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Maa National High School, SY 2016-2017

Subject Area: Monday DAILY LESSON LOG:
Tuesday MAPEH
Wednesday Grade 10 Thursday Friday
Physica; Date : June 20, 2016 Date: June 21, 2016 Date: June 22, 2016 Date: June 23, 2016 Date: June 24, 2016
Learning Describes the meaning and Understands risk factors for Determines physiologic and Undertakes physical Undertakes physical
Competencies importance of managing lifestyle diseases (obesity, physical signs and symptoms activities and physical activities and physical fitness
lifestyle and weight diabetes, heart diseases) calling for lifestyle and weight fitness assessments assessments
1.Objectives: Evaluated daily habits for Discussed weight management , Cited variables in achieving a Undergone physical Undergone physical activities
lifestyle checking. healthy and unhealthy eating healthier life. activities for PPFT for PPFT
Attentively participated in the practices. Computed and interpreted Evaluated the result of the Evaluated the result of the
lecture, discussions and Cited risk factors. BMI. test. test.
activities. Showed enthusiasm in developing Show interest in the Show interest in the outcomes
the healthy and unhealthy list. outcomes

11. Subject “ Active Recreation” “ Weight, THERE’S MORE!” “ Lifestyle and Managing It” “ Test Protocols” “ Health -Related Components
Matter TG pp 4-6 TG pp. 10-11 TG pp. 15-17 Pp 19-21 Test”
Pp 24 - 27
111. Activation: Answering Activation: Lifestyle affects the Activation: Lecture and Activation: Instruction for Activation: Instruction for
Procedure/ lifestyle questions and weight discussions every test. every test.
Strategy: assessment. Abstraction:Aspects of life that Abstraction: Variables in Abstraction: Participation in Abstraction: Participation in
Abstraction: Does your are connected to lifestyle and lifestyle that brings risk factors active recreation is active recreation is necessary
lifestyle beneficial or weight. Analysis: Concept of weight necessary Analysis: Interpretation of
detrimental to your health Analysis: Interpretation of the gain and weight loss Analysis: Interpretation of results in each test
Analysis: The words that are components. Activity: BMI Computation and results in each test Activity: Physical Fitness Test
connected with lifestyle. Activity: Categorizing the interpretation Activity: Physical Fitness
Activity: Do a 6-minute warm pictures for food or physical Test
up exercises activity
1V. Diagnostic Assessment - 16 Performance Task: Physical Fitness Record Physical Fitness Record
Evaluation : points Artistry ---- 8 Quiz -- 15points
Content --- 12 // 20
V. Bring pentel pen , manila Be able to know your height in Wear jogging pants and t-shirt Research on the Skill Research on the Skill related
Assignment paper, colored pens and meters and weight in kilos for physical activities. Bring related components components
pictures that connects lifestyle stop watch.

Prepared & submitted: Prepared & Submitted: Checked & Verified:


Master Teacher 1 Master Teacher 1- MAPEH Secondary School Principal 11
Maa National High School, SY 2015-2016
Subject Area: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
P.E Date : June 27, 2016 Date: June 28, 2016 Date: June 29, 2016 Date: June 30, 2016 Date: July 01, 2016

Learning Undertakes physical Assesses eating habits based Engages in moderate to Applies correct techniques to Monitors periodically one’s
Competencies activities and physical on the Philippine Food vigorous physical activities minimize risk of injuries. progress towards the fitness
fitness assessments Pyramid//My Food Plate goal.

1.Objectives Undergone physical activities Cited risk factors from wrong Discussed the purpose of Enumerated possible risks and Modified eating habits.
for PPFT eating habits. vigorous activities. corresponding prevention of the Assessed the food needed
Evaluated the result of the Appreciated lifestyle Realized the importance of different sports. towards fitness.
test. management. active physical activity Encouraged safety measures Construct a Healthy Living
Showed interest in the Filled-up the daily Food Log and Filled-up the assessment of during physical activities.
Appreciated the knowledge of Model using the Food Pyramid
outcomes. physical activity. physical fitness record.

11. Subject “ Health -Related “Daily Food Log & Physical “ Physical Activity and Physical “Injury Prevention and Risk “My Meal and Meal Habit Log”
Components Test” Activity” Fitness” Management” Gr.10 LG 35-37
Pp 24 - 27 Worksheet Gr.10 LG pp. 19-22 Gr.10 LG pp. 28-34
P.E & Health Gr. 10 pp 11-18 Physical Fitness Record

111. Activation: Instruction for A.Reading & Discussions on A. Reading Activity and A. Benefits of Active participation A. Readings on modifying eating
Strategy: every test. Lifestyle and Managing It discussions on Physical Activity in sports and recreational habits.
A. Activation Abstraction: Participation in B. Variables to modify in order and Fitness activities. B. Factors affecting food choices
active recreation is necessary to achieve a healthier life. B. Conditions that maybe B. Injury prevention in every C. How to modify eating habits.
B. Abstraction
Analysis: Interpretation of C. Lifestyle Management attained after physical activity. sports. D. Eating Plan for Healthy Living
C. Analysis results in each test Continuum. C. Application of FITT Formula C. Safety measures is a key to a Model per group
D. Activity Activity: Physical Fitness Test D. Filling up of Activity Log D. Filling up of the assessment successful attainment of physical CheckedPrepared & Submitted:
& Verified:
D. Group reporting MERINISA
Master & Submitted:
& Verified: 1- MAPEH
1V.Evaluation Physical Fitness Record Quiz 10 points Submission of Physical /fitness Quiz -10 points Rubrics: Artistry ---Secondary
8 School Principal 11
/quiz 15 points Record Content ---MARY
V. Assignment
Master School
Secondary TeacherPrincipal
1- MAPEH 11
Review the Food Pyramid What is FITT? Be able to research risk in Bring pictures to be used in Submit Physical Fitness Record
engaging sports. FNRI for reference purposes.

Prepared & Submitted: Checked & Verified:


Master Teacher 1- MAPEH Secondary School Principal 11

Maa National High School, SY 2015-2016

Subject Area: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Date : July 04, 2016 Date: July 05, 2016 Date: July 06, 2016 Date: July 07, 2016 Date: July 08, 2016

Learning Analyzes the effect of media Critiques media information on Expresses a sense of purpose Advocates society’s efforts to Advocates society’s efforts to
Competencies and technology on fitness and fitness and physical activity issues. and belongingness by increase participation in physical increase participation in physical
physical activity. participating in physical activity- activities and improve nutrition activities and improve nutrition
related community services and practices. practices.

1.Objectives State data in one’s own words. Use knowledge in response to real Interpret elements and Qualify the statements to Qualify the statements to
React and express personal circumstances. organizational on School -Based increase participation in physical increase participation in physical
opinion. Fill-out the Personal Contract Weekend Camp activities. activities.
Made a diagram on personal Encouraged participation in Develop enthusiasm for action in Develop enthusiasm for action in
reflection community services. participation. participation.
Report the activities made. Execute new integrated Execute new integrated
responses. responses.

11. Subject “Daily Meal Logs and Eating “ Plan your Future Recreational “ School-Based Weekend Camp” “ Voluntary Physical Activity “ Voluntary Physical Activity
Habits Inventory” P.E p.46 Pursuits” PE p.47 PE p 49 Participation” P.E p.51 Participation” P.E p.51
Real food, plates, Activity notebook

111. A. Setting up the table. A. List down activities A. The importance of a Week-end A. The essence of commitment. C. The essence of commitment.
Procedure/ B. Explaination of the food B.Changes that can be made in camp. B. The connection of nutrition D. The connection of nutrition
Strategy: nutrient based from the following the schedule. B. What are program and activities practices to physical activities practices to physical activities
A. Activation research. C. Reflect the schedule and the of the week-end camp. C. Decision on activity to engage C. Decision on activity to engage
B.Abstraction C. Evaluation of the prepared participation C. Reaction and evaluation of the for community services for community services
C. Analysis sample food . D. Filling in of the personal report. D. Sample presentation for D. Sample presentation for
D.Activity contract D. Report on Activities community services. community services.
D. Food Preparation
1V.Evaluation 20 points Food Preparation Rubrics on Personal Contract: 10-point quiz Relevance of the activity -- 5 Relevance of the activity -- 5
Presentation - 7 Significance --- 6 Execution -- 10 Execution -- 10
Deliberation - 6 Presentation --- 5 //0 15 15
Nutrtional Value - 7 //20
V. Assignment Prepare and submit How to handle a Week-end Camp. Be able to practice activity for Practice for presentation Practice for presentation
documentation of all activities. community services.
Prepared & Submitted: Checked & Verified:
Grade 10 - MAPEH School MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
School Principal Physical Education
Master Teacher 1 V. DANIELS Secondary 11

Dated September 26-30, 2016 Quarter 2nd

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

The learner demonstrates understanding of… Lifestyle and weight management to promote societal fitness. 4
A. Content Standards

B. Performance
The learner… 1. Maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community and society.
Standards 2. Practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle

C. Learning Assesses physical activities, exercises Determines risk factors related to lifestyle Engages in moderate to vigorous Applies correct technique to minimiuze
Competencies and eating habits. diseases, (obesity, diabetis s and heart activities for at least 60 minutes a day in risk of injuries. (PE10PF-11c-h-56)
disease). ( PE10PFPF-11a-40) and out of school. (PE10PF-11c-h-45)
Objectives: ( PE10PF-11a-h-39) Execute the PPFT Tests.
Recorded and assessed the tests.
Observed safety measures to
minimize risk of injuries

11. CONTENT Pre-Assessment & Fitness Survey Start Being Fit- Stretch it out! Weight Loss Strategies Exercise Safety Guidelines and PPFT
111. LEARNING Physical Education and Health Physical Education and Health Physical Education and Health Physical Education and Health
pp. 53-57 pp. 57-64 pp. 66 - 70 pp. 73- 76
A. References

LM pages

Textbook pages

Adtl mat/portals
PPFT Record
B. Other Learning

111. PROCEDURES A. Answer the pre-assessment test A. The importance of healthy lifestyle and A. Review A. Evaluation of your current fitness
weight management in the enhancement level is important because it gives the
A. B. The sustaining base of fitness The amount of physical activity
Prepared & Submitted: of the fitness. Checked & Verified: important data on the areas to be
Review/Presentation needed to manage body weight depends
improved or enhanced.
C. Description of health and fitness B. To determine the risk factors related to on calorie intake.
of New Lesson habits and howMERINISA V. DANIELSlifestyle diseases.
it can affect lifestyle. Purpose of the Lesson
Master Teacher 1 the Lesson School PrincipalB.11
B. Purpose of Secondary
B. Establishing Allows setting reasonable fitness goals
D. The discovery and influences of C. The warming Effect of the warm-up Monitor and evaluate the weight per and have a suitable and enjoyable
purpose of the Lesson lifestyle in health and fitness (group exercises quarter. activities in a safe manner.
C. Examples dynamics)
D. Skills Development #1 C. Examples C. Examples
D. Discussions of E. Reporting on the analysis of the The right way to execute curl-up test,
Prepared & Submitted: Perform the warm up exercises
current lifestyle habits Health Consequences of Excessive
push-ups, trunk lift, 50-yard dash and
Concept/Skills Prepared & Submitted: Body Weight Checked & Verified:
one-foot stand. Prepared & Submitted By:
F. Question and answer portion on the V.E.
MERINISA Skills Development #2
Development #1 Prepared & Submitted: D. Discussions of Concept Lecture
Master Teacher
How1 active Are you doing the physical MARY
D. Discussions of Concept JEAN A. V.
E. Skills Development G. Application of Concept MERINISA V.exercise
Master Teacher 1 that was chosen and recording
DANIELS Weight Loss Strategies 1. Criteria of a Good Exercise
Master Teacher11
Principal 1
Master Teacher 1 rate.
the heart
E. Skills Development #2
2. Good dose of exercise
#2 Adoption and modification of
F. Mastery Development E. Skills Development #2
lifestyle to gain health and fitness A 45-minute selection of exercise
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

The learner demonstrates understanding of… Lifestyle and weight management to promote societal fitness. 5
A. Content Standards

B. Performance
The learner… 1. Maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community and society.
Standards 2. Practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle
Grade 10 - MAPEH School MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10
C. Learning Analyzes
DAILY the effect
LESSON LOG of media and
Teacher Critiques (verifies and validates media Expresses a Learning
sense of purpose
Areas and ARTS Assesses physical activities,
Competencies technology on fitness and physical
information on fitness and physical belongingness by participating in physical exercises and eating habits.
activity. ( PE10PF-11b-46) activity
Objectives: Datedissues.(
10 - 14,2016 activity-related community
Quarter services and
2nd ( PE10PF-11a-h-39)

11. CONTENT The Extra Challenge Fitness and Wellness Lifestyle Community Outreach Program My Wellness Plan
Self- Evaluation
Physical Education and Health Physical Education and Health Physical Education and Health Physical Education and Health
A. References
Pp. 91-93 Pp. 96-97 Pp. 101-102 Pp. 73-77
LM pages

Textbook pages
Adtl mat/portals 193.full
B. Other Learning
Resources CD Player, hiphop music, videos CD?VCD?DVD Players, speakers and Fitness Profile Record
hiphop aerobics routine microphone, working committee templates

111. PROCEDURES A. Hiphop aerobics get the heart A. Explain the exercise and recreational A. Explain the goal of community service A. Asked the students on the present
A. pumping and the body moving by program that the students have undertaken which is to influence an active lifestyle level of their physical fitness.
Review/Presentation for the last 5 months. through physical activity participation.
B. To have a fun, exciting and active B. Recognize the importance of active B. Evaluation of the current fitness
of New Lesson recreation and fitness activities. B. The effect of the program and how well the recreational activities in developing the level gives an important data on the
student accomplished the fitness goal. health and fitness through project COP areas to be improved or enhanced.
B. Establishing C. Examples:moving the following C. Showcase
purpose of the popping and locking, breaking, top C. Examples Cited Zirconia- Warming Exercise C. Example Fitness Test to be
Lesson rockin’, jerking, freezing, spinning and 1. Accomplishing the PPFT Moonstone - Warming Exercise executed:
sliding. 2. Doing the warming exercise
Coral & Citrine - Yoga Foundation 1. Curl ups
C. Examples 3.Performing the strenght training
4. Execution of Yoga Foundation Postures
Posture in 32 counts 2. Push up
D. Benefits of hip-hop Aerobics Larimar & Diamond -Hip-hop Cardio 3. Trunk Lift
D. Discussions of 5. Hip-hop Cardio Work-out
1. Calorie and fat burning work-out. WorkOut 4. 50-meter Checked
Dash & Verified:
Concept/Skills 2. Improve coordination, flexibility, and
D. List down dietary changes that was Prepared & Submitted By:
Development #1 implemented and the effect of these changes 5. 1-Foot Stand
agility. D. Discussions of Concept MARY
D. Discussions of Concept JEAN A. V.
to the body composition and personal MERINISA DANIELS
3. Increase aerobic fitness Assignments on the respective Development#1 Secondary
4. Increase stamina and endurance
committees MastertheTeacher11
The correct way of executing
Principal 1
E. Skills Development
#2 5. Encourage confidence E. Intensity, Frequency and Patterns of 1. Program, Communication and test and the safety measures to
F. Mastery 6. Develop social skills and values Exercise ( Video Presentation asserted from Coordination avoid accidents.
Development .7.Promotes positive mind set http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/30/5/1 2. Registration, Attendance and E. Skills Development#2
8. Improve mental functioning 193.full) Certificates Discussions on the Benefits of
3. Chore0graphy and Aerobic Training Walking

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