Copyright © 2023 Villanueva. This article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
ABSTRACT: The study was conducted from December 15, 2019 to January 26, 2020 at College of Agriculture and
Forestry, Apayao State College, Cubet-Malama, Conner, Apayao, Philippines aimed to evaluate the effect of different
probiotics on the growth performance of broiler chicken, specifically on the initial and weekly body weight, gain in weight,
percentage rate of growth, feed consumption, dressing percentage and feed conversion ratio and efficiency, using T 1-
pure Water, T2 – commercial probiotics, T3 – effective microorganism, and T4 – fermented fruit juice as water additive. The
experiment was laid out using the Completely Randomized Design. The probiotics and the fermented fruit juice did not
show any significant effect on the growth performance of broiler chicken on body weight, gain in weight, percentage rate
of growth, feed consumption, water consumption and feed conversion ratio and efficiency. The percentage livability of
Treatments 1, 3, and 4 was still impressive since the standard of 5% mortality rate was not reached, which implies that
the used of commercial probiotics and fermented fruit Juice or organic acids affects immunity. On the income over feed,
additive and chick cost, the use of fermented fruit juice had the potential to improve the growth performance of broiler
chicken in the sense that it was comparable with the effective microorganism and commercial probiotics as exhibited in
the body weights, feed and water consumption, gain in weight, percentage rate of growth and feed conversion ratio and
efficiency. Therefore, the use of probiotics and fermented fruit juice from banana are safe in raising broiler chicken for
table meat, and it is recommended to use in the chicken production as it increases the income over feed, additive and
chick cost. Further study is recommended using other ingredients of fermented fruit juice to validate the concept of
probiotics as a viable modality in poultry production.
Poultry production is one of the segment of livestock environmental issues like global warming which is
production which plays an important role in the Gross associated with the industrialized poultry production
National Product of the Philippines and to the world system.
economy as well. Nowadays, global production of poultry Probiotics are used mainly to help ensure health status
meat has been growing faster than that of any other meat. by maintaining the digestive microbial balance and
But farmer’s major problem in the Philippines is the very reducing potential pathogenic bacteria which have the
high cost of conventional feedstuffs, medicines and other effect improving performance and productivity (growth,
inputs which are very important in the production. Broiler increases egg production, and feed conversion).
raiser faces increasing challenging to come up with Probiotics used in birds aiming to prevent and combat
positive market outlook. One of these is consumer digestive disorders based on competitive exclusion of
concerns over food safety, product quality and potentially pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella, Escherichia
Krismiyanto et al. 73
coli, Clostridium perfringens), antimicrobial secretions concentrated EM solution that contains all beneficial
(bacteriocins), the stimulation of an immune response that microorganisms. Stock EM is not a fertilizer, a chemical or
contributes to the maintenance or reinstallation of a synthetic. It is not also genetically engineered. Stock EM
‘intestinal health” (Higgins et al., 2008). Organic input is is a basic dominant form of EM and is therefore usually
highly recommended to use as water additives that may used to produce multiplied EM (M-EM). Multiplied EM is
contain wide array of substantial vitamins and minerals the activated, secondary form of EM. It consists of S-EM
which is considered necessary to animals. (1-3%), molasses (3-5%) and water ((94%). The molasses
The Apayao province where the study was conducted is serves as a nutrient source for the microorganism,
located deep in the Cordillera mountains of Norther Luzon, consequently leading to the growth and multiplication of
Philippines. The Apayao province is classified into upper the microorganisms. EM Bokashi is an essential
and lower. Upper Apayao with 3 municipalities occupies supplement feed for animals. It is made from 1 to 2%
67.2% of the total land area and has mountainous Multiplied EM, 1% molasses and 98% water, which is then
topography classified by towering peaks, plateaus and added to organic feed materials. It has various
intermittent patches of valleys. Lower Apayao on the other applications, but is mostly used as a form of animal feed.
hands comprising 4 municipalities is in 32.8% of total land According to Chantsawang and Watcharangkul (2003),
area described as flat with rolling mountains and plateaus EM was first introduced and used extensively in Asia; the
(PSA, 2020). The province of Apayao is known as an technology was later introduced to other various countries.
agricultural province that produces agricultural commodi- The use of EM in animal husbandry nowadays is very well
ties such as rice, corn, cassava, and banana. Based on identified in many parts of the world. In a study conducted
the 2018 PSA survey, the top three crops produced by the in Belarus by Konoplya and Higa (2000), EM was
province were casava with 76.3 percent followed by successfully used in poultry and swine units as feed
banana with 7.9 percent and squash fruit with 6.5 percent constituent and sanitation spray. In south Africa, EM was
contributed to the total production in Apayao (PSA, 2018). used to increase productivity in integrated animal units and
In the formulation of Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ), banana poultry farms (Hanekon et al., 2001). Result of EM
fruit was recommended as the best substrate and Apayao experiment conducted on 27000 Kuroki broilers in Japan
has its vast resources on this production. was reported by Higa (1994). EM was administered in
drinking water, EM Bokashi in feed slicing and cleaning out
the hen coops with an EM dilute solution. Of the 27000
Probiotic chicks reared by this operation, survival rate increased to
97% for the birds raised by EM methods. In actual figure,
Probiotics contribute to recover the histology of both the this made an increase of 3780 fowls ready and shipped to
intestine and the thymus damaged. Probiotic bacteria are market. An alternative is the use of probiotics, prebiotics
emerging as a safe and natural strategy for allergy and symbiotic (feeding probiotic microorganism together
prevention and treatment. Probiotic bacteria, their cell with prebiotic substances) which might contribute to
walls or probiotic fermented milk have significant effects digestion due to the development of beneficial
on the functionality of the mucosal and systemic immune microorganisms in the gastro-intestinal tract (Pelicano et
systems through the activation of multiple immune al., 2004).
mechanisms (Maldonado Galdeano et al., 2019). Effective Microorganisms (probiotics) may be suitable
replacements of antibiotics. According to Fuller (1992) and
Effect of fermented fruit juice and effective Reid et al. (2003), probiotic is defined as live
microorganism (EM) to animals microorganisms that, when administered in adequate
amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. There is now
Fermented fruit Juice (FFJ) can be used as spray to animal mounting evidence that selected probiotic strains can
beddings to hasten manure decomposition. Fermented provide health benefits to their human host. Besides their
Fruit Juice contains beneficial microorganisms that help in use for controlling pathogenic bacteria, probiotics have
the decomposition process. FFJ, likewise use as a also been used to improve the growth of poultry (Stavric
nutritional drink- a 20% Fermented Fruit Juice solution and Kornegay 2008).
makes an excellent drink for both human and livestock.
(Business Diary Philippines, 2019).
It was concluded that fermented feed influences the Effects of probiotics on the performance of chicken
bacterial ecology of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces
the levels of eneterobacteriaceae in the different parts of Probiotics are defined as live microbial food supplements,
the gastrointestinal tract (van Winsen et al. 2001). which beneficially influence human (Songisepp et al.,
Effective microorganism (EM) products that are for 2005) and animal health (Carroll et al., 2007; Messaoudi
poultry production are Stock EM, Multiplied EM and et al., 2011; Lee et al., 2008; Gratz et al., 2010). Al-khalaifa
Bokashi (solid form of EM). Stock EM is the basic, et al. (2019) said that probiotics and prebiotics can be used
74 J. Anim. Sci. Vet. Med.
in chicken feed safely and without any adverse effects on compartments, surrounded by curtains and electricity was
the productive parameters and immune status of the flock. installed using incandescent bulb of 100 watts. Each pen
The resulting inhibition of nuclear factor-kB and increased measured about 24 x 24 inches. The chicks were cared
expression of heat shock proteins may account for the anti- and managed for 14 days before they were transferred to
inflammatory and cytoprotective effects reported for the growing house. It was subdivided by 12 experimental
probiotics and may be a novel mechanism of microbial- units with a measurement of 1 x 1 m. The study was
epithelial interaction (Petrof et al. (2004). Several studies conducted at the Agriculture Instructional, Research, and
reported the antioxidant activity on probiotic bacteria using Production Unit, College of Agriculture and Forestry,
assays in vitro (Shen et al., 2011). Widely, probiotics Apayao State College, Cubet-Malama, Conner, Apayao.
contain different lactic acid producing bacteria: The experimental house so as the feeding and drinking
bifidobacteria, lactobacilli or enterococci (Songisepp et al., jars were thoroughly cleaned with powder soap and
2005). For the chicken, the intestinal lactic acid bacteria disinfected with Lysol mixed with water for one week
are mainly Lactobacillus and Enterococcus (Mitsuoka, before the arrival of the chicks. Likewise, proper hygiene,
2002). sanitation, and strict biosecurity measures were observed
Additives such as enzymes, probiotics, organic acids, throughout the study to prevent the occurrence of
plant extracts and also supplements improve food flavour diseases. One hundred twenty (120) day-old Minerva
and palatability. Numerous studies show that probiotics broiler was used in the study. These were purchased at
have a positive effect on chicken performance – growth Belstenn Commercial and Farm Supply, Public Market,
and feed efficiency (Ahmad, 2006; Abaza et al., 2008; Roxas, Isabela. The brooder pen was matted with rice hull
Cakιr et al., 2008) and on health and immune response which was checked daily to maintain cleanliness and
(Audisio et al., 2000; Koenen et al., 2002; Griggs and sanitation for the chicks. Curtains were made up from
Jacob, 2005; Demeterova et al., 2008). empty sacks and placed around the housing to conserved
Probiotics are microorganisms that are fed to animals to heat inside the brooder. Light was switched from 6:00 PM
colonize the intestinal environment and promote a better until 6:00 AM to maintain heat requirements.
flora balance. Besides, these microorganisms are respon-
sible for the production of vitamins and the B complex and
digestive enzymes, and for stimulation of intestinal Feeds and feeding management
mucosa immunity, increasing protection against toxins
produced by pathogenic microorganisms. Some authors To meet the crude protein requirement of the birds at
reported advantages of probiotic administration (Jensen young stage, a commercial chick booster was given. They
and Jensen, 1992; Maruta, 1993; Correa et al., 2000; were fed for 7 days and gradually shifted for 3 days with
Vargas Jr. et al., 2002), whereas others did not observe 75% commercial, 50% commercial and 25% commercial.
improvement when probiotics were used (Quardos et al., The formulated mash from home mixed rations with 20%
2001). crude protein was given to the birds to all treatments in full
after gradual shifting process up to harvesting period using
the chemical composition of the different feed ingredients
Objectives of the study used in the study. The feedstuffs used in the preparation
of the experimental diets were as follows; corn grits,
The general objective of the study was to evaluate the soybean, rice bran (D1), fish meal, limestone, salt,
effect of probiotics using Commercial Probiotic (Protexin), vitamin/mineral premix (Table 1). These were purchased
Effective Microorganism (EM-1) and Fermented Fruit Juice at Belstenn’s Commercial Farm Supply, Public Market,
(FFJ) as water additive for broilers. Specifically, the study Roxas, Isabela. The experimental birds in the different
aimed to determine the performance of broiler chicken in treatments were fed on ad libitum. The birds were placed
terms of the following: Initial and weekly body weight; gain in their semi-automatic feeding jar regularly checked to
in weight; percentage rate of growth; feed consumption; ensure the availability of the feeds for the birds. The feed
water consumption; feed conversion ratio and efficiency; consumed per day was recorded daily. The formulated
dressing percentage with and without giblets; and feeds given to the experimental birds second week
economic importance in using Commercial Probiotic following the shifting process for three days until six weeks
(Protexin), Effective Microorganism (EM-1) and and reached the average body weight of 1.5 kg.
Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ) as water additive for broilers.
Table 1. Composition and calculated nutrient analysis of the consumption. Water mixed with probiotics and fermented
broilers’ diets. fruit juice was changed daily to avoid the occurrence of
harmful microorganisms.
Ingredients Parts (%)
Corn 53.5
Soybean Meal 25.9
Distribution of experimental birds to different
Rice Bran (D1) 12
Fish Meal (US) 5
Following the Completely Randomized Design (CRD), the
Dicalcium Phosphate (Dicaphos) 1 experimental birds were distributed into four (4) treatments
Limestone 1.3 and each treatment was replicated thrice (3) with 10 birds
Salt 0.5 per replication. The Least Significant Difference (LSD) was
Vitamin/Mineral Premix 0.5 used for the comparison of means for results with
Methionine 0.1 significant findings.
Antioxidant 0.2
Total 100
Experimental treatments
Calculated nutrient analysis
The treatments used in the study are as follows;
Crude Protein (%) 20.00
Metabolizable Energy (Kcal,ME) 2,944.40
Treatment 1 – Control (Pure Water)
Calcium (%) 0.85 Treatment 2 – Commercial Probiotic (Diluted Protexin – 10
% P Avail. 0.43 ml/litre water)
% Lysine 1.14 Treatment 3 – Effective Microorganism (10 ml/litre water)
% Methionine 0.43 Treatment 4 – Fermented Fruit Juice (10 ml/litre water)
Feed consumption: The feed consumption of the birds in study. The birds in all treatments had a similar morphology
different treatments was done by taking into accounts the with the uniform feathering rate and beak.
volume of feeds consumed and the volume of feeds During the first up to second week of rearing, alertness
offered. The amount of left-over was subtracted from the and activeness was observed every time when feed and
feeds offered to determine the actual feed consumption. water were offered and they were all apparently healthy.
As the bird grew up particularly during the third week of the
Water consumption: The water consumption of the birds study, leg problems and lameness was observed.
in the different treatments was done by taking into account After 5 days from the start of the study, the yellow color
the amount of water consumed and the amount of water was gradually changed in white color from the head, wings,
offered. The amount of leftover was subtracted from the tail until white colors were prevalent. Their combs showed
water offered to determine the actual water consumption. reddish and relatively small and erect on the fourth week
of the study.
Feed conversion ratio and efficiency: The feed
conversion ratio (kg) and efficiency (%) was determined by
using the formula as follows; Growth performance parameters
Table 2. Initial and weekly body weights (g) of broilers as influenced by probiotics and fermented fruit juice.
Table 3. Weekly gain in weight (g) of broilers as influenced by probiotics and fermented fruit juice.
Table 4. Percentage rate growth of broilers as influenced by probiotics and fermented fruit juice.
Percentage rate growth broilers offered with various probiotics are presented in
Table 5. The offering of probiotics did not influence the
The weekly percentage rate growth of birds as influenced feed consumption of broilers on the first week up to the
by probiotics and fermented fruit juice is presented in Table sixth week of the study. The cumulative feed consumption
4. Insignificant results were obtained among treatments in of broilers was therefore not influenced by the probiotics
terms of growth rate from the first week up to the end of as showed in the result the analysis of variance in Table 5.
the study. This fermented fruit juice given to the birds via The study implies that the inclusion of EM, FFJ and
drinking water found comparable with all the treatments as Commercial Probiotic on broiler’s diet via drinking water
reflected by the analysis of variance. The study is in had no effect on the feed intake of broilers. However,
contrast to the study of Awad et.al. (2009) that the broilers given with Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ) had
inclusion of probiotic on broiler serves as a greater growth recorded the highest feed intake as revealed in the
promoter. cumulative feed consumption with 3,561.59 grams.
Increasing the rate of fermented fruit juice into 20 ml by
980 ml of water may reveal significant result on the feed
Feed consumption intake of broilers. According to Landuay et. Al. (2020),
birds treated with 20 ml FFJ by 980 ml of water resulted in
The weekly feed and cumulative consumption of the a significant increase in broilers feed intake.
78 J. Anim. Sci. Vet. Med.
Table 5. Weekly and cumulative feed consumption (kg) of broilers as influenced by probiotics and fermented fruit juice.
Table 6. Weekly and cumulative water consumption (L) of broilers as influenced by probiotics and fermented fruit juice.
Water consumption Table 7. Feed conversion ratio and feed conversion efficiency
(%) of broilers as influenced by probiotics and fermented fruit
The water consumption by the broilers given with different juice.
sources of probiotics from first to sixth week is presented
Treatments FCR FCE (%)
in Table 6. Analysis of variance revealed that all the
treatments were found comparable with that of the birds in T1- Control (water) 1.99 50.33
Treatment 1 (Pure Water) and Treatment 2 (commercial T2 - Commercial 2.12 47.35
probiotic), which means that the inclusion of different T3 - EM-1 2.19 47.55
probiotics via drinking water did not show any significant T4 – FFJ 2.14 46.79
effect on the water consumption of the experimental birds. ANOVA Ns Ns
Although statistically all the treatments were found C.V. (%) 13.49 12.87
comparable with each other, it was clearly observed that
birds in treatment 4 with the inclusion of fermented fruit
juice were consistently garnered the highest water Dressing percentage
consumption from second to sixth week of the study.
The influenced of probiotics and fermented fruit juice in the
Azizah (2019) stated that probiotic of lactic acid bacteria in
dressing percentage of birds with and without giblets is
drinking water reduce feed conversion rates but did not
presented in Table 8. Results shows that Treatment 2
reduce broiler feed consumption.
(Commercial Probiotic), Treatment 3 (EM-1), and
Treatment 4 (FFJ) were not significantly different to
Feed conversion ratio and efficiency Treatment 1 (Pure Water) which implies that there is no
effect as to the offering of probiotics, FFJ and pure water
The feed conversion ratio and efficiency of broilers as on the dressing percentage with giblets with the mean
influenced by the probiotics on the drinking water of the values ranging from 75.37 to 85.90 percent. Likewise,
experimental birds is presented in Table 7. The data shows insignificant result on the dressing percentage without
that the feed conversion ratio and efficiency were not giblets was observed having a dressing percentage from
significantly different. The result of the study conforms with 69.74 to 79.68 percent. This conformed with the study
the findings of Hosseini et al. (2013) that probiotics has no conducted by Rehman et.al. (2020) that apart from
influence on FCR and FCE. This result is also in contrast dressing percentage, no interaction or individual effect of
to the findings of Abaza et al. (2008) and Cakιr et al. (2008) probiotics and prebiotics was observed for carcass, breast,
that probiotics improved FCR and FCE in broilers. thigh, heart, liver, and gizzard weight.
Krismiyanto et al. 79
Dressing percentage
With giblets Without giblets
T1- Control (water) 75.37 69.74
T2 - Commercial 81.49 76.09
T3 - EM-1 78.62 74.00
T4 – FFJ 85.90 79.68
ANOVA ns ns
C.V. (%) 9.19 8.93
Table 9. Weight (g) of giblets of broilers as influenced by probiotics and fermented fruit juice.
Item T1 T2 T3 T4
Weight gain per broiler (g) 1795.00 1623.00 1603.33 1842.00
Return per broiler (PhP) 215.40 194.76 192.48 221.04
Prevailing market price per kilo 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00
Amount of feeds consumed (g) 3451.67 3293.67 3323.50 3561.59
Cost of feeds per kg (PhP)/ Prevailing price of feed ingredients 34.15 34.15 34.15 34.15
Cost of feeds consumed 117.87 112.48 113.50 121.63
Cost per chick 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
Amount of additives consumed (ml) - 11.16 12.50 14.47
Cost of additives per 10 ml (PhP) - 0.70 0.70 0.08
Total cost of additive consumed (PhP) - 7.81 8.75 1.09
Income over feeds, chicks and additive cost (PhP) 57.53 34.47 30.23 58.33
1. Computed based on the prevailing market prices of PhP 120 per kilo live weight.
2. Computed based on the prevailing price of the ingredients used.
Weight of giblets giblets with those birds given commercial probiotics. The
results imply further that the probiotics did not influenced
The weight of gizzard, spleen and hearts are presented in organ weights but inclusion of prebiotics and antibiotic in
Table 9. It was found out that the introduction of probiotics diet significantly reduced the weight of abdominal fat pad
and fermented fruit juice showed no significant differences of birds (Toghyani et al., 2011)
in terms of weight of gizzard, spleen and heart. It was also
observed that total weight of giblets showed no significant
differences among treatments with means ranging from Income over feed, additive and chick costs
83.37 to 109.17 grams. The result of the study implies that
broilers given Effective Microorganism (EM) and The income over feed, additive and chick costs on broilers
Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ) had comparable weight of as influenced by probiotics and fermented fruit juice was
80 J. Anim. Sci. Vet. Med.
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