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Department of Technical Education

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Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education

Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: POWER ELECTRONICS Course Code : 15EE51T

Semester :V Course Group : Core
Teaching Scheme (L:T:P) :4:0:0 (in Hours) Credits : 4 Credits
Type of course :Lecture +Assignments Total Contact Hours : 52
CIE : 25 Marks SEE : 100 Marks
Programme: Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engg.

Pre-requisites : Knowledge of Electrical machines, Analog & Digital Electronics

Course Objectives : To introduce the concept of semiconductors devices for high

power supply and their applications


Unit Name Hours

1 Power Semiconductor Devices 9

2 SCR Control Circuits 6

3 Ratings, Protection & Mounting of Thyristors 3

4 Converters 13

5 Power Supplies and Stabilizers

6 Applications

Total 52

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 1

Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Understand the basics of power semiconductor devices

2. Explain Thyristor control circuits

3. Generalize the protection of Thyristors

4. Analyze the working of DC and AC Converters

5. Describe the operation of power supplies.

6. Illustrate the applications of power Electronics.

Composition of Educational Components

Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components
(Bloom’s Taxonomy) such as:

Sl. Total Marks

Educational Component Weightage (%)
No. (Out of 145)
1 Remembering 10 15

2 Understanding 45 65

3 Application 45 65

Total 100 145

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 2

Course Outcome linkage to Cognitive Level
Cognitive Level Legend: R- Remember, U- Understand, A- Application

CL Linked Teaching Hrs

Course Outcome PO

Understand the basics of power 2,10 9

semiconductor devices

CO2 Explain Thyristor control circuits U/A 2,4,10 6

Generalize the protection of 2,10 3


Analyze the working of DC and 4,10 13

AC Converters

Describe the operation of power 4,10 8

C05 U/A

Illustrate the applications of power 13

C06 U/A 4,10

Total sessions 52

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 3

Course Content and Blue Print of Marks for SEE:

Questions to Questions to
be set for be set for
(5marks ) (10marks) Marks
Unit Marks
Unit Name Hour PART - A PART - B weightage
No per

Understand the
basics of power
1 9 25 1 1 0 0.5 1 0 17

2 Explain Thyristor
6 15 0 1 0 0 1 10
control circuits

Generalize the
3 protection of 3 10 1 0 0 0.5 0 7

Analyze the working

4 of DC and AC 13 35 0 1 1 0 1 1.5 24

Describe the
5 operation of power 8 20 0 1 0 1 0.5 14

Illustrate the
6 applications of power 13 40 0 1 1 0 1 2 28

Total 9 10 100
52 145
(45 Marks) (100 Marks)

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 4

Course-PO Attainment Matrix

Programme Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

- 2 - 3 - - - - - 3
Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 5

Course Content:
Unit –I
POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES– Concept of power electronics, Power
electronic devices-Power diode- Structure, Characteristics, types and applications, Power
transistor-types, switching characteristics and applications, MOSFET-operation, transfer
characteristics and applications, IGBT –structure and applications, SCR-layer diagram,
transistor analogy, Characteristics, LASCR –structure and operation, GTO Triac-
characteristics, triggering modes, DIAC- Characteristics, operation and applications

Unit –II
SCR CONTROL CIRCUITS- Methods of turning on the SCR, General layout of firing
circuit, R and RC Firing circuits, Pulse triggering using UJT, Digital firing scheme,
Commutation and types.

Unit –III
ratings of SCR, Protection of SCR against Over voltage, Over current, di/dt and dv/dt,
Types of Mounting of SCRs

Unit –IV
CONVERTERS - Types of converters, Phase control, Full controlled bridge converter, dual
converters, three phase converters, Choppers-definition, step up and step down choppers,
different chopper configurations, inverters-definition ,VSI and CSI, Half bridge inverter and
full bride inverter, three phase bridge inverter, cyclo converter-midpoint cyclo converter, step
up and step down cyclo converter, advantages and disadvantages

Unit –V
POWER SUPPLIES AND STABILIZERS- SMPS and operation, Buck, Boost, Buck-
Boost and Flyback converter, power line disturbances, sources and effects power
conditioners, Operation of relay type AC voltage stabilizer, advantages and disadvantages of
Relay type stabilizer, AC servo voltage stabilizer, advantages and disadvantages, UPS-
Battery size and required voltage for UPS, Offline UPS, Online UPS.

Unit –VI
APPLICATIONS- Power system applications- Static AC circuit breaker, interconnection
of renewable energy sources and energy storage systems to the utility, Grid Thyristor
switched capacitors and Thyristor switched inductors (Reactors).
Industrial applications -Switch mode welder, Voltage source series resonant inverters in
induction heating, solid state relay, speed control of shunt wound DC motor by armature
voltage control method, soft starting of Induction motor, static slip recovery system in
induction motor (static scherbius drive), speed control of Induction Motor by Variable
voltage frequency method
Domestic Applications-High frequency lighting system, SCR battery charger.

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Reference Books:
1. Power Electronics by Dr P S Bimbhra , Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
2. Industiial Electronics and Control Biswanath Paul PHI Publication Edition-II
3. Thyristorised power controllers GK Dubey
4. Power and industrial Electronics by Harish C Rai
5. Power electronics by Mohan Undeland & Robbins, Wiley Publications
6. Modern Power Electronics by P.C.Sen
7. Power Electronics – RaghunathRao,
8. Voltage Stabilizers and cut outs-Mc Sharma , BPB Pulications
9. Switch Gear and protection by J B Gupta , Katson Publication


Course Delivery:
The Course will be delivered through lectures, classroom interaction, animations, group
discussion, exercises and student activities, assignments.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 7

Course Assessment and Evaluation:

To Max Evidence
What Frequency Outcom
Whom Marks Collected
Three IA tests
for Theory:
(Continuous Internal

(Average Blue
I A Tests 20 1 to 6
marks of Three Books

Tests to be

Direct Assessment

Student Report of
05 1 to 6
Student Activity 2 pages
(Semester End


End Of the

End Exam 100 Scripts at 1 to 6


Student Feedback on Middle Of


Feed Back Forms 1 to 6

course The Course

End Of The
End Of Course Survey Questionnaires 1 to 6

*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination

Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be
rounded off to the next higher digit.

Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of
1. Blue books ( 20 marks)
2. Student suggested activities report for 5 marks evaluated through appropriate rubrics.
3. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions & Assessment

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 8

Course Contents with Lecture Schedule:

No./ Duration
Unit I Introduction to power electronics 9 Hours

Describe the concept of power electronics

Draw the layer structure of power diode and explain it.
1. Draw V –I characteristics of power diode and explain. 01 Hour
List & explain types of power diodes and their applications
Ref: 1 Ref: 2
List the types of Power transistors, explain BJT switching
2. characteristics, BJT as a switch 01 Hour
Ref: 1
Explain the operation of N-channel enhancement MOSFET
and draw its transfer characteristic curve, application of 01 Hour
Ref: 1
Draw and Explain the structure of IGBT and application of
IGBT Ref: 5 01 Hour
Compare MOSFET, BJT and IGBT
Ref: 2
Draw the layer diagram of SCR and explain the concept of two
5. 01 Hour
transistor analogy of SCR. Ref: 1

Explain the static V-I characteristic curve of SCR, Enumerate

6. Reverse blocking , Forward blocking, forward conduction mode 01 Hour
Ref: 1
Define GTO. Explain the principle of operation and list its
applications. Ref: 1 01 Hour
Draw the layer structure of LASCR and explain its operation
Ref: 2
Draw the layer structure and explain the operation of TRIAC
Draw V-I characteristics & explain 4-Modes of turn on of
8 01Hour
TRIAC, state the preferred mode of turn-on
Ref: 1, Ref: 2
Explain the operation of DIAC and draw its V-I characteristic
curve, application of DIAC. Ref: 1
9 Explain the construction & operation of UJT. 01Hour
Draw & explain the V-I characteristics of UJT
List the applications of UJT Ref: 2
List and explain the methods of turn on of SCR 01 Hour
10 Draw and explain the general layout of firing circuit
Ref:3, Ref 1

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Draw R firing circuit and explain with wave forms. 01 Hour
Draw R-C firing circuit and explain with wave forms Ref:1
12 Draw synchronized UJT pulse trigger circuit and explain with 01 Hour
Ref:3, Ref 1
13 Draw the Digital firing scheme and explain with wave forms 01 Hour
14 Define commutation, 01 Hour
Explain line commutation, forced commutation and list the
methods of forced commutation
Ref:1, Ref:2
15 Explain Load commutation and complementary commutation 01 Hour
Unit III Ratings ,Protection & Mounting of Thyristors
16 Explain voltage and current ratings of SCR and Reliability of 01 Hour
SCR Define MTBF. Ref:1 Ref:7
17 Describe how SCR can be protected against overvoltage and 01 Hour
over current, di/dt & dv/dt. Ref:1
18 Explain the different types of mounting of SCR. Ref:1 01 Hour

DC Converters
Explain the types of power electronic converters
List the advantages and disadvantages of power electronic
19 converters Ref:1 01 Hour
Explain single quadrant semi converter, two quadrant full
converter and dual converter. Ref:3
Explain smart power modules 01 Hour
20 Explain principle of phase control with waveforms for resistive
load. Ref:1
Explain single phase full converter RLE type with continuous 01 Hour
load current Ref:1
Draw the circuit diagram of single phase Dual converter and 01 Hour
explain the principle of operation. Ref 2
23 Explain the gating pulse requirement of 3 phase full converters 01 Hour
Ref 4
Draw the circuit diagram of three phase bride converter and 01 Hour
explain 180 conduction mode with wave forms. Ref:1
Define DC Chopper.
Draw the circuit of step down chopper and explain its operation 01 Hour
Draw the circuit of step up chopper and explain its operation
Draw the different chopper configurations- (A, B, C, D and E)
26 and explain them. 01 Hour

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 10

A C Converters
Define inverter
27 List and explain the 2 main types of inverters ( VSI and CSI) 01 Hour
List the differences between VSI and CSI. Ref:2, Ref 4
Draw the circuit diagram of half bride inverter and its operation
with wave forms 01 Hour
Draw the circuit diagram of full bride inverter and its operation
with wave forms. Ref:1
Draw the circuit diagram of three phase 180 0 mode voltage 01 Hour
source inverter and its operation with wave forms. Ref:1
Define cycloconverter.
30 Draw the circuit of mid- point step down cyclo converter and 01 Hour
explain its operation with waveforms. Ref 2
Draw the circuit of mid- point step up cyclo converter and
31 explain its operation with waveforms. Ref: 1 01 Hour
List the advantages and disadvantages of cyclo converters Ref 2


Draw the Block diagram of SMPS and explain its operation
32 List the applications of SMPS 01 Hour
Ref: 2
Draw the circuit diagram of Buck and boost converter (regulator)
33 and explain its operation. 01 Hour
Ref: 2
Draw the circuit diagram of Buck-boost and fly back converter
34 (regulator) and explain its operation. 01 Hour
Ref: 2
Define the different types of power line disturbances
List the sources and effects of power line disturbances 01 Hour
Describe how power conditioners provide effective suppressing
of some or all of these electrical disturbances Ref:5
Describe the operation of relay type AC voltage stabilizer with
the help of diagram. 01 Hour
List the advantages and disadvantages of Relay type stabilizer
Ref: 7, Ref: 8
Draw the diagram of AC servo voltage stabilizer and explain its
01 Hour
37 operation
List the advantages and disadvantages . Ref: 2
Define UPS,
38 01 Hour
Determine Battery size and required voltage for UPS. Ref:6
Draw the block diagram of offline UPS and explain its operation
39 Draw the block diagram of online UPS and explain its operation 01 Hour
Ref: 2
Draw the circuit diagram of static AC circuit breaker and 01 Hour
explain its operation with waveforms Ref: 1

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 11

41 Explain the operation of Thyristor switched capacitors and 01 Hour
Thyristor switched inductors (Reactors) Ref: 5
42 Draw the circuit diagram and explain single phase high 01 Hour
frequency photo voltaic interface to grid Ref: 5
43 Draw and explain the circuit for interconnection of wind and 01Hour
hydro generator
44 Draw the block diagram of interconnecting energy storage 01Hour
systems for utility load levelling Ref: 5
45 Draw the block diagram & explain the operation of Switch mode 01 Hour
46 Draw the block diagram and explain the operation of Voltage 01 Hour
source series resonant inverters in induction heating Ref: 5
47 Explain speed control of shunt wound DC motor by armature 01 Hour
voltage control method. Ref: 2
48 Explain with circuit diagram soft starting of Induction motor
01 Hour
Ref: 5
Explain with circuit diagram static slip recovery Ref: 1
49 Explain speed control of Induction Motor by Variable voltage 01 Hour
frequency method. Ref 2
Draw the circuit diagram and explain the speed control of 3
50 phase slip ring induction motor by static variation of external 01 Hour
rotor resistance. Ref 1
51 Draw the circuit and explain the operation of DC Solid state
Relay using opto-coupler. 01 Hour
Draw the circuit and explain the operation of AC Solid state
Relay using opto-coupler. Ref 1
52 Draw the block diagram of High frequency lighting system and
explain its operation. 01 Hour
Draw the circuit & explain SCR charger circuit for 12 V battery.
Ref 5

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 12

Student Activity (any one to be submitted with 3 pages self HAND WRITTEN report):

1. Identify various power switching devices used commercially and study their
2. Study various control circuits used in Practise in converters & inverters
3. Study various ratings of power semiconductor devices and select it for a particular
4. Visit nearby MUSS and collect details of power electronic applications
5. Study commercially available power supplies
6. Prepare a report on application of power electronic devices in industries

Dimen Scale Students score

sion (Group of five
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 3

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 5

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 4

Note: Concerned faculty (Course coordinator) must devise appropriate 14/4

rubrics/criteria for assessing Student activity for 5 marks =3.5
One activity on any one CO (course outcome) may be given to a group of FIVE students ≈4

Grand Average/Total


Task given- Industrial visit and report writing
Dimensi Scale Students score
on (Five students)
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 345
Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary
1.Organi Has not Has Has Has Has 3
sation included included included included included all
relevant info few relev some relev many relev relevant
ant info ant info ant info info needed
2. Fulfill Does not Performs Performs Performs Performs 2
team’s perform any very little partial nearly all all duties of
roles & duties duties duties duties assigned
duties assigned team roles

3.Conclu Poor Less Partially Summarise Most 5

sion Effective effective s but not Effective
4.Conve Frequent More Some Occasional No Error 4
nsions Error Error Error Error
Total marks 14/4=3.5

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 13

Test/Date and
Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks

Ex: I test/6th weak of V/VI SEM

sem 10-11 Am Year:
Name of Course coordinator :
Units:__ CO’s:____

n no
Note: Internal Choice may be given in each CO at the same cognitive level (CL).

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 14


Test/Date and Time Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks

1st Test/ 6 th week, V SEM, E & E Engg Power Electronics
9 Feb 16, 10-11 AM Year: 2015-16 Course code: 15EE51T
Name of Course coordinator :
Units Covered :1 and 2
Course Outcomes : 1 and 2
Instruction :(1). Answer all questions
Question CL CO PO
1 List the types of power diode or Define GTO (2 Marks) R CO1 2
2 Explain the 4-Modes of turn on of TRIAC ( 4 marks)
Explain the construction of UJT U CO1 2

3 Explain line commutation and forced commutation (5 marks)

U CO2 4
Explain the methods of turn on of SCR

4 Draw R firing circuit and explain with wave forms (9 marks)

Draw synchronized UJT pulse trigger circuit and explain with A CO2 4

CL: Cognitive Level, R-Remember, U-Understand, A-Application, PO: Program Outcomes

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 15

Sl. Total Marks
Educational Component Weightage (%)
No. (Out of 20)
1 Remembering 10 2

2 Understanding 45 9

3 Application 45 9
Total 100

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Course Title: POWER ELECTRONICS Course Code: 15EE51T

CO1 - Understand the basics of power semiconductor devices

.Unit 1 -Introduction to power electronics

Cognitive Level: REMEMBER

1. Draw the layer structure of power diode
2. List types of power diode and their applications
3. List the types of Power transistors and their applications
4. Draw the transfer characteristic curve and list the applications of MOSFET
5. Draw the structure of IGBT and list the applications of IGBT
6. Draw the layer diagram of SCR
7. Enumerate Reverse blocking ,Forward blocking, forward conduction mode
8. Define GTO and list its applications
9. Draw the layer structure of TRIAC and list its applications
10. state the preferred modes of turn-on of TRIAC
11. Draw the V-I characteristic curve of DIAC and list its applications
12. Draw the layer diagram of UJT and list the applicationsof UJT

Cognitive Level: UNDERSTAND

1. Describe the concept of power electronics.
2. Draw V –I characteristics of power diode and explain
3. Explain BJT switching characteristics
4. Explain with circuit diagram the operation of BJT as a switch
5. Explain the operation of N-channel enhancement MOSFET
6. Draw and Explain the structure of IGBT
7. Draw the layer diagram of SCR and explain the concept of two transistor analogy
8. Explain the static V-I characteristic curve of SCR
9. Explain the principle of operation GTO
10. Draw the layer structure of LASCR and explain its operation
11. Draw V-I characteristics & explain 4-Modes of turn on of TRIAC
12. Explain the operation of DIAC
13. Explain the construction of UJT
14. Draw & explain the V-I characteristics of UJT
15. List the differences between MOSFET, BJT and IGBT

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CO2- Explain Thyristor control circuits

Cognitive Level: UNDERSTAND

1. Explain the methods of turn on of SCR
2. Draw and explain the general layout of firing circuit
3. Describe commutation
4. Identify the types of commutation
5. Explain line commutation and forced commutation
6. Explain Load commutation and complementary commutation

Cognitive Level: Analysis

1. Draw R firing circuit and explain with wave forms.

2. Draw R-C firing circuit and explain with wave forms
3. Draw synchronized UJT pulse trigger circuit and explain with waveforms
4. Draw the Digital firing scheme and explain with wave forms

CO3- Generalize the protection of Thyristors

Unit 3 -Ratings, Protection& mounting of thyristors

Cognitive Level: REMEMBER

1. Define reliability and MTBF
2. List the different types of mounting of SCR
Cognitive Level: UNDERSTAND
1. Explain voltage and current ratings of SCR
2. Explain reliability of SCR
3. Describe how SCR can be protected against overvoltage and overcurrent, di/dt& dv/dt
4. Explain the different types of mounting of SCR

CO4- Analyze the working of DC and AC Converters


Cognitive Level: UNDERSTAND

1. Explain the types of power electronic converters
2. Explain single quadrant semi converter, two quadrant full converter and dual converter.
3. Explain two quadrant full converter
4. Explain dual converter
5. Explain smart power modules
6. Draw the circuit diagram of single phase Dual converter and explain the principle of

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7. Explain the gating pulse requirement of 3 phase full converters
8. Draw the circuit of step down chopper and explain its operation
9. Draw the circuit of step up chopper and explain its operation
10. Draw the different chopper configurations- (A , B , C , D and E) and explain them
11. Explain VSI
12. Explain CSI
13. Explain cycloconverters

Cognitive Level: Analysis

1. List the advantages and disadvantages of power electronic converters
2. Explain principle of phase control with waveforms for resistive load
3. Explain single phase full converter RLE type with continuous load current
4. Draw the circuit diagram of three phase bride converter and explain 180 conduction mode
with wave forms
5. List the differences between VSI and CSI
6. Draw the circuit diagram of half bride inverter and its operation with wave forms
7. Draw the circuit diagram of full bride inverter and its operation with wave forms
8. Draw the circuit diagram of three phase 180 0 mode voltage source inverter and its
operation with wave forms
9. Draw the circuit of mid- point step down cycloconverter and explain its operation with
10. Draw the circuit of mid- point step up cycloconverter and explain its operation with
11. List the advantages and disadvantages of cyclo converters

CO5- Describe the operation of power supplies.


Cognitive Level: UNDERSTAND

1. Draw the Block diagram of SMPS and explain its operation
2. Draw the circuit diagram of Buck -boost converter (regulator) and explain its operation.
3. Describe the different types of power line disturbances
4. Describe how power conditioners provide effective suppressing of some or all electrical
5. Describe the operation of relay type AC voltage stabilizer with the help of diagram.
6. Draw the diagram of AC servo voltage stabilizer and explain its operation
7. Draw the block diagram of OFF line UPS and explain its operation
8. Draw the block diagram of ON line UPS and explain its operation

Cognitive Level: Analysis

1. List the applications of SMPS
2. List the sources and effects of power line disturbances
3. List the advantages and disadvantages of Relay type stabilizer
4. List the advantages and disadvantages of servo stabilizer
5. Determine Battery size and required voltage for UPS

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 19

CO6- Illustrate the applications of power Electronics

Cognitive Level: UNDERSTAND

1. Explain with block diagram static excitation system for alternators
2. Draw the schematic diagram of bi polar HVDC system and explain its operation
3. Draw the circuit diagram and explain single phase high frequency photo voltaic interfaceto
4. Draw and explain the circuit for interconnection of wind and hydro generator
5. Draw the block diagram of interconnecting energy storage systems for utility load levelling
6. Draw the block diagram & explain the operation of Switch mode welder
7. Draw the block diagram and explain the operation of Voltage source series resonant
inverters in induction heating
8. Explain the operation of Thyristor switched capacitors and thyristor switched inductors
9. Draw the circuit and explain the operation of DC Solid state Relay using opto coupler
10. Draw the circuit and explain the operation of AC Solid state Relay using opto coupler
11. Draw the block diagram of High frequency lighting system and explain its operation.

Cognitive Level: Analysis

1. Draw the circuit diagram of static AC circuit breaker and explain its operation with
2. Explain speed control of shunt wound DC motor by armature voltage control method.
3. Explain with circuit diagram soft starting of Induction motor
4. Explain with circuit diagram static slip recovery
5. Explain speed control of Induction Motor by Variable voltage frequency method.
6. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the speed control of 3 phase slip ring induction
motor by static variation of external rotor resistance
7. Draw the circuit & explain SCR charger circuit for 12 V battery

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EE51T Page 20

Model Question Paper:
Power Electronics
V Semester Examination
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engg.
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100

Note: i) Answer any SIX questions from PART - A. Each question caries 5 marks.
ii) Answer any SEVEN Questions from PART - B. Each question caries 10 marks.


1. Draw the transfer characteristic curve and list the applications of MOSFET
2. Explain the principle of operation GTO
3. Explain the methods of turn on of SCR
4. Define reliability and MTBF
5. Explain Voltage source inverter
6. Draw the circuit diagram of half bride inverter and its operation
7. List the advantages and disadvantages of servo stabilizer
8. Explain the operation of Thyristor switched capacitors
9. Explain with circuit diagram soft starting of Induction motor


10 (a)Draw &explain the V-I characteristics of UJT 5

(b) Explain with circuit diagram the operation of BJT as a switch 5

11 (a) Draw the V-I characteristic curve of DIAC and list its applications (5)
(b) Describe how SCR can be protected against overvoltage (5)
12 Draw the Digital firing scheme and explain with wave forms (10)
13 (a) List the sources and effects of power line disturbances (5)
(b) List the advantages and disadvantages of power electronic converters (5)
14 Draw the circuit diagram of single phase Dual converter and explain the principle of
15 Draw the circuit diagram of three phase bride converter and explain 180 conduction
mode with wave forms (10)
16 Draw the Block diagram of SMPS and explain its operation
17 Explain Switched mode welder with diagram (10)
18 Explain speed control of Induction Motor by Variable voltage frequency method (10)
19 Draw the circuit diagram of static AC circuit breaker and explain its operation with

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