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Backyard Poultry in Orissa

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Orissa Review * January - 2007

Backyard Poultry in Orissa

Bishnupada Sethi

There does not appear to be any problem in 50 percent of the eggs are either consumed or
marketing of local poultry. Most of the households sold.
dispose off their produce like eggs or chickens in Great variation is observed among the
nearby markets, whereas, those away from the villages for scavenging area and those with higher
towns sell at their door steps. Although it may scavenging areas realize more money from the
vary from family to family, half of the chicken sale of their birds which are healthy.
raised are consumed by the owners at the time of
festivals or during the visit of their guests. Poultry Predation by wild cats and other wild
birds are also given as gifts in marriages and other animals is a problem in most of the villages situated
functions and used in religious ceremony. either near or within the forest area.

The chickens are usually sold either for Although no definite evidence is available
table purpose or as game birds for fighting. The about the origin of different populations/local
fighting cocks fetch a premium rice usually 2 to 3 breeds, ethnic tribal groups seem to have played
a significant role for development and maintaining
times higher than those which are sold for table
the uniqueness of the breeds nurtured by them
purpose. The requirement of fighting cocks,
for years without any introgression from outside.
however, is limited and that too at festive
Koya, Matia, Dhulia and Bhumia tribes and Dom
occasions. People of Laxmipur and Koraput
community of Koraput have primarily been
blocks get comparatively less money for their
responsible for the development of Vezaguda
produce compared to Jeypore and Kundra
fowls; Telugu speaking farmers of Koraput district
blocks due to lack of suitable marketing
for development of Dhinki fowls; Shantala, Bhumij
infrastructure. Same situation more or less is
and Mahanta community of Mayurbhanj for
encountered in other districts.
development of Kansli fowls; Kondh tribes of
Almost all the eggs produced are used for Phulbani and Boudh districts for development of
hatching and not a single one is consumed in Phulbani fowls; and Kondh and Sabar tribes of
Koraput district except in summer months when Kalahandi for Kahandi fowls; Bhatra and Bhumia
hatching is a problem. The situation, however, is tribes of Koraput; Kandha & Abar communities
different in Kalahandi, Nawapada, Mayurbhanj, of Kalahandi and Nawapada for maintaining Moti
Phulbani and Boudh districts where more than Hansa.

Orissa Review * January - 2007

For ethnic tribal groups and communities b) The inputs required are very small as they
indigenous poultry are of special interest because scavenge their feed requirements and are raised
of their socio-religious use. Plumage colour and with little veterinary care.
sex of the bird differ from one purpose to another.
c) They possess the ability to protect
Raising of local poultry breeds in backyard themselves from predators.
is an important source of livelihood for the rural
d) All the local breeds show broodiness and
people of Orissa. 63% of the owners of the
hatch their own chicks making the system auto-
backyard poultry are Scheduled Tribes, 17%
Scheduled Castes and rest 20% owned by OBCs
and other communities. Small holdings containing e) People have a preference for eggs and meat
1-3 hens per unit were found to be more efficient of indigenous poultry compared to those realized
producer of eggs compared to those with 4 or from farm-bred chickens consequently eggs and
more hens per unit. Main interest of the poultry meat from local breeds are sold at a premium
farmers having backyard poultry is not production price.
of eggs as returns are very low from sale of eggs. f) Cock fighting is a popular sport for the
They hatch all their eggs and sale them as birds. ethnic tribes and the local breeds are superior to
Data suggest a negative association between size exotic breeds in fighting.
of holding and productivity, whereas, literacy has
a positive impact on the productivity of birds. g) Use of coloured bird for socio-religious use.
There is no evidence to show that the Scheduled Livestock output at present accounts for
Tribe small-scale poultry operators are less more than half of agricultural production in
efficient managers of poultry compared to other developed countries and one-third in developing
communities. The major problem of the backyard countries. The growing number of urban and more
poultry sector is high mortality. Average annual affluent population in the developing world
income from backyard poultry is Rs.2200 per including India, most likely will demand a richer,
household although the variation across more diverse diet with more of meat and milk
households is very large. When mortality is products. As a result, global demand will increase
reduced, income per household increases by 18.1 from 209 million tones in 1997 to 327 million tones
per cent. in 2020 for meat to a strong livestock revolution.
Poultry keeping in backyard gives very high Industrial poultry production could be fastest
return as the investment is very low. The local growing sector with an expected increase in
breeds of poultry / indigenous poultry genetic output of about 80 per cent until 2020 due to its
resources are held in high esteem even after 50 high rate of reproduction, superior FCR and
years of industrial poultry production because of universal production technology. The other
the following reasons. Livestock commodities are expected to grow @
a) Local poultry breeds exhibit superior 50 percent per year during the same period.
adaptability in their habitat and possess the ability Other factors which will contribute to
to survive, produce and reproduce on low plane growth of poultry industry in India subcontinent
of nutrition and sub-optimal management. include; increase in growth of human population;

Orissa Review * January - 2007

geographical shifting of production centers to Recommendations

developing countries like China, India, Brazil and — In order to improve egg production there
Mexico due to stringent animal welfare measures is a need to record the performance of individual
adopted in the industrial west; improvement in hens for egg production. It is not a problem to
poultry production technologies; policies and obtain this information since each hen lays her egg
initiatives recently undertaken by the Government in a separate nest regularly. This will provide
of India to promote rural backyard poultry information on laying capacity and hatching
production through venture capital fund etc. The performance for each hen. Those hens with higher
demand for organic egg and meat is increasing egg production and hatchability should be selected
over the years especially in the industrially to reproduce next generation.
developed Western countries even though they — Since most of the small holder poultry
cost more and cut through the wallet. Small holder farmers are poor, government should extend
backyard poultry production utilizing local breeds assistance to improve the poultry farming system.
therefore is expected to increase the profitability In such cases, limited Government poultry farms
of this system of production, but the super are to be used for selective breeding of local
markets will benefit. poultry breeds and their multiplication for supply
Smallholder backyard poultry production to the villagers. Within a time frame the skills are
utilizing local breeds sooner or later is expected to be transferred to farmers at village level.
to come under serious competition with the Attempt, however, should be made to retain
commercial poultry sector and if not well planned broodiness in the local stocks since it makes the
the genetic resources of local poultry shall be lost, system auto generating.
as it has already happened in most of the — Through regular exhibition of local poultry
developed countries. Conservation of local breeds, the local breeders / associations should
poultry breeds along with improvement for traits be recognized and encouraged for their work.
like meat and eggs will increase competitiveness — All the poultry stocks should he vaccinated
to survive in the market. The socio-religious use against the most common killer diseases like
of local poultry breeds, superior adaptability in Ranikhet Disease (RD) and Fowl Pox.
their habitat, ability to perform in tow input
— Poultry farmers should be given training on
production system and the production system
basics of poultry production and selection of
which is similar to organic production will he the
competitive advantages of backyard system over
commercial poultry production. The government, — Extension support for health care, input
however, should extend all support to this system supply, market linkages and other aspects should
of production since this is a means of livelihood be readily available at village level. The people
of poorer sections of the society and will help in should participate in the health care and breed
food production, food security, gender equity and development programme.
providing employment to women. Improvement — Small packs of R.D. vaccine containing
of local breeds and their conservation for future preferably 50 or less doses of the vaccine to be
use also should be the joint responsibility of the made available to reduce wastage and make it
Government and farming community. economical for farmers.

Orissa Review * January - 2007

— Most tribals and people in Koraput, eliminate the cold chain dependency; especially
Bolangir and Kalahandi districts of Orissa have to reach inaccessible rural villages where mostly
special affinity for duck meat preferably Muscovy poor live.
ducks, therefore, the breeds need conservation,
— Development of a Fowl-pox vaccine,
development and promotion through farming
which can be used and the effective to below 8
weeks chicks.
Suggested Research
— Development of a dual type of bird, which
Although more than two-third of the total can withstand rural conditions of management and
poultry available in the state are raised in backyard feeding regimes.
in smallholder production system, research and
— The course curriculum for Veterinary
development efforts have been either negligible
Science students should contain a chapter on rural
or nonexistent. In view of the importance of
and backyard poultry production.
backyard poultry for economic upliftment of rural
poor, it is suggested that this should receive priority — Measures to protect small holder backyard
in planning process as well as in research and native germplasm farmer's interest in the wake of
development. The research and development commercial poultry production.
areas should include — Farming of local duck breeds should be
— To identify 'risk factors' in development and promoted in the coastal belt of the state to exploit
conservation of indigenous poultry breeds/ its otherwise unutilized vast feed resources.
populations and the technologies that are giving — In some parts of western Orissa especially
adverse and unfavourable cost and return in Kalahandi and Nuapada districts women do
structure in smallholders indigenous poultry need not eat chicken after attaining puberty but there is
revaluation. no such taboo for eating of duck meat and eggs.
— To develop an extended inventory of feed Therefore there is a need to promote duck farming
resources available locally for formulation of least specially of Mot Hansa, in this part of the State
cost poultry rations. to improve nutrition of the women.
— To develop / update and standardise Indigenous Knowledge
husbandry practices for low input backyard 1. Elongated eggs with point ends hatch to
poultry production. male chicks whereas eggs with rounded ends
— Development of simple breeding techniques hatch to female chicks. This belief is prevalent
to bring about improvement of the local breeds. almost in all districts of Orissa.
— Socio-economic evaluation of available 2. They separate the spoiled eggs from good
techno logies and development of new eggs by emerging them in a bowl of water. It is
technologies to promote rural poultry production. believed that the spoiled eggs are those which
— To develop a thermostable Ranikhet float whereas good eggs sink into the water. This
disease (RD) vaccine which can be used by oral practice is also followed in the rural areas.
/ nasal routes. The Lentogenic R.D. virus thermo 3. In Nawapara district of Orissa, the girls
stable vaccine production is a challenge. It shall after attaining puberty are not allowed to consume

Orissa Review * January - 2007

chicken egg or meat whereas there is no such unhappy. Therefore, in all calamities including
restriction for consumption of duck egg and meat. diseases of poultry sacrifice of animals and
Duck egg and meat are permitted. chickens is a routine practice and even continues
4. In Koraput district, certain communities / in recent years.
ethnic tribes over the year of personal experience 7. Koya tribe dub the single comb by
have developed an indigenous method of treating indigenous surgery in fighting cocks.
birds against Marudi disease, which in English is 8. Caponization of cockerels is a practice by
known as RD. According to them 100 gram of Kondh tribes.
green haldi, 25 gram of ripened chilli, 15 gram of
garlic and 50 gram of root of Apamaranga are 9. Muscovy ducks are mated to local ducks
mixed together after grinding and mixed with 2 to produce heavy but infertile progeny by Kondh
kg of rice kani. One gram of this mixture given to tribe and some other communities in Western
each bird for a period of five days. It has been Orissa. They are called 'Bodhia' or mule ducks
said that this cures the marudi disease; also and yield more meat.
prevents it in those birds who were not affected. 10. In order to reduce broodiness and bring
5. 100 gram of roots of Bhairamal is cut into the hen back to lay eggs, broody hens are
tiny pieces and boiled in one litre water. The repeatedly dipped in cold water and in some
boiling process continues in mild heat till the water cases, the farmers insert one of her wing feather
is reduced to half. This aliquot is separated from into hen's nostril that remains intact for one to two
the roots. This aliquot is applied to body of birds days.
to prevent tick and lice infestation.
6. Most of the tribes believe that most of the
diseases either in man or animals or birds are Bishnupada Sethi is the Director of Animal Husbandry
caused only when the supernatural power is and Veterinary Services, Cuttack, Orissa.


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