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Axor Axor: MASTERSPEED Service Manual MASTERSPEED Service Manual

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AXOR High Performance Servo Drives AXOR High Performance Servo Drives

36 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 1

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives AXOR High Performance Servo Drives

This manual show mechanical and electrical characteristics about
Masterspeed 60-140- 200 series.
It is important,that the installation procedure should be perfomed
only by qualified personnel according with local safety rules. W ho
installs the equipment must follow the technical informations
contained in this manual.
For other informations please contact AXOR technical dept.


2 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 35

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives AXOR High Performance Servo Drives

Options Index
Encoder feedback board
Pc board (3.015.1)
This allows motor speed regulation, using an incremental bidirectional encoder.
With this solution we save tacho price using the same signal of positioning control. General description Pag.
Performance quality at low speed is as better as bigger is encoder resolution 500
cycles/rev. encoder minimum is suggested.
It is possible to multiply by 2 or 4 increasing quality performance. Using as example
1000cycles/rev encoder and choosing x 4 solution we have a final resolution of 4000
Introduction.............................................................................................. 4
Tecnnical specifications.......................................................................... 5 1
Inputs and outputs.................................................................................... 6-7
cycles/rev. Trimmer adjustments .............................................................................. 8
Max input frequency=100 KHZ

Ventilation............................................................................................... 9
Overall dimensions.................................................................................. 10
Power supply dimensionality...................................................................
13 2
Starting and adjustments
External series choke Preliminary controls................................................................................. 18
Starting procedure................................................................................... 19
These amplifiers need inductor connected in series to the motor only if the motor has Personalizations...................................................................................... 20-22
a internal inductance lower then 0,7-0,8 mH. Calibrations............................................................................................. 23
So we improve form factor and the servomotor don't over heating.
Signalling and fault research
Led's diagnostic...................................................................................... 30
Fault protections...................................................................................... 31
NOTE: In the electric box, the inductance, must be connected with short wires
Fault research ......................................................................................... 32-33
between amplifier and inductance too.

Options.............................................................................................................. 34

34 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 3

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Description AXOR High Performance Servo Drives
Signalling and fault research

8) During the deceleration phase OK green led switch off.

The masterspeed "MTS 60","MTS 140","MTS 200" series are four quadrant Foreseen external dump resistor - Reduce max Vel
driver that brings on board power supply,braking circuit,heatsink and the ventilator more power ful - Increase ACC/DEC ramp
when request. - Mount a bigger resistance.
It needs only an unique one or three phasis alternate feeding ,while all further - Reduce duty dumping cycle.
voltage are obtained from internal flyback.
Dc bus + AT - AT connections are provided to which we can add an external
capacitor for monophase feeding. .
9) During the working phase S.T. red led lighted and servomotor stop.
Happened max temperature - Room temperature is greater then
The output power stage (mosfet or IGBT)is controlled using the PWM technique
thermoswitch 45°C.
(20 Khz).These amplifiers are designed for driving servomotors between - The amplifier is positioning not
0,2-8 Nm, where dinamyc performance and fast response are requested. correctly, and can't have air
The speed control is made by tachogenerator,armature or encoder feedback .
Faults are showed in front of the panel.
If an amplifier module is replaced,it is important to verify that the new amplifier 10) When the motor is stopped, with enable, the motor swing.
module is calibrated as the one removed.
This is easily accomplished by simply installing the header from the removed Reversed tacho signal with over - Proceed with start up using 2
amplifier module into the new one. taken error corrector signal reference signal from CNC on
We can adapt dinamyc constant,respect standard,by new personality header.For coming from CNC. manual mode (space loop
to use various options avalaible on amplifier,we must open or close the solder excluded). Reverse the tacho
signal and verify dinamically the
bridges in "adjustment zone".
good working functioning of
For take out this PC board please remove the driver plastic cover,push the PC machine. Only at the end of these
board bicking device and take out the PC board internal. tests ,correction signal coming
from CNC will be activated.

4 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 33

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives
Signalling and fault research AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Description

Fault research Technical specification

Power supply voltage and rated current for each model
1) When we applying power OK green led doesn't light.
Drive motor *Max min power
Supply voltage not correct - Control by instrument between R-S-T Model Power s. (Vac)
voltage(Vdc) supply value
declared, are
MTS 60 20 - 40 * 27 - 54 calculated for
2) OK green led is light, but servomotor don't start when we enable the amplifier. 10% tolerance in
MTS 140 35 - 95 * 47 - 122 the net and
Velocity signal isn't present
- Verify input signal MTS 200 52- 145 * 70 - 200
referred to the
transformer with
Sizes Rated current Peak current (A)
3) When we enable amplifier, OK green led doesn't light and O.C. red led is lighted. -Sizes avalaible for all
4/8 models.
There is a short circuit on motor - Turn off the main power 8 / 16 4 8 Rated current are declared
- Verify the proper wiring 10 / 20 8 16 until 45°C

Wire or servomotor winding is - Disconnect the servomotor and

14 / 28 10 20 2
verify its insulation with a tester.
- Rated current is adjustable between 40 % to 100% by Rin.
4) When we enable amplifier, red m.d. led is lighted. - Peak current is adjustable between 50 % to 100% by Rip.
there isn't present tacho signal - Turn off the main power
- Verify with an instrument, the
Motor cables or tacho cables are value directly on the amplifier's Input reference Differential +/- 10V (input impedance 20K Ohm)
reversal terminals.
Drift (referred to differential reference
+/- 18 micro V/C° (max) 3
- Invert motor or tacho cables
RDT resistor not mounted.
Drift (referred to differential speed +/- 18 micro V/C° (max)
5) With armature feedback, when we enable m.d. red led is lighted
Input-output demand current +/- 10V (input impedance 23.5 K )
Solder bridgeJP 10 close - Open solder bridge Enable signal +10 / 30 VDC (input impedance 10K )

6) When we enable the servomotor is stop and m.d. red light is lighted
Minimum tacho signal at max speed

D.T. range regulation


0 / 5000
(Reference a 10V)
Motor isn't connect - Verify the presence of connections output voltage for external use +10V, -10V (5mA max)

Motor current monitor +/- 8V (correspond at peak current)

Operating Temperature 0 / 40 C
7) When we enable servomotor turn at high speed and m.d. red led doesn't light Humidity 80% max
Potentiometer speed calibration
isn't correct.
- Verify the capacitor values Altitude 0 / 1000 m s.l.d.m. 5

32 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 5

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Description AXOR High Performance Servo Drives
Signalling and fault research

Inputs and outputs (signal connectors) Protection circuits

Masterspeed amplifier has protective circuits for safeguard the servomotor and the
amplifier too. All protections are annunciated in front of the amplifier.
Detachable When a protections go on it provokes the memorization of the alarm, switch off of the
terminal 12 poles green ok led and the internal contact of the relay opening (pin 1-2).
When in red led is on this don't provokes the memorization of the alarm (block of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 In this case contact of relay open only if the solder bridge JP9 is closed.
There are two types of faults: reversible or irreversible.
1 CONV (OK) (OUTPUT) These contacts normally are closed. The amplifier will enable as soon as the current
Internal relay contact They open when active an internal Reversible protection: or voltage returns to on acceptable operating
protection. level.
2 CONV (OK) (Max load 48 Vdc 800 mA or 110 Vac 1A)
Internal relay contact (OUTPUT) The amplifier won't enable. We must switch off the
Irreversible protection:
power supply, eliminate the fault cause and start
again the amplifier after a minimum amount of
time for be sure of complete capacitors discharge.
3 I MOTOR (OUTPUT) This signal correspond to the motor current.
+/- 8 V correspond to the peak current of the amplifier.
Example: MTS140 8/16 ...........8V Correspond to 16 A REVERSIBLE FAULT
Over under voltage Is activated when the power supply come out
(INPUT-OUTPUT) from the table described below.
It can use in two differents mode:
1 Current limitation.
We connect an external resistance to zero.(Internal speed loop MS 60 20 V 84 V
is enabled). MS 140 40 V 182 V
Example:with external resistor (value 47 K) current is limit to MS 200 58 V 275 V
50% respect max current of size.

2 Current reference: (torque input) Limit of the current Is activated when the IxT cycle of the amplifier
We apply +/- 10 V signal ,it correspond at peak current. is exceeded.
In this case speed loop is disabled automatically.
We can also disabled with solder bridge JP 7 located in the IRREVERSIBLE FAULT 4
"adjustment zone" . (see page 22).
Temperature (S.T.) The power switching bridge is provided with a
Use instruments with impedance greater than 100 k. termoswitch wich opens when the tempera-
ture exceeds a safe operating level.

(OUTPUT) Output voltage for external use -10Volt max curr.5mA. Is activated when there is a short circuit on the
Short Circuit
(OUTPUT) Output voltage for external use +10Volt max curr.5mA.
5 - 10 V
Broken tacho Is activated when tachogenerator is open, short
6 + 10V generator circuited, or reversal, for preventing motor

6 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 31

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives
Signalling and fault research AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Description

7 ENABLE (INPUT) Logic signal for amplifier 10/30 vdc.

Led's diagnostic If the signal is smaller than + 10 v the amplifier isn't enable

LED OK (green normally light on) Common zero signal

This led shows proper functioning of the 8 ZERO SIGNAL
amplifier. (INPUT) Noninverting differential input +/-10V.
It switch off when is activated a whatever 9 SPEED REFER. +
protections shown also from red led light (iNPUT) Inverting differential input +/-10V
on. It switch off when over/under voltage 10 SPEED REFER. -
protection is activated;in the same time the
OK relay contact open. (INPUT) Input tachogenerator signal
(INPUT) Input tachogenerator signal. This signal is connected at
the zero amplifier.(Internal)
acc 12 TACHOGENER. +
Leds I.n. LED (Red normally switch off)
diagnostic When this led is lighted protection IxT is
activated, limit and max current provided is
the rated current. Inputs and outputs (power connector)
This "alarm" don't cause the disabilitation
of the amplifier.
The amplifier return automatically to
normal work when current consuption goes
to a normal value.
Detachable -M +M -AT +AT RR L1 L2 L3
If the JP 9 solder bridge is closed is not
activated the interdiction of the output terminal 8 poles
transistor and the switching off of the green
led (drive ok).

O.C. LED (RED normally switch off)

Alarm of over current fault.
The power switching of the drive is continuosly monitored, and circuit will disable power -M (OUTPUT) Output servomotor -
section if any of the following faults occur:
- Motor armature leads shorter +M (OUTPUT) Output servomotor +
- Motor armature shorted to ground
- Motor armature shorted to power supply -AT (OUTPUT) Internal negative power supply. (We can connect an external
This fault provoke the memorization of the alarm; can be reset by turning off the main capacitor if request).
power for several seconds, and then turning it on again.

S.T. LED (red normally switch off)

+AT (OUTPUT) Internal positive power supply. (We can connect an external
capacitor if request). 4
Over temperature fault. The power switching bridge is provided with a thermoswitch which
opens when the temperature exceeds a safe operating level. RR (OUTPUT) We can connect an external resistor for braking.
This fault provoke the memorization of the alarm. It can't be reset. We must wait or a lower
hestsink temperature and then turning on the main power. L1 (INPUT) Phase 1 from transformer.

M.D. LED (red normally switch off)

Alarm of loss of tachogenerator signal or tachogenerator signal reverse. L2 (INPUT) Phase 2 from transformer.
This fault provoke the memorization of the alarm.

Caution: Between a switch off and switch on need wait for minimum 10 sec. L3 (INPUT) Phase 3 from transformer.

30 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 7

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Description AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments


Trimmer adjustment
When complete information is supllied to AXOR, the amplifiers
are calibrated from the factory for nominal motor performance.
Field calibration may be necessary to optimize motor's
performance for a particular applications, replacing internal
Calibration for costant (see also blocks schematic).
qualified For replacement we isert new value in "ADJUSTMENT ZONE"
Adjustmen Vel personnel opening solder bridges expected. (see pag. 22)
t bil
If is possible, order the amplifier with the personality header
der With this trimmer we can adjust the fine
acc speed. It provides a range of +/- 20 %
to fine tunes the velocity command
ok input sensitivity ;for increase speed turn CKI e RKI They describes respectively capacitor and
i.n potentiometer clockwise and in resistance of the current loop. For replacement we
o.c anticlockwise sense for reduce itself. must open the solder bridge JP3. (disabilitatio of
CKI standard costant)
Offset calibration. This potentiometer
allows offset calibration on the input
Max reference correction +/- 200 mV
C DER It allows to increase the velocity loop derivative
costant. New value may be composed by 2
capacitor. We can insert these capacitor in the
predisposed space. The obtained capacitor value is
CDER the sum of the two. 3
The dinamyc response of the motor depends from this trimmer; for increase the gain
turn the KV potentiometer in clockwise sense.

RKV - CKV They describe respectivlely resistance and

DER capacitor of the velocity loop.
Derivative adjustment.Turning the DER trimmer in clockwise the overshoot is For replacement we must open the solder bridge
reduced. JP4. (disabilitation of standard costant).

The solder bridges allow insert the acc/dec function.(JP1-JP2-JP8 )
With anticlockwise turn(ccw)we increasing acc/dec function between 0.1/1 GAIN It defines the velocity loop static gain.
sec.(correspond 10 v reference)
We can insert new value by solder bridge JP5
We can increase or reduce max time of acc/dec opening JP1 solder bridge and
(open).( disabilitation of standard costant).
inserting a resistance in the personality header.(see pag. 27)

N.B. Usually,the amplifier,is provided with the ACC/DEC function disabled.

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AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Installations


Usually, these Adjustment, are made from factory, and don't need MASTERSPEED amplifiers should be installed to allow a proper heatsink
modifies; but if need small adjustment use KV and DER trimmer.
If we have very high load inertia (report 3:1 between inertia load and cooling.
inertia motor) we must modified KV gain "KV" potentiometer and
increasing the derivative function "der potentiometer".The calibration must
be made with load, connected to the motor. Only position accepted in the
Calibration for
qualified Apply square wave (0,5 hz +/- 1v) at the input reference.
personnel! Connect at tachogenerator input an oscilloscope with memory (ground
probe must be connected at zero signal). Then turn the trimmer der in
anticlockwise sense. Before look for safety space during alternative mote.
It is important, for proper natural
convection cooling, avoid to put other
objects above the amplifier.
Using the amplifier in dusty
ambient,it is important that the doors of
boxes containing electronic equipment
be kept closed and air must be filtered
Vel Apply power to the amplifier and enable it machine will move itself up and avoid the entry of contaminants and
down. If possible increase voltage to +/- 2volt when the oscilloscope
signals on monitor making a comparation with the wave shape on
following page and do as suggested.
conductive particles wich can cause
extensive damages.
Every amplifier is provided with a
acc thermoswitch that opens when the
temperature exceeds a safe operating
level,S.T. protections will be
The fault can't be reset. We must wait
Proportional integral gain low until the heatsink temperature is lower.
Max working temperature is 45°C.
Tachogenerator signal MASTERSPEED table,for identify the type
of ventilation If we use intensively the
amplifier with high room
Increase gain turning in clockwise sense Natural convection On board ventilation
temperature ambient and
"KV"potentiometer until obtain a response MS60 4/8 quick step we must provide
similar as shown. MS60 8/16 for forced cooling.
MS60 10/20 NOTE: In case of forced
Tachogenerator signal MS60 14/28 cooling requirement the

For reduce the overshoot turn in clockwise

MS60 20/40
MS60 25/50
ventilator it should be
installed at the bottom of
sense "DER" potentiometer until obtain a MS140 4/8 the amplifier under the
response similar as shown. MS140 8/16 relative units.
MS140 10/20
Tachogenerator signal MS140 14/28
MS140 20/40
MS140 25/50
MS200 4/8
Attention:Do not exceed with gain, you can
cause an useless motor heating the motor's
due to swing following current oscillations.
MS200 8/16
MS200 10/20 5
A good signal is reproduced here MS200 14/28
(this signal we can see between MS200 20/40
i.m test point and zero). MS200 25/50

28 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 9

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Installations AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments

Peak Current Calibration

Overall dimensions
If we insert RIP resistance on the personality header
between 5-10 pin, we can limit peak current.
Below is reported a table with re-entry current.

5 10

Value/RIP(Kohm) * 220 150 100 82 68 56 47 39 33 27 18
04/08 8 7.3 7.1 6.7 6.4 6.2 5.9 5.6 5.3 5 4.6 4
08/16 16 14.5 14 13.2 12.7 12.2 11.6 11 10.5 9.8 9.2 8
10/20 20 18 17.4 16.3 15.5 15 14.4 13.7 13 12.1 11.4 10
14/28 28 26 25 23.5 22.6 21.8 20.8 19.8 18.7 17.5 16.5 14
20/40 40 37.8 36 34.1 33 31.7 30 28.9 27.1 25.8 23.8 20
25/50 50 46.9 44 41.7 40.3 38.5 36.9 34.9 33 31 28.9 25
* = Above are reported the value of resistances for obtain a correct current, you mustn't
mount resistance lower than 18Kn.


The solder bridges allow insert the acc/dec function. (JP2- JP8).
With anticlockwise turn (ccw) we increasing acc/dec function
between 0.1/1 sec. (correspond 10 v reference).
3 12 We can increase or reduce max time of acc/dec opening JP1 solder
bridge and inserting a resistance in the personality header. (Pin 3-
(see table below).
Acc/dec off 0 sec. -

Acc/dec on 0,1 / 1 sec. Adjustable with ACC trimmer

Acc/dec on Use Res RAMP Adjustable with ACC trimmer

Res RAMP 680K 820K 1Mohm 1,5Mohm 2,2Mohm 3,3Mohm

Time 0,2 s - 2,6s 0,3s - 3,2s 0,4s - 3,9s 0,6s - 5,7s 0,8s - 8,6s 1,4s - 13s
Ramp time showed above are referred with reference between 0 and 10v

10 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 27

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Installations

Offset speed calibration

Power supply dimesionality
The amplifier is provided with the offset speed calibration performed for tacho ATTENTION: Follow the scheme and formulas below for dimensioning the power
feedback. supply. The amplifier don't need auxiliary voltage, because it is provided internal fly-back.
If necessary,retouch through bil potentiometer for correct offset.(until +/-200 mv can be
compensated on analogue input).When we have zero input reference,turn
potentiometer until servomotor is stopped. Transformer
Vel When you use amplifier in armature feedback please proceed with the
bil offset calibration as follows:
-Insert RA and RCA resistance calculated (see page 24-25).
-Insert a voltmeter between Im test point and zero and turn bil trimmer to
ATTENTION : Amplifier have the internal zero connect with negative of power supply.
AXOR advise against to use authotransformer.
acc reach zero voltage respect to tacho mode ,bil trimmer has to be turned
more times stop trimmer when motor shaft stops.But no loads are to be VOLTAGE: Primary voltage value is the
applied during this calibration. avalaible voltage on secondary voltage to
be calculated referred to motor max line
voltage to be used.

Rated Current Calibration V1 = Vmotor 2

0,9 x 1,36
Where Vmotor = Emax + Ri x In
The amplifier is provided with standard calibration. Vmotor=Tensione misurabile ai morsetti motore
It correponds at rated current of the size,Rin not mounted. alla velocità max. e alla piena coppia nominale.
For reduce itself,insert RIN resistance between 4-11 pin of In = Rated current (motor)
Ri=Armature motor resistance with brushes
the personality header.
Emax=CEMF at max speed
Typical values are reported below.
4 11 Is not suggest to use a lower value than the reported one of
820 ohm.
Voltage range power supply accepted are reported at page 5. However these are max
values accepted for each model: 3
20-40 Vac ............ MTS 60
V1= 35-95 Vac ............ MTS 140
52-145 Vac ............ MTS 200

Value/ * 18 10 8.2 5.6 4.7 3.9 3.3 2.7 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.2 1 0.82
RIN(Kohm) POWER: We can supply it by a three phasis transformer. If the amplifiers are differents we
04/08 4 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.2 3.1 3 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.2 2 1.9 1.7 can use a transformer with differents secondaries wiring. The secondaries of transformer
must be connected triangle mode, while the primary may be connected triangle or star
mode. The power of the transformer can be calculated with the following formula. 4
14/28 14 13 12.3 12 11.2 11 10.5 10 9.2 8.8 8.1 7.5 7 6.5 6
20/40 20 18.8 18 17.4 16.2 15.8 15 14.5 13.5 12.7 11.9 11 10.2 9.4 8.6 Power transformer: P(VA)=( P1+P2+.....Pn ) x 1,25
25/50 25 22 21 20.5 19 18.5 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9.5
Where ( P1+P2+.....Pn ) is the sum of the rated power (motors) supply the transformer. In multiaxis
application the power of the transformer could be declassed due to medium duty cycle.
* = Neither value mounted.

Minispeed amplifiers provide peak current for 2 sec.

This is the formula for calculated Pn Motor = n x Cn
If nominal current is lower then the current of amplifier,intervention
time is lower than 2 sec on the same ratio. rated power of the motor: 9,55 5
Where n motor max speed (express in RPM)
Cn motor rated torque (express in Nm)

26 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 11

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Installations AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments

Avoid to use transformer with power upper than 7 KVA.

The amplifiers could be damage caused overcurrent.

For all model are avalaible, upon request, transformers for supply the Masterspeed amplifiers. Example: motor with Ke=50 n=4000 RPM Vref=10

Single phase power supply E = 4000 x 50 = 200 MS 200 RA(kohm) = 158 x 10 = 10.5 Kohm
1000 200 - 5 x10

Use 10Kohm resistor.

(Particular application. Fine speed Adjustment calibrating by VEL trimmer in front of the panel.
Pls contact our technical
dept. for dimensioning
the external capacitor.)
Clockwise sense=speed increase
anticlockwise sense=speed decrease 1
Adjustment range:+/-20%.

Masterspeed may be supply also in single phase.

Power Supply voltage, must be connect as shows in picture, between L1-L3.
We must connect a capacitor between +AT and -AT on the power connector. Insert RCA resistance between pin 6-9 of the header for
compensate internal RI of the motor and reduce loss of rights.
Use the following formula for determing the value.
Masterspeed amplifiers aren't protect with fuses (input). Calculating formula is:
Each amplifier must be protected with a fuses on each line L1,L2 L3. (connect in series).

6 9
RCA (k ohm) = 0,45 x n Ke
Vref Ipk Ri 3
n= max speed expressed rpm
Ri=total motor resistance (cold)
Ipk =peak current size of amplifier
Ke=CEMF motor at 1000 Rpm
Vref=Max voltage reference

Insert three fuses (one for each phase), slow type. The values are reported below:
Example: Amplifier 10/20 A , Ri=2.5 ohm
RCA (kohm) = 0,45 x 4000x50 =180 Kohm
MTS....... 4 / 8 ..................... 10 A 10x20x2.5
MTS....... 8 / 16 ..................... 10 A
MTS....... 10 / 20 ..................... 10 A Use 180 Kohm resistance or a hit bigger.
MTS....... 14 / 28 ..................... 16 A
MTS....... 20 / 40 ..................... 20 A If after this operation motor being instable, a bigger commercial resistor value must
MTS....... 25 / 50 ..................... 20 A be choosen, changing the previous one.

If, there are many amplifiers connect on the same transformer, we must put three fuses for
each amplifier.

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AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Installations

Adjustement speed in armature feedback

Armature voltage can be used as velocity feedback, when motor has not
tachogenerator . Masterspeed amplifier has several wiring connection which must be made in order to
The armature feedback system has less precision than a tachogenerator.(range 1/20 ensure the correct operation for reduce interferences.
and when the motor is stopped it has no torque). Use shielded cable for analogue and tacho signal.(For wiring see page 16).
Signals cables must be not together power wires signals cable output should be own
This function is enabled by solder bridge JP6 (closed), JP10 (open) and inserting RA upper side power wiring output twisted together should be on lower side.
and RCA in the personality header. AXOR advise:
0,5 / 1 mm2 for signal cables,
We recommend to not exceed with the dynamic gain of the velocity loop (kv 2 mm2 for power cables MTS 4/8A e 8/16A ,
potentiometer) for avoid control instability.
2,5 mm2 for power cables MTS 10/20A and 14/28 ,
It is also important the ratio between VDC power supply and V motor for the stability. 4 mm2 for power cables MTS 20/40A and 25/50.
Note ! Specially for armature feedback avoid reports VDC/V motor greater 1.5.
Example: MTS 140 armature feedback, supplied 130v with voltage motor at max speed
40 v. Example for input signal connection
130 = 3,25

Insert RA resistance between pin 2-13 of the header for

adapt the system to the motor costant voltage.

2 13
Formulas for calculate RA resistance for each model
(Masterspeed series). 3
MTS 60 RA(k ohm) = 166 x Vref
E - 1,4 Vref

MTS 140 RA(k ohm) = 159 x Vref

E - 3,3 Vref
MTS 200 RA(k ohm) = 158 x Vref
E - 5 Vref
Ke=cemf at 1000rpm
Vref= max voltage reference Drawing shown on upper side is an example for speed reference input connection
n= max desired speed expressed in rpm using internal voltage from MASTERSPEED.
Speed potentiometer must have a value between 5k and 47kohm.
E = n x Ke
Speed reference input and tacho screen must be connected to driver 0 S.
With only a wire 0 S must be connected to ground bar of electrical box(see also ground
connection page 16).

24 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 13

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Installations AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments

Example for input signal connection Adjustment


The amplifiers are provided with RDT resistance mounted on board. (Speed Adjust for
3000rpm with KDT=10V/1000g 10V reference).
If you wish change this resistor use the formula explain below.

1 14 Insert RDT resistance between pin 1-14 on the personality

header.It can be calculated with the following formula.

RDT (Kohm) = Kdt x n x 9,7 _ 8 2

1000 x Vref

RDT value express in k (1/4 w)

Kdt tacho generator costant (express in v/1000rpm)
n max speed express in RPM
Vref max voltage reference

Kdt =10V
n=3000 rpm

Drawing shown on upper side is an example for speed reference input connection RDT = 10 x 3000 x 9,7 _ 8 = 21,1 Kohm
from a PLC system. 1000 x 10
Speed potentiometer must have a value between 5k and 47lohm.
Speed reference input and tacho screen must be connected to driver O S.
With only a wire O S must be connected to ground bar of electrical box (see also ground We will use RDT= 22 Kohm.
connection page 16). If the result from formula is zero make a bridge.
If the result from formula is negative you must change the tachogenerator with another
with an higher kdt.
Adjustment vel potentiometer in clockwise sense, the speed increase.
Adjustment vel potentiometer in anticlockwise sense, the speed decrease.
Adjustment range +/-20%.

14 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 23

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Installations

Example for power connection

In the Adjustment zone these are ten solder bridges. With these are possible enable
or disable functions located in 3.005.2 regulation board.

Control the proper closed of solder bridges.

In the next paragraph (called adjustment) are explained the correspondent the solder
The amplifiers are provided with standard solder bridges as follow:

Standard bridges JP1 close
JP2 open
JP3 close
JP4 close
JP5 close
JP6 open
JP7 close
JP10 close

Below is explained the function, inserting by opening or closing the solder bridges.
In the next paragraph "Adjustment " are explained the combination of solder
JP1 ,JP2, JP8 They allow obtain different ACC/DEC times.

JP3 Normally closed.If it is open loop standard costants CKI-RKI are The M+and M- output can be connected directly on motor's terminal.
These amplifiers need inductor connected in series to the servomotor only if it has an
JP4 Normally closed. If it is open current loop standard costants internal inductance lower than 0,7-0,8mH.
CKV-RKV are disabled Axor reccomend to use external choke when using old motor.
So we improve form factor and the servomotor don't over heating.
JP5 Normally closed. If it is open velocity loop static gain is disabled.
NOTE: In the electric box, the inductance, must be connected with short wires
between amplifier and inductance too.
JP6 Normally open. If it is close the armature feedback is enabled.

JP7 Normally closed. We open it when we wish to drive the amplifier
with external current reference. (velocity loop disabled)

JP9 Normally open. If it is closed, thermic image IxT circuit activation

don't stop the output transistor and the green led is switch off :(Drive

JP10 Normally close. If it is opened, lost or reverse tacho circuit

activation don't stop the driver working.
It must be opened when armature feedback is used.

22 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 15

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Installations AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments

Ground cable connections

All the amplifier adjustment are present in the internal power PC board "adjustment zone".
On this board we found a 7+7 pin header, where we mount personalities components.
For avoid malfunctions on electrical box two separated wires are to be used for
connect to an insulated ground bar, both the signal screw terminal (12), and the If an amplifier is replaced, it is important to verify that the new amplifier is calibrated as the
chassis screw of driver inside the electrical box. one removed. This is easily accomplished by simply installing the personality header from
The insulated ground bar will be connected with one only wire to the box ground the removed amplifier into the new one and verify the solder bridges.
connecting terminal, from which will start the earth wire (ground) of net.
Under written DWGS shows the best connections for a good noise reduction.

:Don't make any bridge between the ground of the
amplifiers, for avoid closed loop ground interferences


RA RKI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Solder side
Libero CKV

Personality header Dinamyc

adjustment (optional

In standard configuration the Masterspeed is provided with RDT resistance,

mounted on the personality header, (value 22Kohm 5%) this value correspond to
3000 Rpm with DT 10v/1000 Rpm.

16 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 21

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Installations

Personalization Example for driving connection, by external reference

ATTENTION: Following operations on drive must be done not before 15 minutes
at least after switched off the power supply.
For approach to internal adjustment components we must do as follows:
1) Take out the plastic cover drawing out the two little butters "see figure A".
2) Push the PC board device and take out the MINISPEED internal power PC
board "see fig. B".

Drawing shown on upper side in an example for driving the amplifier in torque mode. 4
Speed potentiometer must have a value between 5k and 47kohm.
Speed reference input and tacho screen must be connected to drive O S.
With only a wire O S must be connected to ground bar of electrical box (see also ground
Figure B connection page 16).
Figure A

20 MASTERSPEED service manual MASTERSPEED service manual 17

AXOR High Performance Servo Drives Starting and Adjustments AXOR High Performance Servo Drives
Starting and Adjustments

Preliminary checks Starting procedure

The standard amplifier is provided as follows: 1 Keep the motor shaft free from load and be ready to switch off main power if
Nominal and peak current agree with amplifier's size.
2 Take out signals connector (from 1 to 12 marked) leaving connected wire to flying
Ex. MS 10/20 = 20A peak ............10A nominal female connector .Put in series fuses on alternate feeding.

Tachogenerator feedback. 3 Switch on the driver.

After 1 second about, on normal operation mode green led on will light on .Motor
Amplifier is provided with RDT resistance mounted on personality header. (22K 5% must be stopped. If mentioned led don't light , please verify with a tester the
corresponds to 3000 rpm with 10/1000rpm ke). choosen alternate feeding value. Switch off the three phases feeding.

4 Insert signal connector and be sure that reference input is zero=volt.

Verify all screw clamp connections (power and signal) and control the
ATTENTION: when a C.N.C. driver the motor please use manual mode and not
proper wiring on the amplifier.
For motor and tacho polarity we will obtain clockwise direction with activated the error connector of C.N.C.
speed reference.
(Space loop not activated).
(Motor and tachogenerator polarity are those declared from factory). 5 Switch on the three phasis power and after abilitate the regulation: PWM on
activated. (Is good rule normally to give abilitation OK after the main power switch
on of converter).
Now, we have 2 cases for MATERSPEED starting procedure:
6 If motor stay on torque or it turn slittly, tacho polarity is correct.
If tacho is inverted, after a low rotation, md protection is activated "tacho loss or
inverted tacho", disabling the converter. (this appens obviously if JP10 is
1 If the amplifier is adjiusted for its motor, go on chapter "starting procedure" closed).Red led md light on shows the alarm situation (not restorable alarm). 3
Switch off the amplifier, exchange tacho wires and start again. ATTENTION: a
minimum amount of time has to be taken between a stop and start again in order to be
2 If the amplifier isn't adjiusted consult chapter "personalization" and go on sure of a real switch off of driver.
Increase speed value signal to a minimum value of 1 volt, and look to motor
rotation direction. (If motor turns on wrong direction both polarity of tacho and
motor must be inverted).
Now activate space loop of C.N.C., if one. If now we have the same working way
as before closing loop of C.N.C. and if C.N.C don't gives "following position error",
the driver is correctly regulated.
9 Now please make standard working cycles verifying that no protection will go on
(red leds light on) and that the OK green led will not switch off.

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