UCSP Reviewer
UCSP Reviewer
UCSP Reviewer
Values- anything held to be relatively Imitation- One tends to duplicate more or less,
worthy,important or valuable. or exactly, the behaviors of others.
Technology- converting raw materials into Norms- rules that regulates the process of social
finished products. interaction.
Evolution- Natural process of biological change Deviance- it is defined as an act that violates a
occuring in a population across successive social norm.
Socialization - is a continuing proces whereby an
HOMO- It is the genus of the modern humans individual acquires apersonal identity
and the first group that came out of africa.
Socialization can be described from two point of
Australopithecus- Considered as the earliest view:
known fossil creature identified as definitely
Objective:Refers to the society acting upon a
man like in form.
Homo habilis- known as Handy Man
Subjective:Processby which society transmits its
Homo erectus- known as Upright Man culture from one generation to another and
adapts the individual to the accepted and
Broken pebbles - Earliest tools used by
approved ways of organized social life.
prehuman primates.
Perspective on Socialization
Paleolithic Age - Unpolished tools,Hunting and
gathering,Nomadic way of living PRD-Process where we develop our sense of
identity and belongingness.
Neolithic- Polished tools,domestication of
plants and animals SDT- The much needed skills such as
com.,interpersonal,and occupational are
Mesolithic- A stepping stone, tend to stay
longer in fixed places.
V.F- Individuals are influenced by the prevailing
Types of Society
values of social groups.
a. Hunting and Food gathering
SIA-Process allows us to fit in and be accustom
b.Horticultural Society to the cultural setting
Social Status-It refers to the position an 4.Retreatism-withdrawal from society, do not
individual occupies in a society. care about the success nor about working.
Two types of Social status 5.Rebellion- this occurs when people reject and
attempt to change both the goals and means.
1.Ascribed statutes- assigned to the individual
from birth. Four functions of Deviance( Functionalist theory
by Emile Durkheim)
2.Achieved statuses- Acquaired by choice,merit
or efforts. a.Deviance affirms values and norms.
Types of Conformity