Civil Engineeringcourses
Civil Engineeringcourses
Civil Engineeringcourses
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in
Civil Engineering (CE)
March 2024
111/2 Kawla Jamea Mosjid Road, Dakshin Khan (near international airport), Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published by
Printed by
Department of Civil Engineering
Northern University Bangladesh
111/2 Kawla Jamea Mosjid Road,
Dakshin Khan (near international airport),
Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The syllabus and course offerings listed herein are crafted by department faculty,
drawing upon the latest curriculum frameworks of top-ranking public and private
universities in Bangladesh, as well as institutions abroad. Students have the flexibility
to choose their specialization from four fields: communication, computer, electronics,
and power.
This booklet also outlines the university's rules and regulations concerning
undergraduate studies. The remainder of this guide is dedicated to the sequence of course
offerings for CE students. It includes details of CE courses and related areas essential
for their academic journey. Students are encouraged to maintain communication with
faculty members and the Academic Affairs Department (ACAD) office to stay informed
about any changes made by the department or the university regulations.
Department of Civil Engineering Date: 12th March
Program Details
1. Introduction
Department of Civil Engineering (CE) is one of the several teaching departments of Northern
University Bangladesh. The department has earned a reputation of excellence in undergraduate
education. The aim of the department is to produce engineers and professionals for national and
international arena. To cope with the rapidly changing scenarios in this field, updating the course
curricula, expanding laboratory facilities and improving the teaching-learning environment are
regular activities of the department. Although limited by financial and logistic resources, the
department constantly tries to revise, renew, and introduce courses. The undergraduate syllabus
presented in this booklet is part of the ongoing change to meet the need of present CE students
so that they can meet their carrier requirements in national and international forums.
The syllabus and course offerings listed in this booklet are prepared by teachers of the
department considering latest course curriculum of top-ranking public and private universities
in Bangladesh and many universities abroad. Students can choose their field of specialization
from any of the five fields, i.e., Structure, Geotech, Water, Transportation and Environment.
This book also shows some of the rules and regulations of the university regarding
undergraduate study. The rest of this book devotes to the sequence of the course offering to
students of the CE department. Contents of the CE courses including courses of other areas
required for CE students are also provided. Students are advised to be in touch with the faculty
members and the Academic Affairs Department (ACAD) office to learn about any changes
made by the department in any courses and in the rules and regulations of the university.
The Department of Civil Engineering offers the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil
Engineering. It is a 4-year undergraduate Program. To become a graduate in this field one has
to complete 163.0 credit hours.
The name of the faculty is Faculty of Science and Engineering. There are five departments under
this faculty. These are Department of Civil Engineering (CE), Department of Computer Science
and Engineering (CSE), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE),
Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) and Department of Textile Engineering (TE).
It’s a science-based program. Students must have good knowledge of basic sciences to be good
in CE. To get admission into the program the students must fulfill the following requirements.
1. A Minimum GPA 2.50 both in SSC and HSC examinations or equivalent, or
2. At least one GPA of 2.00 but an aggregate GPA of 6.00 in SSC and HSC, or
3. No less than 5 subjects in O level and 2 subjects in A level with a minimum grade B in 4
subjects and grade C in three subjects are required.
4. Those having a Diploma in Civil Engineering are also eligible for admission with waivers
in some courses as per the decision of the departmental equivalence committee. But the total
exempted credits will not be more than one semester, maximum of 20 credits normally.
Years: 4, Semester: 8
To become a graduate in this field one must complete 163.0 credit hours (Including
foundation courses.)
140 credits
7 years
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering program is available for the students with Higher Secondary
Certificate (HSC) or equivalent level of academic background. The duration of this program
is eight semesters. A minimum of 140 credits are required to be completed by a student to
achieve B.Sc. in Civil Engineering degree.
For 1.00 credit hour theory course the duration of the class will be 14 lectures @ 50 minutes
and for 1.00 credit hour sessional / practical / Sessional /design class the duration of the
class will be 14 Lectures @ 100 minutes.
Especially in case of 0.75 Credit sessional courses, the duration of the class will be
150 minutes in every alternate week, i.e., 9 lectures @ 150 minutes.
6.6. Academic Schedule
An academic calendar (52 weeks) is divided into two terms and recess.
Term I Term II
1 Classes 07 1 Classes 07
3 Classes 07 3 Classes 07
Recession Recession
4 01 4 01
before SEE before SEE
Publication Publication
of results of results
6 01 6 01
including including
Term Break Term Break
22 22
Total= Total=
weeks weeks
6.7. Course Designation System:
The students of the Department of Civil Engineering have to follow the course schedule given
below. The letter prefix in any course number indicates the department offering the course
viz. CE for Civil Engineering, EEE for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ME for
Mechanical Engineering, CH for Chemistry, PHY for Physics, and MATH for Mathematics
and HUM for Humanities.
The second digit indicates semester for which the course is intended. The Last two digit in
the course code indicates the subject/course code.
Odd numbered courses are theory and even numbered courses are Sessional.
The entire undergraduate program is covered through a set of theoretical and laboratory/
sessional courses.
Each course is designated by a two to four letter symbol identifying the department which
conducts the course followed by a four-digit number with the following significance.
1) The first digit corresponds to the year in which the course is normally registered by
the students.
2) The second digit represents one of the tri-semesters in the year.
3) The last two digits represent the course. The number represented by the last two digits
will be odd for theoretical courses and even for laboratory courses.
8. Course Registration
1) All students are required to register courses by filling the prescribed 'Registration
Form' (available at the respective department) in each semester until fulfillment of all
graduation requirements. Without registration credits will not be counted. The
2) date and time of registration is announced in the Academic Calendar given by the
respective department. All students should complete their course registration within
the scheduled period.
3) However, those who are unable to register within the scheduled time must apply
immediately to the Head/Coordinator of the program of the department explaining the
reasons for delay. If the Head/Coordinator of the program approves the application,
then a late registration may be made within the deadline.
4) A late fee for late registration would be imposed (i.e. Tk. 500/- to Tk. 1,000/- as
decided by the authority) after the prescribed schedule.
5) If any student fails to complete the course registration within the deadline, then s/he
shall be considered as unregistered for that particular semester and consequently s/he
shall be barred from attending any classes or examinations.
9. Course Withdrawal
A registered student shall be entitled to get 50% refund only from tuition fees payable for the
respective semester as follows:
1) S/he must apply within two weeks of the commencement of the semester.
2) Application should be submitted to the Head of the department through the Batch
Adviser concerned.
No application will be considered after the raid period and consequently a student will be
liable to pay 100% payable amount of all charges for the semester.
1) A student, who requires spending a period of time away from the university may
request for semester drop. In this regard, student must apply in writing stating valid
grounds to the Head of the department through the Batch Advisor of the department
2) Permission to drop the semester will only be allowed before the commencement of a
new semester.
3) Students of undergraduate programs are allowed to drop a maximum of two
4) No fees are required to be paid by a student during such duration but his right to use
university facilities is suspended while the semester drop is in effect.
5) A student, who is suffering from a prolonged illness, may request for further period
of semester drop on medical grounds. To qualify for such an extension, a student must
submit a comprehensive medical report along with the application.
6) If any undergraduate student is found absent/unregistered without permission up to
two semesters, s/he has to pay Tk. 1,000/- and Tk. 1500/- respectively as fine for each
semester dropped to continue the study at NUB. A written recommendation for re-
admission must be submitted by the parents, in presence, along with the application
stating the valid reasons of drop.
7) However, if any undergraduate student is found absent/unregistered without
permission for more than two consecutive semesters except for B.Pharm or any other
Department of bi-semester per year where it would be for more than one semester,
s/he will be considered as a discontinued student. If such student wishes to continue
the study, an appeal may be made to the Registrar through Head of the department for
re-admission. The competent authority of the university will take the decision for re-
The Credit Hour System is adopted in the academic programs of the university. Courses may
be of different credit hours. Each credit hour implies 14 class-hours per semester. Thus a 3-
credit hour course requires 42 class-hours. The university also introduces open credit hour
system in its academic system. The open credit hour system provides flexibility to the
students to complete required number of credit hours for a program, in which the number of
credit hours in different semesters depend on the students’ choice and ability. The university
adopts UGC grading system which is given below:
The evaluation system practiced at this university is based on 100 marks for each
course. The process of evaluation is based on the following activities:
a) Continuous Assessment 20 marks
(i.e., Class tests, assignments, quizzes,
case studies and class participation, etc.)
b) Mid-term Examination 30 marks
(held in the middle of semester)
c) Final Examination 50 marks
(held at the end of the semester)
All students are required to maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.00 to remain on acceptable
academic standing. If a student who obtains a CGPA below 2.00 will be considered on
probation status. Accordingly, an undergraduate student who gets probation status for 3
(three) consecutive semesters and if the NUB authority finds him/her with no hope of
improving, s/he may be dismissed from studentship.
No semester fail status would exist under the credit hour system. If any student earns
minimum "D" grade in a course, s/he would be credited and promoted.
1) For an 'F' grade, the course must be retaken/repeated within the next three consecutive
semesters, but pre-requisite course (if any) should be retaken/repeated on a priority
basis with regular tuition fees and other charges.
2) As for the improvement of any grade (up to 'B' grade), the incumbent student may be
allowed to take maximum of 05 (Five) courses with regular tuition fees and other
charges. All courses should be repeated within next three consecutive semesters.
3) A student may be allowed to retake/improve the same course(s) once only, to avail
this opportunity.
4) For the grade 'X' and 'Y' regular course fee will be charged along with other fees.
5) However, if any student wishes to take above mentioned privilege, s/he has to take
written permission from the Head of the department and a copy of permission must
be sent to the office of the Controller of Examinations within three days from the date
of publication of results.
6) Better grade will be accepted against that particular course for improvement in
question, and the previous grade will be marked as 'R' (repeated), which will be
excluded from GPA computation.
No student shall be eligible to take part in any semester final examination unless:
➢ S/he is officially registered for particular course(s);
➢ S/he has fulfilled the required percentage of class attendance & other requirements;
➢ S/he has fulfilled the required payments of fees and charges etc.
➢ Attendance in Semester Final Examination
➢ A registered student is required to attend in the semester final examinations and s/he
must put the signature in the exam attendance sheet of all courses.
➢ If any student who is found absent in examination without permission, s/he will be
deemed to have failed the course and consequently an 'X' grade will be recorded in
the semester result against the course(s). If not replaced within two weeks of the
beginning of the next semester, it will automatically be converted to 'F' grade.
➢ If a student is found to have committed a breach of any rules and regulations of the
examinations or any procedures/instructions made there under the regulations, such
candidate shall be deemed to have committed an offence and will be liable to
disciplinary action. Such action may be-drop of the current semester, expulsion for an
academic year or expulsion from the university etc based on the weight and gravity
of the offence. In addition, student will be deprived from enjoying any financial
assistance in the following semesters as the NUB authority decides on case-by-case
➢ If a student receives expulsion from the University for cheating, s/he cannot be re-
Besides this, any irregularities regarding examination offence will be solved by the code
"Examination Offences and Disciplinary Actions" of NUB.
➢ Special final examination fee is Tk. 1,000/- (or as decided by the authority from time
to time) per course.
➢ If a particular course is not offered in the final semester and the student is willing to
take the course and complete his/her graduation, a special arrangement may be made
to register the course/courses with double of the tuition fees. Application for such
cases should be submitted to the controller of examinations within 07 (Seven) days
from the date of last semester result through the head of the department with
supporting documents.
➢ If any student fails to appear at Mid-term exam, s/he may withdraw from such course
by paying 50% of tuition fees of that course.
➢ If a student gets fail status (Grade ‘F’) in the final semester, s/he can avail the chance
for special (re-sit) examination maximum for two (02) courses only.
➢ A student must take prior permission for special (re-sit) examination from the
Controller of Examinations through the Head of the department within two weeks
from the date of publication of results.
➢ Fee for special (re-sit) examination is Tk.2000/- per course.
➢ Special (re-sit) examination will be held on 100 marks within two (2) weeks of the
commencement of the next semester.
➢ If a student get fails status in the special (re-sit) examination in any course, s/he has
to register that particular course in the following semester by paying as usual fees (i.e.
cr. hr. basis) and other charges.
18. Transfer of Credits
➢ Students at other recognized universities or any higher learning institutions, may apply
for credit transfer. Completed courses from said institutions should be similar and
equivalent to the corresponding course(s) at NUB and only ‘B’ grade and above may be
accepted. The interested candidate may apply to the Head of the department along with
the following documents:
1) Official Transcript (original) of the completed courses.
2) Detailed Syllabus of the completed courses.
3) No Objection/Migration certificate from the previous institution.
➢ The Equivalence Committee of the respective department of NUB will determine the
equivalence of the courses applied for.
➢ The maximum credits may be allowed to transfer will be up to 50% of the total credits
required for graduation of a particular program of study at NUB.
Students who wish to apply for credit transfer must do so at least 1 (one) week before the
commencement of a semester.
19. Course Curriculum for bachelor’s degree in CE
Keeping the above-mentioned program outcome, the following courses are offered for the
undergraduate students of Civil Engineering (CE) Program offered by the Department of Civil
Number of
Courses Credit
S/N Course Category Project Credit Proportion
Theory Sessional & (%)
Physics, Chemistry,
1 4 2 - 15 18 10.31
2 Mathematics 4 - - 12 12 8.25
Humanities, Social
3 Sciences, Accounting, 9 2 - 22 32 15.12
Language etc.
6 CE Core Course 20 14 2 85.5 111 58.76
7 Optional CE Course 4 2 - 11 14 7.56
Total 41 20 2 145.5 187 100
20. List of Basic Science, Mathematics, Language, General Education, and Interdisciplinary
S/N Course Name Credit Contact
Code Hour
Physics I: Waves and Oscillation, Optics,
1 PHY 1131 3 3
and Modern Physics
2 PHY 1132 Physics Sessional 1.5 3
3 CH 1141 Chemistry I: Fundamentals of Chemistry 3 3
4 CH 1142 Chemistry Sessional 1.5 3
Physics II: Structure of Matter, Heat and
5 PHY 1231 Temperature, Kinetics and Kinematics 3 3
Total 15 18
20.2. Mathematics
S/N Course Name Credit Contac
Code t
1 MATH 1121 Mathematics I: Differential and Integral 3 3
2 MATH 1221 Mathematics II: Differential Equations and 3 3
3 MATH 2121 Mathematics III: Vector Analysis, Laplace 3 3
Transform and Coordinate Geometry
4 MATH 2221 Mathematics IV: Applied Mathematics for 3 3
Total 12 12
20.4. List of Core Courses
S/N Course Name Credit Contact
Code Hour
1 CE 4213 Prestressed Concrete 2 2
Introduction to Finite Element Method
2 CE 4219 2 2
Design of Steel-Concrete Composite
3 CE 4215 2 2
S/N Course Name Credit Contact
Code Hour
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
1 CE 4233 2 2
Environmental Pollution and
2 CE 4235 Management 2 2
Environmental Impact Assessment and
3 CE 4237 Sustainability 2 2
Design of Water Supply, Sanitation and
4 CE 4232 Sewerage Systems 1.5 3
21.3. Geotechnical Engineering
S/N Course Name Credit Contact
Code Hour
Traffic Engineering Design and
1 CE 4253 2 2
Pavement Management, Drainage and
2 CE 4255 Airport Engineering 2 2
Urban Transportation Planning &
3 CE 4257 2 2
Traffic Studies and Pavement Design
6 CE 4254 1.5 3
MATH Mathematics I: Differential and
4 1121 Integral Calculus 3.0 3 None T
5 Bangladesh Studies 2.0 2 None T
6 CE 1104 Civil Engineering Drawing 1.5 3 None S
7 PHY 1132 Physics Sessional 1.5 3 None S
8 Communicative English I 2 3 None T
9 CH 1142 Chemistry Sessional 1.5 3 None S
Total 20.5 26
Engineering Geology and
4 CE 2103 3.0 3 T
Mathematics III: Vector None
5 MATH Analysis, Laplace Transform 3.0 3 T
2121 and Coordinate Geometry
GED 2165 Principles of Accounting
6 2.0 2 None T
Total 20 23
22.4. Fourth Semester Courses (Level – 2, Term – II)
5 CE 3107 Environmental Engineering I 3.0 3 None T
6 CE 3109 Principles of Soil Mechanics 3.0 3 None T
Environmental Engineering
7 CE 3108 1.5 3 CE 3107 S
Geotechnical Engineering
8 CE 3110 1.5 3 None S
Total 19.5 24
8 Highway Materials, Mix None
CE 4114 1.5 3 S
Design andTraffic
Engineering Sessional
Total 17.5 24
23. Summary Table of Credits
Seventh T-I
L-IV 24 17.5
Eighth T-II
21 15
24. Assessment Pattern
Assessments for Laboratory/Sessional/ Fieldwork courses are made by evaluating the attendance and
performance of students in class, oral examinations during laboratory hours and quizzes. Assessment in
design courses is done through evaluation of performance during class hours, home assignments/reports
and quizzes.
The eventual performance of a student in each course is based on the numerical grade obtained in the course
and is evaluated by a letter grade equivalent to certain grade points. Letter grades and the corresponding
grade points are as follows:
Grade „F‟: If a student fails to achieve at least 40% mark in a course, s/he will get „F‟ grade in that course.
Besides, absence in Final Examination at the end of each academic semester will also result in
„F‟ grade.
Grade „E‟: A student transferred to UAP from another university/academic institution will earn „E‟ grades
in the courses exempted at NUB.
Grade „I‟: Grade „I‟ may be given to a candidate when s/he fails to appear at the Semester Final
examinations only for reasons beyond her/his control. Grade „I‟ shall be converted to the actual grade
obtained by the student when available by the following semester. Otherwise, grade „I‟ shall be
converted to an „F‟ grade and the student has to re-register for the course.
Grade „S‟: Grade „S‟ is given when a course, according to the syllabus, is extended to two
consecutive semesters and grade „S‟ is given in the first semester to mean satisfactory progression.
24.3. MTE & SEE – Mid Term & Semester Final Examination (70 Marks)