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84 Incorrect or missing vehicle speed signal (CCVS) via Fault in DMCI system
message on CAN network from DMCI. Defective CAN wiring on vehicle side
86 - 8 Incorrect or missing cruise control signal (CCVS) via Fault in DMCI system
message on CAN network from DMCI, with the cruise Defective CAN wiring on vehicle side
control function being active
This results in the following symptom:
In automatic mode, the gearbox may change gears
accidentally when the cruise control function is active
91 - 8 Incorrect or missing accelerator pedal position signal via Fault in accelerator pedal
message on CAN network Defective CAN wiring on vehicle side
This results in the following symptoms: Fault in DMCI system
When driving:
shifting quality may be affected
Automatic mode not available
At standstill:
driving off from a stationary position is possible
drive off and manoeuvring quality may be affected
92 - 8 Incorrect or missing percentage of engine torque signal at Fault in DMCI system
current speed via message on CAN network Defective CAN wiring on vehicle side
110 - 8 Invalid CAN message received (coolant temperature) from Communication problem with engine
engine management system management system
158 - 1 Excessive power supply voltage:
Pins A4/A5
This results in the following symptoms:
At standstill:
if this fault is present before switching on the ignition,
the gearbox does not leave the self-test cycle. It is not
possible to drive off.
158 - 2 Insufficient power supply voltage:
Pins A4/A5
This results in the following symptoms:
When driving:
no gear changes possible
At standstill:
Automatic mode not available
no gear changes possible
if a gear has been engaged, the modulator shifts the
gearbox to neutral when the ignition is switched off
175 - 8 Incorrect or missing engine oil temperature signal via
message on CAN network from DMCI
190 - 8 Incorrect or missing engine speed signal via message When faults 92-8, 513-8 and 3026-4 are
(EEC1) on CAN network from DMCI also present, check power supply to
This results in the following symptoms: DMCI system
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At standstill:
when driving off in the manoeuvring position, the clutch
is operated in a time-controlled fashion, which results
in abrupt clutching
512 - 8 Incorrect or missing desired engine torque signal via Fault in accelerator pedal
message on CAN network (derived from engine Defective CAN wiring on vehicle side
management system accelerator pedal position signal)
Fault in DMCI system
This results in the following symptoms:
When driving:
Clutch may close abruptly after changing gears, which
affects the shifting quality
Automatic mode not available
At standstill:
driving off from a stationary position is possible
513 - 8 Incorrect or missing current engine torque signal via Fault in DMCI
message on CAN network from DMCI
This results in the following symptoms:
When driving:
shifting quality when shifting up and down may be
Automatic mode not available
At standstill:
driving off from a stationary position is possible
520 - 8 Incorrect or missing current intarder brake torque signal via Defective CAN wiring
message on CAN network from intarder system. Fault in intarder system
This results in the following symptoms:
Automatic mode not available
No further system limitation
Incorrect or missing current engine braking torque signal via Defective CAN wiring
message on CAN network from DMCI Fault in DMCI system
This results in the following symptoms:
If the engine brake is active, this may affect the shifting
quality when shifting is started
Automatic mode not available
556 - 8 Incorrect or missing intarder configuration signal via Defective CAN wiring
message on CAN network from intarder system Fault in intarder system
This results in the following symptoms:
Automatic mode not available
No noticeable system limitation
Incorrect or missing engine brake configuration signal via Defective CAN wiring
message on CAN network from DMCI Fault in DMCI system
This results in the following symptoms:
Automatic mode not available
No noticeable system limitation
558 - 8 Incorrect or missing signal from the accelerator pedal idling operation of the brake pedal when the
switch via message on CAN network from DMCI accelerator pedal is operated
This results in the following symptoms: Faulty accelerator pedal
At standstill: Faulty wiring
no response from the accelerator pedal, as a result of Fault in DMCI
which it is not possible to drive off from a stationary
559 - 8 Incorrect or missing kickdown signal via message on CAN Faulty accelerator pedal
network from DMCI Faulty wiring
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Pin C3 of E-Module shift lever ECU (D996) Reverse light relay G350 defective
This results in the following symptoms: Drive mode switch defective
Actuating unit output switches off
Reversing lights cannot be switched on
Automatic mode remains available
No noticeable system limitation
Short circuit to supply at output for power supply to Defective wiring between drive mode
reversing light relay (G350): switch and reverse light relay G350
Pin C3 of E-Module shift lever ECU (D996) Reverse light relay G350 defective
This results in the following symptoms: Drive mode switch defective
Reversing lights continuously switched on
Automatic mode remains available
No noticeable system limitation
3017 - 5 Modulator, selector valve Y1 for transmission brake: Fault in modulator, can be in upper or
Short circuit to earth lower part
When driving:
no more gear changes possible
Automatic mode not available
At standstill:
driving off from a stationary position is possible
extended shifting time, air supply main valve is not
switched on until the clutch has been opened
3017 - 10 Interruption Fault in modulator, can be in upper or
This results in the following symptoms: lower part
When driving:
extended shifting time when shifting up (engine control
now also synchronises when shifting up)
shifting up blocked if the speed of the input shaft drops
below the idling speed of the engine after shifting
Automatic mode not available
At standstill:
extended self-test (mechanical position of the clutch
more difficult to determine)
extended shifting time when engaging a gear from
neutral position
driving off from a stationary position is possible
3018 - 5 Short circuit to earth of selector valve Y17 (slowly open Defective valve in clutch actuator
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3018 - 10 Interruption of selector valve Y17 (slowly open clutch): Defective valve in clutch actuator
Pin B9 of modulator (D954) Defective wiring
This results in the following symptoms:
Modulator output is switched off
Selector valve Y16 (quickly open clutch) takes over
Reduced comfort during clutching
No automatic mode available
3019 - 5 Short circuit to earth of selector valve Y15 (close clutch Defective valve in clutch actuator
slowly): Defective wiring
Pin B7 of modulator (D954)
This results in the following symptoms:
Modulator output is switched off
Selector valve Y14 (close clutch quickly) takes over
Reduced comfort during clutching
No automatic mode available
3019 - 6 Short circuit to supply of selector valve Y15 (close clutch Detach the clutch actuator from the
slowly): modulator
Pin B7 of modulator (D954) Ignition on
This results in the following symptoms: Read fault codes
No more gear changes possible, system not available Open circuit fault active = check clutch
When driving, the required clutch position is controlled actuator (wiring loom)
by selector valves (clutch open) Short circuit to positive fault active =
At standstill, the gearbox is automatically shifted to the check modulator
neutral position after a few seconds
3019 - 10 Interruption of selector valve Y15 (close clutch slowly): Defective valve in clutch actuator
Pin B7 of modulator (D954) Defective wiring
This results in the following symptoms:
Modulator output is switched off
Selector valve Y14 (close clutch quickly) takes over
Reduced comfort during clutching
No automatic mode available
3020 - 5 Short circuit to earth of selector valve Y16 (open clutch Defective valve in clutch actuator
quickly): Defective wiring
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3020 - 10 Interruption of selector valve Y16 (open clutch quickly): Defective valve in clutch actuator
Pin B12 of modulator (D954) Defective wiring
This results in the following symptoms:
Modulator output is switched off
Selector valve Y17 (open clutch slowly) takes over
Extended shifting time
Reduced comfort during clutching
No automatic mode available
3021 - 5 Short circuit to earth of selector valve Y14 (close clutch Defective valve in clutch actuator
quickly): Defective wiring
Pin B8 of modulator (D954)
This results in the following symptoms:
Modulator output is switched off
Selector valve Y15 (close clutch slowly) takes over
Extended shifting times
Reduced comfort during clutching
No automatic mode available
3021 - 6 Short circuit to supply of selector valve Y14 (close clutch Detach the clutch actuator from the
quickly): modulator
Pin B8 of modulator (D954) Ignition on
This results in the following symptoms: Read fault codes
No more gear changes possible, system not available Open circuit fault active = check clutch
When driving, the required clutch position is controlled actuator (wiring loom)
by selector valves (clutch open) Short circuit to positive fault active =
At standstill, the gearbox is automatically shifted to the check modulator
neutral position after a few seconds
3021 - 10 Interruption of selector valve Y14 (close clutch quickly): Defective valve in clutch actuator
Pin B8 of modulator (D954) Defective wiring
This results in the following symptoms:
Modulator output is switched off
Selector valve Y15 (close clutch slowly) takes over
Extended shifting times
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3033 - 4 Engine brake configuration signal not recognised via Fault in DMCI
message on CAN network due to: Defective crankshaft sensor
Communication problem with engine management Power supply to DMCI system not
system ECU correct
This results in the following symptoms: Wrong AS Tronic software programmed
No noticeable system limitation
Automatic mode available
3059 - 8 Incorrect PTO 1 status signal via message on CAN Faulty PTO air supply or low air
network, in the following situation: pressure
PTO 1 status signal active Driver input not received (switch, wiring,
no request (PTO switch) for PTO 1 etc.)
With a PTO 1 request, the PTO 1 output of the BBM No shift command active
ECU is actuated normally Engine runs and no faults in engine
No noticeable system limitation speed
With a PTO 2 request, the PTO 2 output of the BBM No shift command active
ECU is actuated normally Engine runs and no faults in engine
No noticeable system limitation speed
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M015648 - 22/06/2012
This information applies exclusively to the entered chassis number or the selected vehicle series. Please take into account that this information may
change daily. Therefore the provided information is only valid on 21-08-2012. You cannot derive any rights from the information provided with respect to
vehicles and/or components of another series, with another chassis number and/or of another date.
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