EEE New Syllabus
EEE New Syllabus
EEE New Syllabus
Syllabus for
B. Sc. Engineering
Undergraduate Course
September, 2018
Syllabus of B. Sc in EEE
3.1 Category of courses 13
3.2 English 13
3.3 General Education 13
3.4 Mathematics 13
3.5 Basic Science 14
3.6 Other Engineering Courses 14
3.7 EEE Engineering Courses 14
Page no.
Chapter 4
Sequence of Course Offering
1st Year & 1st Semester 17
1st Year & 2nd Semester 17
2nd Year & 1st Semester 17
2nd Year & 2nd Semester 18
3rd Year & 1st Semester 18
3rd Year & 2nd Semester 18
4th Year & 1st Semester 19
4th Year & 2nd Semester 19
Chapter 1
General Information
1.3 Name of the Faculty/School: Science & Engineering.
The electrical engineering faculty in conjunction with its constituents has established the
following program educational objectives for each of its students:
EEE graduates will practice the profession of engineering using a systems perspective and
analyze, design, develop, optimize, and implement complex electrical systems.
EEE graduates will contribute to industrial, service, and/or government organizations by
applying the skills and knowledge acquired through formal education and their cooperative
educational experiences.
EEE graduates will successfully pursue graduate degrees.
EEE graduates will draw upon a broad base of knowledge in providing engineering solutions
within the appropriate technological, global, societal, ethical and organizational context.
EEE Program Outcomes: what EEE students are expected to know and be able to do by the
time of graduation? These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that EE students
acquire in their matriculation through the program. The electrical engineering faculty in
conjunction with its constituents fulfills the BSEEE Program Educational Objectives by
defining specific Program Outcomes to be achieved by the curriculum. Graduates of the
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering program must have:
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
An ability to identify, formulates, and solve engineering problems.
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
An ability to communicate effectively
Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
Knowledge of contemporary issues, an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
The courses of study for the B.Sc. degree in EEE are structured to provide a foundation in
both basic sciences and this branch of engineering. The program also has sufficient general
education to enhance the cultural growth of a student and develop professionals with a strong
social awareness. Elective courses are introduced from junior year. Students must meet the
design, depth, and breath requirements of the department in their selection of the elective
courses. The design requirement is met through senior project of six credit-hours. The breath
requirement is met by taking minimum four courses, two courses with laboratory and two
theory courses from two elective groups.
In order to produce graduates who can adapt their knowledge to changing circumstances, all
the courses to be offered by the department will put great emphasis on applying concepts
from classroom lectures and reading to solving problems. The mode of education that the
department of EEE will use is called "analytical learning" and it stresses understanding and
problem-solving rather than memorizing. In this mode, our responsibility will be to provide
experiences from which students can construct an understanding of the subject area. It is
student's responsibility to integrate the experiences into their mind, and to use the knowledge
gained in different situations.
Minimum 2nd division or GPA 2.50 in both SSC and HSC with Science background or five
subjects in O-level and three major subjects (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) in A-level
education are required. Those having diploma in engineering (Electronic / Electrical /
Computer / Telecommunication / Power / Mechanical / Automobile / Refrigeration & air
conditioning /Electro biomedical technology) from BTEB are also eligible for admission.
Chapter 2
Rules and Regulations for Undergraduate Program
2.1 Introduction
From the academic session 2015-16, the University has introduced a course system for
undergraduate studies. The rules and regulations for administering undergraduate curricula
through the course system have been applicable to students henceforth. This new course
system has been introduced with an aim of creating a continuous, even and consistent
workload throughout the term for the students. This new curriculum does not demand the
same rate of academic progress from all students for obtaining the degree but only lays down
the pace expected of a normal student. A student whose background or capacity for
assimilation is lower is permitted to complete the program at a slower pace by studying a
fewer number of courses during a given term, subject to a minimum course load.
Given below is an extract from the report of the Committee for Framing Recommendations
for Implementation and Administration of Course System of instruction at undergraduate
level as approved in the meetings of the Academic Council held in 25/07/2018. Only relevant
sections of the report and the amendments that were subsequently made to it are included for
Course Numbering: Each course offered by the University is identified by the name of the
department offering the course and a three-digit course number. These numbers indicate
course level, as follows:
Numbers Level
100-299 Lower division-primarily for freshmen and sophomores
300-499 Upper division-primarily for juniors and seniors.
The first digit will correspond to the level in which the course is normally taken by the
students. The second and third digits will be reserved for course numbering. The odd number
for theoretical courses and even for laboratory. 0 digit as last digit is for projects.
Theory course title: Electrical Circuits I
EEE 1101
Last odd digit designates a theoretical course
The first two digit signifies 1st year, 1st semester.
There will be two terms (1st semester and 2nd semester) in academic year. The duration of
each of 1st semester and 2nd semester will be 21 weeks that will be used as follows:
Classes 14 weeks
Recess before Final Examination 2 weeks
Mid-Term Examination 2 weeks
Term Final Examination 3 weeks
Total 21 weeks
Completion of 163 credit hours
Completion of the project with at least a ‘C’ grade.
Passing of all courses individually and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.25.
* Credits for courses with this grade do not apply towards graduation.
** Credits for courses with this grade do not apply towards graduation and they are not
accepted in the calculation of the grade point average.
Where, n is the total number of courses passed by the student, C i is the number of credits
allotted to a particular course i and G i is the grade point corresponding to the grade awarded
for i-th course.
The overall or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) gives the cumulative performance
of the student from first semester up to any other semester to which it refers and is computed
by dividing the total grade points (∑CiGi) accumulated up to the date by the total credit hours
(∑Ci). Both GPA and CGPA are rounded second place of decimal for reporting.
A regular student earning C, D and F grade in any course in the 1 st, 2nd and 3rd year
examination/ 1st & 2nd semester examination may improve their grade/s by appearing at the
annual/ semester examination of the same course/s only with the immediate next batch. If
such a student fails to improve his/her grade/s, the previous grade/s of the same course shall
remain valid.
If a student appears at the Improvement Examination of any course/s as mentioned in the
clause i. above, the word “Improved” shall be written to the right column of the Transcript
corresponding to the improved course/s.
No improvement shall be allowed in lab courses and Viva-voce.
For improvement of his/her grade in a particular course, the student shall apply to the Head of
the department at least 4 weeks before the start of the next annual examination.
The Head of the Department shall prepare the list/s of candidates for the regular, irregular and
improvement categories and send one copy of each to the office of the Controller of
Examinations after the last date of filling up the Examination Entry Forms.
Lab Course
Lab performance examination 50%
Lab report 20%
Lab attendance 10%
Board Viva 20%
Total 100%
Viva Voce (conducted by a viva voce committee) 30%
Supervisor (internal examiner) 50%
External examiner (any other teacher of the department/Examination committee) 20%
Total 100%
Basis for awarding marks for class participation and attendance will be followed as per
university rules.
The number of class tests of a course shall be n + 1, where n is the number of credits of the
course. Evaluation of performance in class tests will be on the basis of the best n class tests.
The scheme of continuous assessment that a particular teacher wishes to follow for a course
will be announced on the first day of classes.
Chapter 3
Distribution of Courses
5. Other Engineering Courses (8.25 credit hours)
6. EEE engineering courses (110.5 credit hours)
a. EEE Core Course (68.5 credit hours)
b. EEE Advanced Core (12 credit hours)
c. EEE Project/Thesis (4.5 Credits Hours)
d. Advisor Approved Technical Electives (25.5 credit hours)
Elective I (Courses with labs) (13.5 credit hours)
Elective II (courses without labs) (12 credit hours)
3.7 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Courses (110.5 credit hours)
(a) Core Courses (68.5 credit hours)
EEE 3211 Electrical Properties of Materials 3.0
(c) Project/Thesis
EEE 4000 Project/Thesis 4.5
Chapter 4
04 EEE 1204 Electronics I Lab 0.75
05 PHY 1201 Physics II 3.0
06 PHY 1202 Physics Lab 1.5
07 MATH 1201 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations 3.0
08 CHEM 1201 Chemistry 3.0
09 CHEM 1202 Chemistry Lab 0.75
10 ENG 1201 Advanced English Communication 3.0
Subtotal 21.75
08 EEE 3108 Fundamental of Power System Lab 1.5
09 MATH 3101 Statistics and Probability 3.0
10 xxx GED course 3.0
Subtotal 21.75
Subtotal 18.25
07 xxx Elective II 3.0
08 xxx Elective II 3.0
Subtotal 20.25
Chapter 5
Circuit variables and elements: Voltage, current, power, energy, independent and dependent
sources, and resistance. Basic laws: Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws. Simple
resistive circuits: Series and parallel circuits, voltage and current division, wye-delta
transformation. Techniques of circuit analysis: Nodal and mesh analysis. Network theorems:
Source transformation, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and superposition theorems, maximum power
transfer condition. The Operational Amplifier: Ideal terminal voltage and current
characteristics, inverting amplifier circuit, summing amplifier circuits, noninverting amplifier
circuit, difference amplifier, integrating, differentiator circuits and voltage follower circuit.
Energy storage elements: Inductors and capacitors, series parallel combination of inductors
and capacitors. RL and RC circuits with dc excitation: Natural and step responses.
1. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (3rd edition) by Charles Alexander and Mathew N.O.
2. Electric Circuits (6th edition) by James W. Nilsson and Susan Riedel.
EEE 1102 Electrical Circuit I Lab
1.5 credits 3 hours/week
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 1101. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 1101.
Analysis of single phase ac circuits: Series and parallel RL, RC and RLC circuits, mesh
analysis, nodal and application of network theorems in ac circuits, circuits simultaneously
excited by sinusoidal sources of several frequencies. Resonance in ac circuits: Series and
parallel resonance. Magnetically coupled circuits. Analysis of three phase circuits: Three
phase supply, balanced and unbalanced circuits, and power calculation. Complete response of
RL, RC and RLC circuits with dc and ac excitations. Magnetic quantities and variables: Flux,
permeability and reluctance, magnetic field strength, magnetic potential, flux density,
magnetization curve. Laws in magnetic circuits: Ohm’s law and Ampere’s circuital law.
Magnetic circuits: series, parallel and series-parallel circuits, fundamental of two-port
1. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (3rd edition) by Charles Alexander and Mathew N. O.
2. Introduction to Electric Circuits (6th Edition), by Richard C. Dorf and James A. Svoboda.
3. Alternating current circuits by Russel M. Kerchner and George .F. Corcoran.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments verify
Practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 1201. In the second part, students will
Design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 1201
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments verify
Practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 1203. In the second part, students will
Design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 1203.
Electrician’s tools, splices, soldering, code practices. Electrical and electronic symbols,Safety
rules, electricity rules and electricity codes. Electrical wiring system design drawing and
estimation for residential and commercial house wiring and Industrial installation wiring. Use
of meggers, Insulation test, grounding earth resistance measurement using earth resistance
tester. Battery charging.
MOSFET internal capacitances and high-frequency model, the PSpice MOSFET model and
some examples. Ideal Op-Aamp, Large signal operation of Op-Amp, DC imperfections.
Frequency response of single-stage and cascade amplifiers, frequency response of differential
amplifiers and 741 Op-Amp, PSpice simulation and examples. Properties of negative
feedback, the series-shunt and the series-series feedback amplifier, the shunt-shunt and the
shunt-series feedback amplifiers, effect of feedback on the amplifier poles. The filter transfer
function, first-order and second-order filter functions, single-amplifier biquadratic active
filters, switched-capacitor filters and PSpice simulation examples. Basic principles of
sinusoidal oscillators, Op-Amp RC oscillator circuits, LC and crystal oscillators. Power
Amplifiers: Classification of output stages, class A, B and AB output stages.
1. Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra and Smith (5th Edition).
2. Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits by Robert F. Coughlin and Frederick
F. Driscoll.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 2103. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 2103.
EEE 2105 Energy Conversions I
3 credits 3 hours/week
Prerequisite: EEE1201
1. Electric Machines: Theory, Operation, Applications, Adjustment and Control by Charles I.
2. Electric Machinery Fundamentals by Stephen J. Chapman.
3. A textbook of electrical technology by B.L Theraja (volume ii)
4. Direct and Alternating Current Machinery by Jack Rosenblatt and M. Harold Friedman
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 2105. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 2105.
1. Linear Systems and Signals (2nd Linear Systems and Signals ,2nd ed. (by Lathi).
2. Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using The Web and Matlab, third Edition (by
Edward W. Kamen and Bonnie S. Heck).
3. Analysis of Linear Systems by David K. Cheng.
EEE 2203 Power Electronics and Drives
3 credits 3 hours/week
Prerequisite: EEE 1203, EEE 2101
Power semiconductor switches and triggering devices: BJT, MOSFET, SCR, IGBT,
TRIAC, UJT and DIAC. Rectifiers: Uncontrolled and controlled single phase and three
phase. Regulated power supplies: Linear-series and shunt, switching buck, buck-boost,
boost and Cuk regulators. AC voltage controllers: single and three phase. Input power
factor and input current improvement of rectifies and voltage controllers by output side dc-
dc converter switching, Input power factor and input current improvement by input side dc-
dc converter swtching, Choppers. DC motor control. Single phase cycloconverters.
Inverters: Single phase and three phase voltage and current source. AC motor control.
Stepper motor control. Resonance inverters. Pulse width modulation control of static
converters. Applications of inverters in energy efficient lighting and high frequency
1. Rashid Mohammad H., Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices, and Applications, Prentice-
Hall, Third Edition, 2004.
2. Agrawal J. P., Power Electronics System: Theory and Design, Prentice-Hall, 2001.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 2203. In the second part, students will design
simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 2203.
Synchronous generator: Construction, armature (stator) and rotating field (exciter), prime
movers, cooling, generated voltage equation of distributed short pitched armature winding,
armature winding connections and harmonic cancellation in distributed short pitched
winding, equivalent circuit, excitation systems, synchronous impedance, generated voltage
and terminal voltage, phasor diagram, voltage regulation with different power factor type
loads, determination of synchronous impedance by tests, phasor diagram, salient pole
generator d-q axes parameters, equivalent circuit, generator equations, determination of d-q
axes parameters by tests: equation of developed power and torque of synchronous machines
(salient and non salient pole motor and generator); Parallel operation of generators:
Conditions, synchronizing, effect of synchronizing current, hunting and oscillation,
synchronoscope, phase sequence indicator; load distribution of alternators in parallel,
Frequency control of bus voltage-house diagrams, Synchronous Motors: Construction,
operation, starting synchronous motors, starting synchronous motors under load, effect of
variation of load at normal excitation, under excitation, over excitation, effects of armature
reaction, power factor adjustment, V curves, inverted V curves, computation of torque angle
and generated voltage, Synchronous capacitor and power factor correction. Conventional DC
motors: Constructional features, back emf equation, armature reactions, torque, types of dc
motors and their torque speed characteristic, dc motor starters, speed control of dc motors.
Wind turbine generators, solar cells and panels and their use as renewable energy source.
1. Electric Machinery Fundamentals by Stephen J. Chapman.
2. A textbook of electrical technology by B.L Theraja (volume ii)
3. Direct and Alternating Current Machinery by Jack Rosenblatt and M. Harold Friedman
4. Electrical Machines - II by U.A.Bakshi, M.V.Bakshi.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 2105. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 2105.
Introduction to number systems and codes. Analysis and synthesis of digital logic circuits:
Basic logic functions, Boolean algebra, combinational logic design, minimization of
combinational logic. MOSFET Digital circuits: NMOS inverter, CMOS inverter, CMOS
logic circuits, Clocked CMOS logic circuits, transmission gates, sequential logic circuits,
memories: classification and architecture, RAM memory cells, Read only memory, data
converters, BJT digital circuits: ECL, TTL, STTL, BiCMOS, Design application A static
ECL gate. Modular combinational circuit design: pass transistor, pass gates, multiplexer,
demultiplexer and their implementation in CMOS, decoder, encoder, comparators, binary
arithmetic elements and ALU design. Sequential circuits: different types of latches, flip-
flops and their design using ASM approach, timing analysis and power optimization of
sequential circuits. Modular sequential logic circuit design: shift registers, counters and their
1. Digital Principles and Applications by Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino and
Goutam Saha (6th Edition).
2. Digital Design with an Introduction to the Verilog HDL by M. Morris Mano
3. Digital Systems by Ronald J. Tossi
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 2207. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 2207.
Static electric field: Postulates of electrostatics, Coulomb’s law for discrete and continuously
distributed charges, Gauss’s law and its application, electric potential due to charge
distribution, conductors and dielectrics in static electric field, flux density- boundary
conditions; capacitance- electrostatic energy and forces, energy in terms of field equations,
capacitance calculation of different geometries; boundary value problems- Poisson’s and
Laplace’s equations in different co-ordinate systems. Steady electric current: Ohm’s law,
continuity equation, Joule’s law, resistance calculation. Static Magnetic field: Postulates of
magnetostatics, Biot-Savart’s law, Ampere’s law and applications, vector magnetic
potential, magnetic dipole, magnetization, magnetic field intensity and relative permeability,
boundary conditions for magnetic field, magnetic energy, magnetic forces, torque and
inductance of different geometries. Time varying fields and Maxwell’s equations: Faraday’s
law of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations - differential and integral forms,
boundary conditions, potential functions; time harmonic fields and Poynting theorem. Plane
electromagnetic wave: plane wave in loss less media- Doppler effect, transverse
electromagnetic wave, polarization of plane wave; plane wave in lossy media- low-loss
dielectrics, good conductors; group velocity, instantaneous and average power densities,
normal and oblique incidence of plane waves at plane boundaries for different polarization.
1. Elements of Electromagnetic,3rd ed ( by Matthew Sadiku).
2. Engineering Electromagnetics, 6th ed.(by William Hayt & John Buck).
Quantization Principle, Quantization Noise. Teletraffic Engineering. Introduction to Satellite
Communication. Introduction to Fiber Optic Communication & Mobile Communication.
1. Radio Engineering by G. k. Mithal
2. Communication Systems Engineering, 2nd Edition (by John Proakis & Masoud Salehi).
3. An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications (by Simon Haykin).
1. Numerical Methods For Engineers, by Steven C Chapra & Raymond P Canale (5th
2. Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists by J. N. Sharm
Introduction to Power Systems, basic structure of power systems, AC Circuits Basics, Power
Lines, Power System Steady State, power System Operation, the fundamentals of power
factor correction and its applications, power System Balanced Faults, Symmetrical
Components and per unit values, Power System Unbalanced Faults, fundamentals on power
system stability, Z-bus matrix, Y-bus matrix.
1.Principles of Power System by V.k.Mehta
2.Elements of Power System Analysis by William D. Stevenson
3. Electromechanical Devices, Energy and Power System Analysis, by J. Balda &
4. Charles A. Gross, Power System Analysis, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1986
EEE 3108 Power System Lab
1.5credit 3 hours/week
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3108. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 3108.
Verification of theories and concepts learned in electrical and electronic circuit theory
courses using simulation software(s). Solution of electrical (DC and AC) and electronic
circuits by simulation.
1. Microprocessors and Interfacing Programming and Hardware (by Douglas V. Hall
(Second Edition).
2. Microprocessor and Microprocessor based system design,Second Edition (by M.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3201. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 3201.
Linear System Models: Transfer function, block diagram and signal flow graph (SFG). State
Variables: SFG to state variables, transfer function to state variable and state variable to
transfer function. Feedback Control System: Closed loop systems, parameter sensitivity,
transient characteristics of control systems, effect of third pole and zero on the system
response and system types and steady state error. Routh stability criterion. Root locus method
and frequency response method. Design of Feedback Control System: Controllability and
observabil ity, root locus, frequency response and state variable methods. Digital Control
Systems: Introduction, sampled data systems, stability analysis in Z-domain. Solution &
analysis of various problems by using Matlab.
1. Control Systems Engineering by Norman S. Nise.
2. Modern Control Engineering by Katsuhiko Ogata.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to
verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3203. In the second part, students
will design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 3204.
A project/thesis course will be assigned to the students in 4th year odd semester class and it
will continue till 4th year 1st semester. The objective is to provide an opportunity to the
students to develop initiative, creative ability, confidence and engineering judgment. The
results of the work should be submitted in the form of a dissertation, which should include
appropriate drawings, charts, tables, references etc. A grade X shall be awarded for this
course in 4th year 1st semester. Final assessment on this course will be done in 4th year 2nd
Students will be attached with the industries/service agencies for two weeks after completing
their 3rd year 2nd semester to gain practical knowledge. It is a 1 credit course and without
completion this course the students will not fulfill the requirements of B. Sc. Engineering
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing (DSP): Discrete-time signals and systems, analog to
digital conversion, impulse response, finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse
response (IIR) of discrete-time systems, difference equation, convolution, transient and
steady state response. Discrete Transformations: Discrete Fourier series, discrete-time Fourier
series, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and properties, fast Fourier transform (FFT), inverse
fast Fourier transform. Z-transformation: Properties, transfer function, poles and zeros and
inverse Z-transform. Correlation: Circular convolution, auto-correlation and cross correlation.
Digital Fi lters: FIR filters - linear phase filters, specifications, design using window,
optimal and frequency sampling methods; IIR filters - specifications, design using impulse
invariant, bi-linear Z-transformation, least-square methods and finite precision effects.
1. Digital Signal Processing principals, algorithms and applications–J.G. Proakis.
2. Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using The Web and Matlab, third Edition (by
Edward W. Kamen and Bonnie S. Heck).
1. Donald A. Neamen, An Introduction to Semiconductor Device
2. Betty Lisa Anderson and Richard L. Anderson, Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices.
1. Computer Networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum (4th Edition).
2. Computer Networks (A systems approach) by Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie (2nd
Properties of light: Particle and wave nature of light, polarization, interference, diffraction
and blackbody radiation. Optical Properties of Semiconductors: Direct and indirect band-gap
materials, radiative and non-radiative recombination, optical absorption, photo generation of
excess carriers, minority carrier life time, luminescence and quantum efficiency in radiation.
Light Emitting Diode (LED): Principles, materials for visible and infrared LED, internal and
external efficiency, loss mechanism, structure and coupling to optical fibers. Stimulated
Emission and Light Amplification: Spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein relations,
population inversion, absorption of radiation, optical feedback and threshold conditions.
Semiconductor Lasers: Population inversion in degenerate semiconductors, laser cavity,
operating wavelength, threshold current density, power output, optical and electrical
confinement. Introduction to quantum well lasers. Photo-Detectors: Photoconductors,
junction photo-detectors, PIN detectors, avalanche photodiodes and phototransistors. Solar
Cells: Solar energy and spectrum, silicon and Schottky solar cells. Modulation of l ight:
Phase and amplitude modulation, electro-optic effect, acousto-optic effect and magento-optic
1. Vinod K. Sharma, P. C. Mathur, K. N. Tripathi and Avinash Kapur, Optoelectronics: An
introduction, BS Publication.
2. Amnon Yariv, Optical Electronics, 4th Edition, Saunders College Publishing.
Crystal Structures: Types of crystals, lattice and basis, Bravais lattice and Miller indices.
Classical Theory of Electrical and Thermal Conduction: Scattering, mobil ity and
resistivity,temperature dependence of metal resistivity, Mathiessen’s rule, Hal l effect and
thermal conductivity. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Wave nature of electrons,
Schrödinger’s equation, one-dimensional quantum problem - infinite quantum well, potential
step and potential barrier; Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and quantum box. Band Theory
of So ids: qualitative description energy bands, effective mass, density-of-states. Carrier
Statistics: Maxwell-Boltzmann and Fermi-Dirac distributions, Fermi energy. Modern Theory
of solids: Determination of Fermi energy and average energy of electrons in metals, energy
band diagrams of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, electron and hole concentrations in
semiconductors at equilibrium, Dielectric Properties of Materials: Dielectric constant,
polarization - electronic, ionic and orientational; internal field, Clausius-Mosotti equation,
spontaneous polarization, frequency dependence of dielectric constant, dielectric loss and
piezoelectricity. Magnetic Properties of Materials: Magnetic moment, magnetization and
relative permittivity, different types of magnetic materials, origin of ferromagnetism and
magnetic domains. Superconductivity: Zero resistance and Meissner effect, Type I and Type
II superconductors and critical current density.
Principle of Electronic Materials and Devices by S.O. Kassap, 3rd edition.
Introduction to VLSI; design metrics, short review: MOS transistors, CMOS logic, CMOS
fabrication, layout, design flow, process technology- CMOS technologies, layout design
rules, CMOS process enhancements; Circuit characterization and performance estimation:
delay estimation, logical effort and transistor sizing, power dissipation, interconnect, design
margin, reliability and scaling; Circuit simulation: spice tutorials (to be covered in details in
labs); combinational circuit design: circuit families, low power logic design; sequential
circuit design: CMOS Latches and flip flops, sequencing, synchronizers data path subsystem:
addition/subtraction, zero detector, comparators, counters, coding, shifters, multiplication,
division; Array subsystems: SRAM, DRAM, ROM, SAM, PLA; Design methodology and
Tools: Verilog, VHDL,. Programmable logic arrays. I/O systems. VLSI testing and
verifications in brief.
1. CMOS VLSI Design: N H E Weste, D harries, Ayan Banerjee, Pearson
2. Basics of CMOS Cell Design by Etienne Sicard and Sonia Delmas Bendhia.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3213. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 3213.
Prerequisite: EEE 3103
1. Simon Haykin , John Wiley & Sons Digital Communications , 2001.
2. Lohn J. Proakis, Digital Communications, McGraw Hill.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3215. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 3215.
1. Electrical instrumentation and Measurements (2ndEd.)- David A Bell
2. Electrical and Electronic measurements and instrumentation-A.K. Sawhney A.K.
1. John M. Senior-Optical Fiber Communications Principles and Practice
2. Joseph C. Palais- Fiber Optic Communications.
3. John Crisp- Introduction to Fiber Optics
Technical Electives
Elective I
VLSI MOS system design: Layout extraction and verification, full and semi-full custom
design styles and logical and physical positioning. Design entry tools: Schematic capture and
HDL. Logic and switch level simulation. Static timing. Concepts and tools of analysis,
solution techniques for floor planning, placement, global routing and detailed routing.
Application specific integrated circuit design including FPGA.
1. Neil H.E. Weste and Kamran Eshraghian.Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A Systems
Perspective, Addiso-Wesley publishing company.
2. C. H. Roth, Jr., Digital Systems Design Using VHDL, 1st ed., Thomson Engineering,
EEE 4105 Biomedical Instrumentation
3 credits: 3 hours/week
Human body: Cells and physiological systems. Bioelectricity: genesis and characteristics.
Measurement of bio-signals: Ethical issues, transducers, amplifiers and filters.
Electrocardiogram: electrocardiography, phono cardiograph, vector cardiograph, analysis and
interpretation of cardiac signals, cardiac pacemakers and defibrillator. Blood pressure:
systolic, diastolic mean pressure, electronic manometer, detector circuits and practical
problems in pressure monitoring. Blood flow measurement: Plethymography and
electromagnetic flow meter. Measurement and interpretation: electroencephalogram, cerebral
angiograph and cronical X-ray. Brain scans. Electromayogram (EMG). Tomograph: Positron
emission tomography and computer tomography. Magnetic resonance imaging.
Ultrasonogram. Patient monitoring system and medical telemetry. Effect of electromagnetic
fields on human body.
1. Biomedical Instrumentation: Technology and Applications by R. S. Khandpur.
2. Biomedical instrumentation by Marvin D. Weiss Chilton Book Co., 1973
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4105. In the second part, students will design
simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 4105.
Transmission lines: Voltage and current in ideal transmission lines, reflection, transmission, standing
wave, impedance transformation, Smith chart, impedance matching and lossy transmission lines.
Waveguides: general formulation, modes of propagation and losses in parallel plate, rectangular and
circular waveguides. Microstrips: Structures and characteristics. Rectangular resonant cavities:
Energy storage, losses and Q. Radiation: Small current element, radiation resistance, radiation
pattern and properties, Hertzian and halfwave dipoles. Antennas: Mono pole, horn, rhombic and
parabolic reflector, array, and Yagi-Uda antenna.
1. R. E. Collin, Foundation for Microwave Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
2 Devendra K. Mitra, Radio Frequency and Microwave Communications Circuits, Analysis
and Design.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4107. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 4107.
EEE4203 Power System Protection
3 credits: 3 hours/week
Prerequisite: EEE 3107
Purpose of power system protection. Types of faults and effects of faults, Criteria for
detecting faults: over current, differential current, difference of phase angles, over and under
voltages, power direction, symmetrical components of current and voltages, impedance,
frequency and temperature. Instrument transformers: CT and PT. Electromechanical,
electronic and digital Relays: basic modules, over current, differential, distance and
directional, pilot relaying. Trip circuits. Unit protection schemes: Generator, transformer,
motor, bus bar, transmission and distribution lines. Circuit Breakers: fault clearing time of a
circuit breaker, arc voltage, arc interruption, restriking voltage and recovery voltage,
resistance switching, current chopping Miniature circuit breakers and fuses. Circuit breakers:
Principle of arc extinction, selection criteria and ratings of circuit breakers, types - air, oil,
SF6 and vacuum. Operating mechanism of circuit breakers, selection of circuit breakers,
HVDC circuit breakers, Rating of circuit breakers and testing of circuit breakers. Protection
against over voltages: causes, lightning, protection against direct lightning strokes, protection
against travelling waves, BIL
1. Switchgear Protection and Power Systems, 11th Edition, Sunil S. Rao, Khanna
Publishers, Delhi.
2. Asea Brown Boveri, Walter Elmore (Editor), Protective Relaying - Theory and
Applications",Marcel and Dekker, 1994.
3. Pinciples of Power System by V.K.Mehta
Electric Field Intensity in the Dielectrics, Properties of atmospheric air, SF6 and vacuum,
Related ionization Process, Development of Electron Avalanche, Breakdown Mechanisms,
Townsend's Mechanism, Streamer Mechanism. Breakdown in uniform field (Paschen’s law),
Breakdown of gaseous dielectrics, Breakdown characteristic in air with stable PB (partial
breakdown-corona). Properties of Liquid and Solid Dielectrics: Classification and Properties
of Liquid and Solid Dielectrics, Permittivity and Polarization in Dielectrics, Insulation
Resistance, Conductivity and Losses in Dielectrics. Partial Breakdown Phenomenon in
Dielectrics (solid and liquid). Breakdownin Liquid and Solid dielectrics: Definition and
Measurement of Intrinsic and Practical Breakdown strengths of liquid nd solid dielectrics.
Generation of High Test Voltages: Methods of generation of Power Frequency high test
voltage, Transformers in Cascade, Resonance Transformers, Generation of high DC voltage,
Voltage Multiplier Circuits and Ripple Minimization, Sources of over voltages and Standard
Lightning and Switching wave shapes, Impulse Voltage Generator, Analysis of Single Stage
Circuit, Multistage Impulse Generator and their Triggering Methods, Measurement of High
Voltage: Peak High Voltage measurement techniques. Sphere gap; Construction; Effects of
earthed objects and atmospheric conditions, Electrostatic Voltmeters, Principle and
Construction, Potential Dividers, their types and applications. Measurable properties of
dielectrics, Non-destructive High Voltage Testing and Quality Control: Measurable
properties of dielectrics, Measurement of Dielectric properties with Schering Bridge and
Mega-ohm meter, Partial Breakdown (PB). Equipment Insulation Coordination and Over
Voltages in Power Systems: Over Voltages and Basic Insulation Level Design System.
1. High Voltage Engineering by M. S. Naidu, V. Kamaraju
2. High Voltage Engineering: Fundamentals by E. Kuffel, W. S. Zaengl, J. Kuffel
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
Practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4205. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 4205.
1. Simon Haykin and Michael Moher, Modern Wireless Communications, Pearson
2. W. C. Lee, Mobile Communications Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
Elective II
characteristics. Hetero-junction field effect transistor: Structure and principle, band
structure, carrier transport and I-V characteristics. Hetero-structure bipolar transistor (HBT):
Structure and operating principle, quasi-static analysis, extended Gummel-Poon model,
Ebers-Moll model, secondary effects and band diagram of a graded alloy base HBT.
1. Sandip Tiwari, Compund Semiconductor Device Physics, Academic Press.
2. Hand book of Compound Semiconductor edited by Edited by: Paul H. Holloway and Gary
E. McGuire
Introduction to the power systems and power stations, sources of energy, unit of energy and
other basic definitions. Internal Combustion Plant: Working principle and the characteristics
of internal combustion engines, fuel and cooling water requirements, co-ordination of the
engine-generator characteristics, cost and choice of the internal combustion plant. Steam
Power Plant: Steam generators, turbine and other auxiliary parts, considerations, limitations,
costs and use. Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Stations: Essential Parts, working principle,
characteristics, limitations and use. Hydraulic Power Plants: Types of turbine, working
principle, auxiliary parts, limitations and use. Choice of size and type of power stations,
loading of steam, hydraulic and combined power stations, economic distribution of loads
between power plants, co-ordination of incremental fuel cost and transmission loss, load
dispatching, effect of load variation on power stations, cost of electric energy, depreciation of
plants, effect of load factor, charge to the consumers. Economic considerations of power
stations, load curves.
1. Elements of Electrical Power Station Design byM. V, Deshpande.
2. Power Station Engineering and Economy, by Bernhardt G. A. Skrotzki and William A.
3. Principles Of Power System by V.K Mehta
Radar: Introduction to Radar, Radar Equation CZ, Operating Principle of Radar with Block
Diagram, CW and FM Radar, Tracking Radar, Antennas for Radar, Radar Receivers, Radar
Transmitting System, Duplexer, Usable Frequencies for Radar, Radar Applications.
1. Merrill Skolnik – Radar Handbook.
2. Dennis Roddy- Satellite Communications.
3. Machacle O. Kolawole- Satellite Communication Engineering
Brief review of BJT and MOS amplifiers. Current mirror: general properties, basic, cascade
and active-load current mirrors. Active load: complimentary, depletion and diode-connected
active loads for BJT and MOS amplifiers, differential pair with active load. Voltage and
current references: supply independent biasing, temperature insensitive biasing, proportional
to absolute temperature current generation and constant transconductance biasing. D/A and
A/D converters: ideal circuits, quantization noise, performance limitations, different types of
converters. Switched capacitor circuits: sampling switches, basic operation and analysis,
switched capacitor amplifier, integrator and other switched capacitor circuits.
1. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 5th Edition by Paul R. Gray, Paul J.
Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis, Robert G. Meyer
2. Analog integrated circuit design by Alan B. Grebene.
Doping techniques: Diffusion and ion implantation. Growth and deposition of dielectric
layers: Thermal oxidation, CVD, plasma CVD, sputtering and sil icon-nitride growth.
Etching: Wet chemical etching, silicon and GaAs etching, anisotropic etching, selective
etching, dry physical etching, ion beam etching, sputtering etching and reactive ion etching.
Cleaning: Surface cleaning, organic cleaning and RCA cleaning. Lithography: Photo-reactive
materials, pattern generation, pattern transfer and metallization. Discrete device fabrication:
Diode, transistor, resistor and capacitor. Integrated circuit fabrication: Isolation - pn junction
isolation, mesa isolation and oxide isolation. BJT based microcircuits, p-channel and n-
channel MOSFETs, complimentary MOSFETs and silicon on insulator devices. Testing,
bonding and packaging. Substrate materials: Crystal growth and wafer preparation, epitaxial
growth technique, molecular beam epitaxy, chemical vapor phase epitaxy and chemical vapor
1. Fundamentals of Semiconductor Fabrication by Gary S. May, Simon M. Sze
2. Introduction to Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Second Edition, by Hong Xiao
Importance of renewable energy, sources; Statistics regarding solar radiation and wind speed;
Insulation; geographical distribution, atmospheric factors, measurements; Solar cell: principle
of operation, spectral response, factors affecting conversion efficiency, I-V characteristics,
maximum power output; PV modules and arrays; stationary and tracking; PV systems: stand
alone, battery storage, inverter interfaces with grid; Wind turbine generators: types,
operational characteristics, cut-in and cut-out speed, control, grid interfacings, AC-DC-AC l
No particular text book will be followed thoroughly. Course materials and resources
will be provided as per requirement of covering the topics.
1. Introduction to the nanoscale science & technology by Di Ventra, S. Evoy & J. R. Heflin;
1. Power System Operation and Control by S. Sivanagaraju, Pearson Education India,
2. Power System Operation & Control by D Devraj, Vitasta Publishing Private Limited
3. Power System Analysis by Hadi Sadat.
4. Switchgear Protection and Power System by Sunil S Rao
Other Engineering Courses
1. Basic Mechanical Engineering by Basant Agrawal, Wiley India Pvt. Limited.
2. Basic Mechanical Engineering by A.A.Karad, K.B.Kale, V.N.Phadukule,Technical
Concept of programming language and its classification, Programming algorithm and flow
chart construction. Writing structures programs using C language: data types, constants,
variables, operators and expressions, assignments and type conversion in assignments,
control flow, functions and program structure, pointers and arrays, strings, advanced data
types, pointer to functions, user defined data types, advanced operators, records, input/
output, dynamic variables, and linked lists, file management, recursion and graphics
1. E. Balagurusamy, Programing in ANSI C, McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Hertbert Schildt, Teach Yourself C, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill
3. The C programming language, Brian Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie, Prentice-Hall.
ENG 1101 English Reading and Composition
3 credits 3 hours/week
Vocabulary: Correct and precise diction, affixes, level of appropriateness, colloquial and
standard, informal and formal. Reading skill: reading-skimming, scanning, predicting,
inference, analysis and interpreting texts, practicing comprehension from texts. Writing skill:
sentences, sentence variety, generating sentence, clarity and correctness, linking sentences to
form paragraph, paragraphs and essays, reports, formal and informal letters. Listening and
speaking skills: recorded texts, lectures, oral skills including communicative expressions and
business communication.
1. Heffernan, A. W. et al., Writing a college handbook, 5th edition, W.W. Norton &
Company, London.
2.Raymond and Murphy, English Grammar in USE, Cambridge University Press.
3. Wrihon and Burks, Let’s Write.
1. Ramsey and H. Fowler, The Little Brown Handbook, Little Brown and Company.
2. Crusius, W. Rimothy, et. al, The aims of Argument, Mayfield Publishing Company,
3. J. C. Richards, Fundamentals of English.
GED Courses
HST 1101 Bangladesh Studies
3 credits 3 hours/week
This course attempts to introduce the students to the basic socio-economic, cultural, political,
administrative and historical features of Bangladesh. The course also aims to encourage the
critical thinking of the students to write short papers on issues associated with development
and governance in Bangladesh. More specifically, the course focuses on the following broad
areas: Historical roots in Bangladesh: political, geographical, and socio-cultural features,
Governance in Bangladesh: legislature, constitution, and public administration system, good
governance; social and economic issues in Bangladesh.
1. Prof. Dr. Mohar Ali, Bangladesh Politics: Problems and Issues.
2. Haroun Er Rashid, Land and People.
3. Syed Anwar Husain, Historical Background of the liberation war: A short Analysis.
4. Rounaq Jahan, Political Development in Bangladesh on the threshold of the Twenty
First Century.
History and Society of Bengal under the British rule and Pakistan rule: The impact of British and
Pakistan rules on the economy and education of the people. Language Movement of 1952, Events
Leading to the Mass Upsurge of 1969, War of Independence and the Emergence of Bangladesh in
Study of Geography and Resources of Bangladesh: Location, Area, Boundary, Ecological Settings,
River System, Climate, People and Resources of Bangladesh.
Social Structure of Bangladesh. Culture of Bangladesh: Language, Literature, Art and Culture of
Politics, Formation and role of major political parties in Bangladesh and Constitutional
development of Bangladesh. Economy of Bangladesh. Achievements in different sectors
(economy, culture, sports etc.) of Bangladesh. Socio-cultural problems and prospects of
Reference Books:
1. Bangladesh, History, politics, Economy, Society and Culture, MahmudulHaque.
2. History of Bangladesh: A Subcontinental Civilisation, Abdul Mall A Muhith.
3. Crafted By History An Interpretive Review of the Emergence of Bangldesh,
Hemayetuddin Ahmed.
4. Human Rights in Bangladesh: Present, Past & Futures, Imtiaz Ahmed.
1. Charles T. Homgren and W. T. Harrison Jr., Accounting.
2. Pyle and Larson, Fundamentals of accounting principles.
3. W. B. Meigs and R. F. Meigs, Accounting: the basis for business decision.
4. Weggandt and Keep, Financial Accounting.
IPE 2103 Industrial Management
3 credits 3 hours/week
1. David A. Taylor, Business Engineering with object technology, John Wiley and Sons.
2. John Donovan, Business re-engineering with technology, Prentice Hall.
Introduction, economics and engineering, economic systems, elements of demand and supply,
income and substitution effect, market pricing and elasticity, consumer behavior, marginal
utility analysis, indifference curve analysis, consumer surplus, theory of production and costs
of production, market structure and distribution. Macroeconomics: national income,
Keynesian analysis of national income, employment, inflation, savings and investment, fiscal
policy and monetary policy, income and spending. Private and social cost estimation, benefit
cost models, economic risk analysis, economic optimization, Game theory.
1. Richard Leftwich, Price System and Resource Allocation.
2. P. I. Samuelson, Economics.
3. N. Gegory Mankiw, Essentials of Economics, Thomson-South-Western.
Business and industrial law: Law of contract, elements of valid contract. Consideration,
Parties competent to contact. Sale of goods, hire and purchase. Negotiable instrument.
Safety: Evolution of modern safety concepts, industrial hazard, safety and risk management,
productivity, worker health and safety, proactive management techniques for safety
management, safety standards and regulations for engineering works, fire safety, hazardous
Definition and scopes of ethics. Different branches of ethics. Social change and emergence of
new technologies, History and development of engineering ethics. Study and application of
ethics in engineering. Human qualities of an engineer. Obligation of an engineer to the cl
ients and to the society. Interaction among engineers. Ethical expectations: employers and
employees, inter-professional relationships, desired characteristics of a professional code,
ethical standards, institutionalization of ethical conduct.
1. Ethics in Engineering by Mike W. Martin, Roland Schinzinger (3rded.)
Project identification and selection, planning, appraisal, project implementation, project
organization, budgeting, scheduling using bar diagram, CPM, PERT, resource allocation,
information system and project control, project termination, matrix organization, project
manager, contract negotiation and conflict resolution, evaluation of an investment project,
project failure and risk control. Production systems, product/service life cycle, forecasting
models, bill of materials, material and inventory management: Inventory models, ABC
analysis, coding and standardization. Aggregate planning, MPS, MRP, capacity planning,
operating scheduling, facility location algorithm, facility layout techniques, work study.
MATH 1101 Differential and Integral Calculus
3 credits 3 hours/week
1. Thomas and Finney - Calculus with analytic Geometry
2. B.C Das and B.N Mukerjee - Differential Calculus
3. Anton, Bivens Davis – Calculus, Seventh edition
4. H.K Dass –Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Introduction to differential equation, solutions and initial value problems. First order
differential equations, separable equations, linear equations and exact equations. Linear
second order equations, linear differential operators, fundamental solutions of homogeneous
equations, homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients, method of undetermined
coefficients and variable parameters. Theory of higher-order linear differential equations,
homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients. Laplace transforms, properties of
the Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transform, solving initial problems, convolution,
impulses and Dirac delta functions. Partial differential equations, wave equations, particular
solutions with boundary and initial conditions.
1. S. L. Ross - Differential Equations
2. Bhu Dev. Sharma - Differential Equations
3. Murray R. Spiegel - Laplace Transformation
4. H.K Dass –Advanced Engineering Mathematics
MATH 2101 Co-ordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis
3 credits 3 hours/week
1. Murray R. Spiegel - Vector and Tensor Analysis
2. Kosh & Mohammad - Geometry of Two and three Dimension
3. Rahman and Bhattacharjee - Geometry of Two and three Dimension
4. J. H. Mathews and R. W. Howell - Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering,
4th ed., Jones and Barlett, 2000
5. I. Stewart and D. Tall - Complex Analysis: (the hitchhiker's guide to the plane), Cambridge
University Press, 1983.
6. H.K Dass –Advanced Engineering Mathematics
1. Schaum outline series - Linear Algebra
2. Anton - Elementary Linear Algebra, 8th edition
3. W.Keith Nicholson - Elementary linear Algebra
4. H.K Dass –Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Basic probability theory, random variables: distribution and density functions, Gaussian
random variable, transformation of a random variable, joint distribution and density,
conditional distributions; expectation and moments; random processes: correlation functions,
process measurements, Gaussian and Poisson random processes, noise models, power
spectral densities: correlation and power spectrum, cross spectral densities; filtering of
random processes, parameter estimation: maximum likelihood estimation, maximum a
posteriori estimation, mean square error
1. Walpole Myers, YE, Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 7th edition
2. William Mendenhall, Robert J Beaver and Barbara M. Beaver, Probability and Statistics.
Basic Sciences
PHY 1101 Physics I
3 credits 3 hours/week
Concept of electric charge, conductors and insulators, permittivity of a medium, Coulomb’s
law, the electric field, lines of force, dipole in an electric field, electric flux, Gauss’ law,
electric potential, relation between electric potential and electric field, capacitance,
calculation of capacitance, different types of capacitors, capacitors with dielectric, energy
storage in an electric field, charging and discharging of a capacitor, time constant.
Permeability of a medium, the magnetic field, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, magnetic force
on a current, magnetic lines of induction, force between two parallel current carrying
conductors, Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, self and mutual induction,
and transient response in LR circuit.
Waves & Oscillations:
Differential equation of a Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Total energy & average energy,
Combination of simple harmonic oscillation, Lissajous figures, Spring-mass system,
Calculation of time period of torsional pendulum, Damped oscillation, Determination of
damping co-efficient. Forced oscillation. Resonance, Two-body oscillation. Reduced mass,
Differential equation of a progressive wave, Power & intensity of wave motion, Stationary
wave, Group velocity & Phase velocity.
1. Halliday Resnick - Fundamental of Physics, 2nd edition
2. Huq. Rafiqullah- Electricity and Magnetism
3. Giasuddin ahmed – Physics for Engineers (Part-1&2)
Principle of temperature measurements: Platinum resistance thermometer, Thermo-electric
thermometer, Pyrometer; Kinetic theory of gases: Maxwell’s distribution of molecular
speeds, Mean free path, Equipartition of energy, Brownian motion, van der Waal’s equation
of state, Review of the First law of thermodynamics and its application, Reversible &
irreversible processes, Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot; Efficiency of heat engines,
Carnot theorem, Entropy and Disorder, Thermodynamic Functions, Maxwell relations,
Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Gibbs phase rule, Third law of thermodynamics.
Interference: Wave front, Huygen’s principle, Interpretation of law reflection & refraction by
huygen’s principle, Interference, Young’s experiment, Determination of wave length of light
by Fresnel’s Biprism, Newton’s ring, Colors of thin films. Diffraction: Diffraction, Fresnel &
Fraunhofer diffraction, diffraction grating & its use, Resolving power of a grating, Dispersive
power of a grating, Half period zone, Zone plate, difference between zone plate & convex
lens, X-ray diffraction, Bragg’s law. Polarization: Polarization, Polarization by reflection,
Brewster’s law, double refraction, Nicol prism, Malus law, Retardation plates, specific
rotation, laurent’s half shade polarimeter.
Modern Physics:
Michelson-Morley’s experiment. Galilean transformation, Special theory of relativity & its
consequences; Quantum theory of Radiation: Photoelectric effect, Compton Effect, wave
particle duality. Interpretation of Bohr’s postulates, Radioactive disintegration, Properties of
nucleus, Nuclear reactions, Fission. Fusion, Chain reaction, Nuclear reactor. Architectural
acoustics, Reverberation and Sabine’s formula.
1. Halliday Resnick - Fundamental of Physics, 2nd edition
2. Giasuddin ahmed – Physics for Engineers (Part-1&2)
3. Brijlal - Heat and Thermodynamics - 1st edition
4. Tofazzal Hossain - A Text Book of Heat, 2nd edition
5. Beiser - Concept of Modern Physics, 6th edition
Atomic Properties and Binding Forces: Atoms, molecules and forces between them, Forces in
solids and bindings, Ionic bond, Covalent bond, Metallic bond, Hydrogen bond and Vander
Wall’s force; properties of gases. Oxidation and Reduction: Oxidation and reduction,
Oxidation number, Analytic reagents. Acid and Bases: Strong and weak acids and bases, pH,
Buffer solutions, Neutralization curves, Indicators for acid-base titrations. Chemical
Equilibrium & Thermodynamics: Chemical equilibrium; concepts of chemical
thermodynamics and thermo chemistry; electrolysis, Galvanic cells, electrodes and electrode
reactions, reduction potential, the chemical series, standard hydrogen electrode, Measurement
of pH. Chemical Solutions: Different types of solutions and their colligative properties.
Selective Organic Compounds: Aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds with their
derivatives. Basics of Biochemistry: Amino acids, Peptides and proteins, Hemoglobin as an
allosteric model, Enzymes, Cofactors, Bioenergetics, Membrane transport, Metabolism of
proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic acids.
1. Mungi G. Bawendi, Robert A. Alberty, Robert J. Sibly, Physical Chemistry, John Wiley
and Sons.
2. Organic Chemistry, by Brown and Foote, 2nd ed.