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Mineral and Proximate Composition of Soya Bean: January 2018

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Mineral and proximate composition of soya bean

Article · January 2018

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Ruth Ogbemudia
University of Benin


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Asian Journal of Physical and Chemical Sciences

4(3): 1-6, 2017; Article no.AJOPACS.38530

ISSN: 2456-7779

Mineral and Proximate Composition of Soya Bean

Ogbemudia Ruth Etiosa1*, Nnadozie Blessing Chika2 and Anuge Benedicta1
Department of Chemistry, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.
College of Education, Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author ORE designed the study,
performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
Authors ORE and NBC managed the analyses of the study. Author ORE managed the literature
searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/AJOPACS/2017/38530
(1) Eugenia- Lenuta Fagadar- Cosma, Department of Organic Chemistry, Porphyrins Programme, Institute of Chemistry
Timisoara of Romanian Academy, Romania.
(1) K. S. Vinayaka, Kumadvathi First Grade College, India.
(2) E. Manikandan, Thiruvalluvar University, India.
(3) Phyu Phyu Myint, University of Yangon, Myanmar.
(4) Wilson Danbature, Gombe State University Gombe, Nigeria.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sciencedomain.org/review-history/22840

Received 30th October 2017

Short Research Article Accepted 9th January 2018
Published 24 January 2018


Aims: The aim of the research was to analyse the minerals and proximate content of soya bean in
order to explore its nutritional values in human and animal diets.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Edo Environmental Consults and
Laboratory Limited (EECL), Benin–City and Delta State University, Abraka, between March, 2010
and January, 2011.
Methodology: The standard procedures were followed to analyse the proximate compositions and
mineral concentrations of soya bean flour. The caloric value was calculated from crude protein,
crude fat, crude fiber, carbohydrate, moisture and ash content. The Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Calcium
(Ca), magnesium (Mg), and cadmium (Cd) were determined by Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (AAS), sodium ((Na) by Flame Spectrophotometer and phosphorus (P) by
Results: The result revealed that soya bean contained 37.69% of protein, 28.20% of crude fat,
4.29% of ash, 8.07% of moisture, 5.44% of fibre, 16.31% of carbohydrate. The mineral
determination showed that soya bean contained 300.36 mg/100 g of Calcium, 258.24 mg/100 g of

*Corresponding author: E-mail: ruchino898@yahoo.com;

Etiosa et al.; AJOPACS, 4(3): 1-6, 2017; Article no.AJOPACS.38530

Magnesium, 16.4 mg/100 g of Iron, 3.0 mg/100 g of Sodium, 2.7 mg/100 g of Zinc, 695.20 mg/
100 g of Phosphorus, 469.80 kCal/100 g while Cadmium was below detectable range.
Conclusion: This study concluded that the tested soya bean contained the highest amount of
protein and lowest amount of ash. Similarly, among the minerals tested soya bean contained the
highest amount of phosphorus and no cadmium at all. Considering the nutrient contents and
proximate analysis of the sample, soya bean should be an inexpensive source of macronutrients
that could be used in the management of protein-energy malnutrition and to improve the nutrition
status of the vulnerable group of the population in developing countries. In developed countries, it
could be used to improve the nutrition status of functional foods.

Keywords: Soya bean; macronutrients; proximate nutrients; crude protein.

1. INTRODUCTION protein content (40%) is higher and more

economical than that of beef (19%), chicken
Food insufficiency and malnutrition have been (20%), fish (18%) and groundnut (23%) [9]. Soya
the major problem of the developing countries, bean is also of particular interest as a vegetable
including Nigeria. Any approach to help fight this protein source because of its cholesterol-
problem will go a long way in pushing the wheel lowering abilities in patients with type II
of development in our country. Plant protein hyperlipoproteinamia [11]. Soya bean is also rich
products are gaining increased interest as in minerals and vitamins such as iron, zinc,
ingredients in food systems throughout many copper, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and
parts of the world; the success of utilizing plant pantothenic acid [10]. Most of these minerals and
proteins as additives depends greatly upon the vitamins are well-known hematinic and are
favourable characteristics that they impart to food essential in the formation of red blood cells [12].
[1]. Plants proteins are now regarded as versatile The present study was, therefore, initiated to
functional ingredients or as biologically active know the proximate composition and mineral
components more than as essential nutrients in content of soya bean and to evaluate its
the developed countries [2]. Plant food diets nutritional importance.
increase the level of fibre intake which reduces
the risk of bowel diseases [3]. The partial 2. EXPERIMENTAL AND MATERIALS
replacement of animal foods with legumes is
claimed to improve overall nutritional status [4]. A 2.1 Plant Material and Sample
large variety of oilseeds and pulses, including Preparation
cowpeas, groundnuts, pigeon peas and melon
seeds grow well in Nigeria. Soya bean (Glycine
Soya bean seeds were bought from Oba-market,
max) has recently become popular in the West
Benin-city in the Edo State of Nigeria. The seeds
African sub-region due to their high protein
were handpicked to remove extraneous
content. It is an annual leguminous crop and is
materials. They were soaked in water to remove
grown to provide food for humans, feeds for
shaft after which it was dried and grounded into a
animals and raw materials for industries [5]. Soya
fine powder using an electric mill.
bean is an excellent source of protein (35-40%).
The soya bean seed is the richest in food value
of all plant foods consumed in the world [6]. It is 2.2 Sample Analysis
used in the production of bread as composite
flour [6,7,8]. Soya bean is used by leading infant 2.2.1 Proximate nutrient determination
food manufacturers in the country because of its
high nutritional value. Soya bean is also Moisture, ash, crude protein, crude fat and crude
processed into flour and its oil is used in local fibre were determined by standard methods
paint, cosmetics and soap making industries [9]. [13]. Total percentage carbohydrate was
Soya bean is consumed in Nigeria as soya milk, determined by the difference method [14].
the cake is used for livestock feeding and the This method involved adding the total values of
flour is added to pap as food for infant and crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, moisture
children. and ash constituents of the sample and
subtracting it from 100. The value obtained was
Soya bean is a widely used, inexpensive and the percentage carbohydrate constituent of the
nutritional source of dietary protein [10]. Its sample.

Etiosa et al.; AJOPACS, 4(3): 1-6, 2017; Article no.AJOPACS.38530 Energy determination analyzed for mineral contents by Atomic

Absorption Spectrophotometer (Buck Scientific
Energy content was obtained by multiplying the model 210VGP).
mean values of crude protein, crude fat and total
carbohydrate by the Atwater factors of 4, 9, 4 The absorption measurement of the elements for
respectively, taking the sum of the products and soya bean was read out and is given in Table 2.
expressing the result in kilocalories per 100 g Different electrode lamps were used for each
sample [14,15]. mineral. The equipment was run for standard
solutions of each mineral before and during
2.2.2 Minerals determination determination to check that it was working
properly. The dilution factor for all minerals
Several methods are available in the except P and Mg was 100. For determination of
determinations of mineral compositions of Mg, further dilution of the original solution was
materials [16,17,18]. In this present study, done by using 0.5 ml of original solution and
mineral contents of soya bean were determined enough distilled water was added to make the
by atomic absorption spectrometry, flame volume up to 100 ml. Also for the determination
photometry and spectrophotometry according to of Calcium, 1.0 ml lithium oxide solution was
standard methods [19]. added to the original solution to unmask Ca from
Mg. The concentrations of minerals recorded in Wet digestion of sample terms of “ppm” were converted to milligrams (mg)
of the minerals by multiplying the ppm with
1.0 g of the powdered sample was taken in dilution factor and dividing by 1000, as follows:
digesting glass tube. Twelve millilitres (12 ml) of
HNO3 was added to the food samples and the MW = Absorbency (ppm) x dry weight x D (1)
mixture was kept for overnight at room Weight of sample x 1000
temperature. Then 4.0 ml perchloric acid (HClO4)
was added to this mixture and was kept in the Note: Dilution factor for phosphorus was 2500,
fumes block for digestion. The temperature was for magnesium 10000, and for other minerals
increased gradually, starting from 50ºC and including calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, zinc
increasing up to 250-300ºC. The digestion and cadmium was100.
completed in about 70- 85 min as indicated by
the appearance of white fumes. The mixture was Determination of sodium by flame
left to cool down and the contents of the tubes spectrophotometry
were transferred to 100 ml volumetric flasks and
the volumes of the contents were made to 100 ml Sodium was analyzed by flame
of distilled water. The wet digested solution was spectrophotometer (Jenway model PFP7/C). The
transferred to plastic bottles labelled accurately, flame photometer measures the emission of
stored and used for mineral determination. radiant energy when atoms of an element return
to their ground state after their excitation by the Determination of Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), high temperature of the flame. The degree of
Calcium (Ca), Cadmium (Cd) and emission is related to the concentration of the
Magnesium (Mg) by atomic absorption element in the solution. The same wet digested
spectrometry food sample solutions as used in AAS were used
for the determination of Na. Standard solutions of
The atoms of an element were vaporized and 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 milli equivalent/L were
atomized in the flame. The atoms then absorbed used. The calculations for the total mineral
the light at a characteristic wavelength. The intake involved the same procedure as given in
source of the light was a hollow cathode lamp, AAS.
which was made up of the same element to be
determined. The lamp produced radiation of an Determination of phosphorus (P) by
appropriate wavelength, which while passing spectrophotometry
through the flame was absorbed by the free
atoms of the sample. The absorbed energy was The calorimetric determination is based upon the
measured by a photo-detector read-out system. principle that certain elements or compounds on
The amount of energy absorbed is proportional reaction with suitable reagent develop color. The
to the concentration of the element in the intensity of the color is measured with
sample. The digested sample of soya bean was colorimeter or spectrophotometer. The inorganic

Etiosa et al.; AJOPACS, 4(3): 1-6, 2017; Article no.AJOPACS.38530

phosphorus reacts with ammonium molybdate. consistent with the reported 16.82% - 19.30%
Ammonium phosphomolybdate is formed, which range [20]. The 5.44% crude fibre was also
in reaction produces molybdenum blue. The blue higher than the values 2.97%, 2.98% and 3.01%
color of the solution is measured and the amount found in the literature [20]. The carbohydrate
of the phosphorus is determined. value of 16.31% was lower than the range given
as 34.97% - 39.86% [20] and 40.67% [21]. The
12 g of the ammonium molybdate was taken and energy content of 469.80kCal/100g compared
mixed with 250 ml distilled water in a beaker favorably with the values of 473. 62 kCal/100 g,
(solution A). 0.2908 g antimony potassium 465.21 kCal/100 g and 458.58 kCal/100 g
tartarate was taken and dissolved in 500 ml previously reported [17].
H2SO4 (5N) solution in a volumetric flask.
Enough distilled water was added to make the 3.2 Mineral Concentrations of the Flour
solution up to 1000 ml (solution B). The two Sample of Soya Bean
solutions (A and B) were mixed in a 2000 ml
volumetric flask to get mix reagent. The volume The mineral (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc,
of the mixed reagent was made up to 2000 ml by sodium, cadmium and phosphorus)
adding distilled water. 0.739 g of ascorbic acid concentrations (mg/100 g) of the flour sample of
was mixed with 140 ml of the mixed reagent in a the soya bean were presented in Table 2.
beaker and left until dissolved to make color Phosphorus had the highest (695. 20 mg/100 g)
reagent. One millilitre of wet digested duplicate followed by calcium 300.36 mg/100 g, zinc had
food sample was taken in a plastic bottle labelled the lowest value of 2.7 mg/100 g of mineral while
properly and to it was added 4.0 ml distilled cadmium was not detected. Calcium content of
water to make a diluted volume of 5.0 ml. Five 300.36 mg/100 g obtained was far higher than
millilitres (5.0ml) of color reagent was added to range of values 62.93 mg/100 g - 217.38 mg/100
this volume and the total volume of this mixture g reported [20]. The magnesium content 258.24
(final solution) was made up to 25.0 ml. The mg/100 g was also found higher than the range
dilution factor of this solution was 2500 (100 x of values 8.39 mg/100 g -8.53 mg/100 g reported
25). After some time, the color of this final [20]. The iron content of 16.4 mg/100 g was
solution turned blue. found higher than the values 3.86 mg/100 g -
11.51 mg/100 g reported [20]. The phosphorus
Sample from final blue solution was taken in a content of 695.20 mg/100 g was far more than
cuvette and introduced in the spectrophotometer. that of the three varieties of soya beans reported
The readings of the phosphorus were recorded in as 0.88 mg/100 g - 2.33 mg/100 g [20]. The
ppm and the calculations for the total mineral variation in results may be due to the difference
intake involved the same procedure as given in in specie used and the dictates of environmental
AAS. conditions. The zinc and sodium contents of 2.7
mg/100 g and 3.0 mg/100 g obtained
3. RESULTS respectively were fairly in agreement with the
values previously reported [20]. The absence of
3.1 Proximate Nutrients and Energy cadmium may be that there was no industry
Composition of Soya Bean close to where the soya bean was cultivated and
there were non-anthropogenic activities around
Table 1 shows the proximate composition of the the areas.
soya bean seed. The result shows that the soya
bean seed is rich in nutrient especially protein Table 1. Proximate composition of the
37.69%, crude fat 28.2% and carbohydrate seed (%)
16.31%. The moisture content was found to be
different from 1.02% -1.80% reported [20] and Composition Value (%)
6.11% [21]. The difference in value may be due Protein 37.69%
to the processing methods. The ash content of Crude fat/oil 28.2%
4.08% was higher than the 1.01% -1.67% range Ash 4.29%
reported [20]. The difference in value may be due
Moisture 8.07%
to the different areas of cultivation. The crude
protein of 37.69% obtained compared favourably Crude fibre 5.44%
with the value of 36% [21] and 36.94% - 40.10% Carbohydrate 16.31%
[20]. The crude fat of 28.2% obtained was not Energy 469.80 kcal/100 g

Etiosa et al.; AJOPACS, 4(3): 1-6, 2017; Article no.AJOPACS.38530

Table 2. Mineral composition of the seed involved in making proteins and releasing energy
(Mg/l00 g) and helps hold calcium in the enamel of the teeth
[22]. Iron is used in the management of iron-
Composition Value (mg/l00 g) deficiency anaemia since iron is a vital part of red
Calcium 300.36 mg/100 g blood cells that carry and release oxygen [22].
Magnesium 258.24 mg/100 g Phosphorus is closely linked with calcium. The
Iron 16.4 mg/100 g two minerals combine to form calcium
Cadmium ND (not detected) phosphate, which gives bones their rigid
Sodium 3.0 mg/100 g structure [22]. Sodium is needed in the body in a
Zinc 2.7 mg/100 g small amount to help maintain normal blood
Phosphorus 695.20 mg/100 g pressure and normal function of muscles and
4. DISCUSSION nerves. Zinc helps the immune system fight off
invading bacteria and viruses. The body needs
4.1 Proximate Nutrients and Energy zinc to make proteins and DNA, the genetic
Composition of Soya Bean material in all cells and also helps in wound
healing and the breakdown of carbohydrates.
The low moisture content of 8.07% implies that it Also, zinc is below the permissible level of 50
can be stored for a very long time since moisture and 100mcg/g in grains and beans [23].
which is an important medium for multiplication of Cadmium was not detected in the soya bean
microorganisms is very low in the flour sample. flour sample.
The ash content 4.29% is indicative that the flour
sample could be important sources of minerals. 5. CONCLUSION
The high protein content 37.69% of the sample The study has established the proximate
suggests that it could be used in the nutrients and mineral (calcium, sodium, zinc,
management of protein deficiency cases such as cadmium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus)
Kwashiorkor. This means the sample could be concentrations of soya bean. The results of this
used in improving the palatability of foods in study indicate that the flour sample is rich in
which they are incorporated. The high crude fat proteins, fats and carbohydrates and are
content of 28.2% suggests that soya bean may therefore inexpensive source of macronutrients
be a viable source of oil, going by their crude fat which can be used in intervention programme
contents. Most legumes contain 1.5% crude fat. aimed at alleviating protein-energy malnutrition.
Soya bean crude fat is very high compared to The flour has good protein contents and could be
most legumes because it is an oilseed. The used to fortify flours with low protein content such
sample contained 5.44% fibre though relatively as maize and rice. The mineral contents indicate
low, but the presence of fibre in foods is known that the flour sample could be important sources
to be beneficial. Fibre has some physiological of minerals for humans and farm animals.
effects in the gastrointestinal, tract. These effects
include variation in faecal water, faecal bulk and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
transit time and elimination of bile acids and
neutral steroids which lower the body cholesterol I wish to appreciate Mr Onaiwu Eseosa Gregory
pool. The high carbohydrate contents16.31% of of Edo Environmental Consults Limited (EECL)
the sample suggests that the flour sample could for his immense contributions during the course
be used in managing protein-energy malnutrition of this research. I wish to express my profound
since there is enough quantity of carbohydrate to gratitude to Mr Adeyemo, John A. for
derive energy from in order to spare protein so proofreading the manuscript. I also want to thank
that protein can be used for its primary function Mr B. E. Okoh for the excellent supervision of
of building the body and repairing worn out this research work.
tissues rather than as a source of energy. COMPETING INTERESTS
4.2 Mineral Concentrations of the Flour Authors have declared that no competing
Sample of Soya Bean interests exist.
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(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
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