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Applications of Waste Material in The Pervious Concrete Pavement: A Review

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Applications of waste material in the pervious concrete pavement: A review

Conference Paper  in  AIP Conference Proceedings · September 2017

DOI: 10.1063/1.5002242

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3 authors:

Shahrul Azwan Shakrani Afizah Ayob

Universiti Malaysia Perlis Universiti Malaysia Perlis


Mohd asri Ab rahim

Universiti Malaysia Perlis


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Applications of waste material in the pervious concrete pavement: A review
Shahrul Azwan Shakrani, Afizah Ayob, and Mohd Asri Ab Rahim

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1885, 020048 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.5002242

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5002242
View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1885/1
Published by the American Institute of Physics

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A review of nanoclay applications in the pervious concrete pavement
AIP Conference Proceedings 1885, 020049 (2017); 10.1063/1.5002243
Applications of Waste Material in the Pervious Concrete
Pavement: A Review
Shahrul Azwan Shakrani1,a), Afizah Ayob1,b), and Mohd Asri Ab Rahim1,c)
School of Environmental Engineering, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Jejawi 3, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 02600
Arau Perlis Malaysia.

Corresponding author: a)shahrulazwan.shakrani@gmail.com


Abstract. Pervious concrete pavement is one of the innovative structures designed in order to manage the quantity
and quality of urban stormwater for a sustainable development. In general, pervious concrete pavement enables
water to permeate through its structure and have a capability to cater dynamic loads at the same time. However,
the conventional pervious concrete pavement lacks a superior strength while performing as pavement structure.
Thus, an extensive research has been carried out in order to explore the possible materials to be incorporated into
the pervious concrete pavement for better physical, structural and mechanical properties. The objectives of this
paper are to review the waste materials used in the pervious concrete pavement along with their mechanical,
durability and permeability performance.

Today, stormwater management has become a concern for urban cities development due to the effect of
urbanization. Most of pervious green fields have been converted into impervious pavement and buildings, thus
increasing both peak flow and the total volume of surface runoff. This phenomenon has increased the magnitude
of stormwater flow into natural bodies causing floods, river degradation, soil erosion and affects public safety.
Researchers and engineers have mutually shared their knowledge in order to explore different ways to reduce the
uses of an impervious surface for a sustainable stormwater management. Pervious concrete pavement is one of an
initiative explored that enables stormwater to permeate into the ground while making sure that the ground water
table [1]. In general, pervious concrete pavement has the ability to reduce peak flows and runoff volume, promotes
infiltration, improves water quality, reduces thermal pollution, helps to balance hydrological cycles as well as
ecological aspects [1-2].

However, the conventional pervious concrete pavement lacks a superior strength and durability while
performing as pavement structure. Thus, material engineers and researchers begin to explore alternative ways in
order to improve the physical, structural and mechanical properties of pervious concrete pavement. Apart from
that, it is really difficult for the pervious concrete pavement to achieve high strength properties by using only
common material and mixture due to voids and porosity in the pervious concrete pavement [3]. As a result, the
mixture of pervious concrete pavement needs to be modified by adding additional materials such as admixture
and superplasticizer or by replacing some percentage of cement or aggregates with other materials such as waste
materials and nanomaterials so that the properties of pervious pavement can be improved.

In this paper, reviews of the previous studies related to the use of waste materials to be incorporated into
pervious concrete pavement along with their mechanical, durability and permeability performance are discussed.


Fly Ash (FA) and Bottom Ash (BA) are waste materials derived from the coal-fired power plants. In general,
FA is a by-product of burning pulverized coal in an electrical power generation plants. This unburned residue is
carried away from burning zone in the boiler by flue gases and later to be collected through a mechanical or

3rd Electronic and Green Materials International Conference 2017 (EGM 2017)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1885, 020048-1–020048-6; doi: 10.1063/1.5002242
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1565-2/$30.00

electrostatic separator. The heavier unburned material which drops to the bottom of a furnace is called BA. The
FA is usually grey in colour, with an abrasive behaviour, have the tendency to be alkaline, and refractory in nature
[4]. This pozzolanic material is often used as geopolymer binder and partial cement replacement due to
aluminosilicate composition and fine particle size [5]. The chemical composition of FA is primarily silica,
alumina, iron, calcium, magnesium and varying amounts of carbon [4, 6]. The BA, on the other hand, is physically
greyish in colour, larger and coarser in size, very irregular texture with pores and cavities [7-8]. Thus, BA is often
disposed at landfill sites due to coarse and porous particle size as well as low in pozzolanic activity [5]. However,
BA also has a similar chemical composition with FA and could be ground to the proper fineness and used as
pozzolanic material [9]. The BA is mainly composed of silica, iron, alumina, calcium, and scanty amounts of
magnesium, sulphate and some others [8]. Due to high porosity and low density, BA is often used as a partial and
full substitution of normal aggregates [10]. The typical chemical composition of FA and BA are described in
Table 1.

TABLE 1. Typical Chemical Composition of FA and BA [5].

Chemical composition (%) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3 TiO2 LOl
FA 35.9 15.1 17.3 17.2 2.3 0.9 3.2 5.9 0.9 1.1
BA 31.8 12.1 18.0 25.3 2.4 0.9 2.5 3.7 0.5 2.6

In most studies conducted by previous researchers, the applications of FA and BA to the pervious concrete
pavement have shown a great capability in order to improve the mechanical performance such as compressive,
bending and splitting tensile strength of pervious concrete pavement. For example, Zaetang et al.[5] used FA as
geopolymer binder and BA as coarse aggregate to the pervious geopolymer concrete and discovered the rise of
compressive and splitting tensile strength properties with both NaOH concentration and level of Portland cement
replacement. Besides, the pervious geopolymer concrete containing BA had a density of 1466-1502 kg/m3, a
thermal conductivity of 0.30-0.33 W/m K and compressive strength of 5.7-8.6 MPa which are suitable for an
environmentally friendly application. FA have the ability to improve the performance of pervious concrete by
making it stronger, more durable, more resistant to chemical attack as well as a benefit to the environment [11].
The 12.5 mm washed municipal solid waste incinerator BA was used as a natural aggregate substitution in the
pervious concrete by Kuo et al.[12] and the results indicated the increase of compressive, bending and splitting
tensile strength of pervious concrete with the ratio of cement paste filling. The density of pervious concrete is
around 1653-2080 kg/m3 and this consistency can satisfy the practical engineering requirements for pervious
concrete. But, this increases also caused the reduction in terms of others properties of pervious concrete pavement
such as porosity and permeability or vice versa. For example, the study by Wu et al. [13] replaced sandstone with
incineration BA in the pervious concrete bricks and discovered the permeability coefficients to be smaller than
general pervious concrete but meet the minimum requirement of permeable pavement at 10 -2 cm/s. However, the
compressive strength was around 20 MPa and only applicable for general bicycle ways, sideways, landscaping
and not for busy roads. On the contrary, the study by Aoki et al.[11] used FA up to 50% as a partial replacement
of environmentally unfriendly Portland cement and discovered the increase in porosity and permeability of
pervious concrete at 0.33 and 13 mm/s. Due to that, the compressive strength is decreased by 40% at an average
of 10 MPa and the density around 1800 kg/m3. Nevertheless, there was no significant difference between
properties of pervious concrete containing FA and common pervious concrete suggesting that FA can be used in
the pervious concrete.


Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) and Steel Furnace Slag (SFS) are both originated from iron and steel productions.
In general, BFS is a by-product of the iron making process in blast furnaces through chemical reduction while
SFS is a by-product of the steel-making process during conversion of iron to steel [14]. The BFS can be divided
into several types by depending upon their cooling method. However, among the most notable types of BFS are
Air-Cooled Blast Furnace Slag (ABS), Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBS) and Ground Granulated Blast
Furnace Slag (GGBS). The ABS is a crystalline, rock-like air-cooled slag formed in the slow cooling process of
blast furnace molten slag by natural cooling and by spraying with water. The ABS made up of silicates, alumina-
silicates of calcium and magnesium, sulphur, iron, manganese and other trace elements [14]. The GBS is a
vitreous, granulated slag derived from a rapid cooling process of blast furnace molten slag by jets of pressurized
water. The GGBS is produced by grinding process of GBS. Meanwhile, the form of SFS can be further categorized
into the Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel Slag (BOFS) and the Electric Arc Furnace Steel Slag (EAFS). The BOFS
uses oxygen blown into a steelmaking vessel charged with molten pig iron which creating an exothermic reaction
in order to produce large quantities of BOFS. The BOFS primarily consists of calcium silicates and oxides, iron,

magnesium, alumina and other trace elements [14]. The EAFS, on the other hand, uses high voltage current to
melt the steel scrap charge and produces smaller quantities of EAFS. The EAFS have similar composition as in
BOFS but with lower magnesium and calcium oxides contents. The EAFS has a very high crystallinity, a total
absence of pozzolanic activity and minimal presence of expansive compounds [15]. The typical chemical
composition of BFS and SFS are demonstrated in Table 2.

TABLE 2. Typical Chemical Composition of BFS and SFS [16].

Chemical composition SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O MnO FeO P2O5 LOI
BFS 6.31 5.12 51.10 4.90 0.88 0.47 1.22 0.58 - - -
SFS 12.16 1.22 - 47.88 0.82 0.036 0.071 0.28 26.30 3.33 7.54

The BFS is usually used as both aggregates and cementitious binder replacement in while SFS is famous in
aggregates substitution. These waste material applications in the pervious concrete pavement have shown a rise
in the mechanical and durability properties such as compression strength, flexural strength, permeability, skid
resistance and sound absorption. For example, Guo et al. [17] had used a 5 years old SFS as coarse aggregate to
the pervious concrete and discovered the void ratio to be around 15-20 %, permeability coefficient is over 10
mm/s, and flexural strength is beyond 4 MPa. It was suggested that this SFS pervious concrete can comply the
service performance of light traffic pavement due to an environmentally friendly material, high strength, great air
void, good permeability, reduce noise, improve safety and comfort for vehicles travel. In the studies by Sun &
Liu [18] and Liu et al.[19], SFS were also being incorporated into pervious concrete as an aggregate replacement
and revealed the strength of aggregate affected the properties of pervious concrete with compressive strength was
found up to 30 MPa, flexural strength was about 4.5 MPa, and permeability rate at 10 mm/s. The coarse and very
active vacant space properties of steel slag influenced the mechanical and durability of pervious concrete and
made it higher. The study by Yeih et al. [20] used air-cooling EAFS as natural aggregates replacement in the
pervious concrete and obtained higher mechanical strength, greater water permeability, and better anti-skid
resistance as compared to natural river gravels. The nature of EAFS provide a greater porosity, better interface
bonding via interlocking effects, reduce expansion hazard and restricts from possible heavy metals leaching
through solidification effects. The compressive strength of higher than 21 MPa and water permeability of greater
than 0.01 cm/s for EAFS pervious concrete were surpassed the minimum requirement for pavement and can be
used for engineering applications. Meanwhile, in the study by Chang et al. [21], the EAFS and alkaline-activated
slag cement (AASC) containing BFS were incorporated into the pervious concrete as aggregate and Portland
cement replacement. The results in pervious concrete containing EAFS and AASC indicated higher compressive
strength at 35 MPa, a permeability of greater than 0.49 cm/s, better anti-skid resistance and sound absorption as
compared to normal pervious concrete. The nature of porous EAFS provides a strong interlocking effect while
AASC was a stronger binder material which resulted in the high strength pervious pavement and can be applied
to many engineering applications.

In general, recycled aggregates are derived from construction and demolition wastes through crushing, sieving,
and grading process. This waste material is often used as full or partial aggregates replacement in the concrete
material. Recycled aggregates are normally low in density and abrasion resistance, high in absorption and porosity
due to cement paste and mortar attachment on the aggregate surface [22]. The application of recycled aggregate
contributes to the reduction in waste storage problems such as landfill sites dumpling, preserve natural aggregates
resources through reduction of gravel mining from quarries and riverbeds, at the same time offers environmental
advantages such as reduction in virgin aggregates hauling and emissions [22-25]. The typical properties of coarse
aggregates including recycled aggregates are presented in Table 3.

TABLE 3. Typical Properties of Coarse Aggregates [22]

Type Fineness Dry-rodded Specific Absorption Los Angeles

modulus gravity (%)
density (kg/m3) abrasion loss (%)
Normal Aggregates 5.95 1440 2.70 0.46 30.2
Recycled Block Aggregates 5.83 1240 2.49 5.18 52.0
Recycled Concrete Aggregates 5.97 1340 2.53 4.58 43.3

The application of recycled aggregates to the pervious concrete pavement has resulted in significant increases
in mechanical and durability properties of pervious concrete pavement such as compressive strength, permeability,
porosity, and abrasion resistance. For example, the study by Zaetang et al. [22] used both recycled concrete block
aggregate (RBA) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as a natural aggregate replacement up to 100% and
discovered the increases in the compressive strength except for 100% replacement level. Besides, the surface
abrasion resistance of pervious concrete with RCA substitution also increased at all level while the surface
abrasion resistance with RBA only increased up to 20%. The improvements in strength and abrasion resistance
were resulted from the better bonding between recycled aggregate and cement paste due to the increases in surface
porosity and roughness of recycled aggregates. Meanwhile, the study by Rizvi et al. [25] used RCA as coarse
aggregates substitution up to 100% and the results showed the strength, permeability and void content of pervious
concrete containing 15% of RCA to be similar to the control mixture suggesting this as an optimum replacement
of virgin coarse aggregates. In the study by Ghani & Cheong [26], they had incorporated RCA as coarse aggregates
replacement into the pervious concrete at 5-10mm size and the results indicated the pervious concrete performed
10 times better in term of permeability, 2 times better in porosity and the compressive strength is enough for
pedestrian and light traffic usage as compared to the conventional pervious concrete.

Due to disposal issues pertaining to the waste tire rubbers and law prohibited of used tire burning, there are
lots of efforts taken in order to recycle these waste rubbers materials. A tire is a composite material with complex
elastomer formulations, fibers, and steel/fiber cord and usually made of plies of reinforcing cords extending
transversely from bead to bead, on top of which is a belt located below the thread [27]. Most of the scrap tire
rubbers originated from used truck tire castaway. Waste tire rubbers can be classified into crumb rubber and tire
chips and normally being used in three different particle sizes namely very fine, fine and coarse. Crumb rubber is
a fine material while tire chips are produced by mechanical shredding containing coarser particle sizes [28]. In
general, waste rubbers are used as partial and full fine and coarse aggregates replacements in the pervious concrete.
However, the mechanical and permeability properties of pervious concrete are largely depending on type, size
and amount of rubbers material used.

The growth of rubber particles application as concrete aggregates has encouraged researchers to look at the
performance of rubberised pervious concrete especially in term of durability as it has a low or limited value of
strength resistance. In the study by Gesoğlu et al. [28], the waste tire rubbers include tire chips, crumb rubber,
and fine crumb rubber were used as partial fine and coarse aggregates replacement in the pervious concrete. The
results indicated the pervious concrete incorporated with rubbers had a lower splitting tensile strength, modulus
of elasticity, compressive strength of 3-30 MPa, and permeability of 0.025-0.61 cm/s. However, there was a
significant increase in the roughness, ductility and damping capacity of the pervious concrete containing rubbers
and possible application in the parking areas, walkways and road shoulders. In a further study by Gesoğlu et al.
[29] have incorporated up to 20% of fine crump rubber, crump rubber, and tire chips to the pervious concrete as
partial fine and coarse aggregates substitution and discovered the decrease of flexural strength due to the increases
of rubbers content and smaller sized rubbers. However, there was an improvement of abrasion resistance and
freezing-thawing at 300 cycles and this is possible for parking areas, walkways and shoulders applications.

Seashells by-products (SBP) are derived from marine species of various molluscs ranging from cockles, clams,
oysters, periwinkle shells, mussels, scallops, crepidula shells, and conk shells. In general, the SBP is used as a
partial and total replacement of sand, coarse aggregates, fillers, and cement in the form of crushed, ground and
powder [30-31]. SBP is considered as hard material that would be able to produce a good quality concrete.
However, higher cement content may be required. Aggregate containing complete uncrushed shells should be
avoided because of their presence causes voids in the concrete and lower the compressive strength [32]. The SBP
have a specific gravity similar to the natural aggregates, have a stronger affinity to water as compared to natural
aggregates, mainly composed of calcium carbonate [32]. The typical chemical composition of SBP is described
in Table 4.

TABLE 4. Typical Chemical Composition of SBP [32]

Chemical composition (%) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3 TiO2 LOl
SBP 19.2 4.5 3.9 63.4 1.1 0.07 0.90 3.5 - 2.6

The application of waste oyster shells as fine aggregates replacement acts as a filler to the material pores,
reduced the absorption rate and produced a comparable strength to the normal concrete design [30]. The study by
Safi et al. [33] discovered that oyster shells mixing did not cause a reduction in the compressive strength due to a
good adhesive between seashells and cement paste. In general, the crushed shells concrete have better permeation
properties as compared to normal concrete. This is due to the reduction of pores turtoisity in the concrete as a
result of shapes and configuration of the mixture [30]. The used of crushed seashells as coarse aggregates
substitution in the concrete resulted in the low strength and lightweight concrete and suitable for a low traffic
volume pavement applications. In the study by Cuadrado-Rica et al. [34] used crushed queen scallop shells as an
aggregate replacement to the concrete materials and revealed a reduction in the mechanical properties as well as
increases in porosity due to the rises of an entrapped air inside concrete. Meanwhile, the application of ground
seashells as partial cement replacement is less favourable due to the high labour and energy intensive require in
order to burn and to grind the seashells to fine powder during production [30].The study by Nguyen et al. [32]
used seashell by-products called Crepidula shells as partial replacement of aggregates up to 40% in the pervious
concrete pavers and results discovered this material have a compressive strength of 15 MPa and permeability of
3-8 mm/s.


From the review of the previous literature, it is clear that the use of waste materials in the pervious concrete
pavement is beneficial in improving some specific properties of pervious concrete pavement although there is a
reduction in some properties. The fly ash, bottom ash, blast furnace slag and steel furnace slag are capable of
being incorporated as a full and partial cement replacement in the pervious concrete pavement while recycled
aggregates, waste rubbers, and seashells have a potential to be applied as full and partial aggregates replacement
in the concrete.

The applications of FA and BA to the pervious concrete pavement have shown a great capability to improve
the mechanical performance such as compressive, bending and splitting tensile strength while affecting the
porosity and permeability properties due to binder ability. Apart from that, the waste material such as BFS and
SFS have also shown a rise in the mechanical and durability properties of pervious concrete pavement such as
compression strength, flexural strength, permeability, skid resistance and sound absorption as the result of stronger
binder material and higher interlocking effect. The bonding between recycled aggregate and cement paste has
enabled the recycled aggregates to perform better to the properties such as compressive strength, permeability,
porosity and abrasion resistance of pervious concrete pavement. However, the waste rubbers applications into the
pervious concrete pavement have dampened the properties such as splitting tensile, compressive, and flexural
strength, permeability but improve the roughness, ductility, damping capacity, abrasion resistance and freezing-
thawing effects due to the influence of particle size of waste rubbers. In case of seashells, the mechanical
properties of pervious concrete pavement such as compressive strength has been reduced due to the rises of an
entrapped air while increases the porosity and permeability of pervious concrete pavement but a good adhesive
between seashells and cement paste can produce a better strength as seashells acts as filler to the material pores.

Thus, the pervious concrete pavement incorporated with these waste materials are suitable for residential
roads, parking lots, alleys, sidewalks, pathways, driveways, and low volume pavements applications.


The first author gratefully acknowledges Universiti Malaysia Perlis and the Ministry of Higher Education
Malaysia for providing the Skim Latihan Akademik Bumiputera(SLAB) scholarship during his PhD program.


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