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Visitors Guide

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yours to discover

Introduction ........................................................ 3 Natinal Parks ...................................................... 39

Welcome to Albania .......................................... 4 Museums ............................................................ 46
Geography ............................................................ 5 Albanian Traditions .......................................... 50
History .................................................................... 6 Culture ................................................................. 54
Population ............................................................ 10 Sports ................................................................... 57
Language .............................................................. 10 Media .................................................................... 58
Religion .................................................................. 11 Other useful Information .............................. 62
Climate ................................................................... 12 Outdoor activities ............................................ 65
Economy ............................................................... 13 Postal system and phone calls .................... 68
Agriculture ............................................................ 13 Embassies ............................................................ 71
Natural Resources ............................................ 13 Dictionary ........................................................... 76
Political Structure ............................................. 13
How to come to Albania ................................ 14
Border Formalities ............................................ 20
How to travel in Albania .................................. 21
10 Suggested Itineraries ................................ 26
Accommodations .............................................. 34
Cuisine ................................................................. 35
Tourist Attractions ........................................... 36
Flora and Fauna ................................................ 37
Lake and Rivers ................................................. 38
At the front entrance of “Mother Teresa Airport”, a huge poster welcomes
everyone to the “Country of the Eagles”, otherwise known by foreigners
as Albania.

The country is well known for its traditional hospitality and for the
extraordinary nature. The climate in this small territory varies from
exotic mediterranean to cold continental, with a relatively short winter
and a hot dry summer. Albania’s climate changes from one province
to another with large contrasts of temperature.

Albania is home to centuries of history with ancient archaeological sites,

medieval modern villages and a magnificent coastline with crystalline
waters. Albania is located in Europe, in the western part of the Balkan
Peninsula. The country is easily reachable by plane, by land and
by sea routes.

The territory of Albania is known for the variety of landscape and for
its diverse relive. Rocky beaches, lagoons, rugged hills, high mountains,
valleys and rivers, are the ingredients of this perfect combination, waiting
for the visitors to be discovered. All this unexplored nature is found within
a relatively small territory of 28,748 km2. To be mentioned is the southern
Albanian coastline, considered as a pearl of the Mediterranean Sea.
Mountains rise behind the beaches creating the very environment for
all those whom love to enjoy the perfect intimacy holydays.

It is believed that the prehistoric origins of the Albanians come from

an Indo-European tribe, which by the Greek historian Herodotus
is known by the name of “the pellazgs”. The pellazgs are considered
as direct ancestors of the Illyrians. It is supposed they lived many
centuries B.C. Albania, the now days name of the country is an Illyrian
denomination of the Illyrian tribe, the Albans.

The desire to preserve the ancient beauty and the natural and archeological
treasuries of Albania is turning the country into a real paradise for all

This Guide contains information on the geographic position, population,

history, climate, national parks, museums, coastline, forests, language,
religion, and other interesting topics for the tourists.

28.748 km2

Capital city:

3,150,886 habitants



Parliamentary Democracy

Black double-headed eagle
on red background

00 355

Albania’s surface area of 28,748 km2
(11,100 square miles) makes it slightly smaller
than Belgium. It is situated in the Balkan
Peninsula, in southeastern Europe, and shares
borders with Greece, the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosova.
In the west ,the country is soaked by Adriatic
and Ionianseas. The division of these seas is
marked by the Bay of Vlora, about 170 km from
the southern border with Greece. The Straits
of Otranto marks the narrowest point, where
only 72 km of water separates Albania from Italy.
Albania has four primary topographical areas:
the albanian alps, a central mountanious region,
a southern mountanious region and the coastal
plain. The interior of the country is mostly
mountainous and approximately 36% is lushly
forested. The plains are extensively planted with
olives, citrus and vineyards. There are numerous
lakes, the biggest of which is Lake Shkodra.
Measuring 370 km2, it is the largest lake in the
Balkans. Lake Ohrid, in the eastern portion of the
country, is shared with Macedonia and at 294 m
or 931 ft, is exceptionally deep. Lake Prespa, is
the highest tectonic lake in all Balkans.
The Ionian coast, known as “Albanian Riviera”
from Vlora to Saranda, is both rugged
and beautiful, featuring some of the most
picturesque scenery in the country. The overall
length of Albania’s borders is 1,094 km.
Of this length, 657 km is made up of land
borders with other countries, 316 km is
provided by the seas, 48 km is marked by
various rivers, and 73 km is provided by lakes.
The highest point is Mount Korab, 2,751 meters
above sea level. Additionally, Albania
enjoys a total twelve National Parks
areas, which together with other
protected areas cover approximately
39% of the country (34,550 hectares).
History The expanding Illyrian kingdom clashed
The area known as Albania today with Rome in 229 B.C. A lengthy struggle
has been populated since prehistoric ensued, and resulted in the extension of
times. In antiquity, much of it was settled Roman control over the entire Balkan area
by the Illyrians, who are the ancestors by 167 B.C. Under the Romans, Illyrians
of present-day Albanians. It was around enjoyed relative peace and prosperity.
the turn of the third millennium B.C. that Large agricultural estates flourished under
an Indo-European population settled slave labor. Like the Greeks, the Illyrians
there. The result of this melding of managed to preserve their own language
cultures was the creation of a population and traditions despite centuries of Roman
incorporating the unique cultural and rule. Over time the people gradually
linguistic characteristics of the whole replaced their old gods with the new
Balkan Peninsula. Based on this ancient Christian faith championed by Emperor
population, the Illyrian people developed Constantine. Trade flourished during this
through the second millennium and the time, as well. The main route between
first century B.C. After its collapse in the Rome and Constantinople, the Via Egnatia,
year 30 B.C., Illyria came under the control passed through the port at Durrës.
of Roman Empire. Upon the division of the When the Roman Empire was divided in
Roman Empire in 395 A.D., Illyria became a 395, Illyria fell within the Eastern Empire,
part of the Byzantine Empire. later known as the Byzantine Empire.
The Greeks arrived in the VII century B.C. Three early Byzantine Emperors
to establish self-governing colonies in (Anastasius I, Justin I and Justinian I)
Epidamnos (now Durrës), Apollonia and were Illyrian in origin. Ongoing invasions
Butrint. They established and expansive by Visigoths, Huns, Ostrogoths, and
trade system with the Illyrians, who formed Slavs continued through the 5th and 6th
tribal states in the IV century B.C. centuries, CE.

The monument of our National Hero
Gjergj Kastrioti - Scanderbeg

In 1344 A.D., Albania was annexed by For more than 400 years Albania was under
Serbia. Their control of the area was brief, Ottoman rule. Muslim citizens were favored
though, as the Turks defeated the Serbians and were exempted from the Janissary
in 1389. At this point, the Venetians system, which dictated that Christian
controlled some coastal towns, but with households give up one of their sons to
the Serbian defeat, the whole region convert to Islam and serve in the army.
became vulnerable to Ottoman attack. Consequently many Albanians abandoned
From 1443 to 1468, an Albanian nobleman their Christian faith and converted to Islam.
named Skanderbeg (Gjergj Kastrioti), The subsequent insurrection efforts
united warring Albanian princes and led eventually brought about the proclamation
a resistance effort against the Turks from of the independence of Albania in 1912.
his castle at Kruja. Skanderbeg won all King Zog I ruled for nearly fourteen
25 battles he fought against the Turks, years until the country was invaded by
and kept them at bay for more than two Italy in 1939 and eventually occupied by
decades. He would go on to become Mussolini’s forces. German forces occupied
a national hero, but upon his death, portions of Albania during this time, as well.
the Ottomans overwhelmed Albanian A resistance against this foreign occupation
resistance and took control of the country was formed and became known as the
in 1479. Antifascist National Liberation front.


In November of 1944, the occupying the Democratic Party regained political

forces were eventually expelled and power and continues to lead Albania
the Communist Party assumed power. today. Looking to the future, Albania
Shortly thereafter, a totalitarian regime hopes to integrate the country into
was established under the communist European Union (EU). Albania is know
leader Enver Hoxha. For nearly fifty years, member of the North Atlantic Treaty
the regime enforced a policy of strict Organization (NATO) and also part
isolationism. This left the country in an of many other international organizations.
extraordinarily impoverished state when
it finally emerged from this isolation upon
Hoxha’s death in 1991. The Democratic
Party assumed control at this point,
and led the country from 1991 until 1997.
1997 saw a period of great financial and
political upheaval as the collapse of vast
pyramid schemes threw society into a brief
state of chaos. The Socialist Party guided
the country through this pivotal time and
remained in power until 2005. Following
the most recent elections in July 2005,


Population Language
The population of Albania numbers Albanian is the official language.
3,150,886, with a density of 113 people It comprises a separate original branch
per square kilometer. Population is growing in the family of the Indo-European
by 0.73% a year. A slight majority of the languages, and can be linguistically traced
population, about 51%, lives in rural areas. to its Illyrian origins. In its lexicon one can
The average life expectancy is 75 years for see influences from Italian, old and new
females and 69 for males. The vast majority Greek, Latin, and Slavic languages. Despite
of inhabitants are Albanian, with ethnic these influences, Albanian has retained
minorities representing only about 2% of its original, distinct nature and structure.
the population. The minority population The alphabet is comprised of 36 letters,
is comprised primarily of Greeks and each pronounced the same way, regardless
Macedonians. Tirana is the capital and of usage. This enables visitors to quickly
largest city with 800,000 inhabitants. and easily learn a few essential phrases to
Other important cities with significant facilitate communication. Many Albanians,
populations include Durrës, Elbasan, particularly in larger cities, speak English.
Shkodër, and Vlora.

In Albania there is a peaceful coexistence
of those practicing a variety of religious
faiths. Muslims, Orthodox and those
following the teachings of the Catholic
Church, comprise the majority of people
adherent to religion. In 1967, religious
worship was prohibited and the country
became the world’s only official atheist
state. Since the end of the Communist
government Albanians have been
guaranteed the freedom of religion
and have exercised that freedom
in various ways.

Albania has a Mediterranean climate with
each season offering distinct, yet pleasant
weather. Some features of the climate vary
by region:
Coastal areas: Central Mediterranean,
mild wet winter, hot and dry summer.
Alpine areas: Central Continental, cold,
snowy winter, temperate summer.
Lowland rainfall ranges from 1,000 mm to
more than 1,500 mm annually, with greater
rainfall in the north. Nearly 95 % of the rain
falls in the winter and rainfall in the upland
mountain ranges is heavier. The lowlands
have mild winters, averaging about 7°C.
Summer temperatures average 24°C.
On average, Albanians enjoy a great deal
of sunshine, the country is second only
to Spain in average annual sunny days.
The overall climate is pleasant and favors
outdoor activity.


Economy Natural Resources

The development of the Albanian economy Albania is rich in natural resources,
has, since the fall of Communism, been including chromium, copper, coal, ferry,
fueled primarily by the service and nickel, oil and natural gas.
construction industries. Tourism, of late,
has played an increasing role in the Political Structure
Albanian economy and is growing rapidly. The Albanian Republic is based on a
Many people are curious to explore a democratic pluralist parliamentary system.
country whose borders were closed to The People’s Assembly, comprised of a
travel for many years. Given the continued 140 seat chamber, is selected by popular
development of both summer and winter election every four years. Every five years
resorts, people all over the world have the People’s Assembly elects the country’s
begun to think of Albania as a tourist president, who serves in the role of head of
destination. state. The nation is governed by the Council
of Ministers, which is led by the Prime
Agriculture Minister. Local government is conducted by
Agriculture comprises over half of Albania’s directly elected mayors and proportionally
GDP. It is comprised of both small and large elected councils.
scale operations, and has experienced
recent growth due to diversification of

The only airport in Albania with “Mine Peza”, Str. nr. 2,
international service is “Mother Theresa” or “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, Str.
International Airport, located in Rinas; Phone: 00355 4/2235162/2269026
17 km northwest of Tirana. The most Fax: 00355 4/2235138/2228461
convenient way to get from the airport to E-mail: ticketing@alabanianair.com
Tirana is by taxi. Taxi services are available Website: www.albaniaairlines.com.al
in all Albanian cities and urban areas. Offers flights to Rome, Milan, Turin,
The journey from Tirana to the airport takes Bologna, Istanbul, Frankfurt, Pristina,
twenty to thirty minutes, depending on Zurich, Athens and London.
traffic, and costs about 2,500 Lekë
or (20 EUR) each way. AEGEAN AIRLINES
One may also access Tirana via bus. Phone: 00355 4/2245100/2253342
“Rinas Express” departs every hour Ticketing by Albtours Travel Agency
between 07.00 and 19.00 a 24-hour Flights to Athens.
as bus service between the airport
and the National Museum in the centre ALITALIA
of Tirana. The busses depart hourly Blv. “Dëshmorët e Kombit”
and the single fare is 200 Albanian Lekë. Hotel”Europapark”
(phone mobile: 00 355 69 20 98908) Phone/Fax: 00355 4/2230023.
E-mail: reservations@alitalia.it
“Mother Teresa” Airport Website: www.alitalia.it
The airport has a duty free shop. Offers flights to Roma and Milan.
Customs operates 24 hours a day.
Phone: 00355 4/2381800/1600 AUSTRIAN AIRLINES
Fax: 00355 4/2379065. Blv. “Dëshmorët e Kombit”
Lost & Found: Hotel “Europapark”
Phone: 00355 4/2381681/82 Phone: 00355 4/2235029/2235028
Mobile phone: 00355 69 20 66626 Fax: 00355 4/2235026
E-mail: info@tirana-airport.com Website: www.austrian.com/al
Website: www.tirana-airport.com.al Offers flights to Vienna.

Transport Travel Agencies operating BELLE AIR

in Albania-Tirana: Blv. “Zog I”
Phone: 00355 4/2240194
ADRIA AIRWAYS Fax: 00355 4/ 2240213
Blv. “Bajram Curri” Website: www. belleair.al
Commercial center ETC, Offers flights to Prishtina (Kosovo), Genova,
Phone: 00355 4/2272666/2274 666 Pisa, Milano, Bologna, Roma,Verona, Forli,
Website: www.adria-airways.com Bergamo, Florence, Genoa and Trieste
Offers flights to Ljubljana (Slovenia) (Italy), Liege (Belgium). It is low cost carrier.



Phone: 00355 68 3229007/68 2011777 Blv. “Zogu I”
Offers flights to London Gatwick. VEVE center, 2nd floor
Phone: 00355 4/2228960/61
HEMUS AIR Fax: 00355 4/2228959
“Durrësi”, Str. E-mail: tiato@olympicairlines.al
Phone: 00355 4/2230410 Offers flights to Athens.
Fax: 00355 4/2228752
E-mail : Tirana@hemusair.bg TURKISH AIRLINES
Website: www.hemusair.bg “Skanderbeg” place
Offers flights to Sofia. “Hotel Tirana International”
Phone: 00355 4/2234902/2228960
JAT AIR Fax: 00355 4/2228961
“Abdi Toptani”, Str. E-mail: tkkamgsa@icc.al.org
Torre Drin center second floor Offers flights to Istanbul.
Phone: 00355 4/2272540/69 2027700
Fax. 00355 4/2272539 LUFTHANSA
Website: www.jatair.com Blv. “Zhan D’Ark”
Offers flights to Belgrade. Pallatet e Shallvareve
Phone & Fax: 00355 4/2258010
MALEV Website: www.lufthansa.com
“Abdi Toptani”, Str. Offers flights to Munich (Germany).
Torre Drin center, second floor
Phone: 00355 4/2227900
Fax: 00355 4/2234578
E-mail: tirana@malev.hu
Website: www.malev.com
Offers flights to Budapest.


By Sea Ticket offices for travel via boat

Albania can be accessed by passenger
ferry through its larger coastal cities. AGJENCIA TAULANTIA - Durrës
Several foreign companies have regular Phone: 00355/052 222233/227333
services to the ports of: Fax: 00355/052222911

Port of Durrës AGOUDIMOS LINES - Durrës

Connects to the Italian ports of Bari, “Skanderbeg”, Str. No. 111
Ancona and Trieste in Italy and Koper Phone: 00355/052 224255
in Slovenia.
Phone: 00355/052222028 DUNI - Durrës
Customs operate 24 hours a day. Quarter No. 4
“Skanderbeg“, Str.
Port of Saranda Phone: 00355/052225338/224900
Has daily trips to the Greek island of Corfu. Fax: 00355/052224012
Phone: 00355/073222734
Customs operate until 22.00 pm. KAD - Durrës
Phone: 00355/052225154
Port of Vlora Fax: 00355/052220341
Connects to Brindisi and Otranto in Italy.
Phone: 00355/033224521 QUALITY LINE - Durrës
Fax: 00 355/033229417 Quarter No. 4,
Customs operate until 22.00pm. “Prokop Meksi”, Str. 156
Phone & Fax: 00355/052224571
Port of Shëngjin
Customs operate until 22.00 pm.

the region of Kelmendi in Albania, with
Plava and Gucia (Gusinje) in Montenegro.
Customs operate 22.00.
- From Macedonia through Qafë Thana pass
leading to Pogradec, Librazhd and Elbasan.
Customs operate 22.00.
- From Macedonia through Tushemisht
at the Southeastern end of Lake Ohrid,
By Road leading to Pogradec.
Customs operate 22.00.
KOSOVA - From Macedonia through Bllata, leading
- From Kosova the primary route crosses to Peshkopi, Bulqiza and Burrel.
the border near Qafe Morinё, (Albania) Customs operate 22.00.
and connects Prishtina and Kukës. The - From Macedonia through Gorica, the road
other entry points are Morine ( Tropoja leads to the northern shores of Lake Prespa.
with Gjakova) and Qafe Prush (Hasi with Customs operate 19.00.
There are regular bus services
GREECE between the following cities:
- From Greece through Kapshtica to Korça.
Customs operate 24 hours. Tirana - Tetova (Macedonia),
- From Greece through Kakavija leading through Qafë Thana.
to Gjirokastra. Customs operate 24 hours. Tirana - Prishtina and other towns
- From Greece through Qafë Boti (Konispol), in Kosovo through Morina.
is connected to Filat. Customs operate 22.00. Korça - Thessalonica (Greece) through
- From Greece through Tre Urat, Kapshtica.
connecting Përmet with Konica. Tirana - Athens through Kakavija.
Customs operate 22.00. Tirana - Sofia (Bulgaria) and Istanbul
(Turkey) from Qafë Thana.
- From Montenegro through Hani i Hotit
and Murriqan-Sukobina. The first road
leads to the Northern City of Shkodra
and Lake Shkodra.
19 customs operate 22.00.
- While the second links, connecting
Shkodra with Ulqin (Montenegro).
Customs operate 22.00.
- Recently opened is Vermoshi, which links


Transport Travel Agencies SKENDERBEU

operating in Albania: “Mine Peza” Str., Nr. 139, - Tirana
Phone & Fax: 00355 4/2234629
INTERLINES (Tirana-Thessalonica-Tirana)
Blv. “Zogu I”, Nr. 39, - Tirana
Phone: 00355 4/2251866 OSUMI TRAVEL
Buses to Grecce. Blv. “Zogu I”
Phone: 0355 4/2255491/2272644
POLLOGU Fax: 0355 4/2255491/2272643
Blv. “Zog I”, Pallati 103, Nr. 2 - Tirana (Tirana-Athens-Tirana)
Phone: 00355 692094906 (Tirana-Thessalonica-Tirana)
Buses to Macedonia.
KLID BALLKAN INTERBUS ”Abdi Toptani” Str., Nr. 4, - Tirana
“Murat Toptani”, Str., No. 26, - Tirana ; ”Torre Drin” Center
Phone/Fax: 00355 4/2222228 Phone: 0355 4/2259204/2228968
(Tirana-Athens-Tirana) Fax: 0355 4/2270434
(Tirana-Skopje-Tirana) (Tirana- Athens-Tirana)


“Willson“ Square, - Tirana Blv. “Zog I” - Tirana
Phone/Fax: 00355 4/2253929 Phone & Fax: 00355 2225063
Mobil phone: 00355 68 2070360 Mob: 00355 692394929
Buses to Kosovo, Macedonia
JOY TRAVEL and Montenegro.
“Selman Stërmasi” Stadium
Phone: 00355 4/2273030 TIRANA METROPOL
Fax: 00355 4/2272992 Blv. “Zog I” - Tirana
(Tirana-Athens-Tirana) Phone: 00355 2253639
Mob: 00355 692847201
Buses to Kosovo.

Active holidays in North Albania
Passport & Visa Visas
All visitors from the following countries The citizens of the following countries
are allowed to enter Albania without may obtain a visa at any entry point by
a visa. Entry requires only a passport payment: Macedonia (10 EUR/5 EUR at the
and the payment of 10 EUR and allows embassy), Montenegro (free of charge),
the visitor to remain in the country and Israel (30 EUR). The citizens of other
for up to 30 days. countries (not listed above) are required to
obtain visas at the Embassy of the Republic
Australia Latvia of Albania in their country of residence.
Austria Liechtenstein These missions can also provide them with
Belgium Lithuania necessary information about traveling
Bulgaria Luxemburg to Albania. The Albanian Ministry of
Canada Malaysia Foreign Affairs website offers information
Croatia Malta (in English and Albanian) about visa
Cyprus Netherlands requirements and the application process.
Czech Republic New Zealand
Denmark Norway
Estonia Poland
Finland Portugal
France Romania
Germany San Marino
Great Britain Singapore
Greece Slovakia
Hungary Slovenia
Iceland Spain
Ireland Sweden
Italy Switzerland Customs
Japan Turkey All personal items, new or old may be taken
Korea USA into Albania without incurring custom
duties. A reasonable amount of tobacco,
beverages and perfumes for personal use is
allowed. Prohibited items include firearms,
ammunition, narcotics, drugs, and goods
jeopardizing the observance of public
order and social security. Special export
permits are required for precious metals,
artifacts, antiques, books, and works of
art-specifically those which are considered
to be part of the national culture and
heritage. For more information please see

Taxi agencies
Some taxi companies use dispatchers
which can send a taxi to your location:
Radio Taxi “Korrekt”
Phone: 00355/4 2244444
Radio Taxi
Phone: 00355/4 2377777

In other cities the taxis can be found

parked near railways stations and
near the larger hotels.

Car repair
By road Car repair services are available throughout
There are about 18,000 km of road in the country-even in rural areas.
Albania of which 7,450 km are considered
to be “main roads.” Roads are maintained Gas Stations
by the state and standard international Gas stations are plentiful and available in
rules and road signage are usually both rural and urban areas. Those located
present. Several new highways are under on major roads often offer automobile
construction and many older routes have repair services and restaurants.
recently been improved.
The necessary documents to rent a car:
Traffic circulation - a valid passport
Traffic travels on the right side of the road, - the driving document
as in most other European countries. - most agencies accept major
Unless posted signs indicate otherwise, credit cards or cash as payment
there is a 50km/h speed limit in urban
centers and 90km/h limit in rural areas.

Taxi Service
Taxis are readily available in most Albania
cities and are recognized by their yellow
color. Most of them have taxi meter. Fares
are generally predetermined based on the
distance traveled, but can sometimes be
negotiated in advance. Taxis are plentiful
in Tirana and can easily be hailed on the
street or retained at one of many taxi
stands throughout the city.

Selected gas and service stations Vehicle break - down service
in Tirana Phone: 00355 4/2363423
Mobile phone: 00355 682065065
“Barrikadat”, Str. Nr.131/1 Car Rental Companies
Phone: 00355 4/2243972 There are many car rental companies
available in Albania. Most are
Anas Fiat competitively priced and are listed below:
Phone: 00355 4/2227888 Avis Rent a Car
Blv. “Dëshmorët e Kombit”
Audi service Hotel Europapark
Phone: 00355 4/8202972 Phone: 00355 4/2235011
Mobil phone: 00355 692057773 Mobile phone : 00355 682055807
Fax: 00355 4/2271960
BMW Group E-mail: reservations@avisalbania.com
Tirana - Durres Highway Website: www.avisalbania.com
Phone: 00355 4/2356526/2356488
Opel Noshi “Durrësi”, Str. Nr. 61
Tirana - Durrës Highway Phone: 00355 4/2227888
Phone: 00355 4/8200098/8200093 Mobile phone: 00355 682093922
Fax: 00355 4/2246511
Kadiu E-mail: europcar@abissnet.com
Tirana - Durrës Highway Website: www.europcar.com
Phone: 00355 4/8300074
Ultramotors Mitsubishi “Skanderbeg” place
“Kavaja” Str. Nr.116 Hotel “Tirana International” - Tirana
Phone: 00355 4/2259024/2233650 Phone&Fax: 00355 4/2255028
Mobile phone: 00355 682058775
E-mail: hertz@albaniaonline.net
Website: www.herz.com

“Kavaja”, Str. Nr. 116
beside Classic Wolksvagen - Tirana
Phone: 00355 4/2259020
Fax: 00355 4/2233650
Mobile phone: 00355 692068500
E-mail: sixtalbania@europe.com

Interurban transport (5 hours 30 min)-(1.000 lekë) to south
Many buses are available for transport Tirana-Lezha
throughout the major cities of Albania. (1hour 30 minutes)-(150 lekë) to north
Travel by bus is economical and provides a Tirana-Golem
unique view of the countryside. (1hour 10 minutes)-(150 lekë) to south
From Tirana the main routes are:
- Southbound: Trains
Tirana-Berati The rail network is comprised of
Tirana-Vlora approximately 470 km of single track.
Tirana-Gjirokastra All trains are diesel powered. Rail travel
Tirana-Saranda is affordable, but generally considerably
Southern bound buses depart from the slower than other methods of
“Kavaja” Str. at the Beer Factory transportation.
- Northbound: Here are three railway lines in Albania.
Tirana-Kukësi and Tirana-Peshkopia - The northbound train originates in Tirana
Northern bound buses depart from the and makes the following stops:
Lapraka Vora, Mamurrasi, Laçi, Miloti, Lezha and
Buses to Shkodra depart nearby the railway Shkodra.
station on “Karl Gega “ Str. - The eastbound train departs from Tirana,
Mini buses to Bajram Curri depart at initially heads in a southerly direction, and
“Murat Toptani”, Str. (near the head quarter then makes the following stops:
of Democratic Party) Golemi, Kavaja, Rrogozhina, Peqini,
- Southeast: Elbasani, Librazhdi, Përrenjasi, Guri i Kuq
Tirana-Pogradec and the Pogradeci region.
Tirana-Korça. - The southbound train originates in Tirana
The departure is from and makes the following stops:
“Qemal Stafa” stadium. Durrësi, Golemi, Kavaja, Rrogozhina,
Buses from Tirana to Durrës and the Golem Lushnja, Fieri and Vlora.
beach area depart from the Railway Station. Railway Station of Tirana
Journey time and fare cost: Blv. “Zog I”
The approximate journey time and fare cost Phone: 00355 4/2251094
from Tirana to other cities are as follows:
(1 hour)-(100 lekë) to west
(2 hour 30 minutes)-(300 lekë) to north
(3 hours)-(300 lekë) to south
(45 minutes)-(150 lekë) to north

Thethi waterfall

Albania offers a wide variety of destinations Tour 2

and attractions for the tourist. Communist Vlorë - Narta - Rradhima
era memorabilia, museums, ancient ruins Orikumi - Amantia - Apollonia
and outdoor adventures all vie for the
visitor’s time and attention. With this in Vlora is one of the largest, most densely
mind, some itineraries have been populated cities in Albania. It is a mere
suggested below. For assistance in 130 km from Tirana and 120 km from
planning your vacation, contact any Mother Theresa International Airport.
of the travel agencies offering package Port activity in this thriving trade center
tours in Albania. is rivaled only by Durres. Continuing
southward, visitors will enjoy spectacular
Tour 1 views of the Gulf of Vlora. The small city
Saranda - Butrinti - Gjirokastra of Orikum lies south of the Gulf of Vlora,
near a marina that can accommodate up
Saranda is southern Albania’s primary port to 650 yachts. Orikum was an important
and offers spectacular views of the Greek harbor in the ancient world, and features
island of Corfu across a narrow stretch of a variety of ruins to explore. The major city
the Ionian Sea. Daily trips by passenger of Fier is about 30 km north of Vlora, and
ship allow visitors to explore this beautiful the archaeological site of Apollonia lies
island. Just south of nearby Butrint Lake, just west of Fier. The ancient city of
lies the ancient city of Butrint, the most Apollonia was named for the Greek god
significant archeological site in Albania, Apollo. It was founded in the beginning
and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. of the seventh century, B.C. by Corinthian
settlers and features extensive ruins to
observe and discover.


Tour 3 Tour 4
Llogara - Palasa - Dhërmiu - Vunoi Shkodër - Shirokë - Velipojë - Franc Josef
Himara - Qeparoi - Borshi - Lukova Lezhë - Shëngjin - Kune Vain

The Llogara National Park lies Shkodra is one of the oldest cities in
approximately 40 km south of the city Albania, first founded in the fourth century,
of Vlora. It is situated on the Mount Llogara B.C. as an important center of Illyrian
and has a surface of 810 hectares. Altitudes society. Shkodra’s primary tourist attraction
within the park range from 470-2,018 m is the Rozafa Castle that overlooks the
above sea level. Here you will find a city from a hill in the west. The area is
beautiful, dynamic setting where the sea also marked by the convergence of three
meets the mountains. Dhërmiu is notable rivers: the Drini, Buna and Kiri. A few
for its crystal-clear waters, and small, kilometers south of Shkodra lies the city
intimate pebble beaches. One can access of Lezha, another extraordinarily old city.
this extraordinary stretch of the Ionian The city was first mentioned in historical
coast via beaches at Jaliksari, Shkambo, documents by the name Lissus. The
and Gjipea. In particular, Gjipea features Memorial of the Grave of Skanderbeg
dramatic scenery and is situated at the foot is striking and not to be missed. He was
of a 70 m high cliff. Nearby is the legendary buried in the Cathedral of Shën Kolli in
and scenic Cavern of the Pirates. Eight km Lezha in 1468.
south of Dhërmiu is the village of Vunoi,
which is known for maintaining cultural


Tour 5
Valbona River Valley - Canyon of Shoshan
Dragobia - Selimaj - Rragami

The Valbona River Valley lies in the eastern

portion of the Albanian Alps. The area
features a national park of 8,000 hectares,
and nearby lofty peaks offer some of the
most striking natural beauty in Albania.
Valbona is located 25 km northeast of the
city of Bajram Curri and is the most
populated city in the valley.


Tour 6
Razëm - Bogë - Theth - Vermosh

This tour gives visitors the chance to

venture into the heart of the Albanian Alps,
Gropa e Thethit. The road from Razma
leads the traveler Razma to the village
of Dedaj and then onto Boga.
Boga is a beautiful village surrounded by
the Alps and described by Edith Durham
in her book The Burden of the Balkans.
After leaving Boga, you will reach the main
tourist destination, Thethi, which is located
about 70 km from Shkodra.


Tour 7
Pogradec - Lin - Drilon

The road to Pogradec passes near the

shore of Lake Ohrid, the deepest lake in
the Balkans at 285 meters. This lake has
been declared a protected site by UNESCO
due to the unique species that call it home.
After Pogradec is the city of Korça, one
of the biggest urban centers in Albania.

Tour 8
The Valley of Vjosa - Përmeti

Përmeti, is known for its beautiful flowers,

unique songs, and tranquility. The city’s
ancient name was “tryfilia” and it was
originally inhabited by Illyrians. It has
been known as an administrative center
since the 15th century.


Tour 9 Tour 10
Berati - Mali i Tomorrit Tirana - Kruja - Durrësi - Elbasani
The Cave of Pirrogosh
The Canyons of Osumi Tirana, the capital of Albania, is a bustling
European metropolis brimming with
culture and boundless energy. With its
museums, clubs, cafes and taverns,
Tirana is worth exploring by day or night.
The historic city of Kruja lies on
a picturesque mountain slope 32 km
north of Tirana. Situated 600m above sea
level, the city is one of the country’s most
scenic destinations. Abundant shopping
and cultural experiences are available here,
as well. Durrësi, the busiest seaport in the
country, is located 34 km west of Tirana.
Inhabited for more than 2,500 years, it is
probably the most ancient city in Albania.
Settlers from Corinth and Corcyra settled
Berat, inhabited for nearly 2,500 years, here as early as 627, B.C. Many relics remain
is the crown jewel of Albanian from previous civilizations and further
archeological sites and is protected enhance the rich history of this city.
by UNESCO. It is located about 120 km
south of Tirana. Local costumes, songs,
and traditions show that both western
and eastern influences have shaped
modern Berat. Even with these obvious
influences, there is a wealth of Albanian
culture to discover in this city that was
founded in the 5th century, B.C. as an
Illyrian settlement. Berat also provides
a good starting point from which to
explore Mount Tomorri, which is also
known as the Albanian Olympus or the
“throne of the gods”. It is located about
35 km from Berati and provides
spectacular vistas. Some say it resembles
a giant lion crouching behind the city.
Situated 2,416 m above sea level,
this is one of the highest points in Albania.

Viroi watersources
Hotels Guest Houses
Many hotels throughout the country are A reasonably priced option, guest houses
registered by the Ministry of Tourism. provide travelers with the comforts
This means that they are regulated and of home and can be easily found
required to maintain certain standards throughout Albania.
of their facilities. More information about
tourist agencies and hotels is available at
the website www.akt.gov.al
Hotels are plentiful throughout the
country. Particularly at major seaside
cities, satisfactory accommodations are
readily available and can be secured with
little effort. Often these locations will
offer package deals that include access to
beaches and/or breakfast with the cost
of your accommodations.

Camping sites are rare, but can be found.
Contact a company that organizes outdoor
adventures for more details.

Albanian cuisine offers unique flavors that Coffee (Turkish or espresso varieties) is very
have developed and evolved over the popular and enjoyed by many Albanians
centuries. Albania’s geographic location, throughout the day.
more or less at the crossroads between
East and West, has resulted in an original
culinary blend. It shows influences from
Asian, Turkish, and various European

There are a wide variety of restaurants in

Albania. Larger restaurants usually feature
some variety of international cuisine,
Agriculture flourishes here, and the in addition to some Albanian offerings.
organic fruits and vegetables grown Often the best Albanian food can be found
in the Mediterranean climate serve to in the smaller restaurants. Some of the
further enrich the cuisine. One traditional mainstays of Albanian cuisine include:
Albanians drink is called raki. It is a roast lamb, veal escalopes, biftek (beef ),
distilled spirit usually made from grapes. qebab (kebobs), qofte (meatballs). Fërgesë
Additionally the locally produced cognac, tiranase, a traditional dish of meat, eggs,
Skanderbeg Cognac, is excellent and has and tomatoes is cooked in an earthenware
won many international prizes. dish and is very popular. Excellent quality,
Wine is also produced on a large scale in fresh seafood can be readily found when
Albania, and many delicious varieties of travelling anywhere near the coast.
red and white are available.


Many ruins and vestiges of Albania’s rich Rural Tourism

history await visitors. The most notable Albania has several regions where
tourist attractions are the ancient sites mountain and rural tourism is well
of Apollonia, Butrint and Kruja. developed. Among the most impressive
Additionally, Albania’s coastline has are:
becoming increasingly popular with - Mountainous areas of Korça (Voskopoja,
tourists due to its relatively unspoiled Dardha, Vithkuqi).
beauty and amazing beaches. - Shores of Lake Ohrid. Is on of the most
popular tourist areas (Lini, Hudenishti,
Beaches Pogradeci and Tushemishti).
Adriatic Coast - Shores of Lake Prespa. Tourism has
Albania’s Adriatic coast begins in the flourished here recently, and the following
north, in the delta of Buna River. The towns offer a variety of activities (Pusteci,
coastline extends southward through Gorica e Vogël, Gorica e Madhe and
the following communities and offers Gollomboçi).
countless opportunities for outdoor - Albanian Alps. Rugged and imposing, the
recreation: Velipoja, Shëngjini, Kune, Gjiri Alps in northern Albania offer world class
Lalzit, Durrësi, Golemi, Mali i Robit, Spillea, mountaineering opportunities. Some cities
Divjaka, Darëzeza and Plazhi i Ri - Vlora. with resources include Thethi,Vermoshi,
Ionian Coast Ndërlysa, Lugina e Valbonës, (Dragobia,
The Ionian coast begins in Vlora and Selimaj, Rragam).
continues southward toward Greece, to
the Cape of Stillo. This coastline is marked
by its rugged beauty and, although rocky,
offers many opportunities for kayaking,
swimming, and other forms of outdoor
recreation. Ionian and the “Albanian
Riviera”: Dhërmia, Himara, Qeparoi, Vunoi,
Borshi etj.


Flora Fauna
Albanian flora is extraordinarily rich and Albania enjoys a wide variety of animals,
ranges from Mediterranean plants to as well. Carnivores are represented by
Alpine fir. It is estimated to be made up wolves, foxes, jackals, and a variety of wild
of more than 3,000 kinds of plants (not cats. Large mammals such as deer and
including sub-species and varieties). boar offer opportunities for hunting. Many
The Balkan Peninsula provides a unique species of birds flourish here, too. From
climate that allows for a remarkable grouse to pelicans, a broad array of more
diversity of plant life. than 350 varieties is represented. Fresh and
saltwater fish are abundant as well. Mullet,
carp, bass and trout are just some of the
species present here. Lake Ohrid boasts
several important species, including the
endangered Koran Trout, a distinct type of
eel, and a variety of snail whose origins can
be traced back 30 million years!

Main Lakes
In the northwestern part of the country
lies Lake Shkodra, the largest lake in the
Balkan Peninsula. Its surface measures
368 km2, of which 149 km2 are within
Albania’s borders. Its depth varies from
10-12 m. In the northeast is Lake Fierza,
a narrow, but lengthy body of water
offering a variety of fishing opportunities.
In the southeast lies Lake Ohrid, which
is shared with Macedonia and boasts a
surface area of 367 km2. Just south of Main Rivers
the Ohrid region, Lake Prespa and Little Several significant rivers flow throughout
Prespa Lake offer numerous recreational Albania. Many provide not only beauty,
opportunities, as well. They measure but irrigation essential to agriculture.
285 km2 and 44 km2, respectively. Other Among them are: River Drini (285 km),
small lakes, including the beautiful glacial River Semani (281 km), River Vjosa
lakes in the Lura region, dot the Albanian (272 km), River Shkumbini (182 km),
countryside. River Mati (115 km) and River Buna (44 km).

Dajti National Park
Located to the east of Tirana, it has an area
of 3,300 hectares. The park features
a number of 200-year-old beech trees that
are beautiful and provide a worthwhile
sightseeing opportunity. The Park is very
popular and offers fantastic views of
Tirana. Accommodations and a variety of
restaurants are available for visitors. One
can reach the park either by road, or by
cable car. Either mode of transportation
provides spectacular vistas.

Lura National Park

It has an area of 1,280 hectares and lies
to the east of the area known as “Lura’s
Crown”. This park offers a great deal of
unspoiled, natural beauty.

Fir of Drenova National Park Divjaka Pines National Park
Located 10 km from the city of Korça, the This Park has an area of 1,250 hectares and
park has an area of 1,380 hectares. Pure, has been protected under the RAMSAR
unspoiled water resources within the park International Convention since 1994.
provide drinking water for the communities It is part of the Karavasta Lagoon and
of Shën Gjergji, Plaka, Pllica and others. represents one of the most important
ecosystems in the country.
Valbona Valley National Park
Featuring an area of 8,000 hectares,
this park is the gem of Albanian Alps.
It is located 25-30 km to the northwest
of the city Bajram Curri, and is notable
for its tremendous biodiversity.

Llogara National Park

About 40 km to the southeast of Vlora, this
park marks the transition point between
the Adriatic and Ionian seas. The climate
created here by the confluence of these
bodies of water provides an extraordinary
backdrop for outdoor activities of all sorts.

Tomorri Mountain Park Zall Gjocaj National Park
With an area of 4,000 hectares, the park is With an area of 140 hectares, the park
located east of the historically significant is 40 km to the north east of the city of
city of Berat. Visible from a great distance, Burrel. It is an extraordinarily picturesque
the Mount Tomorr is reminiscent of an area offering a number of natural springs
enormous fortress. and creeks.

Shtama Pass National Park

With an area of 2,000 hectares, the park
lies 25 km to the northeast of Kruja.
A water source, known as the Queen
Mother is one of the most attractive
areas in the park. It offers clean, cold
and legendarily curative waters.

Fir of Hotova National Park

With an area of 1,200 hectares, this park
is located about 35 km to the northeast
of Përmet, in the Frashër region. It is
noteworthy due to the presence of
the Hotova Fir, the most important
Mediterranean plant relic in the country.


Butrint National Park Prespa National Park

This Park is located about 25 km to the This park offers an impressive 27,750
south of Saranda. It is, without a doubt, hectares and straddles the borders of three
the most archeologically significant site in countries: Albania, Greece and Macedonia.
Albania, and offers the visitor a variety of It contains the lakes of Prespa e Madhe and
ruins and sightseeing opportunities. The Prespa e Vogël and their water source. It
park measures 2,500 hectares. Ecotourists is an area rich in both natural beauty and
will be captivated by the Butrint Lake cultural tradition.
region, which features a tremendous
variety of plant and animal life. The area
offers a variety of water sports, as well, and
there are opportunities to engage in “blue
tourism” in the nearby town of Ksamil.


Thethi National Park

Located in the Albanian Alps, in the
vicinity of the “Cursed Mountains”
(Bjeshkët e Namuna), this park has
an area of 2,630 hectares. Visitors can
enjoy the beauty of tremendous oak
trees and an array of wildlife.

Berati, UNESCO site
Tirana Natural Science Museum
Phone: 00355 4/2229028
National Historic Museum Visiting hours: 08.00-15.00
Phone: 00355 4/2223446 Closed Saturday
00355 4/2228389 and Sunday
00355 4/2223977 Address: “Kavaja” Street.
Visiting Hours: 10.00-17.00 and
for Sunday 10.00-15.00,
closed Monday
E-mail: informacioni@albmuseum,
Website: www:albmuseum.com
Address: Blv. “Dëshmorët e Kombit”,
Skanderbeg place.

National Art Gallery

Phone: 00355 4/2233975
Visiting hours: 09.00-13.00, 17.00-20.00
Closed Monday
Address: Blv. “Dëshmorët e Kombit”.

Archaeological Museum
Phone: 00355 4/2226541 Independence Museum
Visiting Hours: 10.30-14.00 Phone: 00355/33 229419
Closed Saturday Visiting hours: 09.00-13.00 and 17.00-20.00
and Sunday Closed Monday
Address: “Nënë Tereza” Square.

Kruja Durrësi

National Museum Museum of Archeology

“Gjergj Kastrioti - Skënderbeu” Phone: 00 355 52 222253.
Phone: 00355 511 22225 Visiting hours 09.00-15.00
Visiting Hours: 09.00-13.00, 15.00-18.00
Closed Monday

Closed Monday Address: “Taulantia” Street.
Address: Fortress of Kruja
From May to September, visiting hours are:
08.00-13.00, 16.00-19.00.

National Ethnographic Museum Ethnography Museum

Phone: 00 355 511 24485 Phone/Fax: 00355 52 223150.
Visiting hours: 09.00-13.00, 15.00-18.00 Visiting hours: 09.00-13.00
Closed Monday Closed Monday
Address: Fortress of Kruja
From May to September, visiting hours are: Amphiteatre of Durrës
08.00-13.00, 16.00-19.0. This is open continuously
and charges no admission fee.

Berati Korça

National Museum “ONUFRI” National Museum of Medieval Art

Phone: 00355/32 232248 Phone: 00355/82 243022
Visiting hours: 09.00-16.00 Visiting hours: 09.00-13.00 and 15.00-18.00
Closed Monday Closed Monday
From May to September, visiting hours are: From May to September, visiting hours are:
09.00-13.00; 16.00 -19.00 08.00-13.00, 16.00-19.00

National Ethnographic Museum National Education Museum

Phone: 00355/32232224 Phone: 00355/82 243022
Visiting hours: 09.00-13.00 and 15.00-18.00 Visiting hours: 09.00-13.00, 15.00-18.00
Closed Monday
Closed Monday
From May to September, visiting hours are: Address: Lagja 12, Blv, “Shën Gjergji”
08.00-13.00; 16.00-19.00 From May to September, visiting hours are:
Address: “13 Shtatori” quarter. 08.00-13.00, 16.00-19.00

Gjirokastra National Photo Gallery “MARUBI”
Phone: 00355/22 243467
Weapons in the Castle Museum Visiting hours 08.00-16.00
Phone: 00355/84 262460 Closed Saturday
Visiting hours: 08.00-16.00 & Sunday
Closed Saturday
& Sunday Peshkopi

Historic Museum of Dibra

Phone: 00355/21 282516
Mobil phone: 00355/682309998
Visiting hours: 09.00-13.00; 14.00- 16.00

Closed Saturday
& Sunday
Address: “Elez Isufi” Blv.


National Museum of Skanderbeg’s Grave

Mobil phone: 00355/692147344
Visiting hours: 09.00-13.00; 16.00-19.00
Ethnography Museum
Closed Monday
Phone: 00355/84 2624 60 Address: “Skanderbeg” quarter.
Visiting hours: 09.00-19.00
Closed Monday
& Tuesday


History Museum
Phone: 00355/22 243213
Visiting Hours 08.00-14.00
Closed Saturday
& Sunday
Rozafa Castel Museum
Phone: 00355/22 243213
Visiting hours: 09.00-14.00

Folklore Folk-music
Albania has a rich history or folklore and Folk songs and dances have marked
music, dating back to Illyrian times. Songs significant events in Albanian daily life
feature elaborate dances and instrumental since antiquity. From weddings to funerals,
works, in which you can see glimpses of songs and accompanying dances are
the vibrant spirit of the Albanian people. performed. These performances vary by
Albanian folklore is a diverse, artistic region, but are an important aspect of
expression which is handed down from cultural identity throughout the country.
generation to generation. It is a historical Throughout the centuries, there have
narrative of sorts and continues to be been several famous Albanian musicians,
modified to reflect recent history. There including medieval composer and singer
are literary, musical, theatrical and dance John Kukuzelis, who is responsible for
aspects to this continually evolving art reforming church music of all types.
form. Storytelling is integral to this Albanian folk music is comprised of three
expression and takes the form of poetry, distinct styles:
legends, tales, anecdotes, proverbs and
folk sayings. Scores of volumes have been
published over the years and are dedicated
to preserving all aspects of this cultural
The diatonic music
of the north is characterized by
solo male singers. Instrumentation
consists of the Çiftelia, lahuta, and gajde.
The sound produced is reminiscent of
Celtic music. Polyphonic or pentatonic
music is traditional in the south. It is usually
sung a capella, or with no instrumentation.
The sound is enhanced by multiple singers.
This style of singing usually recounts epic
tales or historical events.

Urban folk music, or “muzika popullore

qytetare”, encompasses a variety of styles
and is more popular in the less traditional
urban areas. Accompaniment ranges from
a single instrument to a small orchestra.

National Festival of Folklore National Festival of Rhapsodists
This is the largest, most significant folklore and Folk Instrument Players-Lezha
festival occurring anywhere in Albania. This festival held in Lezha showcases
It is held at Gjirokastra Castle every four rhapsodists from Northern Albania. It is
years. All regions and varieties of Albanian the only event that is wholly dedicated to
folklore are represented. Albanians also rhapsodists and bards who enthusiastically
travel from all over the world, including interpret their songs with instruments such
Kosovo, Montenegro, Turkey, the United as lahuta, çifteli and sharki.
States and Greece to participate in this
event. International guests showcase National Festival of Urban Folk Songs,
examples of folklore from their country of Elbasan
origin, as well. This traditional festival showcases urban
folk songs and is held on the first day of
National Typology Festival of Saze summer.
and Folk Orchestras-Korça
Saze (Albanian traditional clarinet) music National Typological Festival
is celebrated at this festival. Music of this of Iso-Polyphony-Vlora
variety is played throughout southern The National Typological Festival of Iso-
Albania; specifically in urban centers such Polyphony celebrates this unique subset
as Korça, Vlora, Pogradec, Përmet, Berat, of Albanian folk music. The immense
and Leskovik. significance of this style of folk singing is
highlighted by UNESCO-s declaration of
Albanian Iso-Polyphony as a “Masterpiece
of the oral and intangible heritage of


National Festival of Folk Instruments, Folklore Festival

Gjirokastra “Sofra Dardane”-Tropoja
This multicultural festival is held in This festival seeks to preserve folklore
Gjirokastra and features both folk music and provide enrichment through folklore
and the musical instruments used to performances. It is held in Tropoja and
accompany folk singers. specifically features Northern Albanian
and Kosovar folklore and ethnography.
International Festival
“Multicultural Përmet”-Përmet Festival “Oda Dibrane”-Peshkopi
This is a festival of ethnic, cultural and Oda Dibrane is relatively new, this style
linguistic minorities in Albania. It is of dance and song was first performed
sponsored by CIOFF, an international in 1994. It is humorous and popular,
organization that promotes folklore and has inspired this festival in Peshkopi.
performances and the preservation of
folklore worldwide.

Traditional “logu” dance
Literature and Arts There is also a notable democratic
The earliest book written in Albanian is character to many writings of this period.
Gjon Buzuku’s Meshari, or Prayer Book Several figures rose to prominence in
and dates from 1555. Literature from this this period, including publicist, poet
period is comprised primarily of religious and politician Fan Noli, Migjeni, Lasgush
texts and volumes detailing the Albanian Poradeci, Gjergj Fishta, Ernest Koliqi and
resistance to the Turkish invasion. Notable Faik Konica.
early Albanian authors include: Pjeter Budi, After the end of World War II, a theme of
Fran Bardhi and Pjeter Bogdani. politicized socialist realism dominated
The 19th century saw a resurgence of many novels. Several other genres began
Albanian during what has been called to gain prominence, though, including
a “national renaissance”. Most works from poetry and drama. A movement of
this period are romantic in nature and dissident writers openly defied Communist
recount Albania’s history or focus on the restrictions and further advanced literary
ongoing struggle to preserve the culture development in Albania. Many significant
and establish a national identity. The most authors emerged during this period,
distinguished authors from this period including: Mitrush Kuteli and Dritëro Agolli.
include Naim Frashëri, Andon Zako Çajupi, Ismail Kadare, probably Albania’s most
Sami Frashëri, Ndre Mjeda and De Rada. famous author, was awarded the inaugural
Following Independence, Albanian Man Booker International prize in 2005,
literature continued to emphasize patriotic and his 15 books have been translated
themes which were popular during the into 40 languages. Kadare is frequently
renaissance period. mentioned as a contender for the Nobel
Prize for Literature.


Cinematography Theatre
Albanian cinematography began to The performance of theatre in Albania
develop after the Second World War (1947). is a long-standing tradition. Evidence of
The New Albania Film Studio (known today centuries-old performances can be seen in
as Alba film) was created in 1952. the excavated theatres and amphitheatres
It produced Albania’s first full length dating back to the 4th century, B.C.
feature film, entitled “Tana”, in 1958. Amateur theatre saw a resurgence during
As time passed, the studio become prolific, the national renaissance of the 19th
and produced as many as 14 feature century. Specifically, the cities of Shkodra,
films annually. Filmmaking decreased Korça, Gjirokastra and Elbasani enjoyed
dramatically under Communist rule, an increase in theatrical performances.
but production resumed in the 1990’s, The famous actor Aleksander Moisiu is
following Hoxha’s death. Although Albanian. Professional theatrical and
Albanian cinema lacks a global following, variety-show troupes perform frequently
some films have been popular in Europe, in larger cities. Notably, the National
and the industry has been repeatedly Theatre and Opera and Ballet Theatre
recognized for many films at a variety hold regular performances in Tirana.
of festivals worldwide.


Monuments of Culture Handicraft

Albania is a country with a unique colorful The history of handicrafts in Albania
history. There are distinctly Albanian is extensive and dates at least back
artifacts, but other civilizations have left to the Illyrians. The Arbëresh people
traces here, as well. Ruins exist from Illyrian, of early medieval times are known to
Roman, Greek and Byzantine civilizations, have developed a high level of artistic
adding to the mystique and rich history expression in the form of crafts. Many
of this land. quality items are still produced today
and feature folk designs or patriotic motifs
such as Albania’s double eagle emblem.
Artisans work in various media including
wood, cooper, alabaster, bone, and ceramic.
Also noteworthy are textiles and leather
goods, and delicate silver jewelry found
throughout the country.


Traditional sports
Ancient, excavated stadiums hint at the
long history of athletics in Albania. Today,
spectator sports, specifically soccer, play
an integral role in the culture. Basketball,
volleyball, boxing and wrestling are also
popular, but soccer consistently draws
many fans. Most of the larger cities in
Albania have a soccer stadium and Tirana
has no less than three! Enthusiasts come
to matches by the thousands to socialize
and cheer on their team.

A diverse range of newspapers is printed
in Tirana. The Albanian Daily News is
published in English. Foreign newspapers
and magazines are available in most major
hotel lobbies and larger book shops.

Tirana has a variety of radio stations that
broadcast news, talk, and a variety of music.
Most of the broadcasts are in Albanian, but
the BBC can be found at 103.9 FM and the
Voice of America broadcasts at 107.3 FM.

Most towns offer internet cafes,
in which the user pays an hourly
rate for internet access. These are
generally affordable, around 150
Lekë/hour and the internet speed TV
is generally very good. There are many TV channels available
in Albania. Broadcasts are primarily in
Italian or Albanian, but satellites can
pick up some English channels.
The sunset, Vlora beach
Monetary system Credins Bank
The Albanian monetary unit is called the Phone: 04/ 2234 096 & 2233 912
Lekë. It is issued in denominations of 5000, Fax: 04/ 2222 916
2000,1000, 500, 200, 100 (paper) and 100, E-mail: info@bankacredins.com
50, 20, 10 and 5 Lekë. The currency floats Web site: www.bankacredins.com
freely but is quite stable. The exchange Address: “Ismail Qemali” Str. nr. 21. - Tirana
rates for foreign currencies are available
in newspapers and at exchange bureaus. Popular Bank
Cash point machines, or ATM-s, which issue Phone: 04/ 2280442/3
Albanian Lekë, can be found in all major Fax: 04/ 2280441
cities in Albania. Mobil phone: 0682060974
Credit cards like American Express, Diners E-mail: info@bpopullore.com
Club, Visa, Maestro (by Pro Credit Bank), Web site: bpopullore.com
are accepted by banks, major hotels and Address: Blv. “Dëshmorët e Kombit”
many restaurants. Travelers Checks may Twin Towers - Tirana
be cashed at any bank. Payment for most
goods and services is generally made in Bis Bank
cash. Phone: 04/ 2280 555
Fax: 04/ 2280 356
Banking hours: E- mail: info@bisbanca.com
Monday to Friday: 08.30 a.m. to 03.00 p.m. Web site: www.bisbanca.com
Address: Blv. “Dëshmorët e Kombit”
List of banks that operated in Albania are: Twin Towers - Tirana
(the country code 00355 + Phone No.)
NCBank (BKT)
Alpha Bank Phone: 04/ 2266 276
Phone: 04/2240 478 Fax: 04/ 2266 282
Fax: 04/2232 102 Web site: www.bkt.com.al
E-mail: tiranabranchedp@alpha.gr Address: Blv. “Zhan D’Ark” - Tirana
Address: Blv. “Zog I”, nr. 47. - Tirana
Amerikan Bank Phone: 04/ 2272 168
(Intesa San Paolo) Fax: 04/ 2271 262
Phone: 04/2276 000 & 276222 E-mail: creditbkalb@icc-al.org
Fax: 04/2248 762 Web site: creditcba@icc-al.org
E-mail: americanbank@ambankalb.com
Web site: www.ambankalb.com
Address: “Ismail Qemali” Str. nr. 27. - Tirana

Emporiki Bank
Phone: 04/2 258755
04/2 2258760
Fax: 04/ 2258752
E-mail: credit@emporiki.com.al

First Investment Bank

Phone: 04/ 2276702
Fax: 04/ 2280210 UBA
E-mail : fibanktr@abcom.al Phone: 04/2 227 408
Address: Blv. “Dëshmorët e Kombit” 04/2 228 873
Twin Towers, 2nd floor, - Tirana Fax: 04/2 228 460
NBG Bank & Fax: 04/2 224 608
Phone: 04/ 2233621 E-mail: info@ ubaal.com
Fax: 04/ 2233613 Address: Blv. “Dëshmorët e Kombit”,
E-mail: nbgalbania@icc-al.org nr. 8. - Tirana
Address: “Durrësi” Str.
Godona Comfort - Tirana Union Bank
Phone: 04/ 2 258 081
Pro Credit Bank Fax: 04/ 2273880
Phone: 04/ 2271275 E-mail: info@unionbank.al
04/ 2240777 Address: Blv. “Zog I” - Tirana
Fax: 04/ 2220774
E-mail: info@procreditbank.com.al World Bank
Web site: www.procreditbank.com.al Phone: 04/ 2 280 650/1
Fax: 04/ 2 240 590
Raiffeisen Bank Web site: www.worldbank.org.al
Phone: 04/ 2274 910
Fax: 04/ 2227 262 BIA
04/ 2147 912 Phone: 04/ 2 233 965
Web site: www.raiffeisen.al Fax: 04/ 2 235 700
Blv. “Bajram Curri”, ETC - Tirana E-mail: biatia@adanet.com.al
Web site: www.bia.com.al
Tirana Bank Address: “Barrikadave” Str. nr. 3. - Tirana
Phone: 04/ 2277700
Fax: 04/ 2263022 Bank of Albania
E-mail: info@tiranabank.net Phone: 04/ 2 222 230
Web site: www.tiranabank.al 04/ 2 222 752
Address: “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, Str. 04/ 2 222 152
P.O. Box: 2400/1 “Scanderbeg” Square - Tirana

Official Holidays Tap water:
January 1 & 2 New year’s Day Safe to drink in all cities
March 14 The summer Day as it has been chlorinated.
March 22 Nevrouz day
May 1 Labor Day Weight and measures:
October 19 Day of Beautification Metric system.
of Mother Teresa
November 28 Independence Day Guides and Interpreters:
November 29 Liberation Day Travel agents provide professional
December 25 Christmas Day interpreters for most inclusive tours.

The following are also public holidays Doctor’s and dentists:

that do not occur on the same date Doctors and dentists can be easily found
every year: throughout Albania, both in hospitals
Catholic Easter March/April/May and in private practice.
Orthodox Easter March/April/May
Bajram i Madh end of Ramadan
Bajram i Vogel around December

Web tourist information

Information about tourism in Albania


National Tourism Agency source


Source of the Ministry of Tourism,

Culture, Youth and Sports

Local Time: Source of the Ministry

GMT +1 hour of International Affairs.
(GMT + 2 hours between www.mfa.gov.al
end of April and of October)
Information about the hotels in Albania
Electric Current: www.albania-hotel.com
220 v and AC 50 Hz European www.albania-holidays.com
compatible network. www.inyourpocket.com/albania

Outdoor Activities Outdoor Albania
A wide variety of outdoor activities and (Profesionistë të aventurës)
adventures is available throughout Albania. Trekking, hiking, rafting,
Contact any of the agencies below kayaking, off-road
for more information: Executive Director: Gent Mati
Specialised Outdoor Guide
Albanian Aeuronautics Phone/Fax: 00 355 4/2227121
(Aeronautika shqiptare) Mobil phone: 00 355 69 21 888 45
President: Alket Islami E-mail: info@outdooralbania.com
Aerial Photographer and Travel Instructor Web site: www.outdooralbania.com
Fax: 00355 4/2367071
Mobil phone: 00355 692042222 Albanian Horse Riding Federation
E-mail: albaniaopen@yahoo.com (Federata shqiptare e ipizmit)
Web site: www.flyzone.com President of Honour: Ali Ohri
www.albanianairsports.com General Secretary: Arjan Rugji
Mobil: 00 355 69 20 650 74

Amateur Hunters and Fishermen Society

(Shoqata e gjuetareve
dhe peshkatareve amatore)
President: Bujar Hyka
General Secretary: Jorgo Lako
Phone: 00 355 4/ 2232884
Mobil phone: 00 355 68 20 659 59

Albanian Voleyball Federation Albanian Mountain Hiking Federation
(Federata shqiptare e volejbollit) (Federata shqiptare e alpinizmit)
President: Gjergj Liqejza President: Koço Jani
General Secretary: Leonard Tase General Secretary: Ilir Cule
Phone: 00 355 4/ 2228196 Mobil phone: 00 355 4/ 2228499
Mobil phone: 00 355 69 21 431 26

Blue Sub
Albanian Ski Federation Chairman: Igli Pustina
(Federata shqiptare e skive) General Secretary: Arian Gace
President: Shkëlqim Mema Mobil phone: 00 355 69 20 796 63
General Secretary: Astrit Hutka
Phone: 00 355 4/ 2228499
Mobil phone: 00 355 68 24 267 79

The beautiful nature

The Albanian post offices are recognized

by their signs which read “PTT.” The central
post office operates from 07.30 a.m. to 08.00
p.m. Monday through Friday.
The phone number is 0355 4 2222315.
In addition to regular services they offer
an express delivery option called EMS

To use this service, contact the post office UPS service

via phone at 0800 4141 or /2245308. Address: “Pjeter Bogdani”, Str.
Teuta building - Tirana.
Private companies such as DHL, UPS, Open: 08.30-17.30 Monday to Friday,
FEDEX and TNT also operate in Albania. Saturday 08.30-14.00,
Closed Sunday.
DHL service Phone: 04 2259742
Address: “Ded Gjo Luli”, Str. No. 6. - Tirana. Fax: 04 2259743
Open: 08.00-18.00 Monday to Friday, Mobile phone: 068209000
Saturday 08.00-12.00, E-mail: uadvisors@albmail.com
Closed Sunday Web site: www.ups.com
Phone: 04 2233932
Fax: 04 2257294 FedEx service
E-mail: al.customet@dhl.com Address: “Zhan D’Ark”, Blv.
Web site: www.dhl.com second “Kulla” - Tirana
Open: 08.30 -16.00 Monday to Friday,
EMS service Saturday 09.00-12.00
Address: “Çamëria”, Str.
Closed Sunday
Central Post Office Phone: 04 2253203
Open: 08.00-13.00 Fax: 04 2253630
Phone: 04 2245309 E-mail: fedex@icc-al.eu.org
Web site: www.fedex.com

TNT service
Address: “Mine Peza”, Str. 2. - Tirana
Open: 08.00-17.00
Closed Sunday.
Phone: 042234914
Fax: 042235489
E-mail: Ilirjan@icc.al.eu.org
Web site: www.tnt.com


Post restante Emergency numbers:

Post restante letters should be labeled Police 129
“post restante”. These are routed through Fire 128
the central post office and are used for Hospital emergency 127
sending and receiving documents from Night pharmacy 04/22 222 41
other countries.
Emergency hospitals
Valuable Dispatch 127 is the emergency contact number
This service is used to send valuable throughout Albania and should always
belongings or important documents. work to summon medical assistance.

Mobile Phones Phone emergency hospital city:

Currently, three mobile phone companies, Tirana 04/2222235
AMC, Vodafone and Eagle, operate in Durrësi 052/222222
Albania. Roaming costs for users based in Kavaja 055/242828
other countries can be extraordinarily high Berati 032/234222
in Albania. Often, it is worthwhile and more Korça 082/222552
affordable to purchase a local SIM card to Pogradeci 083/224444
make and receive local Albanian calls. Vlora 033/224151
Gjirokastra 084/262222
Public Service numbers Saranda 085/222312
Phone Numbers of 12 Police Districts Fieri 034/222021
Police Directorates: Kukësi 024/222308
Shkodra 022/247289
“Shqiponja” 126/129
Directorat of Shkodra 022 423 23
Directorat of Velipoja 026 7802 07
Directorat of Durrësi 052 2231 51
052 2221 51
Directorat of Vlora 033 2239 10
033 2229 50
Directorat of Orikum 039 2123 33
Directorat of Himara 039 2323 44
Directorat of Korça 082 2426 96
Directorat of Saranda 085 2222 05
Directorat of Ksamil 089 2321 56
Directorat of Gjirokaster 084 2636 82
084 2623 33
Directorat of Pogradec 083 2223 59
Directorat of Shengjin 028 2123 99
028 2123 98


Telephone country code 00 355 Shkodra 022

City Name Area Code Kukësi 0242
Ballshi 0313 Tepelena 0814
Libohova 0881 Laçi 053
Bajram Curri 0213 Vlora 033
Lushnja 035 Lezha 0215
Berati 032 Librazhdi 0514
Rrësheni 0216
Burreli 0217
Rrogozhina 0577
Bulqiza 0219
Maliqi 0861
Bilishti 0811
Memaliaj 0885
Cërriku 0581
Orikumi 0391 Government Offices
Delvina 0815 Opening Times 08.00-16.30
Patosi 0381 Closed Saturday and Sunday
Durrësi 052
Përmeti 0813 Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth
Elbasani 054 and Sports
Poliçani 0368 Phone: 00 355 4 2232488
Erseka 0812 Web site: www.mtkrs.gov.al
Përrenjasi 0512
Fieri 034 National Tourism Organization
Puka 0212 Phone/Fax: 00 355 4 2273281
Gramshi 0513 E-mail: info@albaniantourism.com
Pogradeci 0832 info@akt.gov.al
Gjirokastra 084 Web site: www.albaniantourism.com
Peqini 0512 www.akt.gov.al
Himara 0393
Peshkopia 0218 Marketing Promotion Department
Kavaja 0554 Phone: 00 355 4 2273425
Saranda 085
Kruja 0511 Banks
Selenica 0392 Opening Times 08.30-15.00
Kopliku 0211 Closed Saturday and Sunday
Skrapari 0312
Korça 082 Shops
Shijaku 0571 Opening Times 09.00- 20.00
Kuçova 0311 Closed Sunday

Ambasada Amerikane Ambasada Çeke
American Embassy Czech Embassy
“Elbasan” Str. Nr. 103 “Skanderbeg” Str. Nr. 10
Phone: 04/ 2247285 Phone: 04/ 2234004
Fax: 04/ 2232222 Fax : 04/ 2232159
E-mail: ujkajv@state.gov E-mail: tirana@embassy.cz

Ambasada Angleze
British Embassy
“Skanderbeg” Str. Nr. 12
Phone & Fax: 04/ 2234973/4/5
E-mail: consular.tiran@fco.gov.uk
Ambasada Daneze
Ambasada e Arabisë Saudite Danish Embassy
Saudi Arabia Embassy “Nikolla Tupe” Str. Nr. 1
”Abdi Toptani” Str. Phone: 04/ 2280600
Torre “Drin”, 5-th floor Fax: 04/ 2280630
Phone: 04/ 2248306/7/8 E-mail: tiaamb@um.dk
Fax: 04/ 2229982 Web site: www.ambtiran.um.dk
E-mail: embsaudarab@albaniaonline.net
Ambasada Egjiptiane
Ambasada Austriake Egyptian Embassy
Austrian Embassy ”Skanderbeg” Str. Nr. 43
“Frederik Shiroka” Nr. 3 Phone: 04/ 2233022
Phone: 04/ 2233144 Fax: 04/ 2232295
Fax: 04/ 2233140 E-mail: egyemb@albaniaonline.net
E-mail: tirana-ob@bmaa.gv.at
austemb@adanet.com.al Ambasada Franceze
French Embassy
Ambasada Boshnjake “Skanderbeg” Str. Nr. 14
Bosnja-Hercegovina Embassy Phone: 04/ 2234250
“Themistokli Germenji” Str. Nr. 5 Fax: 04/ 2234442
Phone: 04/ 2230454 Web site: www.ambafrance-al.org
Fax: 04/ 2234848
Ambasada Gjermane
Ambasada Bullgare German Embassy
Bulgarian Embassy “Skanderbeg” Str. Nr. 8
“Skanderbeg” Str. Nr. 12 Phone: 04/ 2274505/6/7/8/9
Phone: 04/ 2233155 Fax: 04/ 2233497
Fax: 04/ 2232272 E-mail: german.embassy@icc.eu.org
E-mail: bgemb-alb@interalb.net Web site: www.tirana.diplo.de

Ambasada Greke Ambasada Italiane
Greek Embassy Italian Embassy
“Frederik Shiroka” Str. Nr. 3 “Papa Gjon Pali”Str. Nr. 2
Phone: 04/ 2274644 Phone: 04/ 2275900
Fax: 04/ 2234140 Fax: 04/ 2274900
E-mail: gremb.tir@mfa.gr E-mail:
Web site: www.greekembassy.al segretariaambasciatia.tirana@estreri.it
Consular Section Web site: ambtirana.esteri.it
Tel: 04/ 2234291 Consulates in Shkodra and Vlora
Fax: 04/ 2234443
Consulates in Korça and Gjirokastra Ambasada Kineze
Chinese Embassy
Ambasada Hollandeze “Skanderbeg” Str. Nr. 57
Royal Netherlands Embassy Phone: 04/ 2232385
“Asim Zeneli” Str. Nr. 10 Fax: 04/ 2233159
Phone: 04/ 2240828 E-mail: chinaemb_al@mfa.gov.cn
Fax: 04/ 2232723
E-mail: tir@minbuza.nl Ambasada Kroate
tir-ca@minbuza.nl Croatian Embassy
Web site: wwwmfa.nl/tir “Abdi Toptani” Str.
Torre “Drin” Pallati 4/1
Ambasada Hungareze Phone: 04/ 2228390
Hungarian Embassy Fax: 04/ 2230578
“Skanderbeg“ Str. Nr. 16 E-mail: croembassy@albaniaonline.net
Phone: 04/ 2232238
Fax: 04/ 2233211 Ambasada Libiane
E-mail: mission.tia@kum.hu Libyan Embassy
“Arben Broci” Str. Nr. 6
Ambasada Iraniane Phone: 04/ 2379114
Iranian Embassy Fax: 04/ 2379117
“Mustafa Matohiti” Str. Nr. 20 E-mail: amblibi@albaniaonline.net
Phone: 04/ 2227698
04/ 2255038 Ambasada Maqedonase
Fax: 04/ 2230409 Macedonian Embassy
“Kavaja” Str. Nr. 116
Phone: 04/ 2230909
Fax: 04/ 2232514
E-mail: makambas@albnet.net
Ambasada Palestineze Ambasada Ruse
Palestine Embassy Rusian Embassy
“Skanderbeg” Str. Nr. 6/1/1 “Asim Zeneli” Str. Nr. 5
Phone & Fax: 04/ 2265804 Phone: 04/ 2256040
E-mail: palembalb@yahoo.com Fax: 04/ 2256046
E-mail: rusemb@icc.eu.org
Ambasada Polake
Polish Embassy Ambasada e Republikës Serbe
“Durrësi” Str. Nr.123 Serbian Republic Embassy
Phone: 04/ 2234190 ”Donika Kastrioti” Str. Nr. 9/1
Fax: 04/ 2233364 Phone: 04/ 223209
E-mail: polemb@albaniaonline.net Fax: 04/ 2232089
E-mail: ambatira@icc-al.org
Ambasada Rumune
Rumanian Embassy Ambasada Spanjolle
“Themistokli Germenji” Str. Nr.1 Spanish Embassy
Phone & Fax: 04/ 2256072 “Skanderbeg” Str. Nr. 43
Fax: 04/ 2256072 Phone: 04/ 2274961
E-mail: roemb@adanet.com.al Fax: 04/ 2225383
E-mail: emb.tirana@mae.es


Ambasada Zviceriane
Swiss Embassy
“Elbasan” Str. Nr. 81
Phone: 04/ 2234888
Ambasada Suedeze Fax: 04/ 2234889
Swedish Embassy E-mail: tir.vertretung@eda.admin.ch
“Qamil Guranjaku” Str.
Pallati 12, shk 1, 3 H, Konsullata e Kanadasë
Phone: 04/ 2347524 Honorary Consulate of Canada
Fax: 04/ 2347525 “Dervish Hima” Str.
E- mail: altascopco@icc-al.org Tour Nr. 2, Ap. 22
Phone: 04/ 2257274/5
Ambasada Turke Fax: 04/ 2234889
Turkish Embassy E-mail: canadalb@canada.gov.al
“Elbasan” Str. Nr. 65
Phone: 04/ 380350 Ambasada e Urdhrit Sovran të Maltës
Fax: 04/ 347767 Embassy of the Malta
E-mail: Military Sovereign Order
turkishembassy@albaniaonline.net Hotel “Rogner Europapark”
“Dëshmorët e Kombit” Blv.
Ambasada e Republikës së Kosovës Phone & Fax: 04/ 2223636
Kosova Embassy E-mail: amb.smom.alb@rogner.com
“Scanderbeg” Str.
Ambasada e Norvegjisë
Ambasada e Vatikanit Norway Embassy
Vatican Embassy Blv. “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”
“Durrësi” Str. Nr. 13 Sky Tower
Phone: 04/ 2233516 Phone: 04/ 2221666
Fax: 04/ 2232001 Fax: 04/ 2221507
E-mail: nunapal@icc-al.org E-mail: emb.tirana@mfa.no

Afternoon in Tirana
The letters are pronounced similarly Essencials

a as farm yes / no po / jo
b as big hello tungjatjeta
c as pizza of course patjetër
ç as church OK në rregull
d as dog good mirë
dh as this big i / e madh
e as tell bad i / e keq
ë as nurse small i / e vogël
g as gold entrance hyrja
gj as during closed i / e mbyllur
i as ship exit dalje
xh as joy open i / e hapur
j as yellow today sot
y as you tomorrow nesër
k as cat this evening sonte
l as long now tani
ll as allow yesterday dje
m as man later më vonë
n as no who? kush
nj as new why? përse
o as top when kur?
p as pink how? si?
q as mature where? ku?
r as road how much? sa?
rr as arrangement
s as see
sh as english
t as tour
u as put
v as vote
x as zip
z as zero
zh as pleasure

Essential phrases Chatting

good morning mirëmëngjes Mr. Zotëri

good afternoon mirëdita Mrs. Zonjë
good evening mirëmbrëma Miss. Zonjushë
good night natën e mirë How are you? Si jeni?
hello përshëndetje My name is ... Unë quhem…
thank you faleminderit Here is my address Ja adresa ime
goodbye mirupafshim What’s your occupation? Ç’punë bëni?
please ju lutem I’m a ... Jam …
how are you? si jeni? Businessperson Biznesmen
don’t mention it s’ka gjë Student Student
excuse me më falni Where are you from? Nga jeni?
my name is emri im është I’m from … Jam nga …
do you understand? a kupton? How old are you? Sa vjeç jeni?
pleased to meet you gëzohem I’m ... years old Jam ... vjeç

I (don’t) understand. Fine Thanks

Unë (nuk) kuptoj Mirë faleminderit

what is your name? I’m pleased to meet you

si e keni emrin? Gëzohem që u njohëm

do you speak English? Here is my phone number

a flisni anglisht? Ja numri im i telefonit

What’s your phone number?

Cili është numri juaj i telefonit?

Eating & Drinking Emergencies

a table for ... një tavolinë për ... help! ndihmë!

bring to me ... më sillni ... stop! ndal!
cheers! gëzuar! go away! largohu!
Please Ju lutem fire! zjarr!
bill / menu faturën / menunë an ambulance ambulancë
drink list listën e pijeve a doctor doktor
cup of coffee /tea filxhan kafe / çaj the police policia
mineral water ujë mineral
a bottle of beer një shishe birrë call ...!
a glass of wine një gotë verë thërrisni ose telefononi!
breakfast mëngjes
lunch drekë Could you help me please?
dinner darkë A mund të më ndihmoni ju lutem?

I’d like please ... I’m lost

Do të dëshiroja të lutem ... Kam humbur rrugën

the non smoking section Where are the toilettes?

një vend ku ndalohet duhani Ku ndodhen tualetet?

Do you have vegetarian food?

A keni ushqim vegjetarian?

What would you recommended?

Çfarë më rekomandoni?

I’ll buy you a drink.

Do t’ju qeras me një pije.

Exploring Numbers

Wher’s the …? Ku është …? 1 Një

Bank Banka 2 Dy
Hotel Hoteli 3 Tre
Post office Posta 4 Katër
5 Pesë
Please stop here. 6 Gjashtë
Ju lutem ndaloni këtu. 7 Shtatë
8 Tetë
Where can I find ...? 9 Nëntë
Ku mund të gjej ...? 10 Dhjetë
11 Njëmbëdhjetë
Where can I bye a ticket? 20 Njëzet
Ku mund të blejë një biletë? 30 Tridhjetë
40 Dyzetë
Is this the ... to Durrës? 50 Pesëdhjetë
Është ... për në Durrës? 60 Gjashtëdhjetë
70 Shtatëdhjetë
boat / train / bus 80 Tetëdhjetë
anije / tren / autobus 90 Nëntëdhjetë
100 Njëqind
I would like a taxi at 9 a.m. 101 Njëqin e një
Doja një taksi në ora 9 paradite. 200 Dyqind
300 Treqind
How much is it to ...? 1000 Një mijë
Sa kushton për të vajtur në ...?

Please take to (this address).

Ju lutem më çoni te (kjo adresë).

Can you show me on the map ...?

A mund të më tregoni në hartë ...?

What time does it open/closed?

Në çfarë ore hapet/mbyllet?

What is the admission charge?

Sa kushton bileta?

When is the next tour?

Kur është udhëtimi tjetër turistik?

Characteristic House
in Shkodra

www.akt.gov.al info@akt.gov.al
www.albaniantourism.com info@albaniantourism.com

“Muhamet Gjollesha” Str., former Publishing House “8 Nëntori”, 4th Foor, AL 1010 Tirana, ALBANIA,
Tel: +355 42 273 281, Tel/Fax: +355 42 260 224

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