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Ec Chapter 3

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Unit 3

Replying to a Job Applicant

A resume and cover letter make up a job application. When you receive a job
application, first send a letter acknowledhing tha you received it . After you need the
job application, decide whether to interview or reject the applicant. Send all applicants
either an interview letter or a rejection letter.

Before you reply to job applicants, you must evaluate their skills.compare the skills
they listed in their resume and cover either with the requirement you listed in you job

1. Read the e-mail from a human resource specialist to her assistant. She discuses
Replying to job applicants. The assintant will send interview letters to appllicants
who meet four or all five of the requirements.
2. Think about your skills. Do you meet the requirements?
3. Complete the Applicant Evaluation Chart Write/ for Interview or R for reject for
each applicant and yourself in the bottom row.

From : Mario Sanchez <msanchez@native.com>

To : “Grace Chen”<gchen@native.com
Subject : Appllicant for Administrative Assinstans.
Date : Fri, Mar 3, 20...... 8:45:03

Thank to sending our the out the acknowledgment e-mail yesteday to the ten
applicants for the administrative assistant position.Please read their resums and decide
whether the applicant or reject then. Then send them the appropriate email.


Applicants Requirement Your Skills
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10 Has a high school degree or equivalent
y y n y y y ? y y n Has scheduling and ordering experience

y n ? n y y ? n y Is familiar with word procesing programs.

y y n n y ? y y y y Has at least two yearsof experienceas an

admin assist.
y y n ? y n n y y n Is organized and detail-oriented

y y ? ? y n y y ? y Interview (I) or Reject (R)

Y = applicant has the skills

Y= applicant has the skill and is a very good candidate
n = applicant doesn’t have the skill
? = resume doesn’t say if applicant has the skill

Model E-mails : Replying to Job Applicants

Look at the different elements of e-mails replying to job applicants.

Reply 1: Acknowledging Receipt of an Application

From : Grace Chen gchen@natives.com

Heading To : ‘Michels Peters’ mpeters@londonmail.com
is supplied automatically by the Subject : NetLive Administrative Assistant Position
e-mail program. Date : Thu, Mar 2, 20... 10:51:18
Tell lyou received the We received your appllication for the position of administrative assistant on March 1.

Action At this time , we are reviewing the resumes. We will contact all applicants tha we would
Explain the process. like to interview by March 10
Thank the applicant for her We appreciate your interest in NetLives.

Usefull Language

We received your applicant______________

We are reviewing______________________
We will contact________________________
We appreciate your interest in

Reply 2: Requesting an Interview

From : Grace Chen gchen@natives.com

Heading To : ‘Michels Peters’ mpeters@londonmail.com
is supplied automatically by the Subject : NetLive Administrative Assistant Position
e-mail program. Date : Tue, Mar 7, 20... 11:51:18
Invite the applicant for an After reviewing your resume, we are pleased to invite you for an interview for the
interview position of administrative assitant.
Explain what will happen Your interview is scheduled for Monday, March 13th at 10:00 A.M.. Please come to the
Human Resource Departemnt of our main office. If tha is not convenient. Please contact
Closing me immdiately to reschedule.
Be enthusiastic
We look forward to meeting you at NetLives.

Usefull Language

We are pleased to invite you for an

Your interview is schedule for__________
Please come to______________________
We look forward to meeting you __________

Reply 3: Rejecting an Applicant.

From : Grace Chen gchen@natives.com
Heading To : ‘Bob Hopkins’ <bob.hopkins@dol.com
is supplied automatically by the Subject : NetLive Administrative Assistant Position
e-mail program. Date : Tue, Mar 7, 20... 12:26:35
Tell you received the appllicant Thank you for sending us your resume for the position of adminstrative assistant.

Explain why the appllicant Unfortunately, your qualifications do not match our needs at this time. We will keep
is your resume on file. If a position that matches your qualifications becomes available in
the future, we will contact you.
Be polite and positive
We wish you every success in your career.

Usefull Language

Thank you for sending________

Unfortunately, your qualifications do not match
ouyr needs__________
We will keep your resume on file______
We wish you every success in your career ____

Composing Your Message

A letter replying to a job applicant is short and direct. Itstone is formal. The body of a letter
replying toa job applicant generally has thre parts.
Acknowledge Letter
Part Content Example
Opening Tell you received the applicant We received your application for
the position on March 1.
Action Explain the process. At this time , we are reviewing the
Closing Thank the applicant for her interest We appreciate your interest in NetLives

Interview Letter

Part Content Example

Opening Invite the applicant for an interview After reviewing your resume, we are
pleased to invite you for an interview.
Action Explain what will happen Your interview is scheduled for Monday,
March 13th at 10:00 A.M.
Closing Be enthusiastic We look forward to meeting you at

Rejection Letter

Part Content Example

Opening Tell you received the applicantion. Thank you for sending us your resume for
the position of adminstrative assistant.
Action Explain why the appllicant is rejected Unfortunatelly, your qualitfications do not
match our needs at this time.
Closing Be polite and positive We wish you every success in your
Practice 1 Write A if the sentece is for an acknowledgment letter, I for an interview letter, or R for a rejection
letter. Some sentences may be round in more than one type of letter. Discuss your answers with
your classmates.

1. Opening
a. ______ We have received your application materials for the executive assistant
b. ______After reviewing your resume, we would like to schedule a time to meet with you.
c. ______We are interested in speaking further with you.
d. ______Thank you for applying for the position of customer sevice representative.

2. Action
a. ______Our human resource department is currently collecting resumes.
b. ______We are looking for someone with more experience.
c. ______We will be reviewing applicantions over the next few weeks.
d. ______If the time is not conviniet, please contact me immediatelly.

3. Closing
a. _______ I look forward to meeting you.
b. _______ We appreciate your interest in our company.
c. _______We wish you much success in your job pursuit.
d. _______Thank you for your interest in the position.
Writing Your Message


In the opening of any business letter or e-mail, tell why you are writing.
Remember to use a formal tone.

Practice 2 In each question, two of the sentences are appropriate to use in the opening of a letter replying to a
Job applicant. Circle the letters of the two sentences.

1. a. I received your resume last Friday.

b. We received your resume yesterday.
c. My assistant opened your application yesterday.
2. a. Thank you for applying for the executive assistant position.
b. thank you for trying for that executive assistant position.
c. thank you for you interest in the position listed in our advertisement.
3. a. Your resume is very impressive,and I would like to schedule an interview.
b. I would like to meet you to discuss your resume.
c. I want to talk with you sometime.
4. a. Thank you for responding to the advertisement.
b. thank you for sending your resume.
c. Hi! It’s great that you sent your application.
5. a. I have checked out your resume and I’m really happy to invite you for an interview.
b. After reviewing your resume, we would like to schedule a time to meet.
c. your qualifications seem to match our needs. We are pleased to arrange an interview with


In the action part of the letter, explain the process or what will happen.
 In an acknowledgment letter,explain that someone is reviewing the materials.
 In an interview letter,suggest a specific time and date for the interview.
 In a rejection letter,explain why the applicant was not considered.

Practice 3 match the beginning of the sentence with the appropriate ending.then,write A if the
Is for an acknowledgment letter,I for an interview letter, or r for a rejection letter.use
Each ending one time.

_____1.Your application has been a. Is currently reviewing all files.

Carefully examined;
_____2. Our human resource b. Invite you talk with our
Department_______ General Maneger.
_____3. We are pleased to____ c. Your experience does not match the
Job description.

_____4. We are in the process_____ a. Meet with you on April 1.

_____5. We would like to______ b. Of collecting resumes.
_____6. Your resume is excellent c. You don’t have the experience
but _______ necessary for the job.

_____7. We have scheduled_____ a. We reviewing application

_____8. At this time_______ b. We need someone with
advanced Computer skills.
_____9. Unfortunately_______ a. an interview with you at 4:00
P.M. next Thursday.

_____10. We reviewed your a. scheduled an interview with you

_____11. Would like to_______ b. We need to hire someone with more
_____12. The maneger_______ c. Is reading all cover letters and

In the closing, be positive and polite.
 In an acknowledgment letter,thank the applicant.
 In an interview letter,show your enthusiasm for the upcoming interview.
 In a rejection letter,be polite.

Practice 4 Read the sentences from job applicant. Then write appropriate closing

1. I am interested in the executive assistant position.

2. On the NetLives web site, I read about an opening for an
Administrative assistant.
3. I have six months of experience as an administrative assistant
4. I meet the job requirements.
5. I have been an executive secretary for more than five years.
6. Although Ido not have a collage degree, I am a hard worker.
7. I am applying for the receptionist position announced on IronGate.com.
Letter Practice 1

Paul Rook is responding to the letter that you completed on page 6 in unit 1.
Complete the sentences in this letter using the information in that letter and the
Words below.

Island International Airport

Human Resource Office

Singapore 659589

July 28,20-----
______________________________( Write your name and address here.)

Dear _________________________:( write your name here.)

Your resume wa (1)_________________________and reviewed by our human

Resource office. The (2)______________________to our (3)__________________
Was overwhelming. Unfortunately, we cannot interview every
(4)_________________we will keep your(5)________________on file for

We (7)_______________________you well in your job(8)_____________________

Paul Rook
Paul Rook
Human Resource Director

Letter Practice 2

Maki ishii sent an acknowledgment letter to a job applicant. The shaded boxes
Show ten places where she made errors. Write the correct word or punctuation
Above the errors.
BCL Globalcom GmbH
Goethestrasse 40113 10728 Berlin Germany

March 26,20—

Mr. Sandy Hill

999 Pine Avenue
New Haven, CT 06540

(1),(2) Dear Mr. Sandy Hill,

(3) We have received your resume and application to the position of executive
(4), (5), ( 6) Assistant. We are collecting resumes later and will notified those
Candidates we wish to interview.

(7) Thank your for you interest in BCL. Globalcom.

(8) Sincerely :
Maki Ishii
(9) Human Resorce Director
(10) Maki Ishii

Letter Practice 3
The following log list two applicants for job Advertisement 2 on page 8 in Unit 1. The human
Resource department at Web Discount Corporation wants to interview only those applicants who
Have all three of the listed skills. Interviews should be scheduled on july 7 for one hour, between
10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. on a sparate piece of paper, write an acknowledgment letter to one of the
applicants. Then write an interview letter or a rejection letter for the applicant.

Applicant Log
skill skill skill
Job Title: client High school or Two to four Word processing
Services Coordinator Business college Years of And database
Company Name: Web program experience experience
Discount Corporation
Akiko Yamamoto Y Y Y
12-A Liverpoll Place
London BH 1 4WP
United Kingdom
John Kim N N Y
55 Havana Drive
Long Beach,CH 90803

Words and Expressions to Know

Look at this list of words and expressions that were used in the unit. Their definitions are in the
Glossary at the end of the book.

Acknowledge keep[ something] on file rejection review

Applicant meet the requirement reschedule search

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