Genral Biology 1 Grade 11-Stem Cell Membrane: Structure and Function
Genral Biology 1 Grade 11-Stem Cell Membrane: Structure and Function
Genral Biology 1 Grade 11-Stem Cell Membrane: Structure and Function
Cell Membrane:
Structure and Function
Learner's Module in General Biology 1
Ist Quarter Week 5• Module 6
At the end of the module, you should be
able to:
1. identify the three major constituents of the cell
2. distinguish the different composition of the cell
3. explain the importance of the structural components of the cell
4. explain how the arrangement of molecules provides fluidity to the
What I Know
INSTRUCTION: This test covers the topics on the Cell Membrane and its
Structure and
Function. Write your answer in your notebook or on your answer sheet
1. Which of the following statements does not describe the functions of a
cell membrane?
A. It regulates what enters and leaves the cell
B. It fight bacteria and viruses that enters the cell
C. It provides rigid support and protection to the cell
D. It makes sure that each cell can move
2. The phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane is said to be “amphipathic” in nature.
What does amphipathic mean?
A. having a hydrophobic part
B. having a hydrophilic part
C. having both hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts
D. having more than one molecule
3. What type of cell membrane protein regulates the movement of hydrophilic molecules
through the membrane?
A. Transport protein C. Recognition protein
B. Receptor protein D. All of the above
4. What molecules play an important role in controlling cell membrane fluidity?
A. Phospholipid C. Membrane protein
B. Cholesterol D. Glycoprotein
5. What is a fluid mosaic model?
A. organization of the cell membrane
B. allows substance to pass through cell membrane
C. maintain balance in a cell’s survival
D. the phospholipid bilayer
6. Which biomolecule is not found in the cell membrane?
A. Lipid C. Carbohydrate
B. Protein D. Nucleic acid
7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the cell membrane?
A. It is selectively permeable
B. It is made up of lipid layer
C. It is amphipathic in nature
D. It has a physical and chemical barrier which separates the inside and outside
of the cell.
8. What is the proportion of lipids and proteins in the cell membrane?
A. 50 : 50 B. 50 : 25 C.25 : 75 D. 80 : 20
11. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the cell membrane fluidity?
A. Membrane fluidity allows for interactions to take place within the membrane.
B. Membrane fluidity makes it possible for clusters of membrane proteins to
assemble at particular sites.
C. Because of membrane fluidity, molecules that interact can come together, carry
out the necessary reaction, and move apart.
D. The fluidity of the cell membrane helps maintains its role as a rigid barrier
between the inside and outside of the cell environment.
12. The fluid mosaic model describes the parts of the cell membrane such as proteins and
phospholipids as .
A. floating laterally throughout the space
B. tethered to one place in the membrane
C. as existing only on the cytoplasmic side of the cell
D. hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecule13. Which statement best describes how
cholesterol affects cell membrane fluidity?
A. Cholesterol increases fluidity at high temperature but decreases fluidity at low
B. Cholesterol increases fluidity both at high and low temperature.
C. Cholesterol decreases fluidity both at high and low temperature.
D. Cholesterol decreases fluidity at high temperature but increases fluidity at low
14. Which biomolecule is not found in the cell membrane?
A. Lipid C. Carbohydrate
B. Protein D. Nucleic acid
15. What is the fundamental building block of cell membrane?
A. Carbohydrate
B. Phospholipid
C. Protein
D. Integral protein
What’s In
You might think that the outer covering of a living cell is made up of an equally tough
and impenetrable barrier because it must protect its delicate internal contents from
the different unwanted materials from the outside environment. But cells are separated from
the outside environment by a thin, fragile structure called the cell membrane that is only 5 to
10 nm wide. It is not just a simple border of the cell, but it also allows the cell to interact with
its environment in a controlled way.
Try to answer these 4pics1word images. Write your answers on your answer sheets)
What are the words that you can decipher?
What do you think is the connetion of those words to our topic “The Cell membrane:
Structure and Function”?
What’s New
The cell membrane is a special type of protection that provides what the cell needs
and protects it from harm, in this module, we will be discussing that makes the Cell
Membrane unique.
Activity 1
7 5
Identify the different components of the cell membrane using the description given
below. Match the letter to the numbered part on the image. Write your answers on your
answer sheet.
2. Peripheral proteins are membrane proteins that are associated within the
surface of the cell membrane and found either on the cytoplasmic or extracellular
side. Unlike integral protein, they do not stick into the hydrophobic core of the
membrane and they tend to be more loosely attached.
3. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the third major component of the cell membrane. In general, they
are found on the outside surface of the cells and are bound either in protein forming
glycoproteins or to lipids forming glycolipids. These carbohydrates may consist of 2-60
monosaccharide units and can either be straight or branched.
The Fluid Mosaic Model
The fluid mosaic model describes the cell membrane as several
molecules (phospholipid, cholesterol and proteins) that are constantly moving. This
movement helps the cell membrane maintains its role as a barrier between the inside
and outside of the cell environment.
The fluidity of a cell membrane depends on the lipid composition of the membrane,
the density of integral proteins, and the temperature. The fatty acids and cholesterol play
an important role in the fluidity of the cell membrane.
Activity 1
Instruction: Answer the following questions. Limit your answers into 3 sentences. Write your
answers on your answer sheet
1. How is phospholipid arranged in the cell membrane?
2. How does the arrangement of different structural components of the cell membrane
contribute to its fluidity?
3. Aside from cell membrane, where else can you find a bilayer of lipid?
Assessment 1
Instruction: Answer the question in less then 5 sentences. Underline your key tems/
phrases. Wrtite your answer on your answer sheet.
Why is the cell membrane’s fluidity important?
Activity 2
Table Completion
Instruction: Complete the table below by identifying the different functions of the structural
component of the cell membrane and its location. Copy and complete the table on your
answer sheets.
Structural Functions Location
Component of the (in the cell
Cell Membrane membrane)
1. Phospholipid
2. Integral protein
3. Peripheral protein
Assessment 2
Instruction: Short Answer: Answer the following questions in no more than 4 sentences.
Write your answers on your answersheets.
1. What are the functions of the cell membrane?
2. What makes the cell membrane selectively permeable or semi-permeable?
3. What is the difference between channel and carrier protein?
4. How do cells respond to different stimuli?
5. What is the role of glycoprotein in cell recognition?
Cell Recognition
What I Can Do
Building a Structure
Instruction: Make a fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane using recyclable and
indigenous materials (old clean paper, dried plants, bottle caps, straw, etc.,). Your base
should not be more than 6x6 inches. Detach the rubrics and attach it on your model.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Scientific Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation
Knowledge indicates a clear indicates an indicates a illustrate a little
and accurate accurate relative understanding
understanding understanding accurate of the scientific
of the scientific of the scientificunderstanding principles.
principles. principles. of the scientific
Fluidity 3-D model is 3-D model is 3-D model is 3-D model is
very creative, creative, mostly creative, somehow
accurate and all accurate and somewhat creative, less
molecules are molecules are accurate and accurate and
clearly labeled. clearly labeled. molecules are molecules are
labeled. labeled.
Construction- Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate
Materials recyclables and recyclables and recyclables and recyclables and
indigenous indigenous indigenous indigenous
materials were materials were materials were materials are
selected and selected and selected and selected.
creatively modified in there was an
modified in ways that made attempt at
ways that made them even creative
them even better. modification to
better. make them
even better.
Over-all Great care process so neat, attractive Construction is
Appearance taken in that the and accurate. careful and
construction structure is accurate.
Construction refined for Construction careless and details need
is but could more attractive appear many refinement.
have been product.
Instruction: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.(15pts)
1. Which biomolecule is not found in the cell membrane?
A. Carbohydrate C. Nucleic acid
B. Lipid D. Protein
2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the cell membrane?
A. Amphipathic in nature
B. Made up of lipid layer
C. Physical and chemical barrier which separates the inside and outside of the
cell. D. It is selectively permeable
3. What is the proportion of lipids and proteins in the cell membrane?
A. 50 : 50 C. 25 : 75
B. 50 : 25 D. 80 : 20
4. What molecules that play an important role in controlling cell membrane fluidity is?
A. phospholipid C. membrane protein
B. cholesterol D. glycoprotein
5. What type of biomolecule is attached to the external side of the membrane protein?
A. Protein C. Lipid
B. Carbohydrate D. Nucleic acid
6. What is the fundamental building block of cell membrane?
A. Phospholipid C. Carbohydrate
B. Protein D. Integral protein
7. What do you call a trans membrane protein that pass entirely through the lipid
bilayer and protrude from both the extracellular and cytoplasmic sides of the
A. Glycoprotein C. Peripheral protein
B. Integral protein D. Lipoprotein
8. Which of the following statement does not describe the hydrophilic nature of
globular head of the phospholipid bilayer?
A. Water-loving
B. Polar molecule
C. Exposed in high water content region
D. Poorly soluble in water
9. What do you call carbohydrates that are found on the outside surface of the cells
and are bound to protein molecule?
A. Integral protein C. Glycoprotein
B. Peripheral protein D. Transmembrane protein
10. Which of the following does not describe a peripheral
A. Does not stick into the hydrophobic core of the membrane
B. Situated within the bilayer.
C. Located on either the cytoplasmic or extracellular side
D. Tend to be more loosely attached
11. How does the fluid mosaic model describe parts of the cell membrane such as
proteins and phospholipids?
A. floating laterally throughout the space
B. tethered to one place in the membrane
C. as existing only on the cytoplasmic side of the cell
D. hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecule.
12. Which statement best describes how cholesterol affects cell membrane fluidity?
A. Cholesterol increases fluidity at high temperature but decreases fluidity at low
B. Cholesterol increases fluidity both at high and low temperature.
C. Cholesterol decreases fluidity both at high and low temperature.
D. Cholesterol decreases fluidity at high temperature but increases fluidity at low
13. What molecules play an important role in controlling cell membrane fluidity?
A. Phospholipid C. Membrane protein
B. Cholesterol D. Glycoprotein
14. What is a fluid mosaic model?
A. Organization of the cell membrane
B. Allows substance to pass through cell membrane
C. Maintain balance in a cells survival
D. The phospholipid bilayer
15. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the cell membrane fluidity?
A. Membrane fluidity allows for interactions to take place within the membrane.
B. Membrane fluidity makes it possible for clusters of membrane proteins to
assemble at particular sites.
C. Because of membrane fluidity, molecules that interact can come together, carry
out the necessary reaction, and move apart.
D. The fluidity of the cell membrane helps maintains its role as a rigid barrier
between the inside and outside of the cell environment.
Additional Activities
Direction: In a real life situation, where can you compare the cell membrane? Briefly
explain your answer. Give at least three (3) examples.
Examples Explanation
Ex. Clothing There is a great variety of clothes that we can use during different seasons.
Some clothes keeps us warm (coats), some clothes easily allows water/
sweat to pass through (dri fit), while there are others that prevents water to
enter (raincoat)
Answer Key
Bailey, Regina. 2019. Cell Membrane Function and Structure. October 7. Accessed
September 2020.
373364. Biology Dictionary. 2020. Cell Membrane. June 21. Accessed
September 2020.
Khan Academy. n.d. Structure of the plasma membrane. Accessed September
Mader, Sylvia S. 1994. Inquiry Into Life. Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publisher.
Miller, Kenneth R, and Joseph Levine. 2004. Biology. Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Russell, Peter J, Paul E Hertz, Beverly McMillan, Eldra P Solomon, Charles E Martin,
W Martin, Linda R Berg, et al. 2017. General Biology 1. Valenzuela: JO-ES
Publishing House, Inc.
Cheresson, Lisette. 2014. 4 Pics 1 Word Puzzles. May 23. Accessed September 2020.
—. 2014. 4 Pics 1 Word Puzzles. August 6. Accessed September 2020.
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