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Software Engineering: Using Annotation in Object Oriented Programming

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Software Engineering

Lectures 1-2:
Using Annotation in
Object Oriented Programming

(A) Basic class design with annotation Lects

Lects 1-2

(B) Collection class design with annotation

(C) Design validation & Coding Lect

Lect 33

(D) Type hierarchy Lect

Lect 44

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 2


Basic object oriented programming:
– class, object
– encapsulation
– inheritance
– polymorphism
– abstraction
– interface
– exception handling
– input/output streams

Java programming language: 1.5 or above
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 3

Liskov and Guttag (2000), Chapters 2-3,5,9

Java language specification (annotation

Recent paper on annotation-based design
– Duc et al. (2018)

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(A) Basic Class Design with Annotation

1) Motivation: why detailed class design?

focus on the essential design rules
2) Using annotation to express class design rules

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Why using annotation

in OOP design?

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Is this good enough to code?

- id : int
- name : String
+ setName(String)
+ getId(): int
+ getName(): String

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Conventional code
public class CustomerSimple {
private int id;
private String name;
public CustomerSimple(int id, String name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;

public int getId() {

return id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 8
More design details are needed...

Can name be typed char[] instead of String?

Can id be negative?

Can name be uninitialised (i.e. takes null)?

How do we create a Customer object with a
given id and name?

Should there be an operation to change value of


Duc M. L. Software Engineering 9

How to express those design rules?

Using validation methods:
– rules are implicit (implied by the method behaviour)
– rules can not be applied at compile time (because
method execution is required)

Using annotation:
– Java: annotation; C#: attribute
– rules are explicit in the design
– rules can be applied at compile time

to validate the design
– define behaviour of validation methods
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 10
Example: validate id method

id value is checked in the constructor
public class CustomerSimple {
private int id;
private String name;

public CustomerSimple(int id, String name) {

if (validateId(id)) {
this.id = id;
} else {
throw new NotPossibleException("CustomerSimple.init:
invalid id " + id);
this.name = name;

private boolean validateId(int id) {

return id > 0;
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 11
Example: annotate & validate id

id field is annotated to make clear its min constraint

id value is checked in the constructor
public class CustomerSimple {
private int id;
private String name;
public CustomerSimple(int id, String name) {
if (validateId(id)) {
this.id = id;
} else {
throw new NotPossibleException("CustomerSimple.init:
invalid id " + id);
this.name = name;
// code omitted
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 12
State-of-the-art: annotation usage in
the software industry

Java makes extensive uses of annotations

Back-end Java-based software tools:
– data management:

Java persistence API (JPA)

Hibernate, etc.
– web-based software development:


OpenXava, etc.

Front-end (non-Java) software tools:
– Angular, etc.
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 13
Example: Java annotations

Override a supertype’s method

Informs compiler to supress warnings

Provide documentation
public boolean equals(Object o) { return this == o; }

@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Provided by
void myMethod() { } Java
@Author(name = "Jane Doe")
class MyClassA { }

@Author(name = "Jane Doe") User-defined

@Author(name = "John Smith")
class MyClassB { }
Source: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/annotations/basics.html
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 14
Back-end: Data management &
Spring (Java framework)
public class CustomerEntity {
@Column @Controller
private int id; @RequestMapping("/display")
public class CustomerCtrl {
@Column(length=50) @RequestMapping(method = GET)
private String name; public String displayCustomer(...) {
} // code omitted
return "customer";

Customer CustomerCtrl

Java-based web server

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Front-end: Angular

@Component: defines a web user interface component

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Our study:
Enhancing design with annotation

Attribute rules:
– attributes have restrictions on values that they can
take (called domain constraints)

Operations (methods) must preserve the
attribute rules
– at pre and post conditions
– not necessarily during behaviour invocation

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Class design overview

Header spec.

representation - attributeA : type

+ operationX()
operation spec.

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 18

Essential design annotations

is attached to DOpt OptType

Method type(): OptType Constructor
AttrRef MutatorAdd
Parameter value(): String ObserverContains
is attached to ObserverIterator

type(): String (“null”)
is attached to mutable(): boolean (true)
Field optional(): boolean (true)
length(): int (-1)
min(): double (Double.NaN)
max(): double (Double.Nan)

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 19

Example: Annotated Customer
mutable=false, Customer
- id : int
} - name : String


@DOpt(type=Mutator) Customer
- id : int
- name : String
@DOpt(type=Observer) + Customer(int, String)
@DAttr(“id”) + setName(String)
+ getId(): int
+ getName(): String
@DOpt(type=Observer) - validateId(int): boolean validation
@DAttr(“name”) - validateName(String): boolean methods
+ toString(): String
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ repOK(): boolean

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 20

Example: Annotated IntSet
mutable=true, IntSet
- elements : Vector<Integer>

- elements : Vector<Integer>
@DOpt(type=MutatorRemove) + IntSet()
+ insert(int)
@DOpt(type=ObserverContains) + remove(int)
+ isIn(int): boolean
+ choose(): int
@DOpt(type=ObserverSize) + size(): int
- getIndex(int): int
+ toString(): String
+ repOK(): boolean

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 21

What if an OOPL does not support

Popular OOPLs (e.g. Java, C#) support
annotation, but other OOPLs may not support it

For those OOPLs:

if there is an alternative representation of the
constraints then transform annotations to that

otherwise, leave the annotations in the code but
comment them out
– the commented annotations will serve as valuable
documentation for the code

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 22

Annotated class design
(Using annotation to express
class design rules)
1) Class header specification (abstract concept)
2) Concrete attribute types
3) Object representation
4) Object operations (a.k.a methods)

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 23

Class header specification

Define the abstract concept that a class represents:
– e.g. concept CUSTOMER is represented by class

Class header specification includes:

Concept name

@overview: brief description of the class (its purpose)

@attributes: the concept’s attributes

@object: how to write the object state

@abstract_properties: domain constraints, other rules

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 24

Header specification format

* @overview ...
* @attributes ...
* @object ...
* @abstract_properties ...
class C

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Choose concept name

Name of the concept that we want to model as

Customer IntSet

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Write an overview

Describes the meaning of the abstract concept
IntSets are mutable,
unbounded sets of

* @overview IntSet are mutable, unbounded sets
* of integers.
public class IntSet
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 27
Example: Customer
Customers are people or
organisations with which
we have relationships.

* @overview Customers are people or
* organisations with which we have
* relationships.
public class Customer
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 28
Example: Integer
Integers are immutable
whole numbers (incl. 0)
and their negatives.

* @overview Integers are immutable whole
* numbers (incl. 0) and their negatives.
public class Integer
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 29
Specify the attributes

Written using tag @attributes

Each attribute entry has three parts:

name: the attribute name

(formal) type: the abstract data type of the attribute

concrete type: the actual data type
– left blank for now (added later)

Drawn in the second compartment of the UML

visibility (+/-) is not yet determined (added later)

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 30

Common formal attribute types

Integer: integral values

String: text values

Real: real values (e.g. 1.5, 2.0)

Char: character

Boolean: true, false

Sequence (i.e. array) of the above: e.g.
Integer[] is a sequence of integers

Set of the above: e.g. Set<Integer> is a set of
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 31
Example: IntSet


* @overview ... as before ...
* @attributes
* elements Set<Integer>
public class IntSet
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 32
Example: Customer


* @overview ... as before ...
* @attributes
* id Integer
* name String
public class Customer
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 33
Specify the abstract object

An object created from typical values of the

If has only one attribute:

use a typical value of the attribute, e.g.:
– set-based type: {x1,...,xn}
– others: e.g. -2, -1, …

If has more than one attributes:

use the tuple notation, e.g.:
A typical Customer is <d, n> where id(d), name(n)

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 34

Example: Customer

id = d
name = n

* @overview ... as before ...
* @attributes ... as before ...
* @object A typical Customer is c=<d,n>, where
* id(d), name(n).
public class Customer
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 35
Example: IntSet

elements = {x1,...,xn}

* @overview ... as before ...
* @attributes ... as before ...
* @object A typical IntSet object is
* c={x1,...,xn}, where x1,...,xn are elements
public class IntSet
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 36
Example: Integer
value = ...,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...

* @overview ... as before ...
* @attributes
* value Integer
* @object Typical integers are ...,-2,-1,0,1,...
public class Integer

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 37

Specify abstract properties

Written using the tag @abstract_properties

Two types:

domain constraint


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Domain constraint

A statement about what data values an attribute
can take

Properties to include:

type: the formal type

mutable: true | false

optional: true | false

length (for string type)): the max value length

min (for numeric type): min value

max (for numeric type): max value

Omitted if no properties are specified
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 39
Domain constraint table: Customer

Attributes type mutable optional length min max

id Integer N N - 1 -

name String Y N 50 - -

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 40

* @overview ... as before ...
* @attributes ... as before ...
* @object ... as before ...
* @abstract_properties
* mutable(id)=false /\ optional(id)=false /\
* min(id)=1 /\
* mutable(name)=true /\ optional(name)=false /\
* length(name)=50
public class Customer

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 41

Domain constraint table: IntSet

Attributes type mutable optional length min max

elements Set<Integer> Y N - - -

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 42

* @overview ... as before ...
* @attributes ... as before ...
* @object ... as before ...
* @abstract_properties
* mutable(elements)=true /\
* optional(elements)=false /\
* elements != {} →
* (for all x in elements. x is integer)
public class IntSet

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 43

Other properties

Properties other than those captured in the
domain constraint

Specific to each abstract concept


Set: elements are distinct

Array: elements form a sequence

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 44

Example: IntSet

* @overview ... as before ...
* @attributes ... as before ...
* @object ... as before ...
* @abstract_properties
* mutable(elements)=true /\
* optional(elements)=false /\
* elements != {} →
* (for all x in elements. x is integer) /\
* elements != {} →
* (for all x, y in elements. x != y)
public class IntSet

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 45

Specify the concrete attribute type

Concrete type is the actual data type used to
implement an attribute

must be supported by the target OOPL

Concrete type may differ from the formal one:

e.g. array is the concrete type for Vector's elements

One formal type is typically mapped to one or
more concrete types:

e.g. Set can be implemented by array or Vector

Write in the third column of the attribute entry in
@attributes (omit if same as the formal type)
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 46
Some useful Java data types

Wrapper types

Dynamic array

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 47

Wrapper type

Wrapper class

An object data type that 'wraps' the primitive types

Suitable for used as formal attribute type

Auto-boxing: automatically converts ('wraps)
primitive values into wrapper objects

Auto-unboxing: the reverse, i.e. wrapper object →
primitive value

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 48

Wrapper classes

Primitive types Wrapper classes (types)

int Integer

long Long

float Float

double Double

char Character
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 49
* @overview A program that creates and
* manipulates Integer objects. E.g.: Integer
public class IntegerWrapper {
* The run method
public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer i;
int j, k;
// create object using auto-boxing
i = 5; /* i = Integer(5) */

// auto-convert to primitive using unboxing

k = i; /* k = 5 */

// unboxing i back to primitive in expression

j = i + 10; /* j = 15 */
System.out.printf("i, j, k = %d, %d, %d %n", i, j, k);
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 50
Dynamic array

Class: java.util.Vector

Elements are objects of any type:

can even be of different types

Supports a parameterised syntax (generic):

if elements belong to a known type (e.g. Integer)
Vector<T>: T is the element type

Provide operations to operate on the elements:

elements are added/removed easily

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 51

Vector operations

add(T o):

add o to end of this vector

set(int i,T o):

replace the ith element by o

get(int i):

return the ith element

remove(int i):

remove element ith


Duc M. L.
return number of elements
Software Engineering 52
Create a Vector

import java.util.Vector;
Vector v1 = new Vector();
Vector<Integer> v = new Vector<>();
empty (size=0)

null ... null internal


initial capacity
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 53

v.add(1); v 1 1 2 3 5

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int i = v.get(0);


i 1 v 1 1 2 3 5

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v.set (0,-1);
v -1 1 2 3 5

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v -1 1 2 3 5

1 2 3 5

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int sz = v.size();

sz 4 v 1 2 3 5

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Vector vs. Set


a collection of items

items can be of different types


Vector allows duplicates

Vector's elements can be accessed by index

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Example: IntSet

elements : Vector<Integer>

* @overview ...
* @attributes
* elements Set<Integer> Vector<Integer>
* ...
public class IntSet
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 60
Example: Customer
id : int
name : String

* @overview ...
* @attributes
* id Integer int
* name String
* ...
public class Customer
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 61
Guidelines for choosing concrete type

Must be supported by the prog. language

May be the same or different from the formal type

To balance between productivity and efficiency:

productivity: ease coding with the type

efficiency: run-time efficiency of the using code
(code that uses the type)

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 62

Example: Customer


attributes are referred to directly as variables

make use of built-in String and integer


no type conversions are required

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 63

Example: IntSet
Vector or array?


Vector is better for adding and removing elements
– provides add(), remove() operations for these

Array is slightly better with retrieving element
– the notation is really simple: a[index]


Compared to Vector, array is:
– faster to retrieve and remove elements
– slower to add an element (requires array copy)

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 64

Object representation (Rep)

In class design:

an attribute is also called instance or object variable

Attributes (together with their concrete types)
form the representation (rep) of the object:
– ‘represent’ the object state

Specification steps:
– define an instance variable for each attribute
– annotate with domain constraint(s) (if any)

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 65



attributes: id (int) and name (String)

Customer objects <1,”Duc”>, <2,”Thang”>, ...


attribute: elements (Vector)

IntSet objects {-11,2,3}, {10,-12,15}, ...

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 66

Define instance variable

For each attribute, define an instance variable:

identifier = attribute name

data type = concrete type

access modifier: private

Modifier private is to protect attributes from
direct outside access:

recall: information hiding

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 67

Example: Customer

- id : int
- name : String /**
* @overview ...
* @attributes
* id Integer int
* name String
* ...
public class Customer {
private int id;
private String name;

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 68

Example: IntSet
- elements : Vector<Integer>

* @overview ...
* @attributes
* elements Set<Integer> Vector<Integer>
* ...
public class IntSet {
private Vector<Integer> elements;
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 69
Annotate instance variables with
domain constraints

Annotate each instance variable with annotation
– realises the essential domain constraints discussed

All @DomainConstraint’s properties are given
default values:
– can be omitted if not specified

All annotations are located in the package

We will discuss other annotations later
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 70
Annotation @DomainConstraint

public @interface DomainConstraint {

public String type() default "null";
public boolean mutable() default true;
public boolean optional() default true;
public int length() default -1;
public double min() default Double.NaN;
public double max() default Double.NaN;

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 71

Example: Customer

mutable=false, Customer
- id : int
} - name : String


Duc M. L. Software Engineering 72

/** … in Java’s textual form
* @overview ...
* @attributes
* id Integer
* name String
* @object ...
* @abstract_properties
* mutable(id)=false /\ optional(id)=false /\ min(id)=1 /\
* mutable(name)=true /\ optional(name)=false /\
* length(name)=50
public class Customer {
private int id;

private String name;
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 73
Example: IntSet

mutable=true, IntSet
- elements : Vector<Integer>

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 74

… in Java’s textual form
* @overview ...
* @attributes
* elements Set<Integer> Vector<Integer>
* @object ...
* @abstract_properties
* mutable(elements)=true /\
* optional(elements)=false /\
* elements != {} → (for all x in elements. x is integer) /\
* ...
* ...
public class IntSet {
private Vector<Integer> elements;
} Duc M. L. Software Engineering 75
Operations (a.k.a methods)

Operations are object procedures

must be invoked on an object of the class

differ from stand-alone procedures (how?)

Operations typically observe and/or modify
object state:
– other types of behaviour also exist

Two key design questions:

what are the essential operations?

how to specify them?

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 76

Example: Customer
OptType.Constructor) (not needed)

- id : int
- name : String
@DOpt(type=Observer) + Customer(int, String)
+ setName(String)
+ getId(): int
+ getName(): String
- validateId(int): boolean
- validateName(String): boolean
@DOpt(type=Helper) + toString(): String
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ repOK(): boolean
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 77
Example: IntSet
OptType.Constructor) (not needed)

- elements : Vector<Integer>

@DOpt(type=MutatorRemove) + IntSet()
+ insert(int)
@DOpt(type=ObserverContains) + remove(int)
+ isIn(int): boolean
+ choose(): int
@DOpt(type=ObserverSize) + size(): int
- getIndex(int): int
+ toString(): String
+ repOK(): boolean

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 78

What are the essential operations?

Focus on the essential operations first

Some general guidelines:

focus on significant functional requirements

at least include one constructor and one observer
– [Java] default constructor may be omitted

define a mutator for an mutable attribute

define data validation operations for attributes with
domain constraints

define operations that ease programming with objects

define helper operations (to help other operations)

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 79

Operation specification guidelines (1)

Use a well-defined design specification

Scope is usually public (some are private)

Annotate with @DOpt, @AttrRef (where needed)

Must not use keyword static

Must take into account the attributes & abstract

May use the _post postfix to denote value of a variable in
the post-condition

Can use keyword this to refer to other members

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 80

Well-defined design specification
of an operation

A design specification that makes precise and
clear the behaviour of an operation

Consists of two parts:
– a structured behaviour description
– operation header

Specification can be defined at two levels:
– logical: language-neutral specification
– physical: language dependent

Our focus: physical specification, Java as the
target language
Duc M. L. PR2 81
Example: swap two numbers
* Swap two numbers
* @requires
* xy != null /\ xy.length=2
* @modifies xy
* @effects
* xy = [xy_0[1], xy_0[0]]
void swap(int[] xy)
Duc M. L. PR2 82
Javadoc format

We use the Javadoc format to write specification
– a type of comment format that is used to generate code

Block comment of the form: /**...*/

Support use of tags:

document tags: prefixed with '@' (e.g. @effects)

HTML tags, e.g.:
– <br>: line break
– <p>: paragraph break
– <pre>...</pre>: pre-formated text
– <tt>...</tt>: code snippets
Duc M. L. PR2 83
Specification structure

@requires: pre-conditions

only required for partial procedures

@modifies: side-effects (if any)

list the parameter(s)

@effects: post-conditions

state the transformation of inputs into output

@pseudocode: the pseudocode (if any)

typically low level pseudocode statements

Duc M. L. PR2 84
Example: swap two numbers
/** detailed description
* Swap two numbers of behaviour
* @requires <tt>xy != null /\
* xy.length=2</tt>
* @modifies xy
* @effects <tt>xy = [xy_0[1],
* xy_0[0]]</tt>
void swap(int[] xy)
Duc M. L. PR2 85
Specification language

A Java-like language that supports:

logical notation

reserved names (@requires, etc.) for the
specification components

Duc M. L. PR2 86
A Java-like language

Comments: single and block comments

Procedure definition

Java's primitive and array types

Keyword null

no semi-colon at end of statement

indentation, no curly brackets

Duc M. L. PR2 87
Statements & operators

Basic statements:

Java's variable declaration and assignment

Java's conditional and loop

read: read some data from some input

print: display some data to the standard output

return: return some data as output

High-level (natural language) statements are
also allowed


eq (==), not eq (!=), lt (<), gt (>), etc.
Duc M. L. PR2 88
Operations on array

add x to a:

add x to the next index position in a

put x in a:

put x in any index in array a

delete x in a:

set the first item matching x in a to a pre-defined
constant used to denote the discarded state

Duc M. L. PR2 89
Logical notation

Logical symbols Textual form

⋀ /\
⋁ \/
→ ->

↔ <->

" for all

$ exist

Duc M. L. PR2 90
Criteria of a good specification


to rule out unsatisfactory implementations

include @requires when necessary


to cover a majority of satisfactory implementations

use definitional-style description when necessary

Clear: balance between

conciseness: consolidate statements, use pseudocode
language syntax

redundancy: use example when necessary
Duc M. L. PR2 91
Example: swap
* Swap two numbers
* @requires xy != null /\ xy.length=2
* @modifies xy
* @effects xy = [xy_0[1], xy_0[0]]
void swap(int[] xy)

Restrictive General Concise

Duc M. L. style)
PR2 92
Example: swap

/** Redundancy
(use example)
* Swap two numbers
* @requires xy != null /\ xy.length=2
* @modifies xy
* @effects xy = [xy_0[1], xy_0[0]]
* e.g. xy=[1,2] /\ swap(xy)=[2,1]
void swap(int[] xy)
Duc M. L. PR2 93
Operation specification guidelines (2)

Use a well-defined design specification

Scope is usually public (some are private)

Annotate with @DOpt, @AttrRef (where needed)

Must not use keyword static

Must take into account the attributes & abstract

May use the _post postfix to denote value of a variable in
the post-condition

Can use keyword this to refer to other members

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 94

Design specification guidelines
for specific operation types

Creator (also called constructors):

create objects of a class from attribute values

[0] Producer: creates a new object from an
object of the same type

Mutator: change object state

Observer: obtain information from object state

Default: default language-specific operations
(for all objects)

Helper: utility operations that help others

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 95

Annotation DOpt

Annotate an opreation

Describes a behaviour pattern

Has one property named type, which specifies
the operation type:

The data type is the enum OptType

Syntax: written before the operation header as:
@DOpt(type=t), where t ∈ OptType.

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 96

Annotation AttrRef

Describes reference to an attribute that is being
manipulated by an operation’s behaviour

Annotate either operation or operation parameter:

for operation: only used for non-constructor operations

for parameter: mainly used for parameters of
constructor operations

Has one property named value, which specifies
the name of the referenced attribute:

the data type is String

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 97


@AttrRef(value=n) or simply @AttrRef(n),
where n is the referenced attribute's name

for operation: the statement is written before the
operation header

for parameter: the statement is written immediately
before the declaration of the parameter

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 98

Annotation usage guidelines

AttrRef is often (but not always) used with DOpt

DOpt is usually NOT required for constructor and
helper operations

AttrRef is usually NOT required for parameters
of non-constructor operations

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 99


Create a new object from arguments

Name: same as the class

Return type: omitted

Two design methods:
– create objects with default state and update them later
(using mutator operations, discussed later)
– object state may not be valid at creation
– essential constructor:

ensures object state is valid at creation

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 100

Essential constructor


one parameter for each non-optional, non-collection-
typed attribute

use @AttrRef to map each parameter to attribute

types must match the attributes' concrete types

@effects: if domain constraints apply then states
data validation for the arguments:
– throws NotPossibleException if violation occurs

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Example: Customer

* @effects <pre>
* if custID, name are valid
* initialise this as <custID,name>
* else
* initialise this as <> and print error
* </pre>
public Customer(@AttrRef("id") int custID,
@AttrRef("name") String name)
throws NotPossibleException

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Update value(s) of attribute(s)
– required for mutable attributes, forbidden for immutable ones

Annotated with:
– @DOpt.type=OptType.Mutator
– @AttrRef.value=<attribute-name>

Setter: a common mutator that directly sets the value of
an attribute:

name: setX where X is attribute name (first letter capitalised)

return type: boolean

parameter: matches the attribute

Return type: false if an error occurs (e.g. invalid input)
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Example: Customer

* @effects <pre>
* if name is valid
* set this.name to name
* return true
* else
* return false</pre>
@DOpt(type=OptType.Mutator) @AttrRef(”name”)
public boolean setName(String name)

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Obtain information about the object state

Annotated with:
– @DOpt.type=OptType.Observer
– @AttrRef.value=<attribute-name>

Getter: a common type of observer that directly
gets value of an attribute

name: getX, where X is the attribute name (first letter

parameters: empty

return type: matches the attribute's type

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Example: Customer

* @effects return <tt>id</tt>
@DOpt(type=OptType.Observer) @AttrRef(”id”)
public int getId()

* @effects return <tt>name</tt>
@DOpt(type=OptType.Observer) @AttrRef(”name”)
public String getName()

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Operations that are common to all Java classes:

defined in the class java.lang.Object (from
which all classes are derived)

Three common operations:

toString, equals, hashCode

Annotated with @Override

Specification need not be defined, but can be
added to explain the behaviour

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public String toString()

No arguments

Returns a string representation of an object

similar to the abstract object definition

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public boolean equals(Object o)

Takes an Object argument and returns

true if the argument is equal to the current object,
false if otherwise

Also means the two objects are behaviourally

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[0] hashCode()

Generates a hash value from object state

For use as the storage key of an object in a
hash-based collection
– e.g. Hashtable, HashMap

Not discussed further

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Operations that perform tasks needed by other

Three common types of helper:

repOK: short for “representation OK”

Data validation


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* @effects <pre>
* if this satisfies abstract properties
* return true
* else
* return false</pre>
public boolean repOK()

Check if the object state satisfies the abstract

for testing the object and the overall implementation

Specified using the above:

scope: usually public (but can also be private)
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 112
Data validation

Validates input data against the domain

invoked by constructor, setter, and repOK

Name: validateX, where X is an attribute name
(first letter capitalised)

Access modifier: private

Parameters: match the attribute

Return type: boolean

May also invoke other validate operations
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* @effects <pre> E.g: Customer
* if id is valid
* return true
* else
* return false
* </pre>
private boolean validateId(int id)

* @effects <pre>
* if name is valid
* return true
* else
* return false
* </pre>
private boolean validateName(String name)
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Other helper operations:

determined based on the specifications of the existing


IntSet.getIndex: needed by insert and remove

Rat.reduce: performs a key operation

Scope: (usually) private

made public if useful for outside access (e.g.

Duc M. L. Software Engineering 115

Example: IntSet

* @effects <pre>
* if x is in this
* return the index where x appears
* else
* return -1</pre>
private int getIndex(int x)

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(B) Collection class design

1) What is collection class?

2) Design approach with annotation

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What is collection class?

Collection classes differ from non-collection ones:
– operations do not usually follow the usual set-get pairings
– mutator and observer operations are designed to
add/remove/observe one or some element(s) at a time,
not all elements at once

Example: interface java.util.Collection<E>

add(E e)

remove(E e)

contains(E e)

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Design approach

Collection class implements a marker interface

Essential constructor has empty parameter list

Essential mutators to maintain the collection

Essential observers to obtain information about
elements in the collection

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Collection class marker

The collection class must implement the marker interface

this marker signifies that the class is a collection

Unlike Java, it does not force the implementation of any
– although essential operations (specified through the OptTypes) are

import utils.collections.Collection;
public class IntSet implements Collection {
Duc M. L. Software Engineering 120
Using DOpt with specific OptTypes

Each operation of a collection class is marked
with the operational annotation DOpt

There are OptTypes specifically designed for
the key mutator and observer operations:

AttrRef is not required for these operations

Other OptTypes are still applicable to other
operations of the collection, if needed

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The specific OptTypes

MutatorAdd: for operation that adds an
element to the collection

MutatorRemove: for the operation that remove
an element from the collection

ObserverContains: for the operation that
checks if an element is in the collection

ObserverSize: for the operation that returns the
number of elements in the collection

ObserverIterator: for the iteration abstraction
of the collection (for future use)
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Example: IntSet

* @effects initialise <tt>this</tt> to be
* empty
public IntSet()

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* @modifies <tt>this</tt>
* @effects <pre>
* if x already in this
* do nothing
* else
* add x to this, i.e., this_post=this+{x}</pre>
public void insert(int x)

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* @modifies <tt>this</tt>
* @effects <pre>
* if x is not in this
* do nothing
* else
* remove x from this, i.e. this_post=this-{x}
* </pre>
public void remove(int x)

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* @effects <pre>
* if x is in this
* return true
* else
* return false</pre>
public boolean isIn(int x)

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* @effects return the cardinality of <prtt>this</tt>
public int size()

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* @effects
* if this is not empty
* return Integer[] array of elements of this
* else
* return null
public Integer[] getElements()

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Annotation is a feature of high-level OOPL (Java,
C#) that provides metadata for the code
– State-of-the-art Java tools make extensive use of

Conventional OOP design lacks support for
explicit design rules

Three annotations are introduced to define
essential design rules: @DOpt, @AttrRef,

Collection classes need to additionally implement
a marker interface
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