A Review of Wideband RF Receiver Architecture Options: Peter Delos
A Review of Wideband RF Receiver Architecture Options: Peter Delos
A Review of Wideband RF Receiver Architecture Options: Peter Delos
The heterodyne receiver has been the standard receiver option of choice The heterodyne approach is well proven and provides exceptional perfor-
for decades. In recent years, the rapid advance of analog-to-digital mance. The implementation is to mix to an intermediate frequency (IF).
converter (ADC) sampling rates, the inclusion of embedded digital The IF is chosen at a high enough frequency to allow practical filters in
processing, and the integration of matched channels now offers options the operating band to provide good image rejection and LO isolation.
for the receiver architect that were not practical only a few years ago. It is also common to add an additional mixing stage to lower the frequency
where very high dynamic range ADCs are available. Additionally, the
This article compares the benefits and challenges of three common receiver gain is distributed at different frequencies, which minimizes the
receiver architectures: a heterodyne receiver, a direct sampling receiver, risk of oscillation in high gain receivers. Through proper frequency
and a direct-conversion receiver. Additional consideration on spurious planning, the heterodyne receiver can be made with very good spurious
system noise and dynamic range is also discussed. The intention is not energy and noise performance. Unfortunately, this architecture is the most
to promote one option over others—but rather describe the pros and cons complicated. It typically requires the most power and the largest physical
of the options, and encourage the designer to select, through engineering footprint relative to the available bandwidth. In addition, frequency planning
discipline, the architecture most appropriate for the application. can be quite challenging at large fractional bandwidths. These challenges
are significant with the modern quest toward low size, weight, and
Architecture Comparison power (SWaP), combined with the desire for wide bandwidth, and lead
Table 1 compares the heterodyne, direct sampling, and direct-conversion to designers considering other architecture options when possible.
architectures. The basic topology is shown along with some of the benefits
a. Heterodyne with 2nd Nyquist IF Sampling
and challenges of each architecture. Downconversion
LO Clock
Rx Downconversion
LO Clock
Type Configuration Benefits
a. Heterodyne with 2nd Nyquist IF0 Sampling
Fs/2 Fs Challenges
Fc High-Side
Downconversion LO =
Heterodyne Rx LO Clock Proven trusted + 3SWaP
Fc Fs/4
ADC Aliasing
High performance
b. Direct Sampling with Digital Downconversion Many filters
Clock OptimumFs/2spurious
0Digital Fs noise Fc High-Side
Rx Downconversion
High dynamic range Aliasing LO =
EMI immunity Fc + 3 Fs/4
NCO with Digital0Downconversion
ADC Sampling
b. Direct Fs/2 Fs Fc High-Side
Direct Sampling Clock No mixing Digital ADCLO = bandwidth
Q Practical Fc + 3 Fs/4
I0 at L-, S-band Aliasing
Downconversion Gain not distributed across frequency
b. Direct Sampling with Digital Downconversion NCO Fs/2 Fs
Rx Clock Digital
I Downconversion Aliasing
c. Direct-Conversion/Zero IF
Rx Q
Direct-Conversion ADC NCO Clock Maximum 0ADC bandwidth
NCO Fs/2
Fs rejection
Simplest wideband option • I/Q balance
ADC Q Downconversion In-band IF harmonics
c. Direct-Conversion/Zero IF 0 NCO Fs/2 Fs LO radiation
Rx 0 LO
Clock EMI immunity (IP2)
Q DC and 1/f noise
c. Direct-Conversion/ZeroADC
IF I –Fs –Fs/2 0 Fs/2 Fs LO
ADC Downconversion
Rx 0I
90 LO
ADC Downconversion
0 LO –Fs –Fs/2 0 Fs/2 Fs LO
–Fs –Fs/2 0 Fs/2 Fs LO
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2 A Review of Wideband RF Receiver Architecture Options
The direct sampling approach has long been sought after. The obstacles The image rejection challenges of the direct-conversion architecture can
have been operating the converters at speeds commensurate with direct be quite difficult to overcome in a discrete implementation. With further
RF sampling and achieving large input bandwidth. In this architecture, all integration combined with digitally assisted processing, the I/Q channels
the receiver gain is at the operating band frequency, so careful layout is can be well matched, leading to much improved image rejection. The
required if large receiver gain is desired. Today converters are available receiver section of the recently released AD9371 is a direct-conversion
for direct sampling in higher Nyquist bands at both L- and S-band. receiver and shown in Figure 2—note the similarity to Figure 1c.
Advances are continuing and C-band sampling will soon be practical,
with X-band sampling to follow. AD9371
Rx1+ Rx1
Direct-conversion architectures provide the most efficient use of the data Rx1– Rx2 LPF
converter bandwidth. The data converters operate in the first Nyquist, Rx2+ ADC DC Offset,
where performance is optimum and low-pass filtering is easier. The two Rx2– LPF
QEC, Tuning,
RSSI, Overload
data converters work together sampling I/Q signals, thus increasing the ADC
user bandwidth without the challenges of interleaving. The dominant
challenge that has plagued direct-conversion architecture for years has Rx_EXTLO+ LO RF
been to maintain I/Q balance for acceptable levels of image rejection, LO Rx_EXTLO–
Generator Synthesizer
leakage, and dc offsets. In recent years, the advanced integration of the Option
entire direct-conversion signal chain, combined with digital calibrations, Figure 2. Receiver section of the AD9371: A monolithic direct-conversion receiver.
has overcome these challenges and the direct-conversion architecture is
well positioned to be a very practical approach in many systems. Spurious Noise
Frequency Plan Perspective Any design with frequency translation requires much effort to minimize
unwanted frequencies folding in-band. This is the art of frequency
Figure 1 illustrates block diagrams and frequency plan examples of the planning and involves a balance of available components and practical
three architectures. Figure 1a is an example of a heterodyne receiver with a filter design. Some of the spur folding concerns are briefly discussed
high-side LO mixing the operating band to the 2nd Nyquist zone of the ADC. and the designer is referred to the references for further explanation.
The signal is further aliased to the 1st Nyquist zone for processing. Figure 1b
shows a direct sampling receiver example. The operating band is sampled 1st Nyquist 2nd Nyquist 3rd Nyquist
in the 3rd Nyquist zone and aliases to the 1st Nyquist, then an NCO is placed
in the center of the band, digitally downconverting to baseband, followed 1.0
by filtering and decimation, reducing the data rate commensurate with the
channel bandwidth. Figure 1c is a direct-conversion architecture example. 0.8
1st Nyquist Output Frequency
c. Direct-Conversion/Zero IF
ADC Downconversion
Rx 0
90 LO
–Fs –Fs/2 0 Fs/2 Fs LO
Figure 1. Frequency plan examples.
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The receiver downconversion mixer has additional complications. Any The selection of receiver gain prior to the ADC and determining the
mixer creates harmonics inside the device. These harmonics all mix required ADC SNR is a balance of the overall receiver noise figure and
together and create additional frequencies. This effect is illustrated in instantaneous dynamic range. Figure 5 provides a representation of the
Figure 4. parameters to be considered. For illustrative purposes, the receiver noise
LO is shown to be shaped by the antialiasing filter prior to the ADC. The ADC
noise is shown as flat white noise and the signal of interest is shown as
• Fundamental at LO – RF or RF – LO
RF IF • Spurs at nRF ± mLO a continuous wave (CW) tone at –1 dBFS.
Signal at –1 dBFS
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Frequency (ADC Nyquist Band)
Frequency (FRF/FLO)
Total Noise
LO – RF, RF – LO Receiver Noise
1st Order Spurs ADC Noise
2nd Order Spurs
3rd Order Spurs Figure 5. Receiver + ADC noise.
Figure 4. Downconversion mixer spurious. First, common units of either dBm or dBFS are needed. Converting the
Figure 3 and Figure 4 only plot spurs up to the third order. In practice, ADC noise from dBFS to dBm is known from the converter full-scale level
these are spurs of additional higher order, which quickly creates a and the converter noise density. In addition, noise power is proportional to
spurious-free, dynamic range issue for the designer. For narrow fractional bandwidth, so a common bandwidth unit is needed. Some designers will
bandwidths, meticulous frequency planning can overcome the mixer use the channel bandwidth, here we normalize to a 1 Hz bandwidth and
spurious problems. As bandwidths increase, the mixer spurious problem noise powers are /Hz.
becomes a dominant obstacle. As ADC sampling frequencies increase, it ADC noise(dBm/Hz) = ADC full scale(dBm) +
is sometimes more practical for a direct sampling architecture (4)
ADC noise density(dBFS/Hz)
to have lower spurious performance.
The total noise is calculated as
Receiver Noise Total Noise (dBm/Hz) =
Much receiver design effort is placed on minimizing noise figure (NF). (5)
Receiver Noise (dBm/Hz) ADC Noise (dBm/Hz)
Noise figure is a measure of the degradation in signal to noise ratio.
10log10 10 10 + 10 10
F= , standardized at 290 K (TO)
(S/N)Out (1) This leads to the concept of ADC sensitivity loss. ADC sensitivity loss is a
measure of the receiver noise degradation due to the ADC. To minimize
NF = 10logF this degradation, the receiver noise is desired to be well above the ADC
noise. The limitation comes in the form of dynamic range and larger
The impact of a component or subsystem noise figure is that the output
receiver gain limits the maximum signal received without ADC saturation.
noise power is increased above the level of thermal noise and gain by the
noise figure. ADC Sensitivity Loss (dB) = Total Noise (dBm/Hz)
Term Gain/NF Receiver Noise (dBm/Hz)
(2) Thus, the receiver designer faces a constant challenge of balancing
dynamic range vs. noise figure.
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