Engineering & Chemical Thermodynamics, 2
Engineering & Chemical Thermodynamics, 2
Engineering & Chemical Thermodynamics, 2
PREREQUISITES: CHE 210; CHE 317; M 427K; CH 353 (all with C- or above).
TEACHING ASSISTANT: Tyler J. Duncan (Office Hrs: Monday: 4:30 – 6:00 pm; Tuesday: 2:30-4:00
pm; Thursday: 2:30 – 4pm; Sunday: 2:30-4pm)(
TUTORS: Ella Jiang (Tuesday, 4:30 – 6 pm); Dachey Lin (Saturday, 2:30 – 4 pm);
Jacob Sass (Sunday, 11 am – 1pm).
HOMEWORK POLICY: There will be a homework assignment for nearly every week during the
semester. Homeworks will not be collected, however, you will have a closed
book/closed notes quiz over the homework set that is scheduled for that day
during the recitation time. These recitation quizzes will be composed of
problems very similar to homework problems (with some simple
modifications) and/or verbatim homework problems. It may also include
one or two concept questions similar to the ones we will discuss in lectures.
The recitation quiz grades will contribute 30% to your final grade.
Recitation quizzes cannot be made up, however your two lowest
recitation quiz scores will be dropped. If more than two recitation quiz
is missed, the additional missed quizzes will be scored as a zero. A solution
key to homework problems will be posted online after the recitation quiz is
You may work together with your classmates on homework but don't deny
yourself the opportunity to "struggle" with difficult concepts and problems
(by having friends "spoon-feed" you). It is my opinion that one learns a
great deal in this endeavor....homework problems are your means of
"practicing" engineering just as an athlete practices to improve his/her
athletic ability.
EXAMS: Midterm and final exams will be very challenging and you will need to
study extensively to perform well. These exams will be closed book and
closed notes. You will be allowed one "formula card" made up of a 3
in. x 5 in. card with anything that you like written on it (both sides may be
used). Exams cannot be made up.....if a Midterm Exam must be missed
due to illness or family crisis then the Final Exam score will be substituted
for the missed exam. This can only be done once and students that must
miss more than one Midterm Exam should see the Deans Office (ECJ 2.200)
regarding dropping the course. If you have questions about the manner in
which your exam was graded then write a note describing the discrepancy,
attach the note to your exam and return the note and exam to me and I will
review this together with the grader. This procedure must be followed
within one class period of the time the graded exams are initially returned
otherwise we will not re-grade your test. In addition, we will review the
entire exam to look for any other discrepancies (positive or negative).
GRADING: We will strive to fairly grade all of your quizzes and exams. Since you will
have had the problems/templates for the recitation quizzes we expect nearly
perfect work … if it is clear that you have little clue about how to work the
problem you will not receive any partial credit for that problem. The grades
will range from A – F (including + and -).
*If you must miss a recitation quiz then that will be the quiz grade that you
will drop. Additional missed quizzes will be scored zero.
The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, appropriate academic adjustments for qualified students
with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4241 TDD
or the College of Engineering Director of Students with Disabilities at 471-4382.
May **(TBD) - Final Exam for this class as decided by registrar’s schedule.