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Turbine Overspeed Trip Protection PDF

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Charles R. Rutan
Senior Engineering Advisor
Lyondell/Equistar Chemicals, LP
Alvin, Texas

attained. Mechanical overspeed devices, when supplied,

Charles R. (Charlie) Rutan is Senior shall attain three consecutive nontrending trip values that
Engineering Advisor (Engineering Fellow), meet this criterion.”
a position that is a shared resource with General-Purpose Steam Turbines for Refinery Service, API
Lyondell/Equistar, in Alvin, Texas. His Standard 611 (1988, Reaffirmed 1991), Third Edition, paragraph
expertise is in the field of rotating equip-, states:
ment, hot tapping/plugging, and special
problems. Mr. Rutan previously worked for “Rotors shall be capable of operating without damage at
the chemical companies of Monsanto, momentary speeds up to 110% of trip speed. This
Conoco, DuPont, Cain, and Occidental. He standard defines in paragraph 1.4.25 Trip speed (in rev-
has two patents and consults worldwide on olutions per minute) is the speed at which the
turbomachinery, hot tapping, and plugging independent emergency overspeed device operates to
problems. shut down the turbine. The trip speed setting will vary
Mr. Rutan received his B.S. degree (Mechanical Engineering, with the class of governor see (, Parameter Trip
1973) from Texas Tech University. He has published and/or speed Class per NEMA SM 23 A is 115% of rated speed
presented articles in Hydrocarbon Processing, ASME, AIChE, and for SM 23 B is 110% of rated speed.”
Pumping Systems, Vibration Institute, Houston Business Round At the maximum of 127 percent of rated speed, all the rotor
Table, Texas A&M’s Turbomachinery and International Pump User’s stresses will be approximately 56 percent above the normal
Symposia, Southern Power Machinery and Gas Compression stresses with a corresponding reduction in the safety factors. API
Conference, and Predictive Maintenance Technology Conference. Standard 670 (2000) also addresses overspeed trip requirements.
Mr. Rutan is a member of AIChE Process Gas Users Committee, International Standard (ISO/DIS) 10437 (1993) for petroleum and
Texas Tech Academy of Engineers, Hydraulic Institute/ANSI Pump natural gas industries—special-purpose steam turbines is slightly
Standards Review Committee, and is on the Advisory Committee of different from the API Standard 612 (1995) referenced above.
the Turbomachinery Symposium. Paragraph of 12.3 overspeed shutdown systems states:
“A dedicated overspeed shutdown system shall be
ABSTRACT provided capable of independently shutting down the
turbine. This system shall not be dependent on the
This paper discusses the design, history, current standards and
governing system or any other system. The system shall
designs, and the relation between turbine overspeed and the time
prevent the turbine rotor speed from exceeding 127% of the
constant of rotors. Overspeeding of turbine rotors as it pertains to
rated speed on an instantaneous, complete loss of coupled
time lag of the overspeed devices and the amount of energy stored
inertia and load while opening at the rated condition. In the
between the trip valve and the exhaust of the turbine is addressed.
event of loss of load without loss of coupled inertia the
Also discussed are redundant “fail safe” designs that will give
systems shall prevent the speed from exceeding 120% of
maximum protection and reliability.
the rated speed unless otherwise specified by the driven
INTRODUCTION equipment vendor. The turbine vendor shall have unit
responsibility for the overspeed shutdown system.”
If the overspeed trip protection of a steam turbine fails to
function at the design set speed, turbine buckets or a section of a Additionally, paragraph states:
wheel can break free of the rotor and, in a worst case scenario, “The overspeed system shall include but not limited to
penetrate the turbine casing. This can cause major damage to the the following:
turbine-driven equipment with a possibility of injuries and/or fatal- a) electronic overspeed detection system (speed sensors
ities to individuals in the immediate area. There is also a very high and logic devices), API 670;
probability that an oil fire will occur. b) electro-hydraulic solenoid valves;
c) emergency trip valve(s)/combined trip throttle
STANDARDS valve(s).”
Special-Purpose Steam Turbines for Petrochemical, Chemical,
and Gas Industry Services, API Standard 612 (1995), Fourth OVERSPEED
Edition, June 1995, paragraph states: If you have a car with a tachometer, you know what the red line
“Rotors shall be capable of safe operation at momentary value is. Every piece of rotating equipment has a red line value.
speeds up to 127% of the rated operating speed at normal The red line value is the maximum rpm (revolutions per minute)
operating temperature.” that the engine, turbine, or compressor should not be operated
above. If the piece of rotating equipment is run above this limit,
Paragraph states: damage to the internal components will occur.
“Overspeed trip devices shall be checked and adjusted An overspeed trip shuts off the steam flow to the turbine, which
until values within 1% of the nominal trip setting are causes the turbine rotor to decelerate.

ELECTRONIC TRIP SYSTEM Since the speed sensors are critical to the operation of the
turbine, at least one spare speed sensor is normally installed. If an
API recommends two speed sensors where:
electronic fault tolerant governor is used, then three additional
• “A” or “B” trip signal is seen, then the turbine trips. speed sensors and one spare are installed. A separate speed sensor
• “A” or “B” loss of signal or power, an alarm is given but the is installed for the vibration monitoring system. All the speed
sensors are reading one multitooth “speed pickup wheel” that is
turbine remains running.
being held in position by a nonferrous mounting bracket (Figures
• “A” and “B” loss of signal or power, the turbine trips. 3 and 4). In addition to the speed sensors, two radial vibration
Figure 1 is the simplest system that can be used for a “special probes, two thrust (axial position probes), thrust bearing tempera-
purpose steam turbine.” This system is adequate if the loss of the ture indicators, and radial bearing temperature indicators are
turbine and the equipment driven by the turbine does not result in normally installed. As is readily apparent to the most casual
a significant upset and/or pose a safety hazard and/or damage the observer, the thrust end of the turbine is now taking on the appear-
environment. If a turbine is determined to be in a critical service, a ance of the Starship Enterprise.
fault tolerant overspeed trip system should be utilized. In this case
a minimum of three speed sensors is required where:
• Any combination of two trip signals will result in a turbine trip,
i.e., “A” and “B,” “B” and “C,” or “A” and “C.”
• The loss of power signal or power of any one of the speed
sensors will result in an alarm.
• The loss of power or signal of any two of the speed sensors will
result in a turbine trip.
(Note: This is for a de-energized to trip configuration as preferred
by API.)

Figure 3. Speed Pickup and Sensor Mounting Bracket.

Figure 1. Overspeed Shutdown System.

Figure 2 is an example of the minimum electronic governor

system for a general-purpose steam turbine.

Figure 4. Top Half of Bracket with Sensors Installed.


Inside a mechanical overspeed trip mechanism there are four
basic components. The internal components consist of two bushings,
a plunger, and a spring as shown in Figures 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
One of the bushings is screwed completely into the overspeed
trip body at a set depth. This controls the position when the turbine
is not rotating. Then a bushing is installed over the plunger and
spring, and then tightened down. The spring pushes against the
plunger “stopper disk” and the adjustable bushing where the
plunger extrudes from the body (Figure 5). Now the spring is in
compression holding the plunger inside the mechanism body. The
overspeed trip is then attached, typically bolted, to the outboard
end of the rotor.
As the speed of the rotor increases, centrifugal force pulls the
Figure 2. Example of Minimum Electronic Governor System for plunger to the outside, against the spring. As the rotor speed
General-Purpose Steam Turbine. increases, the force from the plunger increases on the spring. Once

Figure 9. Mechanical Overspeed Trip Mechanism (End View).

the centrifugal force increases from the speed, rpm, the plunger
Figure 5. Mechanical Overspeed Trip Mechanism (Side View). overcomes the spring force causing the plunger to protrude
A stationary lever, set with a relatively tight clearance, is posi-
tioned such that when the plunger moves out, the lever is struck.
The lever is integral with the emergency mechanical trip device.
When the mechanical trip is actuated, the hydraulic oil is dumped
to the drain, which results in the immediate closing of the valve
rack and trip valve.
The overspeed trip device is critical to the safety of the turbine.
Without the overspeed protection, the turbine would run to destruc-
tion when the load (compressor, pump, or generator) was lost.
How fast the turbine accelerates determines how fast the
overspeed trip system must respond (refer to Figure 10). If the
turbine valves change their position instantaneously, this measure-
ment of time is now as the time constant, TC. The speed is a first
order function of torque, and then the mathematical equation is:

n = − ε − t / TC (1)
Figure 6. Mechanical Overspeed Mechanism Installed in Turbine
Rotor. where:
n = Per unit change, speed
ε = 2.71828
t = Time, seconds
TC = Time constant, seconds
From Equation (1), when t = TC, then n = 1 2 1/ε or n = 0.63.

Figure 7. Mechanical Overspeed Mechanism.

Figure 8. Mechanical Overspeed Mechanism Disassembled. Figure 10. Overspeed Trip System.

Then, the rotor time constant gives the length of time that it The speed of the steam inlet valve(s), trip valve(s), solenoid
takes the rotor to reach 63 percent of its total speed change due to valve(s), electronic and/or hydraulic controls or relays, and the rate
an instantaneous change in the turbine valve position. of change of the load are measured relative to the rotor response
The rate of change at the instant the inlet valve’s position time. The understanding of the total system response is critical.
changes are found by differentiating Equation (1) and setting the Any change that requires more than 1/10 of the rotor response time
time to zero. The result is: constant should be considered too slow. It is apparent that the
slower the rotor response time and the load change coupled with a
fast steam control(s) system is very desirable.
dn (2)
dt = TC

From Equation (2), dn = 1.0 when dt = TC, which leads to a Loss of the load, prior to this, has been considered instanta-
second definition of the rotor time constant. The rotor time neous. This means that the loss of the load took zero time. The
constant gives the length of time it would take the rotor to reach maximum speed change of the turbine rotor is the result of an
100 percent of its total speed change due to an instantaneous instantaneous loss of load. Thus, what is the difference between the
change in turbine valve position if it continued to change speed at turbine rotor speed response to an instantaneous loss of load as
its initial rate. opposed to a sudden loss of load?
Making the instantaneous valve opening correspond to the full In 0.05 seconds or less, a couple of cycles, a turbine driving an
load change can make the above definition clearer. Thus, the defi- electrical generator can lose full load. This is the type of situation
nition is changed to: the rotor time constant gives the length of where the loss of load must be considered instantaneous. The pro-
time it would take the rotor to reach twice the speed due to a 100 tection system(s) should then be designed accordingly. One
percent instantaneous drop in turbine load, provided the rotor advantage to this situation is that the loss of load can occur without
continued to change speed at its initial rate. the failure of the coupling(s) between the turbine and the generator
This definition is used to generally determine what would and, in some installations, the gearbox. In this situation the time
happen in a very short period of time between the loss of the load constant would include the turbine rotor and the generator rotor,
and the activation of the emergency trip device. It is assumed that WR2. The increase in the overall system rotor time constant will
the steam flow has not been changed and that all relationships are reduce the probability of an overspeed.
linear. Then for an instantaneous change in load and for very small Mechanical drive steam turbines, turbines that drive compres-
values of time: sor(s), pumps, fans, blowers, etc., are entirely different. There are
four ways a sudden loss of load can occur.
• A throttling of the suction, but in this case there would only be
∆ n = L( t TC )
or (3) a partial load reduction. Surging a compressor or breaking suction
of a pump may still require as much as 30 percent of the full load.
The time required to throttle the inlet would require a minimum of
t = ( ∆ n L)TC
where: one second to two seconds. This would only be a problem with
t = Time, seconds very slow 10 second turbines.
• A coupling failure, which is rare in this day and age. There are no
n = Speed change in time “t,” percent
TC = Rotor time constant, seconds
L = Instantaneous load change, percent data on the time; however, in analysis of a few coupling failures, the
complete failure would take one second to two seconds.
• A loss of load due to a process upset takes seconds to be accom-
From Equation (3) it is seen that the rotor TC/10 seconds to
change speed 10 percent if there is an instantaneous 100 percent
change in the load. This is a significant speed change in a short plished. In most cases of a process upset, the loss of load is only
period of time. Thus, extremely fast speed controls and emergency partial. This again gives the system time to respond.
overspeed tripping systems are required to limit the speed rise to a • A catastrophic failure of the discharge piping in close proximity
reasonable value when an instantaneous loss of load occurs. of the driven equipment.
ROTOR TIME CONSTANTS It is apparent, from the discussion above, that a required re-
sponse time of the overspeed trip protection system of one second
The fundamental measure of rotor response is the rotor time is sufficient as a result of a 100 percent sudden loss of load. Again,
constant. From the equation for horsepower, the rotor time constant the response time constant must include the WR2 for all the rotors
can be calculated by substituting the speed and time for accelera- of that drive train.
tion. The rotor time constant is:
(WR ) (4) During an overspeed situation, there are two reasons the speed
of the rotor will increase above the 110 percent of maximum con-
TC = (N ) HP

tinuous speed or high-speed stop. The first is the time lag in the
where: mechanism that closes the steam inlet valves and/or the stop valve.
TC = Rotor time constant, seconds And the second is the steam energy stored in the turbine, nozzle
N = Rated speed, rpm box, valve chest, and piping located between the stop valve and the
WR2 = Rotor inertia, lbs-ft2 steam chest of the turbine.
HP = Rated horsepower By equating the stored energy of the steam to the change in the
The only factor in Equation (4) that depends on the rotor design kinetic energy of the turbine rotor, the change in the rotor speed
of the turbine is the rotor inertia. It, the rotor inertia, cannot be cal- can be determined mathematically. Equation (5) shows the
culated until the design of the turbine is complete. For mechanical maximum speed the turbine rotor can reach above the trip speed
drive turbines the rotor inertia varies considerably, but typically due to the stored energy. Equation (5) is based on the assumption
has an inverse relationship with the speed. The turbine rotor time that the turbine has an efficiency of 60 percent at the design rated
constant, TC, normally lies within a range of two seconds to eight load and steam conditions as the stored energy is used.
seconds. There are rotors with a rotor response as quick as 0.5
seconds and some as long as 10 seconds. (5)
(N f Nt ) = +( ( BTU ))  WR 2 ( N
 t ) 2 

Nf = Maximum speed
Nt = Trip speed, rpm
BTU = Total stored energy
WR2 = Rotor inertia, lbs-ft
The amount of stored energy in the steam chest, nozzle box, and
the turbine case downstream of the nozzle box is extremely
difficult to quantify. In an effort to make things a bit easier,
Equation (5) can be reduced to address the stored energy in the
piping between the trip throttle valve and the steam chest. Thus,
the feet of inlet piping (P) between the trip throttle valve and steam
chest required to reach an overspeed can be calculated.

P= TCV (6)

P = Length of inlet piping between trip throttle valve and turbine
steam chest, feet
TC = Turbine rotor time constant, seconds
V = Steam velocity in inlet piping, ft/sec
With a steam inlet velocity of 150 ft/sec and a 1/2 second time
constant, the length of pipe required to overspeed the turbine from
a trip speed of 110 percent of the rated speed to a maximum speed
of 115 percent of the rated speed would be 7.125 feet of equivalent
pipe. Figure 12. Dual Electronic System.
If the actual overspeed trip of the rotor exceeds the API margin
of error, then action should be taken to address the time lag and/or TESTING
the stored energy. The time lag due to slow response of the system A steam turbine solo is the testing of the turbine with the turbine
can be remedied by the replacement of slow valves with faster uncoupled from the machine train. The soloing of the turbine is
valves and/or increasing the hydraulic pressure in the control oil required to:
• Determine the actual critical speed
system. True stored energy can be addressed by lowering the trip
speed set point of the overspeed protection mechanical or electri-
cal. This, however, can present a problem. If the true trip speed is • Define minimum governor set point (low speed stop)
• Determine maximum governor set point (high speed stop)
above the desired trip speed due to very rapid acceleration of the
turbine rotor but the actual trip speed is within the design parame-
ters at a slow acceleration from the governor high speed stop, then • Test the emergency trip systems
early trips may be experienced. Although the machine is ade- Included in the testing of the emergency test systems is the
quately protected, the early trip may become a problem to the testing of the overspeed trip set point(s). As long as the governor
reliability of the process. This situation can be seen if the WR2 of functions properly, the operation of running up to the overspeed
the equipment train is very low. An example of this would be set point(s) is a conscious decision of the individuals involved in
where a turbine is driving a single compressor, the turbine has 15 the testing. The highest exposure to a potentially dangerous
percent excess power, and the molecular weight of the gas being situation for the individuals and equipment involved is at this
compressed is low. A simple electronic system is shown in Figure point in time.
11, and a dual electronic system is shown in Figure 12. Every company that the author has been associated with,
directly or as a nonpaid consultant, has had a written overspeed trip
test procedure for turbines. In most cases, the procedure is
followed to the letter when testing the large and/or critical turbines.
Typically these procedures define responsibilities, frequency,
exceptions, maintenance activities, safety requirements, and proce-
dures. In the past few years, in addition to the written procedure, a
graphical outline of the procedure for each individual steam
turbine was developed and provided to all the individuals involved
in the overspeed trip testing (Figure 13). This has minimized any
confusion or misunderstanding.
During the research for this paper, it was found that the run to an
overspeed failure of a large/critical steam turbine was rare. It is
believed that this is a result of the amount of attention to the
detailed procedures is at its highest. These situations are typically
on new installations or after an overhaul where sensitivity is at its
highest. With the use of electronic overspeed trip protection and
the upfront testing of the emergency trip system, the overspeed
testing as it relates to speed should be a nonevent. Problems with
high vibration due to rotor bows and rubs, unbalance, damaged
bearings, and improperly installed bearings, etc., are outside the
scope of this paper.
The preliminary steps to validate the safety protection systems
Figure 11. Simple Electronic System. function prior to the physical testing of the turbine overspeed are:

problems over the years with the setting of mechanical

governors, to list a few:
• Trip plunger improperly machined, a phonograph finish on the
bore of the plunger guide bushing
• The end of the plunger was flared out preventing the trip plunger
from moving. This was the result of a millwright physically
pushing on the end of the plunger with a center punch of drift.
• The plunger and guide bushing had a buildup of varnish.
• The installed spring was too strong.
• The installed spring was too weak from either an old spring that
had lost some of its force or a spring with too low a spring
• The millwright turned the adjustment nut in the wrong direction.
If everything is perfect, then a mechanical/hydraulic system will
Figure 13. Graphical Outline of a Steam Turbine. protect the turbine from self-destruction when an instantaneous or
a sudden loss of load is experienced.
• Signal generator is used to test the overspeed set points, if an A comparison of a mechanical overspeed trip system versus an
electronic governor is used and/or an independent electronic electronic trip system is shown in Table 1.
overspeed protection system is used.
• Oil trips. Table 1. Comparison of Mechanical Overspeed Trip System Versus

• Emergency trips, mechanical, electronic, and manual, on the

Electronic Overspeed Trip System.
turbine platform and in the control room.
• When possible the mechanical overspeed plunger assembly
should be removed from the turbine rotor and tested in a spin pit if
the mechanical trip is to provide primary or secondary overspeed
After all the initial checks are made, the turbine rotor can be
brought up to a slow roll state, typically between 100 rpm and 1000
rpm. The slow roll speed varies based on the design of the turbine.
Once the turbine is up to the temperature desired, the oil trips
should be tested again in addition to all the emergency trips before
ramping up the turbine speed. Functionality of the trip devices
should also be checked at this time.
The next step is to validate or set the minimum governor speed
and the maximum (high speed stop) governor speed. This step can
be quite difficult when the governor is a mechanical/hydraulic
It is now time to test the overspeed trip protection system in
earnest. The electronic protection systems are the easiest to
validate. The set points should have already been verified. Thus, INCIDENTS
the testing is, or is hoped to be, a formality.
The hybrid overspeed trip system consisting of mechanical/elec- Incident 1
tronic devices is the next easiest. The electronic overspeed trip set A 22 Megawatt, 3600 rpm unit oversped to at least 5400 rpm as
point must be set below the mechanical overspeed trip assembly. If a result of the disk and bolt, from an upstream extraction nonreturn
the electronic overspeed trip point is set above the mechanical set valve, became loose and moved into a position that resulted in the
point, then the only way to test the set point is with a signal nonreturn valve sticking open (Figures 14, 15, and 16).
generator, because it should be impossible to run past the mechan-
ical set point. This is true if the mechanical set point is set properly
and the assembly functions as designed.
The mechanical overspeed trip assembly is not very high tech.
These systems use a bushing, adjustment nut, plunger, and
spring arrangement. As the spring is compressed, the force to
overcome the spring force is increased as the force to overcome
the spring force is reduced. The weight of the plunger, spring
force, speed, and the distance from the plunger to the trip lever
defines the trip speed. Since the desired trip speed, the weight of
the plunger, and the distance the plunger must travel to strike the
trip lever are fixed, the only adjustment that can be made is the
spring force. Adding or removing shims, or repositioning the
spring compression adjustment nut, changes the trip speed. The
only way to change the trip speed is to shutdown the turbine to
make the mechanical adjustments. Multiple runups are not
unusual. This is time consuming and introduces a potential for
human or mechanical error. The author has experienced many Figure 14. Generator.

Figure 18. Turbine Generator Bay (A, Incident 2).

Figure 15. LP Turbine End to Generator.

Figure 19. Turbine Generator Bay (B, Incident 2).

Figure 16. Turbine Rotor (Incident 1).

Incident 2
An incident showing a turbine driving a generator with an
instantaneous loss of load is shown in Figures 17, 18, 19, and 20.

Figure 20. Turbine Generator Bay (C, Incident 2).

governor oil pump shaft failure. The overspeed trip valve closed,
but not fast enough to prevent a very severe overspeed. No one was
injured during this event.
Incident 5
On 01/01/98, a condensing steam turbine driving a water pump
Figure 17. Turbine Rotor (Incident 2). in the United Kingdom failed during an overspeed trip test. The
turbine was rated for 600 hp at 4643 rpm, with a steam inlet
Incident 3 pressure of 40 psig. Two reed tachometers were used to measure
the turbine speed, and the first trip test was successfully completed
On 02/24/01, a condensing steam turbine driving a blower in a at 5400 rpm. On the second test, the operator reported the reed
steel plant went past the overspeed set point. One individual was tachometer reading was 4900 rpm and heard the trip mechanism
killed and another individual was injured. The turbine developed start to “clatter” as the turbine disintegrated. The operator at the
about 8500 hp and was designed to run at 4100 rpm with the trip throttle valve died on the way to the hospital from the injuries
overspeed trip set at 4500 rpm. The first overspeed trip test was suc- sustained; two other employees received severe injuries requiring
cessful. On the retest, the highest logged speed was 4988 rpm, but multiple surgeries. Debris from the turbine was scattered over a
eyewitness accounts say the reed tachometer showed 5300 rpm. wide radius, and adjacent equipment was damaged. Calculations
show that the blades should not have been overstressed and thrown
Incident 4
below 8000 rpm. The incident investigation concluded that there
A catastrophic failure of a 300 hp, 3600 rpm, boiler feed water may have been a misinterpretation of the turbine speed on the reed
pump drive turbine occurred on 05/30/00. The turbine disin- tachometer, the overspeed trip mechanism malfunctioned, and
tegrated due to overspeed following a coupling failure and a excessive steam flow was available for the test.

Incident 6
An operator, about 15 years ago, was putting a steam turbine
driven refrigeration compressor online, and he was reading the
speed with a reed tachometer setting on the auxiliary oil pump
turbine, which was normally off. The lube oil pump was running
because the shaft driven governor oil pump had failed. The lube oil
turbine ran at 3600 rpm and the main turbine was designed to run
at 3800 rpm. The operator kept giving the main turbine more steam
because he believed the turbine would not speed up past 3600 rpm.
Calculations showed that the compressor impellers actually flew
apart at 5400 rpm. Pieces of the compressor were thrown through-
out the building barely missing the operator. The overspeed trip
valve should have prevented the turbine from overspeeding, but
the valve was stuck open from steam deposits.

A commercial insurance company (Clark, 2002) has been main-
taining a database concerning overspeed failures. The database
captures, when possible, the:
• Year of the incident
• Size of the turbine
• Driven object
• Why the governor failed to control the speed
• Why the overspeed trip failed
• Other factors/information
This is an excellent database; however, it is not totally accurate.
The database input information is based on information supplied
by companies that are insured by this company and individual
input. If the overspeed incident does not result in major damage
and/or personnel injuries, the incident may not be reported. (Refer
to APPENDIX A for a sample incident table.)

A safe, reliable, fast-acting overspeed trip protection system is
required. The system will be tested initially while the turbine is
down and then again, at speed, with the turbine uncoupled from its
load. When the solo testing is performed, the level of risk to the
personnel and equipment is at its greatest. The designer must take
into consideration the instantaneous loss of load while the turbine
is in operation. However, the entire protection system—electrical,
mechanical, and hydraulic components—must perform flawlessly.
Human errors can and must be minimized through training and
practice, but they can never be eliminated. Every turbine must be
treated as the most critical and dangerous piece of equipment in the

Table A-1. Steam Turbine Overspeed Incidents—Contributing Factors (05/02/97)—#1 through #20.

1 >5000 hp T/T Valve Stuck Occurred during normal operation; exact
details not known.
2 <5000 hp T/T Valve Stuck Occurred during normal operation; exact
details not known.
3 <5000 hp T/T Valve Not Operational Occurred during uncoupled overspeed trip
test. One fatality. Turbine destroyed.
4 1987 >5000 hp Cent. Retrofitted electronic governor T/T Valve assembled improperly Coupling installed incorrectly during
Compressor improperly configured. System in causing it to not close fast enough turnaround. During process upset,
manual; system ignored to prevent overspeed. Valve was coupling spun on shaft which unloaded
overspeed signal. closed after accident; probably turbine. Turbine oversped to complete
closed due to severe vibration destruction; case could not be repaired.
during accident.
5 1995 >5000 hp Cent. T/T Valve stuck; improperly Coupling broke causing turbine to unload.
Compressor adjusted Coupling improperly installed. Rotor
could not be repaired; case was repaired.
6 1987 >5000 hp Generator Probably stuck due to steam Probably stuck due to steam Details not available, but steam quality
deposits. deposits. was a primary factor. Turbine and
generator oversped to complete
7 1987 >5000 hp Details not available.
8 1986 >5000 hp Compressor Valve stuck due to boiler Valve stuck due to boiler carryover Extreme boiler carryover.
carryover deposits. deposits.
9 1960s <5000 hp Recip. Cmpr. Direct mechanical type governor; Either stuck open due to steam Gearbox between turbine and compressor
reason governor did not control deposits or failed to close fast failed which unloaded turbine. Turbine
speed not known. enough. Butterfly type valve. centrifugally exploded; totally destroyed
with damage to surrounding building and
10 1976 <5000 hp Fan Governor was oil pressure to Stuck due to steam deposits. Nipple on gearbox oil drain line broke
close type. Lost oil, so governor due to fatigue. Without oil, gearbox
went wide open. failed which unloaded turbine. Gearbox
oil also supplied governor system.
Turbine centrifugally exploded; large
sections of case thrown some distance.
Total loss.
11 1995 <5000 hp Fan Governor out of service during Probably, trip setpoint set too high. Turbine oversped during uncoupled
uncoupled trip test. overspeed trip test.
12 1988 <5000 hp Fan Probably steam quality and maintenance
13 1970s <5000 hp BFW Pump Pump was in service - may have rotated
or backwards after turbine tripped due to
1980s stuck check valve. Turbine disintegrated.
14 1980s >5000 hp Cent. Unknown Valve stuck, probably steam Oversped during uncoupled trip test.
Compressor deposits. Stopped turbine by manually tripping
governor valve; should have closed
automatically, but did not.
15 1985 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Steam was off to turbine; turbine Steam was off to turbine, turbine Due to pump check valve sticking open,
driven by pump. was driven by pump. turbine oversped in reverse rotation.
Turbine damaged, but all components
stayed in the case.
16 1985 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Steam was off to turbine, driven Steam was off to turbine, turbine Due to check valve sticking open, turbine
by pump. was driven by pump. oversped in reverse rotation. Same
turbine as above. This time, turbine
centrifugally exploded; turbine destroyed.
17 1996 >5000 hp Generator Design of governor system was Trip valve hung open; probably Operator was shutting down turbine
such that governor did not close steam deposits. Prior to the generator. He decreased load on
when overspeed trip signal was accident, the governor valve had generator, then hit emergency trip button
received or when emergency stop been sticking due to steam deposits, which disconnected load. Trip valve did
button was actuated. During and a spare valve was scheduled to not close. Governor valve was wide
incident, governor sensed falling be installed during next outage. open. Turbine oversped. Exciter
speed and opened governor valve centrifugally exploded.
18 >5000 hp Cent. Cmpr. Hydraulic relay in speed sensing /
trip system stuck preventing
closing of trip valve.
19 >5000 hp Cent. Cmpr. Hydraulic relay in speed sensing / Same plant as above accident; stuck relay
trip system stuck preventing was not diagnosed in first incident, so it
closing of trip valve. caused another accident.
20 >5000 hp Insulation sagged enough to interfere with
the movement of the weighted arm on an
extraction line check valve. When turbine
tripped and check valve did not close,
turbine oversped by backflowing
extraction steam.

Table A-2. Steam Turbine Overspeed Incidents—Contributing Factors (05/02/97)—#21 through #34.

21 <5000 hp Governor out of service during OEM trip throttle valve linkage Turbine oversped to destruction.
uncoupled trip test. was so "flimsy" it could be
relatively easily distorted enough
that valve would not trip. After
accident, replaced T/T valve on
five machines with similar linkage.
23 1950 to Turbine oversped during uncoupled or
1996 low load test of the overspeed trip system.
All of the following are from Ed Nelson’s
24 >5000 hp Generator Governor and/or extraction valve Trip valve stem stuck due to poor Also human error. Operator could not
stuck due to poor steam quality. steam quality. During accident decrease generator load below 10% due to
investigation, trip valve stem could sticking governor valve, but he
not be moved with a 25 ton jack disconnected the load anyway. Should
plus oil and sledge hammer. have shutdown machine by closing steam
block valve.
25 >5000 hp Generator Extraction check valve failed to close
because a sprinkler pipe had been
installed that interfered with the check
valve counterweight arm. Unit tripped
during thunderstorm; then oversped with
extraction steam. Generator exploded; oil
fire ensued.
26 >5000 hp Generator Stuck open; reason unknown. Stuck open; reason unknown. Face of coupling flange not machined
true; bending moment caused solid
coupling to break. Turbine oversped.
Because of extreme destruction, cause of
valves sticking open could not be
27 >5000 hp Cent. Cmpr. Found closed after wreck. Stuck open; probably poor steam Coupling bolts failed sequentially due to
quality. misalignment. Increasing vibration
ignored by operators. Coupling finally
thrown completely. Turbine parts
demolished exhaust casing.
28 >5000 hp Cent. Cmpr. Coupling hub installed with insufficient
shrink fit; also sharp corners on bore.
Fretting/rubbing caused hub to dig into
shaft. Shaft failed by fatigue. Unloaded
turbine oversped.
29 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Direct mechanical type governor After turbine repeatedly tripped on Turbine was tripping on overspeed
failed to respond fast enough overspeed, operators secured because of restricted pump suction.
when trip valve was suddenly overspeed trip in open position When overspeed trip was defeated with
opened. with bailing wire. bailing wire, turbine centrifugally
exploded. Case was destroyed. One
fatality and one serious injury.
30 >5000 hp Generator During startup, first valve in rack Unknown Generator centrifugally exploded during
system "popped" open. Linkage overspeed. Design of control system
system included a spring which required that turbine be started up on
let valve open more than a more governor valve rather than with a block
rigid system would allow. valve. Due to large pressure differential,
Turbine oversped before governor it is common for first rack valve to "pop"
could gain control. open.
31 >5000 hp Cent. Cmpr. Shaft broke causing loss of Shaft broke causing loss of speed When shaft broke, governor sensed low
governor/speed input. indication. speed and went wide open. Turbine
oversped, but components stayed in case.
Speed limited by compressor load.
Design errors included wrong shaft
material and wrong bearing type.
32 >5000 hp Paper mill Valve stuck open; probably due to Trip valve stem was bent. Also, Operators had been able to start turbine
line shaft steam deposits. switch in trip circuit was wired for years in spite of incorrectly wired
"normally open" instead of switch. However, when governor valve
"normally closed" per OEM’s stuck open, turbine oversped when trip
drawing error. valve was reset during startup. Line
shafts tore loose from bearings and
destroyed a large area.
33 >5000 hp Out of service for uncoupled test. Trip inoperative; was being set at Speed was monitored with strobe light.
manufacturer’s test stand. Operator did not notice shaft was
spinning at twice the strobe flashing
speed. One fatality. Turbine destroyed.
34 1997 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Mechanical overspeed trip system Coupling failed which initiated turbine
had been improperly assembled / overspeed. Reason for coupling failure
adjusted during last overhaul. Trip not known.
bolt functioned, but rest of system
not actuated.

Table A-3. Steam Turbine Overspeed Incidents—Contributing Factors (05/02/97)—#35 through #53.

35 1990s >5000 hp Cent. Pump Pump lost suction which unloaded

turbine. Turbine oversped to destruction;
not repairable. Another source said this
was a fatality accident.

36 <5000 hp During uncoupled test, small turbine

37 1990s During uncoupled test, turbine oversped
to destruction. One fatality.
38 1984 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Governor valve gagged partly Combined governor/trip valve Turbine oversped during uncoupled
open so machine could be slow (butterfly type). overspeed trip test. Vibrating reed
rolled in normal service. tachometer apparently was misread
during test. Turbine and gear completely
39 1985 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Governor system response was Combined governor/trip valve Pump lost suction which unloaded
too slow to control speed when (butterfly type). turbine. Turbine oversped to destruction.
pump lost suction.
40 1988 <5000 hp Cent. Governor valve stuck due to Trip valve stuck due to steam Compressor surged heavily causing loss
Compr. steam deposits. deposits. of load. Turbine overspeed with damage.
Cast aluminum impellers in compressor
also destroyed.
41 1993 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Unknown - possibly response too Trip valve stuck due to steam Coupling gear teeth failed which caused
slow. deposits. loss of turbine load. Turbine oversped.
42 1984 <5000 hp Cent. Cmpr. In manual control for uncoupled Electrical/electronic overspeed trip During uncoupled test, turbine oversped
overspeed trip test. system failed due to a broken part. to 120% of maximum design speed.
Mechanical overspeed trip system Machine was not damaged.
failed also; a critical adjustment
was in specifications, but just
43 1997 >5000 hp Generator 11 MW unit was known to have oversped
- top rpm est. 5100 while design was
3600. Damage discovered during 5 year
scheduled overhaul. Retaining rings and
some turbine components damaged.
44 1995 >5000 hp Generator Too slow Too slow A gear (which gear unknown, probably in
mechanical governor drive) of the wrong
material failed. Turbine oversped before
trip system actuated. Generator damaged
beyond repair and replaced with a used
45 <5000 hp Pump Coupling Failure
46 1994 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Boiler feedwater pump cavitated due to
process upset. Overspeed trip and
governor did not work properly; reason
unknown. No testing program for
governor or overspeed trip prior to
incident. Governor centrifugally
exploded, but no injuries.
47 1995 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Steam turbine driving cooling tower water
pump oversped to destruction.
48 1979 >5000 hp Axial flow Steam turbine and axial flow compressor
compressor oversped to destruction. Details not
known why governor and overspeed trip
failed. Unit down months. Coupling
failed catastrophically, but no injuries.
Parts of case of compressor and steam
turbine salvaged.
49 1997 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Governor was noted to always Pump cavitated, turbine oversped. Flyball type governor came apart during
operate wide open following Retainer that holds trip bolt in shaft overspeed event but parts stayed inside
turbine rerate, but no corrective failed ejecting trip bolt from shaft. the machine. Trip lever would not reset,
action was taken. Trip was then no longer operative. so operator held it up manually. A
"brace" was installed to hold up the
turbine trip lever. Turbine oversped
again, and operator noticed that the scatter
shield on the end of the turbine was
beginning to dent, so he shutdown
50 1995 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Pump in Sulfuric Alky unit was operated
dry/cavitating. Turbine oversped to
51 1989 <5000 hp Cent. Pump Cooling tower water pump turbine
oversped after coupling failed.
52 2001 Turbine overspeed trip was being tested.
Had worked successfully twice. On third
try, turbine overspeed. Speed was being
controlled by control valve rather than
block valve. One fatality and one injury.
53 2001 >5000 hp Generator R. West reported. No details.

Table A-4. Steam Turbine Overspeed Incidents—Contributing Factors (05/02/97)—#54 through #57.

54 2001 >5000 hp Generator Due to upset in mill, other generators

were shutdown resulting in subject
generator operation at maximum load.
For some reason, load was lost. Broke
bearing pedestals, threw pieces through
room and into side of pressure vessel.
Solid coupling bolts sheared. At least one
injury; no fatalities. Turbine had been
retrofitted with electronic governor, but
this was not used for overspeed
55 ? >5000 hp Generator In past, turbine generator oversped to the
point retaining hardware failed in the
56 ? >5000 hp Governor In past, turbine generator oversped to the
point retaining hardware failed in the
57 1999 ? <5000 hp Generator Turbine oversped during overspeed
trip testing. Operator accidentally
opened steam valve too much while
turbine was disconnected from

REFERENCES ISO 10437, 1993, “Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries—

Special-Purpose Steam Turbines for Refinery Service,”
API Standard 611, 1988, Reaffirmed 1991, “General-Purpose
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva,
Steam Turbines for Refinery Service,” Third Edition,
Switzerland, Paragraph
American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
API Standard 612, 1995, “Special-Purpose Steam Turbines for BIBLIOGRAPHY
Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services,” Fourth Weaver, F. L., 1976, “Reliable Overspeed Protection for Industrial
Edition, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C. Drive Turbines,” Proceeding of the Fifth Turbomachinery
API Standard 670, 2000, “Vibration, Axial-Position, and Bearing- Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M
Temperature Monitoring Systems,” Fourth Edition, American University, College Station, Texas, pp. 71-78.
Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
Clark, E. E., 2002, “Steam Turbine Overspeed Incidents,” The
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company.

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