Duplex Stainless Steels For Fisher Valves: Bulletin 59:025
Duplex Stainless Steels For Fisher Valves: Bulletin 59:025
Duplex Stainless Steels For Fisher Valves: Bulletin 59:025
the austenitic grades (such as CF8M and S31600) in Photomicrograph of a Typical Cast Duplex Stainless Steel
many applications.
Duplex stainless steels are often used where chlorides compared to the standard austenitic materials such as
or sour gas are encountered. Industries include pulp S31600.
and paper, chemical, oil and gas, power, desalination,
and marine. D Yield strengths approximately double that of
annealed austenitic materials.
Advantages of duplex stainless steel are: D Inherently better resistance to stress corrosion
cracking than single-phase alloys because at least one
D Superior stress corrosion cracking resistance and of the phases is usually resistant to cracking in a given
corrosion resistance in chloride environments as environment.
Bulletin 59:025
Table 1. Measures of Resistance to Pitting and Stress Corrosion Cracking
CPT(1) SCC(1)
_C _F _C _F
316 28 15 60 55 130
S32760, CD3MWCuN 44 70 160 250+ 480+
S31803 35
30 85 150 300
CD3MN 38
CD4MCu 32 25(2) 75(2) 150(2) 300(2)
S32550 42
50 120 175(2) 350(2)
CD7MCuN 41
Z6CNDU20.08M (“French Duplex”) 29 15(2) 60(2) 75(2) 165(2)
1. NACE Corrosion 94 Conference Paper by R. Francis, “The Performance of Duplex Stainless Steels in Chemical Environments.”
2. Estimated by Fisher.
Duplex stainless steels are commonly ranked by an D Duplex SSTs are produced in much lower
empirical formula to calculate their pitting resistance volumes that the 300 series SSTs.
equivalency number [PRE = %Cr + 3.3%Mo + 30%N].
Higher PREs correlate to improved resistance to D The higher strength of the duplex and special
pitting corrosion. processing requirments increase cost.
Bulletin 59:025
Common Grades Only the wrought form of S31803 is approved for use
in sour environments per NACE MR0175 to 28 HRC
S32760, CD3MWCuN
S31803 is limited to 316_C or 600_F by the ASME
This material is a “super” duplex stainless steel. Its Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. S31803 and
corrosion resistance is higher than other duplex CD4MCu suffer embrittlement when exposed to
stainless steels because its alloy content is higher. It temperatures above the limit.
has a high PRE (pitting resistance equivalency) for
superior resistance to chloride pitting and stress
corrosion cracking.
It is the standard duplex stainless steel for Fisher CD4MCu contains approximately 25% chromium, 5%
valves except those manufactured in Europe. nickel, 2% molybdenum, and 3% copper. It is one of
the oldest duplex SSTs still in use today. It combines
S32760 contains approximately 25% chromium, 7% high strength, ductility, and hardness with resistance to
nickel, 3.5% molybdenum, and traces of tungsten and corrosion and erosion. CD4MCu is the only Code
copper. S32760 is commonly called Zeron 100 (a approved cast duplex stainless steel.
trademark of Weir Materials Ltd.)
It is limited to 316_C or 600_F by the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code. CD4MCu suffers embrittlement
ASME SA351 Grade CD3MWCuN (formerly ASTM
when exposed to temperatures above the limit.
A890 Grade 6A) is the cast equivalent of S32760. The
UNS number is J93380. Grade F55 to ASTM A182 is
the forged equivalent.
S32550, CD7MCuN
Both the wrought and cast forms are acceptable per S32550 contains approximately 26% chromium, 5%
NACE MR0175 with certain restrictions. nickel, and 3.3% molybdenum. The tradename for this
alloy is Ferralium 255. Bonar Langley Alloys Ltd. in
S32760 is limited to 316_C or 600_F by the ASME England invented the alloy. It combines high strength,
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Code Case 1901. ductility, and hardness with resistance to corrosion and
These alloys suffer embrittlement when exposed to erosion.
temperatures above the limit.
CD7MCuN to Fisher specification FMS 20B32 is the
cast equivalent of S32550.
S31803, CD3MN Only the wrought form is approved for use in sour
S31803 contains approximately 22% chromium, 5% environments per NACE MR01 75 to 28 HRC
nickel, and 3% molybdenum. S31803 is commonly maximum. It is limited to 260_C or 500_F by the ASME
called 2205 and is the most widely used duplex Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. S32550 suffers
stainless steel. It is produced by most stainless steel embrittlement when exposed to temperatures above
producers because it is not protected by a patent. It the limit.
combines high strength, ductility, and hardness with
resistance to corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and
erosion. Because it has a slightly lower alloy content, Z6CNDU20.08M (“French Duplex”)
its corrosion resistance is not as good some grades of This duplex stainless steel contains approximately 21
duplex SST. % chromium, 8% nickel, and 2.5% molybdenum. It is
commonly called the French duplex because of the
S31803 and CD3MN are the standard duplex stainless French standard NF A32-055 under which it is
steels for Fisher valves manufactured in Europe. purchased, and it is the only cast duplex material
which is currently acceptable per NACE MR0175 for
ASTM A890 Grade 4A is the cast equivalent of unrestricted use. This material is more costly than
S31803. The Fisher designation is CD3MN. Grade CD3MN and has inferior corrosion resistance. The
F51 per ASTM Al82 is the forged equivalent. grade designation is Z6CNDU20.08M.
Bulletin 59:025
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