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Commercial Dispatch Eedition 1-11-21

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

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Monday | January 11, 2021


After a stellar 2020, teenage West Point golf star’s rise continues
Emerson Blair joins ranks of young area golfers making their marks Emerson
Blair poses
with the
BY THEO DEROSA you see in boys or girls that Pride of the South at her home champion-
tderosa@cdispatch.com age.” course, Old Waverly Golf Club; ship trophy
the Mississippi Junior Amateur

Blair, now 14, has used that after winning
ob Akins started coaching drive to become Mississippi’s Championship in Meridian; the the 2020
Emerson Blair when she No. 1 girls golfer. And after Mississippi Women’s Four-Ball Mississippi
was “a little teeny girl” a standout 2020, she has her in Hattiesburg; the Emerald Junior Ama-
weighing barely 60 pounds. sights set even higher. Coast Indian Bayou Junior Clas- teur Cham-
But Akins, a PGA profes- “I have a good feeling that in sic in Destin, Florida; and the pionship
sional and golf instructor from the next year or two, you’ll see Elite Invitational in Hilton Head, in July at
Collierville, Tennessee, could her rise to the top of all the girls South Carolina. Northwood
tell one thing right away: The It’s nothing new for Blair, Country
in the U.S.,” Akins said.
10-year-old from West Point who has been all over the coun- Club in
Blair furthered that process Meridian. It
showed a talent and dedication over the past year with five try thanks to golf over the past
was one of
that far exceeded her size. tournament wins across the few years. She’s competed in
five events
“As a young girl, she had that Southeast. North Carolina, South Carolina, Blair won in
drive,” Akins said, “way more She captured first-place New Jersey and even played 2020.
drive than most of the time what trophies at the College Tour X See BLAIR, 6A Photo courtesy of Sandi Blair

Columbus SNOW DAY

offices, area
schools closed
today due to snow
Atmos limits service
techs to ‘emergency’
calls only

Columbus and Lowndes County

administrative offices are closed to-
day due to winter weather, accord-
ing to officials for both entities.
The city’s police, fire and rescue
and public works departments will
work as scheduled. County gar-
bage service will not run today.
Clay County offices opened at 11
a.m. today. Starkville, Oktibbeha
County and West Point offices are
observing normal operating hours.
Snow this morning in the region
caused adjustments for area school
districts as well. Columbus Munic-
ipal School District is observing
an “all-virtual” day with students
learning online. Lowndes County
See SNOW, 3A

Former selectman
Bobo running for
mayor in West Point Justice Schultz, Jayden Schultz and Landon Bowen build a snowman in the yard beside Annunciation Catholic Church in
Columbus Monday morning. Landon’s parents are Clay and Shannon Bowen. Jayden and Justice’s parents are Joseph and
Courtesy Photo/Clay Bowen

Robinson retiring; Ana Schultz. The National Weather Service indicated snow accumulation in the area could exceed two inches by mid-day, but
temperatures are expected to rise to nearly 40 later today.
Incumbent selectmen all
qualify for re-election

Analysis: Health care, education, incentives on 2021 agendas

The end of the first
week of qualifying
for city elections BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS cluding proposals to increase many other Democrats have the 2010 health care overhaul
brought a list of so- The Associated Press teacher pay and improve the said for years — that Missis- signed by then-President
far unchallenged se- availability of health care ser- sippi should expand Medicaid Barack Obama, and Missis-
lectmen incumbents, JACKSON — With the vices. to cover tens of thousands of sippi is one of 12 states that
as well as a new can- Bobo Mississippi legislative ses- The Senate Democratic people who earn modest sala- have not chosen the option.
didate for mayor. sion just beginning, officials Caucus chairman, Derrick ries and don’t receive health The federal government
Rod Bobo, a State Farm insur- are starting to reveal their Simmons of Greenville, re- insurance through their jobs. pays most of the Medicaid
See WEST POINT, 6A public policy wish lists, in- peated last week what he and Expansion is optional under See ANALYSIS, 6A


Classifieds 6B 1 In 2014 novel, “A Brief History Today: Columbus Municipal
Comics 4B of Seven Killings” was the first School District Board of Trust-
Crossword 6B by a Jamaican writer to win what
Dear Abby 4B British award? ees, 6 p.m. Brandon Central
Obituaries 5A 2 What app includes the re- Services
Opinions 4A al-time special effects feature
called Lenses? Jan. 15: Lowndes County
3 What spicy, red pepper sauce
Board of Supervisors, 9 a.m.,
is traditionally in North African
WEATHER 4 What two singers co-headlined
Courthouse, facebook.com/

the On the Run concert tour in LowndesCountyMississippi/

High 41 Low 26
Wintry mix
5 Name one of the three Fox
News reporters who moderated
Jan. 19: Columbus City
Council, 5 p.m., Municipal
Full forecast on the first Republican Party presi- Complex, facebook.com/City-
page 3A. dential debate in August 2015?
Answers, 6B
Feb. 1: Lowndes County
Board of Supervisors, 9 a.m.

Blair Bell, of Starkville, is working on windows Courthouse, facebook.com/

141st Year, No. 258 for a historic building renovation downtown. LowndesCountyMississippi/


2A MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

President Trump remains

defiant amid calls to resign
Poll: 56 percent of Americans believe Trump should ski of Alaska told the Anchorage
Daily News: “I want him out.”
be removed from office before his term ends It was a stunning reversal for a
man who had once been considered
BY JILL COLVIN trying to trumpet his policy accom- the leading contender for his par-
The Associated Press plishments, beginning with a trip to ty’s nomination in 2024, and could
Alamo, Texas, on Tuesday to high- now be stripped of his ability to run
WASHINGTON — President light his administration’s efforts to for a second term.
Donald Trump enters the last days curb illegal immigration and bor- A new ABC News/Ipsos poll re-
of his presidency isolated and der wall construction. leased Sunday found that over half
shunned by former allies and mem- Trump’s decision to travel to Al- of Americans — 56 percent — be-
bers of his own party as he faces a amo — named after the San Anto- lieve that Trump should be removed
second impeachment and growing nio mission where a small group of from office before his term ends.
calls for his resignation after his Texans fighting for independence And two-thirds of respondents —
supporters launched an assault against the Mexican government 67 percent — said he deserves a
on the nation’s Capitol in an effort were defeated after a 13-day siege “good amount” or a “great deal” of
to disrupt the peaceful transfer of — served as a symbol of his defi- blame for the rioting last week.
power. ance as he faces the most volatile Trump had delivered a speech to
Cut off from the social media end of any presidency in modern his supporters in which he repeat-
channels that have been the life- history. edly said the election was being sto-
blood of his presidency, Trump will Trump has not taken any re- len and urged them to “fight” before
nonetheless try to go on offense in sponsibility for his role in inciting they rushed the Capitol as lawmak-
his last 10 days, with no plans of re- Wednesday’s violence amid a rebel- ers were in the process of certify-
signing. lion from members of his own party ing Biden’s wins. The violent crowd
Instead, Trump is planning to and ongoing efforts to remove him forced its way inside, ransacked the
lash out against the companies that from office. A second Republican building and sent terrified staff and
have now denied him his Twitter senator, Pat Toomey of Pennsylva- lawmakers, including the vice pres-
and Facebook bullhorns. And aides nia, on Sunday called for Trump’s ident, into hiding. Five, including a
hope he will spend his last days resignation after Sen. Lisa Murkow- Capitol police officer, died.

Capitol assault a more sinister attack than first appeared

‘What I saw in front of me was basically “Looking at their faces,
it occurred to me, these
Trump exhorted his
partisans at the staging
home-grown fascism, out of control’ aren’t protesters. These
are people who want to do
rally. “Let’s have trial by
combat,” implored his
Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass. harm.” lawyer, Rudy Giuliani,
BY JAY REEVES, LISA from one of the darkest “What I saw in front whose attempt to throw
MASCARO AND CALVIN episodes in American of me,” he said, “was ba- out election results in
WOODWARD democracy coming into sically home-grown fas- trial by courtroom failed.
The Associated Press cism, out of control.” It’s time to “start taking
focus. The sinister na-
Pelosi said Sunday down names and kick-
WASHINGTON — Un- ture of the assault has
“the evidence is that it ing ass,” said Republican
der battle flags bearing become evident, betray-
was a well-planned, orga- Rep. Mo Brooks of Ala-
Donald Trump’s name, ing the crowd as a force
nized group with leader- bama.
the Capitol’s attackers determined to occupy
ship and guidance and di- Criminals pardoned
pinned a bloodied police the inner sanctums of
rection. And the direction by Trump, among them
officer in a doorway, his Congress and run down
was to go get people.” She Roger Stone and Michael
twisted face and screams leaders — Trump’s vice did not elaborate on that Flynn, came forward at
captured on video. They president and the Dem- point in a “60 Minutes” in- rallies on the eve of the
mortally wounded an- ocratic House speaker terview on CBS. attack to tell the crowds
other officer with a among them. The scenes of rage, they were fighting a bat-
blunt weapon and body- This was not just a violence and agony are tle between good and evil
slammed a third over a collection of Trump sup- so vast that the whole and they were on the side
railing into the crowd. porters with MAGA bling of it may still be beyond of good.
“Hang Mike Pence!” caught up in a wave. comprehension. But with
the insurrectionists That revelation came countless smartphone
chanted as they pressed in real time to Rep. Jim videos emerging from
inside, beating police McGovern, D-Mass., who the scene, much of it from
with pipes. They demand- briefly took over proceed- gloating insurrectionists
ed House Speaker Nancy ings in the House cham- themselves, and more
Pelosi’s whereabouts, too. ber as the mob closed lawmakers recounting
They hunted any and all in Wednesday and the the chaos that was around
lawmakers: “Where are speaker, Rep. Nancy Pe- them, contours of the up-
they?” Outside, make- losi, was spirited to safer rising are increasingly
shift gallows stood, com- quarters moments before coming into relief.
plete with sturdy wooden everything went haywire. The mob got explicit
steps and the noose. Guns “I saw this crowd of marching orders from
and pipe bombs had been people banging on that Trump and still more en-
stashed in the vicinity. glass screaming,” Mc- couragement from the
Only days later is the Govern told The Asso- president’s men.
extent of the danger ciated Press on Sunday. “Fight like hell,”

Explainer: Can social media companies boot Trump? Yes

BY KEVIN FREKING the free speech protec- ICA FIRST, and MAKE
The Associated Press tions set out in the First AMERICA GREAT
Amendment generally ap- AGAIN, will have a GI-
WASHINGTON — So- ply only to when a person ANT VOICE long into the
cial media companies de- is harmed by an action of future. They will not be
cided this past week they the government. disrespected or treated
had finally seen enough “The First Amend- unfairly in any way, shape
from President Donald ment doesn’t apply to or form!!!”
Trump. private sector organiza- ■ “To all of those who
Facebook and Insta- tions. That’s not how this have asked, I will not be
gram suspended Trump works,” said Chris Krebs, going to the Inauguration
at least until Inauguration when asked Sunday on January 20th.”
Day. Twitch and Snapchat whether censorship by so- The first tweet, the
also disabled Trump’s ac- cial media companies vi- company said, was re-
counts. To top it all off, olated freedom of speech ceived by some supporters
Twitter ended a nearly protections. as further confirmation
12-year run and shuttered Krebs oversaw election that the Nov. 3 election
his account, severing an cybersecurity efforts at was not legitimate — but
instant line of communi- the Department of Home- in fact, the notion of wide-
cation to his 89 million land Security until Trump spread voter fraud is a
followers. fired him when he disput- baseless claim. The use of
Conservatives are cry- ed election fraud claims. the words “American Pa-
ing foul. Speaking on CBS’s “Face triots” to describe some
“Free Speech Is Un- the Nation” Sunday, he of his supporters was also
der Attack! Censorship explained that companies interpreted as support for
is happening like NEV- enforce their own stan- those committing violent
ER before! Don’t let them dards and policies for us- acts at the Capitol.
silence us. Sign up at ers. The company said the
http://DONJR.COM to That’s what happened second tweet could serve
stay connected!” his el- at Twitter on Friday. as encouragement to
dest son, Donald Trump those considering violent
Jr., tweeted Friday. What rationale did acts that the inauguration
ceremonies on Jan. 20
Can Twitter and Twitter take for its would be a “safe” target
Facebook legally take actions? since he would not be at-
The company said af- tending.
such action? ter reviewing Trump’s “Our determination is
The short answer is account in the context of that the two Tweets above
yes. the riot at the Capitol on are likely to inspire others
As the Congressional Wednesday, it was con- to replicate the violent
Research Service has ex- cerned about two tweets acts that took place on
plained in a report for fed- he sent Friday that Twit- January 6, 2021, and that
eral lawmakers and their ter said could incite vio- there are multiple indica-
staffs, lawsuits predicated lence. They were: tors that they are being
on a website’s decision ■ “The 75,000,000 received and understood
to remove content large- great American Patriots as encouragement to do
ly fail. That’s because who voted for me, AMER- so,” Twitter wrote.
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 3A

A THOUSAND WORDS Winter storm coats

Southern states
with blanket of snow
NWS: As much as 6 inches of
snow reported in Southern Texas

A winter storm has brought snow to parts of the

U.S. South, moving into Alabama and Tennessee
on Monday after blowing across Texas, Louisiana
and Mississippi the day before. The blanket of
white falling across the region forced some school
and government office closures, and fostered
some play time for adults and children cooped up
in the pandemic.
As many as 6 inches of snow fell across parts
of southern Texas, the National Weather Service
in Houston reported Sunday night. The snow
contributed to slick roads and power outages, but
some families took time to enjoy the weather in ar-
eas like Austin and College Station.
The system moved into Louisiana and Missis-
sippi during the nighttime hours, with Louisiana
State Police warning people in an online video to
stay off the roads if possible.
By Monday morning, a light dusting covered
grassy and elevated surfaces across northern Al-
abama and southern Tennessee. About two dozen
Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff public school systems delayed classes or closed
Courtney Leveck, center, builds a snowman with her children, Lydia, 6, right, and Harlan, 2, left, in front of their in Alabama, and transportation officials reported
house on Critz Street in Starkville this morning. Lydia has seen a snowfall like today’s before, her mother said, wrecks in areas that received wintry precipitation
but Harlan has not. overnight.
Snow could spread into northwest Georgia,
forecasters said.
Snowfall totals of about 4 inches were expected
for areas between Center, Texas, and Natchitoches,

Trump pressured Georgia to ‘find

Louisiana, KSLA-TV reported. State government
offices in 29 parishes will be closed Monday — in-
cluding in Caddo Parish, where Shreveport is lo-
cated — according to The Advocate.

the fraud’ in earlier phone call More than 100,000 customers in Texas and
over 50,000 customers in Louisiana were without
power early Monday morning, according to power-
Trump lost to Biden in Georgia by 11,779 votes The audit, which reviewed more
than 15,000 signatures, found no
outage.us, a utility tracking website.
Several school districts were closed, delayed or
BY BEN NADLER of the November election, which he cases of fraud. The Georgia Bureau scheduled for only virtual learning in Mississippi
The Associated Press lost to Democrat Joe Biden. of Investigation helped conduct the and southern Arkansas, news outlets reported.
It is one of at least three phone signature audit. The National Weather Service in Jackson said 2
ATLANTA — While election calls, held over the course of a month Trump and his allies have for to 4 inches of snow were expected for areas includ-
officials in Georgia were verifying between early December and early months made false claims about ing Vicksburg and Yazoo City, with locally heavier
signatures on absentee ballot enve- January, where Trump sought help Georgia’s signature verification amounts possible.
lopes in one metro-Atlanta county, from high-level Georgia officials in process for absentee ballots and Communities further south in Louisiana, Mis-
President Donald Trump pressed a subverting the election — only to about the results of the November sissippi and Alabama missed the snow, but got
lead investigator to “find the fraud” be rebuffed each time. Trump lost election. Among other things, they rain or sleet.
and said it would make the investi- to Biden in Georgia by 11,779 votes. demanded an audit of the signature
gator a national hero. The call to the investigator pre- matches.
The December call, described ceded Trump’s Jan. 2 call to Geor- The White House had no imme-
by a person familiar with it who gia Secretary of State Brad Raffen- diate comment. The call was first

spoke on the condition of anonym- sperger where he asked election reported Saturday by The Wash-
ity in order to describe the sen- officials to “find” enough votes to ington Post, which said it was with-
sitive nature of the discussion, is overturn Biden’s win in the state. It holding the name of the investiga- Continued from Page 1A
yet another link in the chain of the occurred as election officials were tor, who did not respond to requests
extraordinary pressure campaign conducting an audit of signatures for comment, because of the risk of and Starkville-Oktibbeha Consolidated school
waged by Trump on state officials on absentee ballot envelopes in threats and harassment directed at districts are closed today.
as he sought to overturn the results Cobb County. election officials. Service technicians for Atmos Energy in the
Golden Triangle are being advised to limit their
driving and respond to emergency orders only
today, according to an email the company sent to
The Dispatch this morning.
This includes the cities of Starkville, Colum-

Longtime officer is named police chief in Greenwood bus, West Point, Macon, Brooksville, Shuqualak,
and Artesia, the email said.
Representatives with Columbus Light and Wa-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS find that my administra- and has guided the train- The role of executive ter, Starkville Utilities Department and 4-County
tion will be one based on ing and certification pro- administrator does not Electric Power Association all told The Dispatch
GREENWOOD — A respect, communication cess for police officers require law enforcement they would observe normal operations today.
longtime police officer and collaboration. I will and dispatchers. He has certification, McAdams However, CLW Director Todd Gale said the util-
is moving up to become lead by a team approach.” also helped with recruit- said. ity’s office would close early, at 3 p.m., today and
chief in a Mississippi city. Craft is “very profes- ing. Craft’s duties as chief reopen at 10 a.m. Tuesday to help employees avoid
Terrence Craft has sional, very smart, very, His predecessor, Jody will include managing icy conditions that could develop after sunset.
worked for the Green- very capable of doing Bradley, will remain as public safety operations
wood Police Department this job,” Mayor Carolyn the department’s ex- such as organizing pa-
for 17 years. He was pro-
moted last week from cap-
McAdams said. “I really
and truly think he has the
ecutive administrator.
The management role
trols, making assign-
ments to officers and han-
Cheap thrills.
tain to chief, the Green- opportunity to become includes overseeing the dling their promotions, Go for a walk.
wood Commonwealth one of the best chiefs budget and accreditation, McAdams said.
reported. Greenwood has ever had.” ordering equipment and
“This is a challenging Craft, 39, is a native issuing news releases, the
time for law enforcement. of nearby Itta Bena. He mayor said.
I am more than ready to started with the Green- Bradley, 72, was ap-
embrace it,” Craft told wood Police Department pointed chief by the coun-
officials at a City Council as a patrol officer, moved cil in late 2019 but is not
meeting Tuesday. “You’ll to the narcotics division a certified police officer.


Carter Cook Ellis Gann Jr. Martin McAlexander

The following arrests of cocaine.
were made by Lowndes n Mark
County Sheriff’s Office: Gann Jr.,
n Rodney Carter, 43, 34, was
was charged with pos- charged
session of a weapon by a with pos-
felon, possession, sale, or session of a
transfer of a stolen fire- weapon by a SOLUNAR TABLE
Merrigan Palmer Roland
The solunar period indicates

arm, seven counts of dis- felon. peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
obeying a traffic control n Xavier and possession of a con-

device, resisting arrest, Martin, 30, was charged trolled substance. Major 11:53a 12:53p
Minor 6:31p
no insurance, suspended with possession of a weap- n Zachary Palmer, 26,
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
driver’s license, careless on by a felon and posses- was charged with felony

The Dispatch
driving, failure to yield to sion of marijuana-more
leaving the scene with in-
blue lights, and speeding than one ounce.
10-20 mph over the limit. n Jacqueline McAlex-
n John Cook, 59, was ander, 26, was charged n Antwaan Roland, The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
18, was charged with ag- Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
charged with felony ma- with felony leaving the Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
licious mischief and do- scene with injuries. gravated assault with a Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
mestic violence. n Brooke Merrigan, weapon or other means to The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website: cdispatch.com/help
n Sandra Ellis, 47, was 29, was charged with pos- produce death and shoot- Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip: news@cdispatch.com
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
charged with possession session of stolen property ing into a dwelling house.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Making the most of winter
“In this mild may start out as the two of them seemed to on in the winter as well. It
winter weather, blustering winds glide effortlessly. takes a diehard fisherman to
everything appears and chilling tem- In the early morning before venture out into cold winter
hopeful and pos- peratures, only daylight, gunshots can be air and frigid water for a day
sible. Leisure and to rise before the heard from the river. No doubt of fishing.
delight are wedded. week’s end. On the the duck hunters are out. To Winter can also draw us in-
Without leisure, warmer days filled me duck hunting in the cold ward to solitary activities like
there is no time to with sunshine a morning hours must be the reading, crafting. Some have
feel and to savor.” family down the worst of activities. How much taken to knitting, crocheting,
— Gunilla road can be seen more do I like slowly waking sewing, painting, drawing,
Norris, “Embracing walking almost to a hot cup of coffee inside journaling, crafting and send-
the Seasons” daily. Sometimes where the air stays toasty ing notecards, jigsaw puzzles,
Shannon Bardwell the youngest one warm. Each to his own. From letter writing, discovering a

e are now rides his bike and the pictures posted of a day’s fun online class, cooking new
officially the father carries a kill, duck hunters must find recipes, papercrafts including
in our third week of cane or a long stick, I’m sure their sport very rewarding. snowflakes, paper dolls, origa-
winter when north winds blow in case a threatening dog On occasion, the pictures mi, trying crossword puzzles,
and temperatures plummet. should appear; he could be reflect a bonding of father and solitaire card games, learning
Weather reports suggest there gently warded off. It’s good son and sometimes daughter. card tricks, watching old
may be a freeze, possibly even to get outside into the fresh Winter is also a time of movies, sorting family photos,
a snowflake or two. air and sunshine as much as deer hunting here in the Prai- learning the star constella-
Going outside requires possible. It goes a long way in rie. Some deer hunters creep food for the freezer.” Judging tions and planets, walking
a heavy coat, a cap, a scarf, lifting the spirits. into the woods early and oth- from the business of the deer or hiking new areas, taking
perhaps waterproof boots. We Another neighbor, parent ers go nearer the end of the cleaning, it’s been a good year photographs and videos with
are not as prepared for winter and daughter, took to bike day. These are the two best for the freezer. your phone and posting. The
as they are in the northern riding the rolling hills of our times for seeing deer moving. Then there’s fishing. possibilities are endless.
states. Our four seasons gravel road. This is no easy While we like to admire the Fishing is thought mainly as Email reaches Shannon
can sometimes happen all feat. I’ve tried it myself and it deer and not hunt them, Sam a spring to fall activity but Bardwell of Columbus at ms-
in a week’s time. The week was not to my liking. However, says, “The hunters are getting there’s a lot of fishing going deltachild@msn.com.


Freedom to speak
and to listen
ho can say what
will happen next?
A friend noted
that this old saying is dead:
“I may not agree with what
you say, but I will defend
to the death your right to
say it.” Yep! Today, the only
people defending another’s
right to opine are those
who agree with the opin-
ion. Those who disagree
threaten, or actually censor Daniel L. Gardner
those with whom they
These days we have many “authorities” telling
us what we can/can’t or should/shouldn’t say. The
First Amendment begins, “Congress shall make no
law….” Our founders did not want our government
to censor us, and issued no “special circumstances”
under which there are exceptions to the freedoms
in this Amendment.
Nevertheless, those who control content of
media can and do censor anyone for any reason.
Who are they to decide who can speak as well as
whom we can and cannot listen to? Books are being
banned. Why? Who decides? Who or what gives
them the authority to decide? Under the guise of
political correctness authorities are literally ban-
ning words and creating new words that align with was God’s house. This week it was the people’s
their own sentiments. Open letter to Cindy Hyde-Smith house that got everyone’s attention. Oh, there will
Someone might ask, “But, what if those words The following letter was sent to Cindy Hyde-
Smith at hydesmith.senate.gov on January 9. Since be committee after committee called to get to the
are dangerous?” Shouting “fire” in a crowded the- bottom of this. Shame the same priority doesn’t
ater or inciting a riot is dangerous. But, so is call- then, I have learned (and find refreshing) that
the United States Postal Service is still the best apply to the corruption of many of the politicians
ing the truth a lie, or debating contentious ideas. in DC. But the people keep electing them, you can
Words ARE dangerous! In 2020 people incited riots way to communicate with those who represent us.
put lipstick on them, but you still have a corrupt
and other acts of violence from the Spring to the We each have a voice. And I bet you have a stamp
end of the year. And, 2021 hasn’t started off so well somewhere.
No matter what President Trump does or says,
either! But, the answer is not to shut up this person Mississippi’s members of Congress who voted
the left would not be satisfied. Now that the left has
or that group. “yes” in objection to the certification of Electoral
power, let’s see how things are going to be. Higher
The answer is to listen to understand first, be- College votes are: Representatives Michael Guest,
taxes, open borders, appeasement of China, 1st and
fore replying. We don’t have to agree, but we should Trent Kelly, Steven Palazzo and Senator Cindy
2nd amendments in jeopardy, freedom of religion
strive to understand. Political rhetoric in America Hyde-Smith.
threatened and the “Green New Deal.” Need I go
has boiled over to the point that all sides are trying Cindy. I hope you will take the time to read my
on? These are only a few things the Biden adminis-
to shut up all the other sides. That is an untenable words of outrage.
tration will bring. But it is what it is now, I just pray
situation. How many of these sides are correct? Are I have never voted necessarily Democratic or
it will not be as bad as has been predicted.
those empowered to censor content correct? Does Republican. I did not vote for you. I am alarmed and
God Bless America!
might make right? Does power corrupt? ashamed of you. Instead of serving and represent-
Lee Roy Lollar
Other nations do not allow freedom of speech, ing Mississippi, MY STATE, instead of protecting
even those nations that have “freedom of speech” the United States, MY COUNTRY, your choice,
as one of their founding tenets. Americans used YOUR VOTE was reckless, at best.
to defend fellow citizens’ right to voice opinions, Your duty was to count the Electoral College Believes context matters when interpreting
and fought all those who wanted to shut down free votes submitted by the states, NOT try to over-
throw our government.
tweet of local doctor
speech. Nowadays “safety” is the clarion call of the In response to Mr. Jabe Nicholson’s Sunday
masses! We will fight for safety from dangerous Mississippi is so much better than what you letter concerning Dr. Cameron Huxford, Mr. Nich-
speech! But, that safety has never kept anyone safe apparently have in mind and have to offer. I can olson states that no one who knows Dr. Huxford
from oppression or tyranny. suggest other opportunities for you. thinks for a moment he was supporting violence.
Oppressive centralized governments have Beth Hickel Imes Dr. Huxford replied to someone else’s tweet that
always suppressed speech in order to maintain Columbus stated the violence feels like terrorism by doubling
power and control over the masses. Our founders Editor’s note: The letter-writer is mother to down support of the riot.
fought a revolution to win our freedoms. Freedom Dispatch publisher Peter Imes. This reminds me of some of Donald Trump’s
is neither free nor safe. Freedom for everyone speeches.
comes with its own risks. Life is full of risks. No Sees a double standard In one, he states: What you are seeing and what
politician, political party, or government can elimi- While I don’t condone the rioting and violence you are reading is not what’s happening.
nate risk. in DC. Where was the outrage from the left, when In another, he criticizes the media of broadcast-
In these days of polarized and politicized rhet- there was looting, burning and destruction this ing fake news and saying that people should not
oric, we need to learn to listen critically. Needless summer? I agree President Trump’s address to believe what they see or what they read.
to say, there are a whole lot of lies and false rumors those on the Mall didn’t help the situation. This I guess you could say it was almost four years
circulating among us. Listening critically is the is the first “Trump” rally where a large number later, Jan 6, that we realized what he meant.
first step toward distinguishing between truth and of black helmet, knee and elbow clad people were On another note, I don’t want to take anything
error. Not only that, but critical listening is always there. This is the dress of ANTIFA and BLM pro- away from how bad the riots were, but thought this
much safer than critical opining. testers. The real question is, why did the mayor of was funny: One of the guys who was arrested for
In coming days many will continue to opine DC and the Capitol Police not have more personnel being in Pelosi’s room told the arresting officer he
about and threaten those with whom they disagree. on duty? I’m not a conspiracy theorist but some- was looking for a restroom and the door was open,
Listen critically to all sides, follow the money, thing doesn’t pass the smell test. I thought the so he just walked in.
and beware of those who seek power over others National Guard had been called out. The pictures For that, he has three federal counts against
through rational lies. shown on the media, the Guard were unarmed and him. Shouldn’t have any problem finding a re-
Daniel L. Gardner is a syndicated columnist who
were wearing black vests for crowd control. stroom during the term of his sentence.
lives in Starkville. His e-mail address is PJandMe2@
The mayor of DC let the rioters burn down a James Hodges
church close to the capital in 2020, but then that Steens
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 5A

Vaccine rollout hits snag as health workers balk at shots

Employees expressing what experts say gled everything from free break-
fasts at Waffle House to a raffle
While the federal government
has released no data on how
unit, divided by plastic sheeting.
The pushback comes amid
are unfounded fears of side effects from for a car to get employees to roll many people offered the vac- the most lethal phase in the out-
up their sleeves. Some states cines have taken them, glimps- break yet, with the death toll at
vaccines that were developed at record speed have threatened to let other es of resistance have emerged more than 350,000, and it could
people cut ahead of health care around the country. hinder the government’s effort
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS oped at record speed. More than workers in the line for shots. In Illinois, a big divide has to vaccinate somewhere be-
three weeks into the campaign, “It’s far too low. It’s alarming- opened at state-run veterans tween 70 percent and 85 percent
The desperately awaited vac- some places are seeing as much ly low,” said Neil Pruitt, CEO of homes between residents and of the U.S. population to achieve
cination drive against the coro- as 80 percent of the staff holding PruittHealth, which runs about staff. The discrepancy was worst “herd immunity.”
navirus in the U.S. is running back. 100 long-term care homes in the at the veterans home in Mante- Administrators and public
into resistance from an unlikely “I don’t think anyone wants
quarter: Surprising numbers of South, where fewer than 3 in 10 no, where 90 percent of resi- health officials have expressed
to be a guinea pig,” said Dr. workers offered the vaccine so dents were vaccinated but only hope that more health workers
health care workers who have
seen firsthand the death and Stephen Noble, a 42-year-old far have accepted it. 18 percent of the staff members. will opt to be vaccinated as they
misery inflicted by COVID-19 cardiothoracic surgeon in Port- Many medical facilities from In rural Ashland, Alabama, see their colleagues take the
are refusing shots. land, Oregon, who is postponing Florida to Washington state have about 90 of some 200 workers at shots without problems.
It is happening in nursing getting vaccinated. “At the end boasted of near-universal accep- Clay County Hospital have yet Oregon doctor Noble said he
homes and, to a lesser degree, of the day, as a man of science, tance of the shots, and workers to agree to get vaccinated, even will wait until April or May to get
in hospitals, with employees ex- I just want to see what the data have proudly plastered pictures with the place so overrun with the shots. He said it is vital for
pressing what experts say are show. And give me the full data.” of themselves on social media re- COVID-19 patients that oxygen public health authorities not to
unfounded fears of side effects Alarmed by the phenomenon, ceiving the vaccine. Elsewhere, is running low and beds have overstate what they know about
from vaccines that were devel- some administrators have dan- though, the drive has stumbled. been added to the intensive care the vaccines.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH died Jan. 10, 2021, at Edna Elizabeth Mc- W.T. Brown Lane of Kankakee, Illi-
OBITUARY POLICY Baptist Memorial Hos- Gee. She was formerly nois, Bertha Spearman
Obituaries with basic informa- ARTESIA — W.T.
pital-Golden Triangle. employed as a seam- Brown, 74, died Jan. 7, and Greenella Spen-
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided free
Arrangements are stress and was a mem- 2021, in Tupelo. cer, both of Crawford,
of charge. Extended obituaries incomplete and will be ber of McBee Baptist Graveside services Virginia Colvin and
with a photograph, detailed announced by Lown- Church. Catherine King, both
were at 2 p.m. Sunday,
biographical information and des Funeral Home of In addition to her of Starkville; and 32
at Brown Ridge Church Betty Price
other details families may wish Columbus. parents, she was pre- grandchildren.
to include, are available for a Cemetery. Visitation Visitation:
ceded in death by her was from noon-6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12 • 10-11 AM
fee. Obituaries must be sub-
mitted through funeral homes
Betty Price husband, Ray Price; Saturday, at West Me- Lester Ayver Sr. 2nd Ave. N. Chapel
unless the deceased’s body COLUMBUS — Bet- and brother, Douglas morial Funeral Home. Tuesday, Jan. 12 • 11 AM
ty Ann Price, 79, died COLUMBUS —
has been donated to science. If Atwell Gibson. West Memorial Funeral 2nd Ave. N. Location
Jan. 9, 2021, at Baptist Lester Ayver Sr., 95, Burial
the deceased’s body was donat- She is survived by Home of Starkville was Pleasant Hill Baptist
Memorial Hospi- died Jan. 9, 2021, at his
ed to science, the family must her son, Danny Price of in charge of arrange- Church Cemetery
provide official proof of death. tal-Golden Triangle. Columbus; and sister, residence. 2nd Ave. N. Location
Please submit all obituaries on ments. Arrangements are
Services will be at Mary Kay Boykin.
the form provided by The Com- He is survived by his incomplete and will be Jonathan Rousset
11 a.m. Tuesday, at Pallbearers will be
mercial Dispatch. Free notices children, John Brown, announced by Lown- Incomplete
Memorial Gunter Peel Jeff Pyle, Steve Pyle,
must be submitted to the news- Eugene Brown, Willie des Funeral Home of
2nd Ave. N. Location
paper no later than 3 p.m. the Funeral Home, Second Derek Lowery, Mi-
Avenue North location, E. Brown, William Columbus.
day prior for publication Tuesday chael Shelton, Shane Brown, Marrio Brown, David Lebaugh
through Friday; no later than 4 with Kenny Gardner Glasgow, and David Incomplete
officiating. Burial will W.T. Brown Jr., El-
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
edition; and no later than 7:30 follow at Pleasant Hill
Boykin. oise Fulton, Emma Stephen Flood 2nd Ave. N. Location

L. Brown, Tameka COLUMBUS — Ste-

a.m. for the Monday edition.
Baptist Church Cem- David Artz
Incomplete notices must be
etery. Visitation will David Lebaugh Brown, Amy Brown, phen Flood, 35, died Incomplete
received no later than 7:30 a.m. COLUMBUS — and Barbara Gilchrist, Jan. 10, 2021, at Bap- 2nd Ave. N. Location
be one hour prior to
for the Monday through Friday
services at the funeral David T. Lebaugh, 75, all of Artesia; siblings, tist Memorial Hospi-
editions. Paid notices must be
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion home. Memorial Gunt- died Jan. 10, 2021, at Willie Brown Jr. of West tal-Golden Triangle.
the next day Monday through er Peel Funeral Home Baptist Memorial Hos- Point, Johnnie Brown Arrangements are
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 and Crematory, Second pital-Golden Triangle. of Crawford, Elmer incomplete and will be memorialgunterpeel.com
p.m. for Sunday and Monday Avenue North location, Arrangements are Brown, Charles Brown, announced by Lown-
publication. For more informa-
is in charge of arrange- incomplete and will be and Gartha Brown, all des Funeral Home of
tion, call 662-328-2471.
ments. announced by Memori- of Starkville, Olean Columbus.
Mrs. Price was al Gunter Peel Funeral
Donald Getz Jr. born Feb. 23, 1941, in Home and Crematory,
COLUMBUS — Columbus, to the late Second Avenue North
Donald Getz Jr., 44, Dutch Newton and location.

How quickly do I need a second COVID vaccine shot?

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lowed has been a point of dose can last. “There is no
difference for the Unit- data to demonstrate that
How quickly do I need a ed States and the United protection after the first
second COVID-19 vaccine Kingdom, which has been dose is sustained after 21
shot? rolling out the Pfizer vac- days,” Pfizer said.
The first COVID-19 vac- cine and one by Astrazene- U.S. regulators agreed,
cines in the U.S. require
ca that requires two doses saying too few people in
two doses a few weeks
given four weeks apart. the Pfizer and Moderna
To get more first shots vaccine studies missed
People should get some
degree of protection with- into people and give them their scheduled boosters
in two weeks of the first at least some degree of pro- to have enough data to
shot, with the second shot tection, the UK says it’s OK show the strategy might
bringing about the vac- to delay the boosters for as work.
cine’s full protection. For long as 12 weeks. But that The timing of the shots
the vaccine by Pfizer and strategy has been nixed doesn’t have to be exact in
Germany’s BioNTech, the in the U.S., where regula- the U.S., though; the Cen-
second shot is supposed to tors say there’s no science ters for Disease Control
be after three weeks. For backing the approach. and Prevention says the
Moderna, it’s four weeks. A major concern is that second shots can be given
But how closely those it’s unknown how long the up to four days earlier or
guidelines should be fol- partial protection from one later.

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6A MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Teachers help students make sense of violence at US Capitol

‘In almost every single one of my classes, the supporters of President Donald
tice, the coronavirus pandemic
and the constraints of distance
of engagement and to push back
against the creeping sense that
students brought it up before I even could’ Approaches varied, with
some teachers deliberately
“In almost every single one
violence is the inevitable end to
Karley Reising, a social studies teacher at Robert E. Fitch political division.
holding off on historical com- of my classes, the students “This was one of the most
High School in Groton, Connecticut parisons with the events so brought it up before I even important days as a teacher,
BY MICHAEL MELIA aftermath of George Floyd’s fresh. Many trod cautiously in could,” said Karley Reising, a not even just a history teach-
AND CAROLYN THOMPSON light of varied political view- social studies teacher at Robert
killing. And a civics educator in er,” Michael Neagle said after
The Associated Press points in their classrooms and E. Fitch High School in Groton,
Connecticut urged her rattled wrapping up with his students
communities. Connecticut. “And especially
A teacher in Alabama pre- students to work toward mak- But educators universally my seniors were really strug- at Lowell High School in Massa-
sented photographs of the in- ing the country better. described efforts to hear out gling with what this meant chusetts the day after the siege.
surrection at the U.S. Capitol Social studies teachers na- students’ fears and concerns about the future of our country “We don’t want kids to tune out
without commentary and asked tionwide set aside lesson plans and instill a sense of history and in a way that was pretty heart- and just say, ‘Well, this is how it
students to write poems in re- this week to help young people even hopefulness in a school breaking.” is. Nobody gets along. Politics.’
flection. A Minnesota instruc- make sense of the scenes of the year shaped by the nation’s She and others said they That voter apathy is so danger-
tor fielded comparisons to the violent siege in Washington by reckoning over racial injus- tried to focus on the importance ous.”

Continued from Page 1A
in the American Junior 7-to-9-year-old girls when next to at Old Waverly. 28 player in the Class of small town where having the ball 150 to 160 yards
Golf Association Thun- she competed in 2016. With her house just off 2024. The AJGA slots her such good players coming on average as a 9-year-
derbird Junior All-Star Although the victory the 18th fairway at the in at No. 226 and No. 20, out of there and going to old and now routinely
tournament this June in earned her and her family West Point course, Blair respectively. great colleges is really reaches 240 to 250 yards,
Phoenix, Arizona, where a trip to Sammamish, has a chance to practice Blair said she wants cool.” she said.
she got to take a side trip Washington, to watch or play at the facility to pursue a college and Akins said he’s proud And in the past five
to the Grand Canyon. that summer’s Women’s every day — weather pro career in the sport to see how much Blair years, she’s gone from the
“There are a lot of real- PGA Championship, permitting — in order to but isn’t thinking about has improved since her tiny player who looked up
ly great places that you go being able to set foot on improve. any schools yet. Per a father, Key Blair, called to the older kids around
with golf,” Blair said. the nation’s most famous “Her hard work and recent NCAA regulation, him up four years ago her — although she still
She even earned a golf course was a prize in dedication have paid off colleges can’t contact and told the coach about does — to a budding star
chance to play at Augusta and of itself. to allow her to do some recruits until the end of his daughter. Since then, whom today’s younger
National Golf Club, the “Considering it’s such amazing things so far,” their sophomore year, and Akins has worked with golfers admire.
annual home of the Mas- an exclusive place where Akins said. Blair has no idea where Blair on her setup and her “There are definitely
ters Tournament, in the not many people get to And national orga- she’d like to go, anyway. swing, helping her slowly players who look up to
2016 Drive, Chip and Putt even go watch, to be able nizations have begun But soon enough, erode the bad habits she me now, so it’s definitely
Championship when she to hit on their driving to notice. Junior Golf she’ll join golfers like had and develop new changed a little bit,” Blair
was 9 years old. range and putt on the Scoreboard ranks Blair LSU signee Cohen Trolio ones. said.
In the skills cham- green — 18 — that was — a freshman who is and Vanderbilt commit “Nobody’s born with a For Akins, none of that
pionship, an event that really fun,” Blair said. homeschooled through Wells Williams as the natural golf swing,” Akins is a surprise as he watch-
featured players from Coincidentally, the an online program called latest star golfer to come said. es Blair’s young career
7 to 15 years old from hole she played in Au- Enlightium Academy — out of West Point. Blair Still, Blair’s swing continue to grow.
across the country, Blair gusta was the same hole the No. 236 girls golfer in said she’s proud of that, has gotten a lot better. “She’s come a long
won her age group of number her family lives the country and the No. “especially in such a She could already drive ways,” he said.

Continued from Page 1A
tab, and Democrats say revise the tax breaks and Those offering higher released his state budget tendent of Education Car- would contact the local su-
enrolling more people other incentives it uses salaries would get more proposals in November, ey Wright whether such perintendent.
would boost Mississippi’s to attract new business- favorable treatment from Reeves did not include a indoctrination is happen- Although $3 million is
economy by supporting es. Hosemann said the the state. And the com- teacher pay raise, but he ing in Mississippi schools. a relatively small amount
hospitals and other health Senate will propose an panies would be required said he would ask legisla- “Let me put it this of money in a $6 billion
care providers. incentive program called to file annual reports so tors to put $3 million into a way: That’s not in our state budget, Blount’s
Expansion is a long- MFLEX — think, Missis- people could know wheth- “patriotic education fund.” standards to be taught,” questions show that the
shot, though, because Re- sippi and flexible. er the companies are ful- “Across the country, Wright said. governor’s request will
publican Gov. Tate Reeves He said the state needs filling the promises they young children have suf- Wright said if she were not be fulfilled without
and Republicans who to eliminate some rarely made to the state, Hose- fered from indoctrina- to receive a complaint scrutiny — and it might
control the state House used incentives and cre- mann said. tion in far-left socialist about such teaching, she not be fulfilled at all.
and Senate have long said ate simpler rules that are Hosemann’s legisla- teachings that emphasize
that they believe it could easy to understand. tive wish list this year America’s shortcom-
become a budget buster, “If you’re moving a com- also includes creating a ings over the exception-
and they don’t want to put pany with 100 employees state tourism agency. He al achievements of this
more people on a govern- to Mississippi, you can sit wants to break tourism country. Revisionist histo-
ment program. at your desk and calculate promotion away from the ry has aimed to tear down
Republican Lt. Gov. what the salaries are, how Mississippi Development American institutions,
Delbert Hosemann has re- much it’s going to cost you Authority, the agency that and it is poisoning a gen-
leased more details about and (get) an exact quote pushes for job creation. eration,” Reeves’ budget
his legislative agenda of what your benefits will It’s unclear whether his document said.
than many others in the be,” Hosemann said. idea will get support from During a Senate Edu-
Capitol, and a teacher pay The MFLEX proposal House leaders or from cation Committee hear-
raise tops his list. would require companies Reeves. ing last week, Democratic
Hosemann also told that receive incentives The governor has said Sen. David Blount of Jack-
reporters last week that to provide health insur- little about his own legis- son quoted that document
he wants Mississippi to ance for their employees. lative agenda. When he and asked state Superin-

West Point
Continued from Page 1A
ance agent with an office in Colum- Each incumbent selectman has elected official, he said he feels it’s
bus, is the only candidate to qualify qualified to seek re-election — in- time to retire.
to run for mayor as of press time to- cluding Leta Turner of Ward 1, Wil- “It’s been wonderful serving as
day. The former Ward 1 selectman, liam Binder of Ward 2, Ken Poole the mayor and chancery clerk,”
who served one term from 2009 to of Ward 3, Keith McBrayer of Ward Robinson told The Dispatch.
2013, is vying to replace Robbie 4 and Jasper Pittman of Ward 5. “There are such wonderful people
Robinson, who decided not to run The qualifying deadline for this in both the city and county, and I
for a third term. year’s municipal election is Feb. 5. wish them nothing but the best.”
The Dispatch attempted mul- Robinson was first elected may- Party primaries are April 6 with
tiple times last week to contact or in 2013 following 28 years as runoffs set for April 27 if neces-
Bobo. He did not return calls or Clay County chancery clerk. Af- sary. The general election is June
messages. ter more than three decades as an 8.
662-241-5000 B


Aliyah Matharu, MSU outlast Ole Miss in Starkville

BY BEN PORTNOY all-black, Cash-esque says ‘Start off with an
bportnoy@cdispatch.com uniform, that cut down easy shot, get your
an inspired effort from feel,’” she explained. “I
STARKVILLE — The in-state rival Ole Miss in came in and got fouled,
woman in black stepped
Sunday’s 60 -56 Bulldog got an easy and-1, and
to the top right corner of
victory. then from there I just
the 3-point arc at Hum-
Pacing an MSU of- found rhythm, found my
phrey Coliseum and
fense that looked out feel.”
banged home a 21-foot
of tune as it mustered After torching Ole
jumper as the shot clock
buzzer echoed through- a meager 25 percent Miss for a career-high 24
out the empty arena. shooting effort in the points a year ago in Ox-
Just a stone’s throw first quarter, Matharu ford, Matharu finished
down Highway 12 from was decisive, definite Sunday’s rumble with 16
where Johnny Cash was and dominant in the points on 5 of 8 shooting
held in the Starkville Bulldogs’ 14th-straight — good for her fifth dou-
City Jail following a win over a Rebels team ble-digit scoring output
performance at Mis- that hasn’t bested its of the season — and was
sissippi State 56 years neighbors to the South the lone Bulldog scorer
ago, it was sophomore since 2014. with more than two first Mississippi State athletics
guard Aliyah Matharu, “Coach (Nikki Mc- half field goals. Aliyah Matharu helped pace the Mississippi State offense with 16 points in the
donning MSU’s annual Cray-Penson) always See MSU, 3B Bulldogs’ 60-56 win over Ole Miss Sunday in Starkville.


Saints pull
away late No. 1 Alabama looking for 6th title
for 21-9
playoff win under Saban vs. Ohio St
over Bears

Drew Brees will get
to celebrate his 42nd
birthday by preparing
for a playoff game that
will also feature the one
active NFL quarterback
older than him.
Brees completed
28 of 39 passes for 265
yards, connecting with
Michael Thomas and
Latavius Murray for
touchdowns, and the
New Orleans Saints
defeated the Chicago
Bears 21-9 in an NFC
wild-card game Sunday.
The victory for the
Saints (13-4) and Brees,
who turns 42 on Fri-
day, sets up a division-
al-round meeting next
weekend in the Super-
dome with Tampa Bay
and 43-year-old QB Tom
Brady. The Saints won

winless no
more, leads SEC Portal Photo
The top-ranked Tide (12-0) are set to face No. 3 Ohio State (7-0) on Monday for the College Football Playoff championship in search of

Ravens to their sixth national title with Saban as coach.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS through the coronavirus pan- If the Buckeyes do upset against an unusually difficult
20-13 win demic is on schedule to take Alabama to win their first schedule.
MIAMI — Trying to figure place at Hard Rock Stadium, national title since 2014, they Because of the pandemic,
over Titans out which of Nick Saban’s Ala- home of the NFL’s Miami Dol- will have played the fewest the Southeastern Conference
bama teams is best is akin to phins, as planned. Because of games of any national cham- decided to play only league
picking Michelangelo’s great- COVID-19, which caused the pion since Minnesota finished games this season. Facing 11
est work of art or Ernest Hem- postponement or cancelation 8-0 in 1941. SEC games and Notre Dame
ingway’s best novel. of nearly 130 games, nothing Alabama had only one in the playoff, the Crimson
— Lamar Jackson final-
They are all excellent in has been guaranteed this sea- game postponed this sea- Tide have had an average
ly has his first postsea-
their own way. son. But Alabama arrived in son, though it was because of margin of victory of 29 points.
son victory — and on
the road, no less. The first to win a national South Florida on Friday and COVID-19 issues with LSU. Only one of their games was
Combine that with championship came in 2009 Ohio State got to town Satur- Saban tested positive for the decided by fewer than 15.
Baltimore smothering and is still the only Alabama day. virus — twice. The first time Alabama’s offense features
2,000 -yard rusher Der- team to finish unbeaten under The usual day-be- it was deemed a false posi- five All-Americans, includ-
rick Henry, and the Ra- Saban in 14 seasons of unprec- fore-the-championship -game tive after further testing and ing Heisman Trophy winner
vens look playoff tough. edented dominance. news conference with the he was able to coach against DeVonta Smith and two more
Jackson ran for 136 The 2011 national champi- coaches was held Sunday Georgia. The second time players (quarterback Mac
yards and a 48-yard ons had maybe the greatest morning via Zoom. No shar- he had to miss the Iron Bowl Jones and running back Najee
touchdown while throw- defense of college football’s ing of a stage, posing with against Auburn. Harris) who finished in the
ing for 179 more as the modern era of high-powered the trophy and staged hand- Otherwise the Tide dynas- top five in Heisman voting.
Ravens rallied from 10 offenses. The current Crim- shakes this year. ty has rolled along as close to “This is a great offense. It
points down and beat son Tide team has one of the “It certainly has been a business as usual as possible is a complete offense,” Ohio
the Tennessee Titans most prolific and talented of- strange road to get here,” considering the circumstanc- State defensive coordinator
20 -13 Sunday in their fenses in the history of the Ohio State coach Ryan Day es. Kerry Coombs said. “They
AFC wild-card game. sport. said. “Our team has shown a lot have great players, but they
Baltimore also held “Every team is different. The Buckeyes faced the of maturity and perseverance also have a great scheme and
Tennessee to its fewest Every team has its own per- prospect of no fall football throughout the season,” Sa- they understand how to attack
points all season. sonality,” Saban said Sunday. at all when the Big Ten post- ban said. “We told our play- defenses. People have tried
The Titans (11-6) had “But it’s hard to compare poned in August, and then ers basically the team that numerous different things
the ball and a chance to teams.” they managed to get in only shows the maturity to be able against them, and they always
tie when Marcus Peters The top-ranked Tide (12- six games before making the to handle disruptions is going have an answer.”
intercepted Ryan Tan- 0) are set to face No. 3 Ohio playoff. Day acknowledged to have the best chance to be Another championship
nehill’s pass intended State (7-0) on Monday for earlier this week that Ohio successful in the end, and would give Saban seven over-
for Kalif Raymond with the College Football Playoff State was dealing with some consistency in performance is all, including a BCS title at
1:50 left. After the turn- championship in search of new COVID-19 cases. always a key to success, and LSU in 2003, breaking a tie
over, the Ravens came their sixth national title with There was even some con- that perseverance has shown for the most all time with Al-
onto the field and start- Saban as coach. cern early in the week that the up in the way we’ve been able abama’s other coaching great,
ed waving good-bye to The final game of this tax- game might have to be pushed to play with consistency.” Paul Bryant. The Bear won
See TITANS, 3B ing and strange season played back. And consistently great See ALABAMA, 3B
2B MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Same old Browns? Hardly. Cleveland drills Steelers 48-37

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS It’s on the inside and we coordinator Mike Prief- Pittsburgh’s problems ter. Facing fourth-and-1 at to play after being listed
believed the whole time, er — a Cleveland native started on the first play the Pittsburgh 46, Steel- as questionable with an
PIT TSBURGH — So and that’s all that mat- — filling in for Stefanski from scrimmage when ers coach Mike Tomlin “illness” on Friday. His
much for the weight of ters.” and with offensive coor- center Maurkice Pounc- opted to punt. return didn’t last long.
history. Or practicing. Or Mayfield threw for dinator Alex Van Pelt — ey’s snap sailed by Roeth- It didn’t work out. The He exited in the first half
having your head coach 263 yards and three who played collegiately lisberger all the way to kick bounced into the with a hamstring injury.
on the sideline. Or your touchdowns, including at Pitt — taking over the the end zone. Cleveland’s end zone for a touchback Guard Michael Dunn,
emotional leader on the a screen pass that Nick play-calling duties. Karl Joseph fell on it for a and Mayfield calmly took stepping in for Bitonio,
field. Chubb turned into a 40- “We have a resilient touchdown. The miscues Cleveland 80 yards in six left in the fourth quarter
The Cleveland Browns yard score that halted team,” Mayfield said. were just starting. Ro- plays. The sideline erupt- with a calf issue.
overcame all of it, disman- Pittsburgh’s momentum “Defense played great in ethlisberger threw three ed as Chubb streaked into
tling the Pittsburgh Steel- Steelers: Rookie line-
after the Steelers had the first half and we kind first-half interceptions, the end zone.
ers 48-37 in the wild-card pulled within 12. Kareem of stalled out and let them backer Alex Highsmith
two of which led directly So much for the Browns
round Sunday night. Hunt added 48 yards and climb back in the game, to Browns scores. and defensive back Mike
being the Browns, a wink- Hilton both sustained in-
It’s the franchise’s first two touchdowns on the but that’s a great team By the time the Steel- ing assessment Steel-
postseason victory in ground while Cleveland’s win right there — guys ers found their footing, juries in the second half
ers wide receiver JuJu
more than a quarter cen- defense forced five turn- stepping up all over the they were down 28-0. and did not return.
Smith-Schuster made
tury and earned Cleve- overs to hand the Steelers board. I’m proud of these Even when they did get it about Cleveland in the
land a trip to Kansas City (12-5) a staggering loss. guys.” going on a 1-yard touch- middle of the week. Re- Up next
next Sunday to face the The victory was the The Steelers (12-5) down run by James Con- Browns: Will make
gardless of the intent —
defending Super Bowl Browns’ first postseason certainly helped, ending ner with 1:44 to go in the their first divisional-round
Smith-Schuster’s team-
champion Chiefs. triumph of any kind since a season in which they half, the Browns stormed appearance since the
mates insisted he was
Playing with first-year beating New England started 11-0 with a thud right back. Mayfield 1994 playoffs when they
kidding — Mayfield and
head coach Kevin Stefans- on New Year’s Day 1995 that could reverberate for capped a cathartic open-
All-Pro defensive end face the Chiefs.
ki, Pro Bowl guard Joel — three months before years. Ben Roethlisberg- ing half with a masterful
Myles Garrett took it to Steelers: Head into
Bitonio and top corner- Mayfield was born — and er ended his comeback 64-yard drive that ended
heart. what will be a busy off-
back Denzel Ward back their first playoff win on season by throwing for with a 7-yard toss to Aus-
in Cleveland after all test- Then, in front of a most- season. Several high-pro-
the road since Dec. 28, 501 yards on an NFL-re- tin Hooper that put Cleve-
ed positive for COVID-19, 1969. cord 47 completions with land up 35-7 at the break. ly empty stadium and a file players, including
Cleveland (12-5) raced to They did it despite four touchdowns and four Pittsburgh — much as national audience so ac- Smith-Schuster and
the biggest first half by a practicing just once over interceptions. it did in its last playoff ap- customed to seeing them outside linebacker Bud
road team in NFL playoff the last two weeks and The 48 points were the pearance three years ago, stumble, the Browns took Dupree, will become free
history then held on. having lost 17 straight at most the Steelers have an upset defeat at home out their frustration. agents. The 38-year-old
“We believed,” quar- Heinz Field. They did it given up in the playoffs, to Jacksonville — tried to Roethlisberger will also
terback Baker Mayfield with efficiency and a little surpassing the 45 they claw back in it. The Steel- Injuries have to decide whether
said. “People on the out- bit of swagger. And they gave up to Jacksonville in ers pulled within 35-23 at Browns: All-Pro tackle he wants to return for an
side don’t matter to us. did it with special teams the 2017 playoffs. the end of the third quar- Jake Conklin was cleared 18th season.

English wins Kapalua in playoff for 1st victory in 7 years

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS that it rolled out to 10 feet birdie putt on the 18th They finished at 25-un- reached the Tour Cham- 17th for bogey. A birdie
for an eagle putt that he that cost him. And on the der 267. It was the second pionship. Niemann also on the final hole wasn’t
KAPALUA, Hawaii — narrowly missed, settling same hole in the playoff, straight year the tourna- didn’t win last year. enough.
Harris English was that for a 4-under 69 to force with a 30-yard advantage ment was decided by a But the fact he made it Dustin Johnson, in his
player who always wanted extra holes. off the tee, he tugged his playoff. to the Tour Championship first start since winning
the ball for the last shot. In the playoff, he shot just enough that it English once was speaks to his turnaround. the Masters on Nov. 15,
His trouble the last cou- lagged a long putt from tumbled down the shag- among the rising Ameri- He did everything but made an early run until
ple of years was getting off the front of the green gy slope left of the 18th. can starts, winning a Na- win last season, and then he lost a tee shot in the
off the bench and into the to 6 feet for the winner A full swing with a lob tionwide Tour event while he took care of that in the native grass on No. 12
game. “When I was a kid, wedge only got it up the still an amateur and pick- first tournament of the and made double bogey.
English completed I loved having the ball hill to the fringe, and his ing up two victories in year. English now goes to He shot 69 and tied for
his turnaround from a when the clock’s run- birdie attempt from 15 2013. But then he got into No. 17 in the world, a ca- 11th, ending his streak of
seven-year drought with ning out in basketball,” feet was short. a funk, and he fell so far reer-best. seven consecutive top 10s
a victory that he felt was English said. “I love — I “I had a perfect line the that he lost his full card “It’s awesome to get dating to the first week in
long overdue, making a love — the situations, and second shot, I just mishit in 2019 and was No. 369 some validation,” English August.
6-foot birdie putt on the I crave getting back into it a little bit,” Niemann in the world. He played said. Ryan Palmer, who
first playoff hole against that. I hadn’t had it in a said. “I got a little lucky so well from there that he Justin Thomas stayed shared the 54-hole lead
Joaquin Niemann to win long time. ... You’ve got to that it carried the hazard reached the Tour Champi- in the mix one day after with English, had an early
the Sentry Tournament of have confidence in your- and then it was not an onship, and it paid off in a he was heard uttering a lead with an eagle on the
Champions. self.” easy lie.” big way. homophobic slur under fifth hole. His hopes came
He had the ball. And he Niemann did his part Niemann started the In a normal year, En- his breath after missing a undone when his tee shot
was clutch. with a 9-under 64, match- final round five shots be- glish wouldn’t be at Kapa- short putt. Thomas apolo- on the par-3 11th turned
He ran off four birdies ing the low score of the hind and would have been lua for the winners-only gized, and did so again af- left with the wind into the
in a five-hole stretch on tournament, impressive happy at the start of the start to the year. Because ter a 66 left him one shot shin-high grass. It took
the back nine to catch considering the blustery day to be in a playoff. But of the COVID-19 pandem- out of the playoff. him two to get out and he
Niemann. Needing a bird- wind finally showed up on he couldn’t help but think ic that shut down the PGA He missed an 8-foot made double bogey. Palm-
ie on the 18th at Kapalua, the Plantation Course for of the 18th. “I just look Tour for three months, birdie chance on the 16th, er rallied with four birdies
English hit a 3-iron so the final day. back and I see those two the field was expanded and then three-putted on his last five holes but
pure from a downhill lie But he missed a 6-foot par 5s. I made par.” to include anyone who from long range on the shot 71 to finish two back.

NFL round up: Drop, ejection and penalties sink Bears in playoff loss
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS had kept the trick play in yards on 12 carries. a Bears player into losing The latest abrupt play- feeling of optimism after
their pocket for several “We were in third-and- control. Wims was ejected off exit may be the most losing in the divisional
NEW ORLEANS — weeks, setting it up by longs that weren’t very from the Bears’ overtime troubling following Sat- round at Green Bay when
Early in their playoff running almost all of the manageable,” Trubisky loss to the Saints in No- urday’s 30-20 loss to the Seattle was so depleted
game against the Saints, time out of that formation. said. “We shot ourselves vember and suspended Los Angeles Rams. After by injuries at the key posi-
Bears wide receiver Javon “It was a touchdown,” in the foot a lot. It was just for two games for suck- getting outcoached and tion of running back that
Wims raced into the end Trubisky said. “You don’t sloppy.” er-punching the garrulous outplayed by their divi- Marshawn Lynch was
zone behind defenders on get many opportunities Chicago’s first points safety. sion foe, the Seahawks brought out of retirement
a trick play. like that to get your guy came after Tashaun Gip- Chicago already was are unexpectedly headed to carry the load.
It turned out the joke wide open behind the son forced a fumble from playing without rookie into an important offsea- That was not the case
was on Chicago. safety. I was excited it got the Saints’ Taysom Hill Darnell Mooney (ankle), son sooner than anyone in the aftermath of Sat-
Wims let an accurate called, and it definitely as he tried to throw and its second-leading receiv- expected. urday. Optimism was
throw drop right through would have helped getting defensive tackle John Jen- er. “Out of all the years scarce. Left in its place
his arms and bounce of on the board early.” kins caught it at the New “We spent time on since we lost to New En- was confusion about what
his jersey number. The Chicago got nothing Orleans 24. Even then, Wednesday morning as a gland, I thought that this happened and what the
blunder was the first of out of that drive, failing to the Bears made a costly team literally showing and year was our best chance path is going forward af-
several that took away cut into a 7-0 deficit after mistake, settling for a field explaining their particular in going,” Seattle line- ter Seattle mortgaged a
any chance the bumbling the Saints had taken the goal after Cole Kmet was players’ actions in games backer K.J. Wright said significant amount of its
Bears had to beat the lead on Michael Thomas’ called for unsportsman- and teaching it,” Nagy on Sunday. “I truly felt like future by acquiring Jamal
Saints in a 21-9 loss on 13-yard touchdown catch like conduct, turning a said. “Especially when we had all the pieces. We Adams and Carlos Dun-
Sunday. we’re low with numbers
in the first quarter. Tru- third-and-5 into a third- had all the confidence in lap to win this season.
Seventh-seeded Chi- at wide receiver, we’ve all
bisky was knocked out and-20 at the 24. the world to go back, and “We got to make that
cago (8-9), which needed got to understand we have
of bounds 2 yards short “The explanation that 12-4 that’s a really good next step. I think this is
to play a clean game af- to be stronger and can’t let
of the marker as he tried was told to me was he season. It’s just unfortu- part of the process, to
ter backing into the NFC that happen.”
to avoid a hit on a fourth- was throwing the ball to nate that yesterday was figure out this offseason
playoffs with a .500 regu-
and-4 scramble from the the (Saints) player like it just one of them days.” along the way, and how
lar season, never had an- Another early playoff
New Orleans 34. was taunting,” Nagy said. It’s the second time in we can do that and do
other opportunity as good
as the first one in a con-
The rest of the day was “Cole and our coaches on exit adds to Seahawks three seasons the Sea- whatever it takes,” Wilson
test that remained tight just as rough. staff said he was throwing frustration hawks were ousted from said. “So I’m looking for-
for a while. The Bears failed to the ball to the ref. That SEATTLE — For all the postseason in the ward to starting 2021 with
“When you have an convert their first nine was a big play.” the success through the wild-card round after los- a new season come next
opportunity to make third downs — the Saints Later, safety Eddie years, there is an indisput- ing in the 2018 playoffs at fall. Unfortunately today
some big plays, you have went 11 of 17 — and were Jackson jumped offside able fact Russell Wilson, Dallas. we didn’t get it done.”
to be able to make those outgained 385-140 before when the Saints faced Pete Carroll and the rest In the five playoff ap- The aftermath of the
against a really good a meaningless 99-yard a fourth-and-3 from the of the Seattle Seahawks pearances since losing in loss to the Rams made
team,” Chicago coach drive that ended with Jim- Bears 13 in the third quar- more veteran players can’t the Super Bowl, the Sea- clear there are issues
Matt Nagy said. “We have my Graham catching a ter and feigned as if Hill avoid. hawks have a 3-5 record. about identity on the of-
to be better.” touchdown pass with no was going to take a shot- Since the Seahawks Most franchises would fensive side for Seattle,
Trailing just 7-3 at half- time left. gun snap. Saints coach loss to New England in the be thrilled to have that which seemed unfath-
time, the Bears saw their Graham appeared in no Sean Payton later said Super Bowl in February many playoff appearanc- omable at the start of the
chances disappear during mood to celebrate and ea- there were no plans to 2015, their playoff perfor- es. But for the Seahawks, season. Wilson was the
Saints touchdown drives ger to start the offseason, snap the ball. mances have been com- it’s a continual run of what leading MVP candidate
that consumed more than getting up and trotting “Those are things you plete failures by their own they see as missed oppor- throwing a record num-
16 minutes combined in straight into the tunnel to just can’t do,” Gipson said. standards. tunity. ber of touchdowns to be-
New Orleans’ first two sec- the visitor’s locker room in “We did uncharacteristic It’s now been six years “We got to be better. gin the season as Seattle
ond-half possessions. the Superdome. things.” since Seattle won more We got to find ways to started 5-0.
Wims’ drop came af- Trubisky, who led the Two plays later, Lata- than one game in a sin- win these type of match- But the limitations of
ter running back David Bears to three wins in vius Murray scored on a gle postseason. The Se- ups,” Wilson said. “Frus- that offense which grew
Montgomery took a shot- their last four games after 6-yard reception. ahawks have failed to tration? I mean, yeah, of as the season progressed
gun snap from the wildcat reclaiming the starting Receiver Anthony advance beyond the divi- course I’m frustrated.” were on full display in the
formation on first down at job from Nick Foles in late Miller was ejected in the sional round since that last In previous seasons, loss to the Rams. Seat-
the New Orleans 40 and November, went 10 of 19 third quarter for punch- Super Bowl appearance there seemed to be an un- tle’s’ 278 total yards were
flipped it to quarterback for 107 yards before the ing Saints safety C.J. following the 2014 season. derstanding or justifica- a season worst, as was
Mitchell Trubisky, who final possession. Gardner-Johnson after No NFC championship tion for why playoff runs Wilson’s 40.7% comple-
launched a perfect deep Montgomery, a 1,000- a dispute. It was the sec- game appearances. No fell short of reaching their tion rate, the only time
ball. yard rusher in the regular ond time this season chances at getting back to full potential. all season he didn’t hit at
Nagy said the Bears season, managed only 31 Gardner-Johnson baited playing for a title. A year ago, there was a least 55% of his passes.
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 3B

Continued from Page 1B
the Titans — drawing snapped a string of 21 in the past two meet- “This definitely is go- per game during the Tom Landry and Tom
a taunting penalty they straight games lost by ings. With both Calais ing to sting probably in season than any team Coughlin. “It was a very
didn’t mind at all. the franchise in either Campbell and Brandon my mind for the rest of but Kansas City. The strong effort. Our tack-
“We finished finally,” the regular season or Williams back on the this year until we suit Ravens finished with a ling was strong, all the
Jackson said. “We final- playoffs when trailing Baltimore D-line, Hen- back up,” said Henry, 401-209 yards edge in outside backers. That
ly finished.” by 10 or more. They will ry had his worst perfor- who missed two key total offense. kind of physicality. We
Tannehill thought play either top-seeded mance this season with plays following an 7-yard “This may be the were able to hit him
Raymond was bumped Kansas City or Buffa- 18 carries for 40 yards. catch midway through best win I’ve ever been with multiple helmets
by Peters. lo in a divisional game “Our defense was the third quarter after associated with ...,” said and take him back.”
“It definitely looked set up by how Balti- tired of hearing the losing a shoe. Baltimore coach John The Titans lost their
like it could’ve been more stopped Henry for noise,” Jackson said. Baltimore also Harbaugh, who won a first home playoff game
a flag and probably the first time in three “And they did what they slowed a Tennessee Super Bowl eight years in 12 years and now
should’ve been, but it games. were supposed to do.” offense that tied for ago and now has eight have had three of their
wasn’t thrown so here The All-Pro ran all Henry credited the fourth averaging 30.7 road playoff victories, past eight postseasons
we are,” Tannehill said. over the Ravens with 328 Ravens with being the points a game and had surpassing the career ended on their own field
The Ravens (12-5) yards rushing combined better team. more offensive yards mark of Hall of Famer by Baltimore.

Continued from Page 1B
each regular season matchup That score resulted from a had that time to really stay off like the Saints that has been ular-season meeting, Bears re-
with the NFC South rival by big Bears mistake: Safety Ed- his ankle. And I know it’s not there, done that on the coach- ceiver Javon Wims was ejected
double digits. die Jackson, lined up for an 100% but, man, he’s going to be ing side, player-wise. I think and suspended two games for
“The minute that he signed apparent blitz, jumped offside significant for us in all of these that that’s a start for us to re- punching Gardner-Johnson.
with the Bucs and came to the on fourth-and-3 from the Bears games.” alize, ‘You want to go ahead
division, you felt like that was 13-yard line. Thomas finished with five and do damage in the playoffs,
going to be a team to contend “It was basically a no-brain- catches for 73 yards and De- you can see situationally, disci-
with, that was going to be a er freeze. We were just going to onte Harris, back from a neck Bears: Reserve safety DeAn-
pline-wise, all that stuff, how dre Houston-Carson was evalu-
team that would have playoff take a delay (of game) and then injury, caught seven passes for we’ve got to be better.’ ”
aspirations and beyond, just kick the field goal,” Payton 83 yards. ated for a concussion during the
The Saints never previously second quarter. ... Defensive
like us,” Brees said of meeting said. “It worked pretty well.” Tashaun Gipson set up Chi- allowed fewer than 14 points in
Brady in the playoffs for the Two plays later, Brees scram- cago’s first points and might back Sherrick McManus left
a playoff game. with a hamstring injury in the
first time. “So, I guess it was bled right and spotted Murray have prevented a Saints score “Our defense played out-
inevitable.” waving for the ball. Brees sent on the same play. He got his first half.
standing,” Payton said. “We Saints: Cornerback Patrick
Alvin Kamara rushed for a short touch pass over onrush- hand on the ball as Taysom Hill tackled well in space. ... Ulti-
99 yards and added a 3-yard ing linebacker Khalil Mack, attempted to throw deep. The Robinson and running back
mately we forced them to be- Latavius Murray each were
touchdown run in the fourth and Murray sprinted straight ball fluttered a few yards and come one-dimensional, and
quarter after sitting out the reg- to the goal line, diving through defensive lineman John Jen- checked for thigh injuries in the
when you do that you’re going second half.
ular-season finale and not prac- converging tacklers to reach kins caught it, setting up Cairo to win a lot of games.”
ticing this past week because the end zone. Santos’ 36-yard field goal to
of contracting COVID-19. Brees’ first touchdown pass make it 7-3. Up next
“I was fine, no real symp- in the opening quarter was But the Chicago offense Ejected Bears: Head into offseason
toms,” Kamara said of his ab- 11-yards over the middle to struggled against a defense Bears starting receiver An- with uncertainty surrounding
sence. “I got a bye week. It’s Thomas, back from a three- ranked fourth in the NFL. thony Miller was ejected for the futures of general manag-
like, you have no choice but game absence to help heal a Mitch Trubisky was 19 of 29 shoving Saints defensive back er Ryan Pace and head coach
to sit and recover and get your nagging ankle injury. The 2019 for 199 yards and one incon- C.J. Gardner-Johnson after a Matt Nagy. The Bears have
body back right. I felt good.” Offensive Player of the Year sequential TD pass to Jimmy failed third-down play early in reached the playoffs twice
The Bears (8-9) put forth missed nine games this season Graham as time expired. The the second half. Gardner-John- since Pace took over in 2015,
a scrappy performance de- and had not caught a touch- Bears were held to 48 yards son also was flagged for un- both times under Nagy, who
fensively that prevented the down pass since December rushing. sportsmanlike conduct but not was hired in 2018. Chicago
Saints from building more than 2019. “Making the playoffs is ejected. That marked the sec- lost its playoff opener both
a one-touchdown lead until “He had a few big plays for great, but what we did today ond time this season a Bears times.
Murray’s 6-yard catch-and-run us and he’s going to continue to has to be a lot better,” Tru- player was thrown out for action Saints: Host Brady and the
made it 14-3 late in the third have more and more big plays,” bisky said. “Today wasn’t good taken against Gardner-Johnson Buccaneers in the divisional
quarter. Payton said. “I’m glad that he enough. And you look at a team after the whistle. During a reg- round next Sunday night.

Continued from Page 1B

Coming out of the Rebels backcourt in seven of 10 games this rose to the occasion Donning the similar- it was the minute guard
halftime break, it was front of her, generally winter as her minutes with a Cash-like lev- ly-toned colors of the that sent Ole Miss
Matharu’s 3-point- avoiding the defensive have increased from 9.9 el of grit and ability. original ‘Man in Black,’ home in a pine box.
er from the top right breakdowns that landed a season ago to over 20.
corner of the arc that her on the bench along- “It ’s definitely taken
splashed home and be- side Schaefer a season me to another level,”
gan a furious Bulldog ago. Matharu said of being
run. With the Ole Miss “I’ve challenged her a more regular piece
defense shadingtoward to be a defensive stop- of the 2020 -21 rotation.
Matharu around the per for us, because “I’ve been working on
3-point line with a fu- she’s one of the fastest the little things — still
rious mix of zone and players in this league,” trying not to turn over
half-court traps, ju- McCray-Penson said the ball as much and
nior forward Jessika postgame. “And when focusing on my defense
Carter found a groove she sets her mind to as best I can — but of-
reminiscent of her guarding the ball and fense always comes to
25 -point, 15 -rebound being disciplined on me, so that ’s never re-
performance at Florida the ball, I think she can ally been a problem.”
Thursday. Finding easy keep anybody in front of In a game Mc-
looks as she forced her- her.” Cray-Penson maligned
self deeper and deeper Yet for the growing her squad for a lack
into the post, Carter improvements Matharu of energy and overall
notched 11 of her 19 continues to press to- maturity postgame,
points over the game’s ward, it’s her dynamic Matharu brought a lev-
final 20 minutes. offensive arsenal and el-headedness amid the
And though Carter lethal 3-point shooting Bulldogs’ near-fourth
outperformed Matharu ability — 42.4 percent, quarter collapse. She
on the scorer’s sheet, to be exact — that’s was calm, cool and col-
Sunday was the latest seen her game evolve lected as she played out
look at what MSU’s into a nightly nightmare the final four minutes
bouncy 5 -foot-7 guard for opposing defenses. with four fouls.
can give the Bulldogs Over MSU’s final five A fter Ole Miss
on a night in which games a season ago, she guard Donnetta John-
sophomore sensation averaged 15.4 points son airballed the Reb-
Rickea Jackson man- per game, including 15 - els’ final look at a tie
aged just nine points on and 17-point outbursts with the clock ticking
3 of 9 shooting. against Kentucky and under 10 seconds, it
Denigrated for her South Carolina in the was Matharu who was
defense during much Southeastern Con- twice fouled by a gag-
of last season by then- ference Tournament gle of opposing defend-
head coach Vic Schae- semifinals and finals, ers as she helped the
fer, she’s taken to new respectively. Sunday Bulldogs milk the final
head coach Nikki Mc- marked the fourth time seconds of Sunday’s af-
Cray-Penson’s way of this year she’s eclipsed fair.
working with eager- the 15 -point mark, while With in-state eyes
ness. Sunday she kept she’s shot 40 percent or locked on the battle
a suddenly competent better from the f loor in in Starkville, Matharu

Continued from Page 1B

six championships in 25 the side in the second age was to Fields.

years leading the Tide quarter of the Buckeyes’ “Justin has had a
from 1958-82. semifinal victory over good week of practice,”
The 69-year-old Sa- Clemson. Fields missed Day said. “He’s done a
ban is 169-23 at Ala- only one play against really good job prepar-
bama, with no signs of the Tigers and ended up ing, and I think that’s
slowing down. throwing six touchdown the thing that he felt like
“One of the best foot- passes. he did a good job going
ball coaches in the his- But it’s a story with
into last game, was just
tory of college football,” few details. Fields has
preparing at a high lev-
Day said. said he was feeling bet-
ter than expected the el, and he’s continued to
day after the game and do that this week.”
How is fields feeling? he will be good to go This will likely be
The storyline of the Monday night. Fields’ last game, as the
week for Ohio State is Day provides no inju- junior is expected to
how quarterback Justin ry updates for his play- be one of the first play-
Fields was doing after ers, so it is still unclear ers selected in the NFL
taking a brutal shot to exactly what the dam- draft in April.
4B MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

No. 5 South Carolina women rally past No. 10 Kentucky

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Kentucky within 69-68. LeLe Georgia because of a positive the field, 6-of-6 from the foul line, allowing Carolina to seize the
Grissett answered with a base- coronavirus test in the program. seven rebounds and two steals tempo after playing Kentucky’s
LEXINGTON, Ky. — De- line drive and Boston made a Patterson and Dre’Una Ed- in 38 minutes. Her scoring total pace for much of the night. The
stanni Henderson scored 22 layup before Zia Cooke sealed it wards had 12 points each for the was just a point shy of her season Gamecocks won despite com-
points and Aliyah Boston added with two free throws with 10.3 Wildcats (9-3, 2-2 SEC), who lost high at Mississippi State on Jan. mitting 18 turnovers leading to
20, including 10 in the third quar- seconds remaining. their second consecutive game 3. 22 Kentucky points.
ter to put No. 5 South Carolina Boston also had 12 rebounds in a four-game stretch against Kentucky: The Wildcats’
ahead to stay as the Gamecocks and seven blocks, while Hender- active defense was an import-
rallied for a 75-70 victory over No. son had eight boards. Laeticia
top 15 opponents. Poll implications ant first step against the SEC’s
“Our margin for error is so South Carolina will reinforce
10 Kentucky on Sunday night. Amihere had 10 points off the small,” Kentucky coach Kyra top offense. They also shot de-
its top five status with a hard-
The Gamecocks trailed 41-32 bench for South Carolina. Elzy said. “For 3 1/2 quarters cently for much of the game
fought victory. Kentucky may
at halftime and 54-46 late in the “When Aliyah Boston is able against South Carolina tonight, before going cold during a
drop out of the top 10 with a sec-
third before closing the quarter to play Aliyah Boston-style of late third-quarter stretch that
against (Texas) A&M, we played ond consecutive loss.
with an 11-2 run, including five basketball, you see what she’s ca- allowed South Carolina to go
high-caliber basketball. Howev-
by Boston, for their first lead pable of doing, a near-triple-dou- ahead. Stopping Boston and
er, the small mental lapses cost Big picture
since the opening minutes. ble,” South Carolina coach Dawn Henderson also proved prob-
us and great teams expose you. South Carolina: The Game-
Rhyne Howard (32 points) hit Staley said of the sophomore for- lematic in the fourth.
In order for us to take that next cocks controlled many statistical
a jumper to briefly put Kentucky ward. “They definitely just out-
up 58-57. Boston and Hender- level, we have to be able to play categories, including rebounding
Staley added, “We just found a played us,” Howard said. “We
son then added four points each way to win, and at a really good 40 minutes.” (46-31) and paint points (56-34), stopped playing defense. We
during an 12-2 spurt to open the time for our team.” which helped them stay close. stopped playing Kentucky de-
fourth that helped withstand First-place South Carolina (8- Rhyne’s line Boston then took charge on both fense like we did in the first
Kentucky’s late rally. 1, 3-0 Southeastern Conference) Howard missed all five ends, driving for a layup just after half. They just kept driving
Chasity Patterson scored won its fifth in a row just days 3-pointers attempted but offset blocking a shot near midcourt. it down our throats, and we
eight consecutive points to get after postponing a game against that with 13-of-25 shooting from Henderson was just as active, couldn’t stop it.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: sented himself. have any retort that doesn’t
A new single His affair with you sound rude? I have thought
pastor was was, to say the about saying, “I guess you
assigned to my least, unethical know me better than I know
church. He asked and should be myself,” but it sounds snarky.
if I was single and discussed with — BEFUDDLED IN FLORIDA
if I had kids. I told the governing DEAR BEFUDDLED: If blow-
him no, and we board of your ing off the questions no longer
began having an church. You were works for you, try this: Smile
affair. taken advantage at the person and say, “That
For two of. One of you would involve TWO willing peo-
years, it was all should leave. ple, and I’m not receptive. But
in secret. Then DEAR ABBY: I thank you for the kind thought.”
ZITS I began noticing endured an ardu- And then change the subject.
that a single lady ous decade-long DEAR ABBY: I have been
from his previous marriage with having some emotional turmoil.
church would visit. a subsequent I’m feeling depressed and
He told me she Dear Abby nasty divorce and hopeless. I know I need to tell
was concerned custody battle. my parents, but I’m too scared.
about him being This was followed I’m afraid they will brush it off
alone, so she was stopping by by years of contentious child or blame me. It’s really affect-
on her way through. rearing with my ex. With my ing my life. Please give me
Well, I now know she was children now grown, I am free some advice on how to break
more than that. While he was to spend my money the way the news. — GIRL WITH A
having his affair with me, he I want and have absolute PROBLEM IN NORTH CAROLINA
was engaged to her. When I freedom. I live alone, and DEAR GIRL: Many people
confronted him, he denied it. quite frankly, I love my life. I are experiencing feelings
They got married in secret, and am 100% sure that I want to similar to the ones you are. The
GARFIELD he didn’t tell the church until af- remain unmarried. worst thing you can do is keep
terward. Everyone was shocked When people ask me about them to yourself. Be brave.
because he talked so much getting remarried, I tell them Tell your parents about your
about being an open book and “never again,” and I mean it. depression and turmoil. If they
being truthful. I was and still Yet, inevitably, people say, are disbelieving, confide in a
am in shock. I love my church, “You never know, you might get teacher or the parent of a close
but I hate my pastor. Should I married again someday.” Abby, friend so they can advise your
leave? — HURTING IN SECRET I DO know. It’s been more than parents on getting you profes-
DEAR HURTING: I smell a 20 years. sional help if it is necessary.
rat, and it’s coming from the I used to get annoyed, but My thoughts are with you, and I
pulpit. Your pastor misrepre- now I just blow it off. Do you hope you feel better soon.

CANDORVILLE TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. options first. There are many CANCER (June 22-July 22).
11). The sun returning to your excellent ones. Also, what has The PR guru insists that there’s
natal place will either dissolve worked for your friends? It’s a no such thing as overexposure
the obstacle in your path or good place to start and maybe and that most people are
give you the powerful mindset as far as you need to go. hindered by obscurity. You could
to transcend it. The world sees TAURUS (April 20-May 20). test the theory, as you’ve lots
you surging with confidence, There are things you want to to show and tell people today.
though to you, it feels like a turn down and things you want Go wild!
supercharged sense of purpose. to turn up. Unfortunately, one LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Fear
With clarity and directness, dial is handling it all. Focus on is like that boiling pasta pot. If
you’ll make things happen for what to increase. One gesture you wait, it will build; it will boil
yourself and loved ones. Libra starts it. over; it will be a mess. Be deci-
and Scorpio adore you. Your GEMINI (May 21-June 21). sive, and act fast. Knock down
lucky numbers are: 8, 30, 21, If you’re not obsessed with the the heat before it becomes
14 and 17. goal, it’s not quite good enough uncontrollable.
BABY BLUES ARIES (March 21-April 19). for you. When you’re hooked VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
While you shouldn’t be afraid to into a passion, the next three Normally you would trust your
invest in yourself, do try the free weeks are incredibly productive. intuition, but what about when
you have a slew of conflicting
hunches? Gather all the infor-
mation. Keep track. Don’t act.
You can sort later.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Some chocolate is delicious not
despite its bitter qualities but
because of them. You can apply
it to your relationship sector,
which is made dear by sweet-
ness and made interesting by
sprinkles of past pain.
21). When it comes to friends,
you’ll take quality over quantity
any day. In fact, the better a
friendship is, the more time you
want to give it, which is too hard
when there are dozens of peo-
ple trying to get your attention.
21). Maybe you can’t balance
your time so well today, consid-
ering how much work there is
to be done. You can, however,
get clear on your priorities. And
at the end of the day, you’ll feel
MALLARD FILLMORE satisfied with how you spent it.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). There’s healing, and then
there’s acting like everything
is fine and hoping that no one
notices the pain. You’ve done
it both ways before, which is
why you can spot the difference
in others and help wherever
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You don’t have the an-
swers, but that’s not going to
stop you from trying. It’s better
to do something that might work
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME FAMILY CIRCUS than to do nothing. One of these
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek times, you’ll crack the code.
Unscramble these Jumbles, PISCES (Feb. 19-March
one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words. 20). Your generosity will make

change happen. It’s not just
VAWEE about money -- it’s more the
spirit you bring to the exchange.
People will feel you join them,
GEHED and together you’ll be more pow-
erful than you are alone.


Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

Print the answer here:

(Answers tomorrow)
Answer: He had the small dent in his wife’s car repaired
to keep her from — “FIND-DING” OUT
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