Understanding Culture, Society and Politics: Quarter 1 - Module 2
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics: Quarter 1 - Module 2
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics: Quarter 1 - Module 2
Government Property
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Common concerns of anthropology, sociology, and political
science with respect to the phenomenon of change
First Edition, 2020
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Management Team
Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, Ph.D., CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent
Senior High School
Understanding Culture,
Society, and Politics
Quarter 1 – Module 2
Concerns of Anthropology, Sociology,
and Political Science with respect
to the phenomenon of change
Table of Contents
COVER PAGE............................................................................................................i
COPYRIGHT PAGE...................................................................................................ii
TITLE PAGE............................................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................ iv
WHAT THIS MODULE IS ABOUT ............................................................................v
WHAT I NEED TO KNOW ........................................................................................v
HOW TO LEARN FROM THIS MODULE..................................................................v
ICONS OF THIS MODULE ...................................................................................... vi
WHAT I KNOW ........................................................................................................ vii
Lesson 1: Concerns of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political
Science with respect to the phenomenon of change
What’s In .............................................................................................................1
What’s New: .......................................................................................................1
What Is It...............................................................................................................1
What’s More: .......................................................................................................2
What I Have Learned: Reflection of Learning..................................................3
What Can I Do: Write an Essay.........................................................................3
What I Know (Post-Test) ................................................................................. 5
Key to Answers................................................................................................. 7
References............................................................................................................ 8
What This Module is About
It is said that society, culture and politics are related. There is an interplay or
link between the three disciplines. This lesson will highlight the common concerns or
intersections of anthropology, sociology, and political science concerning to the
phenomenon of change. Studying this module will help you realize how these
intersections of disciplines played an important role in our society as it embraces
Let the learning begin.
Icons of this Module
What I Know
2. Is the branch of knowledge which deals with the scientific study of man, his
works, his body, his behaviour and values, in time and space.
A. Anthropology C. Political Science
B. Microbiology D. Zoology
5. The following are the three disciplines of social sciences that interlinked, and
therefore, you cannot separate one from another except.
A. Astronomy C. Political Science
B. Sociology D. Anthropology
9. The study of society and how people behave and influence the world around us
A. Social Science C. Archaeology
B. Social Stratification D. Psychology
10. A science that seeks to answers about man’s existence and his social
A. Sociology C. Political Science
B. Anthropology D. Biology
Concerns of Anthropology,
Sociology, and Political Science
2 with Respect to the
Phenomenon of Change
What’s In
The last meeting, we have discussed about the social, political, and cultural
change. This time, we will recognize the common concerns or intersections of
anthropology, sociology, and political science about the phenomenon of change.
What’s New
Instruction: Identify what field of sciences does the picture shown below. Write only
the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
What Is It
There is a link between the three disciplines of social sciences which includes
sociology, anthropology and political science, since it all study human behaviour. Its
connection are interlinked and therefore, you cannot separate one from another. To
further know our lesson, we have to define first what anthropology, sociology, and
political science.
Anthropology is a social science that study the origins of humanity, past and
present human behavior. Through time, our social existence evolve with distinct
features and diverse identity. The human development and social experience
explains the phenomenon of changes in human life. The study of anthropology seeks
to answer about human distinct existence with its sociocultural background.
What’s More
Direction: Using the Venn diagram, identify the three social sciences mentioned
above. Write them inside the circles. Write down the commonalities/similarities
among the three (3) disciplines at the center.
I learned that________________________________________________________
I realized that________________________________________________________
If given a chance_____________________________________________________
What Can I do
Direction: Write essay of how these three disciplines of social sciences played an
important role in our society as it embraces changes.
Features 4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of Piece was Piece was Piece had little Piece had no
Writing written in an written in an style or voice style or voice
extraordinary interesting Gives some Gives no new
style and voice style and voice new information
Very Somewhat information but and very
informative informative and poorly poorly
and well- organized organized organized
Grammar, Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many
Usage & spelling, and spelling, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation or punctuation punctuation or punctuation
grammatical errors, minor grammatical and
errors grammatical errors grammatical
errors errors that it
interferes with
the meaning
What I Know
Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
. 2. A science that seeks to answers about man’s existence and his social
A. Sociology C. Political Science
B. Anthropology D. Biology
3. The following are the three disciplines of social sciences that interlinked and
therefore, you cannot separate one from another except.
A. Astronomy C. Political Science
B. Sociology D. Anthropology
6. Is the branch of knowledge which deals with the scientific study of man, his
works, his body, his behaviour and values, in time and space.
A. Anthropology C. Political Science
B. Microbiology D. Zoology
7. The study of society and how people behave and influence the world around us.
A. Social Science C. Archaeology
B. Social Stratification D. Psychology
C. Both A and B
D. It analyzes the history of evolution with the social aspect
Key Answers
Module 2
Pre-Test Post-Test
1. B 1. C
2. A 2. A
3. C 3. A
4. D 4. A
5. A 5. D
6. A 6. A
7. D 7. A
8. D 8. D
9. A 9. D
10. B 10. D
Baleña, E. Lucero, D. Peralta, A. (2016) Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics for
Senior High School, Quezon City: Educational Resources Corporation. Philippines
Contreras, A, Dela Cruz, A. Erasga, D and Fadrigon C. (2016) Understanding Culture, Society,
and Politics, Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., Philippines.
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