011-Astm A 131 2008 Structural Steel For Ships PDF
011-Astm A 131 2008 Structural Steel For Ships PDF
011-Astm A 131 2008 Structural Steel For Ships PDF
TABLE 1 Condition of Supply and Frequency of Impact Tests for Ordinary-Strength Structural Steel
Condition of SupplyB (Frequency of Impact TestC )
A Thickness (t ), in. [mm]
Grade Deoxidation Product
t >0.25 [6.4] t >1.0 [25] t >1.375 [35] t >2.0 [50]
t #1.0 [25] t #1.375 [35] t #2.0 [50] t #4.0 [100]
Semi-Killed All NAD
N (–)E, TM (–), CR (50 [45]),
A P A (– )
Killed AR (50 [45])
Semi-Killed All NA
N (50 [45]), TM (50 [45]),
B P A (–) A (50 [45])
Killed CR (25 [23]), AR (25 [23])
N (50 [45]), N (50 [45]), TM (50 [45]),
Killed, Fine Grain P
D A (50 [45]), N (50 [45]) TM (50 [45]), CR (25 [23])
S CR (50 [45]) NAD
Killed, Fine Grain P N (P), TM (P) N (P), TM (P)
Practice S N (25 [23]), TM (25 [23]), CR (15 [14]) NAD
Product: P = plate; S = shapes and bars
Condition of Supply: A = any condition; AR = as-rolled; N = normalized; CR = control rolled; TM = thermo-mechanical controlled processing
Frequency of Impact Test: (impact test lot size in tons [Mg] from each heat); (–) = no impact test required; (P) = each plate-as-rolled
Condition of supply is not applicable
Impact tests for Grade A are not required if material is produced using a fine grain practice and normalized
N (50 [45]), TM (50
P A (50 [45]) N (50 [45]), TM (50 [45]), CR (50 [45])
AH40 Any [45]), QT (P)
S A (50 [45]) N (50 [45]), TM (50 [45]), CR (50 [45]) NAD
P N (50 [45]), TM (50 [45]), CR (50 [45]) N (50 [45]), TM (50
DH40 Any [45]), QT (P)
S N (50 [45]), TM (50 [45]), CR (50 [45]) NAD
P N (P), TM (P),
N (P), TM (P), QT (P)
EH40 Any QT (P)
S N (25 [23]), TM (25 [23]), CR (25 [23]) NAD
P N (P), TM (P),
N (P), TM (P), QQT (P)
FH40 Any QT (P)
S N (25 [23]), TM (25), CR (25 [23]) NAD
Product: P = plate; S = shapes and bars
Condition of Supply: A = any condition; AR = as-rolled; TM = thermo-mechanical controlled processing; CR = control rolled; QT = quenched and tempered; N =
Frequency of Impact Test: (impact test lot size in tons [Mg] from each heat); (P) = each plate-as-rolled
Condition of supply is not applicable
8.1.3 For quenched and tempered steel, including Grades made from the thickest material in each test lot size of each
EH40, FH32, FH36, and FH40, one tension test shall be made heat, as required by Table 1 and Table 2. If heat testing is
on each plate as quenched and tempered. required, a set of three specimens shall be tested for each test
8.2 Toughness Tests: lot size indicated in Table 1 and Table 2, of the same type of
8.2.1 Charpy V-notch tests shall be made on Grade A product produced on the same mill from each heat of steel. The
material over 2 in. [50 mm] in thickness, on Grade B material set of impact specimens shall be taken from different as-rolled
over 1 in. [25 mm] in thickness and on material over 1⁄4 in. [6.4 or heat-treated pieces of the heaviest gage produced. An
mm] in thickness of Grades D, E, AH32, AH36, AH40, DH32, as-rolled piece refers to the product rolled from a slab, billet,
DH36, DH40, EH32, EH36, EH40, FH32, FH36, and FH40, as bloom, or directly from an ingot. Where the maximum thick-
required by Table 1 and Table 2. The frequency of Charpy ness or diameter of various sections differs by 3⁄8 in. [10 mm]
V-notch impact tests shall be as given in Table 1 and Table 2. or more, one set of impacts shall be made from both the
The test results shall conform to the requirements given in thickest and the thinnest material rolled regardless of the
Table 7. weight represented.
8.2.2 For Grades EH32, EH36, EH40, FH32, FH36, and 8.2.4 The specimens for plates shall be taken from a corner
FH40 plate material, one set of three impact specimens shall be of the material and the specimens from shapes shall be taken
made from each plate-as-rolled. from the end of a shape at a point one third the distance from
8.2.3 For Grade A, B, D, AH32, AH36, AH40, DH32, the outer edge of the flange or leg to the web or heel of the
DH36, and DH40 plate material, and for all shape material, and shape. Specimens for bars shall be in accordance with Speci-
all bar material, one set of three impact specimens shall be fication A 6/A 6M.
8.2.5 The largest size specimens possible for the material parallel or transverse to the final direction of rolling of the
thickness are to be machined. The longitudinal axis of each structural product at the option of the steel manufacturer.
specimen shall be located midway between the surface and the 8.2.7 The impact test shall be made in accordance with the
center of the structural product thickness, and the length of the Charpy Impact Testing section in Test Methods and Definitions
TABLE 7 Charpy V-Notch Impact Requirements for Ordinary-Strength and Higher-Strength Structural Steel
Average Absorbed EnergyC, min, ft·lbf [J]
Thickness (t ), in. [mm]
A,B Test Temperature, t >2.0 in. [50 mm] t >2.8 in. [70 mm]
Grade t #2.0 in. [50 mm]
°F [°C] t #2.8 in. [70 mm] t #4.0 in. [100 mm]
Charpy V-notch Impact Specimen OrientationD
Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse
AE 68 [20] ... ... 25 [34] 17 [24] 30 [41] 20 [27]
B 32 [0] 20 [27] 14 [20] 25 [34] 17 [24] 30 [41] 20 [27]
AH32 32 [0] 23 [31] 16 [22] 28 [38] 19 [26] 34 [46] 23 [31]
AH36 32 [0] 25 [34] 17 [24] 30 [41] 20 [27] 37 [50] 25 [34]
AH40 32 [0] 29 [39] 19 [26] 34 [46] 23 [31] 41 [55] 27 [37]
D –4 [–20] 20 [27] 14 [20] 25 [34] 17 [24] 30 [41] 20 [27]
DH32 –4 [–20] 23 [31] 16 [22] 28 [38] 19 [26] 34 [46] 23 [31]
DH36 –4 [–20] 25 [34] 17 [24] 30 [41] 20 [27] 37 [50] 25 [34]
DH40 –4 [–20] 29 [39] 19 [26] 34 [46] 23 [31] 41 [55] 27 [37]
E –40 [–40] 20 [27] 14 [20] 25 [34] 17 [24] 30 [41] 20 [27]
EH32 –40 [–40] 23 [31] 16 [22] 28 [38] 19 [26] 34 [46] 23 [31]
EH36 –40 [–40] 25 [34] 17 [24] 30 [41] 20 [27] 37 [50] 25 [34]
EH40 –40 [–40] 29 [39] 19 [26] 34 [46] 23 [31] 41 [55] 27 [37]
FH32 –76 [–60] 23 [31] 16 [22] 28 [38] 19 [26] 34 [46] 23 [31]
FH36 –76 [–60] 25 [34] 17 [24] 30 [41] 20 [27] 37 [50] 25 [34]
FH40 –76 [–60] 29 [39] 19 [26] 34 [46] 23 [31] 41 [55] 27 [37]
Charpy V-notch impact test requirements for ordinary-strength structural steel grades apply where such test is required by Table 1.
Charpy V-notch impact test requirements for higher-strength structural steel grades apply where such test is required by Table 2.
The energy shown is minimum for full-sized (0.394 by 0.394-in. [10 3 10-mm]) specimen. For sub-sized specimens, the energy shall be as follows:
Specimen Size, in. [mm] 0.394 3 0.295 [10 3 7.5] 0.394 3 0.197 [10 3 5.0] 0.394 3 0.098 [10 3 2.5]
Required Energy 5E/6 2E/3 E/2
E—energy required for full-sized specimen
Either direction is acceptable.
Impact tests for Grade A are not required when the material is produced using fine grain practice and normalized.
The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified in the order:
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A 131/A 131M – 07) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved March 1, 2008.)
(1) Added 1.4 and renumbered 1.5 and 1.6. (3) Revised Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 6, and Table 7.
(2) Revised 5.5. (4) Deleted all references to Grade CS throughout.
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A 131/A 131M – 04e1) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved March 1, 2007.)
(1) Revised 5.3. (3) Revised Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 5, and Table 7.
(2) Deleted paragraph 5.3.1.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website