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Name: Bagas Arya Satya Dinata

NPM : 23013010276
Room: G-629
A. Reading Text
My name is Jane Carson, and I’m the manager of a saving bank in Portland, Oregon. My
bank is open every day from 08:30 in the morning until 04:00 in the afternoon. On Fridays
the bank remains open until 06:30 in the evening. Friday is our busiest day. Many people get
their paychecks on Fridays and they come in to deposit them. I find that on Fridays I have to
keep six windows open all day long. My bank tries very hard to reduce the amount of time
that customers have to wait for service. We have many signs to remind people that they need
their passbooks for all transactions and that they must still fill out their deposit or withdrawal
slips completely. If our depositors cooperate with us we can accommodate them with as few
delays as possible.

Of course, people do forget. The tellers inform me that many customers still forget to
endorse their checks or try to open or close join accounts with the signature of only one of the
parties. But I hope my program of information for customers will reduce such delays.
Banking has changed a lot in recent years. Computers now do much of the work that the
tellers used to do. As computers improve, they are able to accomplish more difficult task and
they help us serve our customer better.

Another important change in banking, especially for savings banks, is the many different
term-deposit accounts that are now available to our customers. Since these certificates of
deposit offer very high interest rates, they help attract depositors to our bank. I make sure that
my staff always has the latest information about these accounts so that they can advise our
depositors correctly.

My bank is not a very large bank. The total of our current assets and fixed assets comes to
15.550.000 dollars. I’m proud of our balance sheet. Although some banks across the country
are having difficulties, my bank has more assets than liabilities. We are solvent and growing.
The numbers of customers we serve has increased this year and I expect that it will continue
to grow in the future.
(Translate the text above into Indonesian)

Nama saya Jane Carson, dan saya manajer sebuah bank tabungan di Portland, Oregon.
Bank saya buka setiap hari dari jam 08:30 pagi sampai jam 04:00 sore. Pada hari Jumat bank
tetap buka sampai pukul 06:30 malam. Jumat adalah hari tersibuk kami. Banyak orang
menerima gajinya pada hari Jumat dan datang untuk menyetorkannya. Saya menemukan
bahwa pada hari Jumat saya harus membuka enam jendela sepanjang hari. Bank saya
berusaha keras untuk mengurangi jumlah waktu yang harus dihabiskan nasabah untuk
menunggu layanan. Kami memiliki banyak tanda untuk mengingatkan masyarakat bahwa
mereka memerlukan buku tabungan untuk semua transaksi dan mereka tetap harus mengisi
slip setoran atau penarikan dengan lengkap. Jika deposan kami bekerja sama dengan kami,
kami dapat mengakomodasi mereka dengan penundaan sesedikit mungkin.

Tentu saja orang-orang lupa. Teller memberi tahu saya bahwa banyak pelanggan masih
lupa untuk mengesahkan cek mereka atau mencoba membuka atau menutup rekening
gabungan dengan tanda tangan hanya salah satu pihak. Namun saya berharap program
informasi saya untuk pelanggan akan mengurangi penundaan tersebut. Perbankan telah
banyak berubah dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Komputer sekarang melakukan banyak
pekerjaan yang biasa dilakukan oleh teller. Seiring dengan kemajuan komputer, mereka
mampu menyelesaikan tugas yang lebih sulit dan membantu kami melayani pelanggan
dengan lebih baik.

Perubahan penting lainnya dalam perbankan, khususnya bank tabungan, adalah

banyaknya rekening deposito berjangka yang kini tersedia bagi nasabah kami. Karena
sertifikat deposito ini menawarkan suku bunga yang sangat tinggi, sertifikat ini membantu
menarik deposan ke bank kami. Saya memastikan bahwa staf saya selalu memiliki informasi
terkini tentang rekening ini sehingga mereka dapat memberi tahu para deposan kami dengan

Bank saya bukanlah bank yang sangat besar. Total aset lancar dan aset tetap kami
mencapai 15.550.000 dolar. Saya bangga dengan neraca kami. Meskipun beberapa bank di
negara ini mengalami kesulitan, bank saya memiliki lebih banyak aset daripada kewajiban.
Kami mampu membayar utang dan terus berkembang. Jumlah pelanggan yang kami layani
meningkat tahun ini dan saya perkirakan akan terus bertambah di masa depan.
B. Paraphrase of the text above

I am Jane Carson, the manager of a savings bank in Portland, Oregon. Our bank operates
daily from 08:30 to 04:00, with extended hours until 06:30 on Fridays, our busiest day. To
minimize wait times, we emphasize the need for customers to bring their passbooks and
complete transaction slips. Despite efforts, some forgetful habits persist, such as neglecting
check endorsements. We strive to keep up with technological advancements, using computers
to enhance efficiency. The evolving landscape of banking includes diverse term-deposit
accounts, like certificates of deposit, which contribute to our growth. Despite our modest
size, our balance sheet reflects a healthy financial position, with assets exceeding liabilities.
We anticipate continued growth in our customer base.

(Translate the of the text paraphrase above into Indonesian)

Saya Jane Carson, manajer bank tabungan di Portland, Oregon. Bank kami beroperasi setiap
hari mulai pukul 08:30 hingga 04:00, dengan jam kerja diperpanjang hingga pukul 06:30
pada hari Jumat, hari tersibuk kami. Untuk meminimalkan waktu tunggu, kami menekankan
perlunya nasabah membawa buku tabungan dan melengkapi slip transaksi. Meskipun telah
dilakukan upaya, beberapa kebiasaan pelupa tetap ada, seperti mengabaikan pengesahan cek.
Kami berusaha mengikuti kemajuan teknologi, menggunakan komputer untuk meningkatkan
efisiensi. Lanskap perbankan yang terus berkembang mencakup beragam rekening deposito
berjangka, seperti sertifikat deposito, yang berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan kami.
Meskipun ukuran kami kecil, neraca kami mencerminkan posisi keuangan yang sehat, dengan
aset melebihi kewajiban. Kami mengantisipasi pertumbuhan berkelanjutan dalam basis
pelanggan kami.

C. State whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F) based on the reading!
1. Jane Carson’s bank closes at 03:00 p.m. on Fridays. (F)
 Jane Carson’s bank closes at 06:30 p.m on Fridays
2. Fridays are very busy days at Jane Carson’s bank. (T)
3. Ms. Carson has an information program for customers. (F)
 Ms. Carson has a manager of saving bank
4. Computers and term-deposit accounts have brought changes to banks. (T)
5. Jane Carson’s bank has more liabilities than assets. (F)
 Jane Carson’s bank has more assets than liabilities
D. Answer the Following Questions Completely!
1. What does a bank manager do?
2. How many windows are open on Fridays?
3. Why do they need so many windows on Fridays?
4. What are some of the ways in which customers cause delays?
5. What does a depositor have to do to open or close a joint account?
6. Why are computers important to a bank?
7. How does term-deposit accounts help a bank get new customers?
8. Why does the bank manager want her staffs to have the latest information on
term-deposit accounts?
9. How much money does Jane Carson’s bank assets?
10. Why is Ms. Carson hopeful about the future of her bank?

Answer :

1. A bank manager oversees the operations of a bank, managing staff, ensuring

customer service, and making strategic decisions.

2. Six windows are open on Fridays.

3. Fridays are busy due to people depositing paychecks, necessitating more windows
to handle increased transactions.

4. Customers may cause delays by forgetting to endorse checks or attempting joint

account changes with a single signature.

5. To open or close a joint account, a depositor typically needs signatures from all
involved parties.

6. Computers are crucial for efficiency, automating tasks, and improving customer
service in a bank.

7. Term-deposit accounts, with high-interest rates, attract new customers to a bank.

8. The bank manager wants her staff to provide accurate advice by staying informed
about the latest term-deposit accounts.

9. Jane Carson’s bank has total assets of $15,550,000.

10. Ms. Carson is hopeful due to the bank’s solvency, growth in customer numbers,
and expectations for continued expansion.
E. Find the words in the right-hand column that match the words closest in
meaning in the left-hand column

1. Percentage – c. Rate a. Savings

2. Customer of a bank – h. Depositor b. Joint-account
3. Person’s written name – i. Signature c. Rate
4. Money owed – j. Liabilities d. Slip
5. Two-party account – b. Joint-account e. Delay
6. Director – g. Manager f. Account
7. Piece of paper – d. Slip g. Manager
8. Money in the bank – f. Account h. Depositor
9. Record – a. Savings i. Signature
10. Latenese – e. Delay j. Liabilities

Nb: Mencocokkan mana yang benar dan menjawab di sampingnya, yang diatas hanya contoh

F. Select the answer that correctly completes these sentences!

1. An account that two depositors have together: (joint account)
a. Joint account
b. Term-deposit account
c. Saving account
2. In order to withdraw money the bank requires your (signature)
a. Depositor
b. Interest
c. Signature
3. The bank records all transactions of an account in the customers’ (passbook)
a. Withdrawal slip
b. Assets
c. Passbook
4. Many banks work with so many different customers and accounts that they need
(computer) to record all transactions.
a. Refrigerator
b. Computer
c. Calculator
5. You have to (endorse) your check in order to cash it.
a. Withdraw
b. Endorse
c. Accommodate

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