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Production and Quality Evaluation of Acha-tigernut Composite Flour and


Article in Asian Food Science Journal · March 2018

DOI: 10.9734/AFSJ/2018/39644

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5 authors, including:

Ayo Jerome Adekunle Ojo Mofoluwaso

Federal University Wukari Federal University of Technology Minna


Caleb Popoola
Federal University Wukari


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Asian Food Science Journal

1(3): 1-12, 2018; Article no.AFSJ.39644

Production and Quality Evaluation of Acha-tigernut

Composite Flour and Biscuits
J. A. Ayo1,2*, M. O. Ojo2, C. A. Popoola1, V. A. Ayo1 and A. Okpasu1
Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University Wukari, Wukari,
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Mkar, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author JAA designed the study,
performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
Authors MOO and AO managed the analyses of the study. Authors VAA and CAP managed the
literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/AFSJ/2018/39644
(1) Rupika Perera, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Science,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
(2) Uttara Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Foods and Nutrition
Govt. Home Science College, Panjab University, India.
(1) Siqun Jing, College of Life Sciences and Technology, Xinjiang University, China.
(2) K. Arise Abimbola, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
(3) Nilgün Ertaş, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sciencedomain.org/review-history/23829

Received 7 January 2018
Original Research Article Accepted 13th March 2018
Published 27 March 2018


The research is aimed at adding value to acha based biscuits using less known and underutilized
crops such as tigernuts. The objective of the study was to add value to acha based biscuits
Tiger(brown) seeds were sorted, washed and oven dried(45 C for 12hrs), milled(Attrition Mill) and
sieved.Acha grains were washed, destoned, dried(45 C), milled and sieved. The tigernut flour was
substituted at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% into acha flour to produce tigernut-acha composite flour and
100% acha as the control sample, used for production of biscuits with the addition of other
ingredients (baking fat, baking powder, salt and water). Powdered date palm was used instead of
sucrose (sugar). Functional and pasting properties of the composite flour and chemical, physical
and sensory properties of composite biscuits were determined. Bulk density, oil absorption
capacity, swelling power, swelling index, and foaming capacity increased from 0.772 to 0.91, 0.64
to 0.68, 235 to 370%, 3 to 9, 5.56 to 10.53 and 5.566 to 10.105, respectively with an increase in

*Corresponding author: Email: jeromeayo@yahoo.com, jeromeayo@gmail.com;

Ayo et al.; AFSJ, 1(3): 1-12, 2018; Article no.AFSJ.39644

the added tigernut flour. Peak, tough. Break down, final viscosity and set back values decreased
from 1322 to-925, 1049 to 803,270 to 122, 2677 to 2158 and 1628 to 1356RVA, respectively, with
an increase in the added tigernut flour. The spread ratio and break strength increased (5.2-5.9)
and decreased (0.515 to 0.315kg), respectively with an increase in the added tigernut flour. The
protein, ash, moisture and carbohydrate contents of the composite biscuits decreased from 6.04 to
5.22, 2.12 to 1.96, 9.42 to 8.81 and 68.84 to 66.46% respectively, while the fat, crude fibre and
energy content increased from 13.58 to -17.57, 2.06 to 4.01% and 421.72 to 444.77cal/g,
respectively, with increase in added tigernut flour. The average means scores for taste, aroma,
colour, and general acceptability decreased, while an increase were observed for other assessed
attributes. Addition of tigernut flour improved the fibre, fat and energy content as well as the
crispness and texture of acha-tigernut- biscuit .

Keywords: Tigernut-acha composite flour; biscuits.

1. INTRODUCTION Digitaria is a large genus and includes two

cultivated West African species, which include
The search for lesser known and underutilized Digitari exilis and Digitaria Ibura, the former
crops, many of which are potentially valuable as being very close to the Wild West African specie
human and animal food has been intensified to Digitaria Longiflora [10]. White fonio is the most
maintain a balance between population growth widely used and can be found in farmer field from
and agricultural productivity, particularly in the Senegal to Chad. It is grown particularly on the
tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. The upland plateau of Central Nigeria as well as
worsening food crisis and the consequent neighbouring regions, which include Togo and
widespread prevalence of malnutrition in Benin Republic [11].
developing and underdeveloped countries have
resulted in high mortality and morbidity rates, Acha is considered as one of the nutritious of all
especially among infants and children in low grains; its seeds contain 8.79% protein and may
income groups [1]. be up to 11.89% in some black fonio sample
[12,7,4]. The grains are rich in amino acids;
The ‘wheat trap’, a general phenomenon in which leucine (9.8%), methionine (5.6%) and valine
most food products are principally made from (5.8%) [12] and cysteine which are vital to human
wheat is one major constraint in biscuit health but deficient in today’s major cereals [11].
production. This has greatly increased the unit Acha grains contain substantial minerals (mostly
cost of biscuits. The low production of high- iron, calcium and phosphorus) about 5% dry
quality wheat flour in Nigeria and the banning of matter. The grains are commonly used in the
importation of same by the Nigerian Government production of local foods( ‘Caoscaus’, ‘gwate’ or
have called for research into alternative local ‘Tuwo’) in some countries in West Africa [4],
sources of flour baking e.g. cassava, acha, millet, and could be mixed with other cereal flours to
sorghum etc. [2] make cookies, as candy and fermented
beverages [3,13,14]. Acha grain could be a
Acha, one of the cereals belongs to the family substitute for semovita and other wheat products
Graminae and the sub – family Poaceae [3]. such as spaghetti and other pastas [11,6].
Acha (Digitaria exilis) originated in West Africa.
The plant acha, belongs to the Tigernut (Cyperus esculentus) is an underutilized
monocotyledonous family the graminae family. sedge of the family Cyperaceae which produces
As an annual grass, it is about 45cm height with rhizomes from the base and tubers that are
tiny, slightly elongated, yellow grains. It grows on somewhat spherical [15]. The plant is not really a
poor sandy soil, which often will not support the nut but a tuber first discovered some 4000 years
growth of some of the more popular cereals [4]. It ago [16]. It has other names like yellow
is an important crop in Southern Mali, Western nutsedge, chufa, flatsedge, rush nut, water
Burkina Faso, Eastern Senegal North East grass, earth almond, and Northern nut grass [16].
Nigeria and Southern Niger [5,6]. D. exilis is It is known in Nigeria as aya in Hausa, ofio in
commonly called acha, hungry rice or fonio Yoruba and akihausa in Igbo [17].
[7,8,9]. It was adopted by growers as a marginal
grain and forage crop due to its tolerance to soil Cyperus esculentus was reported as healthy and
stress and seasonal droughts [3,6]. helps in preventing heart attack, thrombosis and

Ayo et al.; AFSJ, 1(3): 1-12, 2018; Article no.AFSJ.39644

activates blood circulation. It helps in reducing sedimentation. The grain was sun-dried, milled
the risk colon cancer, due to the high content of (attrition mill), sieved (45 μm mesh size) to
soluble glucose [18]. The nut is rich in energy produce acha flour, hermetically packed (using
content (starch, fat, sugars and protein), mineral polyethene bag) and stored at 6ºC. The tigernuts
(phosphorus, potassium) and vitamins E and C were cleaned, sorted, washed, drained, dried in
[18]. Cyperus esculentus is suitable for diabetic an oven and grounded into flour. The flour
persons and also helps in checking weight [19]. samples were passed through a 45 μm mesh
Tigernut contain fairly high content of fibre and size sieve and stored at 4ºC until required for
arginine(2-Amino-5-guanidinopentanoic Acid) a use. Date palm was purchased from Wukari Old
precursor of nitric oxide which causes blood Market, Wuakari. The seeds were removed,
vessels to open wider for improved blood dried (45ºC for 12hrs), milled, sieved and packed
flow, liberation of the hormones that produce in polyethylene bag.
the insulin that could help in immediate
decomposition of sugar in the system, 2.2 Production of Tigernut-acha Com-
hence making it a good meal for diabetes [20] posite Flour
and prevention and treatment of many
including colon cancer, coronary heart diseases, The tigernut flour was substituted (2, 4, 6, 8,
obesity, diabetic patient and gastrointestinal 10%) into acha flour and mixed using kenwood
disorders [21]. blender to produce acha-tigernut composite
Tigernut flour could be a good alternative to
many other flours like wheat flour, as it is gluten 2.3 Production of Biscuits
free and good for people who cannot take gluten
in their diets. It is also used in the confectionery
The recipe (Table 1) was used. The Oyewole et
industry [18]. It is considered a good flour or
al. [22,9] method of biscuit production was
additive for the bakery industry, since its natural
slightly modified and adopted (Fig. 1). The date
sugar content is fairly high, avoiding the
palm flour was beaten into fat using a Kenwood
necessity of adding too much extra sugar [20].
mixer at medium speed until it becomes fluffy.
The acha-tigernut composite flour, baking
The research is aimed at adding value to acha
powder and salt with liquid milk were slowly
based biscuits.
added into the fluffy date palm-fat mixture and
mixed until a uniform smooth paste was
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS obtained. The paste was rolled on a flat oiled
rolling board forming a uniform thickness of 0.4
2.1 Preparation of Materials cm using a wooden rolling pin. Circular biscuits
of 4.0 cm diameter were cut (using a biscuit-
Tigernut seed used (brown) was obtained from a cutter), placed on a greased baking tray and
local market in Wukari, Taraba State, while acha baked at 160ºC for 15 min (BCH- Rotary oven,
grain(cream coloured) was purchased from Jos Great Britain). The biscuit was allowed to cool
Central Market, Jos, Nigeria. The acha grain was down (to about 32 C) and hermetically sealed in
washed using bowls to remove stones, adhering polyethylene bag.
dust and destoned using local calabash by

Table 1. Reciepe of tigernut-date palm-acha composite biscuits

Material Samples
Acha flour (%) 100 98 96 94 92 90
Tigernut flour (%) 0 2 4 6 8 10
Date palm flour (%) 30 30 30 30 30 30
Baking fat (%) 50 50 50 50 50 50
Baking powder (%) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Salt (%) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Water(ml) 10 10 10 10 10 10

Ayo et al.; AFSJ, 1(3): 1-12, 2018; Article no.AFSJ.39644

Fig. 1. Production of Acha-tigernut biscuits (modified Oyewole et al. [22,9] method)

2.4 Determination of Functional Pro- 2.4.3 Bulk density

perties of Acha-tigernut Composite
Flour A 50 g flour sample was put into a 100 ml
measuring cylinder. The cylinder was tapped
2.4.1 Water and oil absorption capacities continuously until a constant volume was
obtained. The bulk density (g cm-3) was
Water and oil absorption capacities of the flour calculated as weight of flour (g) divided by flour
samples were determined by Beuchat [23,24] volume (cm3) [26].
methods. One gram of the flour was mixed with 2.4.4 Swelling capacity
10 ml of water/oil in a centrifuge tube and
allowed to stand at room temperature (30 ± 2ºC) This was determined by the method described by
for 1 h. It was then centrifuged at 200 x g for 30 Narayana and Narasinga [25] with modification
min. The volume of water or oil on the sediment for small samples. One gram of the flour sample
water measured. Water and oil absorption was mixed with 10 ml distilled water in a
capacities were calculated as ml of water or oil centrifuge tube and heated at 80ºC for 30 min.
absorbed per gram of flour. This was continually shaken during the heating
period. After heating, the suspension was
2.4.2 Foam capacity and foam stability centrifuged at 10,000 rpm, decanted and the
paste weighed. The swelling power was
The method described by Narayana and calculated as indicated below. : swelling power =
Narasinga [25] was used for the determination of weight of the paste/weight of dry flour.
foam capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS). Two
grams of flour sample was added to 50 ml 2.4.5 Pasting property
distilled water at 30 ± 2 C in a 100 ml measuring
cylinder. The suspension was mixed using glass The pasting properties were determined using
rod and properly shaken to foam and the volume Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) [27]. 3.5 g of the
of the foam after 30 s was recorded. The FC was flour sample was weighed and dispensed into the
expressed as a percentage increase in volume. test canister,25 ml of distilled water was added,

Ayo et al.; AFSJ, 1(3): 1-12, 2018; Article no.AFSJ.39644

mixed thoroughly and was analysed using (white) plate of the same size to judges in each
the RVA using the manufacturer recommended panel cupboard under the fluorescent light; only
parameters. one sensory attribute was tested at one sitting.
Unless otherwise maintained all the
2.5 Analysis of Biscuit measurement were made in triplicate and the
values represented the average of the three
2.5.1 Physical measurements.

The weight and the diameter of the baked biscuit 2.6 Statistical Analysis
were determined using weighing balance
(Santual electronic weighing balance) and All data obtained from various analyses were
measurement with a calibrated ruler, subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using
respectively. The spread ratio was determined Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
using the method of Gomez et al. [28]. A column version 16.0. Means were separated with
of five well-formed biscuits were made and the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 95%
height was measured. Also the same was confidence level (p=0.05).
arranged horizontally edge to edge and the sum
diameter was measured. The spread ratio was 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
calculated as diameter/height.
3.1 Functional Property of Tigernut–acha
The break strength of the biscuit was determined composite Flour
using the method of Okaka and Isieh [29].
Biscuit of known thickness (0.4 cm) was placed The effect of the added tigernut flour on the
between two parallel wooden bars (3 cm apart). functional property of tigernut-acha composite
Weights were added on the biscuit until the flour is shown in Table 2. The bulk density and
biscuit snapped. The least weight that caused water absorption capacity decreased from
the breaking of the biscuit was regarded as the 0.475±00 to 0.433±00 g/100 g and 1.06±.03 to
break strength of the biscuit. 0.98±00 g/cm3, respectively with an increase in
the added tigernut flour. The decrease in the bulk
2.5.2 Chemical properties density with added tigernut flour which could be
related to its high fibre content could reduce the
The moisture content (hot air oven method), fat heaviness of the composite flour and that of the
(soxhlet extraction method), ash, and protein products and consequently the transportation
were determined using the methods of AOAC costs and post handling of the same. The loose
[30]. The carbohydrate content was determined density, oil absorption capacity, swelling power,
by simple difference while calorie value was swelling index and foaming capacity increased
estimated using Atwater factors by multiplying from 0.722±.01 -0.791±.00, 0.64±.06 – 0.68±.00,
the proportion of protein, fat, and carbohydrate 235.33± 2.52 – 271.60±.00%, 3±.00 – 9.33±.58,
by their respective physiological fuel values of and 5.566±.3 – 10.53±.01%, respectively with an
4,9 and 4 kcal/g, respectively, and taking the increase in the added tigernut flour. Foam
sum of the products [31]. stability (Fig. 2), showed a relative stability at 4%
added tigernut flour and decrease on further
2.5.3 Organoleptic properties addition (4 – 1 min) with an increase in whipping
duration(10-60 sec).
The sensory evaluation of the samples was
carried out for consumer acceptance and Water absorption capacity describes flour-water
preference using 20 randomly selected untrained association ability under limited water supply.
judges (students and staff of the Department of The result suggests that added tigernut could
Food Science and Technology, Federal increase the baking application of the tigernut-
University Wukari Nigeria). Nine points Hedonic acha composite flour e.g cookies [32]. The
scale (1 and 9 representing “ extremely dislike” relatively low increase in the oil absorption
and “ extremely like”, respectively was used for capacity could be due to low hydrophobic
the preference test. Qualities assessed include proteins which shows superior binding of lipids
colour (crust and crumb), odour, taste, texture [33]. The increase in the oil absorption capacity
(crumb and crust) and general acceptance. could improve flavour retainer in tigernut-acha
Coded samples of the same size and composite products. The increase in the forming
temperature (30 C) were served in a coloured capacity with added tigernut flour could be due to

Ayo et al.; AFSJ, 1(3): 1-12, 2018; Article no.AFSJ.39644

the soluble protein content [25] and the amount stress. It is a minimum viscosity value in the
of polar and non-polar lipids in a sample [34]. constant temperature phase of the RVA profile
The increase in the foaming capacity could and measures the ability of paste to withstand
improve the composite flour application in ice breakdown during cooling [27].
cream and foam mat biscuits industries.
The decrease in the breakdown value could be
3.2 Pasting Properties of Acha-tigernut attributed to the relatively high fibre content,
Composite Flour which could decrease the stability of the food
product when stored at high temperature. The
The peak, tough, break down, final viscosity and higher the breakdown value the higher the
set back of the tigernut-acha composite flour ability to remain undisrupted when subjected to
decreased from 1322.33±58 to 925.33±58, long period of constant high temperature and
1050.33±1.53 to 803.33±58, 272.00±1.73 to ability to withstand beak down during cooking
122.00±00, 2677.67±58 to 2158.33±29 and [36].
1628.33±58 to 1357.57±38RVA, respectively,
with an increase in the percentage of The decrease in the set back value due to the
added tigernut (Table 3). The decrease in the higher fibre content could be an advantage in the
peak viscosity could be due to the high level of improvement of the digestibility and lower
fibre and low carbohydrate level of the added tendency for retrogradation of tigernut composite
tigernut. food products. Higher set back values are
synonymous with reduced dough digestibility [37]
The added tigernut flour decrease the hold- while lower setback during the cooling of the
period (trough) of the samples. It is an indication paste indicates a lower tendency for
of breakdown or stability of starch gel during retrogradation [28]’.
cooking [35]. The hold-period sometimes called
holding strength, hot paste viscosity or trough The decrease in the final viscosity could be due
due to the accompanied breakdown in viscosity to the relatively high fibre value of the added
is a period when the sample was subjected to tigernut with subsequent negative effect on the
constant temperature and mechanical shear quality of starch [38].

Foaming stability(min)

10sec whiping duration

20sec whipping duration
40sec whipping duration
2 60sec whipping duration

0 2 4 6 8 10
Tigernut flour(%)

Fig. 2. Effect of added tigernut flour on the foam stability

Ayo et al.; AFSJ, 1(3): 1-12, 2018; Article no.AFSJ.39644

Table 2. Effect of added tiger-nut flour on the functional property of acha based biscuits

Acha Tiger-nut Bulk Loose Oil absorption Water absorption Swelling Least conc. for Foaming Swelling
flour (%) flour (%) density density capacity capacity index gelatination capacity power
100 0 0.47±.00a 0.71±01d 0.59±.06b 1.03±.03b 3.00±.00c 19.67±.58a 5.54±.03e 232.33±2.52e
98 2 0.47±.00a 0.72± 02d 0.65±.01a 1.05±.01a 3.67±.58c 18.33±.58b 6.26±.00d 251.67± .58d
96 4 0.46±.00b 0.74±.00c 0.64±.01a 1.05±.01a 4.67±.58bc 18.33±.58b 7.27±.01c 262.67 ±.58c
94 6 0.46±.00c 0.74±.00c 0.65±.01a 1.01±.01bc 6.00±.00b 18.00±.00b 8.94±.04b 266.33±.58b
92 8 0.44±.00d 0.77±.00b 0.66±.01a 1.00±.00c 7.00±.00b 18.00±.00b 8.93±.58b 269.33±.58a
90 10 0.43±.00e 0.79±.00a 0.68±.00a .98±.00d 9.33±.58a 16.33±.58c 10.53±.01a 271.00 ±.00a
Average means scores with the same alphabet in the same column are not significantly different, p=0.05

Table 3. Effect of added tiger-nut on the pasting properties of acha based biscuits

Acha Tigernut Peak Trough I Break dowm Final viscosity Set back viscosity Peak time Pasting
flour (%) flour (%) viscosity viscosity (Min) temperature(ºC)
100 0 1322.33±.58a 1050.33±1.53a 272.00±1.73a 2677.67±.58a 1628.33±.58a 5.57±.06ab 83.13±.06bc
98 2 1242.33±.58b 1012.33±.58b 230.33±.58b 2677.33±.58a 1665.33±.58b 5.61±.06a 83.18±.02b
96 4 1159.33±.58c 952.67±.58c 207.33±.58c 2571.33±.58b 1619.33±.58c 5.55±..06b 83.13±.06bc
94 6 1100.16±.29d 925.33±.58d 180.33±.58d 2506.00±.00c 1580.57±.38d 5.57±00ab 82.83±.06d
92 8 980.33±.58e 837.33±.58e 144.00±.00e 2281.33±.58d 1445.33±.58e 5.55±.06b 83.09±.08c
90 10 925.33±.58f 803.33±.58f 122.00±.00f 2158.33±.29e 1356.57±.38f 5.53±.00b 83.51±.01a
Average means scores with the same alphabet in the same column are not significantly different, p=0.05

Ayo et al.; AFSJ, 1(3): 1-12, 2018; Article no.AFSJ.39644

3.3 Physical Property of Tigernut–acha promote good health. It is also a carrier of fat-
Composite Flour soluble vitamins promoting the absorption of
vitamin A and carotene [19].
The spread ratio increased (5.20 ± .00 to 5.93
±.06) while the break strength decreased (0.57 Fiber content increased with increase in the
±.00 to 0.32±.00 kg) with increase in the added addition of tigernut flour. The value of fiber
tigernut flour (0-10%) (Table 4). The increase in obtained was within the recommended Protein
the spread ratio could be due to high fibre Advisory Group (PAG) of 5%. Ade-Omowaye et
content of the tigernut, which could decrease the al. [41] reported a fiber value of 0.8-3.2% for
viscosity of the paste prior to baking. The wheat and tigernut composite bread. The fiber
decrease in the break strength could be caused content of the samples was higher than reported
by the increase in the fibre content resulting in by Akapo et al. [43,44,45,46,47]. Dietary fiber is
weakening of the bond between the reported to have some beneficial effects on the
carbohydrates-carbohydrates and carbohydrate- muscles of the large and small intestine [48]. It is
protein molecules [39]. well known that soluble fibres generally increase
transit time through the gut, slow emptying of the
3.4 Chemical Composition of Tigernut – stomach and slow glucose absorption [49,50].
acha Composite Biscuit Tigernut tubers have high dietary fibre content
[51], so they may play a major role in lowering
The effect of the added tigernut flour on the blood glucose level. This observation supports
chemical composition of tigernut-acha composite an earlier hypothesis that the tuber may be
biscuit is shown in Table 5. The protein, ash, important for diabetics and those seeking to
moisture and carbohydrate contents decreased reduce weight [52]. However, a higher fibre diet
from 6.04±.01 to 5.20±.01, 2.12±.01 to 1.97±.02, is believed to have some adverse effect on
9.41±.01 to 8.82±.02, 68.84±.01 to 66.46±.00% mineral elements in the body [53].
respectively while the fat, crude fibre and the
energy calorie content increased from 13.57±.01 3.5 Sensory Quality of Acha-tigernut
to 17.54±.05%, 2.06±.01 to 4.01±.00% and
Composite Biscuit
421.71±.01 to 444.78±.01cal/g, respectively with
an increase in the added tigernut flour.
The average means scores for taste, aroma,
The decrease in moisture content with increase colour, mouthfeel and general acceptability
in the added tigernut could have a positive effect decreased from 5.89 ± .04 - 5.22± .31, 6.06 ±
on the shelf life stability, as moisture could lead .10 - 5.05±.07 , 6.83± .04 - 6.08± .11, 5.95± .07
to product spoilage due to oxidation reaction [24]. - 5.03± .04 and 5.98 ± .74 - 6.00±.00 while the
There was a progressive increase in the fat crispness and appearance increased from 6.35
content with increase in added tigernut. This may ±.07 - 6.75 ± .07 and 5.60 ±.00 - 6.05 ± .07,
be due to the higher level of fat (32.88%) in respectively, with the increase in the percentage
tigernut flour [40]. A fat content of 7.7 – 17.3% of added tigernut flour(Table 6). The increase in
was reported by Ade-Omowaye et al. [41]. The the crispness could be due to the increase in the
fat content (13.57±.01- 17.54±.05%) of the fibre content which agrees with the finding of Ayo
samples were higher than the recommended et al. [54]. The decrease in taste and aroma are
value Protein Advisory Group (PAG) weaning not significant, p=0.05, however at 8% and
food [41,42]. Hence, partial defatting of the above of added tigernut, a significant effect
tigernut flour before utilization might yield a better was observed for other assessed parameters.
result, though fat is important in the infant diet Generally, the products were fairly acceptable
because it contains essential fatty acids which (5.98 ± .74 - 6.00±.00).

Table 4. Effect of added tiger-nut flour on the physical properties of acha based biscuits

Acha flour (%) Tigernut flour (%) Spread ratio Break strength(kg)
100 0 5.20 ± .00f 0.57 ±.00a
98 2 5.25 ± .00e 0.52±.00b
96 4 5.30±.00d 0.47±.00c
T94 6 5.43 ±.06c 0.37±.002d
92 8 5.70 ±.006b 0.34±.00e
90 10 5.93 ±.06a 0.32±.00f
Average means scores with the same alphabet in the same column are not significantly different, p=0.05

Ayo et al.; AFSJ, 1(3): 1-12, 2018; Article no.AFSJ.39644

Table 5. Effect of added tigernut on the proximate composition acha based biscuits

Acha flour (%) Tiger nut flour (%) Protein (%) Fat (%) Ash (%) Moisture (%) Carbohydrate (%) Energy cal/g Fibre (%)
100 0 6.04±.01a 13.57±.01f 2.12±.01a 9.41±.01a 68.84±.01a 421.71±.01f 2.06±.01f
.98 2 5.87±.00b 14.21±.01e 2.08±.00b 9.02±.01 68.83±.00b 426.83±.16e 2.62e±.01d
.96 4 5.45±.00c 15.06±.00d 2.06±.00c 8.88±.01 68.55±.01c 431.89±.60d 3.22±.00c
.94 6 5.36±.00d 16.22±.01c 2.01±.01d 8.88±.01 67.53±.00d 437.55±.01c 3.17±.01d
92 8 5.21±.00e 17.49±.01b 2.00±.00d 8.84±.00 66.46±.00e 444.09±.00b 3.63±.00e
90 10 5.20±.01f 17.54±.05a 1.97±.02e 8.82±.02 66.46±.00e 444.78±.01a 4.01±.00f
Average means scores with the same alphabet in the same column are not significantly different, p=0.05

Table 6. Effect o f added tigernut flour on the sensory quality of acha-tigernut biscuits

Acha flour (%) Tigernut Flour (%) Taste Aroma Colour Crispness Appearance Mouth feel Gen accept
100 0 5.89 ± .04ab 6.06 ± .10a 6.83± .04a 5.95± .07bc 6.35 ±.07b 5.60 ±.00d 5.98 ± .74a
98 2 6.02 ± .03a 6.22± .18a 6.65 ±.07a 6.15± .07ab 6.43 ± .04b 6.02 ± .04c 6.42 ±.04a
96 4 5.95 ±.04ab 6.23± .04a 6.43±b .04b 6.35 ± .07a 6.38 ± .11b 5.73 ± .04b 6.32 ±.04a
94 6 5.73± .04ab 5.50± .14b 6.38 ±.11b 5.88± .18bc 6.30 ± .07b 5.98 ± .04a 6.28 ± .04a
98 8 5.63± .01b 5.33 ± .04b 5.90 ±.14c 5.68± .18c 6.90± .14a 5.48 ± .04a 6.03 ± .04a
90 10 5.22± .31c 5.05±.07c 6.08± .11c 5.03± .04c 6.75 ± .07a 6.05 ± .07a 6.00± .00a
Average means scores with the same alphabet in the same column are not significantly different, p=0.05

Ayo et al.; AFSJ, 1(3): 1-12, 2018; Article no.AFSJ.39644

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