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1.Foundations of Entrepreneurship Development: Concept and Need of Entrepreneurship Development Definition of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Invention, Creativity, Business Idea, Opportunities through change Concepts of Entrepreneur, Manager, Intrapreneur / Corporate Entrepreneur comparative study - Roles, Responsibilities, Career opportunities. Entrepreneurship as a career, Entrepreneurship as a style of management, The changing role of the entrepreneur: mid career dilemmas Closing the window: Sustaining Competitiveness - Maintaining competitive advantage 2. Theories of Entrepreneurship: Innovation Theory by Schumpeter & Imitating, Theory of High Achievement by McClelland, XEfficiency Theory by Leibenstein, Theory of Profit by Knight, Theory of Social change by Everett Hagen 3. Influences on Entrepreneurship Development: Entrepreneurial Traits External Influences on Entrepreneurship Development: Socio-Cultural, Political, Economical, Personal. Entrepreneurial culture with special Reference to Entrepreneurship/ Corporate Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Success and Failure: Reasons and Remedies 4. Women Entrepreneurs: Challenges to Woman Entrepreneurs, Achievements of Woman Entrepreneurs, Role Models of Woman Entrepreneurs. 5. Creating Entrepreneurial Venture - Entrepreneurship Development Cycle 6. Business Planning Process - The business plan as an entrepreneurial tool Elements of Business Plan, Objectives, Market Analysis, Development of Product / idea, Marketing, Finance, Organization & Management, Ownership, Critical risk contingencies of the proposal, Scheduling and milestones


7. Project Management
Technical, Financial, Marketing Personnel and Management feasibility Reports Financial schemes offered by various financial institutions like Commercial Banks, IDBI, ICICI, SIDBI, SFCs,Venture Capital Funding, Angle Capitalist 8. Entrepreneurship Development and Government Role of Central Government and State Government in promoting Entrepreneurship with various incentives, subsidies, grants etc. with Special reference to Export oriented unites Role of the following agencies in the Entrepreneurship Development 1. DIC District Industrial Center 2. SISI Small Industries Services Institute 3. EDII Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India 4. NIESBUD National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development 5. NEDB National Entrepreneurship Development Board


1. International Business Environment Globalization Forces, Meaning, dimensions and stages in Globalization Introduction to theories of International Trade by Adam Smith, Ricardo and Ohlin & Heckler Trading Environment of International Trade Tariff and Non-tariff Barriers Trade Blocks Rise of new economies like Japan, South East Asia and China as compared to India 2. Country Risk Analysis Political, Social and Economic Ethical practices Halsteade model - Responsibilities of International Business



3. Managing Multinational Enterprises Problems and Potential Multinational Service Organizations Indian companies becoming multinationals Potential, Need and Problems 4. Introduction to International Financial Management Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank and World Bank Financial Markets and Instruments Introduction to Export and Import Finance Methods of payment in International Trade Introduction to current EXIM policy. 5. Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Laws General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs, (GATT), World Trade Organization IPR, TRIPS, TRIMS, GATS Ministerial Conferences. 6. International Marketing Entry strategies Market selection Barriers 7. Global sourcing and its impact on Indian Industry Globalization and internalreform process Indias competitive advantage in industries like IT, Textiles, Gems & Jewellery etc. Potential and threats

8. Case Studies: Country Risk Analysis Cases on theories of International Trade Cases on WTO related to topic 5 Cases on International Marketing


1. Knowledge Management: Concept, KM Strategies Architecture and Tools KM Practices

2. Six Sigma Concept, steps involved in launching Six Sigma, Benefits derived.

3. Mergers and Acquisitions Concept, Types, Relevance in 21st century Businesses Regulatory control.

4. IT Enabled Services Business / Knowledge Process Outsourcing.

5. World Class Manufacturing: Concept and Importance, Lean Manufacturing Practices, Just in Time, Theory of Constraints

6. Corporate Governance: Concept, Significance in Indian Context, Corporate Social Responsibility Role of Board of Directors Recommendations of Birla Committee and Narayanmurthy Committee Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.


1. Introduction to Services: Nature of Services; Characteristics of Services Intangibility, Inconsistency, Inseparability and Inventory; Search, experience and credence attributes, Classification of Services; Consumer versus Industrial Services.

2. Global and Indian Scenario in services sector: Importance of Services Marketing; Every business a service business; Service as key differentiator for manufacturing industries. 3. Services Marketing Mix: Introduction to the 7 Ps of Services Marketing Mix; Product-Service Continuum; Standalone service products; Service products bundled with tangible products; Service Life Cycle. 4. Distribution: Place Distribution Strategies for Services; Challenges in distribution of Services; Role of Internet in distribution of Services

5. Promotion: Promotion objective for Services; Personnel Selling, Advertising and Sales Promotion; Role of Relationship Marketing in promoting services.

6. Pricing: Factors involved in pricing a service product; demand variation and capacity constraints; Capacity Planning, Measures to respond to changes in demand; Reshaping demand using effective pricing

7. People: The key role of service employees in a service business; Services marketing triangle; Service profit chain, Concept of Service encounter Moment of Truth; Training and development of employees; Motivation and empowerment.

8. Physical evidence: Nature of physical evidence; Importance of physical evidence in services; Tangibilizing through physical evidence; Service scapes.

9. Process: Service as a process & as a system - Different process aspects and managerial challenges Strategies for managing inconsistency Customer role in services - Customers as co-producers; Self Service Technologies, Customer Service in Service Marketing

10. Customer Satisfaction & Service Quality: Monitoring and Measuring customer satisfaction, Order taking and fulfillment; Service Guarantee - Handling complaints effectively; Defects, Failures and Recovery. Concept and Importance of quality in Services; How customers evaluate service performance, Service Quality Models Parsuraman-Zeithamal-Bitner (PZB) Gaps Model, SERVQUAL, and SERVPERF Gronroos model

11. Technology & Service Strategy: Applying technology to service settings, e-services.





1. Overview of Marketing Strategy - Relationship with Corporate Vision, Mission and Objectives. Market-led strategic management. 2. Strategic Marketing analysis Identification of attractive markets, Industry/ business analysis and sustaining competitive advantage.

3. Segmentation, Targeting and positioning principles - The process of marketdefinition - Determining alternative market or segment attractiveness Making market and segment choices - Alternative targeting strategies - Principles of competitive positioning - Communicating the competitive position.

4. Product & Industry Life Cycle - Marketing strategy formulation across PLC stages, Marketing strategy formulation for emerging markets, growth markets, mature, declining, fragmented markets for products (goods and services)

5. New product development and introduction strategies - Speeding new product development Organizing for new product development - Planned innovation - Planned or unplanned strategy withdrawals / obsolescence.

6. Offensive and defensive competitive strategies - Build strategies - Hold strategies - Market nicer strategies - Harvesting strategies - Divestment/deletion. 7. Competing through superior service and customer relationships - The three Ss of customer service - Providing superior service - Measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction .

8. Competing through e-Marketing - The impact of e-Marketing on marketing Strategy 9. Integration of Marketing Strategies - Application to different business sectors FMCG, Industrial, & Services. Constraints in marketing strategy implementation. Periodical assessment.



1. Paradigm shift in marketing: The evolution of marketing theory - 4Ps to 7Ps, Transactional marketing approach to relationship marketing philosophy competitive advantage through Relationship Marketing RM in industrial markets and consumer markets, services.

2. Key concepts in relationship marketing concepts: Characteristics of relationships promise trust commitment satisfaction quality - Service competition - customer value customer defections customer loyalty loyalty programs.

3. Planning for relationship marketing: Internal marketing communication cooperation network view of the firm The six markets framework - partnering to build customer relationships - learning organization customer culture.

4. Customer lifetime value: Customer life cycle attracting retaining and growing customers lifetime customer value (LCV) - Customer equity Recency-Frequency Monetary value (RFM) model. Customer product profitability analysis value profit chain differences between customer retention and acquisition orientation of a firm.

5. IT enabled RM: Emergence of CRM database marketing data warehousing and data miningpitfalls of IT focus in RM ethical issues customer privacy.

6. Sustaining Customer Relationships: The role of service in building relationships, segmentation of service, measurement of service - Monitoring of customer satisfaction - Analyzing customer defections


1. Product Management: Product Development, Product focused organization; Market focused organization, Factors influencing design of the product, Changes affecting product management.

2. Developing Product Strategy: Setting objectives & alternatives, Product strategy over the life-cycle, Customer analysis, Competitor analysis, Design of manufacture, New product development

3. Market Potential & Sales Forecasting: Forecasting target market potential and sales, Methods of estimating market and sales potential, Sales forecasting, planning for involvement in international market.

4. Brand & Brand Management: Commodities Vs Brands, The role of brands, The brand equity concept, Brand Equity Models Brand Asset Valuation, Aaker Model, BRANDZ, Brand Resonance. Building Brand Equity, Brand Identity and Brand image.

5. Brand Leveraging & Brand Performance: Establishing brand equity management system, measuring sources of brand equity and consumer mindset, Co-branding, celebrity endorsement.

6. Brand Positioning & Brand Building: Brand knowledge, Brand portfolios and market segmentation, Steps of brand building, Identifying and establishing brand positioning, Defining and establishing brand values.

7. Designing & Sustaining Branding Strategies: Brand hierarchy, Branding strategy, Brand extension and brand transfer, Managing brand over time.

8. Measuring Brand Equity: Brand Value chain, Brand Audits, Brand Tracking, Brand Valuation.

9. Managing Brand Equity: Brand Reinforcement, Brand Revitalization, Brand Crisis.


1. International Marketing: Concept, scope & Objectives. Challenges and opportunities in International Marketing, Underlying forces of International Marketing. 2. Export Marketing: Recent Import Export Policy and Procedures, as on 31st March. General Various Export Promotion schemes, as on 31st March of the last financial Year.

3. Facilities and incentives relating to export business: Rules for successful exporting. Preliminaries for starting Export Business, Registration of Exporters, Sending / Exporting samples, Appointing Overseas Agents Obtaining a License (Export License).

4. International Pricing Decisions: Factors influencing international pricing decisionsUniform pricing V/s Market by market pricing.

5. Arranging Finance for exports: Financial and fiscal incentives provided by the Government and foreign exchange facilities by the R.B.I. and EXIM Bank. Institutional support from Government, Semi. Government and Autonomous Organizations for Exporters. Obtaining export credit Insurance. Exchange rates, Understanding foreign exchange rates and protection against their adverse movement.

6. Export Documentation: Submitting Documents to Bank for purchase / Collection / Negotiation under L/C. Export Credit Limit. Preparing Export Document Shipping and Customs Clearance of the goods. Processing / Manufacturing goods for Export and their inspection by Government Authorities. Compulsory Quality Control and Pre-shipment Inspection, Excise Clearance, Insuring goods against marine risks, Marine Insurance.

7. Labeling, Packaging, Packing and Marketing Goods For Orientation to GATT and functions of W.T.O.



1. E Business Fundamentals: Internet Basics: Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Portals, Web and Wireless. Concept of e-Business & e-Marketing. Markets (including B2C, B2B and C2C) 2. The Virtual Value Chain: Marketplace vs. Market space - Visibility, Mirroring Capability and New Customer Relationships - The Network Economy - "Moore's Law" and "Gilder's Law" - E-Marketplaces and Economic Impacts.

3. Consumer Behavior on the Internet: Demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral factors important to e-Marketing. Motivations for shopping on the net - attributes of online shopping.

4. Information for Competitive Marketing Advantage: Marketing Research on the Net Using Data Tools to Enhance Performance & for marketing intelligence.

5. The Internet Marketing Mix: Continuum of purely virtual to purely physical productsProduct in the Internet Marketing Mix - presenting product online, building a brand Price in the Internet Marketing Mix - Importance of price competitiveness to e-Business - Place in the Internet Marketing Mix : the importance of fulfillment, logistical considerations- Promotion in the Internet Marketing Mix - reaching the e consumer. 6. Customer Experiences on the Web: The web's unique capabilities Interactive communications with customers for - organizational learning, service capability, convenience. 7. e-Customer Relationship Management: The Economics of e-Loyalty The importance of trust - The importance of focusing on the "right" customers Price rational vs. price obsessive consumers, loyalists vs. butterflies - Upselling and crossselling. Relationship Capital eCRM Internet strategies facilitating CRM including personalization, collaborative filtering, data mining, data warehousing and real-time profiling. Introduction to Operational, Collaborative, Analytical CRM.

8. Virtual Communities: Building Partnerships through Community - User-Generated Content, Blogs. 9. Legal and Ethical Issues: Privacy and Security Concerns - Electronic Payment System - Different types of payment modes, e-cash, e-check, e-money - E-Security Firewalls

10. The Future of e Marketing.

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