Notes - SCM
Notes - SCM
Notes - SCM
“Supply Chain Management is the process of planning (activities), implementing, and controlling (check the
order) the efficient, cost-effective flow and storage of raw materials, work-in-process, finished goods and
related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer
requirements” The Council of Logistics Management
Ex Manufacturing company how many plants? How do you distribute the resources? Which is the market of
the finish product? B2B or B2C?
For example in Poland we need to go through a wholesaler to sell the product contract with wholesaler.
The goal of Supply Chain is to satisfy customer requests, maximize customer’s service level
Customer Relationship Management - provides the structure for how relationships with customers are
developed & maintained, including the product and service agreements between the firm & its
Customer Service Management - provides the firm’s face to the customer and provides a single source
of customer information (Customer Service).
Demand Planning – provides the structure for balancing the customers’ requirements with supply
chain capabilities.
Order Fulfillment & Distribution Planning – includes all activities necessary to define customer
requirements and fill customer orders.
Manufacturing Flow Management & Inventory Planning - includes all activities necessary to move
products through the plants & to obtain & manage manufacturing flexibility in the supply chain.
Supplier Relationship Management - provides the structure for how relationships with suppliers are
developed & maintained.
Product Development and Commercialization – provides the structure for developing and bringing to
market new products jointly with customers and suppliers.
Returns Management – includes all activities related to returns, reverse logistics.
How to obtain a syncronized Supply Chain with S&OP?
Customer Service = Right Product in right Place at Right Time for the right cost
Customer Service
How to obtain a syncronized Supply Chain with S&OP?
1. Responsive Supply Chain (Leverage on production flexibility)
How many production batches? How many call-off to
a. Supply Chain Synchronization
b. Agile vs Lean / Responsive vs Efficient
c. SC Risk Management & Resilience
d. Off-shoring vs Near-shoring
2. Accurate forecasts (improve forecast accuracy)
Which forecasting models? Which seasonality profiles?
a. SC visibility (demand planning vs sales forecast)
b. Matching demand patterns with forecast methods
c. New product introduction
d. Levereging Demand Sensing & Big data
3. Inventory (solve inaccurate forecast and inflexible production activities with inventory)
Which target inventory? How to size safe stock?
a. Inventory allocation (in the network)
b. Optimal safety stock 9holding cost vs availability)
c. Risk pooling and information sharing (VMI, CPFR, Beer Game)
d. Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP)
In the production-logic system there is a decoupling point that separates the part of the system
managed on demand from the part that has to be managed on forecast
Step 3: create the operations plan that will meet the demand
plan, ontime& in full, within known simple constraints. Match
the operations plan against major and critical resources, so to
sure the plans are realistic.
Cross-functional participation
It is required an active participation during the meetings
Demand side managers: Sales, Customer Service, Marketing
Supply side managers: Manufacturing, Logistics, Procurement, Supply Chain
Finance is involved to marry the operations plans with financial objectives Participants must be
empowered by the executives to make decisions
S&OP Management
The S&OP needs to be organised and run by a responsible organisation, in order to:
Schedule meetings, Setting the agenda, Ensure pre and post meetings work
S&OP manager must not dominate, rather drive to consensus
Process measurement
Like any other process S&OP should be measured so it can be improved over time
Operational KPIs: performance measures: demand forecast accuracy, variance to baseline and
budget, customer order backlogs, plant utilisation, etc.
Financial KPIs: SC costs and financial index (gross margin, cash-to-cash cycle, …)
“Demand Planning” is composed by a group of Supply Chain processes, management methodologies and
statistical quantitative models to enable the definition of the Demand Plan for manufacturing or distribution /
logistics companies.
Demand Plans represents the main input for the other Supply Chain Planning processes concerning:
– production
– purchasing
– distribution
When forecast
– Long term (>2/3 years): STRATEGIC DECISIONS (planning about BU, product line, market)
o Total sales, production capacity, distribution model, new products launch, …
– Mid term (1/2 years): TACTICAL DECISIONS (annual budget; aggregate forecast)
o Total sales by product line, prices by product line, economic conditions, …
– Short term (0 / 6 months): OPERATING DECISIONS (weekly or monthly disaggregate forecast)
o Sales by item, geographic area, customer, prices, volume ...
o Final consumer demand (client), estimated by POS manager
o Final B2B customer demand (manufacturing company), which purchases components / WIP
from a manufacturer (supplier), for assemblying then components into more complex finished
o B2C: POS demand, estimated and filtered and modified by distributor (wholesaler modifies the
retail Sell-Out demand, adding safety stock and following suppliers’ price discounts)
o B2B: Finished products demand, estimated by the manufacturer (supplier)
Differences between Sell-In and Sell-Out
o Manufacturer → Distributor: additional stocks (pricing), safety stock
o Distributor → Point of Sales: local promotions (ex: discounted price)
o Sell-Out: forecast made by distributors, store managers, …
o Sell-In: demand plan generated by distributor (client) to the manufacturer
o The manufacturer estimates Sell-In demand (Sell-In forecast)
o Safety Stock: 10% of Sell-Out demand
• Actual sales have been underestimed by 20%, in all the past months
• Actual service level: 80% (240 pieces lost)
• The real customer demand (actual sales) has been overestimated by 50%, in all the historical months
• Actual service level: 100% (0 lost sales units)
• Overstock final level: 600 pieces; 50 pieces on average
Demand plans
Sales Forecast
Quantitative forecast of the future demand
Typically prepared using quantitative Time Series methods
Sales Plan
Define the commercial plan for the sales; it involves different sub-plans:
o Statistical forecasting (Sales Forecast)
o Marketing actions (Trade Promotion Management)
o Sales Plan prepared by sales rep or channel managers
Demand Plan
It is the Sales Budget «feasible», that is: constrained to the distribution and production constraints
(Supply Planning)
o Production, distribution, storage, supply constraints
Example 1
Given a product – market couple, in a time bucket t
Sales plan = SB
Example 2
The calculation of the Sales Forecast has to be done before, from a Demand Planning workflow point of
view, the Sales Budget definition
Sales Forecast is the first input to the Sales Budget, it defines its volume size and its time profile
Adding to the Sales Forecast the delta promotional and netting the customer orders currently in the
Order Portfolio, we obtain the plan to submit to the Management approval, delivering as output the
Sales Budget
Often and incorrectly, companies define Sales Budget in an independent way (and previously) from the
Sales Forecast, not leveraging the powerful information value added inside the statistical forecasting
Demand Plan
It is the output of the collaborative process of negotiation and balancing of the Sales Budget between
“Demand” and “Supply” functions.
The Sales Budget is submitted to the feasibility analysis with the “Supply” functions (production,
distribution), comparing:
o Demand: sales budget (company profitability)
o Supply: production capacity constraints, inventory capacity, distribution / transportation
capacity, purchasing budget constraints
The Demand Plan (constraint plan) is production and logistics feasible, satisfying all the “supply”
constraints; it represents the official final plan for internal diffusion to the company functions and to
the external Supply Chain partners
The production has to be scheduled (for shelf-life constraints) in the same month when demand occurs (Sales
Budget): no possibility to anticipate or delay the production quantities
constraint: maximum
month capacity
Demand analytics
Hierarchical analysis OLAP-based (On Line Analytical Processing) / historical sales analysis
Sales analysis for performance evaluation
Forecast Accuracy calculation
Sales forecasting
Sales Cleaning: outliers removal from historical demand patterns
Best Fit on parameters (Holt-Winters)
Sales Forecast Generation
Data mining
Clustering (on groups of items or customers / stores)
Sequence clustering
Classification (ABC, promo, ...)
Association rules (market basket analysis)
Key competencies
Math – statistics: knowledge of Sales Forecasting / Data Mining algorithms and big data analysis
Relational – communication
Organization: managers during the meetings, identification of best functional resources (forecast group
Business knowledge: expertise on markets where company operates
Outliers detection
Historical series component analysis
o Basic typologies
Continuous series
Sporadic series
o Components
Seasonality (default length: 1 year, 1 sales cycle)
Trend (linear, nonlinear)
Cyclical (long term trend)
White noise (erratic unforecastable component)
Demand components
Forecast error in period t is
Historical series intervals: the difference between
Training Set actual demand and
Test Set (forecast calculated over the past) forecast for that period
Forecast horizon (in the future)
Time extension
Units of measures
MAPE and MPE are not the proper metrics when you want to measure forecast error in presence of sporadic
series (i.e.: series having majority of zero values)
Setup of the threshold values for MAPE (alerting)
General workflow
1. PERIODS: Identify which periods have to be analysed and, eventually, cleaned
2. ALGORITHMS: Define the parameters for setting-up the chosen cleaning method
1. Moving averages → lenght of average
2. Single Exponential Smoothing → alpha parameter for smoothing outliers
3. Confidence Interval → number of standard deviation
3. PRE-CLEANING: remove seasonal & trend components to the historical series (still to be cleaned)
1. Certify whether a value has to be cleaned or not
2. Clean the certified outlier
5. POST-CLEANING: rebuild seasonal & trend components to the historical baseline (already cleaned)
Confidence Interval
One-step method
Cleaning of all historical periods
Two-step method
Cleaning of non promo periods
o The historical series S1 to be cleaned in phase 1 is composed by only the non promo historical
periods (the promo periods are temporary removed from historical series)
o Phase 1 Sales Cleaning is run for removing from historical series S1 outliers related to pas
stockouts, outliers characterized by abnormal sales (big customer orders), statistical «white
noise» (all the outliers that are not linked to past promo events)
Cleaning of promo periods
o In Phase 2, the historical cleaned S1 series is relinked to the series of non promo periods (still
not cleaned), rebuilding an historical series having only non promo periods already processed /
o Phase 2 Sales Cleaning applies only over promo past periods, to remove the only effect of trade
promotions (which can be now better identified from a statistical point of view, after Phase 1
Phase 1: from “Historical Demand” series (blue) statistical no promo outliers are removed, obtaining
“(1) No promo Cleaning ” (red) output series;
Phase 2 : from “Historical Demand” (only promo periods), in union with “(1) No promo Cleaning” (red)
(promo period already cleaned), we obtain the final historical baseline series «(2) Promo Cleaning»
Trend component
You have to evaluate the monthly time series below :
Time series analysis (trend)
With regression analysis it is possible to identify and evaluate the characteristic of trend
It is necessary to identify the theoretical function y=f(t) (straight line, parabola, …) which better fits historical
data series
Forecasting terms
TIME BUCKET : t coincides with how
often the plan in updated
ACTUAL DEMAND in period t : Dt
FORECAST about period t+m made at
the end of the period t : Ft+m
TIME HORIZON : is the time frame for
the plan → m
Ending to the last available period you obtain “n-k+1” values for the moving average
In the example: N=24, k=4 21 values for the moving average with time-lag 4
The irregularity of the time series can be filtered by the moving average
Forecasting model
If time series is stationary and
non-seasonal, moving average
can be used to forecast the future
Given demand time series D1 , D2 , … , Dt , t+1 period forecast is:
Iteration process:
Forecast Ft+1:
Belongs to interval { Dt ; F t }
Needs only two data f(D t , F t )
Holds all historical data (Dt , Dt-1 , …, D1 ) weighted with decreasing values following a negative
exponential function
Example: α=0,5
To each element is assigned a different weight based on
α high : reactive model (> weight to new data)
α low : static model (> weight to past)
Finitial = 140
Once the process starts, the model calculates forecast month by month:
Carrying on the calculations it’s possible to simulate the forecasts for each month in the past 2 years (24
Proceeding in this way it is possible to generate forecast for both 2 years and for January 2004
Series decomposition
multiplicative model
TREND: linear regression
y(t) = a + b·t
profile S(t)
FORECAST: F(t) = (a +
At the end of
simulation period, forecast is generated for the next 6 months (with the optimal model’s configuration)
Once you have new demand data you can update model’s variables in order to project forecast in the future
At the end of month 13 forecast is recalculated for the next 6 months (“frozen period” is only month “+1”)
Sales patterns:
• Sales events are rare and completely casual, not correlated among them
• Sales orders are for unit volumes / few quantities; they occur rarely in the planning horizon
High-tech manufacturing context:
• Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO)
• Spare Parts
• Croston → forecasting algorithm
• Poisson → replenishment algorithm
• Demand patterns are irregular, having low values, in a timely sporadic way, without causal
• If an item is sporadic in the past → it will remain sporadic also in the future planning horizon
(Forecasting hypothesis)
• Variability range for sporadic series in manufacturing retail is from 0 to 10 pieces per period
• Example of series: {0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0}
o no trend and no seasonality can be «identified»
• Method developed in 1972
• Used for time series forecasting model for sporadic items
• It provides answer to the following questions:
o Which is the next positive demand volume?
o When next positive sales will occur?
The time series is composed by two indipendent parts, to be separately forecasted:
• Given the series of time interval between 2 consecutive sales (integer number of time periods), we
calculate the forecast of the next «average» interval lenght T applying forecasting algorithms such as
simple moving average (MA) or single exponential smoothing (SES) over the sequence of delta intervals
collected into the historical series
in a regular «semi-periodic» way (following the length of the average interval T), both over historical periods
and over future periods of the planning horizon:
• Starting from the oldest positive historical value of demand (over which we put – by default – the first
future demand volume Q);
• Calculating – at every step – where positioning the next Q value in the time axis, using a simple
algorithm «rounded integer»
• Historical monthly demand: {10 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 1}
• Delta interval series: {4, 3, 6, 2, 3}; average : 18/5 = T = 3,6 months
• Demand forecast: {0 0 Q 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 Q …}; in the example: Q = 22/6 = 3,7 units (rounded at 4 units)
• Where to place Q volumes:
o Step 0 : Q is placed on historical volume 10 (the oldest historical value)
o Step 1 : int(3,6) = 4 months (→ Q is placed on historical volume 4)
o Step 2 : int(3,6–0,4) = int(3,2) = 3 (→ placed on historical volume 2);
o Step 3 : int(3,6+0,2) = int(3,8)= 4 (→ placed on ninth 0)
o Step 4 : int(3,6-0,2) = int(3,4) = 3 (→ placed on eleventh 0)
o Step 5 : int(3,6+0,4) = int(4) = 4 (→ placed on historical volume 1)
o We proceed this way also for all future months
• int(…) = nearest integer
Numeric examples
• Historical volumes: October 2004 to September 2005
• Future months: October 2005 to September 2006
Solution modeling:
• Distinguish sales between «big» and «small / medium» customers
• «Small / medium» customers are managed following the standard Croston’s / Poisson’s algorithm,
without pre-processing the numerical volumes of historical demand
• For «big» customers, after nullifying small quantities eventually included into the historical series (i.e.
whose value is strongly less than multiple lot size), we divide the total «big» quantities by the multiple
delivery lot size, obtaining a new historical series that is sporadic with small positive (integer) values →
in the example: {0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1}
Step 1
Assign a target service level SL for each SKU – customer or SKU – warehouse combination, via the
Service Level matrix grid (ex: 99,5%, 98%, 95%, etc.)
Calculate the INVMIN minimum stock level to hold in warehouse to satisfy the required service level
SL, supposing that the combination follows (in the past sales but also in the future horizon) a
distribution very close to the Poisson’s one
Which is the minimum stock level of pieces (INVMIN) to hold in stock to have a «success probability»
(→ not to have stockout at all during the lead time LT) at least equal to the target service level?
The INVMIN calculation is done by cumulating each success probability / event. Example: if I hold
INVMIN = 2 pieces on hand, there’s no stockout is the actual demand is either 0, or 1, or 2.
Step 2
If we suppose to have, at the beginning of each delivery lead time, a future demand equal to INVMIN level,
for each lead time interval in which the planning horizon can be divided, starting from «today» (time
now) (ex: 6 different lead times of 3 weeks, in a planning horizon lasting 18 weeks)
if we replenish, at the beginning of each consecutive lead time, the stock needed to satisfy the INVMIN
we will guarantee the target service level SL, regardless the specific time period (day, week) internal to
the lead time during which the sporadic demand will fall.
Step 3
From the classification of Replenishment methods point of view (warehouse replenishment), the Poisson’s
algorithm can be considered as min-max replenishment methodology:
if the current stock is lower than INVMIN,
we need to reorder a variabile quantity to cover a target stock equal to INVMAX
Step 4
Example 1
Example 2
The safety stock calculation is «implicit» inside the Poisson’s method for calculating the INVMIN stock level.
The safety stock is the difference between the two values:
• INVMIN Poisson’s level (both target stock level and reorder point)
• Average historical demand during the delivery lead time
• The probability that the item “Alpha 0101R65” will be sold into the next 2 weeks
• The probability not to have stock-out supposing to have on stock (on hand) 3 pieces of the item
• The expected number of stock out pieces in 1 year (supposing that the order lot size Q is equal to 3
Supposing an annual inventory holding cost equal to 25% and a unit stock-out cost equal to the 40% of the
product selling price (250 €), calculate, the inventory management global costs for the replenishment
Step 1: we need to reconduct the average weekly demand value to the average demand during the lead time
(lasting 2 weeks):
Problem definition
• To forecast the future sales of new items, not having for them – by definition – historical sales available
• To forecast rapid changes in demand patterns
Application fields
• Pre-season forecasting in the sector fashion / retail (sales of the first launch of a brand new product)
• New models introduction in high-tech (consumer electronics, information technology), becoming
rapidly obsolete
• In general: all the items having a limited lifecycle (at maximum, some months of lifecycle, only one
sales “season”)
• Changes in market behavior (crisis, consumer spending review, fashion)
Lifecycle curves (percentage patterns)
Pattern matching algorithm
• Initially we build a pattern library (percentage or absolute series of numerical values with time flag
identifier: sales percentage of the first week, of the second week, etc.) based on historical values of
new item introduction occurred in the past
Example: curve XYZ – product 123 – market ijk – percentage values for the first 7 weeks of the sales
cycle: {15%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 15%, 5%, 5%}.
• The initial sales pattern for the new segment or couple product – market is chosen, manually or using
automatic criteria (ex: highest similarity, same family, same channel,), inside the pattern library
previously built inside the Sales DataMart.
• At the end of period tis possible to calculate forecast for the generic period in the future t+m
• Forecast is obtained starting from smoothed level lt , corrected by smoothed trend tt and respective
time horizon m
• m : forecast horizon
at the end of period t, disposing of new actual datum, it’s possible to update
level and trend smoothed values:
Level and trend updating follows exponential smoothing is principle
• Holt’s model is ) is suitable for data with trend but without seasonal patters (or to unseasonalized data)
• Forecast Ft+m
o needs 3 data f(D t , L t-1 , T t-1 )
o Holds all historical data (Dt , Dt-1 , …, D1 ) weighted with decreasing values
• and values influence model’s reactivity
• To m increasing corresponds a reduction of forecast accuracy
• It’s possible to decrease trend component projected in future by F [0 ;1] parameter
Example : apply Holt’s model to the time series in the chart below:
1. Given initial values L1 =90 and T1 =5 it’s possible to update by two-month period the value of Lt and Tt
(adopt initially =0,3 e =0,5)
2. At the end it’s possible to calculate forecast month by month (m=1 for each two-month period and
then (from the 6th two month period) it’s possible to calculate forecast for the future (m=1, 2, 3, 4, ...)
At the end of period t it’s possible to calculate forecast for generic period in future t+m :
Forecast is obtained starting from smoothed level lt , corrected by smoothed trend tt and respective time
horizon m, adjusted with smoothed seasonal index st+m
• Winters model is appliable directly to a time series with trend and seasonality
• Forecast Ft+m:
o Needs 4 data f(Dt , L t-1 , T t-1 , S t+m-L )
o Holds all historical data (Dt , Dt-1 , …, D1 ) weighted with decreasing values
• α, ß, γ, values influence model’s reactivity
• By the increasing of m the accuracy decreases
Once you have new demand data you can update model’s variables in order to project forecast in the future
At the end of month 13 forecast is recalculated for the next 6 months (“frozen period” is only month “+1”)
Decompose an historical series into trend / seasonality / cyclicity components (multiplicative model):
1. Calculate the conjoint component of trend T and cyclicity C by applying a centered moving average (CMA)
algorithm, given L step equal to seasonality lenght:
5. . Calculate the linear trend component identifying a linear regression trend line interpolating
deseasonalized values across time buckets t ( t = 1, 2, …, T):
6. . Calculate Sales Forecast over the past and the future horizon (multiplicative model): seasonality
(seasonality vector SMt , step 3) multiplied by the trend component (trend line Tt , step 5)
Apply multiplicative series decomposition model (MSD) to the quarterly sales of an item, as shown in the
following table
1. Apply a CMA algorithm of step k=4 (to remove seasonality on annual basis)
2/3. Calculate seasonal coefficients for each quarter (mean values to eliminate irregular white noise)
Rolling forecast
Once initial values of mean, trend and seasonality
have been defined, it is possible to launch the
rolling forecasting calculation, starting from the first future period (in the example: January of Year 3)
Inventory is…
a Lever of Efficiency in order to decrease the costs of other processes/parts of the production/logistic
a Lever of Effectiveness, in order to better satisfy the customer needs
Inventory costs
• Buyer time
• Receiving costs
inventory can hide technical, organizational and managerial inefficiencies
Inventory level
Reducing the level of inventory (water) allows operations management (the ship) to see the problems in the
operations (the rocks) and work to reduce them
• Speculation-related inventories: they aim at leveraging on low price for high quantity purchases
(tradeoff: purchasing costs – inventory carrying costs)
• Distribution-related inventories: they aim at leveraging on low prices for transportation (tradeoff
transportation costs – inventory carrying costs)
• An order (or line, or case) is filled if all the items ordered are available in the required quantity for the
• The Fill Rate:
– is correlated with the number and typology of the items kept in the inventory (which part of
the product range) and the quantity held in stock per item
– is directly perceived by the customer if the required order cycle time is zero (e.g.:
– otherwise influences the average order cycle time: the higher the fill rate the lower the
average cycle time
• Emphasis on the idea of “customer served”
• It shows how many times the inventory of an item “turns” in the time period (usually it is calculated on
yearly basis)
• The unit of measure is [turns/period] or [1/period]
• Outgoing Flow and Average Inventory Level (AIL) can be measured as preferred: number of pieces,
cases, pallet loads, m2, m3, liters, kg …
Example 1
Item 1 – Sugar Item 2 – Flour
Example 2
Item 1 – Sugar Item 2 – Flour
Days of Supply (coverage period)
CYCLE STOCK: these inventories deal with the different operative rhythm of two following stages in the supply
SAFETY STOCK: these inventories deal with the uncertainty of both the demand and the replenishment lead
IN TRANSIT STOCK: these inventories are in transit between stockings or production points (mainly inside the
Inventory Analysis
What is the “right” level of stock and how to detect the “useless” part?
Tot stock = right cycle stocks + right safety stocks + inefficiency
Safety Stock (SS) is useful to prevent uncertainty in demand and in lead-time which could generate
stock-out during the Lead Time
Safety Stock is calculated in order to guarantee that demand variability during LT does not give a stock-out`
Economic Order Quantity EOQ is the lot Q that minimizes annual total cost:
Quantity discounts
In the presence of quantity discounts, the annual total cost contains specified break points:
Step 1: Evaluate the optimal lot size for each price
Find the lot size which minimizes the total carrying cost for the given product GR1 :
Carrying cost factor : 20 % / year
Order cost : 100 € / order
Weekly demand : 150 units / week
Working days : 240 days/year
Minimum and multiple lot size: 100 units/order
Purchase price :
o up to 499 units / order 18 € / unit
o between 500 and 999 units / order 16 € / unit
o over 1.000 units / order 12 € / unit
WHEN? Orders are placed every T days (Review Interval)
HOW MUCH ?The order quantity aims at reaching a determined availability target, enough to satisfy the
expected demand of the entire period between two orders (T+LT)
Availability target
NOTE: the average lot size Q (t) is equal to the average
demand during the time elapsing between two orders
(AVDT ).
Calculate the availability target (AT) level, cycle stock (CS), average inventory level (AIL) assuming that the
periodic review model is adopted, given:
If the lead-time and the demand are uncertain, safety stock is required in order to avoid the stock out during
Safety Stock is based on the stock cover level
Safety stock faces demand variability during LT and LT variability as well
Composed standard deviation comprehensive of D variability, concerning average value of LT and LT variability
concerning D average value
You have:
Same conditions as the demand system but in this case the variability of the demand must be expressed
through the SDE (forecast error) and the value of the average demand must be changed into the forecast
demand value (F)
Loss integral
Safety stocks - Service Level considerations
We can define the service level as:
The probability to avoid the stock out during the lead time:
The item fill rate (IFR): demanded quantity – available quantity ratio
Service Level
Assumption: the demand during the LT can be represented through a normal distribution with average EDLT
standard deviation ƠDLT
Service level - Probability to avoid the stock out
By setting the safety stock level, the probability to avoid the stock out has been set as well
Please determine the safety stock level to ensure IFR > 90%
Economic optimization
Putting the derivative of total cost with respect to SS equal to zero, we obtain probability of not going into
stock-out during the LT (Pr*), which minimizes total costs (maintenance + stockout)
Putting the derivative of total cost with respect to SS equal to zero, we obtain probability of not going into
stock-out during the LT (Pr*), which minimizes total costs (maintenance + stockout)
An item is replenished every 2 weeks with an average lead time equal to 4 days (constant). The weekly average
demand is equal to 4 units and the forecast error SDE is equal to 1.2 units.
Assuming that:
phc = 30%/year
soc = 10% of the product price
Product price P = 30€/unit
IFR value to 98% basing your calculations on the yearly total cost (ICC + SOC).
Step 1
First, calculate the probability of not going into stock-out, that minimizes total costs (carrying cost +
stockout cost) = Pr
Being: Lot (Q) = Demand x Reorder Interval = 4 units/ week x 2 weeks = 8 units
Taking a stock coverage value equal to 88.5%, from the table of the normal standard distribution you
get a value of k = 1.2 or in Excel = NORMSINV (0.885) The corresponding safety stocks will be equal to:
Step 2a
To ensure a value of IFR > 95% it is necessary to calculate the value of the coefficient k that
corresponds to the value of the loss integral and to the σ(D,LT)
Step 2b
To ensure a value of IFR > 98% it is necessary to calculate the value of the coefficient k that
corresponds to the value of the loss integral and to the σ(D,LT)
Allocation: assuming that the number of echelons, the number and the capacity of the warehouses, the
location of the plants etc. have already been defined, we can now take into account the different stock
allocation strategies that allow the minimization of the overall cost and the achievement of the required
service level
If safety stock is allocated to the Regional Warehouses only, it faces:
If safety stock is allocated to both the Regional Warehouses and the Central Warehouse, it faces:
? SS coupled system
? SS independent system
Number of Warehouses
Assuming that the number of echelons has already been chosen we want to determine the number of
warehouses that minimizes the overall distribution cost for a given service level
The main costs in choosing the number of warehouses follow the trend below
N.B.: the relative position of the various curves in the above graph is arbitrary and is actually application-
Standards of measurement and calculation of values into the stock balance equation:
The standard stock balance equation is not working properly if it happens the following condition:
that is: if the sum of global availability of item volumes is less than the sum of global «demand», thus less than
global amount of resources required in the period t, depending on mix {forecast + orders}.
Example: initial stock INV(t-1) = 100; replenishment R(t) = 20; forecast F(t) = 145
The lost demand L(t) = 25 is not subjected to backlog, thus generates stockout, following the MTS (Make to
Stock) «pure» model: the customer demand not served on-time is definitely lost.
Ending stock INV(t) = 0 → physical stock is zero!
Backlog demand B(t) → 145 – (100 + 20) = 25
Stock balance equation: 100 + 20 + 25 = 145 + 0
In the period t, the company has to serve two types of demand:
• the forecast F(t) [on-time customers]
• the backlog B(t-1) cumulated in the previous periods [delayed customers from previous periods t]
→ backlogs can be solved in the next periods
Replenishment: terminology
Demand (gross requirements): Independent demand at store level (consumers)
Net requirements: Independent demand, nettified by on hand inventory at POS: {Gros Req – Inv} = Net
o Planned Order Receipts: quantity to send to POS, to cover the net requirements, with a Just In
Time JIT delivery, to avoid stockout (receipts at their physical delivery date)
o Planned Order Releases: quantity to send from the «supplier» node (warehouse) to the
«customer» node (POS) (departure date) Release Date = {Receipt Date – Distribution Lead
Gross Requirement: Forecast = 100 pieces in week w1
Net Requirement
o Initial stock = 18 pieces at the beginning of week w1
o Lead time = 1 week
o Net Requirement = (100 – 18) = 82 pieces
o Replenishment rule: multiple lot = 15 pieces
o Replenishment (arriving at the beginning of week w1) = 90 pieces
o Stock at the end of week w1 = 0+18+90-100 = 8 pieces
Basic hypothesis and constraints for INVENTORY & REPLENISHMENT PLANNING
Lead Time, Review Period
Frozen plan (past replenishment during the first Lead Time)
Scheduled orders receipts (schedulati)
Initial stock & store (on hand)
Demand (mix forecast / customer orders portfolio)
Inbound calendar & store (opening days)
Transportation lot sizes (min, max, multiple)
Demand Shelf – life (backlog)
BASIC RULE: replenishment quantities come to stores always «just in time» (at the latest day), for minimizing
average projected stock profile (consequence of the replenishment algorithm used)
When the current stock level INV(t) is lower than a minimum MIN, replenish a variable quantity, to reach a
fixed target quantity MAX (maximum stock level)
This roughly simple stock control algorithm does not take into account the future forecast demand. This may
cause stockout in future periods of the planning horizon
Hypothesis: it is not allowed to have any replenished volume
in a «just in time» way, that is when the total stock availability (total supply), composed by:
Replenish the quantity needed to cover the demand in the next 4 periods, with the additional objective to hold
on stock a fixed safety stock of 18 pieces at the end of each time period in the planning horizon
Numeric example: POS 1; LT = 2
Numeric example: POS 2; LT = 2
Numeric example: POS 3; LT = 1; SS = 2
Numeric example: POS 4;
LT = 2; SS = 5
Numeric example:
POS 5; LT = 1; SS = 2