Summative Test Oral Com Q1
Summative Test Oral Com Q1
Summative Test Oral Com Q1
NAME: _________________________________________________________
GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: ________________
For item nos. 4 to 7, choose the option which correctly identifies the five basic elements of communication
(sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback) in the given situations.
4. a teacher asking a question to your classmate about an experience
a. S: Teacher b. S: Teacher c. S: Teacher d. S: Teacher
M: Experience M: Question M: Question M: Question
C: Voice C: None C: Voice C: Mini Speaker
R: Classmate R: You R: Classmate R: Classmate
F: Question F: (nods to the teacher) F: Experience F: Experience
5. looking at a billboard of new soft drink
a. S: Manufacturing Company c. S: Manufacturing
M: Info/News about the soft drink M: Info/News
C: billboard C: Billboard
R: People R: People
F: None F: Reactions
b. S: Billboard d. S: Billboard
M: Info/News M: Info/News
C: Billboard C: Billboard
R: People R: You
F: None F: None
6. You sent a letter through email to your friend and she replied ok.
a. S: Friend b. S: You c. S: You d. S: Friend
M: Letter M: Email M: Letter M: Email
C: Email C: Letter C: Email C: Letter
R: You R: Friend R: Friend R: Friend
F: Ok F: Ok F: Ok F: Ok
7. You posted a Facebook status and you are notified that your sister likes your post.
a. S: Sister c. S: You
M: FB status M: FB Status
C: Social Media C: Social Media
NAME: _________________________________________________________
GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: ________________
R: You R: FB Friends/Followers
F: “Like” F: Like
b. S: Sister d. S: You
M: FB Status M: FB Status
C: Social Media C: Social Media
R: FB Friends/Followers R: Sister
F: None F: None
8. You are watching television in which the SONA of the President Duterte is in live telecast. What is the feedback
in this situation?
a. The feedback includes your violent reactions in Duterte’s SONA.
b. The feedback includes when you said “Yehey!” regarding his plans in eliminating drugs.
c. The feedback includes your positive comments when he said he will raise the salary of teachers.
d. There is no feedback.
For item nos. 9 to 15, refer to the choices below. Write the letter of your answer on the blanks provided.
a. Aristotelian Model c. Schramm’s Model
b. Shannon and Weaver’s Model d. Berlo’s SMCR Model
9. Which model of communication gives prior importance on the role of the speaker in the communication process?
10. Which model of communication proposes that both the sender and receiver have the same set of
skills/experiences when they communicate?
11. Which model of communication acknowledges both noise and feedback as elements in the communication
12. Which model of communication shows that both persons involved in communication send and receive
13. Which is being considered as the mother of all models?
14. You are talking with your friend over the phone. You cannot clearly understand what she’s saying because of
the TV which is turned on at the moment. What model of communication illustrates this situation?
15. Ana is going to compete for the school’s annual public speaking contest. What model of communication should
she use as a guide?
16. Which of these situations illustrates intrapersonal communication?
A. job interview C. phone conversation
B. electoral campaign D. day dreaming
17. What is the speech context of the State of the Nation Address of the Philippine President?
A. intrapersonal communication C. public communication
B. interpersonal communication D. either B or C
18. Silent praying, monologue, and meditation belong to what type of speech context?
A. intrapersonal communication C. public communication
B. interpersonal communication D. either B or C
19. What type of speech context is being illustrated when you are whispering to your friend while watching a
A. intrapersonal communication C. public communication
B. interpersonal communication D. none of the above
20. What is the speech context when you are doing metacognition while taking an exam?
A. intrapersonal communication C. public communication
B. interpersonal communication D. either A or B
For nos. 21-23, identify the speech context of the following spoken texts. Write the letter of your answer.
CHOICES: A. Intrapersonal communication B. Interpersonal communication C. Public communication
21. “Lord, what will I do? Should I confess now or just wait for another time?”
22. “Around 2:00 this morning while travelling along a street in Makati, Sen. De Lima met an accident.
23. “Hello Freya! Can I ask what’s our homework in English?
“Sure! No problem.”
NAME: _________________________________________________________
GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: ________________
For nos., 24-30, classify the spoken texts according to speech style. Refer to the choices below and write
the letter of your answer.
CHOICES: A. Intimate B. Casual C. Consultative D. Formal E. Frozen
For nos. 31-35, identify the type of speech according to purpose of the following speech topics/situations.
For nos. 36-40, refer to the choices below. Write the letter of your answer.
CHOICES: A. impromptu B. Extemporaneous C. Manuscript D. memorized
36. Commonly, a graduation speech delivered by a guest speaker is an example of what type of speech according
to delivery?
37. Reader’s theatre is an example of what type of speech according to delivery?
38. Speech choir presentation is an example of what type of speech according to delivery? ____________
39. Commonly, job interviews and beauty pageants involve what type of speech delivery?
40. In an Asian Parliamentary Debate, most of the speech are delivered?
For item nos. 41 to 50, identify the function of communication in the following situations.
CHOICES: A. Informative E. Aesthetic
B. Instructive F. Therapeutic or Emotional Expression
C. Persuasive G. Regulation/Control
D. Motivation H. Social Interaction
41. Your teacher explains to the class the group task that they are going to accomplish.
42. Samuel talked to Randy, their new classmate in the class asking him about his whereabouts.
43. Your bestfriend called you over the phone at midnight. She’s crying and narrates how her boyfriend broke up
with her.
44. Jay’s father sent a video to his son before his swimming competition to say, “I believe in you. You can do it!”
45. You participated in a lecture forum in your school regarding teenage pregnancy.
46. Sherly texted her daughter to buy fruits and vegetables before going home.
47. Ashley delivered her debate speech on the issue on corporal punishment in schools.
48. Your parents scolded you because you came home very late.
49. Teacher Robert presented his classroom rules and regulations during the first day of classes.
50. Hazel greeted her colleagues “Good morning!” upon entering their office.