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Strategic Management (MB 401) Unit I

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Unit I
Definition, nature, scope, and importance of strategy; and strategic
management (Business policy). Strategic decision-making. Process of strategic
management and levels at which strategy operates. Role of strategists.
Defining strategic intent: Vision, Mission, Business definition, Goals and
Environmental Appraisal—Concept of environment, components of
environment (Economic, legal, social, political and technological).
Environmental scanning techniques- ETOP, QUEST and SWOT (TOWS) PEST.

Unit II
Internal Appraisal – The internal environment, organizational capabilities in
various functional areas and Strategic Advantage Profile. Methods and
techniques used for organizational appraisal (Value chain analysis, Financial
and non financial analysis, historical analysis, Industry standards and
benchmarking, Balanced scorecard and key factor rating). Identification of
Critical Success Factors (CSF).

Corporate level strategies-- Stability, Expansion, Retrenchment and
Combination strategies. Corporate restructuring. Concept of Synergy.
Business level strategies—Porter’s framework of competitive strategies;
Conditions, risks and benefits of Cost leadership, Differentiation and Focus
strategies. Location and timing tactics. Concept, Importance, Building and
use of Core Competence.
Strategic Analysis and choice—Corporate level analysis (BCG, GE Nine-cell,
Hofer’s product market evolution and Shell Directional policy Matrix).
Industry level analysis; Porters’s five forces model. Qualitative factors in
strategic choice.

Unit IV
Strategy implementation: Resource allocation, Projects and Procedural issues.
Organistion structure and systems in strategy implementation. Leadership
and corporate culture, Values, Ethics and Social responsibility. Operational
and derived functional plans to implement strategy. Integration of functional
Strategic control and operational Control. Organistional systems and
Techniques of strategic evaluation.

Entrepreneur: definition, characteristics and skills. Generating and screening of
business ideas.
Govt. support to entrepreneurs, Entering/buying and Exit/selling a business,
finance: venture capital. Family business: Opportunities, and problems of small
business in India.

Project: Definition and characteristics. Demand analysis and technical analysis.
Impact Analysis, Managerial Appraisal.

Estimating project cost, Sources of finance, Preparation of projected financial
statements: Cash
Flow Statement, Income Statement and Balance Sheet. Project Investment Criteria.

Risk analysis: Management risk, market risk, technical risk.
Introduction to social benefit cost analysis, UNIDO and LM approach.
Implementation: Project planning and control, project organization. Review and
audit of Project
cost and implementation time.

Unit I
Advertising: Definition, Nature, Scope, Objectives, Types, Social and Economic
Aspect of Advertising, relationship with product life cycle.
Advertising as a communication Process: Concept of Integrated Marketing
communication, AIDA Model, Laivdge–Stenier Model of communication.
Advertising Campaign: Types, Planning and Managing Advertising campaign,
Advertising strategies.
Advertising Budget: Budget process, administering the budget.

Unit II
Media: Types, Media Planning process, Media Selection, and Multi-Media
Copywriting: Guidelines for copywriting, Copywriting for print, Audio, TV and
Outdoor media.
Advertising layout: Components and its position.
Evaluation of Advertisements: Measuring advertising effectiveness.
Advertising Agencies: Structure, Functions and Client Relationship, Laws and
ethics of advertising in India.

Unit III
Sales Management: Objectives, Selling process, Personal Selling objectives,
Determining Sales related marketing Policies.
Sales organization structures: Types of sales organization structure, Relationship
of sales department with other departments, Distributive network relations.

Unit IV
Sales Force Management: Recruiting and selecting sales personnel, Training
Sales force Motivating Sales Personnel, Compensating Sales Personnel, and
expenses of sales personnel, Staff meeting and Sales Contests.
Controlling the Sales Force: Sales Budget, Sales Quotas, Sales Territories, Sales
Control and cost analysis.

Unit I
Introduction to Services, Growth of service sector economy, Service
Characteristics, Service Classification, Service Marketing Mix.
Consumer Behavior in Services: Customer Expectation of Service, Customer
Perceptions of Service.

Unit II
Building Customer Relationships.
Service recovery and recovery strategies
Service development and design: Challenges of service design, types of new
Services, New service development process.
Physical evidence and the Service scopes

Unit III
Delivering and performing service through Employees, Intermediaries and
Customer Participation.
Managing Demand and Capacity, Waiting Line Strategies
Integrated Services Marketing Communications and Services marketing triangle.

Unit IV
Pricing of services: Pricing approaches, Pricing Strategies
Service Quality: Integrated gaps model of service quality.
Prescriptions for closing quality gaps.

Unit - I
Financial Services - Meaning, types and their importance.
Securities Trading - Online Vs Offline Trading, Demat and Remat.
Depository - Introduction, Concept, depository participants, functioning of
depository systems, process of switching over to depository systems, benefits,
depository systems in India, SEBI regulation.

Unit - II
Mutual funds and AMCs - concept, origin and growth of mutual funds,
Constitution & management of MFs - Sponsors, Trustees, AMCs, and custodians.
Classification of mutual fund schemes, advantages and disadvantages in mutual
Fund schemes, NAV and pricing of mutual fund units. State of mutual funds in
Insurance Services- Introduction, Principles of insurance, Types of Insurance.
Life Insurance Products- Traditional and ULIPs.
Credit rating - the concept and objective of credit rating, various credit rating
agencies in India and International credit rating agencies, factors affecting credit
rating & procedural aspects.

Unit - III
Leasing - concept and development of leasing, business, difference between
Leasing & hire purchase, types of leasing business, advantages to lesser and
Merchant Banking - Origin and development of merchant banking in India
scope, organizational aspects and importance of merchant bankers. Latest
Guidelines of SEBI w.r.t Merchant bankers.
Venture capital - concepts and characteristics of venture capital, venture capital
in India, guidelines for venture capital.

Unit - IV
Call money market, Treasury bill market, Commercial Bill market, Market for
CPs and CDs, Discount market and market for financial guarantees.
Factoring - Development of factoring types & importance, procedural aspects in
factoring, financial aspects, prospects of factoring in India.
Plastic Money - Concept and different forms of plastic money - credit and debit
Cards, pros and cons. Credit process followed by credit card organizations.
Factors affecting utilization of plastic money in India.
Max. Marks – 100

Unit - I
Management Control System: Basic concepts, nature and scope. Control
Environment – Concept of goals and strategies. Behavioural considerations.

Unit - II
Responsibility Centers: Revenue and expense centers, Profit centers, Investment
Transfer Pricing: Objectives and methods.

Unit - III
Budgeting: Budget preparation, Types of budgets, Behavioral aspects of budgets.
Variance analysis and reporting.

Unit - IV
Performance analysis and measurement, Impact on management compensation.
Modern control methods: JIT, TQM and DSS. Control in service organizations,
Control in multinational corporations.

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