Running Head: GEOGRAPHY
Running Head: GEOGRAPHY
Running Head: GEOGRAPHY
Diet is an integral part of everyone’s life. People’s dietary habits represent their cultural
civilization and in most cases what is available, and accessible regarding economic and
environmental factors. Due to geographical and cultural diversity, the Sudanese cuisine is
diverse. Environmental factors are the significant determinants of the type of food most people
within a particular geographic area consume. This paper discusses a dinner menu favorable for a
The location of Juba city is on the southern side of South Sudan. In this region, the
climate is hot and has seasonal rainfall which does not favor perennial crops and only favor crops
which are sustainable in the tropical environment such as wheat and millet (Global Security.Org,
2018). Moreover, this region is located along river Nile and is surrounded by other rivers, lakes,
and swamps which are significant sources of fish. Thus, a suitable menu for dinner in Juba South
Sudan includes Kajaik a stew prepared with dried fish. The people serve the stew with Aseeda, a
common type of porridge in South Sudan (Embassy of the Republic of Sudan2018). The oatmeal
is made from sorghum and for flavor purposes by adding natural margarine. Islam religion which
influences their culture dominates South Sudan population wise. For instance, they serve their
foods and eat communally in large trays with their right hand and not the left hand. Global
purchase of the food staff is not easy because these foods are culturally grown in this region
mainly influence the type of food consumed in a particular region. Food in many parts of South
Sudan is predominantly Traditional and straightforward and revolves around millet, wheat, and
fish. The main reason behind such food is the environmental conditions in this country.
Embassy of the Republic of Sudan. (2018). South Sudanese Food. Retrieved from;