NBSNature Based Solutions - TechnicalHandbook
NBSNature Based Solutions - TechnicalHandbook
NBSNature Based Solutions - TechnicalHandbook
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2 authors, including:
Bernd Eisenberg
Technische Universität München
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
LIWA - Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management in Urban Growth Centres Coping with Climate Change - Concepts for Lima Metropolitana (Peru) - (LiWa) View
All content following this page was uploaded by Bernd Eisenberg on 05 April 2019.
UNaLab will develop, via co-creation with stakeholders and implementation of ‘living lab’
demonstration areas, a robust evidence base and European framework of innovative, replicable, and
locally-attuned nature-based solutions to enhance the climate and water resilience of cities. UNaLab
focuses on urban ecological water management, accompanied with greening measures, and innovative
and inclusive urban design. The UNaLab partners aim to develop smarter, more inclusive, more
resilient, and more sustainable local societies through nature based innovation jointly created with, and
for stakeholders and citizens. UNaLab’s 3 front runner cities: Tampere, Eindhoven and Genova, have
a track record in smart and citizen driven solutions for sustainable development. They support 7
follower cities: Stavanger, Prague, Castellon, Cannes, Basaksehir, Hong Kong and Buenos Aires plus
share experiences with observers as City of Guangzhou and the Brazilian network of Smart Cities.
Therefore UNaLab results will impact on different urban socio-economic realities, with diversity in
size, challenges and climate conditions. In order to create an EU reference demonstration and go-to-
market environment for NBS, UNaLab will use and further develop the ENoLL Urban Living Lab
model, and the European Awareness Scenario Workshop method for the co-creation of solutions, and
the roadmap approach, in this way achieving an innovative NBS toolbox.
Many thanks to our co-workers from the UnaLab project who gave valuable feedback and
comments on many occasions during the last year. To mention some but not all names and
institutions: Laura Wendling from VTT for the overall support of D 5.1, the Stuttgart partners
Sophie Mok from IAT and Tom Haxwell from Fraunhofer, Jan Dieterle and Hans-Georg-
Schwarz von Raumer from ILPÖ, Peter Reobling and his team for fruitful discussions about
indicators, the municipal partners Luuk Postmas, Maarit Särkilahti and Sonia Zarino, for
direct feedback on the handbook Andrea Ballestrini and Gijs Hoogmoet. Last but not least
many thanks to Cecilia Chiesa for the tremendous effort at the beginning of the project.
Stuttgart, June 2018
Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology
University of Stuttgart
Keplerstrasse 11
70174 Stuttgart
Draft-Version M9 M 12
Figure 1: Structure of technical handbook and proposed steps toward final product of UNLAB NBS Implementation
Depending on the development of the UNaLab-project, a fourth part with the documentation
of implemented NBS in project municipalities is assembled and introduced into the technical
Figure 2: 50 years of development of Nature Based Solutions as a concept [Graph: ILPÖ based on Eggermont, 2015; IUCN,
2016; Nesshöver et al., 2016; Potschin et al., 2015; NAP 1996 (https://www.nap.edu/read/4919/chapter/9#113)]
Figure 3 illustrates the idea of an umbrella concept, with a ‘conceptual’ umbrella that covers
some parts but not necessarily everything of the related concept, depending on the view point.
(Pauleit et al.) have gone further and made an attempt to illustrate the extent by which the
neighbouring concepts overlap and differ. With regard to the purpose of the technical
handbook and its main target group such an analysis is too detailed.
Improving risk management and resilience using nature-based solutions can lead to
greater benefits than conventional methods and offer synergies in reducing multiple risks”
(European Commission 2015).
Figure 4: EU-Research and Innovation Agenda on Nature-Based Solutions ” (European Commission 2015).
NBS Technical Handbook - Part I Version February 2019 4
2.1. Environmental and societal challenges that NBS address in UNaLab cities
Water and climate change related challenges are at the heart of the NBS application in UNaLab cities. Table 1 gives an overview of environmental
and societal challenges in UNaLab cities and the envisioned impact of NBS. The direct and indirect benefits as such are illustrated in Figure 5.
Table 1: Environmental and societal challenges in UNaLab cities, envisioned impact of NBS, their direct benefits and co-benefits
Main drivers Water- and climate- Objectives of associated NBS Direct benefits Co-benefits
related challenges
water scarcity water collection and reuse increase water use noise reduction
water storage capacity availability
groundwater recharge
flooding peak flow control flood risk reduction recreational
runoff mitigation opportunities
erosion control social cohesion
water pollution soil erosion control improve water quality
increase awareness
minimize load discharge
capture and removal of pollutants increase knowledge
runoff temperature regulation
air pollution carbon sequestration improve air quality opportunities
house gas
urban growth removal of air pollutants (PM10, NO2, O3,
heat and
climate change CO, SO2) increase energy
heat stress reduce exposure to heat stress reduce air thermal comfort savings
temperature/cooling effect increase property
loss of biodiversity improved habitat connectivity increase biodiversity value
biological control
wildlife and flora habitats provision job opportunities
increasing density / connect and improve green/ blue green space provision eco-tourism
green space
rapid growth infrastructure opportunities
increase percentage of green surfaces
lower maintenance
reduce sealed surfaces
climate driven health reduce risk factors improve public health
issues provide health benefits and well-being reduced damages
and related costs
Figure 7: Extensive Green Roof vs. White Roof (Coutts et al. 2014).
Figure 8: NBS and grey infrastructure measures are combined in order to address challenges most efficient (Graphics modified from
The improvement of the resilience fabric of urban and rural ecosystems is illustrated in Figure 8.
Here, the NBS act as natural water retention units, while the grey infrastructure delivers the
conventional piping system.
3.3. How to put the concept into practice
Considering the wide scope of NBS, it becomes necessary to get some clarification on possible
applications of the concept. In this regard, three different types of NBS have been proposed along
two axis. The required level of engineering or management involved in the solution is spread along
one axis and the number of services and stakeholder groups targeted by a given NBS denotes the
other. Three types of NBS can be identified, although, the boundary between these three types is not
clear cut and hence, hybrid solutions exist along this gradient.
Figure 9: NBS typology based on ecosystem service delivery and level of engineering (IUCN 2016, based on Eggermont et al. 2015)
Figure 10 illustrates the types with a focus on the actual action, further distinctions might be
process-oriented actions interventions or single actions combined actions. However, given
that these differentiations are meaningful, for the Technical Handbook they play a minor role at this
No of selected NBS
1. Greening Intervention 3
2. Public Green Space 2
3. Vertical Greening 8
4. Green Roof 4
5. Water sensitive urban design measure 13
6. (River) Restoration 7
7. Measure of Bioengineering 3
8. Other Nature Based Solutions 2
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Structure of technical handbook and proposed steps toward final product of UNLAB NBS
Implementation Handbook ................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2: 50 years of development of Nature Based Solutions as a concept [Graph: ILPÖ based on
Eggermont, 2015; IUCN, 2016; Nesshöver et al., 2016; Potschin et al., 2015; NAP 1996
(https://www.nap.edu/read/4919/chapter/9#113)] .............................................................................. 1
Figure 3: Nature Based Solutions relations to existing key concepts (graphic:ILPÖ) ....................... 3
Figure 4: EU-Research and Innovation Agenda on Nature-Based Solutions ” (European
Commission 2015). .............................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 5: NBS Benefits and co-benefits Graphics taken from: (Raymond et al. 2017)....................... 6
Figure 6: Characteristics of NBS......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 7: Extensive Green Roof vs. White Roof (Coutts et al. 2014). ................................................. 7
Figure 8: NBS and grey infrastructure measures are combined in order to address challenges most
efficient (Graphics modified from SAMUWA) ..................................................................................... 8
Figure 9: NBS typology based on ecosystem service delivery and level of engineering (IUCN 2016,
based on Eggermont et al. 2015) ......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 10: NBS actions, distinction according to type of actions ....................................................... 9
Water Air Suggested region Suggested Goals Suggested Actions
Cooling Function Surface Water Regulation Function Purifictation Purification Biodiversity Amenity Value Function
Function Function
Rivers and lakes
c. c. mitigation
c.c adaption/
Evapotranspirati Insolati Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Deposit Biofiltra Beauty/ Usability/Multifu
No NBS Subtype
on Shading on convey infiltrat retenti storage reuse filtering biorem ion tion Habitat Provision Connectivity Appearance nctionality social interaction NBS Subtype No
Transpi Evapor
ration ation User Surface
1.1.1. Tree lined streets ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Tree lined streets 1.1.1.
1.1.2. Boulevards ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Boulevards 1.1.2.
1.2.1. Arboretum (group of trees) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Arboretum (group of trees) 1.2.1.
‐ no function yes
Performance no
very good
Criteria relating to NBS Case Study Template powered by Oppla, H 2020 coordination and support actions in think nature.
Nature Based Solutions – Technical
Part II
Introduction - How to use the NBS catalogue? The NBS catalogue groups a range of nature based
solutions by categories according to planning and construction terminology. In total, the following
eight categories were identified and will be explained in detail in this document:
1) Greening interventions
2) Public Green Space
3) Vertical Greening
4) Green Roofs
5) Water sensitive urban design measure
6) (River) Restoration
7) Measure of Bioengineering
8) Other NBS
Each category starts with a general description and an explanation of main functions of the associated
NBS types as well as how the considered NBS type is inspired by nature.
Example: When describing Green Roofs, an overview of the structure and services of natural soils –
as the feature of nature that is adopted – is given. Additionally, the structure of green roof and its
services are specified.
Every thematic group contains a bundle of different nature based solutions. In some cases, nature
based solutions are further divided into different subtypes.
Example: The category Vertical Greening contains six nature based solutions. One of them free
standing living wall is sub-divided into noise protection walls and mobile green walls.
The NBS catalogue enlists greening interventions, employing the use of trees, aimed at imparting several
positive effects on the urban ecosystems. Some main benefits are the provision of habitats for urban
wildlife, regulation of air temperature, pollution control, shading, CO2 absorption, and human
recreation. Some more direct and indirect benefits of urban trees are represented in Figure 1.
Greening interventions are described in the catalogue focusing on two different types of street trees
as well as on grouped trees represented by several trees. Single tree planting is not considered because
the positive effects of single trees on the environment are often local, and limited to the immediate
surroundings of a tree. Despite the local effects, the protection and conservation of all urban trees is
a very important issue.
The following greening interventions refer to the conservation of existing tree stocks and also to the
establishment of new trees within cities. The conservation and professional maintenance of larger,
older trees is even more important because positive effects on the environment are generally greater
in comparison to small, newly planted trees. Further benefits of existing trees stocks are e.g. the
improvement of microclimate, air and quality of life for people within the city reflecting the need to
protect them. Effective measures for conservation may be tree protecting statutes on public and
private property (Coutts n.d.; Norton et al. 2015).
Further greening options - e.g. shrubs, grassland, meadows or flowerbeds - that also have multiple
ecosystem benefits (infiltration, delayed runoff, biodiversity) are not considered as individual NBS
types in the catalogue. The main reason is that they often only differentiate other NBS as well. For
instance, intensive green roofs with shrubs or bio swales with flower rich meadows.
Fig. 2: Townhall Square Eindhoven (source: Eisenberg) Fig. 3: Tree lined street (source: LAND;
i. basic information
Type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Single line trees represent one possibility to establish several trees in urban areas. As the name implies,
single line trees are arranged along e.g. streets, bicycle paths and sidewalks and the trees are situated on
one side.
Trees have multiple effects on the local micro-climate conditions, absorb particular matter and provide
shade for people as well as for buildings. One of the main positive effects for the human well-being in
periods with high temperatures is the air cooling effect. The mentioned effect of street trees in general
depends on different factors such as tree size, canopy coverage, planting density, tree species, tree health,
location, availability of root water or leaf area index.
iii. role of nature
Single line trees simulate those trees growing at the edge of the woods and their effects on the surrounding
environment outside the tree-covered area. The trees shade adjoining land uses. As a result the shaded
surface is cooler than surfaces without a protecting tree cover.
vii. Performance
Transpiration 1
P1 Evaporation -
Population/User 1
Surface 1
Insolation of building -
water conveyance -
water infiltration 1
P2 water retention 1
water storage -
water reuse -
water filtering -
water bioremediation -
deposition 1
biofiltration 1
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x
reference to Case Study: Boulevard de Magenta; Paris, France (source: Global Designing Cities Initiative (c/o NACTO). ;
key studies globaldesigningcities.org/)
ii. general description
Boulevards represent a possibility to establish several trees in cities amongst others to mitigate urban heat
stress. Within boulevards, trees are commonly arranged along streets, bicycle paths and sidewalks and - if
circumstances allow - established on both sides of the route. The treetops of opposite trees often form a
(nearly) closed canopy. As a result the street in die middle of two tree lines is protected, shaded and the
air temperature is lowered.
iii. role of nature
Boulevards simulate those trees growing at the edge of the woods (fringe area) and their effects on the
surrounding environment outside the tree-covered area. The trees shade adjoining land uses - in natural
forest commonly vegetated areas like fields, meadow or water surfaces. As a result the shaded surface is
cooler than surfaces without protection/tree cover). The shading effect is determined by the characteristics
of the trees (tree density, canopy density and season). Other effects are a reduced wind velocity;
transpiration/air cooling, air purification.
Fig. 9: Arboretum - A group of adult trees creates a Fig. 10: Small Arboretum with seats (source: LAND;
microclimatic environment that mitigates heat stress on hot https://www.landsrl.com/)
summer days (source: LAND; https://www.landsrl.com/)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Group of trees mimicking the gestalt of a forest in an urban setting. They may be an option for the design
of shaded squares and places or as a contrasting element in densely built up areas or for court yard design.
iii. role of nature
The group of trees create a shaded environment in summer which is similar to a small patch of forest or
the fringe area of larger forests.
iv. technical and design parameters
In order to create a sufficient microclimate right from the start, mature trees from nurseries are needed.
Trees are planted in a rather dense grid and need to be irrigated during the first years and possibly
throughout the whole life time. Water for irrigation comes ideally from surfaces and roofs.
Public green spaces are categorized according to size, catchment area, services provided and urban
design aspects. In an integrated system, often connected through tree lined streets, they serve as the
back bone of urban green infrastructure and provide many beneficial services for the city.
For the NBS catalogue two types are considered relevant, residential parks and green corridors. They
can have extra benefits for urban environments, if designed accordingly and placed well.
Fig. 12: Innocentia Park, Hamburg (source: Bildarchiv der Fig. 13: Innocentia Park 2, Hamburg (source: BSU,
Behörde für Umwelt und Energie Hamburg, Abteilung Hamburg.de)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
Flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges X x x x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Residential Parks are part of the Green Infrastructure (GI) of cities and serve the residential areas as the
nearest main entry point for nature based recreation. Larger spatial elements of GI are district parks that
often deliver more functions and combine various uses (e.g. sport fields). Smaller green spaces are often
playgrounds or connecting green strips of land.
iii. role of nature
The residential park acts like an oasis in an urban environment, with positive effects for urban climate,
recreation, and biodiversity into the neighbouring residential areas.
iv. technical and design parameters
Residential parks should be well connected and accessible for pedestrians. The park should be at least 1.5
ha size and have a compact form (120m * 120 m) with high proportion of trees or small forest (>
50%) and a minimum of sealed surfaces. The layout of the typical London Residential Park with tree and
shrub plantations next to the streets and a central open area can be seen as a model.
v. conditions for implementation
New urban development areas provide the opportunity to locate residential parks at the most suitable
location maximising the effects on urban climate. But also in urban regeneration projects the establishment
of new parks is possible and may be very beneficial. In order to have a maximised impact on urban climate
the spatially equal distribution of parks is important.
Fig. 14: Green Corridor along a cycle path (source: LAND; Fig. 15: Green Corridor over a bridge
https://www.landsrl.com/) (source: LAND; https://www.landsrl.com/)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x x
reference to High Line Park
key studies
ii. general description
Areas of derelict infrastructure, e.g. railway lines, that are transformed into linear parks play an important
role in urban green infrastructure networks and help to re-nature cities. Also regeneration along waterways
and rivers often results in linear interconnecting parks.
iii. role of nature
Transition areas between biomes are called ecotones, green corridors with their linear natural elements can
be seen as ecotones that connect neighbouring areas as well as distant areas. Ecotones are often rich in
biodiversity because they are connected to two (or more) different biotopes.
iv. technical and design parameters
When green corridors are based on derelict infrastructure the location and the network properties are more
or less fixed. For new developments green corridors can be designed as connecting elements.
v. conditions for implementation
Abandoned traffic infrastructure may be the most convenient way to establish linear parks and green
corridors. The lack of care and sustained neglect of the area leads to an automatic development of the
natural features in the space. For new urban developments linear elements can also be designed and build
vi. benefits and limitations
Benefits: Linear elements are very important for GI connectivity, the re-use of old grey infrastructure opens
up a great potential for creating an interconnected system.
Potential limitations/disservices: Depending on the previous use the green corridor may need a high level
of maintenance (e.g. bridges).
Vertical greening is used as the general term for any vegetation cover on vertical surfaces, no matter
where the roots are located. Similar to green roofs vertical greening can be differentiated according
to the level of technical support that is needed to sustain vegetation. However since vertical soil itself
has no model in natural settings, almost all types of vertical greening are “intensive” and therefore
different characteristics are used to describe vertical greening. The main differences of vertical
greening types are greening of facades (buildings), free standing living walls, moss walls, living plant
construction and potentially vertical open spaces. Vertical greening can be build indoor or outdoor.
For the catalogue we only consider outdoor solutions.
Fig. 16: Vertical Garden Fig. 18: Green facade, Amsterdam (source: City of
Patrick Blanc, Paris (source: Fig. 17: Eindhoven ‚Medina‘ Tampere)
Eisenberg) (source: Eisenberg)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x
reference to
key studies Museé du Quai Branly, Paris ( source: Greenroofs.com)
ii. general description
Planted walls with controlled cultivation are called green facades. Facade greenings are divided in two
types. The facade-bound greening which is a part of the facade or uses the facade for fixing panels and
containers to it. The second type is the ground based facade greening (3.2.).
Facade-bound greening is in most cases very intensively using technology for irrigation, and special
substrates for reducing the weight of the green facade.
Precultivated panels or special plant pot systems are most often used. For light weight structures special
tissues are used. Because of the thinness of the soil/substrate layer temperatures below 0° C may be a
problem. Some greening systems allow to remove the panels during winter.
iii. role of nature
Facade-bound greening have similar services like a very thin natural soil which deals as a basis for
vegetation. Depending on the level of engineering for irrigation, for nutrition supply and for the substrate
the vegetation cover can perform highly.
Fig. 19: Facade-bound greening: substrate in planter (a-c); mesh bakets made of plastic or metal (d)
(source: ILPOE, 2018 based on Pfoser 2009 provided in: (Pfoser 2016a); page 58 ff.)
Options highly depend on the character of the building (new construction, refurbishment, restoration) and
secondly on structural engineering. For new constructions integrated facade systems can be used with
vegetation panels (0.5 m² - 1 m²).
For regeneration projects a separate scaffolding is often needed.
- Panel: 0.5 – 1.0 m²
- Variety of 10-15 species of plants is most often used
- Irrigation and special substrate is necessary
- Small plants (type depends on environmental factors)
v. conditions for implementation
- Mosses, perennial plants are appropriate
- Not very dry/hot/cold area
- All surfaces are potentially useable, but sun exposed facades perform best potentially due to
greatest light exposure (depends on the plants which are used)
- Risk of fire if substrate and / or vegetation dries out
- Temperature resistant material
- Special care of professional gardeners is needed for maintenance
vi. benefits and limitations
Benefits: Air pollution is reduced by plants, they bind high proportions of the particulate matter and
polluting gases and green facades additional produce fresh air
- A greened facade reduces the temperature about 2-10 K (compared to natural stone)
- Green facades have good evaporation services
- Evapotranspiration: 5-20 % sunlight is used for photosynthesis, 20-40% is used for
evapotranspiration 10-50 % transformed into heat 5-30% reflection
- Water retention: 15-30%
- Biodiversity/Habitat provision: birds, bats (nesting and breeding)
- Natural noise protection
- Improved aesthetics
Potential limitations/disservices:
- High dependency on irrigation system,
- Frost risk
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Planted walls with controlled cultivation are called green facades. Ground-based green facades are made
of climbing plants. The climber plants get planted in the ground and grow directly on the wall, or climbs
on a frame that is connected to the wall and keeps a distance to it. The plants extract water and nutrient
from the soil.
iii. role of nature
Climbing plants are part of forests, rocks and shrub areas. The plants grow from rather small areas of
natural soil and often need supporting vertical elements or porous surface (roots). Comparable situation
are inner areas of forests.
iv. technical and design parameters
(a) (b)
Fig. 22: Ground-based greening: direct vegetation/vegetation without construction (a); vegetation with construction 1. wood, 2.
rods, 3./4. ropes (b) (source: Pfoser 2009 provided in: (Pfoser 2016a); page 56 ff.)
Fig. 23: Ground based greening on noise barrier (source: Fig. 24:Green noise barrier along the National Road 405,
LAND; https://www.landsrl.com/) Århus Denmark (source: Danish Road Directorate (2009)
Noise Barrier Design. Danish and some European Examples.
Report 174)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Green noise barriers are effective measures to reduce noise emissions along highly frequented roads. They
are often designed as walls with a ground based greening. The construction is usually made of concrete,
brick or wood and is covered with a vertical plant layer. Ground based green barriers represents a
commonly used type of noise barriers along roads, especially in areas with limited space for earth walls.
iii. role of nature
Climbing plants are part of forests, rocks and shrub areas. The plants grow from rather small areas of
natural soil and often need supporting vertical elements or porous surface (roots).
iv. technical and design parameters
Ground based green noise barriers need to be equipped with supporting facilities for plants e.g. wires and
v. conditions for implementation
Sufficient root space at the bottom of the noise barrier is required in order to provide good growing
conditions for the plants.
vi. benefits and limitations
Benefits: The plants absorb fine dust and often enhance the visual appearance of noise barriers. Vegetated
noise barriers reduce heat, depending on the coverage of the wall elements.
Fig. 25:Constructing a living wall, Ludwigsburg Fig. 26:Green Living Room Ludwigsburg
(souce: (Helix Pflanzensysteme GmbH n.d.) (souce:(Helix Pflanzensysteme GmbH n.d.)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x x x
reference to Green living room Ludwigsburg, part III
key studies
ii. general description
Verticalization of green spaces is an adequate way to increase vegetated surfaces with many ecological
services in urban environments. Free standing living walls serve as adaptation measures for the urban heat
island effect. Furthermore they create space with high amenity value and (potentially) high biodiversity
and reduce noise emissions. They are suitable to re-use run-off water and evapotranspirate highly. On the
contrary, with extensive vegetation they sustain also longer periods of drought.
iii. role of nature
Natural soil with vegetation cover (perennials and shrubs/trees) is the model for living walls. Vertical
layering of soil with plants growing on vertical surface as well as on top of the wall. Depending on the
thickness of the living wall (approx. 40 cm) as well as the height normal soil functions can evolve, with
filtering along the passage through the soil. Evaporation from vertical soil is one major effect.
Transpiration from vegetation depends on plant selection, exposition and level of irrigation.
iv. technical and design parameters
Fig. 27: The functions of the green living room (souce:(Helix Pflanzensysteme GmbH n.d.)
Fig. 28: Noise barrier as free standing living wall Fig. 29: Noise barrier as free standing living wall
(source: www.lueft.de) (source: Helix-Pflanzen)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Noise barrier as free standing living walls are constructions of baskets or different elements covered/filled
with soil substrate with the function to reduce noise emissions e.g. along highly frequented roads.
iii. role of nature
Natural soil with vegetation cover (perennials and shrubs/trees) is the model for noise barriers as free
standing living wall.
iv. technical and design parameters
The underground soil of noise barrier needs to be suitable for heavy wall elements. The design options are
v. conditions for implementation
Green wall noise barriers need more space than non-vegetated noise barriers and some kind of (natural)
water supply is needed.
vi. benefits and limitations
Benefits: Multiple benefits, partly similar to other living walls; great enhancement of visual appearance of
noise protection walls; potential for reuse of storm water
Potential limitations/disservices: Success often dependent on natural precipitation
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
The mobile Green Living Room consists of living wall modules (wire frame cubes) that are fixed to a hook
lift container platform. The vegetation cover is very diverse in order to illustrate the high potential of living
walls to increase amenity value and stimulate biodiversity. A light open roof structure, partly covered with
vegetation, provides shade. The Green Living Room provides instantly services for clean air provision,
cooling and shading, a habitat for urban biodiversity. It can be used as a mobile demonstration for green
infrastructure, as a test feature, a temporary green installation or as an open green office for information
and communication purposes.
iii. role of nature
Natural soil with vegetation cover (perennials and shrubs/trees) is the model for living walls but for
“mobile vegetation” there is no space for loading and unloading example from nature.
Fig. 32: MoosTex: Test site for pollution absorbing noise Fig. 33: City tree (source: Eisenberg)
protection wall (source: Helix-Pflanzen)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x
reference to City tree (source: greencitysolutions.de)
key studies
ii. general description
Mosses have compared to other plants a large bio-active surface, they transpire more and also actively
reduce some pollutants. There is a range of test sites with open air experiments in order to test the
effectiveness for fine dust and reduction and air quality improvement.
To exemplify the potential a product that makes use of the moss capacities is described for this NBS –
type: The City Tree. A City Tree is a bio-tech-filter with the aim to improve the air quality in cities. The
City Tree is a compact and mobile construction, vertically planted with different species of mosses on its
front and back side. The moss surface contribute to improve the air quality through the binding of air
pollutants like particulate matter and nitrogen oxide. Due to its large surface (in comparison to many other
plants), mosses store a relatively huge amount of water and at the same time provide a relatively large
surface area for water transpiration. As a consequence the transpiration of water leads to a reduction of air
temperature on a local scale.
iii. role of nature
- Maximizing the ecological function of natural moss capacity
- Mosses have huge surface area filtering of air pollutants
- Transpiration
iv. technical and design parameters
City trees are equipped with additional technical solutions: Ventilators inside the vertical construction and
underneath the moss surface strengthen the air flow through the installation and thus increase the air
filtering and the water transpiration. The ventilators are externally controllable.
Furthermore, the city tree is equipped with a technical device that provides real-time information about
the city tree as well as the surrounding environment conditions. Depending on the local climate conditions,
the city tree has an additional irrigation system. Additional solar panels supply electricity. Otherwise the
city tree is connected to the mains.
Fig. 34: Living Bridge (source: Amos Chapple) Fig. 35: Plane-Tree-Cube, Nagold
(source: Ludwig.Schoenle;
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges (x) x x x x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
For hundreds of years, the Khasi people of the Meghalayan mountains in north-eastern India have built
bridges created with living plants by making use of natural growth processes. Roots of rubber trees are
used in order to construct a living bridge that regrows constantly and outperforms wooden bridges which
would rot away too quickly.
Living plant constructions is inspired by this approach and aims at using living trees with all their
biological services also for construction purposes in order to create living architecture.
An essential feature of Baubotanik buildings is that they fundamentally change their general shape,
appearance and spatial effect from season to season and over time. (Ludwig 2015).
Fig. 36: House of future competition, visualization of facade with living plant construction, winter and summer expression
(source: Ludwig.Schoenle)
Plant addition is one application of Baubotanik: Only the lowest plants are put in the ground, all others are
planted into special containers on a scaffolding or into living wall segments. The containers are fitted with
an automated system, which continuously supplies them with water and nutrients and allows them to grow
roots. As this network of plants develops, the roots embedded in the ground grow more vigorously than
those placed in containers because the ground provides more root space, which plants can exploit for
additional resources. Once the inosculations have developed, the artificially created plant structure can
transport water and nutrients from the roots in the ground to the upmost leaves, and the roots of the
container plants become obsolete.
Gradually, these high-level roots can be cut off, the automated watering system can be removed and,
finally, the living structure becomes self-sufficient. At the same time, the secondary growth in
circumference increases the strength of the plant structure and eventually it becomes self-supporting so
that the scaffolding, initially required to support the containers and young plants, can be removed.
Ultimately, this approach entails a completely new understanding of plants: the plant is no longer seen as
a single biological entity with a naturally determined development path (from sapling to tree), but rather
as a living construction material, materiality or element that is fused with other living material and
technical construction elements to form a unified whole. This process allows the creation of living
buildings at the scale of a fully-grown tree in a comparatively short time, or – if seen from another
perspective – it permits the construction of trees. The result is not only an amalgamation of the elements
“house” and “tree” but also an integration of the processes of building and growing (Ludwig 2015).
iv. technical and design parameters
Living plant construction can be implemented on any site, also on top of buildings. For the upper containers
of the plants supporting structure is needed that either has a function in itself (e.g. staircase), is a living
wall (example Green Living Room), or a separate structure.
v. conditions for implementation
Due to regulations living plant construction may need special building permissions for implementation.
Green roofs are vegetative layers implemented on rooftops - especially in urban areas - with the aim to provide
green space for different purposes and mitigate against urban heat islands. Several types of green roofs with
varying coverings, complexity and scopes can be implemented on rooftops. Main positive effects associated
with green roofs are for instance cooling and evapotranspiration, which lead to a reduction of the roofs
temperature itself as well as of the surrounding air (= air cooling). As a result, green roofs contribute to
mitigating negative effects in urban areas, in particular caused by urban sealing, buildings and heat emissions.
The natural process, that green roofs are associated with, are evapotranspiration, temporary storing and
buffering rain as well as sunlight absorption. The main functions of each green roof will be explained briefly
below (see Figure 2) and will be addressed again in chapter iii/role of nature for each green roof type. The
NBS catalogue focusses on intensive and extensive green roof types, but intermediate systems (semi/simple-
intensive) also exist. The complete description of the different types of green roofs is given below in chapter
4.1 to 4.4.
For the NBS Catalogue a performance threshold is set for extensive green roofs. They should have at least 25
l/m² storing capacity and 95% coverage after three years. More extensive roof are not considered as NBS types.
Fig. 38: Upper row, comparison of the structure of natural soils (left) and extensive green roofs (right),
lower row, smart roof with extra water storing capacity (left) and intensive green roof (right) (source: ILPOE, 2018)
Fig. 39: Intensive green roof (source: LAND; Fig. 40: Intensive green roof Illustration (source:
https://www.landsrl.com/) myrooff.com)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Intensive green roofs* are often associated with residential buildings, hotels or underground parkings. The
more complex and heavier greening systems are characterized by a higher installation, maintenance,
management effort (regular irrigation and fertilization) which leads to higher costs for the mentioned
system type compared to extensive green roofs (chapter 3.2). Intensive green vegetation is often
established on roofs that are accessible for public or recreation purposes and also for regular maintenance
measures. The intensive green roof type is regularly frequented by humans: Different activities including
gardening, relaxing and socializing are designated for intensive green roofs. To enable human activities
on green roofs and the integration of larger plants, trees and architectural elements, suitable rooftops need
to be relatively flat.
The choice of suitable plants has to be greater (than on extensive green roofs) because of the different
requirements and applications e.g. Aesthetic and ecological requirements. Appropriate plants for intensive
green roofs are mainly trees, shrubs and perennials. The growth media is relatively thick and notably
deeper than for extensive systems with integrated low-growing plants (see 3.2). The growth media of
intensive green roofs needs to be relatively deep and nutrient rich to support the growth of plants or bigger
trees. Beside a variety of plants, different kinds of architectural elements (buildings, solar panels) can be
established on intensive green roofs.
*different terms for intensive green roofs used in literature are high-profile/ roof gardens (source: "Green Roofs." Provided in:
Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies. Draft. https://www.epa.gov/heat-islands/heat-island-compendium)
iii. role of nature
As illustrated in Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden. the model for a green roof is
natural soil with its vegetation cover. Through the establishment of (intensive) green roofs on buildings,
different services of natural vegetation layers are replicated. As a result, the potential to mitigate the urban
heat island effect is higher compared to sealed surfaces without any vegetation (black roof).
Intensive green roofs can provide a variety of ecosystem services and benefits for the surrounding
environment and microclimate. To enable these services, a natural, grown soil cover needs to be replicated.
The vegetation layer absorbs solar radiation for photosynthesis. Large trees and plants covering the
buildings surface and thus providing shade for resting user. Plants and trees as well protect from heat
transmission into the building.
- human health an quality of life
- storm water/rainwater management and quality
- improves air quality (reduction of greenhouse gas emissions)
- aesthetic value/visual attractiveness
- food production
- additional space (intensive roof)
- thermal performance/temperature reduction
- energy reduction for buildings (heating/cooling)
- reduction of noise/sound transmission
- habitat provision for urban wildlife
Potential limitations/disservices:
- limited development of undisturbed habitats because of human activities/public purposes
- limited spread of flora and fauna because of regular maintenance and management
- limited space for rooting (although the growing media is relatively thick)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x x
reference to Green roofs in Basel, Switzerland: combining mitigation and adaptation measures (2015); Urban storm
key studies water management in Augustenborg, Malmö (2014).(source (a, b): http://climate-adapt.eea.europa.eu/)
ii. general description
Extensive green roofs* are basic, light weight systems, characterized by minimum maintenance and
management (artificial irrigation, fertilization) after establishment of the system. According to the NBS
catalogue, a minimum performance of 25 l/m² storing capacity and at least 95 % of vegetation coverage
after three years is needed. The installation and management/maintenance of extensive green roofs is less
expensive than that of intensive systems. Extensive green vegetation is often established on roofs that are
not accessible or with limited access for public or recreation purposes (but annual maintenance) and
partially characterized by steep slopes.
Appropriate plants for extensive green roofs are low growing, rapidly spreading and shallow-rooting
plants/hardy perennials (succulents such as sedums, herbs, wildflowers, grasses, mosses) that are able to
survive with minimum nutrient uptakes and without additional nutrient supply. The selected plants for
extensive green roofs are generally well adapted to alpine environments/climate and tolerate different
climate conditions (e.g. drought) and temperature fluctuations. The number of different plant species is
limited on extensive roofs, yet the biodiversity on extensive green roofs is generally greater than on other
(intensive) green roof types.
Through the establishment of (extensive) green roofs on rooftops, different services of natural vegetation
layers are replicated. As a result, the potential to mitigate the urban heat island effect is increased compared
to sealed surfaces without any vegetation.
Extensive green roofs provide limited services and benefits for the surrounding environment. As described
above, it is characterized by a low vegetation surface that covers the buildings surface. Although the
surface covering is the main service of extensive roofs, it also leads to positive effects on microclimate:
Evaporation is increased in comparison to black roofs and leads to a heat reduction of the surrounding air
temperature (=air cooling). Furthermore, the vegetation binds particular matter.
The growth medium is relatively thin compared to intensive green roofs. As a result the service of water
buffering, temporary storage, retention and filtration albeit lower than for intensive green roofs, yet exists.
*different terms for extensive green roofs used in literature are low-profile/Ecoroofs (source: "Green Roofs." Provided n:
Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies. Draft. https://www.epa.gov/heat-islands/heat-island-compendium)
iii. role of nature
- human health and quality of life
- storm water/rainwater management and quality
- improved air quality
- aesthetic value/visual attractiveness
- thermal performance/temperature reduction
- energy reduction for buildings (heating/cooling)
- reduction of noise/sound transmission
- habitat provision for urban wildlife
Potential limitations/disservices:
- limited development of undisturbed habitats because of human activities/public purposes
- limited spread of flora and fauna because of regular maintenance and management
limited space for roots
Fig. 42:“Polderdaken” (smart retention roof Fig. 43: Smart roof, Amsterdam (source: City of Tampere)
(source: Amsterdam Rainroof ; www.rainproof.nl)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x
reference to Case Study: ABG blue roof installed for a green extensive roof
key studies (source: ABG Ltd.; http://www.abg-geosynthetics.com/)
ii. general description
Smart roofs are a special type of extensive green roofs that fulfil different services to protect ecosystems
in cities: (Capillar) smart roofs represent an extension of conventional green roofs because the system is
equipped with a drainage system under the vegetation layer. The drainage layer retains storm water.
Through capillary fibre cylinders water is naturally returned to the vegetation layer during dry periods.
Capillar smart roofs represent a cyclic water management where an additional plant irrigation is not needed
(100% of the storm water can be reused for irrigation). Furthermore technical devices (pumps, tanks,
valves) are redundant.
iii. role of nature
As illustrated in Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden. the model for a green roof is
natural soil with its vegetation cover. Through the establishment of green roofs on buildings, different
services of natural vegetation layers are replicated.
iv. technical and design parameters
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
The idea of constructed wet roofs CWR is to connect (extensive) green roofs and constructed wetlands for
domestic wastewater (so-called grey water) treatment. Besides, constructed wet roofs retain storm water
for a certain period of time, gradually releasing rainwater and reducing the overall runoff. Furthermore,
CWRs have positive impacts on the microclimate.
Constructed wet roofs consists of precultured mats with evergreen vegetation that are installed on rooftops.
The plants are irrigated with storm- and wastewater to ensure the surface layer remains moist. Water
impurities are filtered during their way through the vegetation layer and absorbed as plant nutrients. Roofs
need to have a moderate to high slope gradient to enable the water runoff. The processed water is used for
irrigation as well as for disposal into receiving water or for toilet flushing. Besides the wastewater
maintains the green space on the rooftop.
*different term for constructed wet roofs used in literature is wetland roofs
(source: http://rhizotech.com/de/107/dachbegruenung)
iii. role of nature
Constructed wet roofs can provide a variety of benefits, replicated from natural processes especially in
soils. The most important service in the context of constructed wet roofs is the treatment of wastewater
e.g. domestic or industrial wastewater. Water impurities in grey water are filtered during their way through
the vegetation layer and absorbed as plant nutrients. Another important service is “storm and wastewater
storage and retention”. As a result, the risk for flooding during or after a storm water event is lowered.
Water evaporates from the water surface and transpires from the plants surface and stomata. This process
leads to a decrease of the air temperature.
iv. technical and design parameters
- horizontal flow constructed wet roof (depth: 9 cm: shallow bed depth corresponds to an extensive
green roof) with four beds (3,0 x 25,5 m)
- roof slope: 14,3 degrees
- half retention time (HRT): 3,8 days
- CW construction (top - down):
- turf mats (height: 1,5 cm): sandy, highly fertilized soil (here: organic soil) and grass roots/seed (3
mixture of 3 types)
Exemplary technical design: Zapater-Perezra, M., Lavrnic, S., van Dien, F. van Bruggen, J.J.A. and P.N.L. Lens (2016):
Constructed wetroofs: A novel approach for the treatment and reuse of domestic wastewater (2016).
v. conditions for implementation
- Waterproofing surface/roof
- sufficient roof load-bearing capacity
- slope gradient to water outlets
- (emergency) overflows
vi. benefits and limitations
- effect on microclimate: cooling of air temperature
- decreased probability and consequential effects of flooding (water retention)
- habitat for insects and birds/urban wildlife
- improves water quality
- (relative) water quantity (water can be used for different purposes after natural treatment)
The urban water cycle differs greatly from the natural water cycle with regard to the main components
evapotranspiration, water run-off and infiltration (see Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.).
This has severe consequences with regard to urban climate, ground water recharge, and risk management. The
NBS that are listed in the catalogue aim to mitigate the effects and try to re-establish a more natural water
Fig. 47: Comparison between natural and urban water cycle. Main components differ greatly
(source: freely adapted from SAMUWA)
Many of the NBS are integral part of concepts dealing with water such as water sensitive urban design or
sustainable drainage systems.
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to Case study: Queen Mary´s Walk, Llanelli,
key studies Case study: Houndsden Road Rain Gardens, Enfield. www.susdrain.org
ii. general description
A bioswale* is a vegetated, linear and low sloped pit often established in urban areas near/between roads
with the objective to reduce flood risk during or after heavy rain events. The intention of bioswales is
comparable to rain gardens. Bioswales absorb, store and convey surface water runoff (mainly draining
from roadways) and also remove pollutants and sediments, when the water trickles through the vegetation
and soil layer. The choice of vegetation for bioswales is variable but deep-rooted native plants are common
and preferred. To support infiltration of water runoff, some swales are equipped with dams or similar
Bioswales are not limited to a certain region/country. If properly planned and planted with native plants,
a bioswale is a reasonable contribution to local storm water management and control.
* In literature refers to as swale (source: http://nwrm.eu/sites/default/files/nwrm_ressources/u4_-_swales.pdf)
iii. role of nature
- Processes in bioswales (vegetation, soil) that are inspired by nature:
- water retention and storage (vegetation and soil layer retains and stores water)
- water infiltration (water infiltrates into natural soils (soil substance has an influence on infiltration
- water filtering (plants and soil are natural filters for organic pollutants, sediments and other
- water conveyance (natural riverbed conveys water)
- water evapotranspiration (plants take up and transpires water)
iv. technical and design parameters
- Medium to larger scale installations (larger than rain gardens)
- native deep-rooted plants that withstand occasional flooding (often grass, + other plants for esthetical
Fig. 49: Infiltration basin (source: www.susdrain.org) Fig. 50: Infiltration basin (source: SuDS Wales;
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
Fig. 51: Infiltration basin Illustration (source: provided in: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection;
vii. performance
Transpiration -
P1 Evaporation 1
Population/User -
Surface -
Insolation of building -
water conveyance -
water infiltration 2
P2 water retention 1
water storage -
water reuse -
water filtering 1
water bioremediation -
deposition -
biofiltration -
habitat provision 1
connectivity 1
beauty/appearance 1
P6 usability/functionality -
social interaction -
further reading:
Fig. 52: Detention Pond (source: www.susdrain.org) Fig. 53: Detention Pond (source: www.sudswales.com)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Dry detention ponds are surface storage basins that retain storm water. During periods of heavy rain, the
area gets flooded and could lead to filling up of the detention pond in cases of longer duration of rainfall.
After the rain ends, the water flows in the sewer system. If there is no event of heavy rainfall the detention
ponds are dry and could be used as a green area.
iii. role of nature
A natural landscape contains a heterogeneous surface with slightly elevated areas and lower parts in
close proximity, forming a mosaic of micro conditions. Water stays in the lower parts for some time until
it infiltrates or evaporates.
iv. technical and design parameters
- Detention ponds can be part of public spaces (playground, sports field, …)
- Have to be at the lowest part of the park, green space
v. conditions for implementation
- could be considered into park planning (area can be used otherwise)
- Enough space to get flooded
vi. benefits and limitations
- Regulates heavy rain
- Multifunctional use of detention pond is possible
Limitations/ disservice:
- Limited design options
- Green space with too many functions => reduced recreation space
vii. performance
Transpiration -
P1 Evaporation -
Population/User -
Surface -
Insolation of building -
Fig. 54: Wet Retention Pond in Vuores, Tampere(source: City Fig. 55: Wet Retention Pond in Vuores, Tampere(source: City
of Tampere) of Tampere)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Retention ponds retain storm water continuously. In dry periods they also hold water. The detention ponds
can improve the water quality (for example with downstream infiltration).
Fig. 56:Small scale Raingarden (source: Andreas Kis provided in: (European Commission n.d.a)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to Case study: Greening streets, retrofit rain gardens, Nottingham.
key studies Ashby Grove residential retrofit rain garden, London. www.susdrain.org
ii. general description
A rain garden* is a kind of garden that primarily serves as area for water control (storage and infiltration)
on a small-scale especially in urban areas. Rain gardens are established in artificial surroundings and
catches water runoff from roofs, roads and other (sealed) surfaces. Storm water runoff is drained into rain
gardens, where it is stored for a certain period, and infiltrates either into the ground soil or flows into the
sewage system. A certain amount of water is taken up and transpired by plants.
Different designs/arrangements of rain gardens are established and a variety of elements is used to create
a rain garden such as grass filter strips, water ponds, mulch areas, planting soil, plants (e.g. herbaceous
plants) or sand beds. All the mentioned elements have a particular function for example slow down, reduce,
filter and store water runoff or increase evapotranspiration. Beside their function to store and infiltrate
storm water, rain gardens have esthetical functions (amenity value).
Raingardens are not restricted to a certain climate condition and can be found in different European
countries. But, the selected components (plants) should be native and well adapted to local climate
* In literature refers to as bioretention area (source: (European Commission n.d.a)
iii. role of nature
- Processes in rain gardens (vegetation, soil) that are inspired by nature:
- vegetation and soil layer retains and stores water, water infiltrates into natural soils (soil
substance has an influence on infiltration rate)
- plants and soil are natural filters for organic pollutants, sediments and other substances
- natural riverbed conveys water
- plants take up and transpires water
iv. technical and design parameters
- small-scale installation (private gardens or public space)
- native plants that withstand occasional flooding
- relatively dense vegetation
- gentle slope is positive for infiltration
- regular maintenance and inspection
- access for maintenance and management
Fig. 57: Permeable pavement (source: LAND; Fig. 58: Eindhoven, permeable pavement (source: Eisenberg)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Permeable paving systems are known as surfaces that are able to absorb storm water and thus, minimize
the surface water runoff. Different systems of permeable pavement surfaces exist. They are commonly
installed on car parks, residential streets or sidewalks.
Permeable pavers consist of concrete bricks with gaps or funnels between the single bricks
a variety of single rocks create the permeable paver surface
Gaps and funnels between bricks are commonly filled with stone and sand or grass (vegetated grid
pavers are further explained in 5.4.2)
- Concrete bricks are located on stone layer
- Bricks are not pervious! (gaps/funnels allows water infiltration)
- After storm water event: water trickles/infiltrates through gaps/funnels between bricks
- Water is temporary stored in underlying stone layer and infiltrates into the soil or to an additional
drainage layer conveys water into sewage system (subsurface drain)
- Water uptake by plants (if plants established in funnels between concrete bricks)
- Application area: parking lots, sidewalks, bike paths, driveways, streets…
- Function:
o reduced surface/storm water runoff
o water filtering reduced amount of pollutants
o delayed runoff
iii. role of nature
- Imitating natural soils natural soils are permeable
- Natural drainage effect of soils
- different permeability of soils depending on the soil type and the saturation with water
- different infiltration potential
- soil with large pores absorbs bigger amount of water compared to sealed surfaces
- filling material between bricks enables water infiltration on high level
Fig. 60: Eindhoven, vegetated grid pave (source: Eisenberg Fig. 61: Eindhoven, vegetated grid pave (source: Eisenberg)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- Vegetated grid pavers consist of concrete bricks with gaps/funnels between the single bricks
- Use of concrete bricks or plastic grid
- Gaps/grid is filled with soil, grass seeds, rocks
- After storm water event: water trickles/infiltrates through gaps/funnels between bricks into the
underlying gravel and then into the soil or groundwater
- Infiltrated water is also taken up by plants
- Water is stored for a certain period in the soil and drainage layer
- Additional drainage conveys water into sewage system
- Used in parking areas and roadways
- Function:
o reduced surface runoff
o water filtering
o water storage
delayed runoff
iii. role of nature
- Imitating natural soils natural soils are permeable
- Natural drainage effect of soils
- different permeability of soils depending on the soil type and the saturation with water
- different infiltration potential
- soil with large pores absorbs larger amount of water than sealed surface
- filling material between bricks enables water infiltration on high level
iv. technical and design parameters
- Concrete bricks or plastic grids are filled with soil, seeds or stones
- Grass grows in concrete/plastic grid
- Maintenance necessary
v. conditions for implementation
Fig. 62: Permeable concrete (source: LAND; Fig. 63: Permeable concrete (source: New Dawn Permeable
https://www.landsrl.com/) Paving P/L; www. newdawnpermeablepaving.com.au)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- Permeable concrete is permeable to water (also described as heavy permeable surface)
- special material/cement mixture with larger stones that allows water to pass through the concrete
into the soil beneath the concrete layer
- Permeable concrete looks similar to standard concrete different functionality/construction
- Holes/gaps/voids in the concrete layer enables water infiltration/drainage
- After a storm water event: rainwater soaks through the concrete layer (pores) in contrast to regular
concrete where water runs off on the surface and may cause flooding
- A porous medium for example an underground gravel bed, which also filters the water is installed
under the permeable concrete layer
- Permeable concrete is a hard surface ( roadways/areas with higher traffic)
- Application areas: parking lots, streets, driveways…
iii. role of nature
- Permeable paver are similar to other surfaces
iv. technical and design parameters
- Cavity ≥ 15%
- Water permeability: kf >10 -³ m/s
- Asperity: at 4m length asperity cannot be more than 1,5 cm
- About 100 l/m² per second water passes
v. conditions for implementation
- Greater effort ( roads have to be relaid)
vi. benefits and limitations
- Water regulation with space which is used for traffic (no more space is needed)
- Can be used to slow traffic and reduce noise
- Reduces storm runoff by 70-90 %
Fig. 64: Porous asphalt (source: New Dawn Permeable Paving P/L ; www.newdawnpermeablepaving.com.au)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- Porous asphalt is permeable to water
- Porous asphalt is similar to permeable/pervious concrete (function)
- Composed of larger stones in comparison to regular asphalt; different asphalt binders
- Material allows water to pass/drain through the asphalt layer
- Underlying open-graded stone bed
- After a storm water event: rainwater drains through the concrete layer into underlying stone bed
- Infiltration through stone bed into soil/groundwater
- Porous asphalt is a hard surface ( roadways/areas with higher traffic)
- Application areas: parking lots, streets, driveways…
iii. role of nature
- Permeable concrete water regulation function
- Porous medium inspired by natural soils water drains/infiltrates into the soil
- Reduced flood risk compared to typical roads, where water runs off the surface
iv. technical and design parameters
- Quite simple technology
- Porous asphalt consists of larger stones compared to regular asphalt
- Use of different asphalt binders
- Use of standard equipment that is used to build e.g. roads for regular asphalt
- Careful planning of the underlying bed size/depth to avoid that the water level rises into asphalt
layer (stone bed depth: 18-36 inches)
v. conditions for implementation
- Greater effort ( roads have to be repaid)
vi. benefits and limitations
- Water regulation with space which is used for traffic (no more space is needed)
- Can be used to slow traffic and reduce noise
- Reduces storm runoff by 70-90 %
Fig. 65: Permeable stone carpet (source: www.drenatech.it/) Fig. 66: Permeable stone carpet around a tree (source: LAND;
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- High permeable material/special material that allows water to pass through into the soil
- underground gravel bed (additional filtering of storm water runoff)
- Flexible material; Application for car parks, parks, public spaces, bicycle path, private gardens…
- Example (Drenatech):
- Innovative flooring option: consists of stones and two-component resin
- Two-component resin binds material; natural stones define appearance
- Use of different stone types
- Esthetical value: more attractive than regular floorings (e.g. asphalt; concrete)
- Frost- and wear-resistant
- High chemical + mechanical strength
iii. role of nature
- Permeable concrete water regulation function
- Porous medium inspired by natural soils water drains/infiltrates into the soil
- Reduced flood risk compared to typical roads, where water runs off the surface
iv. technical and design parameters
- Example (Drenatech):
- Environmentally friendly
- Resistant to heat and frost
- About 600-1000 l/m² per minute water passes
- Easy to apply ( two components to mix)
v. conditions for implementation
Fig. 67: Underground water storage (source: Commune di Fig. 68: Zollhallen Plaza (source: Land8 Media, LLC.;
Genova) land8.com)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies Zollhallen Plaza
ii. general description
Underground systems below public open spaces (sport fields) composed of modular elements to retain
flash floods and to store water for irrigation purposes nearby.
“Amunas, or ancient diversion channels, in select upper reaches of Lima’s watersheds historically
conveyed stream flows to infiltration ditches constructed laterally across mountainsides. Infiltrated water
would re-emerge in small, constructed micro-pools or in natural springs downslope, over several weeks or
months of lag time.” (Gammi & De Bievre 2015).
Fig. 70:Urban Constructed wetland (source: LAND; Fig. 71: Constructed wetland (source: LAND;
https://www.landsrl.com/) https://www.landsrl.com/)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x x
Case study: Trin Warren Tam-boore wetlands.(source: (City of Melbourne 2015)
reference to
key studies Urban wetland, Tanner Springs Park in Portland, Oregon (source: enclos*ure and Cynthia Goodson;
ii. general description
Constructed wetlands represent artificial wetlands with the main objective to harvest, treat and store storm-
/grey water runoff in urban areas. Processes/services of natural wetlands are adapted to constructed
wetlands focusing on water purification and (underground) storage. Hydrological processes of natural
wetlands are simulated in constructed wetlands. Wetlands are complex systems: The established
vegetation, the soil and microbiological activity play an important role for the filter performance of
constructed wetlands. (salt) Marshes, swamps, peat bogs, coral reefs, mangroves or lagoons represent
different types of wetlands.
Constructed wetlands are basins (shallow) that are filled with substrate. The substrate type is variable but
usually CWs are filled with sand or gravel. The substrate layer is planted with vegetation/aquatic plants.
Constructed wetlands have an inlet (pipe) for storm water runoff. The water flows horizontal through the
wetland while it is naturally filtered and cleaned. The main processes in a constructed wet roof are: settling
of particles, filtration, chemical transformation, adsorption+ ion exchange e.g. on plants and substrates,
uptake/breakdown/transformation of pollutants and nutrients by microorganisms and plants.
The storm water runoff can flow over or through the substrate layer. The constructed wetland is equipped
with an outlet (pipe, weir) for a controlled water discharge. The purified water flows into another pond
where it is stored. The treated storm water can be used for different purposes (e.g. for irrigation within the
city in green areas). According to the type of constructed wetlands wastewater flows 1) horizontal over
the ground surface or 2) horizontal under the ground surface through the substrate layer or 3) vertical
through the constructed wetland hybrid systems.
iii. role of nature
Processes in/services of natural wetlands are adapted to constructed wetlands focusing on water
purification and storage. The main processes in a constructed wet roof are: settling of particles, filtration,
chemical transformation, adsorption+ ion exchange e.g. on plants and substrates,
uptake/breakdown/transformation of pollutants and nutrients by microorganisms and plants.
iv. technical and design parameters
vii. performance
Transpiration 1
P1 Evaporation 2
Population/User -
Surface -
Insolation of building -
water conveyance 1
P2 water infiltration 1
water retention 1
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x
Monash University: Case study: Biofilter: Providing a fresh approach to storm water.
(source: https://www.monash.edu)
reference to
key studies Feng, W., Hatt, B. E., McCarthy, D. T., Fletcher, T.D. and A- Deletic (2012): Biofilters for Stormwater
Harvesting: Understanding the Treatment Performance of Key Metals That Pose a Risk for Water Use.
Provided In: American Chemical Society. (Feng et al. 2012)
ii. general description
Biofilters (water) are developed to collect and purify storm- and wastewater and represent a promising
system for storm water treatment. Bacteria and microorganisms are located on a filter medium (biofilm),
which often consists of sand or granular activated carbon. The biofilm degrades nutrients and
contaminations in the wastewater (influent) that is piped through the filter material. As mentioned above,
the term “filter” is misleading. Biofilters separates/removes nutrients and organic carbons from
wastewater/storm water through biodegradation. As a result biofiltration improves the quality of
wastewater (reduction of nutrients, metals, sediments) and storm water and at the same time harvests storm
water and stores it for a certain period.
iii. role of nature
Biodegradation is a natural process e.g. in soils. This natural degradation is used for different processes
for example in anaerobic digestion (biogas production). Microorganisms and bacteria de
degrades/removes/ nutrients and contaminations and biological substances.
iv. technical and design parameters
- Biofilter as demonstration for bioretention system
- Biofilter situated at the car park in Clayton Campus
- processed storm water per annum: 1.000.000 litres
- removal: nitrogen, phosphorus, 90% of heavy metals
- water storage in ornamental pond
- reuse of water runoff after treatment
- water purification
- improving quantity of storm- and wastewater
- storm water regulation/management
- quality of live (reduction of odours)
- habitat for wildlife (limited service)
vii. performance
Transpiration -
P1 Evaporation -
Population/User -
Surface -
Insolation of building -
water conveyance 1
water infiltration 2
P2 water retention 1
water storage 2
water reuse 1
water filtering 2
water bioremediation 2
deposition -
biofiltration -
habitat provision 1
connectivity -
beauty/appearance 1
P6 usability/functionality -
social interaction -
Literature/source: (Feng et al. 2012); Monash University (n.d.): https://www.monash.edu/environmental-sustainability/campus-initiative/water/water-
The following chapter deals with different measures focusing on the restoration of rivers. The
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) defines River restoration as […] “the re-
establishment of natural physical processes (e.g. variation of flow and sediment movement), features
(e.g. sediment sizes and river shape) and physical habitats of a river system (including submerged,
bank and floodplain areas).” (IUCN provided in: (The River Restoration Centre n.d.).
The main aim of restoration is to design rivers towards more near-natural state with the effect, that
the reinstated channels fulfil (again) important functions for the environment and for public
protection. After restoration the rivers are characterized by dynamic water courses and sediment
movements. Some of the mentioned functions are storm water regulation and flood risk reduction,
habitat provision, and the provision of public space for recreation. The measures of restoration are
diverse and modify different parts of the river e.g. the riverbed, the riverbank or floodplains and
include small-scale as well as larger scale interventions. Figure 4 represents an overview of different
restoration measures in and along rivers.
Fig. 77: Small stream after Dayligthing (source: LAND; Fig. 78: Daylighting of a small stream in work
https://www.landsrl.com/) (source: LAND; https://www.landsrl.com/)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x
reference to Tanners Brook, Southampton. source: (European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR) n.d.b)
key studies Wandle Park River Restoration (National Environmental Assessment Service, Solent and South Downs Area, South
East Region n.d.a)
ii. general description
- opening of covered/buried watercourses (rivers, drainage systems) by removing concrete layers
- reason for culverting watercourses: need of space for buildings, parking lots, roads
- negative effects of culverting: degradation of habitats, pollution, flood risk
- daylighting leads to more space for the water; increased storage capacity of the channel
- daylighting results in a natural development of the riverbed and riparian zone
- storm water benefits/management; environmental, aesthetic co-benefits
- positive effects: flood risk reduction, amenity value/recreation, habitat quality
- difference between “natural restoration” and “architectural restoration”
- natural restoration refers to the daylighting of channels and a natural development of the riverbed
and riparian zone
- architectural restoration describes the daylighting of the channel that still follows a concrete/
constructed channel (less near-natural than channels of the first type)
iii. role of nature
- Daylighting allows the natural development of a water channel that fulfils services of a natural
water channel/river e.g. habitat for wildlife and aquatic life and plants; regulation/uptake of storm
water runoff
- natural channels enables the water to flow to/expand to its riversides; natural vegetation
contributes to slow down the water velocity
iv. technical and design parameters
- Different designs are possible depending on the intention/planned project
- options: Removing whole culverted structure, parts of it (top layer) or making gabs
- a natural restoration is associated with greater effort than only removing the top layer of a
watercourse and receiving the constructed channel; the riparian zone gets a natural shape with
plants, rocks and a dynamic water channel shaped by nature
Fig. 79: Sandbank and flat riverbank, Isar, Munich Fig. 80: Extended flood plain area (source: LAND;
(source: ILPOE, 2018) https://www.landsrl.com/)
Fig. 81: New created branch for water retention, Neckar in Fig. 82: Vegetated island between side and main branch,
Wernau/Neckar (source: www.pfrommer-roeder.de) Neckar in Wernau/Neckar, 2014 (source: www.pfrommer-
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- expansion of the flood plain area/water retention area
- providing additional flood space by dividing the discharge into two branches
- new branch is created which is characterized by relatively flat flood plains and e.g. space for
natural development
- main purpose: flood event control and management
- creation of relatively flat and accessible bank areas
- new created space can be used for e.g. public purposes (relaxing, leisure activities) or agricultural
purposes (farmland) during low water levels
- division and connection of new branch to main stream depends on project/intervention
- planners take water depth and (min) water flow into account
Fig. 83: Alb, Karlsruhe (source: Prominski et al., 2017) Fig. 84: Ahna, Kassel (source: Prominski et al., 2017)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- measures lead to flow variation and sediment shifting processes structural remodelling
- change of appearance changing the length and depths of the river, current strength
- widening the channel describes the measure to broaden the riverbed at its sides
- as a result flow velocity of the water decreases and sediments accumulate to sand/gravel banks
- additional effort: Relocation of bank reinforcement to allow widening of the channel
- length extension: establishment of elements that alters the current as well as grading in the middle
of the current the result is a curvy course of the channel with an increased length compared to
the initial current course
- appearance like a natural river
- cut and slip-off banks arise through the curvy course of the current
iii. role of nature
- replication of natural river courses with sediment shifting processes and changing depth and width
of the river
- natural processes occur (filtering, storage, infiltration)
iv. technical and design parameters
- widening can be limited by bank reinforcement that cannot be relocated
- widening can be limited at one side
- protection against erosion is necessary at these parts of the river (length extension)
Fig. 85: Extension of the river length (left) (source: Freely adapted from Prominski et al., 2017)
Widening the channel (middle), extending the flow length (right) (source: Prominski et al., 2017)
vii. performance
Transpiration 1
P1 Evaporation 1
population -
building itself -
reflection -
water conveyance 1
water infiltration 1
P2 water retention 1
water storage -
water reuse -
water filtering 1
water bioremediation 1
deposition -
biofiltration -
habitat provision 2
connectivity 1
beauty/appearance 1
P6 usability/functionality -
social interaction -
literature/source: (Prominski et al., 2017); (Addy et al. 2016)
further reading:
Fig. 86: Isar, Munich 2018 (source: ILPOE 2017) Fig. 87: Isar, Munich (source: ILPOE 218)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water scarcity water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- measure to initiate channel dynamics
- enlarging the flood plain, shifting substrate within the river and bottom out banks
- result: river expansion; sinks; shallow water; fast and slow flowing areas
- sediments with different sizes accumulate (sand, gravel, stones) on the river ground
vii. performance
Transpiration 1
P1 Evaporation 1
population -
building itself -
reflection -
water conveyance 1
water infiltration 1
P2 water retention 1
water storage -
water reuse -
water filtering 1
water bioremediation 1
deposition -
biofiltration -
habitat provision 2
connectivity 1
beauty/appearance 1
P6 usability/functionality 1
social interaction 1
literature/source: (Prominski et al., 2017); (Addy et al. 2016)
further reading:
Fig. 89: Group of large rocks, Isar, Munich Fig. 91: Tree trunk, Isar, Munich
(source: Prominski et al., 2017) (source: Prominski et al., 2017)
Fig. 90: Bioengineered groynes in Birs, Basel Fig. 92: Introducing disruptive elements in the Isar, Munich
(source: Prominski et al., 2017) (source: Prominski et al., 2017)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed scarcity pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- disruptive and diverting element are placed in a riverbed with the main objective to redirect,
disturb, divert and deflect the current and initiate water dynamics
- elements: larger single rocks - sometimes arranged in groups of several rocks, larger tree trunks,
willow branches (for groynes)
- the elements can be placed near the river bank or in the middle of a river, depending on the desired
effect (deflecting and redirecting the current, one-sided riverbank erosion, sediment accumulation)
- measures lead to flow variation and sediment shifting processes
- disruptive elements influence the development of the channel (length, depth)
- flow sediment variation; development/settlement of water-dependent habitats
- provide space for human interaction/playing/relaxing
- provide habitats for aquatic animals, small animals (bird, insects)
tree trunks and stones
bioengineered groynes
- general objective of the following measure is to disturb, divert and deflect the current away from
the riverside/riparian for riverside protection against erosion
- groynes mainly consist of willow (whole plants or branches) or bundles of brushwood (fascines)
- roots of living willow and fascines grow vertically as well as horizontally and form relatively
stable, natural constructions
- initial construction of e.g. willow (pioneer species) is naturally extended through a gradual
establishment of other/different shrubs
- the naturally grown construction provides a habitat for various organisms and aquatic animals
Fig. 93: Diverting and disruptive elements above and under water level (source: Freely adapted from Prominski et al., 2017)
Fig. 94: Large single rocks (left), dead wood (middle), bioengineered groynes) (source: Prominski et al., 2017)
vii. performance
Transpiration -
P1 Evaporation -
population -
building itself -
reflection -
water conveyance 1
water infiltration 1
P2 water retention 1
water storage -
water reuse -
water filtering 1
water bioremediation 1
deposition -
biofiltration -
habitat provision 1
connectivity 1
beauty/appearance 1
P6 usability/functionality 2
social interaction 2
literature/source: (Prominski et al., 2017); (King 2009); (Addy et al. 2016)
further reading:
Fig. 95: Living revetment (source: Salix; www.salixrw.com) Fig. 96: Living revetment (source: Salix; www.salixrw.com)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water scarcity water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- varying the bank reinforcement
- plants/trees are planted along the riverside to stabilize the riverbank and thus avoid and retain
- constructions of living willow, timer, stone
- willow revetments are suitable for large channels
vii. performance
P1 Transpiration -
Evaporation -
The measures of bioengineering that are included in the NBS-handbook focus on the protection of water banks
and hillsides with medium to high inclination against water and wind erosion. In total, three different measures
are discussed that make use of flexible living as well as dead wood branches (e.g. willow) for the construction.
Fig. 97: Preparing a Living Fascine (source: Fig. 98: Living Fascine (source: freitag-weidenart.com)
Stowasserplan GmbH & Co. KG; stowasserplan.de)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water scarcity water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- natural and careful measure
- application for water bank protection and (strongly inclined) hillside stabilization
- consists of bundled tree brunches and twigs (max. length and diameter see technical and design
- bundles consist of living wood; additional use of death wood (max. 50 %) possible
- plants/branches are fast rooting
- Common bundle material for hydraulic engineering hazel, willow (branches): e.g. S. viminalis,
S. purpurea
- common bundle material for earthwork/hillside stabilization shrub willow (branches): e.g. S.
fragilis, S. alba
- willow is commonly used because of its characteristics length, flexibility, elasticity, form
- twigs are bundled with steel cables
- hardwood cuttings or dowels serve as fixation for the prepared bundles
- every bundle is fixed with several hardwood cuttings willow is used for cuttings
- horizontal installation of fascines (see figure - left)
- rooting fascine branches give (additional) stabilization and reduce risk of erosion
- fascines are covered with bushes; bushes grow on fascine and support stability of the water bank
or hillside
- simpler forms of hillside stabilization exist
- use of fast rooting plants/cuttings
- Plants are established on hills with strong inclination (hazel, willow…)
Fig. 99: Living fascine after implementation (left) and older fascine(source: Jany und Geitz 2013)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water scarcity water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- covering construction consisting of willow (able to root) and brushwood (not able to root)
- installation and fixation on embankment
- protection against erosion (wind, water)
- intensive and fast rooting; “direct” effects
- use of simple and local available materials
iii. role of nature
- imitation/simulation of natural vegetation layers with strong and branched root networks
- natural protection against erosion; reduced erosion risk compared to bare hillsides with a high risk
of water, wind and soil erosion
iv. technical and design parameters
Fig. 102: Rewetment with cuttings after implementation (left) and after a few years ) (source: (Jany, Angeika and Peter Geitz
vii. performance
Transpiration 1
P1 Evaporation -
population -
building itself -
water conveyance -
water infiltration 1
P2 water retention 1
water storage -
water reuse -
water filtering 1
water bioremediation 1
deposition -
biofiltration -
habitat provision 1
connectivity 1
beauty/appearance 1
P6 usability/functionality -
social interaction -
literature/source: (Jany, Angeika and Peter Geitz 2013); (Graf et al. 2003)
further reading:
Fig. 103:Planted embankment mat (source: (Jany, Angeika and Peter Geitz 2013)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water scarcity water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
- protection against erosion
- combination of mats/covering with vegetation layer e.g. seeding and plants
- use of local plants/trees/scrubs/meadow
- simple construction, fast installation
- possible combination with fascines
- slow down water velocity,
- promote sedimentation
iii. role of nature
- imitation/simulation of natural vegetation layers with strong and branched root networks
- natural protection against erosion; reduced erosion risk compared to bare hillsides with a high risk
of water, wind and soil erosion
iv. technical and design parameters
Fig. 104: Planted embankment mat (source: (Jany, Angeika and Peter Geitz 2013)
vii. performance
Transpiration 1
P1 Evaporation -
population -
building itself -
reflection -
water conveyance -
water infiltration 1
P2 water retention 1
water storage -
water reuse -
water filtering 1
water bioremediation 1
deposition -
biofiltration -
habitat provision 1
connectivity 1
beauty/appearance 1
P6 usability/functionality -
social interaction -
literature/source:(Jany, Angeika and Peter Geitz 2013); (Graf et al. 2003)
further reading:
The following chapter is the most open chapter, a collection of NBS that range from technology oriented to
long term process oriented. They differ from the other NBS measures and therefore do not match the previous
seven categories but represent interesting measures for air purification (8.1) and flood protection (8.2).
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water scarcity water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies
ii. general description
Biofilters (air) are facilities to control and purify biological waste gas. They are developed to reduce and
eliminate biogenic odours and represent a relatively simple technical installation. The application of
biofilters is diverse, including for example agriculture, sewage treatment plants, biogas plants, and
composting plants. The term “filter” is misleading in terms of their service: Biofilters (air) does not
separate solid particles from gas or water but separate gaseous/dissolved substances through bio-
degradation. Bacteria and microorganisms are located on a filter medium (breeding ground) that absorbs
odours of the air stream (e.g. peat, tree bark, and root wood fibre). The microorganisms on the filter degrade
the absorbed, biological substances (biological oxidation) and thus purifies the exhaust air passing the
filter material. Biofilters exist in different sizes and structural shapes (often in a box).
iii. role of nature
Biodegradation is a natural process e.g. in soils. This natural degradation is used for different processes
for example in anaerobic digestion (biogas production). Microorganisms and bacteria de degrade/remove/
nutrients contaminations, and biological substances.
iv. technical and design parameters
- different sizes flexible modules (expandable)
- different shapes container/box as common construction
- low maintenance
- easy handling: easy exchange and disposal of filter material
- domestic filter materials
- ecological process
FUCHS-Biofilter (series: BAC): Air purification (example (FUCHS enprotec GmbH n.d.)
Fig. 106: Mound on Mandoe island, Denmark (source: Fig. 107: Mound on Mandoe island, Denmark (source:
mandoe.de) mandoe.de)
i. basic information
type 1 2 3 action type: 1: protection/conservation; 2 = restoration + managing; 3 = retrofitting + creation
flooding water scarcity water/ air heat stress rapid growth health issues habitat loss biodiversity
addressed pollution (climate) loss
challenges x x x
reference to
key studies Mound on Mandoe island, Denmark (source: mandoe.de)
ii. general description
Mounds are a very old strategy to make use of natural processes for proving flood protection. They enable
settlement and livestock farming in areas that are affected by water/sea-level rises
- mounds represent higher ground above the water level during flood events
- mounds are connected with dikes to guarantee access to the dike
- mounds can be natural or manmade hills
- refuge for farm animals (cows, horses) and wild animals (contribution to nature conservation)
iii. role of nature
Sedimentation is a natural process that leads to increasing, upward “growing” soils. Mounds make use of
this natural process.
iv. technical and design parameters
- fast rotting mats (coconut fibre, jute)
- simple construction
- fast installation
v. conditions for implementation
Time is a condition for success, mounds can be initiated through construction but can only develop over
vi. benefits and limitations
- protection against erosion
- habitat for wildlife
- spatially concentrated flood protection has a potential as an alternative to costly dike construction
Addy, Stephen; Cooksley, Susan; Dodd, Nikki; Waylen, Kerry; Stockan, Jenni; Byg, Anja and Kirsty
Holstead (2016): River Restoration and Biodiversity. Nature-Based Solutions for Restoring the Rivers of
the UK and Republic of Ireland.
American Planning Association, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Association of State
Floodplain Managers and the National Association of Counties and The Nature Conservancy (n.d.):
Solution: Daylighting rivers and streams.
Andreo-Martínez, Pedro; García-Martínez, Nuria; Quesada-Medina, Joaquín and Luis Almela (2017):
Domestic wastewaters reuse reclaimed by an improved horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetland: A
case study in the southeast of Spain. In: Bioresource Technology 233, S. 236–246. DOI:
Armson, D.; Stringer, P. and A. R. Ennos (2013): The effect of street trees and amenity grass on urban
surface water runoff in Manchester, UK. In: Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 12 (3), S. 282–286. DOI:
Azkorra, Z.; Pérez, G.; Coma, J.; Cabeza, L. F.; Bures, S.; Álvaro, J. E. et al. (2015): Evaluation of green
walls as a passive acoustic insulation system for buildings.
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