Pure Mathematics: Pure Mathematics Is The Study of Mathematical Concepts
Pure Mathematics: Pure Mathematics Is The Study of Mathematical Concepts
Pure Mathematics: Pure Mathematics Is The Study of Mathematical Concepts
Pure mathematics
Pure mathematics is the study of mathematical concepts
independently of any application outside mathematics. These
concepts may originate in real-world concerns, and the results
obtained may later turn out to be useful for practical
applications, but pure mathematicians are not primarily
motivated by such applications. Instead, the appeal is attributed
to the intellectual challenge and aesthetic beauty of working out
the logical consequences of basic principles.
It follows that, presently, the distinction between pure and applied mathematics is more a philosophical
point of view or a mathematician's preference than a rigid subdivision of mathematics. In particular, it is
not uncommon that some members of a department of applied mathematics describe themselves as pure
Ancient Greece
19th century
20th century
Generality and abstraction
Pure vs. applied mathematics
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Ancient Greece
Ancient Greek mathematicians were among the earliest to make a distinction between pure and applied
mathematics. Plato helped to create the gap between "arithmetic", now called number theory, and
"logistic", now called arithmetic. Plato regarded logistic (arithmetic) as appropriate for businessmen and
men of war who "must learn the art of numbers or [they] will not know how to array [their] troops" and
arithmetic (number theory) as appropriate for philosophers "because [they have] to arise out of the sea
of change and lay hold of true being."[3] Euclid of Alexandria, when asked by one of his students of what
use was the study of geometry, asked his slave to give the student threepence, "since he must make gain
of what he learns."[4] The Greek mathematician Apollonius of Perga was asked about the usefulness of
some of his theorems in Book IV of Conics to which he proudly asserted,[5]
They are worthy of acceptance for the sake of the demonstrations themselves, in the same
way as we accept many other things in mathematics for this and for no other reason.
And since many of his results were not applicable to the science or engineering of his day, Apollonius
further argued in the preface of the fifth book of Conics that the subject is one of those that "...seem
worthy of study for their own sake."[5]
19th century
The term itself is enshrined in the full title of the Sadleirian Chair, Sadleirian Professor of Pure
Mathematics, founded (as a professorship) in the mid-nineteenth century. The idea of a separate
discipline of pure mathematics may have emerged at that time. The generation of Gauss made no
sweeping distinction of the kind, between pure and applied. In the following years, specialisation and
professionalisation (particularly in the Weierstrass approach to mathematical analysis) started to make a
rift more apparent.
20th century
At the start of the twentieth century mathematicians took up the axiomatic method, strongly influenced
by David Hilbert's example. The logical formulation of pure mathematics suggested by Bertrand
Russell in terms of a quantifier structure of propositions seemed more and more plausible, as large parts
of mathematics became axiomatised and thus subject to the simple criteria of rigorous proof.
Pure mathematics, according to a view that can be ascribed to the Bourbaki group, is what is proved.
Pure mathematician became a recognized vocation, achievable through training.
The case was made that pure mathematics is useful in engineering education:[6]
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There is a training in habits of thought, points of view, and intellectual comprehension of ordinary
engineering problems, which only the study of higher mathematics can give.
Generality's impact on intuition is both dependent on the subject and a matter of personal preference or
learning style. Often generality is seen as a hindrance to intuition, although it can certainly function as
an aid to it, especially when it provides analogies to material for which one already has good intuition.
In practice, however, these developments led to a sharp divergence from physics, particularly from 1950
to 1983. Later this was criticised, for example by Vladimir Arnold, as too much Hilbert, not enough
Poincaré. The point does not yet seem to be settled, in that string theory pulls one way, while discrete
mathematics pulls back towards proof as central.
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It is widely believed that Hardy considered applied mathematics to be ugly and dull. Although it is true
that Hardy preferred pure mathematics, which he often compared to painting and poetry, Hardy saw the
distinction between pure and applied mathematics to be simply that applied mathematics sought to
express physical truth in a mathematical framework, whereas pure mathematics expressed truths that
were independent of the physical world. Hardy made a separate distinction in mathematics between
what he called "real" mathematics, "which has permanent aesthetic value", and "the dull and elementary
parts of mathematics" that have practical use.
Hardy considered some physicists, such as Einstein and Dirac, to be among the "real" mathematicians,
but at the time that he was writing the Apology he considered general relativity and quantum mechanics
to be "useless", which allowed him to hold the opinion that only "dull" mathematics was useful.
Moreover, Hardy briefly admitted that—just as the application of matrix theory and group theory to
physics had come unexpectedly—the time may come where some kinds of beautiful, "real" mathematics
may be useful as well.
I've always thought that a good model here could be drawn from ring theory. In that subject,
one has the subareas of commutative ring theory and non-commutative ring theory. An
uninformed observer might think that these represent a dichotomy, but in fact the latter
subsumes the former: a non-commutative ring is a not-necessarily-commutative ring. If we
use similar conventions, then we could refer to applied mathematics and nonapplied
mathematics, where by the latter we mean not-necessarily-applied mathematics... [emphasis
See also
Applied mathematics
1. Piaggio, H. T. H., "Sadleirian Professors" (http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Extras/Sadleirian
_Professors.html), in O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F. (eds.), MacTutor History of
Mathematics archive, University of St Andrews.
2. Robinson, Sara (June 2003). "Still Guarding Secrets after Years of Attacks, RSA Earns Accolades
for its Founders" (http://www.msri.org/people/members/sara/articles/rsa.pdf) (PDF). SIAM News. 36
3. Boyer, Carl B. (1991). "The age of Plato and Aristotle". A History of Mathematics (https://archive.org/
details/historyofmathema00boye/page/86) (Second ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp. 86 (https://archi
ve.org/details/historyofmathema00boye/page/86). ISBN 0-471-54397-7. "Plato is important in the
history of mathematics largely for his role as inspirer and director of others, and perhaps to him is
due the sharp distinction in ancient Greece between arithmetic (in the sense of the theory of
numbers) and logistic (the technique of computation). Plato regarded logistic as appropriate for the
businessman and for the man of war, who "must learn the art of numbers or he will not know how to
array his troops." The philosopher, on the other hand, must be an arithmetician "because he has to
arise out of the sea of change and lay hold of true being.""
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External links
What is Pure Mathematics? (https://uwaterloo.ca/pure-mathematics/about-pure-math/what-is-pure-m
ath) – Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
What is Pure Mathematics? (http://www.liv.ac.uk/maths/PURE/wipm.html) by Professor P. J. Giblin
The University of Liverpool
The Principles of Mathematics (http://fair-use.org/bertrand-russell/the-principles-of-mathematics) by
Bertrand Russell
How to Become a Pure Mathematician (or Statistician) (http://hk.mathphy.googlepages.com/puremat
h.htm), a list of undergraduate and basic graduate textbooks and lecture notes, with several
comments and links to solutions, companion sites, data sets, errata pages, etc.
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