Bachelors Ordinances 2022023subsequentsessions
Bachelors Ordinances 2022023subsequentsessions
Bachelors Ordinances 2022023subsequentsessions
1.1 Board of Governors (BoG)
1.2 Senate
1.3 Vision and Mission
1.4 Undergraduate Programmes
1.5 Office of the Dean (Academic)
1.6 Senate Undergraduate Committee (SUGC)
1.7 Department Undergraduate Committee (DUGC)
1.8 Board of Studies (BoS)
1.9 Board of Academics (BoAc)
1.10 Academic Mentor
2.1 Regular Semesters
2.2 Summer Semester
2.3 Academic Calendar
3.1 Admission Procedure
3.2 Admission Cancellation
3.3 Admission Withdrawal
3.4 Entry and Exit Options
4.1 B. Tech. Programme
5.1 Late Registration
5.2 Semester Load Requirements
5.2.1 Normal Pace of Study
5.2.2 Slow Pace of Study
5.3 Cancellation and Withdrawal of Registration
5.4 Branch Sliding Rules
5.5 Registration for Minors
5.6 Registration for B.Tech. Honours (with or without Minor)
5.7 Registration for B.Tech. with Research (with or without Minor)
6.3 Grading System
6.3.1 Grades and Grade Points
6.3.2 Grading Online Courses
6.3.3 Semester Performance Index (SPI)
6.3.4 Cumulative Performance Index (CPI)
6.3.5 Grade Report
6.3.6 Transcript
6.3.7 Withholding of Grade Report
6.3.8 Marks Normalization for Multi-group Courses
8.1 Holidays
8.2 Mid-Semester recess and Vacation
8.3 Medical Leave
8.4 Semester Leave
8.5 Study Leave
8.6 Extra-curricular Activity Leave
9.1 Attendance Requirement
9.2 Minimum and Maximum Duration
10.1 Award of Degree
10.2 Withdrawal of the Degree
Forms: BP-01 to BP-13
The objectives of all the Undergraduate Programmes at the Motilal Nehru National Institute of
Technology Allahabad (MNNITA) are:
To provide the highest level of education in Technology and Science, and to produce
competent, creative, and imaginative Engineers and Scientists,
To promote a spirit of free and objective enquiry in different fields of knowledge,
To make a significant contribution towards the development of skilled technical manpower,
To create an intellectual reservoir to meet the growing demands of the society and nation, and
To attain a distinct identity for the Institute and oneself through technology innovation and
dissemination for the benefit of the society and nation.
To promote research and innovation and professional competence amongst students.
To promote flexible, multi-discipline and holistic education including life-long learning.
The Undergraduate Programmes are designed to achieve these objectives and to inculcate in the
student concepts and intellectual skills, courage and integrity, awareness and sensitivity, towards
the needs and aspirations of the society in the national and global contexts.
These ordinances set out the procedures and requirements of the Undergraduate Programmes of
study that fall under the direct purview of the Senate Under Graduate Committee (SUGC).
1.2 Senate
The Senate of the Institute is constituted as per the provisions contained in Section 14 of the
National Institutes of Technology Act, 2007. Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Senate of
the Institute shall have the control over general regulations and be responsible for the maintenance
of standards of instruction, education, and examination in the Institute and shall exercise such
other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed upon it by the
Statutes. Director of the Institute acts as the Chairperson, Senate.
To nurture an eco-system for continuous enhancement of value based teaching and
learning process in the emerging areas of technology.
To train quality human and knowledge resources in the service of society.
To develop sustainable products and technologies.
Basic + Minor B. Tech. (_____________) and Minor in (_____________)
Basic + Honours B. Tech. Honours (__________)
Basic + Research B. Tech. (__________) with Research
Basic + Honours + Minor B. Tech. Honours (__________) and Minor in (___________)
Basic + Research + Minor B. Tech. (__________) with Research and Minor in (___________)
(D) Basic Degree viz. B. Tech./ B. Tech. Honours/ B. Tech. with Research, with Minor
Basic Degree viz. B. Tech./ B. Tech. Honours/ B. Tech. with Research, with Minor(s)
programmes refer to B. Tech. Programmes undertaken by students with multidiscipline study of
additional discipline(s), in addition to the discipline in which a student has been admitted. Opting
for such additional Minor disciplines of study would be limited to two. For each of such
Programmes with Minor, a student needs to earn additional 16-24 credits (for each minor) through
prescribed courses related to the Minor, above the minimum required credits for B. Tech. degree
relevant to her / his discipline.
Presently 4-year Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programmes in the Institute are being offered
in eight disciplines of engineering and technology viz. Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering,
Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Production and Industrial
Institute may start new under-graduate programme(s) in other disciplines after due approval of the
Senate and the Board of Governors.
1.6 Senate Undergraduate Committee (SUGC)
The Senate Undergraduate Committee, hereinafter, referred to as SUGC, is established according
to the bye-laws of the Senate. The SUGC, is one of the standing committees of the Senate, shall
consist of following members:
(i) Chairperson, SUGC nominated by the Senate / Chairperson, Senate from amongst the
members of the Senate.
(ii) Outgoing Chairperson, SUGC.
(iii) Chairperson, Senate Masters’ Programme Committee (SMPC).
(iv) Two Senate nominees from amongst the Senate members.
(v) Convener, DUGC of all Academic Departments and the Interdisciplinary Programmes.
(vi) Three undergraduate students (one each from second, third and fourth year, and all from
different departments and at least one female student). The student members shall be
nominated by Dean (Academic).
The tenure of the Chairperson, SUGC and Senate nominees shall be normally of two years. The
tenure of student nominees shall be of one year. The student members shall not participate in
SUGC meetings when the cases of academic evaluation of a student is being considered, although
the students' opinion might be sought prior to taking any decision. The SUGC must meet at least
twice in every Semester. The Chairperson, SUGC shall keep record of its decisions.
The SUGC shall have jurisdiction in the recommendation of the following matters concerning the
Undergraduate Programmes of the Institute:
Introduction of new Course(s),
Desirable modification of Courses already approved,
Modification of the credit value of Courses,
To help in conducting of oral and written Examinations, award of degree,
To consider the recommendations of the DUGCs, and
Other related matters as may be referred to it by the Senate from time to time.
The functions of the SUGC shall be of general policy determination, coordination and review,
however, the Senate shall retain the power of final decision. In the discharge of its responsibilities,
the SUGC shall make full use of the appraisals and recommendations of the various Academic
The Academic Session, hereinafter, referred to as AS, of the Institute is divided into two Regular
Semesters - Odd semester & Even semester of nearly one year of duration. Summer Semester will
be optional, and will be decided by the Department based on the availability of the faculty
members and other resources. Additionally, each AS should be documented through Academic
3.1 Admission Procedure
(a) Admission to various Programmes shall be made once in a year as per the guidelines framed
by the Government of India (GoI) from time to time.
(b) Admissions may be offered through a centralized counseling process as applicable.
(c) A few admissions may be offered under the Cultural Exchange Fellowship Programme of the
GoI, administered by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) and Direct Admission
of Students Abroad (DASA) and Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) as per rules of the
respective scheme.
(d) Reservation shall be as per the GoI guidelines framed from time to time.
(e) Students shall pursue their respective B. Tech. Programme allocated to them at the time of
admission. The Senate may allow a slide of branch at the beginning of the second year based
on academic performance in the first year, as per the branch sliding rules described in Clause
Admission to any Undergraduate Programme of the Institute requires that the applicant shall
complete all the registration formalities laid down in Section 5.
3.2 Admission Cancellation
All students admitted to any Programme shall submit copies of their mark-sheets, provisional
certificates, transfer certificate / migration, etc., of the qualifying examination and other
documents to the office of the Dean (Academic) by the last date specified for the purpose in the
academic calendar. The Dean (Academic), in consultation with the Director, may cancel the
admission of any student who fails to submit the prescribed documents by the specified date or to
meet other stipulated requirement(s). The Senate Chairperson may also cancel the admission at
any later stage if it is found that the student had supplied some false information or suppressed
relevant information while seeking admission or s/he was involved in the act of indiscipline as per
Clause 12.
3.3 Admission Withdrawal
The Senate Chairperson may grant permission to withdraw from a Programme after considering
the circumstances faced by the student and the recommendations of the convener DUGC,
concerned HOD and chairperson SUGC [Form: BP-03]. The students may also be permitted to
exercise Exit Options as per Clause 3.4.
4.1 B. Tech. Programme
The details of six variants of Basic B. Tech. programmes offered by the Institute to the students are given
4 Year B. Tech. Programmes
S. Programme Composition Credit Distribution Remarks
No Basic Degree Minor Honours Research Total
1 B.Tech B.Tech 160-170 - - - 160-170 Course Structure in line with
Regular NEP 2020
2 B.Tech with B.Tech + 160-170 16-24 - - 176-194 Course Structure in line with
Minor Minor NEP 2020 with multi -
discipline learning and for
additional skill-set
3 B.Tech B.Tech + 160-170 - 16-20 - 176-190 Basket of Honours Course
Honours Honours Works in general to be
4 B.Tech B.Tech + 160-170 16-24 16-20 - 192-214 independent of M.Tech
Honours and Honours + Specialization but may also
Minor Minor contain subjects of M.Tech
5 B.Tech with B.Tech with 160-170 - - 16-20 176-190 Basket of Research Course
Research Research Works invariably to be from
6 B.Tech with B.Tech with 160-170 16-24 - 16-20 192-214 M.Tech Specialization
Research and Research +
Minor Minor
Following five categories of courses are offered by various departments in B Tech Programme(s)
Course Category Nomenclature Acronym
Professional competence enhancing course(s) PCE
Core Engineering Foundation Course(s) CEF
Core Engineering Supporting Course (s) CES
Core Engineering Essentials Course(s) CEE
Extra Academic Activity related courses EEA
The office of the Dean (Academic) coordinates the registration process with the assistance of the
Departments. All students shall register in each semester for the courses to be pursued by them, as
per the programme requirements, on the dates specified in the academic calendar. The details of
the registration process are given below:
(i) The registration process involves payment of fees and clearance of outstanding dues (if any),
and signing of the registration roll provided by the office of the Dean (Academic) for
physical registration, without which the registration process will remain incomplete.
(ii) All students, including those on authorized leave, shall continue to register until they
complete the programme. Students on authorized leave, shall be required to mandatorily
register for zero credits.
(iii) The student registering for a particular semester (other than first semester) must fulfill the
academic performance requirements specified in Section 7. Those students who after
registering in the semester wish to avail leave for the period more than as admissible in the
Ordinances may be advised for the semester leave as specified in Section 8.
(iv) The candidate admitted in the first year in any programme is required to submit documents
of having passed the qualifying examination by the specified date to get her /his registration
(v) Students registering from V semester onwards have to fulfill the academic requirements as
per clause 7.1.
The sole responsibility for Registration shall rest with the student concerned.
5.3 Cancellation and Withdrawal of Registration
(i) Cancellation of Registration: Registration in a semester shall stand cancelled at any stage if
the student fails to fulfill the laid down criteria for registration in that semester.
(ii) Withdrawal of Registration: The Dean (Academic) may grant permission to withdraw from
a Programme (i.e., permanent exit from the programme) after considering the circumstances
faced by the student and on the recommendations of the DUGC and SUGC.
5.7 Registration for B.Tech. with Research (with or without Minor)
(i) A student may be allowed to register for Research credit courses from 5th semester onwards
if s/he fulfils the eligibility requirements for Research programmes at the time of registration.
[Form: BP-07]
(ii) The student will apply for registration of Research credit courses [Form: BP-08] by the
notified last date of Research registration.
(iii) The number of seats for each Research programme offered by a particular Department will
normally be limited to 10-20% of the sanctioned intake of the B. Tech. Programmes offered
by the respective Department. However, the departments may increase the upper limit based
upon their resources.
(iv) The minimum number of students for running any Research programme will be five (5).
Audit Courses:
A student may also opt for audit course(s) from any Department, which may enhance her /
his academics.
A student may opt for maximum two audit courses in addition to the prescribed Academic
Load requirement with the permission of the concerned DUGC at the beginning of a
semester [Form: BP-09]. There will, however, be no obligation on the part of the
Department to reschedule the time-table if any clash arises. Under this arrangement, the
student is simply auditing the course and the grade awarded to her / him in that course(s)
shall be mentioned in her /his Grade report, however, shall not be considered for SPI
calculations. Audit courses can be dropped any time during the Semester but not later than
two weeks prior to the end of classes.
6.1.2 Extra Academic Activities
Extra Academic Activity classes will be held beyond the regular academic schedule and according
to a notified time table as when decided by the Department / Dean (Academic).
6.2 Evaluation
6.2.1 Evaluation Process
The evaluation of students in a Course shall be a continuous process and is based on their
performances in the Examinations, Class tests, Quizzes / Short tests, Tutorials, Assignments,
Laboratory work, Make-up Examinations (if applicable), Studios, etc.
The weightages of Examinations and regular assessment for awarding of Grades shall be as
(i) Theory Type of Courses: This type of course includes either lecture (at least 2 hours) or /
and tutorial classes.
Mid-Sem Exam Assessment End-Sem Exam
25% (90 minutes duration) 25% 50% (150 minutes duration)
Assessment marks shall be awarded on the basis of Attendance, Surprise Tests, Quizzes,
Assignments, Tutorials, etc.
(ii) Theory and Practical Type of Courses: This type of course includes either lecture (at least
2 hours) or / and tutorial & practical classes.
Theory Part (70%) Practical Part (30%)
Mid-Sem Exam Assessment End-Sem Exam Assessment End-Sem Exam
20% (90 minutes 40% (150 minutes
10% 15% 15%
duration) duration)
Assessment marks shall be awarded on the basis of Attendance, Assignments, Tutorials,
Class tests, Quizzes / Short tests, day-to-day assessment of performance in all the Laboratory
sessions as applicable.
(iii) Practical Type of Courses: This type of course includes either practical or one lecture &
practical classes.
Assessment End-Sem Exam
50% 50%
The End-Sem Exam marks shall be of equal weightage of practical examination and viva-
Assessment marks shall be awarded on the basis of Attendance, Assignments, Quizzes /
Short tests, day-to-day assessment of performance in all the Lab Sessions evaluated through
daily preparedness for conducting experiments, participation in conduct of experiments,
report writing & submission, etc.
(iv) Project: The project evaluation shall be carried out by the concerned Department. The
modalities may be decided by the Department. However, the Department may consider the
guidelines as follows.
The project evaluation shall be carried out by a Project Allotment & Evaluation
Committee (PAEC) constituted by the Head of the Department. The department may also
include experts from industry or CFTI as external member in PAEC.
The continuous assessment of the project work by the PAEC (except Assessment by project
supervisor(s) component) will be as follows:
S. No Assessment Weightage Semester Schedule
Problem definition / Synopsis /
1 10% During the 1st & 3rd week
2 Progress-I 20% During the 4th& 6th week
3 Progress-II 20% During the 7th to 9th week
Final Assessment (End-Sem
4 50% End of Semester
At the completion of a project, the student will submit a project report which will be evaluated by
the Project allotment & evaluation committee during final assessment. The evaluation will be
based on the report, presentation and a Viva-voce examination on the project. The similarity index
of the project report shall be followed as per the existing institute guidelines in force.
(i) Only those students who were registered for the Courses during the regular Semester, and
who failed or failed to appear in the end-semester examination and having satisfactory
attendance are eligible for the Supplementary Examination.
(ii) For taking Supplementary Examinations, a student can appear for a maximum of three
courses with the prescribed examination fee [Form: BP-11] except in special cases with the
permission of Dean (Academic)
(iii) Late registration for Supplementary Examination shall not be permitted; however,
permission may be granted under special conditions after the approval of Dean (Academic).
(iv) The weightage of different components for the computation of Grades of the Course for
which the student appears in the Supplementary Examination, shall be as follows:
a) For Theory Courses:
The weightage for the supplementary examination shall be 75%. The assessment marks (25%)
shall be carried forward from the regular semester.
b) For Practical Courses:
The weightage for the supplementary examination shall be 50% based on equal weightage of
practical examination and viva-voce. The assessment marks (50%) shall be carried forward from
the regular semester.
c) For Theory & Practical Courses:
The weightage for the supplementary examination for theory part shall be 60% and the
weightage for practical part shall be 15%. The assessment marks (10%) for theory part and the
marks (15%) for practical part shall be carried forward from the regular semester.
6.2.6 For Online Courses and Courses Offered by Other Institutions Under MoU
For these courses, the evaluation process adopted by the respective agency / Institution shall be applicable
as per Clause 6.3.2. The marks / grades obtained shall be tabulated on the tabulation portal / sheet by the
coordinator of online courses after mapping in accordance with the Institute grading system. The mapping
shall be done by the DUGC.
If a student fails to clear any examination of any of these courses, s/he shall be allowed to repeat the same
course or a substitute course with an equivalent credit after the recommendation of DUGC.
In order to have appropriate evaluation correspondence with online courses / courses from other
institutions, etc., it is desirable that A+ may be awarded to the students securing more than or equal to
85% marks and a student securing less than 30% marks may be awarded grade F.
A student, who is not allowed to appear in the end-semester examination for any reason, shall be awarded
F grade irrespective of her /his performance in the mid-semester examination and assessment during the
semester, and shall be treated as ACD.
Such an ACD student shall be required to clear her/his N/F grade by appearing in the subsequent
supplementary examination or summer semester as the case may be.
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Whenever a student is permitted to repeat or substitute a course, the new letter grade replaces the better of
the old and new letter grades in the computation of the CPI; however, both the grades appear on her /his
grade report and transcript.
To convert the CPI into % of notional marks, the CPI may be multiplied by 10.
6.3.6 Transcript
A transcript contains the record of the grades obtained in each and all courses, project and seminar
registered by a student during his entire B. Tech. programme. It also includes the courses which have been
repeated and / or replaced.
However, the additional minimum performance requirements for respective B.Tech. Programmes are as
(C) B. Tech. Honours (with or without Minor)
A student is allowed to register for B. Tech. Programme with Honours only if s/he fulfills the following
(i) Students who have cleared all the courses of first to fourth semester in their first attempts and
have obtained a CPI not less than 8.0 are eligible to register for the Honours Programme.
(ii) Honours course(s) allotment will be based on merit to be decided by the respective
Departments on the basis of CPI.
(iii) (iii) If a student’s academic performance falls below the requirement mentioned in the point
(7.2.C.i), then s/he has to clear the deficiency before opting for another Honours course(s) in
subsequent semesters.
8.6 Extra-curricular Activity Leave
A student wishing to pursue any approved Extra-curricular Activity in other institutions/ organizations
may opt for Extra-curricular Activity Leave not more than 15 days (under normal condition) in a semester
of academic programme. Extra-curricular Activity Leave will be recommended by President Student
Activity Centre (SAC) and approved by Chairperson, SUGC & reported to Department for compulsory
9.1 Attendance Requirement
The Institute is of residential nature and therefore all the students are required to have full / maximum
attendance for the courses. However, in order to meet eventualities, a relaxation of 25% attendance may
be granted. The student shall not be allowed to appear in the end-semester examination of a course, if the
attendance in that course falls below 75% and shall be accordingly awarded F grade.
However, as per Sec. 8, the student may be allowed an extraordinary attendance relaxation and student
shall be responsible for fulfillment of all other academic requirements.
10.1 Award of Degree
A student who has completed all the Programme requirements specified in Sections 7-9, paid all dues to
the Institute and the hostels, and has no case of indiscipline pending against her / him shall be
recommended by the Senate to the Board of Governors (BOG) for the award of the appropriate degree in
the ensuing convocation. The degree shall be awarded only after the BOG accords its approval. However,
a student may be provided a provisional certificate of completion of the respective Programme by the
Dean (Academic), till the convocation is held.
11.1 Scholarships
A number of merit-cum-means scholarships, endowment scholarships / fellowships etc. are granted by the
government, the Institute, NGOs & other bodies, and individuals. These scholarships shall be awarded
according to the guidelines for eligibility and durations specified by the funding agency. In case of
sponsored scholarship instituted by individuals/ societies the scholarship shall be established with
approval of the Chairperson, Senate.
These scholarships shall be liable to be withdrawn, partially or fully, in case of misconduct, deliberate
concealment of material, facts and/ or giving false information.
A student leaving the Institute on her /his own accord without completing the Programme of study may be
required to refund the amount of scholarship, etc. received during the academic session in which s/he
leaves the Institute. For more information on the scholarships, refer to the webpage of the Student Welfare
11.2 Prizes and Medals
To promote and recognize academic excellence, constructive leadership and overall growth and
development of students, the Department may award a number of prizes and medals, established by the
Institute on its own or through endowments / grants made by donors, with the approval of the
Chairperson, Senate. For more information on the prizes and medal, refer to the webpage of the Student
Welfare Office.
12.2 Ragging
Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and considered a serious criminal offence and violation of the
code of conduct. Involvement of a student/ students in ragging may lead to her/ his /their expulsion from
the Institute. All the senior students would be required to submit an undertaking every year / semester in
this regard during the time of enrolment. The Anti- Ragging Committee of the institute would monitor /
address the complaints related to ragging and depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence as
established by the Anti-Ragging Committee, the possible punishments for those found guilty would be
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Ordinance, the Senate of the Motilal Nehru National Institute
of Technology Allahabad, reserves the right to modify / amend without notice, the Curricula, Procedures,
Requirements, Examinations, Admissions and Rules pertaining to its Bachelors’ Degree Programmes.
Form: BP-01
(Clause 1.6 V)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
(To be filled by students registered in the course)
The objective of this form is to obtain feedback from the students so that the course can be improved further.
BP-01 (i)
Examinations / Tests Range 5 4 3 2 1 Range
1. The tests reflected the course plan Poorly
Rather than rote learning, understanding was
2. Thoroughly Hardly
3. Examinations were of appropriate level/length Always Rarely
Answer scripts were promptly checked and
4. Always Rarely
5. The evaluation was fair and transparent Mostly Rarely
The evaluations helped in understanding the
6. Always Rarely
subject better
General Comments:
In addition to the class hours, how many hours per week did you put in for this course?
The work load in this course in comparison to other courses of this Semester was:
very little / just right / too heavy
In relation to the general level of understanding of the class, the level of lectures was:
too low / just right / too high
Were the lectures held regularly and on time?
If the course had a self study component (such as assignment, seminars, small projects and literature
survey) comment on how it helped /inspired you to learn/probe further.
Would you rate this course as one of the five best courses you have had so far? Yes / No
If you have any other comments not covered by this questionnaire, please write below:
If there is any Instructor designed feedback question, please write the response below:
Form: BP-02
(Clause 1.6 V)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
The objective of this form is to obtain feedback from the students so that the practical sessions can be further improved.
Your own performance in the course so far (please circle one): Top 25% / Next 25% / Below 50%
Additional Comments:
If you have any other comments not covered by this questionnaire, please write below:
If there is any Instructor designed feedback question, please write the response below:
Form: BP-03
(Clause 3.3)
Approval of HoD* :
*Approved copy to be submitted to office of Dean, Academic for record and necessary action.
Form: BP-05
(Clause 5.5(i))
Number of Minor Programme(s), the student would like to apply (maximum allotment-two): one / two
Recommendation of HoD :
(Parent Department)
To be forwarded to office of the Dean, Academic for necessary action and record
Form: BP-06
((Clause 5.5(iii))
Recommendation of HoD :
(Parent Department)
Approved by HOD* :
(Target department)
*Approved copy to be submitted to office of Dean, Academic for record and necessary action.
Form: BP-07
(Clause 5.6(i) & 5.7(i))
Approval of HOD :
*Approved copy to be submitted to office of Dean, Academic for record and necessary action.
Form: BP-08
(Clause 5.6(ii) & 5.7(ii))
Approval of HOD* :
*Approved copy to be submitted to office of Dean, Academic for record and necessary action.
Form: BP-09
(Clause 6.1v)
Audit Course(s):
Approval of HOD* :
(Parent Department)
*Approved copy to be submitted to office of Dean, Academic for record and necessary action.
Form: BP-10
(Clause 6.2.4)
Reasons for the failure to appear in the mid-semester examination with supporting documents:
Recommendation of HoD :
Recommendation of HoD :
Registration No. :
Recommendation of HoD :
*Approving Authority for Medical leave and Semester Leave is Chairperson SUGC; Approving Authority for Study
Leave is HOD;
*Approved copy to be submitted to office of Dean, Academic for record and necessary action.
Form: BP-13
(Clause 12.5)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
1. One form should be used for one case only.
2. Please send one question paper along with the case(s)
1. Name of Examination :
2. Name of student :
3. Registration No. :
4. Programme/Branch :
5. Room No. :
6. Subject/ paper in which the
student is suspected or Subject Subject Code
reported to have used or
attempted to use unfair means
or shown disorderly conduct.
I undertake that this statement has been given by me under no pressure or fear.
1. Do you agree with the report of the
instructor/invigilators/members of observer Committee Yes/ No
made against you?
2. If you agree with the report, then:
(a) Why did you bring the material referred to in the
above report?
(b) Did you make any use of it?
(c) What explanation have you to offer for your
misconduct / Disorderly conduct as mentioned in the
(d) Have any other thing to say, by way of self-
defense or clarification? (If necessary, an extra sheet
may be used).
3. If you do not agree with the report then give your
explanation, if any, in your defense against the report
of the instructor/invigilators/members of observer
Signature of Student
(i) The student shall be given extra time, before leaving the Examination
Hall in order to compensate him/her for the loss of time spent during
enquiry and filling this form.