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Bangladesh Army University of

Engineering & Technology (BAUET)

Qadirabad, Dayarampur, Natore-6431

Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science and Engineering

Department of
Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

Effective from the Session 2022-2023

(Third Edition)
Published by:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology
Qadirabad, Dayarampur, Natore-6431, Bangladesh.

First Edition : 2015
Second Edition : 2020
Third Edition : 2023

© 2023 Dept. of CSE, BAUET; All Rights Reserved.

Address for Correspondence:

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology
Qadirabad, Dayarampur, Natore-6431, Bangladesh.
Email: head_cse@bauet.ac.bd
Website: https://bauet.ac.bd/cse/

Cover Concept:
Mithun Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE.

Cover Design:
Md. Ruhul Amin Lemon

Printed by:
Uttoran Offset Printing Press, Rajshahi.
All the contents published in this syllabus are the property of Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, BAUET. The users of this syllabus are
prohibited to reuse, copy, distribute or republish any part of contents in any
manner without written permission from the head of the department. The purpose of
the syllabus of undergraduate studies is to provide guidance to concerned students
and teachers in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Owner Personal Information


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Preface to 3rd Edition
This preface introduces the Outcome Based Education (OBE) Curriculum for the Computer
Science and Engineering Program, a comprehensive framework designed to align educational
objectives with the needs of the industry and society according to BNQF (Bangladesh National
Qualifications Framework) and UGC guidelines. Some new courses have been incorporated in
this edition and some courses have been updated according to the requirements of UGC’s new
guidelines, BAETE (Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education) as
well as BAC (Bangladesh Accreditation Council). Other important changes in this curriculum
are that students can choose their elective courses from the 3rd year 2nd semester so that they will
be able to select the specialized field of interest. One of the most salient features of this curriculum
is Integrated Design Projects (Software Development Project-I & II) through which students will
solve complex engineering problems.

OBE emphasizes the outcomes of education, focusing on the demonstrable knowledge, skills, and
competencies that students should acquire by the end of their program. The OBE approach
outlined in this curriculum seeks to bridge the gap between academia and industry by providing
students with a well-rounded education that combines theoretical foundations with practical
application. By clearly defining learning outcomes, curriculum designers and educators can shape
the teaching and learning process to ensure that students develop the necessary abilities and
mindset to succeed in their professional careers. The OBE framework places a strong emphasis on
active learning, critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork. It encourages educators to adopt
innovative teaching methodologies, such as project-based learning, experiential learning, and
collaborative activities, to facilitate deeper understanding and engagement among students.
Additionally, this curriculum will promotes the integration of emerging technologies and industry
best practices, enabling students to stay abreast of the latest trends and advancements in the field.
The OBE Curriculum for Computer Science and Engineering Program of BAUET will encourage
a holistic development of students, fostering not only technical expertise but also essential
transferable skills, such as communication, collaboration, and adaptability. It promotes the
cultivation of a growth mindset and a lifelong learning attitude, enabling graduates to continuously
evolve and thrive in a rapidly changing technological landscape. BAUET, as an educational
institutions strive to produce well-rounded graduates who are equipped to address the complex
challenges of the digital era, the Outcome Based Education Curriculum for Computer Science and
Engineering Program offers a roadmap for curricular transformation. By aligning educational
outcomes with industry expectations, this framework empowers institutions to deliver a relevant,
engaging, and future-proof education that prepares students to become competent professionals
and innovative problem solvers.

I hope that this OBE Curriculum for Computer Science and Engineering Program will inspire and
guide educational institutions in their pursuit of excellence and equip students with the skills and
mindset needed to shape the future of the computing field.

Qadirabad Cantonment, Mohammed Golam Sarwar Bhuyan

Natore-6431, Bangladesh Professor & Head,
Department of CSE
Page No.
1.1 Title of the Academic Program 1
1.2 Name of the University 1
1.3 Vision of the University 1
1.4 Mission of the University 1
1.5 Name of the Program Offering Entity (Department) 1
1.6 Vision of the Program Offering Entity 1
1.7 Mission of the Program Offering Entity 1
1.8 Objectives of the Program Offering Entity 2
1.9 Name of the Degree 2
1.10 Description of the Program 2
1.11 Graduate Attributes (Based on need assessment) 3
1.12 Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) 4
1.13 Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) 4
1.14 Mapping Mission of the Department with PEOs 6
1.16 Mapping PLOs with the PEOs 6
1.17 Mapping Courses with the PLOs 9


2.1 Duration of the program 12
2.2 Admission Requirements 12
2.3 Total minimum credit requirement to complete the program 12
2.4 Total class weeks in a Year/semester 13
2.5 Minimum CGPA requirements for graduation 13
2.6 Maximum academic years of completion 13
2.7 Category of t h e Courses 13


3.1 Course Distribution Summary 22
3.2 1st Year 1st Semester Courses 22
3.3 1st Year 2nd Semester Courses 23
3.4 2nd Year 1st Semester Courses 24
3.5 2nd Year 2nd Semester Courses 25
3.6 3rd Year 1st Semester Courses 25
3.7 3rd Year 2nd Semester Courses 26
3.8 4th Year 1st Semester Courses 29
3.9 4th Year 2nd Semester Courses 30
4.1 1st Year 1st Semester 32
4.2 1st Year 2nd Semester 40
4.3 2nd Year 1st Semester 46
4.4 2nd Year 2nd Semester 52
4.5 3rd Year 1st Semester 59
4.6 3rd Year 2nd Semester 66
4.7 Elective Courses (I and II) 71
4.8 4th Year 1st Semester 80
4.9 Elective Courses (III and IV) 83
4.10 4th Year 2nd Semester 91
4.11 Elective Courses (V and VI) 94


5.1 Grading Policy 101
5.2 Distribution of Marks 102
5.3 Marks Distribution of Lab/Project-Based Laboratory 102
5.4 Marks Distribution of Programming-Based Laboratory 102
5.5 Marks Distribution of Communicative English 103
5.6 Marks Distribution of Software Development Project 103
5.7 Calculation of GPA (Grade Point Average) 103


6.1 Course Appraisal and Lesson Plan 105
6.2 Teacher-Student Interaction 105
6.3 Student Mentoring 105
6.4 Batch Adviser 105
6.5 Course Registration 105
6.6 Registration Procedure 105
6.7 Pre-Conditions for Registration 105
6.8 Registration Deadline 106
6.9 Penalty for Late Registration 106
6.10 Attendance, Conduct and Discipline 106
6.11 Promotion to the Next Semester 107
6.12 Minimum Earned Credit and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point 107
Average) Required for Obtaining a Degree
6.13 Consequences of Poor Performance 107
6.14 Course Repetition 107
6.15 Class Tests 107
6.16 Earned Credits 107
6.17 Rounding off the Decimal Marks 107
6.18 Rounding off the GPA/CGPA 108
6.19 Number of Grade Sheets 108
6.20 Withdrawal Policy 108
6.21 Transcript 108
6.22 Certificate 108
6.23 Awards 108
7.1 Courses Offered to the Department of EEE 109
7.2 Courses Offered to the Department of ME 109
7.3 Courses Offered to Department of Business Administration 109
7.4 Courses Offered to Department of English Law and Justice 109
7.5 Department of English Language and Literature 109
Appendix-A: Learning Domain 110-112
Appendix-B: Equivalence Table 113-120
General Information
1.1. Title of Academic Program

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

1.2. Name of the University

Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology (BAUET)

1.3. Vision of the University

The University aspires to transform into a center of excellence in Science, Engineering and
Technology program by providing innovative, multi-disciplinary courses and extensive
research facilities to the young generation of the country and beyond. It endeavors to make
the University a hub of knowledge and be recognized as a leading university in the country.

1.4. Mission of the University

The Mission of the BAUET is to provide state-of-the-art education and research in science,
engineering and other relevant programs to develop human resources for the socio-economic
well-being of the society.

1.5. Name of the Program Offering Entity (Department)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

1.6. Vision of the Program Offering Entity

To create skilled and competent professionals in the field of Computer Science and
Engineering with high morals to meet national and global needs through creative research
and innovations.

1.7. Mission of the Program Offering Entity

Mission Mission Statement

DM1 To provide state-of-the-art education and knowledge in Computer Science
and Engineering, to produce competent engineers, capable of solving real-
world complex engineering problems to meet the needs of industry and
society (Statement-1).
DM2 To contribute towards the creation of new knowledge through eminence
research and innovation in CSE and allied fields to address emerging
national and global issues for the well-being of the society (Statement-2).
DM3 To enable students in attaining the required ethics with an attitude of
entrepreneurial skills and social consciences (Statement-3).

DM4 To embed leadership qualities amongst the students to follow successful
professional career paths and to pursue advanced studies in computer
engineering and a life-long learner in cutting-edge developments in the
field of computing and Information Technology (Statement-4).

*Legend: DM – Department Mission

1.8. Objectives of the Program Offering Entity

i. Graduates will apply their knowledge and skills to succeed in their careers
and/or obtain advanced degrees.
ii. Graduates will behave ethically and responsibly and will remain informed
and involved as full participants in their profession and society.
iii. Graduates will creatively solve problems, communicate effectively and
successfully function in diverse and inclusive multi-disciplinary teams.

iv. Graduates will apply principles and practices of computing grounded in

mathematics and science to successfully complete hardware and/or software-
related engineering projects to meet customer business objectives and/or
productively engage in research.

1.9. Name of the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering abbreviated as B.Sc. in


1.10.Description of the Program

The B.Sc. Engineering courses in Computer Science and Engineering program shall be
offered over a period of four academic years, each of a normal duration of one calendar
year. The four academic years shall be designated as 1st Year, 2nd Year, 3rd Year and 4th
Year in succeeding higher levels of study. The academic year will be divided into two
semesters (1st Semester and 2nd Semester) each having duration of 24 weeks. Under no
circumstances, any student shall be allowed to continue his/her study for B.Sc. in CSE
degree for more than six academic years. A student will be required to have 80%
attendance of the total number of periods of lectures/tutorials/laboratory classes held
during the semester in every course to appear as a regular candidate at that semester final
examinations. The courses offered for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and
Engineering program will consist of theories, laboratories, viva-voce, quizzes/class tests,
assignments, presentations, case studies, industrial training, mini projects (laboratory
courses), Software Development Project (I and II) and Final Year Design Project
(FYDP)/Thesis are of 41 theory courses, 35 laboratory courses. Minimum 161 credits
and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) 2.25 out of 4.00 are required to
obtain the degree.

1.11.Graduate Attributes (based on need assessment)

Outcome Level Descriptors
Fundamental F1.
Skills Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the well-
established principles of his/her field of study and of the way in which
those principles have developed;
Apply underlying concepts and principles outside the context in which
they were first studied, where appropriate, the application of those
principles in an employment context;
Apply knowledge and skills in addressing issues/solving problems
with minimal supervision;
Evaluate critically the appropriateness of different approaches to
solving problems in his/her field of study;
Support supervision of junior staff via a mentor or a leader/manager;
Display advanced digital literacy which is adequate to perform
complex tasks and bring about solutions.
Social Skills S1.
Communicate and interact effectively and clearly, ideas, information,
problems and solutions as a team to peers, experts and non-experts in
Bangla and English;
Express her/himself fluently and spontaneously in English and
Use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and
professional purposes;
Produce clear, well structured, detailed text on complex subjects,
showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and
cohesive devices in advanced proficiency level of Bangla and English;
Demonstrate the ability to incorporate entrepreneurial skills in
planning daily activities; and
Display advanced civic literacy and knowledge, exercising civic
rights and obligations at all levels as well as participating in changes
for the improvement of Bangladesh society.

Thinking Skills T1.
Exercise very substantial degree of autonomy and often significant
responsibility in making judgments/decisions towards the
management of self, others and for the allocation of substantial
resources; and
Demonstrate professional knowledge and practical skills in both
technical and management to lead a team in inexperienced
Personal Skills P1.
Engage in self-direction and self-enterprise skills;
Demonstrate social, professional, environmental and ethical
Show-case global knowledge and competencies to fulfil employment,
entrepreneurial and lifelong learning skills; and
Contribute significantly to the society.

1.12.Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEOs PEO Statements

PEO1 Graduates will grow and practice as computing professionals both in
industry and government and/or will be able to successfully pursue
advanced degrees.
PEO2 Graduates will provide effective solutions to the complex engineering
problems related to software and/or hardware by creating, selecting,
applying appropriate and modern technologies, skills and tools.

PEO3 Graduates will communicate effectively and work collaboratively

maintaining high level of ethical and professional values for improving
the society.
PEO4 Graduates will take leadership positions in the industry and also initiate
businesses offering innovative technical solutions to national and
international problems.

1.13.Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) represent the knowledge, skills and attitudes the
students should have at the end of a four-year engineering program. The Bachelor of
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) program will have following learning outcomes:

PLOs PO Statements
PLO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural
science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to
the solution of complex engineering problems.
PLO2 Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using
first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PLO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex
engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that
meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and
safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PLO4 Investigation: Conduct investigations of complex problems using
research-based knowledge and research methods including design of
experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of
information to provide valid conclusions.
PLO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and
modelling, to complex engineering problems, with an understanding of
the limitations.
PLO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and
the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering
practice and solutions to complex engineering problems.
PLO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand and evaluate the
sustainability and impact of professional engineering work in the solution
of complex engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts.
PLO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
PLO9 Individual work and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual,
and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary
PLO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such
as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
PLO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of engineering management principles and economic
decision- making and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
PLO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest
context of technological change.

1.14.Mapping Mission of the Department with PEOs

Departmental mission

statement 1

statement 2

statement 3

statement 4
PEO PEO statements

Graduates of the Computer Science and Engineering program are expected to attain or
achieve the following Program Educational Objectives within 3 to 5 years of graduation:

Graduates will grow and practice as

computing professionals both in
PEO-1 industry and government and/or will Yes No No Yes
be able to successfully pursue
advanced degrees.
Graduates will provide effective
solutions to the complex engineering
problems related to software and/or
PEO-2 hardware by creating, selecting, Yes Yes Yes No
applying appropriate and modern
technologies, skills and tools.
Graduates will communicate
effectively and work collaboratively
PEO-3 maintaining high level of ethical and No No Yes Yes
professional values for improving
Graduates will take leadership
positions in the industry and also
PEO-4 initiate businesses offering innovative No No Yes Yes
technical solutions to national and
international problems.

1.15.Mapping PLOs with the PEOs

No. PLO Statement PEO-1 PEO-2 PEO-3 PEO-4

PLO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply Yes Yes No No
the knowledge of mathematics,
science, engineering
fundamentals and an engineering
specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
PLO2 Problem analysis: Identify, Yes Yes No No
formulate, research and analyze
No. PLO Statement PEO-1 PEO-2 PEO-3 PEO-4
complex engineering problems
and reach substantiated
conclusions using the principles
of mathematics, the natural
sciences and the engineering
PLO3 Design/development of Yes Yes Yes No
solutions: Design solutions for
complex engineering problems
and design system components
or processes that meet the
specified needs with appropriate
consideration for public health
and safety and of cultural,
societal and environmental
PLO4 Investigation: Conduct Yes Yes No No
investigations of complex
problems, considering
experimental design, data
analysis and interpretation and
information synthesis to provide
valid conclusions.
PLO5 Modern tool usage: Create, Yes Yes No No
select and apply appropriate
techniques, resources and
modern engineering and IT
tools, including prediction and
modeling, to complex
engineering activities with an
understanding of their
PLO6 The engineer and Yes No Yes No
society: Apply reasoning
informed by contextual
knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural
issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to
professional engineering
PLO7 Environment and No No Yes No
sustainability: Understand the
impact of professional
engineering solutions in societal
and environmental contexts and
No. PLO Statement PEO-1 PEO-2 PEO-3 PEO-4
demonstrate the knowledge of
and need for sustainable
PLO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles No No Yes Yes
and commit to the professional
ethics, responsibilities and the
norms of the engineering
PLO9 Individual work and No Yes No Yes
teamwork: Function effectively
as an individual and as a member
or leader of diverse teams and in
multidisciplinary settings.
PLO10 Communication: Communicate No No Yes Yes
effectively about complex
engineering activities with the
engineering community and with
society at large. Be able to
comprehend and write effective
reports, design documentation,
make effective presentations and
give and receive clear
PLO11 Project management and No Yes Yes Yes
finance: Demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of
engineering and management
principles and apply these to
one’s work as a team member or
a leader to manage projects in
multidisciplinary environments.
PLO12 Life-long learning: Recognize Yes No Yes Yes
the need for and have the
preparation and ability to engage
in independent, life-long learning
in the broadest context of
technological change.

1.16. Mapping Courses with the PLOs







1st Year 1st Semester
0611 CSE-1100 ✓ ✓ ✓
0533 PHY-1101 ✓ ✓
0533 PHY-1102 ✓ ✓ ✓
0531 CHEM-1101 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0531 CHEM-1102 ✓ ✓ ✓
0541 MATH-1141 ✓ ✓ ✓
0232 HUM-1150 ✓ ✓
0222 GED-1151 ✓ ✓ ✓
0713 EEE-1161 ✓ ✓
0713 EEE-1162 ✓ ✓ ✓
1st Year 2nd Semester
0613 CSE-1211 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-1212 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0541 CSE-1213 ✓ ✓ ✓
0541 MATH-1241 ✓ ✓
0714 EEE-1261 ✓ ✓ ✓
0714 EEE-1262 ✓ ✓
0715 ME-1270 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0232 HUM-1250 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
GED-1251 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2nd Year 1st Semester
0613 CSE-2101 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-2102 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-2103 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-2104 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-2105 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-2106 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-2107 ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-2108 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0541 MATH-2141 ✓ ✓
2nd Year 2nd Semester
0613 CSE-2211 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-2212 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

0612 CSE-2213 ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-2214 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-2215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-2216 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0713 EEE-2261 ✓ ✓
0713 EEE-2262 ✓ ✓
0541 MATH-2241 ✓ ✓
0411 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0412 GED-2251
3rd Year 1st Semester
0613 CSE-3101 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3102 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-3103 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-3104 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3105 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3106 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3108 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3110 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0541 MATH-3141 ✓ ✓ ✓
GED-3151 ✓ ✓ ✓
3rd Year 2nd Semester
0613 CSE-3200 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-3211 ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-3212 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3213 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3214 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-3215 ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-3216 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0542 MATH-3241 ✓ ✓ ✓
0031 CSE-3224 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Elective (2T+1L)
0413 CSE-3217 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-3219 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-3221 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3223 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3225 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3226 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3227 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3228 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3229 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3230 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3231 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-3232 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
4th Year 1st Semester
061 CSE-4000 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-4101 ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-4102 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-4103 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4105 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Elective (2T+1L)
0611 CSE-4107 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0413 CSE-4109 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-4111 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4113 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4115 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4116 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4117 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4118 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4119 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4120 ✓ ✓ ✓
4th Year 2nd Semester
061 CSE-4000 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4211 ✓ ✓ ✓
0613 CSE-4212 ✓ ✓ ✓
0413 GED-4251 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Elective (2T+1L)
0613 CSE-4213 ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-4215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-4217 ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-4219 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-4221 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-4222 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-4223 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0612 CSE-4224 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-4225 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0611 CSE-4226 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Structure of the syllabus

2.1. Duration of the Program: Years: 4 Semesters: 8

2.2. Admission Requirements:
SSC/Dakhil and HSC/Alim Examinations:
HSC/Alim or equivalent examination in Science Group with Mathematics, Physics and
Chemistry scoring minimum GPA 3.0 for each. The sum total GPA of SSC/Dakhil and
HSC/Alim should be minimum 7.0 (with additional subject).
GCE Applicants:
i. O Level: Minimum C Grade in five subjects including, Mathematics, Physics and
Chemistry (in the scale of A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2 and E=1)
ii. A Level: Minimum C Grade in 2 subjects including Mathematics,
iii. The sum total of GOA in GCE A and O level should be 6.
iv. The candidates with E grade in any subject will not be considered.
2.3. Total minimum credit requirement to complete the program: (According to
BNQF Part- B for Higher Education)
Minimum credit requirements for the award of bachelor degree will be recommended
by the respective academic committee to the academic council.
The minimum total credit hours for earning degree of the program is 161.00
For, Theory: 55x14=770 min = 1 credit hour
Laboratory: 55x14x2=1540 min=1 credit hour
In CSE course curriculum,
Total Theory contact hour = 120.00
Total laboratory contact hour = 80.00
Total weeks in a semester = 14
One contact hour = 55 minutes
𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑦: 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑟

𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑋 55 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑋 14 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠

𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑋 14 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠

120𝑋 55𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑋 14 𝑊𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠

770 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠

= 120 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙: 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑟

𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑋 55 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑋 14 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠

1 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑋 14 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠 𝑋 2

80 𝑋 55𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑋 14 𝑊𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠
1540 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠

= 40 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟
Total calculated credit hour= Total credit hour for theory + Total credit hour for
= (120 + 40+1*) 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑟 = 161 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑟
*One credit hour extra added for industrial attachment.
Calculated credit hour 161 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟>140 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟, which satisfied the
program compliance criteria according to BNQF.
2.4. Total class weeks in a Year/Semester:
There will be two Semesters: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester. 1st Semester will be of 24
weeks and 2nd Semester will be of 28 weeks (Total 52 weeks). An Academic Calendar
will be provided to all the enrolled students to make them familiar to all academic
events. The holiday will also be included in the calendar. Duration of 1 st Semester and
2nd Semester will be as follows:

1st Semester:
Sl. Events Durations
1. Classes before Mid Semester 7 weeks
2. Mid Semester Break 1 week
3. Classes after Mid Semester 7 weeks
4. Lab Test Week 1 week
5. Preparatory Leave 2 weeks
6. Semester Final Examination 3 weeks
7. Result Publication and Semester End Vacation 3 weeks
Total: 24 weeks

2nd Semester:
Sl. Events Durations
1. Classes before Mid Semester 7 weeks
2. Mid Semester Break 1 week
3. Classes after Mid Semester 7 weeks
4. Lab Test Week 1 week
5. Preparatory Leave 2 weeks
6. Semester Final Examination 3 weeks
7. Result Publication and Semester End Vacation 3 weeks
8. Industrial Training 4 weeks
Total: 28 weeks
Note: Those who will not be able to clear any of the courses (only theoretical) of any
discipline in a particular Semester (1st Semester and 2nd Semester) will be required to appear
at the referred examination (Re-examination) for fulfilling the condition as per policy to clear
the subject(s).

2.5. Minimum CGPA requirements for graduation:

The minimum CGPA requirements for obtaining a Bachelor Degree is 2.25 [As per
BAUET Exam policy]
2.6. Maximum Academic Years of Completion:
A student must complete his/her studies within a maximum period of six (06) years for
4-year bachelor degree.
2.7 Category of Courses:
i. General Education Courses: General education courses refer to interdisciplinary
courses, beyond B.Sc. in CSE program that provides well-rounded learning
experience to the students of an academic program. i.e. Language
(Communicative English-I & II Laboratory) History and Cultures (Bangladesh
Studies: History and Culture), General Education (Society, Ethics and
Environment, Project Management and Finance, Engineering Economics and
Sociology, Engineering Management and Leadership ), Basic Science and
Engineering (Physics, Chemistry, Basic Mechanical Engineering and Drawing)
and Mathematics (Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus, Ordinary, Partial
Differential Equations and Coordinate Geometry, Vector Analysis, Matrices and
Laplace Transformation, Complex Variable and Fourier Analysis, Numerical
Analysis and Applied Statistics and Queuing Theory )

Language, History and Cultures (01Theory+ 02 Laboratory)

Course Code

Course Title





0232 HUM-1150 Communicative - 3.00 1.50

English-I Laboratory
0222 HUM-1151 Bangladesh Studies: 2.00 - 2.00
History and Culture
0232 Communicative
3. HUM-1250 - 3.00 1.50 HUM-1150
English-II Laboratory

General Education (04Theory+ 00 Laboratory)

Course Code

Course Title




0223 Society, Ethics and

1. GED-1251 3.00 - 3.00
0521 Environment
Project Management and
2. 0412 GED-2257 3.00 - 3.00
0311 Engineering Economics 3.00 3.0
3. GED-3151 -
0314 and Sociology
0413 Engineering Management
4. GED-4251 2.00 - 2.00
and Leadership

Basic Science and Engineering (05 Theory+ 06 Laboratory)


Course Title
Course Code




1. 0533 PHY-1101 Physics 3.00 - 3.00

2. 0533 PHY-1102 Physics Laboratory - 1.50 0.75
3. 0531 CHEM-1101 Chemistry 2.00 - 2.00
4. 0531 CHEM-1102 Chemistry Laboratory - 1.50 0.75
0713 EEE-1161 Electrical Circuit 3.00 - 3.00
0713 EEE-1162 Electrical Circuit - 1.50 0.75
Analysis Laboratory
0714 Electronic Devices
7. EEE-1261 3.00 - 3.00 EEE-1161
and Circuits
0714 Electronic Devices
8. EEE-1262 and Circuits - 1.50 0.75
0715 Basic Mechanical
9. ME-1270 Engineering and 3.00 1.50
Drawing Laboratory
0713 Electrical Drives and
10. EEE-2261 3.00 - 3.00 EEE-1261
0713 Electrical Drives and
11. EEE-2262 Instrumentation - 1.50 0.75

Mathematics (06 Theory + 00 Laboratory)

Course Code

Course Title




0541 MATH-1141 Differential 3.00 - 3.00

Calculus and
Integral Calculus
Ordinary, Partial
Differential Equations
2. MATH-1241 3.00 - 3.00
0541 and Coordinate
0541 Vector Analysis,
3. MATH-2141 Matrices and Laplace 3.00 - 3.00
0541 Complex Variable and
4. MATH-2241 3.00 - 3.00
Fourier Analysis
5. 0541 MATH-3141 Numerical Analysis 3.00 - 3.00
0542 Applied Statistics and
6. MATH-3241 3.00 - 3.00
Queuing Theory

ii. Core Courses:

Core courses refer to the courses that characterize the discipline of Computer
Science and Engineering program. All the CSE courses belong to this category.

Course Code

Course Title




0611 CSE-1100 Introduction to Computer - 3.00 1.50

Systems Laboratory
2. 0613 CSE-1211 Structured Programming 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Structured Programming
3. CSE-1212 - 3.00 1.50
4. 0541 CSE-1213 Discrete Mathematics 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Data Structures and
5. CSE-2101 3.00 - 3.00 CSE-1211
0613 Data Structures and
6. CSE-2102 - 3.00 1.50
Algorithms-I Laboratory
0613 Object Oriented
7. CSE-2103 3.00 - 3.00 CSE-1211
0613 Object Oriented
8. CSE-2104 - 3.00 1.50
Programming Laboratory
9. 0612 CSE-2105 Database Systems 3.00 - 3.00
10. 0612 CSE-2106 Database Systems Laboratory - 3.00 1.50
11. 0611 CSE-2107 Digital Logic Design 3.00 - 3.00
0611 Digital Logic Design
12. CSE-2108 - 3.00 1.50

0613 Data Structures and
13. CSE-2211 3.00 - 3.00 CSE-2101
0613 Data Structures and
14. CSE-2212 - 3.00 1.50
Algorithms-II Laboratory
15. 0612 CSE-2213 Data Communication 3.00 - 3.00
0612 Data Communication
16. CSE-2214 - 1.50 0.75
0611 Computer Organization and
17. CSE-2215 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Java Programming
18. CSE-2216 - 2.00 1.00 CSE-2103
0613 Software Engineering and
19. CSE-3101 3.00 - 3.00
Information System Design
0613 Software Engineering and
20. CSE-3102 Information System Design - 2.00 1.00
21. 0612 CSE-3103 Computer Network 3.00 - 3.00
0612 Computer Network
22. CSE-3104 - 3.00 1.50
23. 0613 CSE-3105 Operating Systems 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Operating Systems
24. CSE-3106 - 3.00 1.50
0613 Web Programming
25. CSE-3108 - 2.00 1.00
0613 Mobile Application
26. CSE-3110 - 2.00 1.00
Development Laboratory
0613 Software Development
27. CSE-3200 - 1.50 0.75
Project – I*
0611 Microprocessors, Micro-
28. CSE-3211 controllers and Assembly 3.00 - 3.00
0611 Microprocessors, Micro-
29. CSE-3212 controllers and Assembly - 1.50 0.75
Language Laboratory
30. 0613 CSE-3213 Artificial Intelligence 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Artificial Intelligence
31. CSE-3214 - 1.50 0.75
0611 Automata Theory and
32. CSE-3215 3.00 - 3.00
Compiler Design
0611 Automata Theory and
33. CSE-3216 - 1.50 0.75
Compiler Design Laboratory
34. 0031 CSE-3224 Industrial Training** - 2.00 1.00
0613 Software Development
35. CSE-4100 - 1.50 0.75 CSE-3200
Project – II*
36. 0612 CSE-4101 Digital Signal Processing 3.00 - 3.00
0612 Digital Signal Processing
37. CSE-4102 - 1.50 0.75
0612 Cellular and Wireless
38. CSE-4103 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Data Science and
39. CSE-4105 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Computer Graphics and
40. CSE-4211 3.00 - 3.00
Multimedia Systems
0613 Computer Graphics and
41. CSE-4212 Multimedia Systems - 1.50 0.75

Course Code

Course Title




061 Final Year Design

1. CSE-4000 Project (FYDP)/ - 6.00 3.00 7th Semester
061 Final Year Design
2. CSE-4000 Project (FYDP)/ - 6.00 3.00 8th Semester

iii. Elective Courses:

Elective courses refer to the courses that are defined for specialization within the
discipline of Computer Science and Engineering program. Elective courses has
been introduced in 6th, 7th and 8th semesters respectively.

6th Semester Elective-I: (01Theory)

Course Title





0413 Fault Tolerant

1. CSE-3217 3.00 - 3.00
0611 E-commerce and
2. CSE-3219 3.00 - 3.00
Web Security
0611 Human Computer
3. CSE-3221 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Advanced
4. CSE-3223 3.00 - 3.00

6th Semester Elective-II: ( 01Theory +01 Laboratory)


Course Code

Course Title




1. 0613 CSE-3225 Digital Image Processing 3.00 - 3.00

0613 Digital Image Processing
2. CSE-3226 - 1.50 0.75
3. 0613 CSE-3227 Simulation and Modeling 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Simulation and Modeling
4. CSE-3228 - 1.50 0.75
5. 0613 CSE-3229 VLSI Design 3.00 - 3.00
0613 VLSI Design
6. CSE-3230 - 1.50 0.75
0613 Natural Language
7. CSE-3231 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Natural Language
8. CSE-3232 - 1.50 0.75
Processing Laboratory

7th Semester Elective-III: (01Theory)


Course Code

Course Title




0611 CSE-4107 Computer and Cyber

1. 3.00 - 3.00
0413 CSE-4109 Software Testing
2. 3.00 - 3.00
and Quality Assurance
0611 CSE-4111 Parallel and Distributed
3. 3.00 - 3.00
4. 0613 CSE-4113 Bioinformatics 3.00 - 3.00

7th Semester Elective-IV: (01Theory +01 Laboratory)

Course Code

Course Title




1. 0613 CSE-4115 Machine Learning 3.00 - 3.00

0613 Machine Learning
2. CSE-4116 - 1.50 0.75
0613 Data Mining and
3. CSE-4117 3.00 - 3.00
Data Ware-housing
0613 Data Mining and
4. CSE-4118 Data Ware-housing - 1.50 0.75
5. 0613 CSE-4119 Digital System Design 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Digital System Design
6. CSE-4120 - 1.50 0.75

8th Semester Elective-V: (01Theory)

Course Code

Course Title




1. 0613 CSE-4213 Cloud Computing 3.00 - 3.00

2. 0612 CSE-4215 Green Computing 3.00 - 3.00
3. 0612 CSE-4217 Network Planning 3.00 - 3.00
0611 Block chain and Crypto
4. CSE-4219 3.00 - 3.00
currency Technology

8th Semester Elective-VI: (01Theory +01 Laboratory)

Course Code

Course Title




1. 0611 CSE-4221 Internet of Things (IoT) 3.00 - 3.00

0611 Internet of Things (IoT)
2. CSE-4222 - 1.50 0.75
0612 Advanced Database
3. CSE-4223 3.00 - 3.00
Management Systems
0612 Advanced Database
4. CSE-4224 Management Systems - 1.50 0.75
5. 0611 CSE-4225 Pattern Recognition 3.00 - 3.00
0611 Pattern Recognition
6. CSE-4226 - 1.50 0.75

iv. Capstone Project/Industrial Training/Final Year Design

Project(FYDP)/Thesis and Complex Engineering Problems
Capstone projects are integrated with Software Development Project–I & II* (CSE-3200 &
CSE-4100) and Complex Engineering related problems are assessed through assignments
(theory courses), mini project (laboratory courses), Software Development Project (I and II)
and Final Year Design Project (FYDP)/Thesis. Apart from the assessment of capstone projects
and complex engineering related problems, each student has to complete Final Year Design
Project (FYDP)/Thesis (CSE-4000***) in the combined duration of two semester (7th and
8th semester). All students and concerned supervisors has to follow standard guidelines
prepared for Final Year Design Project (FYDP)/Thesis and an industrial training program
(CSE-3224**) will be conducted at any convenient time or after the 3 rd Year, 2nd Semester
final examination for duration of 04 weeks as applicable or decided by the department.
Evaluation report from industry has to be submitted at the end of the training and to be
incorporated in the tabulation sheet accordingly.


Course Code

Course Title




0613 Software Development

1. CSE-3200 - 1.50 0.75
Project – I*
0613 Software Development
2. CSE-4100 - 1.50 0.75 CSE-3200
Project – II*
3. 0031 CSE-3224 Industrial Training** - 2.00 1.00
061 Final Year Design Project
4. CSE-4000 - 12.00 6.00
(FYDP)/ Thesis***

Course Requirements for the B.Sc. in CSE
Year/Semester wise distribution of courses

3.1 Course Distribution Summary:

Sl. Broader Discipline/Category Theory (T) Credit Percentage of
and Hours Credit (%)
1. Language, History and Cultures 1T+2L 5.00 03.105
2. General Education 4T+0L 11.00 06.832
3. Basic Science and Engineering 5T+6L 19.25 11.956
4. Mathematics 6T+0L 18.00 11.180
5. Computer Science and 19T+22L 81.50 50.621
Engineering Core Courses
6. Final Year Design 0T+2L 6.00 03.726
7. Elective Courses 6T+3L 20.25 12.577
Total: 41T+35L 161.00 100.00

Summary of Undergraduate Course Plan:

Theory Laboratory
Sl. Year/Semester No. of Credits No. of Credits Total Credits
No. Course Course
1. 1st Year 1st Semester 5 13.00 5 5.25 18.25
2. 1st Year 2nd Semester 5 15.00 4 5.25 20.25
3. 2nd Year 1st Semester 5 15.00 4 6.00 21.00
4. 2nd Year 2nd Semester 6 18.00 4 4.00 22.00
5. 3rd Year 1st Semester 5 15.00 5 6.00 21.00
6. 3rd Year 2nd Semester 6 18.00 6 4.75 22.75
7. 4th Year 1st Semester 5 15.00 4 5.25 20.25
8. 4th Year 2nd Semester 4 11.00 3 4.50 15.50
Total: 41 120.00 35 41.00 161.00

1st Year 1st Semester

Course Code

Course Title




1. 0611 CSE-1100 Introduction to Computer - 3.00 1.50

Systems Laboratory
2. 0533 PHY-1101 Physics 3.00 - 3.00
3. 0533 PHY-1102 Physics Laboratory - 1.50 0.75
4. 0531 CHEM-1101 Chemistry 2.00 - 2.00
5. 0531 CHEM-1102 Chemistry Laboratory - 1.50 0.75
6. 0541 MATH-1141 Differential Calculus and 3.00 - 3.00
Integral Calculus
7. 0232 HUM-1150 Communicative English-I 3.00 1.50
8. 0222 HUM-1151 Bangladesh Studies: History 2.00 - 2.00
and Culture
9. 0713 EEE-1161 Electrical Circuit Analysis 3.00 - 3.00
10. 0713 EEE-1162 Electrical Circuit Analysis - 1.50 0.75
Total: 13.00 10.50 18.25

1st Year 2nd Semester

Course Code

Course Title




1. 0613 Structured
CSE-1211 3.00 - 3.00
2. 0613 Structured
CSE-1212 Programming - 3.00 1.50
3. 0541 CSE-1213 Discrete Mathematics 3.00 - 3.00
4. 0541 Ordinary, Partial
MATH-1241 Differential Equations 3.00 - 3.00
and Coordinate
5. 0714 Electronic Devices and
EEE-1261 3.00 - 3.00 EEE-1161
6. 0714 Electronic Devices and
EEE-1262 - 1.50 0.75
Circuits Laboratory
7. 0715 Basic Mechanical
ME-1270 Engineering and - 3.00 1.50
Drawing Laboratory
8. 0232 Technical and
HUM-1250 Communicative - 3.00 1.50 Hum-1150
English-II Laboratory
9. 0223 Society, Ethics and
GED-1251 3.00 - 3.00
0521 Environment
Total: 15.00 10.50 20.25

2nd Year 1st Semester


Course Code

Course Title




0613 Data Structures and

1. CSE-2101 3.00 - 3.00 CSE-1211
0613 Data Structures and
2. CSE-2102 - 3.00 1.50
Algorithms-I Laboratory
0613 Object Oriented
3. CSE-2103 3.00 - 3.00 CSE-1211
0613 Object Oriented
4. CSE-2104 - 3.00 1.50
Programming Laboratory
5. 0612 CSE-2105 Database Systems 3.00 - 3.00
0612 Database Systems
6. CSE-2106 - 3.00 1.50
7. 0611 CSE-2107 Digital Logic Design 3.00 - 3.00
0611 Digital Logic Design
8. CSE-2108 - 3.00 1.50
0541 Vector Analysis, Matrices
9. MATH-2141 3.00 - 3.00
and Laplace Transformation
Total: 15.00 12.00 21.00

2nd Year 2nd Semester

Course Code

Course Title




0613 Data Structures and

1. CSE-2211 3.00 - 3.00 CSE-2101
0613 Data Structures and
2. CSE-2212 Algorithms-II - 3.00 1.50
3. 0612 CSE-2213 Data Communication 3.00 - 3.00
0612 Data Communication
4. CSE-2214 - 1.50 0.75
0611 Computer
5. CSE-2215 Organization and 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Java Programming
6. CSE-2216 - 2.00 1.00 CSE-2103
0713 Electrical Drives and
7. EEE-2261 3.00 - 3.00 EEE-1261
0713 Electrical Drives and
8. EEE-2262 Instrumentation - 1.50 0.75
0541 Complex Variable
9. MATH-2241 3.00 - 3.00
and Fourier Analysis
Project Management
10. 0412 GED-2251 3.00 - 3.00
and Finance
Total: 18.00 8.00 22.00

3rd Year 1st Semester

Course Code

Course Title




0613 Software Engineering

1. CSE-3101 and Information System 3.00 - 3.00

0613 Software Engineering
2. CSE-3102 and Information System - 2.00 1.00
Design Laboratory
3. 0612 CSE-3103 Computer Network 3.00 - 3.00
0612 Computer Network
4. CSE-3104 - 3.00 1.50
5. 0613 CSE-3105 Operating Systems 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Operating Systems
6. CSE-3106 - 3.00 1.50
0613 Web Programming
7. CSE-3108 - 2.00 1.00
0613 Mobile Application
8. CSE-3110 Development - 2.00 1.00
9. 0541 MATH-3141 Numerical Analysis 3.00 - 3.00
0311 Engineering Economics 3.00 3.00
10. GED-3151
0314 and Sociology
Total: 15.00 12.00 21.00

3rd Year 2nd Semester

Course Code

Course Title




0613 Software Development

1. CSE-3200 - 1.50 0.75
Project – I*
0611 Microprocessors, Micro-
2. CSE-3211 controllers and Assembly 3.00 - 3.00
0611 Microprocessors, Micro-
3. CSE-3212 controllers and Assembly - 1.50 0.75
Language Laboratory
4. 0613 CSE-3213 Artificial Intelligence 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Artificial Intelligence
5. CSE-3214 - 1.50 0.75
0611 Automata Theory and
6. CSE-3215 3.00 - 3.00
Compiler Design
0611 Automata Theory and
7. CSE-3216 Compiler Design - 1.50 0.75
8. -- CSE-**** Elective-I 3.00 - 3.00
9. -- CSE-**** Elective-II 3.00 - 3.00
10. -- CSE-**** Elective-II Laboratory - 1.50 0.75
0542 Applied Statistics and
11. MATH-3241 3.00 - 3.00
Queuing Theory
Total: 18.00 7.50 21.75

*Note. Pre-requisite Courses: CSE-1211, CSE-2101, CSE- 2103, CSE-2105, CSE-2211

and their corresponding laboratories including CSE-2216, CSE-3108
**3rd Year Industrial Training

Course Code

Course Title



1. 0031 CSE-3224 Industrial Training** - 2.00 1.00

*Note: Each student has to complete two Software Development Project (CSE-3200
and CSE-4100) and topics or fields of the project work will be decided by the
**Note: Industrial Training (CSE-3224) will be conducted at any convenient time or
after the 3rd Year, 2nd Semester final examination for the duration of 04 weeks as
applicable or will be decided by the department. Evaluation report from industry has
to be submitted at the end of the training and to be incorporated in the tabulation
sheet accordingly.

6th Semester Elective-I (One Course):

Course Code

Course Title




1. 0413 CSE-3217 Fault Tolerant System 3.00 - 3.00

0611 E-commerce and Web
2. CSE-3219 3.00 - 3.00
0611 Human Computer
3. CSE-3221 3.00 - 3.00
4. 0613 CSE-3223 Advanced Algorithms 3.00 - 3.00
6th Semester Elective-II (One Course including laboratory):


Course Code

Course Title




1. 0613 CSE-3225 Digital Image Processing 3.00 - 3.00

0613 Digital Image Processing
2. CSE-3226 - 1.50 0.75
3. 0613 CSE-3227 Simulation and Modeling 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Simulation and Modeling
4. CSE-3228 - 1.50 0.75
5. 0613 CSE-3229 VLSI Design 3.00 - 3.00
6. 0613 CSE-3230 VLSI Design Laboratory - 1.50 0.75
0613 Natural Language
7. CSE-3231 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Natural Language
8. CSE-3232 - 1.50 0.75
Processing Laboratory

4th Year 1st Semester

Course Code

Course Title




061 Final Year Design

1. CSE-4000 Project (FYDP)/ - 6.00 3.00
0613 Software Development
2. CSE-4100 - 1.50 0.75 CSE-3200
Project – II*
0612 Digital Signal
3. CSE-4101 3.00 - 3.00
0612 Digital Signal
4. CSE-4102 - 1.50 0.75
Processing Laboratory
0612 Cellular and Wireless
5. CSE-4103 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Data Science and
6. CSE-4105 3.00 - 3.00
7. -- CSE-**** Elective-III 3.00 - 3.00
8. -- CSE-**** Elective-IV 3.00 - 3.00
-- Elective-IV
9. CSE-**** - 1.50 0.75
Total: 15.00 10.50 20.25

***Note: Each student has to complete Final Year Design Project (FYDP)/Thesis
(CSE-4000) in the combined duration of two semester (7th and 8th semester). All
students and concerned supervisors has to follow standard guidelines prepared for
Final Year Design Project (FYDP)/Thesis.

7th Semester Elective-III (One Course):

Course Code

Course Title




0611 Computer and Cyber

1. CSE-4107 3.00 - 3.00
0413 Software Testing and
2. CSE-4109 3.00 - 3.00
Quality Assurance
0611 Parallel and Distributed
3. CSE-4111 3.00 - 3.00
4. 0613 CSE-4113 Bioinformatics 3.00 - 3.00

7th Semester Elective-IV (One Course including laboratory):

Course Code

Course Title




1. 0613 CSE-4115 Machine Learning 3.00 - 3.00

0613 Machine Learning
2. CSE-4116 - 1.50 0.75
0613 Data Mining and Data
3. CSE-4117 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Data Mining and Data
4. CSE-4118 - 1.50 0.75
Ware-housing Laboratory
5. 0613 CSE-4119 Digital System Design 3.00 - 3.00
0613 Digital System Design
6. CSE-4120 - 1.50 0.75

4th Year 2nd Semester


Course Code

Course Title




061 Final Year Design Project

1. CSE-4000 - 6.00 3.00
(FYDP)/ Thesis***
0613 Computer Graphics and
2. CSE-4211 3.00 - 3.00
Multimedia Systems
0613 Computer Graphics and
3. CSE-4212 Multimedia Systems - 1.50 0.75
4. -- CSE-**** Elective -V 3.00 - 3.00

5. -- CSE-**** Elective -VI 3.00 3.00

6. CSE-**** Elective –VI Laboratory - 1.50 0.75

0413 Engineering Management
7. GED-4251 2.00 2.00
and Leadership
Total: 11.00 9.00 15.50

8th Semester Elective-V (One Course):

Course Code

Course Title




1. 0613 CSE-4113 Cloud Computing 3.00 - 3.00

2. 0612 CSE-4215 Green Computing 3.00 - 3.00
3. 0612 CSE-4217 Network Planning 3.00 - 3.00
0611 Blockchain and
4. CSE-4219 Cryptocurrency 3.00 - 3.00

8th Semester Elective-VI (One Course including laboratory):


Course Code

Course Title




1. 0611 CSE-4221 Internet of Things (IoT) 3.00 - 3.00

0611 Internet of Things (IoT)
2. CSE-4222 - 1.50 0.75
0612 Advanced Database
3. CSE-4223 3.00 - 3.00
Management Systems
0612 Advanced Database
4. CSE-4224 Management Systems - 1.50 0.75
5. 0611 CSE-4225 Pattern Recognition 3.00 - 3.00
0611 Pattern Recognition
6. CSE-4226 - 1.50 0.75

Detail outline of undergraduate course offered by the dept. of CSE

1st Year 1st Semester

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-1100
Course Title: Introduction to Computer Credit Hour: 1.50
Systems Laboratory
Introduction to Computer Systems Laboratory course provides an introduction to the layers
of architectures in modern computer systems from hardware device levels upwards. It also
helps students to understand the fundamental terminologies of Computer Science and
Engineering, Hardware and Software.
Course Contents:
Computer Science and Engineering as a Discipline:
Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Theoretical Computer Science, Central
Themes of CSE, Subfields of CSE, Course Map for Four Year Undergrad CSE Degree,
Role of Mathematics in CSE, Role of Electrical Engineering in CSE, Diversified
Applications of CSE: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Digital Image Processing,
Computer Graphics, Computer Security etc.
Types and Generation of Computers, Data Representation, Computer Arithmetic,
Processor, Types of Memory, Peripherals, Interfacing, Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter,
Levels of Programming Language, Data Communication and Computer Network.
Computer Programming, Data Structure & Algorithms, Database System, Types of
Software, Software Licenses, Software Engineering, Familiarization with Various
Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, Android, IOS Etc.), Computer Operations: Text
Processing (MS-WORD, Libre Writer etc.), Spreadsheet (MS-EXCEL, LibreCalc etc.),
Presentation (MS-POWERPOINT, Libre Impress etc.), Browser Software (Chrome,
Firefox etc.)

Reference Book (s):

1. Computer Fundamentals (7th Edition) – Peter Norton, McGraw Hill Education (2017).
2. Introduction to Computers, McGrew Hill Inc- Subramanian
3. The Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide (16th Edition) – Mark Minasi, Sybex (2005).
4. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python (2nd Edition) –Allen B. Downey,
Samurai Media Limited (2016).
5. Core Python Programming (2nd Edition) - Wesley J Chun, Prentice Hall (2006).

BNQF Code: 0533 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: PHY-1101
Course Title: Physics Credit Hour: 3.00
Enable to use the understanding to predict how an object will behave under particular
conditions and to help improving the functionalities of everyday objects.
Course Contents:
Waves & Oscillations: Differential equation of simple harmonic oscillator, total energy and
average energy, Combination of simple harmonic oscillations, spring-mass system, damped
oscillation, forced oscillation, resonance, stationary wave, phase velocity, group velocity,
Wave motion, wave energy.
Optics and Laser: Theories of light: Interference of light, Young’s double slit experiment,
Fresnel’s biprism. Interference in thin films, Newton’s rings, Interferometers, Diffraction of
light: Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffractions, Diffraction by single slit, diffraction by double
slits, diffraction gratings, Resolving power of optical instruments, Polarization of light:
production and analysis of polarized light, polarization by double refraction, Brewster’s law,
Maluslaw, Nicoleprism, optical activity and polarimeter. Laser, spontaneous and stimulated
emission, Helium-Neon laser, laser applications, Fiber optics.
Heat and thermodynamics: Principal of temperature measurements, resistance
thermometer, thermos-electric thermometer, pyrometer. Kinetic theory of gases: Maxwell’s
distribution of molecular speeds, mean free path, equipartition of energy, Brownian motion,
Vander Weal’s equation of state, review of the first law of the thermodynamics and it’s
application, reversible and irreversible process, second law of thermodynamics, Carnot
cycle, efficiency of heat engines, Carnot’s Theorem, entropy and disorder, thermodynamic
functions, Maxwell relations, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Gibbs phase rule, third law of
Structure of Matter: Crystalline and non-crystalline solids, single crystal and polycrystal
solids, unit cell, crystal systems, co-ordinations number, crystal planes and directions,
sodium chloride and CsCl structure, packing factor, Miller indices, relation between inter-
planar spacing and Miller indices, Bragg’s law, methods of determination of inter-planar
spacing from diffraction patterns; Defects in Solids: Point defect, line defects, Bonds in
solids, inter atomic distances, calculation of cohesive and bonding energy; Introduction to
Band Theory: Distinction between metal, semiconductor and insulator
Reference Book (s):
1. Physics for Engineers, Part-1 & Part-2 (4th ed)- Dr. Giasuddin Ahmad, Hafiz Book Centre(2000).
2. Wave sand oscillations (2nded)-Brijlal and Subramannyam, Vikas Publishing House PvtLtd(1994).
3. A Text Book of Optics - Brijlal and N. Subrahmanyam, S. Chand (2006).
4. Fundamental of Optics (3rd ed)-Jenkine and White, McGraw Hill(1957).
5. Fundamentals of Physics (10th ed)-Halliday, Resnick and Walker, Wiley(2013).
6. Physics part-I & II (2nd ed) - Resnick and Halliday, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.(1968).

BNQF Code:0533 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50
Course Code: PHY-1102
Course Title: Physics Laboratory Credit Hour: 0.75
Laboratory works based on PHY 1101
Course Contents:
Determination of the moment of inertia of a fly-wheel about its axis of rotation. Determination
of angle of a prism and hence calculation of refractive index of the material of it.
Determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat, J by Joule’s Calorimeter. Determination
of the spring constant and the effective mass of a loaded spring and hence to calculate the
modulus of rigidity of it. Determination of velocity of sound in air by resonance tube method.
Determination of the wavelength of the monochromatic light by Newton’s ring method.
Determination of the acceleration due to gravity “g” by means of a compound pendulum.
Determination of the specific heat of a solid by the method of mixture. Determination of the
thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee’s method. Determination of the wavelengths
of various spectral lines by a spectrometer using a plane diffraction grating
Reference Book (s):
1. Physics for Engineers, Part-1 & Part-2 (4th ed)- Dr. Giasuddin Ahmad, Hafiz Book Centre(2000).
2. Wave sand oscillations (2nded)-Brijlal and Subramannyam, Vikas Publishing House PvtLtd(1994).
3. A Text Book of Optics - Brijlal and N. Subrahmanyam, S. Chand (2006).
4. Fundamental of Optics (3rd ed)-Jenkine and White, McGraw Hill(1957).
5. Fundamentals of Physics (10th ed)-Halliday, Resnick and Walker, Wiley(2013).
6. Physics part-I & II (2nd ed) - Resnick and Halliday, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.(1968).

BNQF Code:0531 Contact Hours/Week: 2.00

Course Code: CHEM-1101
Course Title: Chemistry Credit Hour: 2.00
Chemistry course provides an introduction to chemistry of various branches with a special
focus on basic and fundamental knowledge of chemistry. Topics include atomic structure,
chemical bonding, electro-chemistry, oxidation-reduction, thermodynamic, thermo
chemistry, solution, modern periodic table and acid-base.
Course Contents:
Atomic structure: Nuclear charge, various atomic models, Spectrum, Quantum number,
Orbit and Orbital, Various principles of electronic configuration.
Chemical bonds: Various types of bonds, VSEPR theory, Lattice and formation energy, Bond
Electrochemistry: Conductors, Degree of ionizations, Faraday’s law, Kohlrausch law,
Transport number.
Oxidation-Reduction: REDOX reaction, Oxidation number and valency, Electromotive force
(EMF), Balancing REDOX reaction.
Chemical Equilibria: Types of chemical equilibrium, Law of mass action, Kp, Kc and Kx, Le-
Chatelier’s principle.
Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry: Thermo dynamical terms, Thermodynamically
processes, First law of Thermodynamics, Enthalpy, Heat capacity, Joule-Thomson effect,
Thermo chemistry, Thermo chemical law.
Acids and Bases: Theories and modern definition of acid and bases, Dissociation constant,
Streanth, pH, Buffer solution.
Modern Periodic Table: Ionization potential, Electron affinity, Electro negativity, Transition
elements, Inert gases, Lanthanides and actinides.
Solutions: Types of solutions, Henry’s law, Nernst distribution law, Raoult’s law, Osmosis
and osmotic pressure.
Liquid state: Vapor pressure, Surface tension and viscosity, Refractive index, Optical
Reference Book(s):
1. Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry- S. Z. Haider
2. Modern Inorganic Chemistry- R. D. Madan
3. Fundamental concepts of Inorganic Chemistry- S. Gilreath:
4. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry- S. Prakash & G. Tuli
5. Essentials of Physical Chemistry- B. S. Bahl and G. D. Tuli
6. Principle of Physical chemistry- M. M. Haque and M. A. Nawab
7. A text book of Physical Chemistry- S Glasstone Essentials of Physical Chemistry- B. S. Bahl and
G. D. Tuli

BNQF Code:0531 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CHEM-1102
Course Title: Chemistry Laboratory Credit Hour: 0.75
The purpose of this course will be to develop practical knowledge on inorganic chemistry
which will be useful in various engineering courses later on.
Course Contents:
Volumetric analysis: Acidimetry-alkalimetry; titrations involving redox reactions,
determination of Cu, Fe and Ca volumetrically.
Reference Book(s):
1. Inorganic Quantitative Analysis- AI Vogel
2. Analytical Chemistry- Verma

BNQF Code:0541 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: MATH-1141
Course Title: Differential Calculus and Integral Credit Hour: 3.00
To get the basic idea of the rate at which one quantity changes relative to another, understand
the concept of the word limit, continuity and differentiability and the relation between the
area and anti-derivatives and ability to calculate an anti-derivative
Course Contents:
Limit, Continuity and Differentiability: Aim and objective of calculus, Function, Domain
and Range, Existence of Limit, Continuous Function and its property, Differentiability
Differentiation: Formula of Differentiation, Derivatives of different kind of functions,
Differentiations of explicit and implicit functions, Successive Differentiation, Leibnitz’s
Theorem and Differentiations using Leibnitz’s Theorem.
Expansion of Function: Mean value theorem, Rolle’s Theorem, Taylor’s Series, Expanding
of a Function using Taylor’s Series.

Maximum and Minimum: Increasing and Decreasing of a Function, Turning Point, Point
of Inflation, Concave Up and Down, Maximum and Minimum of Different kind of Functions.
Partial Differentiations and Geometric Applications of Differentiations: Multivariable
Function, Partial Differentiations of multivariable functions, Tangent and Normal equations
for different kind of function at a point.
Integration: Formula of integration, Integration by methods of substitution, Integration by
parts, Integration of special function, Integration of partial fraction
Definite Integration and Applications of Integration: Properties of definite integration,
Beta and Gamma Function, Successive integration, Evaluate the Arc Length, Surface Area,
Area and Volume.
Reference Book (s):
1. Calculus - Haward Anton (9th ed)- Stephen Davis, Wiley(2012).
2. Differential Calculus- B. C. Das and B.N.Mukherjee
3. Integral Calculus- B. C. Das and B.N.Mukherjee
4. Differential and Integral Calculus (5th ed)-MatinChakraborty, Dhaka Standard Publication(2015).
5. A Text Book on Integral Calculus (4th ed)- Mohammad, Bhattacharjee&Latif, Dhaka(2010).

BNQF Code:0232 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: HUM-1150
Course Title: Communicative English-I Laboratory Credit Hour:1.50
This course has mainly been designed to improve speaking and oral communication skills of
the students. The course includes instructions and experience in speech preparation and
speech delivery within various real life situations, formal and informal. Emphasis will be
given on various speeches, such as informative, persuasive and interactive.
Course Contents:
Speaking: Introduction to Language: Introducing basic skills of language, English for
Science and Technology, Self-introduction and introducing others: How a speaker should
introduce himself to any stranger / unknown person / a crowd, Asking and giving directions,
Discussing everyday routines and habits, Making requests /offers /invitations /excuses
/apologies/complaints, Describing personality, discussing and making plans(for a holiday or
an outing to the cinema), Describing pictures / any incident / event, Practicing storytelling,
Narrating personal experiences/Anecdotes, Telephone conversations (role play in group or
pair), Situational talks / dialogues: Practicing different professional conversation (role play
of doctor-patient conversation, teacher –student conversation);
Listening: Listening and understanding: Listening, note taking and answering questions;
Difference between different accents: British and American accents; Documentaries from
BBC and CNN will be shown and students will try to understand; Listening to short
conversations between two persons/more than two;
Reading: Reading techniques: scanning, skimming, predicting, inference; Reading
Techniques: analysis, summarizing and interpretation of texts; Writing: Introductory
discussion on writing, prewriting, drafting; Topic sentence, paragraph development,
paragraph structure, describing a person/scene/picture, narrating an event Paragraph writing,
Compare-contrast and cause- effect paragraph
Reference Book(s):
1. Jones,L.(1981). Functions of English. (Student’s Book, 2nd Ed.) Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge

University Press.
2. Dixon,R.J.(1987).Complete course in English.(Book4).New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall of India.
(For book presentation)
3. S.M.Amanullah- A Guide to Correct Speech, Albatross Publications
4. R.C. Sharma & Krisna Mohan- Buisness Correspondence and Report Writing, Tata McGraw- Hill
Publication Ltd
5. Materials provided by the instructor.

BNQF Code:0222 Contact Hours/Week: 2.00

Course Code: GED-1151
Course Title: Bangladesh Studies: History and Credit Hour: 2.00
This course has been designed for students’ Knowledge of historical and cultural traits,
Heritage, and Socio-economic condition in Bangladesh. It will focus on the language
and people of Bangladesh, its historical background, emergence of Bangladesh
as a new nation, its social structure, art and literature, religious philosophies,
archaeological evidence of the cultural heritage, geography, politics and the governance.
It will also enhance their understanding of current phenomena in the light of history and
culture which will make them responsible global citizen.
Course Contents:
History: Ancient period and Muslim period of Bengal, British Period, Pakistan period: an
overview (1952-1971), The problem of national integration under Ayub regime, Elite in
crisis during Pakistan rule, nation-building in the new state, The ideals and philosophy of
constitution making of Bangladesh, Study on the coup and assassination of Bangobandhu
Sheikh Mujib, Philosophy and fundamental changes in Zia regime, Constitutional
amendments of Bangladesh, Corruption and good governance in Bangladesh, Issues of
governance of Bangladesh, Bangladesh economy, Ideas on political and ethnic conflict in
Bangladesh, Geographical setting of Bangladesh, environmental challenges of
Bangladesh, Bangladesh foreign policy: realities and challenges, Foreign policy-decision-
making process in Bangladesh, Engineering developments in Bangladesh.
Culture: Anthropological background of the people; major indigenous communities and
their culture; human settlements and archaeological sites; sculpture and iconography; arts
and crafts; transportation systems; indigenous performances; festivals; goddess worship,
folk belief and superstition. Cultural literature of Alaol, Mir Mosharraf Hossain, Kazi
Nazrul Islam, Jasimuddin, Begum Rokeya, Lalon Shah , Rabindranath Tagore, Zainul
Reference Book(s):
1. “Bangladesh in International Politics” - Muhammad Shamsul Huq (1995), The University Press
Limited, Dhaka-1000
2. “Constitution, Constitutional Law and Politics: Bangladesh Perspective”-Md. Abdul Halim, CCB
Foundation, Dhaka-1000
3. “Bangladesh in the Twenty-First Century: Towards an Industrial Society” - A M A Muhith (1999),
The University Press Limited, Dhaka-1000
4. “Bangladesh Foreign Policy: Realities, Priorities and Challenges” – Harunur Rashid (2012, 2nd
Edition), Academic Press and Publishers Library ,Dhaka-1209
5. “The Changing Pattern of Bangladesh Foreign Policy: A Comparative Study of Mujib and Zia
Regimes” – Zaglul Haider (2008), The University Press Limited, Dhaka-1000

6. Bangladesh Studies and Culture- Sumon Das & M.N. Mohabbat, Human Publications
7. History of Emergence of Bangladesh- Muntasir Mamun & Mahbubur Rahman, UGC

BNQF Code:0713 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: EEE-1161
Course Title: Electrical Circuit Analysis Credit Hour: 1.50
The foundational course on electrical circuits is a basis of making freshmen engineering
students well familiarize about the arena of DC and AC circuits. The course is aimed
towards the methods of electric circuit analysis and evaluating their responses which can
be very well achieved by the understanding of circuit laws, techniques and theorems for
both AC and DC excitations. Investigation of first and second order DC circuits is vital in
understanding circuit elements like capacitors and inductors used in daily life. A hands-on
flavour of the poly phase circuits will enhance the practical knowledge, which addresses
the issue of faults and power in the transmission lines. Although the course may seem
somewhat rudimentary in its design, it imprints the groundwork for engineers who may
pursue advanced course on electrical engineering.
Course Contents:
Fundamental electrical concepts and measuring units; Direct current (dc): Current, voltage,
resistance, power and energy; Series/Parallel Circuits; Methods of network analysis and
Network Theorems; Capacitors; Inductors and introduction to magnetic circuits;
Alternating current (ac): Instantaneous current, voltage and power for various
combinations of R, L and C circuits, Effective current and voltage, Average power; Phasor
representation of sinusoidal quantities; Sinusoidal Single-Phase Circuit Analysis;
Introduction to three phase circuits; Power factor and power equation (Δ and Y circuits);
Reference Book (s):
1. Introductory Circuit Analysis (12th ed) - Robert L. Boylestad, Pearson Education India (2013).
2. Alternating Current Circuits (3rd ed) - Russel M Kerchner and George FCorcoran,J. Wiley & Sons
Inc. (1951).
3. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (6th ed) - Charles K Alexander, Mathew N O Sadiku, McGraw-
Hill Education (2016).
4. Introduction to Electric Circuits (6th ed) - Richard C. Dorf, James A. Svoboda, Wiley (2013).

BNQF Code:0713 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: EEE-1162
Course Title: Electrical Circuit Analysis Credit Hour: 0.75
This course of electrical engineering discipline aims to familiarize the students with
implementation of basic electrical circuits in hardware domain. Designed for fresher
students, experiments of this laboratory course will enable them to assemble beginner-
level circuits to experimentally verify some fundamental circuit laws and theorems (KVL,
KCL, Thevenin, Norton). This course also familiarizes the students with hardware
implementation of AC circuits and measurement of ac quantities by oscilloscope. Finally,
this course is targeted to introduce the students with hardware projects that will provide
them with the first hand on experience about application of electrical engineering in real
life and simulation of electrical circuits in a widely used simulation software (Proteus).
Course Contents:
Fundamental electrical concepts and measuring units; Direct current (dc):
Current, voltage, resistance, power and energy; Series/Parallel Circuits; Methods of
network analysis and Network Theorems; Capacitors; Inductors and introduction to
magnetic circuits;
Alternating current (ac): Instantaneous current, voltage and power for various
combinations of R, L and C circuits, Effective current and voltage, Average power; Phasor
representation of sinusoidal quantities; Sinusoidal Single-Phase Circuit Analysis;
Introduction to three phase circuits; Power factor and power equation (Δ and Y circuits);
Reference Book (s):
1. Introductory Circuit Analysis (12th ed) - Robert L. Boylestad, Pearson Education India (2013).
2. Alternating Current Circuits (3rd ed) - Russel M Kerchner and George FCorcoran,J. Wiley & Sons
Inc. (1951).
3. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (6th ed) - Charles K Alexander, Mathew N O Sadiku, McGraw-
Hill Education (2016).
4. Introduction to Electric Circuits (6th ed) - Richard C. Dorf, James A. Svoboda, Wiley (2013).

1st Year 2nd Semester
BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-1211
Course Title: Structured Programming Credit Hour:0.75
To introduce the fundamental principles, mechanism of programming skills and develop
basic programming skills to program design and development.
Course Contents:
Programming concepts: Programming and coding; Program development stages;
Compilers, interpreters and IDE; Syntax and semantics; Flowcharts;
Structured programming language: Data types, Operators, Expressions, Control
Functions and program structure: Function basics, Parameter passing conventions, scope
rules and storage classes; Header files, User defined header files; Preprocessor; Pointer and
it’s uses; Arrays; Multidimensional Arrays; Strings;
User defined data types: Structures, Unions, Enumeration;
Input and Output: Standard input and output, Formatted input and output, Fileaccess;
Variable length argument list; Command line parameters; Error Handling; Exception
Handling; Linking; Library functions; Type casting;
Memory allocation: Static and Dynamic; Recursive Functions;
Introduction to data structure: Stack, Queue; File I/O; Graphics.
Reference Book(s):
1. Teach Yourself C – Herbert Schidlt
2. Programming in Ansi C - E Balagurusamy
3. C: The Complete Reference – Herbert Schildt
4. C Programming Language – Dennis M.Ritche

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-1212
Course Title: Structured Credit Hour:1.50
Programming Laboratory
To introduce the fundamental principles, mechanism of programming skills and develop
basic programming skills to program design and development.
Course Contents:
Basic Knowledge: Mathematical problems using printf, scanf, Operators, If, Else if, Switch;
Programming Concept: Loop, Nested Loop, Function, Recursion
Dynamic Concept: Arrays and Strings, Multidimensional Array and Pointers
User Defined Data Types: Structures, Unions, Enumerations, File I/O, Header files,
Preprocessor. Bitwise Operations & Dynamic memory allocation.
Reference Book(s):
1. Teach Yourself C – Herbert Schidlt
2. Programming in Ansi C - E Balagurusamy
3. C: The Complete Reference – Herbert Schildt
4. C Programming Language – Dennis M. Ritche

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-1213
Course Title: Discrete Mathematics Credit Hour:3.00
The course is designed to develop logical thinking and its application to computer science (to
emphasize the importance of proving statements correctly and de-emphasize the hand-waving
approach towards correctness of an argument). The subject enhances one’s ability to reason
and ability to present a coherent and mathematically accurate argument.
Course Contents:
Mathematical Logic: Propositional calculus and predicate calculus, Mathematical reasoning
and proof techniques
Set Theory: Sets, Relations, Partially ordered sets, Functions
Counting: Permutations, Combinations, Principles of inclusion and exclusion, Pascal’s
triangle, Discrete Probability, Recurrence relations and recursive algorithms, Growth of
functions, pigeonhole Principle and applications, Advance Counting Techniques
Graph: Introduction to graph, graph terminology, representing graph and graph
isomorphism, paths, reachability, connectivity, Euler and Hamilton path, shortest
path problems, Graph coloring, matrix representation of graph
Trees: Introduction of trees, application of trees, tree traversal, labeling trees, spanning trees,
minimal spanning tree.
Algebraic structures: Rings and groups, Monoid Groups, Abelian group,
properties of groups, Permutation Groups, Subgroups, Cyclic Group.
Reference Book(s):
1. Discrete Mathematics & Its Applications- Kenneth H Rosen
2. Discrete Mathematics with Applications -Thomas Koshy
3. Combinatories: Theory and Applications - V. Krishnamurthy, East-West Press.
4. Discrete Mathematics - Seymour Lipschutz, M. Lipson, Tata Mc GrawHill
5. Discrete Matheamatical Structures - Kolman, Busby Ross, Prentice Hall International

BNQF Code:0541 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: MATH-1241
Course Title: Ordinary, Partial Differential Credit Hour:3.00
Equations and Coordinate Geometry
This course aims to make the students knowledgeable about relevant aspects of the
differential equations with special focus on the solutions procedures regarding ordinary &
partial differential equations as well as some problems of engineering interest and familiarize
& understand about coordinate geometry.
Course Contents:
Ordinary Differential Equations:
Introduction to differential equations & their formations, solutions of first order & first
degree ordinary differential equations by various methods, solutions of ordinary differential
equations of first order but not of the first degree, solutions of linear ordinary differential
equations of second & higher orders with constant & variable coefficients, initial & boundary
value problems and applications of ordinary differential equations.
Partial Differential Equations:
Introduction to partial differential equations & their formations, linear and nonlinear partial
differential equations of first order, higher order linear partial differential equations with
constant & variable coefficients, applications of partial differential equations (heat equation,
wave equation, Laplace equation & so on).
Coordinate Geometry:
Introduction to co-ordinate geometry, transformation of co-ordinates, pair of straight lines,
general equation of second degree & their properties and reduction to its standard forms.
Reference Book(s):
1. Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations -Raisinghania.
2. A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry with Vector Analysis - Rahman&Bhattacharjee.
3. Differential Equations with Applications-M. M. K. Chowdhury
4. Differential Equations- S.L. Ross
5. Differential Equations- Frank Ayres
6. Differential Equations-Dr. B.D. Sharma
7. Differential Equations, Jai prakashan-M. L. Khanna
8. Partial Differential Equations, McGraw-Hill- Bernard Epstein
9. The elements of coordinate geometry-S. L. Loney

BNQF Code:0714 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: EEE-1261
Course Title: Electronic Devices and Circuits Credit Hour:3.00
This subject is classified under the applied technology group and is strongly intended to teach
the students the concepts, principles and working of basic electronic components and their
implementations on circuits. It is targeted to provide a basic foundation for technology areas
like electronics devices, communication systems, industrial electronics as well as
instrumentation, control systems and various electronic circuit design.
Course Contents:
Introduction to semiconductors: p type and n type semiconductors, p-n junction diode
characteristics. Diode applications: Half and full wave rectifiers, clipping and clamping
circuits, regulated power supply using Zener diode.
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): Principle of operation, I-V characteristics, transistor
circuit configurations (CE, CB, CC), BJT biasing, load lines, BJTs at low frequencies, hybrid
model- h parameters, simplified hybrid model, small signal analysis of single and multi-stage
amplifiers, frequency response of BJT amplifiers.
Field Effect Transistor (FET): Principle of operation of JFET and MOSFET, depletion and
enhancement type NMOS and PMOS, biasing of FETs, low and high frequency models of
FETs, switching circuits using FETs, introduction to CMOS.
Operational Amplifiers (OP-AMPS): Linear applications of OPAMPs, gain, input and
output impedances; active filters, frequency response and noise.
Introduction to oscillators SCR, TRIAC, DIAC and UJT: Characteristics and
applications, Introduction to IC fabrication processes.
Reference Book(s):
1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory -Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky
2. Electronic Principles – Albert P .Malvino.
3. Micro Electronics Circuits-Adel S. Sedra & Keneth C. Smith-Oxford University Press
4. Operation Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits-Robert F. Coughlin-Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited
BNQF Code:0714 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50
Course Code: EEE-1262
Course Title: Electronic Devices and Credit Hour:0.75
Circuits Laboratory
Electronics Devices and Circuits Laboratory course is designed to familiarize the students
with some basic electronic components and to examine the characteristics and working of
these components in electronic devices and circuits by hand-held experiments and computer
aided simulation tool. After being acquainted with these basic components, students will be
able to apply the achieved knowledge to implement electronic devices to perform different
mathematical operations and to design oscillator circuits for practical purpose.
Course Contents:
Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory based on EEE-1261
Reference Book(s):
1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory -Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky
2. Electronic Principles – Albert P .Malvino.
3. Micro Electronics Circuits-Adel S. Sedra & Keneth C. Smith-Oxford University Press
4. Operation Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits-Robert F. Coughlin-Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited

BNQF Code:0715 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: ME-1270
Course Title: Basic Mechanical Engineering Credit Hour:1.50
and Drawing Laboratory
This course is designed to introduce the students with various fields of Mechanical
Engineering with a special consideration to the fields relevant to the computer science and
engineering discipline. A good number of theory based and lab based sessions are included
to enhance the confidence of the students in this branch of engineering and drawing different
geometric view of landscape and other site details.
Course Contents:
IC Engine, Automobile, Hybrid and Electric Vehicle: Types of IC Engine, Operating
principle, thermodynamic cycle, Valve timing diagram, VVTi, ECM, Sensors used in
modern vehicle, Hybrid Technology, Electric vehicle; Power plant: Types of power plant,
Introduction to Coal based, Gas based and Nuclear power plant, Control system of power
plant, Steam generator, Cooling tower; Heat Transfer and equipment: Modes of heat
transfer, Heat transfer using finned surface, Thermo-electric cooling, Heat pipe, Cooling of
microchip and processor; Pump, Compressor, Valve: Centrifugal pump, Positive
displacement pump, Hydraulic and pneumatic actuator, Control valve (Pressure, flow and
direction control valve); Kinematics of Rigid body: Truss, Frame, Kinematic linkage;
Power transferring devices: Belt- pulley, Various types of gear and gear train, Fluid
Coupling, CVT; Robotics and Control: Introduction to Robotics, Plane, rotational and
spatial motion with applications to manipulators, Geometric configurations, arms and
grippers, Control system of robots
Engineering Drawing & CAD Laboratory Introduction: Lettering, numbering and
heading, Instrument and their use;
Geometric view: Sectional views and isometric views of solid geometrical figure, Plan,
Elevation and Section of one-story building, Detailed drawing of lattice towers, Use of
AutoCAD software
Reference Book(s):
1. Prathomik Engineering Drawing - Hemanta Kumar Bhattacharyya

BNQF Code:0232 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: HUM-1250
Course Title: Communicative English-II Laboratory Credit Hour:1.50
This course has mainly been designed to improve speaking and oral communication skills of
the students. Speaking English cannot be learnt easily unless the students have the
opportunity to immerse themselves in it. The course includes instructions and experience in
speech preparation and speech delivery within various real life situations, formal and
informal. ‘Practice’ is the most important thing to be kept in mind while learning to speak
English. It is not important to speak English like a native English speaker but it is more
important to speak correct English. The best way to speak good English is to keep it simple
and crisp. Emphasis will be given on various speeches, such as informative, persuasive and
interactive. It will help in learning correct pronunciation of most commonly used words.
Since it is interactive, the candidates will be able to improve their communication skills.
Course Contents:
Reading: Reading Comprehension - Practice using different techniques, Academic reading
- comprehension from departmental or subject related passages, Vocabulary for Engineers
(some common Engineering terms for both general and dept specific), reading subject
specific text to develop vocabulary; Writing: Writing semi-formal, Formal/official letters,
Official E-mail, Applying for a job - Writing Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae, Statement
of Purpose (SOP) writing, Proposal Writing: writing steps, principles and techniques,
outlining, revising, editing, proofreading; Report writing, article writing: comparison-
contrast and cause – effect, argumentative and opinion expression, assignment writing;
Analyzing and describing graphs or charts Practicing analytical and argumentative writing;
Speaking: Public Speaking: Basic elements and qualities of a good public speaker, Set
Speech: How to get ready for any speech, Individual / Group presentation: How to be ready
for presentation, prepare script for good speech, preparing PowerPoint slides, etc. Selected
books/Selected stories for presentation;
Listening: Listening to long lecture on some topics, Listening and understanding
speeches/lectures of different accent;
Reference Book(s):
1. Jones,L.(1981). Functions of English. (Student’s Book, 2nd Ed.) Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge
University Press.
2. Dixon,R.J.(1987).Complete course in English.(Book4).New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall of India.
(For book presentation)
3. S.M.Amanullah- A Guide to Correct Speech, Albatross Publications
4. R.C. Sharma &Krisna Mohan- Buisness Correspondence And Report Writing, Tata McGraw- Hill
Publication Ltd
5. Materials provided by the instructor.

BNQF Code:0223, 0521 Contact Hours/Week:
Course Code: GED-1251 3.00
Course Title: Society, Ethics and Credit Hour:3.00
This course provides students with an understanding of the impact of technology on society
and the environment. The course examines ethical issues governing social, technological and
environmental policies, and the impact of their implementation. Students will learn to
analyze, question and resolve ethical dilemmas by developing a personal framework for
ethical and moral decision-making. They will explore your responsibilities in your personal
and professional lives, in the community and in the global environment. Class discussions
will include: privacy versus law enforcement, access to information, freedom of speech
versus control of content, stem cell research and medical advances in the context of culture,
global warming, green energies and sustainable technologies.
Course Contents:
Engineering Ethics and Codes: Introduction to Ethics, Theories of Ethics, Principles of
Engineering Ethics, Employers and employees, inter-professional relationship, Fundamental
Canons, NSPE codes, IEEE codes, ACM codes, Institutionalization of ethical conduct,
Ethical Dilemmas
Technology and Computer Ethics: Computer crime and cyber security, Privacy and
Confidentiality issue in CSE, Legal framework, Copyright laws, ICT Act, Right to
Information, Patents, Ethical challenges for CSE engineers with advancement of modern
technology in society, Case studies related ethical issues in ICT.
Engineering Ethics and Professionalism: Responsible professionals, corporations, The
origin of ethical thought, Ethics and the law, Moral reasoning and codes of ethics, ethical
decision making strategies, codes of ethics and case studies, moral issues and ethical theories.
Social issues on Environmental Protection and Law: Sustainable development goal
(SDGs), Environment and natural resources, Global environmental problems, environmental
ethics, Pollution, Solution and prevention, Environmental policy and protection tools, Waste:
problem and solutions, Urban environment, Industrialization, Climate change, Voluntary
tools in the environmental protection, impact of environmental laws in solving environmental
problems, Environmental legislation and its importance, Environmental ethics and social
responsibility, Importance of sustainability assessment tools and institutions before and after
laws are adopted.

Reference Book(s):
1. Charles B. Fleddermann, “Engineering Ethics”, Fourth Edition, 2012.
2. Mike W. Martin, Roland Schinzinger, “Introduction to Engineering Ethics”, Second Edition, 2010
3. Introduction to Engineering Ethics (3rd Edition) - Schinzinger and Martin; McGraw Hill.
4. Environmental Engineering: Principles and Practice - Wiley

2nd Year 1st Semester
BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-2101
Course Title: Data Structures and Algorithms-I Credit Hour:3.00
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of Data Structures, developing
Programming Skills for Advanced Data Structures such as Stack, Queue, Trees, Hash Tables,
and Priority Queues etc. Demonstrate programming problems and improve the knowledge of
Course Contents:
Introduction: Internal data representation; Abstract data types; Introduction to algorithms.
Asymptotic analysis: Growth of functions, O, Ω and Θ notations; Correctness proof and
techniques for analysis of algorithms; Master Theorem.
Elementary data structures: Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and tree traversals,
graphs and graph representations, heaps, binary search trees.
Graph Traversals: DFS, BFS, Applications of DFS and BFS.
Sorting: Heapsort, merge sort, quicksort; Data structures for
set operations.
Methods for the design of efficient algorithms: Divide and conquer, greedy methods,
dynamic programming.
Reference Book(s):
1. Classic Data Structures 2nd Ed – Debasis Samanta
2. Data Structures using C 2nd Ed – Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein
3. Data Structures (Schaum's Outline Series), Tata McGraw-Hill- Seymour Lipshultz

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-2102
Course Title: Data Structures and Credit Hour:1.50
Algorithms-I Laboratory
This course will practically implement the basic algorithms, such as sorting, finding shortest
paths as well as to analyze the runtime and memory use. Apply the different types of
algorithms such as divide and conquer, Dynamic programming etc.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Internal data representation; Abstract data types; Introduction to algorithms.
Asymptotic analysis: Growth of functions, O, Ω and Θ notations; Correctness proof and
techniques for analysis of algorithms; Master Theorem. Elementary data structures:
Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and tree traversals, graphs and graph
representations, heaps, binary search trees. Graph Traversals: DFS, BFS, Applications of
DFS and BFS. Sorting: heapsort, merge sort, quicksort; Data structures for set operations.
Methods for the design of efficient algorithms: Divide and conquer, greedy methods,
dynamic programming.
Reference Book(s):
1. Classic Data Structures 2nd Ed – Debasis Samanta
2. Data Structures using C 2nd Ed – Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein
3. Data Structures (Schaum's Outline Series), Tata McGraw-Hill- Seymour Lipshultz
BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-2103
Course Title: Object Oriented Programming Credit Hour:3.00
This course is to provide students with an overview of the concepts and fundamentals of
Object Oriented Programming. Object oriented programming is a programming paradigm
that relies on the concept of objects, encapsulated data structures that have properties and
functions and which interact with other objects.
Course Contents:
OOP Introduction: Philosophy of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Advantages of
OOP over structured programming; Features: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism
Introduction to class and objects : classes and objects, access specifiers, static and non-
static members
Constructors and Destructors: Constructors, Destructors, Copy Constructors
Pointers of objects: Array of objects, object pointers, and object references, Type
Functions: Member Functions, In-line functions, friend functions, static functions
Inheritance: single and multiple inheritances
Polymorphism: overloading, abstract classes, virtual functions and overriding
Error Handling: Exception Handling; Object Oriented I/O: Object Oriented I/O
Templates: Template functions and classes
C++DATAFILE: C++ file stream classes, Input and output file, Mode of files, File pointer,
Random file accessing
Threads: Multi-threaded Programming, Abstract Data Types
Reference Book(s):
1. C++: The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt
2. Object Oriented Programming with C++ - Balaguruswamy, McGraw Hill Publications.
3. Object-Oriented Programming in C++ - Robert Lafore, SAMS Publications

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-2104
Course Title: Object Oriented Programming Credit Hour:1.50
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that includes or relies on the
concept of objects, encapsulated data structures that have properties and functions and which
interact with other objects.
Course Contents:
Introduction to OOP: Advantages of OOP over structured programming
Introduction to classes and objects: Encapsulation, classes and objects, access specifiers,
static and non-static members
Constructors and Destructor: Constructors, Destructors and Copy Constructors
Array of objects: Array of objects, object pointers, and object references
Function: Member Functions, In-line functions, friend functions, static functions
Inheritance: single and multiple inheritance
Polymorphism: overloading, abstract classes, virtual functions and overriding
Exception Handling: Exception Handling; OOP I/O: Object Oriented I/O
Templates: Template functions and classes, Overview of Standard Template Library
(Vectors & Iterators);
C++DATAFILE: C++ file stream classes, Input and output file, Mode of files, File pointer,
Random file accessing
Thread: Multi-threaded Programming, Abstract Data Types.
Reference Book(s):
1. Teach Yourself C++ by HerbertSchildt
2. Object Oriented Programming with C++ by E Balagurusamy
3. Complete Reference C++ by Herbert Schildt
4. Programming with C++ by Schaums Outline Series

NQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-2105
Course Title: Database Systems Credit Hour:3.00
This course is designed to introduce the basic concepts of database, learn the foundations of
database systems, focusing on basics such as the relational algebra and data model, schema
normalization, query optimization, and database designing.
Course Contents:
Concepts of Database Systems: Files and Databases, Database Management Systems;
Transaction management, Structure of a DBMS, Applications.
Entity-Relationship Concepts: Entity types, Entity set, Attribute and key, Relationships,
Relation types, Entity relationship, ER modeling, ER diagrams, Database design using ER
diagrams, Enhanced Entity- Relationship (EER) model.
Normalization: Normal forms, Normalized Relations and Database performance; De-
Relational Model: Structure of relational databases, Relational algebra, Relational algebra
operations, Modification of the database, Introduction to views, Pitfalls in relational database
SQL: Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Basics of SQL, Query
designing in SQL using aggregate functions and nested queries, Embedded SQL, Triggers,
Procedures; Indexes; Declarative Constrains and Database Triggers.
Concurrency Control: Lock based protocols, Timestamp based protocols, Validation based
protocols, Deadlock.
Recovery System: Failure classification, Storage structure, Recovery and atomicity, Log-
based recovery, Recovery with concurrent transactions, Advanced recovery techniques,
RAID model.
Advanced Database Management Systems: No SQL Systems, distributed systems, object-
oriented System, Temporal, Database Security, Data Warehousing and Data Mining,
Database Administration and Tuning.
Reference Book(s):
1. Database System Concept, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S.Sudarshan, Fourth Edition
2. Files and Databases- An Introduction, Peter D. Smith and G.M. Barnes, Addison- Wesley
3. Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Third edition

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-2106
Course Title: Database Systems Credit Hour:1.50
This course is designed to introduce the basic concepts of database, learn the foundations of
database systems, focusing on basics such as the relational algebra and data model, schema
normalization, query optimization, and database designing.
Course Contents:
Introduction to SQL: Overview of the SQL query, Language, SQL data definition, Basic
structure of SQL, Queries, Null values, Aggregate functions, Modification of the database.
Intermediate SQL: Join expressions, Views, Transactions, Integrity constraints, SQL data
types and schemas.
Advanced SQL: Accessing SQL from a programming language, Functions and procedures,
Triggers, Recursive Queries, Advanced aggregation features.
Reference Book(s):
1. Database System Concept, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Fourth Edition
2. Files and Databases- An Introduction, Peter D. Smith and G.M. Barnes, Addison- Wesley
3. Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke,Third edition

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-2107
Course Title: Digital Logic Design Credit Hour:3.00
This course is designed to learn about different logic gates, to design and analysis of digital
circuits, gather knowledge about different types of computer chips and learn to represent
signals and sequences of a digital circuit through numbers.
Course Contents:
Fundamental of Digital Logic System: Number Systems and their conversion, weighted
and non-weighted codes, Error detection code, Binary addition and subtraction, 2’s
complement method.
Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra: Logic Gates, Boolean algebra, Truth Tables and K-
Maps, Karnaugh map logic simplification tool, Combinational circuits analysis and design
Integrated Circuit Logic Families: Diode Logic Gates, Transistor Gates, MOS Gates, Logic
Families: TTL and CMOS Logic with Operation Details.
Sequential Circuit Concept: Introduction to Flip-Flops i.e. J-K F/F, Introduction to Latches,
design procedures, introduction to develop state diagram and state table,
Structured Sequential Circuits: Registers, shift Registers, parallel Loading of Registers,
Counters: Synchronous, asynchronous, MOD counter, Up Counter, Down Counter.
Programmable logic design: Programmable Logic Devices, Programmable Read Only
memory (PROM), Programmable logic Array (PLA), Programmable Array Logic (PAL).
Reference Book(s):
1. Digital Logic and Computer Design (4th ed) - M. Morris Manno(2007)
2. Digital Systems: Principles and Applications, Prentice Hall-Ronald J. Tocci
3. Digital Computer Electronics (3th ed) - Albert P. Malvino, Jerald A Brown(2001)
BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-2108
Course Title: Digital Logic Design Credit Hour:1.50
This course aims to provide students with knowledge of problem solving with digital logic
circuits & systems. It exploits areas like Boolean algebra, combinational circuits, sequential
circuits and memory elements. The students are taught about the number system, logic gates
as well as digital IC technology. The basic building blocks of combinational and sequential
circuits are introduced to enable students to develop circuit solutions to problems and to
understand the design and operation of hardware models of digital systems.
Course Contents:
Fundamentals of Digital Logic System, Logic Gates and Boolean algebra, Minimization
Technique, Switching Devices, Switching Characteristics of Diodes, Characteristics of
Transistor, Integrated Circuit Logic Families, DTL, TTL, Adder and Subtractor, Flip-Flops
(FF) and Related Devices, Counter.
Reference Book(s):
1. Digital Logic and Computer Design (4th ed) - M. Morris Manno(2007)
2. Digital Systems: Principles and Applications, Prentice Hall-Ronald J. Tocci
3. Digital Computer Electronics (3th ed) - Albert P. Malvino, Jerald A Brown(2001)

BNQF Code:0541 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: MATH-2141
Course Title: Vector Analysis, Matrices and Credit Hour:3.00
Laplace Transform
In this course, students will learn at the basic properties of vectors and scalars, gradient,
divergence and curl, line integration, surface integration, volume integration. Matrices as
objects rather than just as a tool for solving systems of linear equations. Fourier series is used
to represent any function in terms of a periodic function that is in terms of sines and cosines
Course Contents:
Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors, equality of vectors, addition and subtraction of vectors,
multiplication of vectors by scalars, linear dependence and independence of vectors, scalar
and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical interpretation, and triple products,
vector differentiation, gradient, divergence and curl, vector integration, definition of line,
surface and volume integrals, Green's theorem, divergence theorem of Gauss's, Stoke's
theorem and their applications.
Matrices: Definition of matrices, algebra of matrices, inverse of matrix, rank and elementary
transformations of matrices, solution of system of linear equations, eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its application.
Laplace Transformation: Definition, Laplace transformations of some elementary
functions, sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transformation, some important
properties of Laplace transformations, Laplace transformations of derivatives, the unit step
function, periodic functions, some special theorems on Laplace transformations, partial
fraction, inverse Laplace transformations & their properties and applications of Laplace
transformations to solve boundary value problems.
Reference Book(s):
1. Vector Analysis - Seymour Lipschutz, Dennis Spellman and Murray R. Spiegel, Schaum’soutlines
2. Vector Analysis - M. D.Raisinghania
3. Elementary Linear algebra - Wiely, Howard Anton and Chris Rorres
Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Matrices, McGraw-Hill-Frank Ayres, Jr
4. Matrices- M.L.Khanna
5. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Laplace Transforms - Murray R. Spiegel (1965)
6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (10th ed) – ErwinKreyszig

2nd Year 2nd Semester

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-2211
Course Title: Data Structure and Credit Hour: 3.00
The course is designed to focus on basic and essential topics in data structures and algorithms.
The course is designed to focus on basic and essential topics in data structures and algorithms.
This course aims to give a solid foundation in the design and analysis of the major classes of
algorithms. Students will be able to create their own versions of a specific computational task
and compare their performance at the end of the course.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms: Introduction, Different data structures,
Advantages of using applications. Overview of data structures and algorithms: Necessity of
Analysis of an Algorithm
Complexity Analysis and Methods of Complexity Analysis: Run Time, Asymptotic
Notation (Big-O, Big-Ɵ, Big-Ω), complexity from Recurrence Relation, Substitution method,
Iteration Method
Algorithms: BFS,DFS ,Greedy Algorithm Properties, Fractional Knapsack Problem
Minimum Spanning Tree: Kruskal and Prims Algorithm
Single Source Shortest Path: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Proof of correctness, Lower Bound
Theory, Bin Packing Algorithm, Topological Sort
Backtracking: 8 queen problem
Dynamic Programming: Dynamic Algorithm Properties, 0-1 Knapsack, Single Source
Shortest Path: Bellman-Ford Algorithm
All pair of shortest path: Floyd Warshall Algorithm
Bitmasking with DP: Traveling Salesperson Problem
Linear Time Sorting: Radix Sort, Bucket Sort, Proof of Correctness of Sorting algorithms,
Lower bound on sorting
Advanced Data Structure: AVL trees, Red Black trees, Splay trees, Fibonacci heaps,
Branch and Bounds: LC Branch and Bound, FIFO Branch and Bound
P and NP Problems: Introduction to Optimization and Decision Problems, Tractable and
Intractable Problems, Deterministic and Nondeterministic Algorithms, P and NP Set of
problems, NP-hardness and NP completeness, Proof of NP-completeness for algorithms
Flow Networks: Maximum Flow, Minimum Cut problem, Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
Reference Book(s):
1. Data Structures – Edward Martin Reingold; Wilfred J. Hansen(2011)
2. Data structures and algorithm (1st ed) – John E. Hopcroft; Jeffrey D .Ullman(1983)
3. Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (4th ed) - Michael T. Goodrich; Roberto Tamassia (2005)
4. Introduction to Algorithms (3rd ed) - T. H. Cormen; C. E. Leiserson; R. L. Rivest; C. Stein, MIT
5. Algorithm Design (1st ed) - J. Kleinberg; E. Tardos(2005)
6. Algorithm Design and Applications (1st ed) - Michael T. Goodrich; Roberto Tamassia, Wiley(2014)

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-2212
Course Title: Data Structure and Credit Hour: 1.50
Algorithms-II Laboratory
The Data Structure and Algorithm-II course is designed to provide hands on implementation
of commonly used data structures and algorithms. The lab begins with the implementation of
some commonly used data structures and then covers the implementation of some important
algorithms with required modifications and optimizations.
Course Contents:
Linear Time Sorting: Radix Sort, Bucket Sort, Proof of Correctness of Sorting algorithms
Basic Concept of STL: Vector, Set, Map, Pair, Priority Queue
Algorithms: Greedy Algorithm Properties, BFS, DFS, Fractional Knapsack Problem,
Minimum Spanning Tree: Kruskal and Prims Algorithm, Single Source Shortest Path:
Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Proof of correctness, Topological Sort, Backtracking: 8 Queen
Dynamic Programming: Dynamic Algorithm Properties, 0-1 Knapsack, Single Source
Shortest Path: Bellman-Ford Algorithm, All pair of shortest path: Floyd Warshall
Algorithm, Flow Algorithm: Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
Reference Book(s):
1. Introduction to Algorithms (3rd ed) – Thomas H. Cormen; Charles E. Leiserson; Ronald L. Rivest;
Clifford Stein (2017 )

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week:3.00

Course Code: CSE-2213
Course Title: Data Communication Credit Hour: 3.00
Data Communication course provides the knowledge of data transmission concepts,
fundamentals of data and signals, Layered design of LAN, MAN and WAN, basics of
transmission medium, transmission error detection and correction etc.
Course Contents:
Basic concepts: Concepts and Terminology, Data representation, Data flow, Networks and
network models, Protocol and standards, OSI reference model, TCP/IP protocol suite.
Data and signals: Analog and Digital data, Time and frequency domain concepts;
Transmission impairment; Noisy and Noiseless channel.
Digital Transmission: Digital-to-Digital conversion: Line coding, block coding, scrambling;
Analog-to Digital conversion: Pulse code modulation, Delta modulation, Transmission
modes: Parallel and serial transmission.
Analog Transmission: Digital-to-Analog conversion: ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM. Analog-to-
Analog conversion: Amplitude modulation, Frequency modulation, Phase modulation
Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing: Frequency-division multiplexing; Wavelength-
division multiplexing; Time-division multiplexing, spread spectrum; Frequency hopping and
Direct sequence spread spectrum. Line coding scheme; Pulse code modulation; Delta
Modulation; Amplitude shift keying; Frequency shift keying; Phase shift keying; Amplitude,
Frequency and Phase modulation
Transmission Medium and Switching Techniques: Guided Media: Twisted-Pair Cable,
Coaxial Cable, Optical-Fiber Cable; Unguided Media: Radio wave, Microwave Infrared;
Switching: Circuit-switching, Packet Switching and Message Switching
Error Detection and Correction: Data word, Codeword, Redundancy, Forward Error
Detection, Retransmission, Parity Checker, Single Bit Error, Burst Errors, Block Coding,
Cyclic Codes, Checksum, Forward Error Correction
Data Link Control and Media Access Control (MAC): Data Link Control: Data link
layered protocol, HDLC and Point-to-Point Protocol; Multiple Access Techniques: Random
Access (ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA), Controlled Access (Reservation,
Polling, Token Passing) Channelization (FDMA, TDMA, SDMA, OFDMA, CDMA)
Reference Book(s):
1. Data Communication and Networking(4th ed) - Behrouz A Forouzan(2017)
2. Data and Computer Communication - William Stallings
3. Data Communication & Networks – R LBrewster
4. Introduction to Telecommunication: Voice, Data and the Internet (1st Edition) – Marion Cole;
Prentice Hall (2010)
5. Modern Digital and Analog Communication System (4th Edition) – B P Lathi; Oxford (2011

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week:1.50

Course Code: CSE-2214
Course Title: Data Communication Credit Hour: 0.75
The objective of this course is to cover the principles of analog and digital communication
systems involving different modulation and coding schemes. This course will enable students
to understand how these systems work and have an ability to apply knowledge to real-world
Course Contents:
Introduction to MATLAB / Delta Modulation, AM/FM / AM Modulator & Demodulator,
Digital to digital Conversion; Line Coding/ DSB-SC and SSB Demodulators, FM Modulator
and Demodulator, ASK/PSK/FSK, CDMA, Checksum.
Reference Book(s):
1. Data Communication and Networking (4th ed) - Behrouz A Forouzan(2017)
2. Data and Computer Communication - William Stallings
3. Data Communication & Networks – R LBrewster
4. Introduction to Telecommunication: Voice, Data and the Internet (1st Edition) – Marion Cole;
Prentice Hall (2010)
5. Modern Digital and Analog Communication System (4th Edition) – B P Lathi; Oxford (2011

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-2215
Course Title: Computer Organization and Credit Hour:3.00
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of computers, their design and how they
work. It encompasses the definition of the machine’s instruction set architecture, its use in
creating a program, and its implementation in hardware. The course addresses the bridge
between gate logic and executable software, and includes programming both in assembly
language (representing software) and HDL (representing hardware).
Course Contents:
Fundamentals of Computer Design: Introduction to Von Neumann Organization, RISC
and CISC Machines, Computer Design, Processor Design, HDL for Simple CPU
Implementation, Information representation, Measuring performance, Instructions and Data
Access Methods, Operations and Operands of Computer Hardware, Representing
Instruction, Addressing Styles; Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Operations, Floating Point
Processor design: Data Paths-single Cycle and Multi Cycle Implementations, Arithmetic
and Logic Unit (ALU) and Register Set Design, CPU Instruction Set Design, Addressing
Modes, Assembly Language and Assembler Design, Stack Implementation for Supporting
Function Calling with Parameters, Interrupts, Exceptions, Operating System Calls and I/O
Operations, Bus Architecture, Turbo Boost Technology
Memory organization: Cache Memory: Computer Memory System Overview, Cache
Memory Principles, Elements of Cache Design, Pentium 4 Cache Organization, ARM Cache
Internal Memory: Memory organization, ARM Cache Organization, cache, Error Correction,
virtual memory, channels; Concepts of DMA and Interrupts, Advanced DRAM
External Memory: Magnetic Disk, RAID, Solid State Drives, Optical Memory, Magnetic
Tape, Input/ Output: External Devices, I/O Modules, Programmed I/O, Interrupt Driven I/O,
Direct Memory Access, I/O Channels and Processors, Thunderbolt and Infini Band
Multiprocessors: Types of Multiprocessors, Performance, Single Bus Multiprocessors,
Multiprocessors Connected by Network, Clusters.
Pipelining and Parallel Processing: Pipelining, Pipeline Hazards, Branch Prediction,
Speculative Execution, Instruction Level Parallelism, Superscalar Processor, Parallel
Processing, Threading.
Parallel Organization: Multiple Processor Organizations, Symmetric Multiprocessors,
Cache Coherence and the MESI Protocol, Multithreading and Chip Multiprocessors, Non-
uniform Memory Access, Vector Computation
Reference Book(s):
1. Computer Organization and Architecture - William Stalling
2. Computer Organization and Design - David APatterson
3. Structured Computer Organization - Andrew S.Tanenbaum
4. Computer Architecture and Organization, McGraw-Hill- John P. Hayes
5. Computer Organization, McGraw-Hill- Carl Hamacher, ZvonkoVranesic and Safwat Zaky

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 2.00
Course Code: CSE-2216
Course Title: Java Programming Credit Hour:1.00
The Java Programming Laboratory course is designed to provide a comprehensive
knowledge about Objects, Class, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation to do
programming in an effective manner and solve practical life problems by building real-
time projects.
Course Contents:
Object-Oriented Programming (JAVA): Basic concepts on Java, basic operation,
command line, objects and classes in Java, class inheritance, encapsulation,
polymorphism, exception handling, abstract classes, interfaces, Java Array, String, JAVA
I/O (serialization) and stream, Generic Class and methods, Collection Frameworks,
Concurrency, Swing components and swing Layouts.
Reference Book(s):
1. Java, The Complete Reference (9th ed) - Herbert Schildt

BNQF Code:0713 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: EEE-2261
Course Title: Electrical Drives and Credit Hour:3.00
This course is designed to familiarize students with electrical energy conversion devices such
as generator, motor, transformer and deliver fundamental knowledge on electrical
measurement and instrumentation system. The course is designed with the basic contents of
electrical machines construction, operating principles, characteristics and applications.
Students will also be able to learn different electrical measurement and instrumentation
techniques, data conditioning and telemetry devices working principles for engineering
Course Contents:
Introduction: Three phase circuits, alternators and transformers, principles & operation of
DC Machines, synchronous, induction, universal and stepper motors, thyristor and
microprocessor-based speed control of motors;
Instrumentation amplifiers: Differential, logarithmic, and chopper amplifiers, frequency
and voltage measurements using digital techniques, recorders and display devices, spectrum
analyzers and logic analyzers, data acquisition and interfacing to microprocessor-based
Transducers: Terminology, types of transducers, principles and applications of photovoltaic,
piezoelectric, thermoelectric, variable resistance and opto-electronics transducers. Noise
reduction in instrumentation;
Reference Book(s):
1. A Text Book of Electrical technology - B.LTheraja
2. Electrical Machinery and Transformers - Irving L.Kossow
3. A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation - A.K.Sawhney
4. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements - David A. Bel
5. Electrical Machines-Nagrath and Kothari, McGrawHill
BNQF Code:0713 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50
Course Code: EEE-2262
Course Title: Electrical Drives and Credit Hour:0.75
Instrumentation Laboratory
This course is designed to help the students to explore various DC and AC machines and put
theory in practice. Our mission is to expose students to the constructions of electrical
machines and analyse their performance. This course is targeted to verify the properties of
generator, motor etc. and relate them with their theoretical knowledge. Our aim is to give the
students the basic idea of how these machines fit in large context. This course is also designed
to give the students the basic idea of electronic instrumentation system.
Course Contents:
Electrical Drives and Instrumentation Laboratory based on EEE-2262
Reference Book(s):
1. A Text Book of Electrical technology - B.LTheraja
2. Electrical Machinery and Transformers - Irving L.Kossow
3. A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation - A.K.Sawhney
4. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements - David A.Bel
5. Electrical Machines-Nagrath and Kothari, McGrawHill
6. Alternating Current Machines-A.F.Puchstein and T.C. Lioyd-John willey and SonsInc.

BNQF Code:0541 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: MATH-2241
Course Title: Complex Variable and Fourier Credit Hour: 3.00
This course goals to create the students knowledgeable about relevant aspects of the complex
variable with special focus on the Fourier techniques & solutions procedures regarding these
as well as some problems of engineering interest and understand their uses in concurrent
Course Contents:
Complex Variables:
Complex number system, complex functions, limits & continuity of complex variables and
related theorems, complex differentiation & the Cauchy-Riemann equations, analytic &
harmonic functions, singularities, line integral of complex functions, Cauchy's integral
theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, Liouville’s theorem, Taylor's theorem and Laurent's
theorem, residues and Cauchy's residue theorem, contour integration and conformal
Fourier Analysis: Real and complex form of Fourier series, Fourier integral, Fourier
transforms, inverse Fourier transforms and their uses in solving boundary value problems.
Reference Book(s):
1. Complex variable (2nd ed) – Schaum’s Out-line Series by Spiegel(2009)
2. Complex Analysis – Prof. Haridashalder& Dr. Md. AmirulIslam
3. Complex Variables and Applications-James Ward Brown and Ruel V. Churchill

BNQF Code:0411,0412,0413 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: GED-2251
Course Title: Project Management and Credit Hour:3.00
Project Management and Finance course has been designed to understand the overlapping
connection between engineering and management with financial matters through the study
of Smart Technologies, Project Management and financial matters in an organization which
will equip with the skills to understand the application of computing technology in real-
world situations
Course Contents:
Engineering Management: Principles of management; Introduction to Project
Management: Project Integration Management, Project Scope Management, Project Time
Management, Project Cost Management, Project Quality Management, Project Human
Resource Management, Project Risk Management; MIS: Introduction, Decision Support
Systems, MIS in decision making, Concept of Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship;
Cost Management: elements of cost of products, allocation of overhead costs, marginal
costing, standard costing, cost planning and control, budget and budgetary control;
Development and planning process: annual development plan, National budget;
Accounting in Action: Meaning & Definition Of Accounting, Users And Uses Of
Accounting, Why Ethics Is A Fundamental Accounting Concept, Accounting Standards And
The Measurement Principles- Monetary Unit Assumption And The Economic Entity
Assumption, Accounting Equation, The Effects Of Business Transactions On The
Accounting Equation, The Five Financial Statements And How They Are Prepared, Ethics
In Accounting, Engineering Accounting; Financial management: objectives, strategy,
financing, performance analysis of the enterprise, investment appraisal, criteria of
investment; Marketing Management: Concepts, strategy, sales promotion, patent laws;
Technology Management: Management of innovation and changes, technology life cycle,
Case studies;
Reference Book(s):
1. Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme Paperback – Illustrated, 4 February
2014 by Robert K. Wysocki (Author)
2. The Art of Project Management Paperback – Import, 6 May 2005 by Scott Berkun (Author)
3. Project Management Absolute Beginner's Guide Paperback – Illustrated, 6 February 2017
by Greg Horine (Author)

3rd Year 1st Semester

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-3101
Course Title: Software Engineering and Credit Hour: 3.00
Information System Design
Understand fundamental concepts of information system and Analyze the user requirements,
and designing different kind of system and architectural models for building software
systems and testing mechanisms for assuring software quality including the dependability
and availability.
Course Contents:
Concepts of software engineering: Software engineering paradigms: Different phases of
Design concepts and principles: Architectural design, user interface design, object oriented
software development and design, iterative development and the unified process, sequential
waterfall life cycles.
UML diagrams: Interaction and Collaboration Diagram for designing Software, class
diagram. Structured and non-Structured programming.
Data- directed design techniques: Modular design; Design of automatic, redundant and
defensive program; COCOMO model; Tree model; PNR curve; Statistical model.
Software testing: White box and black box testing, basis path testing, testing for specialized
Software testing strategies: Unit testing, integration testing, validation testing, system
testing; Art of debugging; Zips Concepts of software reliability and availability; Software
repair, downtime, error and faults, specification and correction; New error generation
hypothesis; Estimating number of bugs in a computer program; Reliability. Models;
Availability models; Quality assurance; Quality measures; Different cost estimation models
and their comparisons; Software maintenance; Maintenance-cost models: Growth dynamic
models; Documentation; Software project organization; Management and communication
Information Management: Different types of information; Qualities of information;
Analysis of Information requirements for modern organizations; Role, tasks and attributes of
a Systems Analyst; Sources of information; Information gathering techniques; Editing;
Handling of missing information; Requirement’s specifications; Steps of systems analysis.
Concepts of feasibility analysis: Analysis of technical facilities; Cost-benefit analysis;
Design of an information system; Design Patterns; Hardware and software analysis.
Introduction to IT project management: Estimation of confidence level: Simplex method
for minimization of project time; project team organization, IT Adoption and Diffusion
Ethics and privacy: Control and security
Reference Book(s):
1. Software Engineering BY Ian Sommerville
2. Software Engineering- a practitioner’s Approach BY Roger S.Pressman
3. Software Engineering: Principles and Practice BY Hans vanVliet
4. System Analysis and Design (2nd Edition) - Elias M. Awad; Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd. (2010)
5. System Analysis and Design (2nd Edition) - Raja Raman; Prentice Hall (2004)
6. System Analysis and Design Methods (7th Edition) - Jeffery L. Whitten; McGraw Hill (2007)
7. System Analysis and Design (9th Edition) – Kende l& Kendel; Pearson (2013)

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 2.00

Course Code: CSE-3102
Course Title: Software Engineering and Credit Hour: 1.00
Information System Design Laboratory
Understand and apply software development process. Analyse the user requirements and
design the system models.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Analysis оf Information requirements for modern organizations; Information
gathering techniques; Editing; Handling of missing information; Requirement’s
specifications; Steps of systems analysis.
Concepts of feasibility analysis: Analysis of technical facilities; Cost-benefit analysis;
Design of an information system; Design Patterns; Hardware and software analysis.
Introduction to IT project management: Estimation of confidence level: Simplex method
for minimization of project time; project team organization, IT Adoption and Diffusion
Ethics and privacy: Control and security.
Reference Book(s):
1. Software Engineering BY Ian Sommerville
2. Software Engineering- a practitioner’s Approach BY Roger S.Pressman
3. Software Engineering: Principles and Practice BY Hans vanVliet
4. System Analysis and Design (2nd Edition) - Elias M. Awad; Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd. (2010)
5. System Analysis and Design (2nd Edition) - Raja Raman; Prentice Hall (2004)
6. System Analysis and Design Methods (7th Edition) - Jeffery L. Whitten; McGraw Hill (2007)
7. System Analysis and Design (9th Edition) – Kende l& Kendel; Pearson (2013)

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-3103
Course Title: Computer Network Credit Hour: 3.00
Computer Networks course provides an introduction to computer networks, with a special
focus on the Internet architecture and protocols. Topics include layered network
architectures, addressing, naming, forwarding, routing, communication reliability, the client-
server model, web and email protocols. Besides the theoretical foundations of real Internet
Course Contents:
Fundamentals & Link Layer:
Building a network – Requirements - Layering and protocols - Internet Architecture –
Network software – Performance; Link layer Services - Framing - Error Detection - Flow
Media Access & Internetworking:
Media access control - Ethernet (802.3) - Wireless LANs – 802.11 – Bluetooth - Switching
and bridging – Basic Internetworking (IP, CIDR, ARP, DHCP, ICMP)
Routing (RIP, OSPF, metrics) – Switch basics – Global Internet (Areas, BGP, IPv6),
Multicast – addresses – multicast routing (DVMRP, PIM).
Transport Layer:
Overview of Transport layer - UDP - Reliable byte stream (TCP) - Connection management
- Flow control - Retransmission – TCP Congestion control - Congestion avoidance (DEC bit,
RED) – QoS – Application requirements.
Application Layer:
Traditional applications -Electronic Mail (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, MIME) – HTTP – Web
Services – DNS – SNMP.
Reference Book(s):
1. Computer Networks - Andrew S.Tanenbaum
2. Computer Networks: Protocols, Standards, and Interfaces - Uyless Black
3. Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, Architecture - D. E.Comer
4. Complete Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet – James F. Kurose, Keith
5. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, McGraw Hill, 4th Edition.

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-3104
Course Title: Computer Network Laboratory Credit Hour: 1.50
This course is designed to impart knowledge about detailed knowledge of Computer
Networks, various protocols used in Communication, Managing and configuring Cisco
Switches and Routers, and various WAN technologies.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Computer Network, Network Hardware’s and Software’s, Network Cabling,
Understanding use of IP Addressing, Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM), Practicing
LAN topologies, Basic Configuration of Cisco Packet Tracer, Network Interface Connection/
Router & Switch Configuration, Basic Network Configuration using RIP, EIGRP,
BGP,OSPF protocols. Configure Domain Name System (DNS), Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP), World Wide Web (WWW), Simple Mail Transfer Protocols
(SMTP), File Transfer Protocols (FTP), Physical, Access Control List (ACL), VLAN, Inter
VLAN, VTP and Introduction to NS2. Socket Programming and network system
administration commands.
Reference Book(s):
1. Computer Networks - Andrew S.Tanenbaum
2. Computer Networks: Protocols, Standards, and Interfaces - Uyless Black 3. Internetworking with
TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, Architecture - D. E.Comer
4. TCP/IP Illustrated Vol. I - W. R.Stevens
5. Complete Networking : A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet – James F. Kurose, Keith W.

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-3105
Course Title: Operating Systems Credit Hour: 3.00
The Operating System (OS) course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding to
the modern Operating Systems. The course begins with the history of operating system and
the review of computer hardware and concentrates on operating system concepts, system
structure, process and threads, memory management, file system and related security aspects.
It also deals with multiprocessor systems, virtualizations and cloud service.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Operating System: Operating System Concepts, Its Role in
Computer Systems, Computer System Structure, Fundamental of Different Types of
Computer System, Operating System Structure and Operation, Kernel, System Call,
Protection and Security.
Process Management: Process concept, Model and Implementation, Process Scheduling,
Process State, Co- operating Processes.
Threads: Basics Concept, Multithreading Models, Threading Issues.
CPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithm (SJF, FIFO,
round robin, etc.), Algorithm Evaluation.
Concurrency and Synchronization: Inter-Process Communication and Inter-Thread
Communication, Critical Region, Critical Section Problems and Solutions.
Memory Management: Memory Portioning, With and Without Swapping, Virtual Memory
– Paging and Segmentation, Demand Paging, Page Replacement Algorithms,
File Systems: Files, Directories, Security, Protection.
Deadlocks: Modeling, Detection and Recovery, Prevention and Avoidance.
Secondary-Storage: Structure, Disk Scheduling, RAID Structure, I/O Hardware, Polling.
Interrupts, Direct Memory Access, Application I/O Interface,
Others: Case Study of Some Operating Systems, Introduction to the Different Smart Device
Operating System and Their Usage.
Reference Book(s):
1. Modern Operating Systems (4th ed) - Andrew S. Tanenbaum; Prentice Hall(2014)
2. Operating Systems Concepts, Wiley Publisher- Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Baer Galvin
3. Operating systems, McGraw-Hill- Madnick and J. Donovon
Unix System Programming in C++, Prentice Hall Publication- Terrence

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-3106
Course Title: Operating Systems Laboratory Credit Hour: 3.00
Operating systems are central to any computing device. This course is designed to introduce
the internal operations and structures of modern operating systems. This course will cover
topics which will help students to understand the components of operating systems. At the
end of the course students will be able to explain how a modern operating system interacts
with the computer hardware and apply the concepts to design solutions for different practical

Course Contents:
Introduction: Development of Linux Operating System, Installation of Linux in various
modes, Installation of windows application programs on Linux, Basic Linux Command
Linux Kernels and Office Environments: Compilation
Shell Programming: variables, statements, loop, array, functions etc;
Memory management: preemptive and non- preemptive algorithms and implementation
Inter process communication and Process scheduling: algorithms and implementation
Mutual exclusion and deadlock: algorithms and implementation
Security of Windows and UNIX like OS: hardening and security issues.
Reference Book(s):
1. Modern Operating Systems (4th ed) - Andrew S. Tanenbaum; Prentice Hall(2014)
2. “UNIX Shell Programming” – Kanetkar

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 2.00

Course Code: CSE-3108
Course Title: Web Programming Laboratory Credit Hour: 1.00
A web-based application is any program that is accessible via a network connection rather
than being stored in the memory of a device. Web-based apps are frequently run within a web
browser. However, web-based programs can also be client-based, in which a tiny portion of
the software is downloaded to a user's desktop but processing is done on an external server
through the internet.
Course Contents:
Intro to Web development: Information about architectural design of web systems, Show
Sample Projects;
Frontend: Front end development of Web based Systems using HTML & CSS, Frontend
development with frameworks and project version control with git, Intro to Bootstrap
Frontend-backend platform: Intro to Codeigniter, Laravel, Django
Introduction to java script: Dynamic web front end programming, concurrent and
asynchronous JS programming, debugging a web system with JavaScript;
Database Connection: Intro to SQL, NoSQL Databases, User access control using Firebase,
Project integration, Intro to collection, Data store, Retrieval and hosting using Firebase and
Web servers: Case of Apache, other web servers
Web Services: SOAP, WSDL (Web Service Description Language), XML-RPC protocol;
configuration, maintenance, monitoring and security
Reference Book(s):
1. HTML 5 Black Book: Kogent Learning solutions.
2. “Learning PHP 5”, David Sklar, O’Reilly Publication.
3. Rich Internet Application AJAX and Beyond WROX press.
4. Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3, Ben Frain, PACKT Publication.
5. “Web Technologies: Black Book”, Dreamtech publication.
6. HTML5 Cookbook, By Christopher Schmitt, Kyle Simpson, O'Reilly Media.
7. Core Python Applications Programming by Wesley J Chun Third edition Pearson Publication.

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 2.00
Course Code: CSE-3110
Course Title: Mobile Application Development Credit Hour:1.00
To achieve and impart holistic technical education using the best of infrastructure,
outstanding technical skill into competent and confident engineers and evolving the center
of excellence through creative and innovative idea about the real-life android application
development that will help student’s further lifelong learning experience and serve the nation
for the development based on technology based service.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Mobile Development Frameworks and Tools: Fully Centralized
Frameworks and Tools, N-Tier Client–Server Frameworks and Tools, J2ME, WAP, Symbian
EPOC, iPhone, Android, Windows CE.
Android application development: Getting started with android programming, Android
architecture, Application framework and libraries, Android runtime, Linux kernel, Android
user interface, Data persistence, Messaging and networking, Location Based Services,
Developing android services, Android application publishing
Security Issues in mobile computing: Security threats, Ensuring consistency and reliability.
Reference Book(s):
1. Handbook on Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing: Status and Perspective (1st
Edition) - Laurence T. Yang, EviSYukur and Seng W. Loke; CRC Press(2013)
2. Android Studio 3.0 Development Essentials (1st Edition) - Android 8 Edition;
Create Space Independent Publishing Platform(2017)

BNQF Code:0541 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: MATH-3141
Course Title: Numerical Analysis Credit Hour:3.00
Numerical analysis can solve problems where analytical solutions are not available (using
mathematical approach) or very hard mathematical process. Numerical methods are capable
of handling large systems of equations, different degrees of nonlinearities which are common
in engineering practice. Numerical methods can handle any complicated physical geometries
which are often impossible to solve analytically.
Course Contents:
Modeling, Computers and Error Analysis: Scope of Numerical Analysis in Mathematical
Modeling and Engineering Problem Solving, Programming and Software. Error definitions,
Approximations and Round-off errors, Truncation errors, Accuracy and Precision and the
Taylor Series.
Roots of Equations: Bisection method, False-Position method, Iteration method, Newton-
Raphson method, Ramanujan’s method and Secant method.
Interpolation: Interpolation with one and two Independent Variables, Formation of
Different Difference Table, Newton’s Forward and Backward Difference, Gauss Forward
and Backward Difference, Langrange’s Interpolation.
Curve Fitting: Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Multiple Linear Regression,
Linearization of Nonlinear Laws.
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical Differentiation. The General
Integration Formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 Rule, Simpson’s 3/8 Rule.
Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations: Solving small numbers of equations, LU
Decomposition and Matrix inversion, Eigen Value and Eigen Vector, Gauss elimination and
Gauss Jordan method, Gauss–Seidel and Jacobi’s method
Numerical Solution of Differential Equations: Solution by Taylor’s Series, Euler’s
Method, Modified, Euler’s Method, Runge-Kutta Methods, Finite Difference
Approximations, Solution of Partial Differential Equation.
Reference Book(s):
1. S.S. Sastry,”Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis”, 5th Edition.
2. Steven. C Chapra,” Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw-Hill

BNQF Code:0311,0314 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: GED-3151
Course Title: Engineering Economics and Sociology Credit Hour: 3.00
Economics and sociology course has been designed to understand the human inter-personal
relationship and human psychology in the society and to apply this knowledge in the practical
field as an engineer through the study of varied societies and cultures. Economics course is
designed for the students to develop their competence in economic analysis and its role in
problem solving. This course will help to understand societal and cultural issues in national,
global and environmental context.
Course Contents:
Engineering Economics:
Microeconomics: Fundamentals of microeconomics, Basic elements of demand and supply,
Utility analysis, Choice and indifference curve, Market, Factors of production, Analysis of
cost, Factors of pricing.
Macroeconomics: Basic concept of macroeconomics, National income analysis, Saving,
Consumptions, Inflation, Central and commercial banking, Fiscal and Monetary policy,
Budget, Economic planning, Development theories.
Sociology: Understanding Society
Nature, scope and basic perspectives of sociology, Sociological imagination, Social research
method, Types of society, Culture and Civilization, Socialization, Social stratification and
problems, French and Industrial Revolution.
Social change and Theoretical perspectives:
Social and technological changes, Globalization, Family, Marriage, Migration, Capitalism,
Socialism, Climate change and global risk, Urbanization, Unemployment, Marx, Weber,
Durkheim, Beck theoretical perspectives
Reference Book(s):
1. Economic (19thed) – Samuelson(2009)
2. Economic (9thed) – John Sloman(2012)
3. Economic Development (12thed) – Michael Todaro(2015)
4. Money and Banking (2nded) – Dudly g luckett(1976)
5. “Sociology” – ert P. Lamm, MacGraw-Hill
6. “Social Problems” - LeRoy W. Barnes, The Dushkin Publishing Group, Guilford, CT, 2000
7. “Sociology – Primary Principles” - CN Shankar Rao

3rd Year 2nd Semester
BNQF Code:0613 Course Code: CSE-3200 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Title: Software Development Project – I* Credit Hour:1.50
The Individual Software Development Project – I course is designed to make its
learners able to solve advanced level industry problems and develop real time projects
Course Contents:
Requirement Analysis and Design segment of Software Development Life Cycle,
Analyzing Software Design Specification, Developing Software Design Specification,
UML Diagrams, Designing UI of the application for SDS, Understanding software
Development pipeline, role of a Project Manager over all life cycle of a project
Reference Book(s):
1. Design Patterns: Elements Of Reusable Object Oriented Software, Erich Gamma, et al., new
edition 2015
2. Clean Architecture: A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design, Robert C. Martin,
Prentice Hall, 2017
3. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, Robert C. Martin, Prentice Hall, 2008

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-3211
Course Title: Microprocessors, Micro- Credit Hour:3.00
controllers and Assembly Language
This course is designed to teach students the concepts, principles and functioning of basic
microprocessors, microcontrollers and assembly language. This course aims to provide
a fundamental foundation of assembly language, microprocessor architecture, and
discusses different interfaces and design of systems based on microprocessors and
Course Contents:
Microprocessors and Micro-controllers: Introduction to Microprocessor and
Microcontrollers, Architectural overview of Microprocessor and its operation, Common
instruction types, Addressing modes.
Intel 8086 Microprocessor: Internal architecture, register structure, programming
model, addressing modes, instruction set; I/O pin diagram and control signals; I/O port
organization and accessing; Cache Memory, TLB Structure;
Memory management in Intel 80X86 family: Segmentation and Real Mode Memory
Management.; Intel 80186, 80386 and 80486 segments register formats; Interrupts and
Exception in Intel 80X86 families of processors, type of interrupts, interrupts in real
mode and protected mode, interrupts priorities;
Input and Output: I/O address spaces, Port organization, Memory mapped I/O, Hand-
shaking I/O instruction, Keyboard-Display interface Timer handler,
Microcontrollers: Architecture of 8051, memory organization, special function
registers, I/O ports.
Assembly Language: Basic Concepts; System/Processor Architecture;
Assembly Language Fundamentals; Memory Segments, Registers,
Addressing-modes; Assembly instruction types and their formats: Arithmetic,
Logical, Transfer control and Conditional processing, String processing,
Arrays, Procedures, Stacks, branches, Subroutine and parameter passing,
Input/output and Interrupts
Reference Book(s):
1. Assembly Language Programming and Organization of the IBM PC--Ytha Yu, Charles Marut
2. The Intel Microprocessors - Barry B.Brey
3. Microprocessors and Interfacing - Douglas V. Hall
4. Microprocessorsand Microcomputer-based system design -Mohamed Rafiquzzaman.
5. 8051 Microcontroller-Internals, Instructions, Programming& Interfacing by SubrataGhoshal.
6. Making Embedded Systems: Design Patterns for Great Software by Elecia White.

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-3212
Course Title: Microprocessors, Micro-controllers Credit Hour:0.75
and Assembly Language Laboratory
This course introduces basics of assembly language programming, microprocessor
architecture, and discusses different interfaces and design of systems based on
microprocessors and microcontrollers.
Course Contents:
Basics of Assembly Language:
Compilation, input, output, variables, basic instructions, memory model, data segment,
stack segment, code segment, Input Output Instruction;
Flow Control Instruction: Conditional and unconditional jump instructions, If-then-
else, case, for loop, while loop, repeat loop;
Logic, Shift and Rotate Instructions: AND, OR, XOR, complement, shift left, shift
right, rotate left, rotate right, rotate carry left, rotate carry right, Binary, Hexa Input
Stack and Procedure: Push, Pushf, Pop, Popf;
Multiplication and Division: Mul, IMul, Div, IDiv;
Array and Addressing modes: 1D Array, DUP operator, Addressing-mode, register
indirect mode,
String Instructions: Moving string, load string, scan string, compare string;
Basic Idea of MDA 8086: LED, Seven Segment display, LCD, Keyboard, Motor, Dot
matrix Interface with 8086; Basic idea of ATMEGA 16 microcontroller and simulation.
Reference Book(s):
1. The Intel Microprocessors - Barry B. Brey
2. Microprocessors and Interfacing - Douglas V. Hall
3. Making Embedded Systems: Design Patterns for Great Software by Elecia White

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-3213
Course Title: Artificial Intelligence Credit Hour:3.00
Artificial Intelligence course provides an introduction to the general appreciation of the
goals, subareas, achievements and difficulties of artificial intelligence, with a special
focus on basic search algorithms for problem solving, logic-based reasoning methods,
knowledge representation techniques, game playing theories as well as various forms of
learning including perceptron, decision tree, artificial neural net and genetic algorithm.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agent: Introduction, history of
AI, goals, philosophy, subareas, achievements and difficulties of AI, programming
without and with AI, applications, intelligence, types of intelligence, difference between
human and machine intelligence, intelligent agents, characteristics, structure of agents
and its functions, turing test, agent’s interaction with environments, rationality.
Reasoning Under Uncertainty: Logics of non-monotonic reasoning, implementation,
basic probability notation, bayes rule, certainty factors and rule-based systems, bayesian
networks, dempster, shafer theory, fuzzy logic, fuzzy set operations.
Knowledge Representation: Approaches and issues in knowledge representation,
knowledge, propositional logic, predicate logic, unification, resolution principle,
inference rules, pursing with grammar, purse tree, associative network, conceptual
graphs, frame structure, transition network, introduction to natural language processing.
Planning and Learning: Understand various searching techniques, conditional
planning, continuous planning, multi-agent planning, forms of learning, supervised
learning, unsupervised learning, inductive learning, reinforcement learning, game
playing theories, perceptron learning, learning decision trees, belief networks, neural net
learning, robotics.
Reference Book(s):
1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) – Stuart Jonathan
Russell, Peter Norvig; Prentice Hall (2010)
2. Artificial Intelligence: A New synthesis – Nils J. Nilsson; Routledge
3. Introduction to Turbo Prolog – Carl Townsend

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-3214
Course Title: Artificial Intelligence Credit Hour:0.75
This course is designed to impart knowledge about detailed knowledge of Artificial
Intelligence, various searching techniques, AI programming, intelligent agents and
constraint satisfaction problem.
Course Contents:
Introduction to AI practical areas, agent program, Informed searching: BFS, DFS;
Uninformed Searching: A* Search, Adversarial Searching: minimax, alpha-beta
pruning; Constraint Satisfaction Problem: N-Queens.

Reference Book(s):
1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) – Stuart Jonathan
Russell, Peter Norvig; Prentice Hall (2010)
2. Artificial Intelligence: A New synthesis – Nils J. Nilsson; Routledge
3. Introduction to Turbo Prolog – Carl Townsend

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-3215
Course Title: Automata Theory and Credit Hour: 3.00
Compiler Design
Real-world computers perform computations that by nature run like mathematical models
to solve problems in systematic ways. The essence of the theory of computation is to help
develop mathematical and logical models that run efficiently and to the point of halting.
Since all machines that implement logic apply TOC, studying TOC gives learners an
insight into computer hardware and software limitations. Compiler design introduces the
theory and tools that can be employed in order to perform syntax- directed translation of
a high-level programming language into an executable code. This course introduces
regular languages and context free languages which are crucial to understand how
compilers and programming languages are built.
Course Contents:
Formal Language and Regular Expressions: Languages, Definition Languages regular
expressions, Finite Automata – DFA, NFA. Conversion of regular expression to NFA,
NFA to DFA. Applications of Finite Automata to lexical analysis, Pushdown Automata,
Closure and its property
Context Free grammars and parsing: Context free grammars, derivation, parse trees,
ambiguity LL(K) grammars and LL (1) parsing, Bottom-up parsing handle pruning LR
Grammar Parsing, LALR parsing, parsing ambiguous grammars, Turing Machine,
Pumping Limma, Linear Bounded Automata
Semantics: Syntax directed translation, S-attributed and L-attributed grammars,
Intermediate code – abstract syntax tree, translation of simple statements and control flow
statements, Context Sensitive features – Chomsky hierarchy of languages and
recognizers. Type checking, type conversions, equivalence of type expressions,
overloading of functions and operations
Run time storage: Storage organization, storage allocation strategies scope access to
now local names, parameters, language facilities for dynamics storage allocation
Code optimization: Principal sources of optimization, optimization of basic blocks,
peephole optimization, flow graphs, Data flow analysis of flow graphs
Code generation: Machine dependent code generation, object code forms, generic code
generation algorithm, Register allocation and assignment. Using DAG representation of
Block, Moore and Mealy Machine.
Reference Book(s):
1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques & Tools (2nd ed)- Alfred V Aho, Monica S
Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D Ullman, Pearson/Addison Wesley(2006).
2. Engineering A Compiler (2nd Ed) - Linda Torczon and Keith Cooper, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers Inc (2011).
3. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation 3rd Edition- John Hopcroft
4. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata 4th Edition- Peter Linz
BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50
Course Code: CSE-3216
Course Title: Automata Theory and Compiler Credit Hour: 0.75
Design Laboratory
Automata theory and compiler design introduces the theory and tools that can be
employed in order to perform syntax- directed translation of a high-level programming
language into an executable code. This course introduces regular languages and context
free languages which are crucial to understand how compilers and programming
languages are built. These techniques can also be employed in wider areas of applications
whenever we need a syntax-directed analysis of symbolic expressions and languages and
their translation into a lower-level description. To implement tokenizer, arithmetic
calculator and to able to write the code by using Flex and Bison.
Course Contents:
Laboratory on Compiler Design: Lexical Analysis, Syntax Analysis, Semantic Analysis,
Syntax Directed Translation, Type Checking, Run Time System, Intermediate Code
Generation and Code Generation, Simple Compiler Design using Flex and Bison/Lex and
Reference Book(s):
1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques & Tools (2nd ed)- Alfred V Aho, Monica S
Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D Ullman, Pearson/Addison Wesley(2006).
2. Engineering A Compiler (2nd Ed) - Linda Torczon and Keith Cooper, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers Inc (2011).
3. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation 3rd Edition-
John Hopcroft
4. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata 4th Edition- Peter Linz

BNQF Code:0542 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: MATH-3241
Course Title: Applied Statistics and Queuing Credit Hour: 3.00
To achieve knowledge on probability and computation of probability with its practical
and theoretical application in studying computer science.
Course Contents:
Statistics: Introduction, frequency distribution, mean, median, mode and other measure
of central tendency standard deviation and other measure of dispersion, moments,
skewness, kurtosis, elementary probability theory, elementary sampling theory,
estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression analysis.
Probability: Probability models, sample space, events, algebra of events, probability
axioms, conditional probability, multiplication rule, total probability, Bayes rule.
Random Variables: Discrete, continuous and mixed random variables, probability mass,
distribution and cumulative distribution functions.

Probability Distributions: Discrete probability distributions -binomial, Poisson,
negative binominal distributions and their properties continuous probability distributions-
uniform, normal, exponential distributions and their properties, stochastic process.
Queuing Theory and Model: Stochastic process, discrete time Markov chain and
continuous time, Markov chains (birth-death process) queuing models (birth- death
model, Monrovian model).
M/M/1, M/M/C, M/G/1, M/D/1, G/M/1 solution of network of queue-closed queuing
models and approximate models, application of queuing models in computer science.
Queuing Model: M/M/1, M/M/C, M/G/1, M/D/1, G/M/1 solution of network of queue-
closed queuing models and approximate models, application of queuing models in
computer science.
Reference Book(s):
1. Introduction to Probability Models-Sheldon M. Ross, 9th Edition.
2. Introduction to Probability-Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N.Tsitsiklis
3. Probability Theory-Monindra Kumar Roy
4. An Introduction to Statistics and Probability- M. Nurul Islam
5. An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics-R.N.Shil

BNQF Code:031 Contact Hours/Week: 2.00

Course Code: CSE-3224
Course Title: Industrial Training** Credit Hour:1.00
**Note: CSE-3224 (Industrial Training) will be conducted at any convenient time
after the 3rd Year, 2nd Semester final examination for the duration of 04 weeks as
applicable or decided by the department. Evaluation report from industry is to be
submitted at the end of the training and accordingly to be incorporated in the
tabulation sheet.

Elective Courses
(Department will offer some courses in 6th semester in which student can
select one theory courses as Elective-I and theory with laboratory course as

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-3217
Course Title: Fault Tolerant System Credit Hour: 3.00
This course motivates to implement a feature on a system that enables a system to
continue with its operations even when there is a failure on one part of the system and
helps in fault isolation through various failure detection mechanisms.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Introduction of Fault Tolerant Systems and architectures; Goal and
Application of Fault Tolerant computing, Fundamental Definitions, Design techniques
to achieve fault Tolerance; Reliability Modelling Using Probability Theory;

Detection: Fault detection and location in combinational and sequential circuits; Test:
Fault test generation for combinational and sequential circuits; Fault modelling: Faults
in memory, memory test pattern and reliability; Performance monitoring: self-
checking circuits, burst error correction and triple modular redundancy, Defect: defect
avoidance, defect circumvention, shield and hardening, yields enhancement, degradation
Reference Book(s):
1. Design and Analysis of Fault Tolerant Digital System (1st Edition) - Barry W. Johnson; Addison
2. Dependable Computing: A Multilevel Approach – Behrooz Parhami
3. Fault-Tolerant Systems (1st Edition) - Israel Koren, C. Mani Krishna; Morgan Kauffman (2010)

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-3219
Course Title: E-commerce and Web Security Credit Hour: 3.00
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of E-commerce Business Models
and Concepts, The Internet and World Wide Web: E-commerce Infrastructure, Ethical,
Social, and Political Issues in E-commerce, E-commerce Marketing concept, Online
Security and Payment Systems and the major e-commerce payment mechanisms.
Course Contents:
E-commerce Business Models and Concepts: Identify the key components of e-
commerce business models, B2C business models, major B2B business models,
Recognize business models in other emerging areas of ecommerce, key business
concepts and strategies applicable to e-commerce.
The Internet and World Wide Web: E-commerce Infrastructure: The origins of the
Internet, Key technology concepts behind the Internet, Role of Internet protocols and
utility programs, Current structure of the Internet, How the World Wide Web works,
How Internet and Web features and services support e-commerce.
E-commerce Marketing concept: Identify the key features of the Internet audience,
Basic concepts of consumer behaviour and purchasing decisions, understanding how
consumers behave online, Basic marketing concepts needed to understand Internet
marketing, Main technologies that support online marketing.
Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-commerce: Main ethical, social, and political
issues raised by e commerce, process for analyzing ethical dilemmas, Basic concepts
related to privacy, Practices of e-commerce companies that threaten privacy, Different
methods used to protect online privacy, Major public safety and welfare issues raised by
Online Security and Payment Systems: Scope of e-commerce crime and security
problems, Key dimensions of e-commerce security, Key security threats in the e-
commerce environment, how technology helps protect the security of messages sent over
the Internet, Tools used to establish secure Internet communications channels, and
protect networks, servers, and clients, Features of traditional payment systems, The
major e-commerce payment mechanisms.
Reference Book(s):
1. Web Security for E-Commerce- Robert Boncella
2. E-commerce: An Introduction- Amir Manzoor
BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-3221
Course Title: Human Computer Interaction Credit Hour: 3.00
The Human Computer Interaction course covers the foundations of Human Computer
Interaction (HCI), a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation
of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena
surrounding them.
Course Contents:
Introduction to HCI and Interaction design: HCI, Interaction design, The process of
design, User focus, Scenarios, Navigation design, Screen design and layout, Iteration and
prototyping. HCI in the software process: The software life cycle, Usability
engineering, Iterative design and prototyping, Design rationale. Design rules: Principles
to support usability, Standards, Guidelines, Golden rules and heuristics, HCI patterns.
Evaluation techniques: What is evaluation? What, why, and when to evaluate, Goals of
evaluation, Evaluation through expert analysis, Evaluation through user participation,
Choosing an evaluation method. Evaluation paradigms and techniques, The D E C I D E
framework to guide evaluation. Observing users: Participant observation, ethnography,
Data collection, and Analyzing, interpreting and presenting data, Qualitative analysis,
Feeding the findings back into design. Asking users and experts: Interviews,
Questionnaires, Inspections, walkthroughs. Universal design: Universal design
principles, multi-modal interaction, designing for diversity. Task analysis: Differences
between task analysis and other techniques, Task decomposition, Knowledge-based
techniques, Entity-relationship-based techniques, Sources of information and data
collection, Uses of task analysis. Modeling rich interaction: Status-event analysis, Rich
contexts, Low intention and sensor-based interaction. Ubiquitous computing and
augmented realities: Ubiquitous computing applications research, virtual and
augmented reality, Information and data visualization. Hypertext, multimedia and the
world wide web: Understanding Hypertext, Finding things, Web technology and issues,
Static web content, Dynamic web content
Reference Book(s):
1. Human-Computer Interaction (3rd Edition) – Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory D.
Abowd and Russell Beale; Prentice Hall(2003)
2. Interaction Design: Beyond Human Computer Interaction (5th Edition) –
Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, Jenny Preece; John Wiley & Sons(2019)
3. Designing the User Interface (5th Edition) - Schneiderman, B. and Plaisant, C.;
Addison-Wesley (1998)

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-3223
Course Title: Advanced Algorithms Credit Hour: 3.00
This course motivates to implement advanced methods of algorithmic design, analysis,
and implementation. techniques that include amortization, randomization, word-level
parallelism, bit scaling, dynamic programming, network flow, linear programming,
fixed-parameter algorithms, approximation algorithms etc. to identify which algorithm
will provide efficient result for a specific problem or context.
Course Contents:
Randomized Algorithms: Las Vegas and Monte Carlo Algorithms; Randomized Data
Structures: Skip Lists; Amortized Analysis: Different methods, Applications in
Fibonacci Heaps; Lower Bounds: Decision Trees, Information Theoretic Lower
Bounds, Adversary Arguments; Approximation Algorithms: Approximation Schemes,
Hardness of Approximation; Fixed Parameter Tractability: Parameterized
Complexity, Techniques of designing Fixed Parameter Algorithms, Examples; Online
Algorithms: Competitive Analysis, Online Paging Problem, k-server Problem; External
Memory Algorithms; Advanced Data Structures: Linear and Non-linear Methods.
Reference Book(s):
1. An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory - Michael J. Kearns , Umesh Vazirani; The
MIT Press(1994)
2. Algorithm Design (1st Edition) - Jon Kleinberg , ÉvaTardos; Pearson(2012)
3. Randomized Algorithms (1st Edition) - Rajeev Motwani , Prabhakar Raghavan; Cambridge
University Press(1995)
4. Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis - Michael
Mitzenmacher, Eli Upfal; Cambridge University Press(2005)

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-3225
Course Title: Digital Image Processing Credit Hour: 3.00
Digital Image Processing course is designed to introduce the fundamentals of image
processing and manipulation of television, medical imaging modalities such as X-Ray,
Ultrasound (US), MRI, photography, security, astronomy and remote sensing.
Course Contents:
Introduction and Fundamental to Digital Image Processing:
What is Digital Image Processing, Origin of Digital Image Processing, Examples that use
Digital Image Processing, Fundamental steps in Digital Image Processing, Components
of Digital Image Processing System, Image sensing and acquisition, Image sampling,
quantization and representation, Basic relationship between pixels.
Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain & Frequency Domain:
Background, Basic gray level transformation, Histogram processing, Basics of spatial
filtering, Smoothing and Sharpening spatial filters, Introduction to Fourier Transform
and the frequency domain, Discrete Fourier Transform. Smoothing and Sharpening
frequency-domain filters

Image Restoration: Image Degradation/Restoration process, Noise models, Restoration
in presence of noise, Inverse filtering, Minimum mean square filtering, Geometric mean
filter, Geometric transformations.
Color Image Processing: Color Fundamentals, Color models, Basis of full color image
processing, Color transformations.
Image Compression: Fundamentals, Image compression models, Error free
compression, Lossy compression.
Morphological Image Processing: Preliminaries, Dilations, and erosion, opening and
closing, Some basic morphological algorithms
Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, Edge linking and boundary
detection, Thresholding, Region oriented segmentation.
Representation, Description and Recognition: Representation-chain codes, polygonal
approximation and skeletons, Boundary descriptors-simple descriptors, shape numbers,
Regional descriptors- simple, topological descriptors, Pattern and Pattern classes
Recognition based on matching techniques.
Reference Book(s):
1. Digital Image Processing (3rd/2nd Edition) - R. C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods; Pearson
Prentice Hall(2009)
2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Academic Press-A. K. Jain
3. Digital Image Processing, Wiley-Interscience-William K. Pratt

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-3226
Course Title: Digital Image Processing Credit Hour: 0.75
This course is designed to cover the basic theory and principles of digital image
processing techniques and basic video processing. The course will give emphasis in
image processing techniques like basic point processing, image filtering in
spatial/frequency domain and the applications in image enhancement or other related
applications. The overall knowledge will be used in some high-level image processing
approach like segmentation, compression, clustering, and others.
Course Contents:
Digital Image Fundamentals, Bilevel Image Processing, Binarization of Grey Level
Images, Edge Detection, Image Enhancement, Image Segmentation, Image Compression
and fundamental of Video processing.
Reference Book(s):
1. Digital Image Processing (3rd/2nd Edition) - R. C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods;
2. Digital Image Processing using Matlab,- Rafel C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods,
3. William K. Pratt Digital Image Processing, Wiley-Interscience

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-3227
Course Title: Simulation and Modeling Credit Hour: 3.00
This course motivates to enable a substitute of physical experimentation that is often
utilized when conducting experiments on a real system which is impossible or
impractical, often because of cost or time and instead uses mathematical knowledge and
computer's computation power to solve real-world problems reasonably and in a time
efficient manner.
Course Contents:
Simulation modelling basics: systems, models and simulation; Classification of
simulation model; Steps in a simulation study; Concepts in discrete-event simulation:
event scheduling vs. process interaction approaches, Time-advance mechanism,
organization of a discrete-event simulation model; Continuous simulation models;
Combined discrete-continuous models; Monte Carlo simulation; Simulation of queuing
systems. Building valid and credible simulation models: validation principles and
techniques, statistical procedures for comparing real-world observations and simulated
outputs, input modeling; Generating random numbers and random variants; Output
analysis. Simulation languages; Analysis and modeling of
some practical systems: Random Number Generator, Random Variables, Probability
Reference Book(s):
1. Simulation Modeling and Analysis (5th Edition) - Law A. M., Kelton W. D.; McGraw
Hill (2014)
2. Computer Aided Modeling and simulation - J. A.Spriet
3. Computer Simulation and Modeling - R. S.Lehman
4. System Simulation - G.Cordon

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-3228
Course Title: Simulation and Modeling Credit Hour: 0.75
This course motivates to design various models to solve real-world problems using
mathematics, computer programming language, computation power etc. and analyze
the behaviour of a system for different types of dataset to provide a reasonable decision
regarding the performance of a system in a cost and time effective manner.
Course Contents:
Simulation modeling basics: systems, models and simulation, Classification of
simulation model, Steps in a simulation study, Single Server Queuing System,
Inventory Management System, Monte Carlo Method, Pure Pursuit Problem,
Probability Distribution Fitting, Random Number Generation, Hypothesis Testing
Reference Book(s):
1. Discrete-Event System Simulation (5th Edition) - Jerry Banks; Prentice Hall (2009)

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-3229
Course Title: VLSI Design Credit Hour: 3.00
This course is designed to enhance students' understanding of the theory and
fundamentals of silicon fabrication, the design principles and logical considerations of
designing silicon chips, and finally, to develop an understanding of design considerations
and the overall process of VLSI systems and their fabrication. This course is also
intended to enable students to contribute to VLSI system designing and to have a better
understanding of the different characteristics of such circuits.
Course Contents:
VLSI design methodology: Top-down design approach, Technology trends.
MOS Technology: Introduction to MOS technology, Operation of MOS transistor as a
switch and amplifier, MOS, NMOS, CMOS inverters, pass transistor and Pass gates, DC
and transient characteristics.
Fabrication Process and Layout: NMOS, CMOS, Bi-CMOS process.
Design Rules: Introduction to BiCMOS Circuits, Complex CMOS Gates, CMOS layout
design rules and stick diagrams
CMOS Building Blocks: Adder, Comparator, Multiplier, Counter, and Shifter. Design
Methodology and Tools.
Geometric and stick diagrams and Hardware modeling: PLA, FPGA, cell-based and
full custom design methods, System-on chip design, Hardware modeling, Logic
Design style: FPGA and PLDs.
Reference Book(s):
1. Modern 1.Modern VLSI Design: System-on-Chip Design (3rd Edition) - Wayne Wolf;
Prentice Hall(2002)
2. CMOS VLSI Design- A Circuit and System Perspective (3rd Edition) - Neil H.E.
Weste, David Harris and Ayan Banerjee; Pearson(2009)

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-3230
Course Title: VLSI Design Laboratory Credit Hour: 0.75
This course is designed to be offered alongside 3229 so that students may acquire a better
understanding of VLSI and CMOS circuit design principles, logical and mathematical
considerations, the overall design process, and the silicon fabrication process using
various modern tools, ICs, and simulators.
Course Contents:
Introduction to various simulator software for electronic system design (PSpice, DSCH
and Microwind), implementing basic electrical circuits with PSpice, design, and
implementation of logic gates and inverter circuits (inverter, AND,OR, NAND, NOR),
comparing the I/O and electrical characteristics graphs of logic gates with various
simulator software, Designing basic electrical circuits (inverters, AND, OR, NAND,
NOR) with microwind and comparing the I/O and electrical characteristic graphs with
PSpice, DSCH and Microwind.

Reference Book(s):
1. Modern 1.Modern VLSI Design: System-on-Chip Design (3rd Edition) - Wayne Wolf;
Prentice Hall (2002)
2. CMOS VLSI Design- A Circuit and System Perspective (3rd Edition) - Neil H.E.
Weste, David Harris and Ayan Banerjee; Pearson (2009)

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-3231
Course Title: Natural Language Credit Hour: 3.00
NLP introduces the basics of statistical natural language processing (NLP) including
both linguistics concepts such as morphology and syntax and machine learning
techniques relevant for NLP. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the
theory and practice of text-based natural language processing (NLP)—the development
of computer programs that can understand, generate, translate, extract information from,
and learn natural language in textual form from web pages, books, newspapers, etc.
Course Contents:
Introduction to natural language processing: Introduction to natural language
processing, Basic Text Processing, Regular Expression and Text Normalization,
Minimum, Edit Distance, Word pronunciation and Spelling
N-gram Language Model:N-Grams, Evaluating Language Models, Smoothing,
Kneser-Ney Smoothing, The Web and Stupid Backoff, Perplexity’s Relation to Entropy
Naive Bayes and Sentiment Classification: Naive Bayes Classifiers, Training the
Naive Bayes Classifier, Worked example, Optimizing for Sentiment Analysis, Naive
Bayes for other text classification tasks, Naive Bayes as a Language Model,
Evaluation: Precision, Recall, F-measure, Test sets and Cross-validation
Simple Word Vector representations: Lexical Semantics, Vector Semantics,
Word2vec, GloVe, Tf-IDf;
POS Tagging: English Word Classes, Robust Semantic and information retrieval,
Hidden Markov and Maximum Entropy Model
GRUs and LSTMs: for machine translation; Recursive neural networks -- for parsing;
Recursive neural networks -- for different tasks (e.g. sentiment analysis)
Formal Grammars of English: Constituency, Context-Free Grammars, Some
Grammar Rules for English, Treebanks, Grammar Equivalence and Normal Form,
Lexicalized Grammars
Syntactic Parsing: Ambiguity, CKY Parsing: A Dynamic Programming Approach,
Partial Parsing
Statistical Parsing: Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars , Probabilistic CKY Parsing
of PCFGs, Ways to Learn PCFG Rule Probabilities Problems with PCFGs, Improving
PCFGs by Splitting Non-Terminals Text coherence, Reference resolution, Information
status, Spoken dialogue system, Introduction to TTS system, New approaches for story
modelling for understanding, Generation and Summarization, Summing Up: NLP
Reference Book(s):
1. Natural Language Understanding 2nd Edition by James Allen
2. Handbook of Natural Language Processing (Chapman & Hall/CRC: Machine
3. Learning & Pattern Recognition) 2nd Edition by Nitin Indurkhya, Fred J. Damerau
BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50
Course Code: CSE-3232
Course Title: Natural Language Processing Credit Hour: 0.75
This course covers a wide range of tasks in Natural Language Processing from basic to
advanced: sentiment analysis, summarization, dialogue state tracking. It enables to
recognize NLP tasks in day to-day work, propose approaches, and judge what techniques
are likely to work well. The final project is devoted to one of the most remarkable topics
in today’s NLP.
Course Contents:
Language Model, Edit distance, Recurrent neural networks - for language modeling and
other tasks, Simple Word Vector representations:,Word2vec,FastText, GloVe, Tf-IDf,
Ambiguity, CKY Parsing: A Dynamic Programming Approach, Partial Parsing,
Convolutional neural networks -- for sentence classification; Speech recognition;
Reference Book(s):
1. Natural Language Understanding 2nd Edition by James Allen
2. Handbook of Natural Language Processing (Chapman & Hall/CRC: Machine
3. Learning & Pattern Recognition) 2nd Edition by Nitin Indurkhya, Fred J. Damerau

4th Year 1st Semester

BNQF Code:061 Course Code: CSE-4000 Contact Hours/Week: 6.00

Course Title: Final Year Design Project Credit Hour: 3.00
(FYDP)/ Thesis***
FYDP/Thesis work provide students an opportunity to apply the knowledge they have
learnt to solve real life problems. FYDPs help students become more resourceful along
the way and they learn the nuances of research before they graduate. For some, it even
acts as a guide in their career paths.
Course Contents:
Will be decided by the department, concern supervisors and students.
***Note: Each student has to complete one Final Year Design Project (FYDP) or Thesis
in the combined duration of two semester of 4th year.

BNQF Code:0613 Course Code: Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Title: Software Credit Hour:1.50
Development Project – II*
The Individual Software Development Project – I course is designed to make its learners
able to solve advanced level industry problems and develop real time projects
Course Contents:
Will be decided by the department, concern supervisor and students

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4101
Course Title: Digital Signal Processing Credit Hour:3.00
Digital Signal Processing course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of
discrete signal processing and their applications in communications, control and
Course Contents:
Introduction: Signals, Systems and Signal Processing, Classification of signals, Concepts
of frequency in continuous time and discrete time signals, Analog to digital and digital to
analog conversion, Sampling and Quantization.
Discrete Time Signals and Systems: Discrete time signals, Discrete time systems,
Analysis of discrete time linear time invariant systems, Discrete time systems described
by different equations, Implementation of discrete time systems, correlation and
convolution of discrete time signals.
The Z-transformation: Introduction, Definition of the z-transformation, z-
transformation and ROC of infinite duration sequence, Properties of z-transformation
inversion of the z-transform, the one-sided z-transformation.
Frequency Analysis of Signals and Systems: Frequency analysis of continuous time
signals, Frequency analysis of discrete time signals, Properties of Fourier transform of
discrete time signals, Frequency domain characteristics of linear time invariant system,
Linear time invariant systems as frequency selective filters, Inverse systems and
The Discrete Fourier Transform: The DFT, Properties of the DFT, Filtering methods
based on the DFT, Frequency analysis of signals using the DFT.
Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms: FFT Algorithms, Applications of FFT algorithm
Digital Filters: Design of FIR and IIR filters.
Adaptive Filters: Adaptive systems, Kalman filters, RLS adaptive filters, The
steepest-descent method, The LMS filters. Application areas of the DSP.
Reference Book(s):
1. Digital Signal Processing - John G. Proakis & Dimitris Manolakis
2. Discrete-Time Signal processing - Allan Oppenheim & Ronald Schafer
3. Digital Signal Processing-A practical approach - Emmanuel C. Ifeachor BarrieW.Jervis
4. Signals and Systems - Rodger Ziemer & William Tranter

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-4102
Course Title: Digital Signal Processing Credit Hour:0.75
The Digital Signal Processing Laboratory course is designed to assist better understanding
of dealing with signals and processing signals for getting desired output, removing noise
associated with signals.
Course Contents:
Speech, image & data processing algorithms: Sampling continuous time signals; Z-
transform, Inverse Z transform, Frequency domain representation
Fourier series and Fourier Transform: Equivalent noise; definition of bandwidth;
Convolution, Correlation and method of numerical 281 integration;
Computation of the DFT: Goertzel FFT, Chirp Z-transform algorithms.
Filter design: FIR and IIR filters; Adaptive filters

Reference Book(s):
1. Digital Signal Processing - John G. Proakis & Dimitris Manolakis
2. Discrete-Time Signal processing - Allan Oppenheim & Ronald Schafer
3. Digital Signal Processing-A practical approach - Emmanuel C. Ifeachor BarrieW.Jervis
4. Signals and Systems - Rodger Ziemer & William Tranter

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4103
Course Title: Cellular and Wireless Credit Hour:3.00
Cellular and Wireless Communication helps to develop an overview on the existing trends
of wireless communication and the concepts of cellular communication technology radio
transmission etc.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Cellular Mobile Systems: Cellular Mobile Telephone Systems, A Basic
Cellular System, Operation of Cellular Systems, GSM, WCDMA, LTE, GPRS/EDGE,
Elements of Cellular Mobile Radio System Design: General Description of the problem,
Concept of Frequency reuse channels, Co-Channel Interference Reduction Factor, Handoff
Mechanism, Cell Splitting.
Speech Coding for Wireless Systems Applications: Introduction to Digital Signal
Processing (DSP) Techniques in Wireless Telephone and Broadcast Systems, Speech
Coding Techniques for Audio and Voice – Pulse Code Modulation, DPCM, Delta
Modulation, Vocoder and Linear Predictive Coding, Performance Comparison of Speech
Processing Techniques.
Radio Propagation and Cellular Engineering Concepts: Fundamental Radio
Propagation and System Concepts, Propagation Characteristics, Models of
Multipath-faded radio signals – Un modulated Carrier, Envelope and Phase faded, Level
Crossing rate and fade Duration, Delay Spread Measurements.
Digital Modulation-Demodulation (Modem) Principles and Architectures: Coherent
Modem – Baseband Modem Equivalence, Coherent and Differentially Coherent Binary
Phase Shift Keying Systems, Synchronization – Carrier Recovery and Symbol Timing
Recovery, Differential Encoding and Decoding Requirement, Quadrature Phase shift
Keying – Coincident and offset Types, Pi/4 DQPSK Modems – Architecture.
Interference In Wireless Digital Communication: Carrier-to-Interference and Carrier-to-
Noise Limited Systems, Cochannel Interference, Adjacent Channel Interference. Externally
caused Cochannel Interference, Definitions and performance of Spectral and Power
Efficiency, Relationship of the Bit-Energy to Noise-Density Ratio and the Carrier-to-Noise
Ratio, Power Efficiency and Bit-Error-Rate performance in an Additive White Gaussian
Noise Environment, Concepts of Diversity Branch and Signal paths; Combining and
Switching Methods.
Reference Book(s):
1. Fundamentals of Wireless Communication: David Tse and Pramod Viswanath, Cambridge
University Press, 2005
2. Wireless and Cellular Telecommunications 3rd Edition -William Lee
3. Wireless Communications: Principles, Designs and Applications-Dr. V K Sachan

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4105
Course Title: Data Science and Applications Credit Hour:3.00
This course is intended to provide an introduction into the field of Data Science. Students
will develop skills in appropriate technology and basic statistical methods by completing
hands-on projects focused on real-world data and addresses the social consequences of data
analysis and application.
Course Contents:

Introduction of Data:
Sources of data, data collection and types of data, Sampling from a population, Data errors
and appropriateness/Cleaning Data, The role of data in decision making at various levels of
Methods of Data Analysis:
Distributions (including measures of central tendency and spread), Expressions, names, and
tables, Joins, Arrays, Functions, Modelling/mining the data.
Interpreting results of the data analysis/Data Interpretation: Correlation, Chance,
Decisions and error probabilities, Classification, Confidence intervals, Simulations,
Empirical, Categorical, and Numerical Distributions, Assessing Models.
Communicate data-driven insights in multiple media modes: Data visualization -
(including graphs, charts, and histograms - univariate qualitative, univariate quantitative,
bivariate), Communication of the Data Science Findings and What It Means, Converting
data into actionable information and the role of data in decision making at various levels of
Ethical Aspects: Accuracy, Misrepresentation, Privacy, Security.
Additional topics: A/B Testing, Experiments, Hypothesis testing, Regression/Least
squares, Prediction intervals, Inference for the true slope, Bootstrap, Bagging, Clustering,
Frequent Patterns (Shopping Basket Analysis), Information Retrieval, Anomaly Detection
Legal issues surrounding data, Causality and Experiments.
Reference Book(s):
1. Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data 1st
Edition, Kindle Edition
2. Smarter Data Science: Succeeding with Enterprise-Grade Data and AI Projects, by Neal Fishman,
Cole Stryker, and Grady Booch
3. Data Science for Dummies (2nd Edition), by Lillian Pierson

Elective Courses
(Department will offer some courses in 7th semester in which student can
select one theory courses as Elective-III and theory with laboratory course as

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4107
Course Title: Computer and Cyber Security Credit Hour:3.00
The Computer Security course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding to the
modern security system in computer science. The course begins with the history and
development of security. Then it deals with various security models, cryptography, security
attacks and the fundamental security objectives. This course also motivates to gather brief
review of computer crimes and causes, internet, strategies, crime prevention.
Course Contents:
Security: The Security Environment, Threats, Attackers; Operating Systems Security:
Secure Systems, Trusted Computing Base; Controlling Access to Resources: Protection

Domains, Access Control Lists, Capabilities.
Formal Models of Secure Systems: Multilevel Security, Covert Channels.
Cryptography: Overview, Symmetric cipher, Classical encryption technique, Block cipher
and the data encryption standard (DES), Triple DES, Introduction to finite fields, Advanced
Encryption Standard, Contemporary Symmetric Ciphers, confidentiality using symmetric
encryption public, Key encryption and Hash functions, Public-key Cryptography, RSA
algorithm, Key management, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, Other Public Key
Cryptosystem, Message Authentication and Hash function, Hash Algorithm, Digital
Signatures, Trusted Platform Modules.
Authentication: Authentication using a physical object, Authentication using biometrics.
Exploiting Software: Buffer Overflow Attacks, Format String Attacks, Dangling Pointers,
Null Pointer Dereference Attacks, Integer Overflow Attacks, Command Injection Attacks,
Time of Check to Time of Use Attacks.
Insider Attacks: Logic Bombs, Back Doors, Login Spoofing; Malware: Trojan Horses,
Viruses, Worms, Spyware, Rootkits;
Defenses: Firewalls, Antivirus and Anti-Antivirus Techniques, Code Signing, Jailing,
Model-Based Intrusion Detection, Encapsulating Mobile Code, Java Security.
Network Security: Network Security practice, Authentication application, Wireless
Network Security, Electrical Mail security, IP security and Web security; Research on
Security and Case Study.
Reference Book(s):
1. Cryptography and Network Security – William Stallings;
2. Cryptography and Network Security- Behrouz A.Forouzan

BNQF Code:0413 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4109
Course Title: Software Testing & Quality Credit Hour:3.00
This course has two parts; Software Testing, and Software Quality Assurance. The testing
part provides a general introduction to Software Testing. It will address topics in the
verification and validation (V&V) of software, White-Box and Black-Box Testing, Unit
Testing, Test Planning and Management, Testing Tools, Domain Testing, System
Integration Testing, Functional Testing, and Acceptance Testing. The Quality parts will
cover the Concepts of Software Quality, Software Quality Metrics, Software Quality
Assurance Planning And Implementation, and Quality Process Standards.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Software Testing: Concepts and Facts Testing Methods and Techniques
(Static vs. dynamic testing, White-box testing, and Black-box testing.)
Testing Levels: Unit testing, Integration testing, System testing, and Operational
Acceptance Testing.
Control Flow Testing (Coverage): Basic Idea, Control Flow Graph, Paths in a Control
Flow Graph, All-Path Coverage, Statement Coverage, Branch Coverage, Predicate
Coverage, Generating Test Input, and Examples of Test Data Selection.
Testing Types: Functional vs non-functional testing, Installation testing, Compatibility
testing, Regression testing, Acceptance testing, Alpha testing, Beta testing, Stress Testing,
Software performance testing, Usability testing, Accessibility testing, Security testing,
Documentation testing.
Testing Process: Traditional waterfall development model Agile or Extreme development
model Top-down and bottom-up
System Test Planning and Automation: Structure of a System Test Plan, Introduction
and Feature Description, Test Execution Strategy, Test Effort Estimation, Scheduling and
Test Milestones, System Test Automation, Testing tools, Measurement in software testing
Software Quality Assurance: Introduction, Five Views of Software Quality, McCall’s
Quality Factors and Criteria, Quality Factors, Quality Criteria, Relationship between
Quality Factors and Criteria, Quality Metrics, ISO 9126 Quality Characteristics, ISO
9000:2000 Software Quality Standard, Quality Engineering: Activities and Process,
Quality Planning: Goal Setting and Strategy Formation, and Quality Assessment and
JUnit Tutorial: (a unit testing framework for the Java programming language)
Reference Book(s):
1. Testing Computer Software, by Cem Kaner, Hung Q. Nguyen, Jack Falk
2. Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams, by Lisa Crispin and
Janet Gregory
3. Software Quality Assurance: A Self-Teaching Introduction by Rajiv Chopra
4. Mastering Software Quality Assurance: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques
for Software Developers By: Murali Chemuturi Published: 2010

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4111
Course Title: Parallel and Credit Hour:3.00
Distributed Systems
The primary objective of this course is to introduce the fundamentals of parallel and
distributed processing, including system architecture, programming model, and
performance analysis. It will focus on the basic architectural, programming, and
algorithmic concepts in the design and implementation of parallel and distributed
applications. The specific topics include, but not limited to, MPI, openMP, middleware,
SMP, clusters, peer-to peer, CUDA programming.
Course Contents:
Parallel Processing: Multiple Processor Organizations, Symmetric Multiprocessors,
Cache Coherence, Multithreading and Chip Multiprocessors, Clusters, Hybrid, Grid,
NUMA, Cloud Computing, Multicore Computers, General-Purpose GPU, Performance
Measures: Amdahl's law.
Parallel Programming: Motivation for Parallelism, Concurrency and Synchronization,
Data and Work Partitioning, Common Parallelization Strategies, Granularity, Load
Balancing, Shared-Memory Programming: pthreads, OpenMP, Distributed-Memory
Programming: MPI, GPU Programming: CUDA, OpenCL. Examples: Parallel Search,
Parallel Sorting, etc., MapReduce.
Distributed Processing: System Architecture, Communication, Mid-session Recess,
Replication & Consistency, Distributed Transactions, Distributed Shared Memory,
Synchronization & Coordination, Concurrency issues, Middleware, Fault Tolerance,
Security, Naming and Distributed File Systems.
Reference Book(s):
1. Parallel & Distributed Computing Paperback by BASU
2. Parallel and Distributed Computing Alberto Ros
BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-4113
Course Title: Bioinformatics Credit Hour:3.00
This course is designed to introduce bioinformatics at a level appropriate for computer
science majors having an interest in computational biology. The main course includes
(but not limited to) bioinformatics databases, phylogenetics, protein structure prediction,
multiple sequence alignment, genome assembly, application of machine learning in
computational biology, security and privacy for genomic data, etc.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Bioinformatics: The central dogma of biology: DNA, RNA, Sequence
alignment: Genomic sequences, Scoring matrices. Pairwise alignment. Online
databases: BLAST, Advanced BLAST, Molecular phylogeny: Sequence alignment
with dot matrix, Alignment visualization, Optimal alignment using dynamic
programming method, Analyzing and sequencing nucleic acids, Structure and
hierarchy of proteins: Principles of protein structure, protein secondary structure
prediction, Protein tertiary structure prediction, Introduction to phylogenetics: drawing
tree diagrams, tree building methods, Constructing phylogenetics tree: Stepwise
clustering, Fitch Margoliash method, Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood
method, Ancestral studies using phylogeny, DNA replication: transcription, translation,
Multiple sequence alignment, DNA digital data storage: DNA-based Archival Storage
System. Human
variation and disease: Sequence variation, phenologs, comparative genomics, and
Personalized medicine.
Reference Book(s):
1. An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithm (1st Edition)- Neil C. Jones, Pavel A. Pevzner; The
MIT Press (2004)
2. Understanding Bioinformatics Marketa Zvelebil , Jeremy O. Baum

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4115
Course Title: Machine Learning Credit Hour:3.00
The Machine Learning course provides a broad introduction to machine learning and
statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: supervised learning
(generative/discriminative learning, parametric/nonparametric learning, neural networks,
support vector machines); unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction,
kernel methods); learning theory (bias/variance trade offs, practical advice); reinforcement
learning and adaptive control. The course will also discuss recent applications of machine
learning, such as to robotic control, data mining, autonomous navigation, bioinformatics,
speech recognition, and text and web data processing.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Introduction to Concepts of Supervised learning, Unsupervised Learning,

Reinforcement Learning, Feature, Hypothesis, Prediction Model, Evaluation Metrics,
Optimization and Brief Review of Required Mathematics.
Classification and regression: Nearest Neighbor algorithm, Linear Discriminant Analysis
(LDA), Linear Regression, Logistic Regression.
Decision Tree Learning: ID3, CART, Overfitting Issue, Incorporating Continuous-
Valued Attributes, Measures for Selecting Attributes, Handling Training Examples with
Missing Attribute Values.
Bayesian Learning: Naïve Bayes classifier, Bayesian Networks.
Support Vector Machine: Maximum Margin Classification, Soft Margin Optimization,
Gradient Ascent, Sequential Minimal Optimization, Support Vector Machine for Binary
and Multiclass Classification, Hyperparameter Tuning.
Clustering: K-means, K-medoids, Density-based Hierarchical Clustering, Mixture of
Gaussians and Expectation Maximization.
Ensemble Methods: Bagging, Boosting: Adaboost, Random Forests.
Artificial Neural Networks: Perceptron Learning Rule, Multilayer Perceptron, Loss
Function, Backpropagation, Backpropagation with time, Activation Functions, Loss
Functions, Gradient Descent Optimization, Adam, Bias Variance and Error analysis,
Regularization (L1, L2, Dropout), Kohenen Self-organizing Maps
Applications: Student should develop a predictive modeling application on imaging,
natural language or IoT data.
Reference Book(s):
1. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Christopher M. Bishop; Springer
2. Machine Learning - Tom Mitchell, Mc Graw Hill
3. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow by Geron Aurelien
4. Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics by John D.
Kelleher, Brian Mac Namee, and Aoife D’Arcy

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week:

Course Code: CSE-4116 1.50
Course Title: Machine Learning Credit Hour:0.75
The Machine Learning Laboratory course is structured to orient different algorithm of
machine learning practically to best suit the current need. This course will help understand
the iterative aspect of machine learning as models are exposed to new data, they are able
to independently adapt. Models learn from previous computations to produce reliable,
repeatable decisions and results and helps in implementing the enhanced learning
parameters for maximum performance.
Course Contents:
Supervised Learning: Regression, Model Selection and Generalization, Dimensions of a
supervised learning algorithm;
Bayesian Decision: Association Rules, Discriminant Functions; Clustering: k-means
cluster, Hierarchical cluster, Expectation-Maximization Algorithm, Supervised Learning
after Clustering;
Decision Tree: Classification tress, Regression trees, Pruning, Multivariate trees;
Hidden Markov Model: Basic problems of HMM, Evaluation problem, Model Selection
in HMM, Find State Sequence; Kernel

Machines: SVM, Victorian Kernels, Multiple Kernel Learning, One-Class Kernel
Machine, Kernel Dimensionality Reduction;
Design and Analysis of ML Experiment: Randomization, Interval Estimation, K-Fold
Cross-Validated Paired t Test, Binomial Test, Approximate Normal Test.
Reference Book(s):
1. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Christopher M. Bishop; Springer
2. Machine Learning - Tom Mitchell, Mc Graw Hill
3. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow by
Geron Aurelien
4. Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics by John D.
Kelleher, Brian Mac Namee, and Aoife D’Arcy

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4117
Course Title: Data Mining and Credit Hour:3.00
Data Ware-housing
Data mining techniques are the most important and useful tool for extracting novel,
interesting and valid patterns and knowledge from a large amount of data. The objective
of data mining processes is to build an efficient descriptive and predictive model of a large
data set which will not only explain it but will also be able to generalize to new data sets.
Course Contents:
Introduction and Applications: Relational Databases, Data Warehouses, Transactional
Databases, Advanced Data and Information Systems, Characterization and Discrimination,
Classification and Prediction, Cluster Analysis, Outlier Analysis, Evolution Analysis,
Attributes and its types, Data Visualization, Measuring Data Similarity and Dissimilarity.
Data Preprocessing: Descriptive Data Summarization, Data Cleaning, Data Integration
and Transformation, Data Reduction, Data Discretization and Concept Hierarchy
Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations, and Correlations: Definitions and
background, applications, closed and maximal frequent itemsets, Apriori and FP-growth
algorithms, generating association rules from frequent itemsets, mining correlations, and
different correlation measures.
Classification, Clustering and Prediction: Classification by Decision Tree Induction,
Bayesian Classification, Rule-Based Classification, Clustering by Partitioning/
Hierarchical/ Density-based/ Model- based methods, Clustering High-Dimensional Data,
Outlier analysis, Prediction, Linear Regression, Nonlinear Regression, Other Regression-
Based Methods of prediction, KNN Classifier, Evaluating the Accuracy and error
measures of a Classifier or Predictor.
Data Ware-housing: Definitions and background, applications, online transaction
processing (OLTP), online analytical processing (OLAP) system, Data Warehousing
Multitiered Architecture, Data Warehouse Models: Enterprise Warehouse, Data Mart, and
Virtual Warehouse, Metadata Repository, Stars, Snowflakes, and Fact Constellations:
Schemas for Multidimensional Data Models, OLAP Operations, Data Warehouse Design
and Usage, Data Warehouse Implementation.

Reference Book(s):
1. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques - Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, and Jian Pei, (Morgan
2. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Bharat Bhushan Agarwal, Sumit Prakash Tayal
3. Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and OLAP - Alex Berson and Stephen J.Smith

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-4118
Course Title: Data Mining and Data Ware-housing Credit Hour:0.75
Data mining techniques are the most important and useful tool for extracting novel,
interesting and valid patterns and knowledge from a large amount of data. The objective
of data mining processes is to build an efficient descriptive and predictive model of a large
data set which will not only explain it but will also be able to generalize to new data sets.
Implementing data analysis and prepossessing methods, visualization and decision-
making concepts of data warehousing and data mining. For better data analysis,
visualization and decision-making concepts of data warehousing and data mining play
vital roles.
Course Contents:
Data Mining: Introduction, Data Pre-processing, Data visualization techniques, Mining
Frequent Patterns, Associations, Correlations and Apriori algorithm, Classification,
Clustering and Prediction,
Data warehousing: Data warehousing and OLAP technology, multidimensional data
Reference Book(s):
1. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques - Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, and Jian Pei, (Morgan
2. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Bharat Bhushan Agarwal, Sumit Prakash Tayal
3. Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and OLAP - Alex Berson and Stephen J.Smith

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4119
Course Title: Digital System Design Credit Hour:3.00
Digital System Design course deals with design of different components of basic computer
and applying knowledge in the initial interfacing of basic computer.
Course Contents:
Design using MSI and LSI components; Combinational and sequential circuit design with
Design of memory subsystem using SRAM and DRAM;
Design of various components of a computer: Accumulator design, Shifter design, ALU,
memory and control unit – hardwired and micro-programmed,
Microprocessor based designs; Design using special purpose controllers. Introduction to
Simple As Possible (Microprocessor)- Architecture, Instruction Set, Design,

Microprogramming, SAP-1, SAP-2;
Introduction to Embedded Systems.
Reference Book(s):
1. "Digital Principles and System Design" by Sanjay Kumar Suman and Bhagyalakshmi
2. "Digital System Design Using Programmable Logic Devices" by Lala Parag K
3. "Digital Systems: Principles and Applications" by Ronald J Tocci and Neal S Widmer

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-4120
Course Title: Digital System Design Credit Hour:0.75
Digital System Design Laboratory course deals with design of different components of
basic computer and fully customized microprocessor of basic computer.
Course Contents:
Design of various components of a computer: Accumulator design, Shifter design, ALU,
memory and control unit - hardwired and micro-programmed, Design fully customized
Simple As Possible (Microprocessor): Architecture, Instruction Set, and Control Unit.
Reference Book(s):
1. "Digital Principles and System Design" by Sanjay Kumar Suman and Bhagyalakshmi
2. "Digital System Design Using Programmable Logic Devices" by Lala Parag K
3. "Digital Systems: Principles and Applications" by Ronald J Tocci and Neal S Widmer

4th Year 2nd Semester

BNQF Code:061 Contact Hours/Week: 6.00

Course Code: CSE-4000
Course Title: Final Year Design Project Credit Hour:3.00
(FYDP)/ Thesis***
FYDP/Thesis work provide students an opportunity to apply the knowledge they have
learnt to solve real life problems. FYDPs help students become more resourceful along
the way and they learn the nuances of research before they graduate. For some, it even
acts as a guide in their career paths.
Course Contents:
Previous course knowledge, Literature review, Self-learning, Interdisciplinary

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week:

Course Code: CSE-4211 3.00
Course Title: Computer Graphics and Credit Hour: 3.00
Multimedia Systems
Computer graphics interprets the mathematical foundation of the concepts of computer
graphics and apply those concepts in different geometric objects. Analyze different
algorithms and techniques of computer graphics and apply those in graphical model and
multimedia motivates to study the architecture, different standards of compressing and
coding a multimedia.
Course Contents:
Introduction: History, Application of Computer Graphics (Computer Aided Design
Animation), a Survey of Graphics I/O Devices and Types. Graphics Software Design:
Survey of Desired Function, Toward a Universal Graphic Language. Display Files,
Databases for Pictorial Applications. Graphics Techniques: Point-Plotting Techniques,
Line Drawing, Geometric Transformations, Windowing and Clipping, Raster Graphics.
Hardware for Computer Graphics: Typical Small and Large System, Graphic
Terminals, Plotters, Graphic Display Processors, Device Independent Graphics Systems.
Graphics Software: A Simple Graphic Package, Segmented Display Files, Geometric
Models, Picture Structure. Interactive Graphics: Input Techniques, Event Handling,
Three Dimensional Graphics, Curves and Surfaces, 3-D Transformation. Hidden Surface
Problem: Back Face Removal, Hidden-Line Removal Curved Surfaces, Describing
Points, Lines and Polygons, Some Hints for Building Polygonal Models, Color
Perception, RGBA and Color Index Mode, Dithering, Blending, 3-D Blending with the
Depth Buffer, Antialiasing, Fog, Fog Equations, the OpenGL ARB.
API Specifies: Data Types, Function Naming Conventions, Platform Independence,
Drawing Shapes with OpenGL, Animation with OpenGL and GLUT.
Drawing in Space: Lines, Points and Polygons. Co-ordinate Transformations:
Understanding Transformations, Matrix Munching Projections, Matrix Manipulation
Color Lighting and Materials, Texture Mapping.

Multimedia System Architecture: Objects for Multimedia System: Text; Images and
graphics: Basic concepts, Computer image processing; Sound/ Audio: Basic concepts,
Music, MIDI, Speech; Video and animation: Basic concepts, Computer-based animation
Compression Techniques: JPEG; H.261 (px64); MPEG; Intel’s DVI; Microsoft AVI;
Audio compression; Fractal compression Multimedia File Standards: RTF; TIFF; RIFF;
Multimedia Storage and Retrieval Technology: Magnetic media technology; Optical
media technology: Basic technology, CD Digital audio, CD-ROM, its architecture and
further development, CD-Write only (CD-WO), CD- Magnetic optical (CD-MO).
Architecture and Multimedia Communication Systems: Pen input; Video and image
display systems; Specialized processors: DSP; Memory systems; Multimedia board
solutions; Multimedia communication system; Multimedia database system (MDBMS)
User Interfaces: General design; Video and Audio at the user interface
Multimedia Applications: Imaging; Image/Voice processing and recognition; Optical
character recognition; Communication: Tele-service, Messaging; Entertainment: Virtual
reality, Interactive audio and video, Games. Audio and video conferencing, video on
demand, voice over IP.
Reference Book(s):
1. Introduction to Computer Graphics, Author: Foley J D and others
2. Computer Graphics, Author: Angel E.
3. Computer Graphics, Author: Hearn D and Baker M P
4. Multimedia systems, Author: Stimetz
5. Multimedia: Computing, Communications & Applications, Author: Ralf Steinmetz and Klara
6. Multimedia Systems Design, Author: Prabhat K. Andleigh and Kiran Thakrar.
7. The Complete Animation Course: The Principles, Practice and Techniques of Successful
Animation by Chris Patmore.

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-4212
Course Title: Computer Graphics and Credit Hour: 0.75
Multimedia Systems Laboratory
Apply graphics programming techniques to solve graphics problem related to modelling
transformation, rendering, texture mapping, developing 2D and 3D graphical geometric
objects and editing audio, video and images.
Course Contents:
Drawing: Introduction to OpenGL, drawing 2D geometric object, drawing 3D geometric
Transformation: Simple 2D and 2D animation and modelling transformation.
Advanced Topics: Viewing transformation and Texturing and lighting.
Multimedia Applications: Image and Video processing and recognition
Reference Book(s):
1. OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL (8th Edition)- Dave
Shreiner, Graham Sellers, John Kessenich and Bill Licea-Kane; Addison Wesley Professional (2013).
2. The Complete Animation Course: The Principles, Practice and Techniques of Successful Animation
by Chris Patmore.

BNQF Code:0413 Contact Hours/Week: 2.00
Course Code: GED-4251
Course Title: Engineering Management and Leadership Credit Hour:2.00
The course is designed to make students understand the overlapping connection between
engineering and management in an organization through the study of varied management
practices and leadership traits as an engineer.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Leadership and Management: Definition of leadership and management,
basic difference between a leader and a manager, relation of leaders and managers with
respect to efficiency and effectiveness, qualities of leader and managers with examples from
history; Management Fundamentals: Definition of management & manager, levels of
management, management functions and skills, Mintzberg‘s managerial roles, Henri
Fayol‘s management principles, strategic management; Leadership & Motivation:
Motivation, Maslow‘s hierarchy needs, theory of X & Y, motivators and hygiene factors,
goal setting theory, reinforcement theory, equity theory, expectancy theory, Leadership
styles, leadership trait theory, managerial grid, contemporary leadership, conflicts
negotiation, leadership issues in 21st century, cross cultural leadership, engineer as a leader
and some simple case discussions on leadership (positive and toxic leadership) in the class
(Interactive Learning); Organizational Management: Organization, departmentalization,
chain of command, unity of command, cross functional area, authority, centralization and
decentralization, traditional & contemporary organization, matrix project structure, learning
structure, organizing collaboration; Planning and goal setting: Foundation of planning;
goals of plan, types of goal, types of goal & plan, goal setting, MBO, well written goal;
Control: Controlling process, controlling for organizational performance, types of control:
(feed-forward, feedback & concurrent), balanced scorecard, contemporary issues in control,
workplace concern & workplace violence, Change and Innovation: Change and
innovation, internal and external for change, changing process, creativity vs innovation;
Attitude: Components of Attitude, behaviour model and characteristics model; behaviour
vs. attitude, job attitude, job involvement, job satisfaction and customer satisfaction;
Personality: Personality determinants: heredity and environment, Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator, Big five personality model, personality traits (core self-evaluation,
Machiavellianism, narcissism, self-monitoring, risk taking, proactive personality);
Perception and Individual Decision Making: Factors influencing perception, attribution
theory, errors/biases in attribution, Factors of individual decision making, rational decision
making, bounded rationality, satisfice, common errors in decision making, creativity in
decision making; Understanding Work Team: Work group, work team, problem solving
team, self-managed work team, cross functional team, virtual team, team effectiveness,
team challenges; HR Management: Process of Human Resource Planning, forecasting
demand for labour, staffing, internal supply of labour, performance appraisal; Operations
Management: Project managing basics, goals and boundary of project, WBS, scheduling
a project, Demand and supply forecasting, inventory control; Information Technology and
Management: Management Information System (MIS), Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) - For introductory knowledge;

Reference Book(s):
1. The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change 1st Edition by
Camille Fournie
2. High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove
3. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni

Elective Courses
(Department will offer some courses in 8th semester in which student can
select one theory courses as Elective-V and theory with laboratory course as

BNQF Code:0613 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4213
Course Title: Cloud Computing Credit Hour:3.00
The cloud computing course introduces the emergence of cloud computing and its
contribution in providing effective solution for an industrial environment. The course
provides a comprehensive discussion on the fundamentals of the technology, architecture,
challenges and issues (security, safety) of an overall cloud computing system.
Course Contents:
Fundamentals of cloud computing: Types of cloud computing, enabling technologies-
virtualization, Web services, SOA, Web 2.0, cloud computing features, cloud computing
Comparable technologies: Grid Computing, Utility Computing, The role of grid
computing in cloud computing, difference between cloud and utility computing.
Cloud architecture: Cloud scheduling, Scalability, reliability and security of the cloud,
Workflow management in cloud, Network infrastructure for cloud computing,
Virtualization technologies and its security related issues.
Cloud service Models: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), google
App Engine, Microsoft Azure etc, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Openstack, EC2 etc,
Data as a Service (DaaS);
Cloud computing applications: Virtual private cloud , Scientific services and data
management in cloud, Enterprise cloud, Medical information systems;
Big Data Introduction: Variety of Data, Velocity of Data, Veracity of Data, Distributed
file system such as Hadoop, Data centric computing such as map-reduce, Distributed
database and Cloud business models.
Reference Book(s):
1. Cloud Computing: A Hands-on Approach by Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti
2. Handbook of Cloud Computing by Anand Nayyar
3. CLOUD COMPUTING A PRACTICAL APPROACH by Toby Velte , Anthony Velte, Robert

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-4215
Course Title: Green Computing Credit Hour:3.00
The objective of this course is to make the students aware about impact of information
technology and computing industry on the environment/ecology and how can they
contribute in saving the mother earth by aligning their buying/operating/disposal practices
in respect of computing and IT gadgets.
Course Contents:
The concept, importance and issues involved in Green Computing/ Information
Technology; Carbon footprint in manufacturing of computing and IT products; other
effluents in IT manufacturing; the concept of design for environment;
Carbon footprint in operations of IT/computing gadget; green IT usage; Data centre and
server farms design, power, cooling and location; virtualization; BPR for sustainable
Disposal practices in e-waste; e-waste recycling, formal vs. informal e-waste recycling;
extended producer responsibility; IT for paperless offices; IT for saving travel cost, time
and environment;
Electronic waste management regulations in Bangladesh; IEEE 1680 standard for green
Reference Book(s):
1. Green Computing: Tools and Techniques for Saving Energy, Money, and Resources By Bud E.
2. Green Computing Strategies for Competitive Advantage and Business Sustainability Mehdi
Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A.

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4217
Course Title: Network Planning Credit Hour:3.00
Network planning and design is an iterative process, encompassing topological design,
network- synthesis, and network-realization, and is aimed at ensuring that a new
telecommunications network or service meets the needs of the subscriber and operator. This
course is designed to give undergraduate level of knowledge in network planning and
Course Contents:
Introduction: Network components, Theoretical Network, Real World Networks. Network
Architectural Design: Designing the LAN, Configuring the Network Server and Client,
Network Administration, Remote Access, Expanding the Network, Wide Area Network
Troubleshooting, Major Protocol Suites.
Network Simulation: Network Simulation and Optimization, Network Operations, Control
and Maintenance, Network Administration, Network Management Database and Tools,
Capacity Planning.
Network Optimization: Network Security and Integrity, Linear Programming and
Network Algorithms for Planning, Reliability Theory and Network Planning.
Reference Book(s):
1. Network planning and design A Complete Guide by Gerardus Blokdyk
2. Cellular Network Planning By Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar, Djalma de Melo Carvalho Filho

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4219
Course Title: Blockchain and Credit Hour:3.00
Cryptocurrency Technology
The course is designed to introduce Blockchain technology and its application to
Computer Science. The course begins with the Basic Cryptographic primitives used in
Blockchain and then covers, Basic Distributed System concepts, Basic Blockchain
(Blockchain 1.0), Blockchain 2.0, Blockchain 3.0, Beyond Cryptocurrency, Limitations
of blockchain as a technology.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Need for Distributed Record Keeping, Modeling faults and adversaries,
Byzantine Generals problem, Consensus algorithms and their scalability problems,
Technologies Borrowed in Blockchain – hash pointers, consensus, byzantine fault-tolerant
distributed computing, digital cash; Basic Distributed Computing: Atomic Broadcast,
Consensus, Byzantine Models of fault tolerance; Basic Crypto primitives: Hash functions,
Puzzle friendly Hash, Collision resistant hash, digital signatures, public key crypto,
verifiable random functions, Zero-knowledge systems; Blockchain 1.0: Bitcoin
blockchain, the challenges, and solutions, proof of work, Proof of stake, alternatives to
Bitcoin consensus, Bitcoin scripting language and their use; Blockchain 2.0: Ethereum and
Smart Contracts, The Turing Completeness of Smart Contract Languages and verification
challenges, Using smart contracts to enforce legal contracts, comparing Bitcoin scripting
vs. Ethereum Smart Contracts; Blockchain 3.0: Hyper ledger fabric, the plug and play
platform and mechanisms in permissioned blockchain; Privacy, Security issues in
Blockchain: Pseudo-anonymity vs. anonymity, Zcash and Zk-SNARKS for anonymity
preservation, attacks on Blockchains – such as Sybil attacks, selfish mining, 51% attacks -
-advent of algorand, and Sharding based consensus algorithms to prevent these.
Reference Book(s):
1. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains: Antony Lewis
2. Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain By Andreas M. Antonopoulos
3. The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything by Michael J.
Casey and Paul Vigna
4. Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps by Daniel Drescher

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00
Course Code: CSE-4221
Course Title: Internet of Things (IoT) Credit Hour:3.00
The Internet of Things (IoT) course introduces the emergence of IoT and its contribution
in providing effective solution for an industrial environment. The course provides a
comprehensive discussion on the fundamentals of the technology, architecture,
challenges and issues (security, safety) of an overall IoT system.
Course Contents:
Evolution of IoT: history and emergence of IoT; Applications of IoT: case studies on a
number of industries - power, water, healthcare, transportation, oil and gas, construction,
agriculture, gene sequencers, mining and race cars. The IoT landscape: devices, wireless
networks, cloud, sensors, architectures; Introduction to IoT and embedded systems:
introductory concept of IoT and big data, cloud computing and edge computing; IoT
system architectures: IoT-oriented standards, protocols and databases; IoT devices: the
IoT device design space and platform design; Event-driven system: IoT event analysis;
IoT network model: single-hub network and multi-hub network; Industrial IoT:
industrial 4.0, IoT architecture, applications and basic challenges; Security and safety:
system security, network security, generic application security, privacy and
dependability; Security testing of IoT systems: fuzz testing for security – white-box
fuzzing, black-box fuzzing, fuzzing industrial control network systems.
Reference Book(s):
1. Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach - Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, VPTedition1,
2. Designing for Emerging- UX for Genomics, Robotics, and the Internet of Things Technologies –
Jonathan Follett, O’Reilly, 2014

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-4222
Course Title: Internet of Things (IoT) Laboratory Credit Hour:0.75
The Internet of Things (IoT) Laboratory course provides a practical experience on
developing innovative solutions for a variety of industrial context by applying the
technology used to design and develop an IoT system. This course further provides
hands on experience on different kinds of components that form the architecture of an
IoT system, how they communicate, how they store data and the kinds of
distributed/embedded system that are required to support the IoT system.
Course Contents:
Applications of IoT: case studies on a number of industries - power, water, healthcare,
transportation, oil and gas, construction, agriculture, gene sequencers, mining and race
cars. The IoT landscape: devices, wireless networks, cloud, sensors, architectures;
Introduction to IoT and embedded systems: introductory concept of IoT and big data,
cloud computing and edge computing; IoT system architectures: IoT-oriented
standards, protocols and databases;

IoT devices: the IoT device design space and platform design; Event-driven system:
IoT event analysis; IoT network model: single-hub network and multi-hub network;
Security and safety: system security, network security, generic application security,
privacy and dependability; Orientation and usage of modern tools: programming in
C/C++ (for programming the edge device), programming in Python using such
frameworks as TensorFlow (for ML-related tasks), containerized apps deployment using
Kubernetes, docker, computer networks, Apache Kafka, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Apache
Flink, Linux administration and familiarity with Amazon web technologies.
Reference Book(s):
1. Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach - Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, VPTedition1,
2. Designing for Emerging- UX for Genomics, Robotics, and the Internet of Things Technologies –
Jonathan Follett, O’Reilly, 2014

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4223
Course Title: Advanced Database Credit Hour: 3.00
Management Systems
This course motivates to optimize the basic database transactions, query processing,
concurrency control and other functions of database systems using advanced features that
includes complex data and also assess various database models and designs to contribute
to modern database systems.
Course Contents:
Object oriented database: data model, design, languages; object relational database:
complex data types, querying with complex data types, design; distributed database:
levels of distribution transparency, translation of global queries to fragment queries,
optimization of access strategies, management of distributed transactions, concurrency
control, reliability, administration; Parallel Database: different types of parallelism,
design of parallel database; multimedia database systems basic concepts, design,
optimization of access strategies, management of multimedia database systems,
reliability; database warehousing/ data mining: basic concepts and algorithms.
Reference Book(s):
1. Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition) - Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman
and Jennifer Widom; Pearson(2008)
2. Concurrency control and Recovery in Database Systems (1st Edition) - P. a Bernstein and N.
Goodman; Addison-Weasley (1987)

BNQF Code:0612 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-4224
Course Title: Advanced Database Management Credit Hour:0.75
Systems Laboratory
This course motivates to design and develop embedded projects using advanced database
functions and query based on advanced database models - object oriented database,
distributed database, multimedia database etc. to solve real-life problems.

Course Contents:
Introduction: Oracle Installation, Authentication, Security, Table Creation, SQL:
Simple Query, Data Expressions, Join, Constraints, Advanced Query (GROUP Function
etc.), Subqueries, Single-row function, Numeric function, Manipulation function,
Conversion function, Nesting of function, Abstract data type, PL/SQL: Introduction to
PL/SQL, Database Trigger/ Procedure, Packages, Indexing, View.Object oriented
database, Distributed database, Management of distributed transactions, concurrency
control, reliability, administration, Management of multimedia database systems,
reliability; database ware-housing/data mining: basic concepts and algorithms.
Reference Book(s):
1. Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition) - Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman
and Jennifer Widom; Pearson(2008)
2. Concurrency control and Recovery in Database Systems (1st Edition) - P. a Bernstein and N.
Goodman; Addison-Weasley (1987)

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 3.00

Course Code: CSE-4225
Course Title: Pattern Recognition Credit Hour: 3.00
This course motivates to recognize patterns, regularities and also irregularities in data
by using various pattern recognition algorithms and techniques to find useful
information for science, business and organizational decisions as well as contributing
to the field of machine learning, data mining and artificial
Course Contents:
Introduction to pattern recognition: Statistical and Neural Pattern Recognition,
Bayesian decision theory; Classifiers: Linear classifiers, Nonlinear classifiers;
Estimation Techniques: Parametric estimation techniques; Non-parametric estimation
techniques; Methods and Models: Template matching, Dynamic programming
methods, correlation methods, Hidden Markov model, Support vector machine,
Syntactic pattern recognition, Clustering algorithms, Principle component analysis.
Reference Book(s):
1. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Christopher M. Bishop; Springer
2. Machine Learning - Tom Mitchell, Mc Graw Hill
3. Pattern Recognition –Sergios Theodoridis and Konstantinos Koutroumbas; Elsevier Inc.

BNQF Code:0611 Contact Hours/Week: 1.50

Course Code: CSE-4226
Course Title: Pattern Credit Hour: 0.75
Recognition Laboratory
This course motivates to apply various algorithm and techniques - classification,
regression, clustering, neural network, decision tree and other estimation
techniques which helps to identify different types of pattern in data that can give
required solution and suggestions to real-life problems for various applications.
Course Contents:
Bayes Classifier, Perceptron Algorithm, Pocket Algorithm, Edit Distance, Basic
Sequential Algorithmic Scheme, K-Means Clustering algorithm, Support
Vector Machine, Neural Network, Decision Tree.
Reference Book(s):
1. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Christopher M. Bishop; Springer
2. Machine Learning - Tom Mitchell, Mc Graw Hill
3. Pattern Recognition –Sergios Theodoridis and Konstantinos Koutroumbas; Elsevier Inc.

Grading/Evaluation System
5.1 Grading Policy:
The total performance of a student in a given course is based on a scheme of continuous
assessment. For theory course this continuous assessment is made through a set of
quizzes/class tests, observations/class participation, homework/assignment and a semester
final examination. The assessment in laboratory courses is made by evaluating
performance of the student at work during the class, viva-voce during laboratory hours and
quizzes. Each course has a certain number of credits, which describes its corresponding
weightages. A letter grade with a specified number of grade points is awarded in each
course for which a student is registered. A student's performance is measured by the
number of credits completed satisfactorily and by the weighted average of the grade points
earned. A minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) is essential for satisfactory progress. A
minimum number of earned credits also have to be acquired in order to qualify for the
degree. Letter grades and corresponding grade points will be awarded in accordance with
the provisions (as per University Grant Commission-UGC grading system) shown below:

Numerical Score Letter Grade Grade points

80% and above A+ A (Plus) 4.00
75% to > 80% A A (Regular) 3.75
70% to > 75% A- A (Minus) 3.50
65% to > 70% B+ B (Plus) 3.25
60% to > 65% B B (Regular) 3.00
55% to > 60% B- B (Minus) 2.75
50% to > 55% C+ C (Plus) 2.50
45% to > 50% C C (Regular) 2.25
40% to > 45% D D (Pass) 2.00
below 40% F Fail 0.00
Assigned courses are not appeared I - Incomplete
As per academic policy W - Withdrawn
Failed to submit X -
Due to offence E - Expelled

*I-Incomplete; *W-Withdrawn; *X-Projects/Thesis Continuation; *E-Expelled

*The subject in which the student gets F grade shall not be counted towards credit hours
requirements and for the calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA). Students failing in a
course/ courses due to being expelled, dis-collegiate, absent will be treated as F according
to Grading system.

5.2 Distribution of Marks:
Theory Courses:
Thirty percent (30%) marks of theoretical course shall be allotted for continuous
assessment, i.e., quiz, class tests, home assignments, class evaluation and class
participation and 70% shall be allotted to the Semester Final Examination. The Final
examination is conducted centrally by the University. Distribution of marks for a given
course if as follows.

Category Marks %
Class participation/Presentation skill 5
Class performance 5
Homework/Assignment 5
Class tests 15
Final Examination (Maximum 3 Hours) 70
Total 100

Laboratory Courses:
Laboratory courses are designed and conducted by the concerned departments.
Examination on laboratory/practical subjects will be conducted by the respective
department before the commencement of semester final examination. The date of practical
examination will be fixed by the respective department. Students will be evaluated in the
laboratory courses on the basis of the followings (all or as decided by the Examination Sub-

Category Marks (%)

Continuous Assessment (Laboratory Participation) 10
Lab Report 10
Quiz Test 10
Lab Test 20
Project/Online Test 30
Viva Voce 20
Total 100

Students failing in laboratory/practical course will have to register that course at his next
upcoming convenient semester with a course registration fee fixed by the BAUET
authority but within maximum period of six academic years.
For B.Sc. in CSE program, the marks distribution of laboratory courses will be distributed
according to the type of the laboratory course. The distributions of marks for three types
of laboratory are given below:

5.3 Marks Distribution of Lab/Project Based Laboratory

Category Marks (%)

Lab test/Project 30

Written test/Quiz 20
Viva voce 10
Attendance 10
Data Sheet/Home Assignments/Report 10
Class Performance /Continuous Evaluation 20
Total 100

5.4 Marks Distribution of Programming Based Laboratory

Category Marks (%)

Online Test – 1 25
Online Test – 2 25
Viva voce 10
Attendance 10
Continuous Evaluation 10
Class Performance 20
Total 100

5.5 Marks Distribution of Communicative English

Category Marks (%)

Class Participation 5
Class Assessment 5
Written Assignment 15
Oral Performance 25
Listening Skill 10
Group Presentation 30
Viva Voce 10
Total 100

5.6 Marks Distribution of Software Development Project (CSE-3200 & CSE-4100)

Category Marks (%)

Committee members from the dept. and 30
the allied dept.(if required)
Supervisor or mentor of each team 70
Total 100

5.7 Calculation of GPA (Grade Point Average)

Grade Point Average (GPA) is the weighted average of the grade points obtained of all the
courses passed/completed by a student. For example, if a student passes/completes n
courses in a semester having credits of C1, C2, … , Cn and his grade points in these courses
are G1,G2, … , Gn respectively then


The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the weighted average of the GPA obtained
in all semesters passed/completed by a student. For example, if a student passes/
completes n semester having total credits of TC1, TC2, … , TCn and his GPA in these
semesters are GPA1, GPA2, … , GPAn respectively then


A Numerical Example

Suppose a student has completed 09 (nine) courses in a semester and obtained the following

Course Credits, Ci Grade Grade Points, Gi Ci*Gi

CSE-1100 1.50 A- 3.50 5.2500
EEE-1161 3.00 A+ 4.00 12.0000
EEE-1162 1.50 A 3.75 5.6250
MATH-1141 3.00 B+ 3.25 9.7500
PHY-1101 3.00 B- 2.75 8.2500
PHY-1102 0.75 C+ 2.50 1.8750
GED-1151 3.00 D 2.00 6.0000
GED-1152 0.75 C 2.25 1.6875
HUM-1153 2.00 B 3.00 6.0000
Total 18.50 56.4375

GPA= 56.4375/18.50=3.05

Suppose a student has completed 04 (four) semesters and obtained the following GPA:

Credit Hours GPA Earned,

Year Semester TCi*GPAi
Earned, TCi GPAi
1 1 21.00 3.73 78.330
1 2 20.50 3.93 80.565
2 1 19.75 3.96 78.210
2 2 20.25 4.00 81.000
Total 81.50 318.105

CGPA = 318.105/81.50 =3.90

Rules and regulations for undergraduate program
6.1 Course Appraisal and Lesson Plan:

All faculty members must have to prepare their respective Course Appraisal and Lesson plan
for the entire course before the semester begins. They are advised to leave a copy of the
Course Appraisal set to the Head of the Department for review by the Course Committee
(i.e. PSAC).

6.2 Teacher-Student Interaction:

The new course system encourages students to come in close contact with the teachers. For
promotion of a high level of teacher-student interaction, each student is assigned to an adviser
and the student is free to discuss all academic matters with his/her adviser. Students are also
encouraged to meet any time with other teachers for help and guidance in academic matters.
However, students are not allowed to interact with teachers after the moderation of questions.

6.3 Student Mentoring:

Besides the respective faculty of each subject/program, every student will have a designated
mentor. Students will interact with his/her mentor to discuss the academic progress,
difficulties and all other issues relating to their performances. There is definite guideline
issued, which specifies the modalities and frequency of mentoring, advising and interactions.

6.4 Batch Adviser:

One Batch adviser is normally appointed for a batch of students by the concerned
department. The batch adviser advises each student about the courses to be taken in each
semester by discussing the academic program of that particular semester with the student.
However, it is also the student’s responsibility to keep regular contact with his/her adviser
who will review and eventually approve the student’s specific plan of study and monitor
subsequent progress of the student.

6.5 Course Registration:

Any student who uses classroom, laboratory facilities or faculty-time is required to register
formally. Upon admission to the BAUET, students are assigned to advisers. These advisers
guide the students in choosing and registering courses.

6.6 Registration Procedure:

At the commencement of each semester, each student has to register for courses in
consultation with and under the guidance of his/her adviser. The date, time and venue of
registration are announced in advance by the Registrar’s Office. Counseling and advising are
accomplished at this time. It is absolutely essential that all the students be present for
registration at the specified time.

6.7 Pre-Conditions for Registration:

a. For 1st Year students, department-wise enrolment/admission is mandatory prior to

registration. At the beginning of the first semester, an orientation program will be
conducted for them where they are handed over with the registration package on
submission of the enrolment slip
b. Any student, other than the new batch, with outstanding dues to the BAUET or a
hall of residence is not permitted to register. Each student must clear their dues
and obtain a clearance certificate, upon production of which, he/she will be given
necessary Course Registration Forms to perform course registration.

c. A student is allowed to register in a particular course subject to the class capacity

constraints and satisfaction of pre-requisite courses. However, even if a student
fails in a pre-requisite course in any semester, the concerned department may
allow him/her to register for a course which depends upon the pre-requisite course
provided that his/her attendance and performance in the continuous assessment of
the mentioned pre-requisite course is found to be satisfactory.

6.8 Registration Deadline:

Each student must register for the courses to be taken before the commencement of each
semester. Late registration is permitted only during the first week of classes. Late registration
after this date will not be accepted unless the student submits a written application to the
registrar through the concerned Head of the department explaining the reasons for delay.
Acceptable reasons may be medical problems with supporting documents or some other
academic commitments that prohibit enrolment prior to the last date of registration.

6.9 Penalty for Late Registration:

Students who fail to register during the designated dates for registration are charged a late
registration fee of Tk. 400.00 (Four hundred only) for each semester. Penalty for late
registration will not be waived.

6.10 Attendance, Conduct and Discipline

BAUET has strict rules regarding the issues of attendance in class and discipline.

Attendance: Following guidelines are to be adjusted to:

a. All students are required to attend 80% of the classes for all courses.
b. In case of sickness 70% attendance may be considered by the VC with proper
medical documents provided by the student.
c. Students failing to attend 80% classes are liable to pay a fine of Tk. 2000/- per
d. Students not eligible to sit for exam of a particular course due to poor attendance,
their concerned course will be deleted form the Admit Card.
e. A student will not be entitled to Vice Chancellor or the Dean’s list of the Semester,
in case he/she has not attended 90% if the classes. S/he will also not be considered
for any Scholarship/Waiver provide by the University.

Conduct and Discipline:

During their stay in BAUET all students are required to abide by the existing rules,
regulations and code of conduct. Students are strictly forbidden to form or be members of
student organization or political party, club, society etc., other than those set up by BAUET
authority in order to enhance student’s physical, intellectual, moral and ethical development.
Zero tolerance will be shown in regards of sexual abuse and harassment in any forms and
drug abuse and addiction in the campus.

6.11 Promotion to the Next Semester:

[As per BAUET Exam policy]

6.12 Minimum Earned Credit and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) Required
for Obtaining a Degree:

[As per BAUET Exam policy]

6.13 Consequences of Poor Performance (Referred/Improvement/Backlog):

[As per BAUET Exam policy]

6.14 Course Repetition:

[As per BAUET Exam policy]

6.15 Class Tests:

The number for class test of a course shall be at least n+1 where n is the number of credits
of the course. Class test will be conducted by the subject teacher. Course teacher must
announce results within 10 days of holding the examination. Checked scripts will be shown
to the students. If a student misses the class test for acceptable reason, the course teacher
may make arrangements to take the test of the students.

6.16 Earned Credits

The courses in which a student has obtained 'D' or a higher grade will be counted as credits
earned by her/him. Any course in which a student has obtained 'F' grade will not be counted
as credits earned by her/him.

6.17 Rounding off the Decimal Marks:

If there is any decimal marks in any of the examinations like class test, tutorial, term paper,
viva voce, course final examination, instead of rounding off the decimal figure in the result
of every subject/sessional, it is to be rounded off only once during tabulation while
converting the total marks to summation of all the subject/sessional marks. To round off, 0.5
and above is to be converted to next higher whole number(Integer) and less than 0.5 is to be
converted to previous whole number (For example 58.5% would be 59% and 58.49% would

6.18 Rounding off the GPA/CGPA:

The GPA/CGPA is not to be rounded off like the total marks of each subject sessional, but
it is to be rounded off after two figures of decimal. To round of 3.555 and above after two
figure of decimal, it is to be rounded off as 3.56 and 3.554 and below after two figure of
decimal, it is to be rounded off as 3.55.

6.19 Number of Grade Sheets:

The number of Grade sheets to be issued is 08 (eight) for a regular student. Backlog, re-
registered courses, sessional courses result will be included in that particular semester result
in which the student appeared.

6.20 Withdrawal Policy:

[As per BAUET Exam policy]

6.21 Transcript:

Transcripts will be given after approval of the authority of BAUET, academic council and
syndicate. Partial transcripts may be given to students with the assigned payment and
verification fixed by the authority.

6.22 Certificate:

A copy of provisional before original certificate may be given after approval of the authority
of BAUET, academic council and syndicate. Provisional certificates, however, should be
surrendered during receiving the original certificate.

6.23 Awards:
a. Degree with Honors: Candidates for Bachelor’s Degree will be awarded the
degree with honors if their overall CGPA is 3.75 and above.
b. Gold Medal: Gold medal will be awarded to all students earning CGPA 4 at the
end of the entire program.
c. VC’s List: VC’s list will be awarded to all students earning 3.90 and above at the
end of each academic level, and all graduating students earning 3.90 and above
considering results of entire program.
d. Dean’s List: Dean’s list will be awarded to all students earning CGPA 3.75 - 3.90
at the end of each academic year for 1, 2, 3 and all graduating students earning
CGPA 3.75 - 3.90 considering results of entire program.
e. Other Scholarships and Stipends: This will be considered by the university
authority in due course of time.

**Students must have above 90% attendance to be considered in the Dean’s list and VC’s
list of recognition.
[N.B. Contradiction among the existing Examination Policy, Syllabus and Standing
Instruction (SI) will be solved by a team headed by the honorable VC]
Chapter 7
Courses Offered to Other Departments

7.1 Courses Offered to the Department of EEE

Hours/Week Year/
Sl. Course No Course Title Credits
Theory Sessional Semester
1. CSE-1209 Computer Programming 3.00 - 3.00 Y1/S2
Computer Programming
2. CSE-1210 - 3.00 1.5 Y1/S2

7.2 Courses Offered to the Department of ME

Hours/Week Year/
Sl. Course No Course Title Credits
Theory Sessional Semester
Computer Programming
1. CSE-1271 3.00 - 3.00 Y1/S2
Computer Programming
2. CSE-1272 - 3.00 1.5 Y1/S2
Language Sessional

7.3 Courses Offered to the Department of Business Administration

Hours/Week Year/
Sl. Course No Course Title Credits
Theory Sessional Semester
Computer Applications
1. CSE-2103 4.00 - 4.00 Y1/S2
in Business

7.4 Courses Offered to the Department of Law and Justice

Hours/Week Year/
Sl. Course No Course Title Credits
Theory Sessional Semester
Computer and
1. CSE-1202 3.00 - 4.00 Y1/S2
Information Technology

7.5 Courses Offered to the Department of English Language and

Hours/Week Year/
Sl. Course No Course Title Credits
Theory Sessional Semester
Computer and Information
1. CSE-1222 3.00 - 3.00 Y1/S1


Learning Domain
The Learning Domain (LD) consists of three sub-domains i.e. cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor and their categories. The students will be evaluated through different methods
based on the sub-domains. The attributes of the sub-domains are described in the following
Cognitive sub-domain:
LD Category Description
C1 Remembering Recognizing or recalling knowledge from memory.
Remembering is when memory is used to produce definitions,
facts, or lists, or recite or retrieve material.
C2 Understanding Constructing meaning from different types of functions be they
have written or graphic messages activities like interpreting,
exemplifying classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing,
and explaining.
C3 Applying Carrying out or using a procedure through executing, or
implementing. Applying related and refers to situations where
learned material is used through products like models,
presentations, interviews or simulations.
C4 Analyzing Breaking material or concepts into parts, determining how the
parts relate or interrelate to one another or to an overall structure
or purpose. Mental actions included in this function are
differentiating, organizing, and attributing, as well as being able
to distinguish between the components or parts. When one is
analyzing he/she can illustrate this mental function by creating
spreadsheets, surveys, charts, or diagrams, or graphic
C5 Evaluating Making judgments based on criteria and standards through
checking and critiquing. Critiques, recommendations, and
reports are some of the products that can be created to
demonstrate the processes of evaluation. In the newer taxonomy
evaluation comes before creating as it is often a necessary part
of the precursory behavior before creating something.
C6 Creating Putting elements together to form a coherent or functional
whole; reorganizing elements into a new pattern or structure
through generating, planning, or producing. Creating requires
users to put parts together in a new way or synthesize parts into
something new and different a new form or product. This
process is the most difficult mental function in the new

Table: Cognitive Domain

Affective sub-domain:
LD Category Description
A1 Receiving This refers to the learner‘s sensitivity to the existence of stimuli–
awareness, willingness to receive, or selected attention.
A2 Responding This refers to the learners ‘active attention to stimuli and his/her
motivation to learn – acquiescence, willing responses, or feelings
of satisfaction.
A3 Valuing This refers to the learner‘s beliefs and attitudes of worth –
acceptance, preference, or commitment. An acceptance,
preference, or commitment to value.
A4 Organization This refers to the learner‘s internalization of values and beliefs
involving (1) the conceptualization of values; and (2) the
organization of a value system. As values or beliefs become
internalized, the leaner organizes them according to priority.
A5 Characterization This refers to the learner‘s highest of internalization and relates
to behavior that reflects (1) a generalized set of values; and (2)
a characterization or a philosophy about life. At this level, the
learner is capable of practicing and acting on their values or

Table: Affective Domain

Psychomotor sub-domain:
LD Category Description
P1 Perception The ability to use sensory cues to guide motor activity. This
ranges from sensory stimulation, through cue selection, to
P2 Set Readiness to act. It includes mental, physical, and emotional sets.
These three sets are dispositions that predetermine a person's
response to different situations (sometimes called mindsets).
P3 Guided The early stages in learning a complex skill that includes
Response imitation and trial and error. Adequacy of performance is
achieved by practicing.
P4 Mechanism This is the intermediate stage in learning a complex skill. Learned
responses have become habitual and the movements can be
performed with some confidence and proficiency.
P5 Complex / The skillful performance of motor acts that involve complex
Overt Response movement patterns. Proficiency is indicated by a quick, accurate,
and highly coordinated performance, requiring a minimum of
energy. This category includes performing without hesitation and
automatic performance. For example, players often utter sounds
of satisfaction or expletives as soon as they hit a tennis ball or
throw a football because they can tell by the feel of the act what
the result will produce.

P6 Adaptation Skills are well developed and the individual can modify
movement patterns to fit special requirements.
P7 Origination Creating new movement patterns to fit a particular situation or
specific problem. Learning outcomes emphasize creativity based
on highly developed skills.

Table: Psychomotor Domain


Equivalence Table

Old course (2019-2021) New Course (2022-2024)

Sl. Course code Course Title Cr. BNQF Course Course Title Cr.
Code Code
1. 0611 CSE-1100 Introduction to 1.50
Introduction to
CSE-1102 Computer Systems 1.50
2. PHY-1105 Physics 3.00 0533 PHY-1101 Physics 3.00
3. 0533 PHY-1102 Physics 0.75
PHY-1106 Physics Sessional 0.75
4. Inorganic and 0531CHEM-1101 Chemistry 2.00
CHEM-1203 3.00
Physical Chemistry
5. Inorganic and 0531CHEM-1102 Chemistry 0.75
CHEM-1204 Physical Chemistry 0.75 Laboratory
6. Differential 0541MATH-1141 Differential 3.00
MATH-1141 Calculus and 3.00 Calculus and
Integral Calculus Integral Calculus
7. Technical and --- ---- ---
HUM-1151 Communicative 2.00
8. Technical and 0232 HUM-1150 Communicative 1.50
HUM-1152 Communicative 0.75 English-I
English Sessional Laboratory
9. Bangladesh Studies 0222 GED-1151 Bangladesh 2.00
HUM-1255 (History of 2.00 Studies: History
Independence) and Culture
10. Electrical Circuit 0713 EEE-1161 Electrical Circuit 3.00
EEE-1261 3.00
Analysis Analysis
11. 0713 EEE-1162 Electrical Circuit 0.75
Electrical Circuit
EEE-1262 1.50 Analysis
Analysis Sessional
12. Structured 0613 Structured
CSE-1213 Programming 3.00 CSE-1211 Programming 3.00

13. Structured 0613 Structured

CSE-1214 Programming 1.50 CSE-1212 Programming 1.50
Sessional Laboratory
14. Discrete 0541 Discrete
CSE-1211 3.00 CSE-1213 3.00
Mathematics Mathematics

15. Mathematics-II 0541 Ordinary, Partial
(Ordinary, Partial Differential
Differential Equations and
MATH-1243 3.00 MATH-1241 3.00
Equations and Coordinate
Coordinate Geometry
16. Electronic Devices 0714 Electronic
EEE-2163 and 3.00 EEE-1261 Devices and 3.00
Circuits Circuits
17. 0714 Electronic
Electronic Devices
Devices and
EEE-2164 and 0.75 EEE-1262 0.75
Circuits Laboratory
18. --- --- ---- 0715 Basic Mechanical
Engineering and
ME-1270 1.50
19. Technical and 0232 Communicative
HUM-1152 Communicative 1.50 HUM-1250 English-II 1.50
English Sessional Laboratory
20. Professional Ethics 0223 Society, Ethics
HUM-3157 and Environmental 2.00 0521 GED-1251 and Environment 3.00
21. Data Structures and 0613 Data Structures
CSE-2103 3.00 CSE-2101 3.00
Algorithms-I and Algorithms-I
22. Data Structures and 0613 Data Structures
CSE-2104 Algorithms-I 1.50 CSE-2102 and Algorithms-I 1.50
Sessional Laboratory
23. Object Oriented 0613 Object Oriented
CSE-2105 3.00 CSE-2103 3.00
Programming Programming
24. Object Oriented 0613 Object Oriented
CSE-2106 Programming 1.50 CSE-2104 Programming 1.50
Sessional Laboratory
25. Database 0612 Database Systems
CSE-2211 Management 3.00 CSE-2105 3.00
26. Database 0612 Database Systems
CSE-2212 Management 1.50 CSE-2106 Laboratory 1.50
Systems Sessional
27. Digital Logic 0611 Digital Logic
CSE-2101 3.00 CSE-2107 3.00
Design Design
28. 0611 Digital Logic
Digital Logic
CSE-2102 0.75 CSE-2108 Design 1.50
Design Sessional
29. MATH- Vector Analysis, 0541 Vector Analysis,
3.00 MATH-2141 3.00
2145 Matrices and Matrices and

Fourier Analysis Laplace
30. Data Structures and 0613 Data Structures
CSE-2213 3.00 CSE-2211 3.00
Algorithms-II and Algorithms-II
31. Data Structures and 0613 Data Structures
CSE-2214 Algorithms-II 1.50 CSE-2212 and Algorithms-II 1.50
Sessional Laboratory
32. Data and 0612 Data
CSE-3105 Telecommunicatio 3.00 CSE-2213 Communication 3.00
33. Data and 0612 Data
CSE-3106 Telecommunicatio 0.75 CSE-2214 Communication 0.75
n Sessional Laboratory
34. 0611 Computer
CSE-3213 3.00 CSE-2215 Organization and 3.00
35. --- --- ---- 0613 Java
CSE-2216 Programming 1.00
36. Electrical Drives 0713 Electrical Drives
EEE-2265 and 3.00 EEE-2261 and 3.00
Instrumentation Instrumentation
37. Electrical Drives 0713 Electrical Drives
and and
EEE-2266 0.75 EEE-2262 0.75
Instrumentation Instrumentation
Sessional Laboratory
38. Complex Variable 0541 Complex Variable
and Laplace 3.00 and Fourier 3.00
2247 2241
Transformation Analysis
39. --- --- ---- 0411 Project
0412 GED-2251 Management and 3.00
0413 Finance
40. Software 0613 Software
Engineering and Engineering and
CSE-3103 3.00 CSE-3101 3.00
Information Information
System Design System Design
41. Software 0613 Software
Engineering and Engineering and
CSE-3104 Information 0.75 CSE-3102 Information 1.00
System Design System Design
Sessional Laboratory
42. 0612 Computer
CSE-3211 Computer Network 3.00 CSE-3103 3.00
43. 0612 Computer
Computer Network
CSE-3212 1.50 CSE-3104 Network 1.50

44. 0613 Operating
CSE-3107 Operating System 3.00 CSE-3105 3.00
45. 0613 Operating
Operating System
CSE-3108 1.50 CSE-3106 Systems 1.50
46. 0613 Web
Web Programming
CSE-3110 1.50 CSE-3108 Programming 1.00
47. ---- ---- --- 0613 Mobile
CSE-3110 1.00
48. Numerical 0541 Numerical
CSE-3101 3.00 MATH-3141 3.00
Analysis Analysis
49. Engineering 0311 Engineering 3.0
HUM-3259 Economics and 3.00 0314 GED-3151 Economics and
Sociology Sociology
50. Integrated Design 0613 Software
CSE-3200 Project / Capstone 0.75 CSE-3200 Development 1.50
Project (Phase-I) Project – I*
51. Microprocessors, 0611 Microprocessors,
Micro-controllers Micro-controllers
CSE-4101 3.00 CSE-3211 3.00
and Embedded and Assembly
System Language
52. 0611 Microprocessors,
CSE-4102 0.75 CSE-3212 and Assembly 0.75
and Embedded
System Sessional
53. Artificial 0613 Artificial
CSE-4201 3.00 CSE-3213 3.00
Intelligence Intelligence
54. Artificial 0613 Artificial
CSE-4202 Intelligence 0.75 CSE-3214 Intelligence 0.75
Sessional Laboratory
55. 0611 Automata Theory
CSE-4103 Compiler Design 3.00 CSE-3215 and Compiler 3.00
56. 0611 Automata Theory
Compiler Design and Compiler
CSE-4104 0.75 CSE-3216 0.75
Laboratory Design
57. Applied Statistics 0542 Applied Statistics 3.00
MATH-4107 and Queuing 3.00 MATH-3241 and Queuing
Theory Theory
58. ---- ---- --- 0031 Industrial 1.00

59. Fault Tolerant 0413 Fault Tolerant
CSE-4125 3.00 CSE-3217 3.00
System System
60. ---- ---- ---- 0611 CSE-3219 E-commerce and
Web Security
61. Human Computer 0611 Human Computer
CSE-4241 3.00 CSE-3221 3.00
Interaction Interaction
62. Human Computer ---- ---- ---- ----
CSE-4242 Interaction 0.75
63. Advanced 0613 Advanced
CSE-4121 3.00 CSE-3223 3.00
Algorithms Algorithms
64. Industrial 031 Industrial
CSE-3224 1.00 CSE-3224 1.00
Training* Training*
65. Digital Image 0613 Digital Image and
CSE-3215 3.00 CSE-3225 3.00
Processing Video Processing
66. Digital Image 0613 Digital Image
CSE-3216 Processing 0.75 CSE-3226 Processing 0.75
Sessional Laboratory
67. Simulation and 0613 Simulation and
CSE-4247 3.00 CSE-3227 3.00
Modeling Modeling
68. 0613 Simulation and
Simulation and
CSE-4248 0.75 CSE-3228 Modeling 0.75
Modeling Sessional
69. CSE-4139 VLSI Design 3.00 0613 CSE-3229 VLSI Design 3.00
70. --- --- ---- 0613 VLSI Design
CSE-3230 0.75
71. --- --- ---- 0613 Natural Language
CSE-3231 3.00
72. --- --- ---- 0613 Natural Language
CSE-3232 Processing 0.75
73. 061 Final Year Design
CSE-4000 Project / Thesis*** 3.00 CSE-4000 Project (FYDP)/ 1.50
74. Integrated Design 0613 Software
CSE-4100 Project / Capstone 0.75 CSE-4100 Development 1.50
Project (Phase-II) Project - II
75. Digital Signal 0612 Digital Signal
CSE-4207 3.00 CSE-4101 3.00
Processing Processing
76. Digital Signal 0612 Digital Signal
CSE-4208 Processing 0.75 CSE-4102 Processing 0.75
Sessional Laboratory
77. --- --- ---- 0612 Cellular and
CSE-4103 Wireless 3.00

78. --- --- ---- 0613 CSE-4105 Data Science and
79. Data and Network 0611 Computer and
CSE-4203 3.00 CSE-4107 3.00
Security Cyber Security
80. --- --- ---- 0413 Software Testing
CSE-4109 and Quality 3.00
81. --- --- ---- 0611 Parallel and
CSE-4111 Distributed 3.00
82. CSE-4133 Bioinformatics 3.00 0613 CSE-4113 Bioinformatics 3.00
83. CSE-4137 Machine Learning 3.00 0613 CSE-4115 Machine Learning 3.00
84. --- --- ---- 0613 Machine Learning
CSE-4116 0.75
85. 0613 Data Mining and
Data Mining and
CSE-4249 3.00 CSE-4117 Data Ware- 3.00
Data Ware-housing
86. 0613 Data Mining and
Data Mining and
Data Ware-
CSE-4250 Data Ware-housing 0.75 CSE-4118 0.75
87. --- --- ---- 0613 Digital System
CSE-4119 3.00
88. --- --- ---- 0613 Digital System 0.75
CSE-4120 Design
89. 061 Final Year Design
CSE-4000 Project / Thesis*** 3.00 CSE-4000 Project (FYDP)/ 6.00
90. 0613 Computer
Graphics and
CSE-4205 Computer Graphics 3.00 CSE-4211 3.00
91. 0613 Computer
Graphics and
Computer Graphics
CSE-4206 1.50 CSE-4212 Multimedia 0.75
92. Technology 0413 Engineering 2.00
HUM-4163 Entrepreneurship 3.00 GED-4251 Management and
and Leadership Leadership
93. --- --- ---- 0613 CSE-4113 Cloud Computing 3.00
94. --- --- ---- 0612 CSE-4215 Green Computing 3.00

95. --- --- ---- 0612 CSE-4217 Network Planning 3.00
96. --- --- ---- 0611 Blockchain and
CSE-4219 Cryptocurrency 3.00

97. Internet of Things 0611 Internet of Things

CSE-4253 3.00 CSE-4221 3.00
(IoT) (IoT)
98. Internet of Things 0611 Internet of Things
CSE-4254 0.75 CSE-4222 0.75
(IoT) Sessional (IoT) Laboratory
99. Advanced 0612 Advanced
Database Database
CSE-4251 3.00 CSE-4223 3.00
Management Management
Systems Systems
100. 0612 Advanced
CSE-4252 0.75 CSE-4224 Management 0.75
Systems Sessional
101. Pattern 0611 Pattern
CSE-4243 3.00 CSE-4225 3.00
Recognition Recognition
102. Pattern 0611 Pattern
CSE-4244 Recognition 0.75 CSE-4226 Recognition 0.75
Sessional Laboratory
103. Engineering --- --- ---- ---
CE-1270 Drawing and CAD 0.75
104. Bengali Language --- --- ---- ---
HUM-1153 2.00
and Literature
105. Digital Electronics --- --- ---- ---
CSE-2215 and Pulse
106. Digital Electronics --- --- ---- ---
and Pulse
CSE-2216 0.75
107. Advanced --- --- ---- ---
CSE-2218 Programming 1.50
108. Numerical --- --- ---- ---
CSE-3102 0.75
Analysis Sessional
109. Financial and --- --- ---- ---
HUM-3261 Managerial 2.00
110. Technical Writing --- --- ---- ---
CSE-4106 and Presentation 0.75
111. Basic Graph --- --- ---- ---
CSE-4123 3.00
112. Object Oriented --- --- ---- ---
CSE-4127 Software 3.00
113. Artificial Neural --- --- ---- ---
CSE-4129 Networks and 3.00
Fuzzy Systems
114. CSE-4131 Computer Vision 3.00 --- --- ---- ---
115. CSE-4135 Robotics 3.00 --- --- ---- ---
116. Mobile and --- --- ---- ---
CSE-4245 Ubiquitous 3.00
117. Mobile and --- --- ---- ---
CSE-4246 0.75


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