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Fieldvue DVC5000f Series Digital Valve Controllers For F Fieldbus

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November 2000 Bulletin 62.


FIELDVUErDVC5000f Series
Digital Valve Controllers for

FOUNDATION Fieldbus Capability

D Interoperable with other FOUNDATIONt
fieldbus registered instruments and host

D FOUNDATION fieldbus with AO and PID

or DO and DI function blocks enable “Control

D Reduces wiring costs by up to 60%

compared to traditional intelligent field

D Reduces installation, commissioning,

operation, and maintenance time by 30 to W6564/IL
60% compared to traditional intelligent field
Figure 1. DVC5000f Series Digital Valve Controller Mounted
devices on FloVuet System 9000 Actuator

Product Features Integrate the DVC5000f Series Digital

Valve Controller into the PlantWeb
D Reduce Process Variability
Architecture to Enhance Plant
D Reduce Capital and Engineering Costs Performance
D Reduce Process Variability—By utilizing
DReduce Maintenance and Operating Control Anywhere you can optimize your process by
Costs placing the control algorithm where it will be the most
Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f
effective. Placing the control algorithm at the valve will
permit the valve to respond quickly to any process
variations. And the superior design of a Fisher valve
and actuator permit small changes in control algorithm
inputs to effect changes in the process, keeping the
process variable as near as possible to the set point.
Keeping the process variable near the set point can
increase throughput, improve yield, and enhance

D Reduce Capital and Engineering

Costs—DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers, W6164–B/IL

when used in an integrated system, allow you to DVC5000f SERIES DIGITAL

realize significant hardware and installation cost VALVE CONTROLLER
savings. Hardware savings comes about because of
the two-wire bus. You use fewer cabinets, power
supplies, I/0, terminal panels, and less wiring. Because
there are fewer cabinets, power supplies and terminal
panels, the size of the control room can be reduced.

The installation savings comes about through reduced

resources required. The two-way communication
capability permits a single technician to quickly
commission loops by remotely identifying each
instrument, verifying its calibration, reviewing stored
maintenance notes, and more.

D Reduce Maintenance and Operating TYPE DVC5020f DIGITAL VALVE
Costs—You can check instrument and valve operation CONTROLLER MOUNTED ON
and keep the process running smoothly and safely ROTARY ACTUATOR
from a remote location. Reduced maintenance is
achieved by knowing ahead of time, through
diagnostics, when the final control element or control W6341/IL

system will need maintenance. Once the equipment TYPE DVC5010f DIGITAL VALVE
requiring maintenance is determined, it can be CONTROLLER MOUNTED ON
scheduled at the appropriate time.
Figure 2. FIELDVUE DVC5000f Series Digital Valve Controllers
Access to all operating and maintenance parameters
is possible at a field junction box, marshalling panel, or
within the safety of the control room using either a
notebook PC or the system workstation. Your Description
exposure to hazardous environments is minimized and
you can avoid having to access hard-to-reach FIELDVUEr DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers
locations. (figure 1) are communicating, microprocessor-based
digital-to-pneumatic valve-mounted instruments. (The
instrument mounts directly to the actuator and the
Field-tough DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers actuator mounts to the valve body.) The DVC5000f
use modular construction with a fully encapsulated Series digital valve controller, using the FOUNDATION
printed wiring board that resists the effects of vibration, fieldbus communications protocol, gives easy access
temperature, and corrosive atmospheres. The modular to information critical to process operation. This can be
construction allows quick and easy service in the field. done using a DeltaVt console within the control room,
The instrument doesn’t have to be removed from its or another operator console within the control room.
mounting to facilitate troubleshooting and service. A DeltaV is Fisher Control’s FOUNDATION fieldbus
separate weather-tight field wiring terminal box compatible distributed control system.
isolates field wiring connections from other areas of
the instrument. (continued on page 4)

Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f
Available Configurations Communication Class 101, intelligent field device
Device Class 111
Type DVC5010f: Sliding stem applications—Fisher
Controls actuator Types 513, 657, 667, 1250, and Output Signal(1)
Type DVC5020f: Rotary applications—Fisher Pneumatic signal as required by the actuator, up to
Controls actuator Types 1051 and 1052 95% of supply pressure
Type DVC5030f: Rotary applications—Fisher Minimum Span: 0.4 bar (6 psig)
Controls actuator Types 1066SR, 1051, 1052, and Maximum Span: 6.2 bar (90 psig)
other quarter-turn actuators Action: Direct only
Type DVC5040f: Sliding-stem application—Fisher Supply Pressure(1)
Controls System 9000 actuator
Minimum and Recommended: 0.3 bar (5 psig)
DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers can be greater than the maximum actuator requirements
mounted on those actuators listed as well as on Maximum: 6.9 bar (100 psig)
other Fisher and other manufacturers rotary and
sliding-stem actuators. Steady-State Air Consumption(1),(2)
At 1.4 bar (20 psig) supply pressure: Less than 0.3
Function Block Suites normal m3/hr (10 scfh)
At 2.4 bar (35 psig) supply pressure: Less than 0.4
Either Fieldbus Logic or Standard Control as normal m3/hr (15 scfh)
follows: At 4.1 bar (60 psig) supply pressure: Less than 0.6
J Fieldbus Logic (discrete connectivity) normal m3/hr (22 scfh)
Includes DO and four DI function blocks At 6.9 bar (100 psig) supply pressure: Less than 0.9
J Standard Control (basic control) normal m3/hr (34 scfh)
Includes AO and PID function blocks
Standard Control is provided unless specified Maximum Output Capacity(2)
otherwise. At 1.4 bar (20 psig) supply pressure: 7.6 m3/hr (285
Block Execution Times
At 4.1 bar (60 psig) supply pressure: 17.6 normal
AO Block: 60 msec
m3/hr (658 scfh)
PID Block: 120 msec
DO Block: 40 msec Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
DI Block: 40 msec
Output signal changes less than ±0.1% when tested
per IEC 801-1 and 801-3, 27 to 1000 MHz with field
Diagnostics strength of 30 V/m (volts per meter).
J Fieldbus Diagnostics
J Standard Diagnostics These instruments have the CE mark in accordance
J Advanced Diagnostics with the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Directive. They meet the requirements of
Advanced Diagnostics is provided with Standard EN50081-1 (emissions for light industry) and
Control unless specified otherwise. EN50082-2 (immunity for industrial environment).
Electrical Classification
Electrical Input
Hazardous Area: Refer to Hazardous Area
Voltage Level: 9 to 32 volts Classification bulletins 9.2:001 series and 9.2:002
Maximum Current: 26 mA for approvals.
Reverse Polarity Protection: Unit is not polarity Electrical Housing: NEMA 4X, CSA Type 4X, IEC
sensitive. 60529 IP65
Termination: Bus must be properly terminated per
ISA SP50 guidelines. Independent Linearity(1)
±0.5% of output span
Communication Protocol
FOUNDATION fieldbus registered device Operating Ambient Temperature Limits
NVM Class Parameters Supported –40 to 80_C (–40 to 176_F)

Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f
Specifications (continued)
Stem Travel Cover: Valox
0 to 19 mm (0.75 inches) minimum Elastomers: Nitrile, (standard), Silicon rubber
DVC5010f: 0 to 102 mm (4-inches) maximum (optional)
DVC5020f: 0 to 606 mm (23-7/8 inches) maximum Terminal Box
Conduit Entry: ANSI B360.0 Aluminum (low copper)
Shaft Rotation (DVC5020f and DVC5030f) Cable Entry: Valox with wiring gland connections for
intrinsically safe, nonincendive, and nonhazardous
0 to 50 degrees minimum
0 to 90 degrees maximum
Designed for direct actuator mounting. For
weatherproof housing capability, the instrument Less than 2.7 kg (6 lbs)
must be mounted upright (terminal box on top) to
allow the vent to drain.
Connections Dimensions
Supply Pressure: 1/4-inch NPT female and integral See figures 8 and 9. For dimensions of a Type
pad for mounting 67CFR regulator DVC5040 digital valve controller, see Bulletin
Output Pressure: 1/4-inch NPT female 41.1:FloVue.
Vent (pipe-away): 1/4-inch NPT female
Electrical: 1/2-inch NPT female, M20 female, or G
1/2 parallel (bottom entrance) Options
Construction Materials J Fieldbus Diagnostics J Standard Diagnostics,
Housing and module base: ANSI B360.0 J Supply and output pressure gauge, J Integrally
Aluminum (low copper) mounted filter regulator
1. These terms are defined in ISA Standard S51.1.
2. Normal m3/hr—Normal cubic meters per hour at 0_C and 1.01325 bar, absolute; Scfh—Standard cubic feet per hour at 60_F and 14.7 psia.

Description (continued) FOUNDATION fieldbus allows multiple instruments to

operate on a two-wire pair, thus reducing overall
DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers can be installation costs.
mounted on sliding-stem or rotary actuators, as shown
in figures 1 and 2. DVC5000f Series digital valve
controllers mount on most Fisher and other
manufacturers rotary and sliding-stem actuators. The
DVC5000f Series digital valve controller receives Diagnostic and Control Capabilities
feedback of the valve’s travel position. This allows the DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers are available
instrument to ensure that the desired valve position is with several selections of control and diagnostic
the actual valve position. capability. Control selections include either:

Using FOUNDATION fieldbus communication protocol, D Standard Control

information can be delivered into control systems. The
DVC5000f Series digital valve controller can also be D Fieldbus Logic
migrated from a currently installed DVC5000 Series
digital valve controller (HARTR-based). When planning Several selections of diagnostic capability are
to upgrade your installation, consult your Fisher available:
representative or sales office.
D Fieldbus Diagnostics
The DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers can use D Standard Diagnostics
the existing wiring. This permits cost-effective
replacement of existing analog instrumentation. In new D Advanced Diagnostics
or existing installations, the DVC5000f Series digital
valve controller’s two-wire design avoids the high cost DVC5000f Series instruments with Standard Control
of running separate power and signal wiring. are available with either Standard Diagnostics or

Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f
Advanced Diagnostics. Instruments with Fieldbus provides a connection to the positioning algorithm
Logic are available with either Fieldbus Diagnostics, (transducer block). This function block also provides
Standard Diagnostics, or Advanced Diagnostics. alarming capability.

Each higher diagnostic tier includes the diagnostics in

In addition to the normal discrete output functions, the
the lower tier. For example: Standard Diagnostics
DO function block in a DVC5000f Series instrument
include the diagnostics in Fieldbus Diagnostics;
provides dribble control using 5% positioning. In a
Advanced Diagnostics include the diagnostics in
batch environment, vessels are filled through on-off
Standard Diagnostics and Fieldbus Diagnostics.
valves for speed, but there can be a problem at
shutoff. The amount of material may not be “close
enough” for the recipe and additional material may
Standard Control have to be added. This addition can be tricky and/or
time consuming for the operator. The capability of
DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers with being able to “crack” the valve to 5 to 10% and
Standard Control include the analog output (AO) and “dribble” in the correct amount either manually or
proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative (PID) function automatically through recipe control can provide
blocks. significant reduction in variability, and reduction in
“FDA”-like reporting and certification. In addition, it can
The AO function block provides analog elminate the need for a second smaller “on-off” valve
output capability as defined by the Fieldbus or the operator climbing up and dumping in a pail of
Foundation. The function block is certified as material to add “just the right amount.”
interoperable by the Fieldbus Foundation.
This function block includes all parameters specified
by the Fieldbus Foundation for a standard Foundation The DI function block provides discrete input
fieldbus function block to provide interoperability with capability as defined by the Fieldbus
any other function blocks. The AO function block Foundation. The function block is certified as
provides a connection to the positioning algorithm interoperable by the Fieldbus Foundation.
(transducer block). This function block also provides This function block includes all parameters specified
alarming capability. by the Fieldbus Foundation for a standard Foundation
fieldbus function block to provide inter-operability with
The PID function block provides any other function blocks. The DI function block
proportion-plus-integral-plus-derivative provides a connection to the positioning algorithm
control for the inputs to the function block (transducer block). This function block also provides
and drives the outputs. The function block is alarming capability.
certified as interoperable by the Fieldbus Foundation.
This function block includes all parameters specified The DI function block provides discrete input capability
by the Fieldbus Foundation for a standard Foundation for valve position feedback. The four DI blocks in the
fieldbus function block to provide interoperability with DVC5000f Series instruments provide feedback of the
any other function blocks. This function block also valve position in the standard fieldbus approach: full
provides alarming capability. open, full closed or exceeding a position. In addition,
DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers with DI
function blocks have proximity feedback.
Fieldbus Logic
Figure 3 compares the operation of a standard
DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers with Fieldbus discrete input to a proximity discrete input. With the
Logic include a discrete output (DO) and four discrete standard discrete input, the discrete input changes
input (DI) function blocks. These function blocks state when the valve position passes a configurable
provide discrete (on-off) control in the standard trip point. This can be used to indicate if the valve
fieldbus approach. position is above or below the trip point.
The DO function block provides discrete With the proximity discrete input a configurable band
output capability as defined by the Fieldbus can be established about a central point. Whenever
Foundation. The function block is certified as the valve position enters this configurable band, the
interoperable by the Fieldbus Foundation. discrete input changes state. A proximity discrete input
This function block includes all parameters specified is useful for applications which require knowing the
by the Fieldbus Foundation for a standard Foundation location of the valve when the valve is not near 0% or
fieldbus function block to provide interoperability with 100%. ESD (emergency shutdown) and batch are both
any other function blocks. The DO function block great applications for discrete control.

Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f
set point and monitor the instrument output pressure
and valve stem travel. The tests are as follows:
DISCRETE INPUT 1. A single preformatted step of the transducer block
set point.

2. A ramp up of the transducer block set point and

then back down. The height and duration of the ramp
0 are both preformatted.

3. A sequence of five preformatted steps of the

transducer block set point. Both the height and
PROXIMITY DISCRETE INPUT duration of the steps are preformatted.

These diagnostic tests are considered public and can

Configurable be run with any host system capable of running the
FOUNDATION fieldbus defined device descriptions
1 (DDs) supplied with the instrument.

0 Standard Diagnostics
Standard Diagnostics include all the diagnostics
E0523 / IL
available in Fieldbus Diagnostics along with the
following dynamic tests:
Figure 3. Proximity Discrete Input Compared to a Standard
Discrete Input
D Dynamic Error Band

D Drive Signal

Fieldbus Diagnostics D Output Signal

Fieldbus Diagnostics capabilities include the following Dynamic Error Band, Drive Signal, and Output Signal
diagnostics: are dynamic scan tests; they vary the transducer
(servo) set point at a controlled rate and plot valve
D Key Valve use Tracking Parameters operation to determine valve dynamic performance.
For example, the Dynamic Error Band test is a
D Instrument Health Parameters combination of hysteresis and deadband plus
“slewing.” Hysteresis and deadband are static
D Preformatted Valve Performance Step measurements. However, because the valve is
Maintenance Tests moving, a dynamic error, or “slewing” error is
introduced. Dynamic scan tests give a better indication
The key valve use tracking parameters allow you to of how the valve will operate under process conditions,
monitor the total valve stem travel (travel which are dynamic not static. Standard and Advanced
accumulation) and the number of stem travel reversals Diagnostics can be performed with a personal
(cycles). The instrument health parameters alert you if computer running AMS ValveLinkR software.
there are any problems with the instrument memory,
processor, or sensors. Should a problem occur, you
can define how the instrument will react to the Advanced Diagnostics
problem. For example, if the pressure sensor fails Instruments with Advanced Diagnostics provide the
should the instrument shutdown? You also can select diagnostics included with Fieldbus Diagnostics and all
which problems will cause the instrument to shutdown the dynamic scan tests provided with Standard
(Is the problem severe enough to cause a shutdown?). Diagnostics plus a fourth dynamic scan test, valve
These indicators may be reported as alerts. Monitoring signature, as well as four step-diagnostic tests. The
alerts gives you an instant indication of any problems valve signature test allows you to determine the
with the instrument, valve, or process. valve/actuator friction, bench set, spring rate, and seat
The preformatted step-maintenance tests provide you
three tests with preformatted steps for checking valve The four step tests indicate the valve response and
condition. These tests manipulate the transducer block resolution to a single step change in the control signal

Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f
You can communicate with the DVC5000f Series
digital valve controllers using an interoperable
FOUNDATION fieldbus interface device or using
communications integrated into the Delta V process
control system or AMS ValveLink software.

Process PID Operation

The process PID function block within the DVC5000f
Series of instruments can be used to control the
process. FOUNDATION fieldbus function blocks are the
key to connecting transmitter and valve. Figure 5
shows an example control loop using the PID, AO, and
AI function blocks.
W7468/IL Each function block consists of a set of inputs, a set of
outputs, a mode structure, and an alarm/event
Figure 4. Example Diagnostic Display subsystem. These blocks provide consistent, easy,
block-oriented configuration of loops. They also
provide consistency for users in the process operation
and engineering areas. The function blocks are
defined by FOUNDATION fieldbus to allow
or to a series of steps at various starting points and interoperability between Fieldbus Foundation
levels. Standard and Advanced Diagnostic tests are registered field devices. The distribution and execution
available with AMS ValveLink software and FIELDVUE of functions can be integrated in a seamless manner.
instruments that have these capabilities. Figure 4 This avoids custom interfacing and cumbersome
shows an example diagnostic display using AMS mapping.
ValveLink software.
As shown in figure 5, the AI block receives its input
from the sensor. It then provides a scaled value over
Depending on the capability of the ValveLink software, the fieldbus to the PID block. The PID block performs
you may be able to simultaneously run multiple tests the configured control action on this value and
on multiple valves, so long as you do not provides an output signal to the AO block. The AO
simultaneously run tests with different physical block output is used to position the final control
patterns on the same valve. For example, all the element.
dynamic scan tests can be run on the same valve or
multiple valves at the same time. You cannot run
dynamic scan tests and step tests on the same valve
at the same time. However, you can run dynamic scan Operation in Batch Environments
tests on several valves and run step tests on several
different valves at the same time. Although the tests The discrete input and discrete output function blocks
can be run with the valve inline, the process must be within the DVC5000f Series of instruments can be
interrupted while the test is run. used to enhance control of a batch process. In the
typical batch environment shown in figure 6, a large
reactor is being filled by a pump through a valve.
Initially the valve is closed and the pump is off. A batch
operation in the distributed control system controls the
batch equipment. As the batch operation steps through
its procedure, it sends a signal over the fieldbus to set
Software Field Upgrades the valve to 100% open and start the pump. As
ingredients flow into the reactor the operation turns on
Software for the DVC5000f Series instruments with the agitator. A scale weighs the ingredients in the
FOUNDATION fieldbus can be easily upgraded in the reactor. When the weight of the ingredients reaches
field. You can take advantage of software 90% of the final value, the operation sends a signal to
enhancements by simply downloading new features to set the valve to 10% open. This minimizes overshoot
the instrument memory. Memory upgrades may be of ingredients into the reactor. When the ingredient
downloaded over the fieldbus while the instrument is weight reaches 100%, the operation closes the valve
operating. and shuts off the pump.

Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f





Figure 5. Function Blocks Let You Distribute Control Functions for Optimum Performance and Cost Effectiveness

Principle of Operation electronics module and used as feedback for the

digital valve controller. Gauges are available with the
DVC5000f Series digital valve controllers have a single digital valve controller to give visual indication of
module base assembly that may be easily replaced in supply pressure and output pressure.
the field without disconnecting field wiring or tubing.
This module base assembly contains the following
submodules: module base, I/P converter, electronics,
pneumatic relay, and pressure gauges (see figure 7). The Type DVC5010f digital valve controller is designed
The module base can be rebuilt by replacing the for yoke-mounting on sliding stem actuators (see
submodules. figure 8). The Type DVC5020f digital valve controller is
designed for mounting to rotary actuators (see figure
A DVC5000f Series digital valve controller receives its 9). The Type DVC5030f may be mounted on Fisher or
digital signal and power through a single twisted pair of other manufacturers rotary actuators. As shown in
wires brought into the terminal box. The digital signal figure 10, the Type DVC5040 was designed for
is routed to the electronics submodule, where it can integrally mounting on the FloVuet System 9000
have many parameters applied such as, actuator.
characterization, limits, and others. The electronics
The digital valve controllers are loop powered and do
submodule sends an electrical signal (drive signal) to
not require additional power. Electrical connections are
the I/P converter submodule. The I/P converter
made in the terminal box.
transforms this signal to a pressure signal. The
pressure signal is sent to a pneumatic relay where it is All pressure connections on the digital valve
amplified and delivered as the output signal to an controllers are 1/4-inch NPT female connections.
actuator. This output signal can also be sensed by a Remote venting is available and tubing with a
pressure sensor located on the electronics submodule minimum outside diameter of 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) is
and used for valve/actuator diagnostics. Stem position recommended for connecting the digital valve
of the valve and actuator is brought as an input to the controller output to the actuator input.

Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f









E0524 / IL SCALE

Figure 6. Application of the DVC5000f Series Digital Valve Controller in a Batch Process

Ordering Information b. Supply and output gauges

Refer to the specifications on pages 3 and 4. c. The DVC5000f Series digital valve controller is
Carefully review each specification and indicate your provided with Standard Control and Advanced
choice whenever a selection is to be made. Diagnostics. If desired, Standard Control and
Advanced Diagnostics may be replaced by one of
When ordering, specify: the following:
1. Type number
D Standard Control with Standard Diagnostics
2. Maximum actuator stem travel or shaft rotation
D Fieldbus Logic with Fieldbus Diagnostics
3. Actuator manufacturer, type, and size.
D Fieldbus Logic with Standard Diagnostics
4. Options D Fieldbus Logic with Advanced Diagnostics
a. Supply pressure regulator

Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f











Figure 7 . DVC5000f Series Digital Valve Controller Assembly

Figure 8. Type DVC5010f Digital Valve Controller Mounted on Type 657 Actuator

Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f


1 (124.0)




1/4-18 NPT CONNECTION (160.3) 1/4-18 NPT SUPPLY
CLEARANCE 2.81(71.4)

E0525 / IL

Figure 9. Type DVC5020f Digital Valve Controller Mounted on Type 1052 Actuator

Bulletin 62.1:DVC5000f


Figure 10. Type DVC5040f Digital Valve Controller Mounted on FloVue System 9000 Actuator


DeltaV, FIELDVUE, FloVue, ValveLink, Fisher, and Fisher-Rosemount are marks owned by Fisher Controls International, Inc. or Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. HART is a mark owned
by the HART Communications Foundation. FOUNDATION is a mark owned by the Fieldbus Foundation. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

EFisher Controls International, Inc. 1999, 2000; All Rights Reserved

The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express
or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.

For information, contact Fisher:

Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 USA
Cernay 68700 France
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Printed in U.S.A.

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