast Concrete

9. Protective coatings on reinforcement for Precast Concrete Buildings

Appropriate quality of concrete and amount of cover in combination with proper detailing is considered sufficient
to protect reinforcing steel for the normal life of a structure. The most commonly used coating is zinc-based. It
provides appropriate thickness in the form of hot-dip galvanization. It should not be coupled with dissimilar

FIG.12:Protective coatings on reinforcement for Precast Concrete

10. Joints for Precast Concrete Buildings

The purpose of Joint in precast structure is: to transmit forces between structural components and provide overall
stability. Joint is designed to resist unpredictable loads. Load transfer mechanism and ductility offered by the
joint connections play a key role in determining the overall seismic performance of precast structures, thus
connections require proper design for adequate transfer of seismic forces between the precast panels. For precast
architectural and structural joints are used. 

Architectural joints are designed to hold the cladding, connection points by evaluating  the effects of structural
movement on the cladding. The precast concrete manufacturer designs the cladding for the specified loads,
erection loads and connection details. The precast panel is independently supported to the building structure
using an assemblage of metal components and anchors. Joints around each of the precast panels are usually filled
with sealant.

Structural joints generally placed at various intervals to allow for the expansion/contraction of the materials.
There are two kinds of joints that can be distinguished Dry and Wet joints Dry Joint is accomplished by simple
placing of two members by means of welding or fastening. Wet Joint requires not only casting with cement but
also concreting and grouting material.

FIG.13: Joints for Precast Concrete Buildings

11. Lightweight Aggregate concrete for Precast Concrete Buildings

Lightweight aggregate concrete can be made by injecting air into the composition of concrete. It will make the
concrete contained with an air bubble which can reduce the weight and the density of concrete. The other way to
produce this concrete is by replacing the aggregate by hollow, cellular and porous aggregate. The aggregates used
in structural lightweight concrete may be a combination of fractions of both lightweight coarse and fine materials
and lightweight coarse material with an appropriate, natural fine aggregate. The advantage of Lightweight
aggregate concrete is reduction in dead loads due to low density as compared to conventional concrete.

12. Fibers for Precast Concrete Buildings

Fibers can be used as reinforcement in precast concrete, either as a fiber-only solution or as a combined solution
with conventional rebar reinforcement. Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) in precast construction increases its
structural integrity. It contains short discrete fibers that are uniformly distributed and randomly oriented. Blends
of both steel and polymeric fibers are often used in construction projects in order to combine the benefits of both
products; structural improvements provided by steel fibers and the resistance to explosive spalling and plastic
shrinkage improvements provided by polymeric fibers. In certain specific circumstances, steel fiber or macro
synthetic fibers can entirely replace traditional steel reinforcement bars in reinforced concrete. This is most
common in industrial flooring but also in some other precasting applications.

FIG.14: Fibers for Precast Concrete Buildings

13. Non-shrink grouts for Precast Concrete Buildings

When complete filling of spaces or bond to reinforcement in core holes is essential, non-shrink grouts are used.
Non-shrink grout when hardened under stipulated test conditions, does not shrink, so its final volume is greater
than or equal to the originally installed volume. It is often used as a transfer medium between load-bearing

FIG.15: Non-shrink grouts for Precast Concrete Buildings

14. Epoxy grouts for Precast Concrete Buildings

Epoxy grouts are used when very high strength is desired to the concrete. Design, detailing, and proper material
specification of field-cast grouts are critical for a number of reasons. They are mixtures of epoxy resins and filler
material, mostly sand. The physical properties of epoxy vary widely so the user should be familiar with the
compounds to be used.
 Precast Installation :

---Planning: precast panel installation is a difficult task and it is not easy as installing plywood or wooden
building materials. Before the precast panel installation, you need to assemble the materials. After
installing the precast materials on your location, you can use cranes to lift such heavy precast panels for
installation. In this stage, you must keep the required number precast panel ready, so that there is no delay
or confusion in the process of installing them with a crane.
---Permits: as you know that for any construction you need to take the permits from the local municipal
authority. Similarly, to maintain the building norms, you need to take the required permission for precast
panel installation from the same. The building codes are prescribed on your permit and you must maintain
such codes during your construction. You need to decide the thickness and height of the graven base
according to the building norms and choose the precast panels with minimum height for your domestic
---Gravel Base: for precast panel installation, you need to prepare the gravel base. You should prepare the
gravel base with a minimum of 12 inch thickness and can choose high thickness according to the building
norms. You should not pour any concrete materials on the gravel base as it is not required at all.
---First Panel Installation: once you prepare the gravel base, you need to pull the first precast panel from
the truck with the help of crane and then you can place it on the wall. You need to install the first precast
panel on the corner of the wall to make the starting line, and then use 2×4 bracing on both side of the
panels. This will give full support to your panel, and you can move on to the next panel afterward.
---Second Panel Installation: after the first precast panel installation, you need to pull the second panel
immediately from the truck and place it on the perfect position. You should install the second one on the
right side of the first precast panel and remove the braces between two panels. Then make the holes in the
panels and press them together.
---Sealing: after precast panel installation, you need to use the waterproof sealers to seal the panels. It is
better to install a few panels and use the sealers to seal them first, and then you can move to the further
precast panel installation again. Such sealers are available in a tube, and you can easily spray them on the
panel. Once the panels are fixed, you need to use the spreader to smoothen the surface
 Connections and attachments in Precast concrete elements:

1. Weld plates

Steel weld plates surfaces for loose connecting plates or angles. are usually embedded in the recast
members which can be used as welding .

FIG.16: A welded plate connecting two members

2. Rebar and Grout

Reinforced bars are usually spliced into slabs and are then grouted into place.

FIG.17: Precast member with rebar and grout

3. Nuts and Bolts

Steel connectors are embedded in the concrete at the time of casting. These are then bolted together
while installing. This method requires great precision.

FIG. 18: Nuts and bolts connecting two members


1. Large Panel System

Large panel systems are useful for the construction of apartments and hotels. It consists of large walls and floor
concrete panels connected in the vertical and horizontal directions.

Both horizontal and vertical panels withstand gravity loads. There are three arrangements of large panel system
based on wall layouts which include cross-wall system, longitudinal-wall system, two-way system.

2. Frame System

It is suitable for the construction of car parks, stadia, and offices. Precast frames can be constructed using either
linear elements or spatial beam-column sub assemblages.

Precast beam-column sub-assemblages have the advantages that the connecting faces between the sub-
assemblages can be placed away from the critical frame regions.

However linear elements are generally preferred because of the difficulties associated with forming, handling and
erecting spatial elements.
3. Slab Column System with shear wall

In this system, gravity loads supported by slab-column structure whereas shear walls withstand lateral loads.
There are two types of slab-column system with shear walls namely; lift slab system with walls and pre-stressed
slab-column system.
 Advantages and Disadvantages of
Precast concrete:

Advantages are as follows:

1. Saves Construction Time: Precast Concrete construction saves time, the risk of project delay is also less.
The precast concrete casting can be carried on simultaneously with other works on site such as
earthwork, survey, etc. and thus saves time.

2. Quality Assurance: The key factors which regulate the quality of construction such as curing,
temperature, mix design, formwork, etc. can be monitored for Precast Concrete. So, improved quality
construction can be performed. 

3. Usage of Prestressed Concrete: By using pre-stressed precast, structural materials of high strength and
load-bearing capacity can be achieved, which can result in greater clear span, reduced size of the cross-
section of structural members, etc.

4. Cost-effective: The simplified construction process reduces the time, increases the productivity, quality
and safety and thus the cost is reduced. 

5. Durability: Precast Concrete structure has a longer service time period and minimal maintenance. The
high-density Precast Concrete is more durable to acid attack, corrosion, impact, reduces surface voids and
resists the accumulation of dust. 
6. Aesthetics: As the structures are prefabricated in a controlled factory environment, several combinations
of colors and textures can be used. A wide range of shapes and sizes are available to choose from with
smooth finishing and thus the aesthetical value of products are increased.

7. Safe Construction Platform: No raw materials have to be stocked in site for Precast Concrete
construction. It reduces the requirement of traditional formworks and props, wastage, workers, etc. and
thus provides a safe working platform.

Disadvantages are as follows:

1. High Initial Investment: For installing a Precast Concrete plant, heavy and sophisticated machines are
necessary which requires a high initial investment. A large scale of precast construction projects must be
available to ensure sufficient profit.

2. Transportation Issue: The construction site can be at a distant location from the Precast Concrete plant.
In that case, the precast members must be carried to the site using trailers. In many cases, the reduced
costs of Precast Concrete are compensated by the transportation cost. 

3. Handling Difficulties: Proper care and precaution have to be taken for handling precast concrete.
Usually, precast members are heavy and large which makes it difficult to handle without damage.
Generally, portable or tower cranes are used to handle precast members. 

4. Modification: Limitation In case of precast structures, it is difficult to modify the structure. For example,
if a structural wall is to be dismantled for modification it will impact the overall stability of the structure.

5. Sensitive Connection Works: Assembling of the precast members is one of the key points for ensuring
strong structural behaviour. Connections between several structural members must be supervised and
done properly to ensure the intended behaviour of the connection such as simple, semi-rigid or rigid
connections. Besides this, faulty connections may lead to water leakage and fail sound insulation.

The simple concrete block will continue to evolve as architects and block manufacturers develop
new shapes and sizes. These new blocks promise to make building construction faster and less
expensive, as well as result 7 in structures that are more durable and energy efficient. Some of
the possible block designs for the future include the biaxial block, which has cavities running
horizontally as well as vertically to allow access for plumbing and electrical conduits; the stacked
siding block, which consists of three sections that form both interior and exterior walls; and the
heatsoak block, which stores heat to cool the interior rooms in summer and heat them in winter.
These designs have been incorporated into a prototype house, called Lifestyle 2000, which is the
result of a cooperative effort between the National Association of Home Builders and the
National Concrete Masonry Association.






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