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Guidelines For Visual Basic DDE Client Apps PDF

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GE PMCS Tech note# 22 http://genet.edc.ge.com/systems/Technote/note22.


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Technical Note #22

GE Power
Management Control
System Guidelines for Visual Basic DDE Client Apps
Subject: Guidelines for VB DDE client application development.
Applies To: PMCS systems that utilize Visual Basic to implement the DDE
Operation protocol.
Product Support
Operator Interfaces The following guidelines should be adhered to when using Visual Basic:
F A Q’s
App Notes 1. Make sure that the connection is established before issuing any DDE request
Download Area or poke.
Manuals 2. Don’t change the ’LinkItem’ property when a connection is already
Useful established. Terminate the link first, then re-connect.
Information 3. Don’t re-initiate a link without terminating it first.
Glossary of Terms 4. It is always good practice to terminate a link if you suspect that it may be
Useful Links active.
Search Tech support 5. Before establishing any link, make sure that LinkMode property is set to
We want to hear None ( no link ), and once the topic and item name have been set, set
from you! LinkMode property.
On error resume next
Service and Support Ctl.LinkMode = vbLinkNone
locations around the world .
.. Ctl.LinkTopic = appname & "|" & topic
Ctl.LinkItem = item
Ctl.LinkMode = LinkType ( Automatic, manual or warm link )
6. Set a long enough time-interval before timing out for DDE requests. Some
data, like the Event special item, take a bit longer to receive (as the device
may not have an event or device communication is faulty). In those cases,
even if a time-out occurs, the link should remain established. The default
time-out for the DDE server to time-out for data requests is 5 seconds.
However, this can be changed within the "ini" file.
In Visual Basic, setting a DDE link automatically generates an initiate
request, followed by an advise request. Be aware that during an initiate
conversation, if Visual Basic time-outs first, it generates a time-out message.
If server time-outs, then Visual Basic generates a DDE refuse message.
However, Visual Basic generates the same DDE refuse message whenever an
item name is not supported by the server, though when the item name is
wrong, the refuse message comes immediately. Ensure that the client DDE
time out period is less than server time-out period. This reduces the confusion
between a wrong item name error and an actual server time out, which are the
same Visual Basic error message.

Example: For DDE Connection

Select Case MakeConnection(clientLinkMode)

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GE PMCS Tech note# 22 http://genet.edc.ge.com/systems/Technote/note22.htm

Case 0 ( No error )
ConnectState True
Case errDDERefused ( error code 285)
MsgBox "Please check the item name and re-connect."
Disconnect txtData
Case errNoAppResponded ( error code 282 )
MsgBox "Unable to establish dde link. Please make sure that application and topic
names are spelled correctly."
Case errNoChannelOpen ( error code 293)
MsgBox "Unable to initiate the dde link. Couldn’t establish connection."
End Select


Visual Basic; VB; Client Applications

Related Notes


Last Revised 11/8/96

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