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Doum broilers 2

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Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary


1(3): 215-222, 2018; Article no.AJRAVS.43468

Effects of Dietary Levels of Doum Palm Pulp Meal

(Hyphaene thabaica) Supplementation on the
Performance of Broiler Chickens
Abdulsalam Ibrahim1, Magaji Muktar Yahya2 and Bah Sani Usman3*
Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Gujba, Yobe State, Nigeria.
Department of Animal Science, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State,
Desert Research Monitoring and Control Centre, Yobe State University, Damaturu, Yobe State,

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author AI designed the study, wrote
the protocol, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Authors MMY and BSU performed the
statistical analysis and managed the analyses of the study. Author BSU managed the literature
searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/AJRAVS/2018/43468
(1) Dr. Fabio da Costa Henry, Associate Professor, Technology of Animal Products, State University of Northern of Rio de
Janeiro, UENF, Brasil.
(1) P. Chisoro, Aarhus University, Denmark and Wageningen University, Netherlands.
(2) Juan Carlos Troiano, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(3) Ioniță Lucian, Romania.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sciencedomain.org/review-history/26897

Received 22 July 2018

Accepted 09 September 2018
Original Research Article
Published 29 October 2018


The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of Doum palm pulp meal (Hyphaene thabaica)
supplementation on growth performance in broiler chickens. A total of two hundred day old unsexed
strain of Anak 2000 broiler chicks were subjected to 49-day study period. Chicks were randomly
allotted to five dietary treatments with 10 birds per replicate and 40 birds per treatment in a
completely randomized design (CRD). The levels of Doum palm inclusion were 0.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0
and 12.5% coded as (treatment 1 to 5) T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 respectively. The birds in all groups
were reared under deep litter system; feed and water were provided ad-libitum. Dietary Doum palm
was not significant (P>.05) in terms of weight gain and feed intake in the same vein, the feed


*Corresponding author: E-mail: saniusmanbah@gmail.com;

Ibrahim et al.; AJRAVS, 1(3): 215-222, 2018; Article no.AJRAVS.43468

conversion ratio was not significantly altered at the starter phase of the study. At the finisher phase
weight gain and feed conversion ratio were significant at (P<.01) and (P = .05) respectively, while
daily feed intake was not affected. Birds on T4 had the highest daily weight gain (43.75g) while
those on T1 had the lowest (33.97g). The same trend was elicited for feed conversion ratio with T4
haven the inferior value (1.22) while T1 was (1.44). The economic analysis showed significant
variation in feed cost per kg in terms of broiler production across treatment groups. Feed cost
kg/gain appeared to be higher in T1 (₦ 516.17) while lowest in T4 (₦ 267.92) this showed that
increased level of Doum palm pulp meal will not increase the cost of production. Doum palm
supplementation in broiler diets could improve growth performance especially in the level of 10.0%
that was found to be better than the control and other treatment groups. It is therefore
recommended that 10% level of inclusion of Doum palm pulp meal could be used in compounding
broiler feeds.

Keywords: Doum palm pulp meal; broilers; growth performance and economic analysis.

1. INTRODUCTION Doum or Ginger bread palm which grows to a

height of 6 or 9 m and usually has forked of
Broiler productions represent one of the most stems with fan shaped leaves, 65 to 75 cm long.
economic and easiest means of bridging the It is listed as one of the useful plant of world [4].
supply and demand gap of animal protein, due to Therefore, in view of the potentially beneficial
their rapid growth rate and efficient feed effects of Doum palm pulp meal
conversion. In addition, compared to their rapid supplementation, the present study was
growth rate, broilers enjoy a relative advantage undertaken to find out the effects of Doum palm
of easy management, quick return to capital pulp meal supplementation on body weight gain,
investments and wide acceptance of its meat for feed consumption, feed conversion ratio,
human consumption. However, in spite of these mortality and cost of broiler production in
enormous potentials, broiler production in many unsexed strain of ‘Anak 2000’broiler chickens.
tropical and sub-tropical countries is affected by
scarcity and the high cost of conventional feed 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
ingredients [1]. However, the importance of
poultry to the national economy cannot be The study was carried out in the poultry
overemphasized, as it has become popular production unit of the Teaching and Research
industry for the small holders that have a great Farm of the Department of Animal Science and
contribution to the economy of the country [2]. Range Management, Modibbo Adama University
of Technology (MAUTECH) Yola, Adamawa
Most tropical countries have a shortage of State, Nigeria. Two hundred unsexed strain of
conventional protein and energy concentrates Anak 2000 broiler chicks were randomly allotted
like soya beans meal and maize. The to five diets in which Doum palm pulp meal was
competition between man and poultry for food incorporated at 0.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5%
ingredients is due basically to insufficient designated as diets 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively.
production of the feed items locally. Indeed the Person’s square method of feed formulation was
use of grains for feeding poultry when human used in formulating the feed taking into
needs have not been met raises questions of consideration the contribution of nutrients from all
economic and moral justification. the ingredients, age of the animals and
environmental factors. Diets were compounded
Doum fruit (Hyphaene thebaica) is a good source using graded levels of Doum palm pulp meal and
of essential minerals such as potassium, sodium, it was ensured that the diets meet the
calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. requirements of broiler production in the tropics
Furthermore, Doum fruit has shown to provide as reported by Aduku [15]; Olomu [7]; and NRC
essential B-complex vitamins, carbohydrate and [8].
fibres essential for good nutrition. Doum fruit
possess good functional properties which can be The dried Doum palm fruits were purchased from
used for various important applications in food the local market at Gashua, Yobe state, Nigeria,
industry [3]. Doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica) is it was sorted and some were rejected. Using
a desert palm native to Egypt, sub Saharan mortar and pestle the pulp was separated from
Africa and west India, it is known in Egypt as the the kernel and the sample was (Doum palm pulp)

Ibrahim et al.; AJRAVS, 1(3): 215-222, 2018; Article no.AJRAVS.43468

then ground into fine particles called the Doum periodically while feeders and drinkers routinely
palm pulp meal. Finally, the pulp meal was boiled cleaned.
for 20 to 30 minutes at a relatively low
temperature to reduce the level of anti-nutritional Based on the vaccination schedule for north
factors. It was later sundried for the period of 3 to eastern Nigeria chicks were vaccinated against
4 days before it was used for feed compounding. infectious busal disease (IBD) and Newcastle
disease. Feed and water were given ad-libitum
Before the arrival of the chicks, the pen was and the study lasted for the period of seven
thoroughly swept, washed and disinfected, so as weeks. The extension to seven week was due to
to eliminate any disease causing organisms the heat stress (tropic) experience by the birds
present that may be a source of infection to the toward the end of the study (39 – 40ºC), which
chicks. After three days when the pen is dried, consequently reduces feed intake and thereby
wood shaving was spread on the cemented floor general performance.
to a depth of about two to three centimeters (2 –
3 cm) to serve as an insulator and also absorb During the study, data were collected on growth
moisture from droppings, it was covered with an performance which includes: feed intake that was
old newspaper to avoid it been eaten by the measured on daily basis by subtracting leftover
chicks. All brooding equipment were cleaned, from feed served per group adequate measures
washed and disinfected. A medium size infrared were taken to minimised feed wastage.
was used as a source of heat. Flat feeding trays
and plastic drinkers were used for feeds and Feed intake = Feed offered (g) – Feed
water in the brooding pen. On arrival, chicks leftover (g)
were given feed and water containing anti-stress
to relieve them of transit stress. Subsequently, as Body weight gain, the birds were weighted to
the birds grow, they were switched over to bigger determine their initial weight thereafter weekly to
cone shaped plastic feeders and drinkers, determined weekly weight gain the difference
similarly all brooding management was strictly between preceding weight and the initial weight
taken into consideration. All vaccines were gave the weekly weight gain.
administered in clean drinking water and proper
sanitation was maintained during the study Body weight gain = Current body weight (g) –
period. The litter materials were changed previous body weight (g)

Table 1. Ingredients composition (%) of broiler starter and finisher diets

Ingredients Starter diets Finisher diets

(%) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Maize 52.50 46.50 43.00 40.00 37.00 52.50 46.50 43.00 40.00 37.00
Soya bean 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Wheat offal 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Fish meal 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Bone meal 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Lime stone 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Premix 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Salt 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Lysine 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Methionine 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Groundnut 18.0 19.0 20.0 20.5 20.5 18.0 19.0 20.0 20.5 20.5
Palm oil 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.0
Doum palm 0.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 0.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Vitamin /minerals premix each kg contains; vitamin A500 iµ, vitamin D3,888000 iµ, vitamin E,12,000mg, vitamin
K3, 15,000 mg, vitamin B1, 1000 mg, B2, 2000 mg, vitamin B6, 1500 mg, Niacin, 12000 mg, Pantothenic acid,
2000 mg, Biotin, 1000 mg, vitamin B12, 3000 mg, Folic acid 1500 mg, Choline chloride< 60,000 mg, Manganese,
10,000 mg Iron, 1500 mg, Zinc, 800 mg, Copper 400 mg, Iodine, 80 mg, Cobalt 40 mg, Selenium, 8000mg.

Ibrahim et al.; AJRAVS, 1(3): 215-222, 2018; Article no.AJRAVS.43468

Table 2. Calculated values of ingredients composition of broiler starter and finisher diets

Ingredients Starter diets Finisher diets

(%) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Crude protein 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
ME (kcal/kg) 3120 3053 2948 2987 2940 3040 2973 2940 2907 2900
Crude fiber (%) 4.10 4.77 5.11 4.81 5.43 4.28 4.98 5.27 5.59 5.93
Calcium (%) 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29
Phosphorus 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34
Lysine (%) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Methionine (%) 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86

Feed conversion ratio which is the index of feed the starter diets ranges from 23.66 to 23.30%
utilisation and was obtained on a weekly basis. It and that of finisher diets was 19.20 to 20.40%
is measured by dividing the mean feed intake by while, the metaboliserble energy was found to be
mean live weight gain for each treatment group 2962.58 to 3142.52 and 2915.65 to 3174.10
using the following relation: kcal/kg in starter and finisher diets respectively.
The chemical composition revealed that the
crude protein (23% starter diets, 20% finisher
diets) and metaboliserble energy value of about
2900 kcal/kg as well as other parameters met the
All data generated from the study were subjected requirement for broiler production under the
to analysis of variance as described by Steel and tropical environment (Olomu, 1995 [7]; NRC [8].
Torrie [5]. Means were separated using Duncan’s
Multiple Range Test, where significant 3.3 Performance of Broiler Chicks Fed
differences exist. The percentage ingredients Diets Containing Different Levels of
compositions of starter and finisher diets are Doum Palm Pulp Meal
presented in (Tables 1 and 2).
3.3.1 Feed intake
The average daily feed intake of broiler chicken
3.1 Proximate Composition of Doum fed graded levels of dietary Doum palm pulp
Palm Pulp Meal meal in the study showed non-significant
difference (P>.05) across the treatments. The
The result of the proximate composition of Doum decrease in feed intake across the dietary
palm pulp meal is presented in Table 3 and treatments may probably be because of increase
analyzed according to (AOAC, 2000) [6], the in fibre level and decrease in the energy level as
result showed that Doum palm pulp meal was the Doum palm pulp meal increased in the
low in protein (2.92) but an excellent source of dietary treatments which may have affected the
energy. The ingredient was used as an energy palatability which agrees with the report of Kwari
source due to the fact that it contained a high and Igwebuike [9] they reported a decrease in
amount of (metabolisable energy) of feed intake with an increase in the dietary levels
2254.5kcal/kg as shown in (Table 2), the content of Parkia pulp. On the other hand feed intake in
of the Doum palm pulp meal may significantly finisher diets fed graded levels of Doum palm
induce an increase in body weight because of pulp meal also show non-significant (P=.05)
the nature and variety of nutrients it supply. difference across the treatment groups. This
agrees with the report of Olajide [10] who
3.2 Proximate Composition of reported that the non-significant (P =.05)
Experimental Broiler Starter and difference in feed intake could point to better
Finisher Diets ability of these older birds (finishers) to tolerate
contents of anti-nutritional factors in soaked wild
The result of chemical composition of the starter Cocoyam corms.
and finisher diets as analyzed according to
(AOAC, 2000) [6] showed the crude protein of

Ibrahim et al.; AJRAVS, 1(3): 215-222, 2018; Article no.AJRAVS.43468

3.3.2 Weight gain Adamawa State has a maximum temperature

between 38 to 40 C, with an altitude 299 meters
The result of the study on daily weight gain for above the sea level (www.adamawastate.gov.ng,
broiler starter fed graded levels of dietary Doum [16].
palm pulp meal were not significant (P>.05)
across the treatment groups. The result of the 3.3.4 Mortality
study is in agreement with the report of Kwadwo
et al. [11] who reported no significant (P>.05) The cumulative mortality rate was lower in the
difference with regards to an average daily birds of treatment 3, 4, and 5 than the control
weight gain of broiler starter when cockerels group. There was no mortality in starter phase
were fed graded levels of tiger nut meal. The whereas, in the finisher phase thirteen birds were
daily weight gain in broiler finisher and overall recorded, four out of the thirteen birds were from
performance fed graded levels of Doum palm the control group. This may be attributed to the
pulp meal showed significant (P = .05) difference effect of heat stress experienced by the birds
across the dietary treatment with the highest towards the end of the study.
weight gain obtained in T4 (43.75 and 34.63)
respectively. The result of the study agrees with Table 3. Proximate Composition of Doum
that of Kwari and Igwebuike [9] who reported an palm pulp Meal
increase in daily weight gain as level of Parkia
pulp increased across the dietary treatments. Nutrients Percentage composition (%)
This may be due to palatability; nature and Protein 2.92
variety of nutrients supply by Doum palm pulp Fat 0.49
meal and essentially Doum palm contained a
Calcium 0.15
high amount of energy, provide essential B-
Moisture 10.42
vitamins and save as antioxidant. Therefore,
Doum palm pulp meal (DPPM) may be a good Ash 7.37
dietary energy source for optimal growth of Crude fibre 15.14
broiler chickens. ME (Kcal/kg) 2254.5
ME: Metabolizable Energy
3.3.3 Feed conversion ratio
Fig. 1 showed the daily weight gain in broiler
In the study, non-significant difference (P>.05) starter which was not significant across treatment
was observed in the starter phase for the feed groups whereas, the weight gain in broiler
conversion ratio (FCR) among the treatments finisher was significantly (P = .05) different when
groups and this was probably due to the compared to the control diet. The daily weight
uniformity of nutrients in the feed. The result in gain and feed conversion ratio in the overall
the current study was also in agreement with the performance in Fig. 2 indicate that daily weight
study of Jacob et al. [12] who reported non- gain increased across the treatment with the
significant difference (P>.05) in feed conversion highest gain in treatment four in the same vein
ratio for Hubbard Classic broiler chicks and the feed conversion ratio was observed to be lower
result of Okeye et al., [13] who also reported no (2.43) and this indicate the lower the feed
significant difference (P>.05) in feed conversion conversion ratio the better the feed utilization.
ratio when Maize replaced Sorghum up to 20%
level of inclusion. Feed conversion ratio at the 3.4 Economic Analysis
finisher stage showed significant (P = .05)
difference with a highest value 3.64 observed in Feed cost/kg (FC) and Total feed cost (TFC)
T1the higher value observed may be attributed to were higher in T1 (₦179.13 and ₦ 784.58)
the effect of heat stress experienced by the birds respectively. Feed cost (kg/gain) was also higher
towards the end of the study this was in line with in T1 (₦516.17) the result showed that feed cost
the study conducted by Lucas et al., [14] who per kg gain decreases as the level of Doum palm
reported that broiler subjected to heat stress had pulp meal was increased. Lower cost/kg gain
significantly (P = .05) reduced feed intake and revealed a reduction in the cost of production,
higher feed conversion ratio (2.56%) at 42 days better performance and lower FCR obtained in
of age. This was in agreement with the climatic T5 (₦267.92/gain) where inclusion level of maize
condition found in Yola Adamawa State Nigeria. was reduced significantly.

Ibrahim et al.; AJRAVS, 1(3): 215-222, 2018; Article no.AJRAVS.43468

Table 4. Performance of broiler chickens fed diets containing graded levels of Doum palm pulp

Parameters Diets P- SEM

1 2 3 4 5 Values
Initial weight (g) 150.75 147.75 145.00 148.00 152.25 0.164 2.05
Week 4 weight (g) 805.75 780.00 766.50 778.25 798.00 0.658 21.10
Final weight (g) 956.50 927.75 911.50 926.25 950.25 0.741 23.64
Starter phase
DFI (g) 64.06 63.83 64.05 63.98 64.68 0.692 0.43
DWG (g) 28.52 27.85 27.37 27.79 28.50 0.996 2.44
FCR 2.22 2.29 2.30 2.30 2.26 0.827 0.06
Mortality (No) 0 0 0 0 0 - -
Finisher phase
DFI (g) 123.56 115.25 120.24 111.31 117.10 0.599 5.57
d bc cd a ab *
DWG (g) 33.97 39.57 36.12 43.75 40.35 0.351 1.17
a ab ab b ab
FCR 3.64 2.91 3.32 2.54 2.90 0.110 0.24*
Mortality 4 3 2 2 2 - -
Overall performance
DFI (g) 44.78 42.93 44.06 42.14 43.57 0.917 1.13
b ab b a a
DWG (g) 31.00 32.87 31.12 34.63 33.57 0.035 0.67**
a abc ab c bc
FCR 1.44 1.30 1.41 1.22 1.29 0.314 0.04*
Mortality (No) 4 3 2 2 2 - -
a,b,c = means within the same raw bearing different superscripts differ significantly (P= .05)*,
(P<.01)**,(P<.001)***.ns = not significant, DWG = daily weight gain, DFI = daily feed intake,
FCR = feed conversion ratio, SEM = standard error of mean.

Body weight (g)

1 2 3 4 5
Treatment 1 to 5

Body weight of broiler starter Body weight of broiler finisher

Fig. 1. The body weight gain of broiler starter and finisher in treatment 1 to 5

Ibrahim et al.; AJRAVS, 1(3): 215-222, 2018; Article no.AJRAVS.43468

DWG and FCR (g)

1 2 3 4 5
Treatment 1 to 5

overall performance DWG overall performance FCR

Fig. 2. The overall performance in DWG and FCR of broiler chickens in treatment 1 to 5

Table 5. Economic of broiler chicken fed dietary levels of doum palm supplement

Parameters Levels of doum palm pulp meal in the diets

1(0%) 2 (5%) 3 (7.5%) 4 (10%) 5 (12.5%)
TFI(kg) 4.38 4.20 4.31 4.12 4.27
FC (₦/kg) 179.13 111.68 108.24 110.55 122.55
TFC (₦) 784.58 469.05 466.51 455.47 523.30
TWG (kg) 1.52 1.61 1.53 1.70 1.60
FC (₦/kg/gain) 516.17 291.33 304.90 267.92 327.06
Cost saving - 224.84 211.27 248.25 189.11
TFI: total feed intake, FC: feed cost, TFC: total feed cost, TWG: total weight gain, KG: kilogram, ₦: naira

4. CONCLUSION specific national laws where applicable. All

experiments have been examined and approved
It is evident that Doum palm pulp meal (DPPM) by Animal utilization and study committee.
possessed good dietary energy quality for
optimal growth of broiler chickens. Thus, Doum COMPETING INTERESTS
palm pulp meal could be a potential energy
source for broiler chickens production, therefore Authors have declared that no competing
up to 12.5% of DPPM can be included in the interests exist.
diets of broiler chickens. However, dietary level
of 10% Doum palm pulp meal with a cost saving REFERENCES
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© 2018 Ibrahim et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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