Stepping in The Light
Stepping in The Light
Stepping in The Light
For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us,
leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps. 1 Pet. 2:21
1. Try - ing to walk in the steps of the Sav - ior, Try - ing to fol - low our Sav - ior and King;
2. Press -ing more close - ly to Him Who is lead - ing, When we are tempt - ed to turn from the way;
3. Walk - ing in foot - steps of gen - tle for -bear-ance, Foot -steps of faith - ful - ness, mer - cy, and love,
4. Try - ing to walk in the steps of the Sav - ior, Up - ward, still up - ward, we fol - low our Guide;
Shap - ing our lives by His bless - ed ex - am - ple, Hap - py, how hap - py, the songs that we bring.
Trust - ing the arm that is strong to de - fend us, Hap - py, how hap - py, our prais - es each day.
Look - ing to Him for the grace free - ly prom-ised, Hap - py, how hap - py, our jour - ney a - bove.
When we shall see Him, “the King in His beau - ty,” Hap - py, how hap - py, our place at His side.
How beau - ti - ful to walk in the steps of the Sav - ior, Step - ping in the light, step - ping in the light,
How beau - ti - ful to walk in the steps of the Sav - ior, Led in paths of light.
WORDS: Eliza E. Hewitt, pub.1890. MUSIC: William J. Kirkpatrick, 1890. Public Domain.