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Oop Java

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Object-Oriented Programming
Margit ANTAL
1. Java Language
2. Objects and classes
3. Static Members
4. Relationships between classes
5. Inheritance and Polymorphism
6. Interfaces and Abstract Classes
7. Exceptions
8. Nested Classes
9. Threads
10. GUI Programming
11. Collections and Generics
12. Serialization
Module 1
Java language
Java language

● History
● Java technology: JDK, JRE, JVM
● Properties
● 'Hello world' application
● Garbage Collection
Short History

● 1991 - Green Project for consumer electronics market

(Oak language → Java)
● 1994 – HotJava Web browser
● 1995 – Sun announces Java
● 1996 – JDK 1.0
● 1997 – JDK 1.1 RMI, AWT, Servlets
● 1998 – Java 1.2 Reflection, Swing, Collections
● 2004 – J2SE 1.5 (Java 5) Generics, enums
● 2014 – Java SE 8 Lambdas
Short History

● 2017 - Java SE 9
● 2018 - Java SE 10, Java SE 11
● 2019 - Java SE 12, Java SE 13
● 2020 - Java SE 14, Java SE 15
Java technology

● JDK – Java Development Kit

● JRE – Java Runtime Environment
● JVM – Java Virtual Machine

JDK javac, jar, debugging

JRE java, libraries


● Object-oriented
● Interpreted
● Portable
● Secure and robust
● Scalable
● Multi-threaded
● Dynamic language
● Distributed
Hello World Application
1. Write the source code: HelloWorld.java

public class HelloWorld{

public static void main( String args[] ){
System.out.println(“Hello world”);

2. Compile: javac HelloWorld.java

3. Run: java HelloWorld
Hello World Application
javac HelloWorld.java


java HelloWorld


Garbage Collection

● Dynamically allocated memory

● Deallocation
− Programmer's responsibility (C/C++)
− System responsibility (Java):
● Is done automatically (system-level thread)
● Checks for and frees memory no longer needed
● Compilers vs. interpreters
● Portability
Module 2
Object-Oriented Programming
Object-oriented programming
Classes and Objects

● Class
● Attributes and methods
● Object (instance)
● Information hiding
● Encapsulation
● Constructors
● Packages

● Is a user-defined type
− Describes the data (attributes)
− Defines the behavior (methods) } members

● Instances of a class are objects

Declaring Classes
● Syntax
<modifier>* class <class_name>{

● Example
public class Counter{
private int value;
public void inc(){
public int getValue(){
return value;
Declaring Attributes
● Syntax
<modifier>* <type> <attribute_name>[= <initial_value>];

● Examples

public class Foo{

private int x;
private float f = 0.0;
private String name =”Anonymous”;
Declaring Methods
● Syntax
<modifier>* <return_type> <method_name>( <argument>* ){

● Examples
public class Counter{
public static final int MAX = 100;
private int value;

public void inc(){

if( value < MAX ){
public int getValue(){
return value;
Accessing Object Members
● Syntax
● Examples
public class Counter{ Counter c = new Counter();
public static final int MAX = 100; c.inc();
private int value = 0; int i = c.getValue();

public void inc(){

if( value < MAX ){
public int getValue(){
return value;
Information Hiding
● The problem:
● Client code has direct access to internal data
/* C language */ /* C language */
struct Date { Date d;
int year, month, day; d.day = 32; //invalid day
d.month = 2; d.day = 30;
// invalid data

d.day = d.day + 1;
// no check
Information Hiding
● The solution:
● Client code must use setters and getters to access internal data
// Java language
public class Date { Date d = new Date();
private int year, month, day; //no assignment
public void setDay(int d){..} d.setDay(32);
public void setMonth(int m){..} // month is set
public void setYear(int y){..} d.setMonth(2);
public int getDay(){...} // no assignment
public int getMonth(){...} d.day = 30;
public int getYear(){...}

Verify days in month

● Bundling of data with the methods that operate on
that data (restricting of direct access to some of an
object's components)

● Hides the implementation

details of a class
● Forces the user to use an
interface to access data
● Makes the code more
UML - Graphical Class Representation

class name Person

“-” means
-firstName: String State
private access

“+” means +getfirstName(): String Behaviour

public access
Declaring Constructors
● Syntax:
[<modifier>]<class_name>( <argument>*){
public class Date {
private int year, month, day;

public Date( int y, int m, int d) {

if( verify(y, m, d) ){
year = y; month = m; day = d;

private boolean verify(int y, int m, int d){

● Role: object initialization
● Name of the constructor must be the same as that of class name.
● Must not have return type.
● Every class should have at least one constructor.
● If you don't write constructor, compiler will generate the default constructor.
● Constructors are usually declared public.
● Constructor can be declared as private → You can't use it outside the class.
● One class can have more than one constructors.
● Constructor overloading.
The Default Constructors
- There is always at least one constructor in every class.
- If the programmer does not supply any constructors, the
default constructor is generated by the compiler
− The default constructor takes no argument
− The default constructor's body is empty

public class Date {

private int year, month, day;

public Date( ){
● Objects are instances of classes
● Are allocated on the heap by using the new operator
● Constructor is invoked automatically on the new object

Counter c = new Counter();

Date d1 = new Date( 2016, 9, 23);

Person p = new Person(“John”,”Smith”);

● Help manage large software systems
● Contain
− Classes
− Sub-packages java
lang awt

The package statement
● Syntax:
package <top_pkg_name>[.<sub_pkg_name>]*;

● Examples:

package java.lang;
- statement at the beginning of the
source file
public class String{ - only one package declaration per
//... source file
} - if no package name is declared →
the class is placed into the default
The import statement
● Syntax:
package <top_pkg_name>[.<sub_pkg_name>]*;
● Usage:
import <pkg_name>[.<sub_pkg_name>]*.*;
● Examples:

import java.util.List; -precedes all class declarations

import java.io.*; -tells the compiler where to find classes
● Class, encapsulation
● Class members:
− attributes
− methods
● Object, instance
● Constructor
● Package
● Import statement
Object-oriented programming

● Primitive types
● Reference Type
● Parameter Passing
● The this reference
● Variables and Scope
● Casting
Java Types

− Primitive (8)
● Logical: boolean
● Textual: char
● Integral: byte, short, int, long
● Floating: double, float
− Reference
● All others
Logical - boolean

− Characteristics:
● Literals:
− true
− false
● Examples:
− boolean cont = true;
− boolean exists = false;
Textual - char

− Characteristics:
● Represents a 16-bit Unicode character
● Literals are enclosed in single quotes (' ')
● Examples:
− 'a' - the letter a
− '\t' - the TAB character
− '\u0041' - a specific Unicode character ('A') represented by

4 hexadecimal digits
Integral – byte, short, int, and long

− Characteristics:
● Use three forms:
− Decimal: 67
− Octal: 0103 (1x8^2+0x8^1+3x8^0)
− Hexadecimal: 0x43
● Default type of literal is int.
● Literals with the L or l suffix are of type long.
Integral – byte, short, int, and long

− Ranges:
Type Length Range
byte 1 byte -27..27-1
short 2 byte -215..215-1
int 4 byte -231..231-1
long 8 byte -263..263-1
Floating Point – float and double

− Characteristics:
● Size:
− float – 4 byte
− double – 8 byte
● Decimal point
− 9.65 (double, default type)
− 9.65f or 9.65F (float)
− 9.65D or 9.65d (double)
● Exponential notation
− 3.41E20 (double)
Java ReferenceTypes

public class MyDate{

private int day = 26;
private int month = 9;
private int year = 2016;

public MyDate( int day, int month, int year){


MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

Constructing and Initializing Objects

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

Constructing and Initializing Objects

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

1) Memory is allocated for the object

2) Explicit attribute initialization is performed
3) A constructor is executed
4) The object reference is returned by the new operator
Constructing and Initializing Objects

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

1) Memory is allocated for the object

2) Explicit attribute initialization is performed
3) A constructor is executed
4) The object reference is returned by the new operator
date1 = object reference

5) The reference is assigned to a variable

(1) Memory is allocated for the object

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

reference date1 ??? Implicit initialization

object day 0
month 0
year 0
(2) Explicit Attribute Initialization

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

reference date1 ??? public class MyDate{

private int day = 26;
private int month = 9;
private int year = 2016;
object day 26 }
month 9
year 2016
(3) Executing the constructor

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

reference date1 ??? public class MyDate{

private int day = 26;
private int month = 9;
private int year = 2016;
object day 20 }
month 6
year 2000
(4) The object reference is returned

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

The address
of the object
reference date1 ???

object day 20
month 6 0x01a2345
year 2000
(5) The reference is assigned to a variable

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

The reference
points to
the object
reference date1 0x01a2345

object day 20
month 6
year 2000
Assigning References
● Two variables refer to a single object
MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);
MyDate date2 = date1;

date1 0x01a2345 date2 0x01a2345

0x01a2345 day 20
object month 6
year 2000
Parameter Passing
public class PassTest{
public void changePrimitive(int value){

public void changeReference(MyDate from, MyDate to){

from = to;

public void changeObjectDay(MyDate date, int day){

date.setDay( day );
Parameter Passing
PassTest pt = new PassTest();
int x = 100;
pt.changePrimitive( x );
System.out.println( x );

MyDate oneDate = new MyDate(3, 10, 2016);

MyDate anotherDate = new MyDate(3, 10, 2001);

pt.changeReference( oneDate, anotherDate );

System.out.println( oneDate.getYear() );

pt.changeObjectDay( oneDate, 12 );
System.out.println( oneDate.getDay() );

The this Reference

● Usage:
− To resolve ambiguity between instance variables and
− To pass the current object as a parameter to another
The this Reference

public class MyDate{

private int day = 26;
private int month = 9;
private int year = 2016;
public MyDate( int day, int month, int year){
this.day = day;
this.month = month;
this.year = year;
public MyDate( MyDate date){
this.day = date.day;
this.month = date.month;
this.year = date.year;
public MyDate creteNextDate(int moreDays){
MyDate newDate = new MyDate(this);
//... add moreDays
return newDate;
Java Coding Conventions
● Packages
− ro.sapientia.ms
● Classes
− SavingsAccount
● Methods
− getAmount()
● Variables
− amount
● Constants
Variables and Scope

● Local variables are

− Defined inside a method
− Created when the method is executed and destroyed when the
method is exited
− Not initialized automatically
− Created on the execution stack
Default Initialization

● Default values for attributes:

Type Value
byte 0
short 0
int 0
long 0L
float 0.0f
double 0.0d
char '\u0000'
boolean false
refrence null

● Logical operators
● Bitwise operators ( ~, ^, &, |, >>, >>>, << )
● String concatenation ( + )
String Types

● String
− Immutable – once created can not be changed
− Objects are stored in the Constant String Pool
● StringBuffer
− Mutable – one can change the value of the object
− Thread-safe
● StringBuilder
− The same as StringBuffer
− Not thread-safe
Object-oriented programming

● Declaring arrays
● Creating arrays
● Arrays of primitive and reference type
● Initialization of elements
● Multidimensional arrays
Declaring Arrays

● What is an array?
− Group of data objects of the same type
● Arrays of primitive types:
int t[];
int [] t;
● Arrays of reference types:
Point p[];
Point[] p;
Creating Arrays
Primitive Type

● Arrays are objects → are created with new

● Example:
//array declaration
int [] t;

//array creation
t = new int[10];

//print the array – enhanced for loop

for( int v: t ){
System.out.println( v );
Creating Arrays
Primitive Type
//array declaration
int [] t;

//array creation
t = new int[10];
Creating Arrays
Reference Type
● Example:
//array declaration
Point [] t;

//array creation – array of references!!!

t = new Point[3];

// How many objects of type Point?

Creating Arrays
Reference Type
● Example:
//array declaration
Point [] p;

//array creation – array of references!!!

p = new Point[3];

// How many objects of type Point?

for( int i=0; i<3; ++i){
p[i] = new Point(i, i);
// How many objects of type Point?
Creating Arrays
Reference Type
Initializing Arrays

● Create an array with initial values

String names[] = {“Anna”, “Krisztina”, “Rebekka”};

Point points[] ={ new Point(0,0), new Point(1,1)};
Array Bounds

● void printElements( int t[] ){

for( int i=0; i < t.length; ++i){
System.out.println( t[i] );
Multidimensional Arrays

● Rectangular arrays:
int [][] array = new int[3][4];
● Non-rectangular arrays:
int [][] array;
array = new int[2][];
array[0] = new int[3];
array[1] = new int[5];

● Array declaration and creation

− Array of primitives
− Array of references
● Size of an array (public attribute: length)
● Initial values of array elements
Module 3
Static Members

● How can you create a constant?

● How can you declare data that is shared by all
instances of a given class?
● How can you prevent a class from being
● How can you prevent a method from being

● Create a Product class which initializes each

new instance with a serialNumber (1,2,

public class Product{

private int sNumber;
public static int counter = 0;
public Product() {
sNumber = counter;

Product p1 = new Product();

Product p2 = new Product();
p1 :Product


Class Product

counter: 2
p2 :Product


counter: static field

sNumber: instance field
What's wrong?
public class Product{
private int sNumber;
public static int counter = 0;
public Product() {
sNumber = counter;

It can be accessed from outside the class!

public class AnyClass{

public void increment() {
Better solution
public class Product{
private int sNumber;

private static int counter = 0;

public static int getCounter(){

return counter;

public Product() {
sNumber = counter;
Better solution
public class Product{
private int sNumber;

private static int counter = 0;

public static int getCounter(){

return counter;

public Product() {
sNumber = counter; System.out.println( Product.getCounter());
} Product p = new Product();
} System.out.println( Product.getCounter());

Accessing static members

<class name>.<member_name>

Not recommended (but working):

System.out.println( Product.getCounter());
Product p = new Product();
System.out.println( p.getCounter());

Static Members

● Static data + static methods = static members

● Data are allocated at class load time → can be

used without instances

● Instance methods may use static data. Why?

● Static methods cannot use instance data. Why?

The InstanceCounter class
public class InstanceCounter {
private static int counter;

public InstanceCounter(){

public static int getCounter(){

return counter;

System.out.println( InstanceCounter.getCounter());

InstanceCounter ic = new InstanceCounter();

System.out.println( InstanceCounter.getCounter());
Singleton Design Pattern

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance;

private Singleton(){

public static Singleton getInstance(){

if( instance == null ){
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
Static Initializers

public class AClass{

private static int counter;

static {
// e.g. read counter from a file
The final Keyword

● Class
− You cannot subclass a final class.

● Method
− You cannot override a final method.

● Variable
− A final variable is a constant.
− You can set a final variable only once.
− Assignment can occur independently of the
declaration (blank final variable).
Blank Final Variables

public class Employee{

private final long ID;

public Employee(){
ID = createID();

private long createID(){

//return the generated ID


public enum GestureType {



for(GestureType type: GestureType.values()){

System.out.println( type );

public enum GestureType {
UP (0, "fel"),
RIGHT (1, "jobb"),
DOWN (2, "le"),
LEFT (3, "bal");

GestureType( int value, String name ){

this.value = value;
this.name = name;

public int getValue(){

return value;

public String getName(){

return name;

private int value;

private String name;

for(GestureType type: GestureType.values()){

System.out.println(type.name()+", "+
type.getName()+", "+ type.getValue());


UP, fel, 0
RIGHT, jobb, 1
DOWN, le, 2
LEFT, bal, 3

● Constant instance data

− belongs to the instance

● Static data
− belongs to the class

● Constant static data

− belongs to the class

public class Product{

private final int ID;
public class Product{
private final int ID;
private static counter;
public Product(){
ID = ++counter;
static final
public class Product{
private final int ID;
private static counter;
private static final String name = “PRODUCT”;
public Product(){
ID = ++counter;

public String getIDStr(){

return name+ID;
Module 4
Relationships between classes
Object-oriented programming
Relationships between classes

● Association (containment)
− Strong – Composition

− Weak – Aggregation
Relationships between classes

− Strong type of association

− Full ownership
Relationships between classes

− Weak type of association

− Partial ownership
Relationships between classes
Association – Aggregation - Composition



Relationships between classes
Implementing Associations (1)

public class Brain{ public class Person{

//... private Brain brain;
} }
Relationships between classes
Implementing Associations (2)

public class Date{ public class Person{

private int day; private String name;
private int month; private Date birthDate;
private int year;
//... public Person(String name,
} Date birthDate){
this.name = name;
this.birthDate = birthDate; }
Relationships between classes
Implementing Associations (3)
Benedek Istvan, 1990, 1, 12
Burjan Maria, 1968, 4, 15
Dobos Hajnalka Evelin, 1986, 3, 17

Write a program which reads

:Person :Person the data of several persons
and constructs an array of
:Date :Date
Relationships between classes
Relationship cardinality

− One-to-one

− One-to-many
Relationships between classes
Implementing one-to-many relationship (1)
public class Student{
private final long ID;
private String firstname;
private String lastname;

public class Course{

private final long ID;
private String name;
public static final int MAX_STUDENTS=100;
private Student[] enrolledStudents;
private int numStudents;

Relationships between classes
Implementing one-to-many relationship (2)
public class Course{
private final long ID;
private String name;
public static final int MAX_STUDENTS = 100;
private Student[] enrolledStudents;
private int numStudents;

public Course( long ID, String name ){

this.ID = ID;
this.name = name;
enrolledStudents = new Student[ MAX_STUDENTS ];

public void enrollStudent( Student student ){

enrolledStudents[ numStudents ] = student;
Relationships between classes
Implementing one-to-many relationship (3)
public class Course{
private final long ID;
private String name;

private ArrayList<Student> enrolledStudents;

public Course( long ID, String name ){

this.ID = ID;
this.name = name;
enrolledStudents = new ArrayList<Student>();

public void enrollStudent( Student student ){


Module 5
Inheritance, Polymorphism

● Inheritance
− Parent class
− Subclass, Child class
● Polymorphism
− Overriding methods
− Overloading methods
− The instanceof operator
− Heterogeneous collections
Problem: repetition in implementations

public class Employee{

private String name;
private double salary;
private Date birthDate;

public String toString(){


public class Manager{

private String name;
private double salary;
private Date birthDate;
private String department;

public String toString(){

Solution: inheritance

public class Employee{

protected String name;
protected double salary;
protected Date birthDate;
public Employee( … ){
// …
public String toString(){

public class Manager extends Employee{

private String department;

public Manager( … ){
// …
public String toString(){
// …
Inheritance - syntax

<modifier> class <name> extends <superclass>{


public class Manager extends Employee{

The subclass

● Inherits the data and methods of the parent

● Does not inherit the constructors of the
parent class
● Opportunities:
1) add new data
2) add new methods
3) override inherited methods (polymorphism)
The subclass

● Opportunities:
1) add new data → department
2) add new methods → e.g. getDepartment()
3) override inherited methods → toString()
Invoking Parent Class Constructors
public class Employee{
protected String name;
protected double salary;
protected Date birthDate;
public Employee( String name, double salary, Date birthDate){
this.name = name;
this.salary = salary;
this.birthDate = birthDate;

public class Manager extends Employee{

private String department;
public Manager( String name, double salary, Date birthDate,
String department){
super(name, salary, bityhDate);
this.department = department;
Access Control

Modifier Same Same Subclass Universe

Class Package

private Yes
default Yes Yes
protected Yes Yes Yes
public Yes Yes Yes Yes
Polymorphism - Overriding Methods

● A subclass can modify the behavior inherited

from a parent class
● A subclass can create a method with different
functionality than the parent's method but with
− same name
− same argument list
− almost the same return type
(can be a subclass of the overriden return type)
Overriding Methods
public class Employee{
protected String name;
protected double salary;
protected Date birthDate;
public Employee( … ){
// …
public String toString(){
return “Name: “+name+” Salary: ”+salary+” B. Date:”+birthDate;

public class Manager extends Employee{

private String department;
public Manager( … ){
// …
public String toString(){
return “Name: “+name+” Salary: ”+salary+” B. Date:”+birthDate
+” department: ”+department;
Invoking Overridden Methods
public class Employee{
protected String name;
protected double salary;
protected Date birthDate;
public Employee( … ){
// …
public String toString(){
return “Name: “+name+” Salary: ”+salary+” B. Date:”+birthDate;

public class Manager extends Employee{

private String department;
public Manager( … ){
// …
public String toString(){
return super.toString() + ” department: ”+department;
Overridden Methods Cannot Be Less

public class Parent{

public void foo(){}

public class Child extends Parent{

private void foo(){} //illegal
Overriding Methods

● Polymorphism: the ability to have many different forms

Employee e = new Employee(...);

System.out.println( e.toString() );

e = new Manager(...); //Correct

System.out.println( e.toString() );

Which toString() is invoked?

Polymorhic Arguments

public String createMessage( Employee e ){

return “Hello, ”+e.getName();

Employee e1 = new Employee(“Endre”,2000,new Date(20,8, 1986));
Manager m1 = new Manager(“Johann”,3000,
new Date(15, 9, 1990),”Sales”);

System.out.println( createMessage( e1 ) );
System.out.println( createMessage( m1 ) );

Liskov Substitution!
Heterogeneous Arrays

Employee emps[] = new Employee[ 100 ];

emps[ 0 ] = new Employee();
emps[ 1 ] = new Manager();
emps[ 2 ] = new Employee();
// …

// print employees
for( Employee e: emps ){
System.out.println( e.toString() );

// count managers
int counter = 0;
for( Employee e: emps ){
if( e instanceof Manager ){
Static vs. Dynamic type of a reference

// static (compile time) type is: Employee

Employee e;

// dynamic (run time) type is: Employee

e = new Employee();

// dynamic (run time) type is: Manager

e = new Manager();
Static vs. Dynamic type of a reference

Employee e = new Manager(“Johann”,3000,

new Date(10,9,1980),”sales”);
System.out.println( e.getDepartment() );// ERROR

System.out.println( ((Manager) e).getDepartment() );// CORRECT

//Better Solution
if( e instanceof Manager ){
System.out.println( ((Manager) e).getDepartment() );
The instanceof Operator

Animal a = new Bear();

a instanceof Animal → true
a instanceof Mammal → true
a instanceof Bear → true
a instanceof Date → false
Overloading Methods

● Polymorphism: the ability to have many different forms

● Methods overloading:
− methods having the same name,
− argument list must differ,
− return types can be different.
● Example: public void println(int i)
public void println(float f)
public void println(String s)
Overloading Constructors
public class Employee{
protected String name;
protected double salary;
protected Date birthDate;
public Employee( String name, double salary, Date birthDate){
this.name = name;
this.salary = salary;
this.birthDate = birthDate;
public Employee( String name, double salary){
this(name, salary, null);
public Employee( String name, Date birthDate){
this(name, 1000, birthDate);

The ability to have many different forms

● Methods overloading
○ same name, different signature
○ e.g. a class having multiple constructor
○ compile-time polymorphism
● Methods overriding
○ same name, same signature
○ e.g. toString()
○ run-time polymorphism

● Inheritance
− Subclass opportunities
● Polymorphism
− Overriding methods
− Overloading methods
− Polymorphic argument
− Heterogeneous collections
− Static vs. dynamic type
− The instanceof operator
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Methods Common to All Objects

● The equals method

● The toString method
● The clone method
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Methods Common to All Objects

− Object is a concrete class with non final

● equals
● toString
● clone, …

− It is designed for extension!

− Its methods have explicit general contracts
The equals method

● In class Object equals tests object identity

MyDate s1 = new MyDate(20, 10, 2016);

MyDate s2 = new MyDate(20, 10, 2016);
System.out.println( s1.equals(s2));
s1 = s2;
System.out.println( s1.equals(s2));

An equals example
public class MyDate {
private int day;
private int month;
private int year;

public boolean equals(Object o) {

boolean result = false;
if ( (o != null) && (o instanceof MyDate) ) {
MyDate d = (MyDate) o;
if ((day == d.day) &&
(month == d.month) &&
(year == d.year)) {
result = true;
return result;

The equals method

● In class MyDate equals tests object logical equality

MyDate s1 = new MyDate(20, 10, 2016);

MyDate s2 = new MyDate(20, 10, 2016);
System.out.println( s1.equals(s2));
s1 = s2;
System.out.println( s1.equals(s2));

The equals method implements an
equivalence relation

● Reflexive
− x.equals(x):true
● Symmetric
− x.equals(y):true ↔ y.equals(x):true
● Transitive
− x.equals(y):true and y.equals(z):true →
The toString method

● Characteristics:
− Converts an object to a String
− Override this method to provide information
about a user-defined object in readable
Wrapper Classes

Primitive Type Wrapper Class

boolean Boolean
byte Byte
char Character
short Short
int Integer
long Long
float Float
double Double
Wrapper Classes
Boxing and Unboxing

int i = 420;

Integer anInt = i; // boxing - creates new Integer(i);

int j = anInt; // unboxing - calls anInt.intValue();

Wrapper Classes
Warning! Performance loss!
public static void main(String[] args) {
Long sum = 0L;
for (long i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) {
sum += i;

Too slow!!!
Module 6
Interfaces and Abstract Classes

● Interfaces
● Interfaces (since Java 8)
● Abstract classes
● Sorting
− Comparable interface
− Comparator interface

● Properties

− Define types
− Declare a set of methods (no implementation!) –
ADT – Abstract Data Type
− Will be implemented by classes
The Driveable Interface

public interface Driveable{

public void start();
public void forward();
public void turn( double angle);
public void stop();
Implementing Interfaces
public class Bicycle implements Driveable{
public void start() {
System.out.println("The bicycle has been started");

public void forward() {
System.out.println("The bicycle moves forward");

public void turn( double angle) {
System.out.println("The bicycle turns "+angle+
" clockwise");

public void stop() {
System.out.println("The bicycle has been stopped");
Implementing the Driveable Interface

● The interface contains method declarations and

may contain constants
● All the methods are public (even if the modifier is
● Interfaces are pure abstract classes → cannot be
● The implementer classes should implement all
the methods declared in the interface
● A class can extend a single class but may
implement any number of interfaces
Iterator interface

List<String> l1 = new ArrayList<>();


Iterator<String> it = l1.iterator();
while( it.hasNext() ){
System.out.print( it.next() + “ “);

for(String str: l1){

System.out.print( str + “ “);

Select the correct statements!

a) Driveable a;
b) Driveable a = new Driveable();
c) Driveable t[] = new Driveable[ 3 ];
d) public void drive( Driveable d );
Interfaces vs. Classes

● Interface:
− User-defined type
− Set of methods
− No implementations provided
− Cannot be instantiated
● Class:
− User-defined type
− Set of data and methods
− All the methods are implemented
− Can be instantiated
Polymorphic Argument
public class Utils{

public void static void moveMe(Driveable v){

for( int i=0; i<12; ++i){
} What am I doing?
Utils.moveMe( new Bicycle() );
Utils.moveMe( new Car() );
Polymorphic Argument

public class Utils{

public static void printIt(List<String> list){
for( String s: list ){ <<interface>>
System.out.println( s ); List<T>
ArrayList<T> LinkedList<T>

ArrayList<String> l1 = new ArrayList<>();

// add elements to l1
LinkedList<String> l2 = new LinkedList<>();
// add elements to l2
Interfaces Java 8

● Java Interface Default Method

● Java Interface Static method
Java Interface Default Method

public interface Animal{

// Abstract method
void eat();
// Implemented method
default void log( String str ){
“Animal log: “+str);
Java Interface Default Method

public class Bear implements Animal{

// Mandatory!!!
void eat(){
System.out.println(“Bear eats”);
// It is not mandatory to provide
// implementation for the log method
Java Interface Static Method

public interface MatrixOperations{

static Matrix add(Matrix a, Matrix b){


Java Interface Static Method

public interface MatrixOperations{

static Matrix add(Matrix a, Matrix b){


Java Interface Static Method

public interface MatrixOperations{

static Matrix add(Matrix a, Matrix b){


} Helper methods – associated with class, not

Cannot be overriden in implementer classes
Abstract Classes

● May contain abstract and implemented

methods as well
● May contain data
● Cannot be instantiated
● Are designed for subclassing
Abstract Classes
Abstract Classes

public abstract class Shape {

protected double area;
public abstract void draw();

public class Square extends Shape{

private double size;

public Square( double size ){

this.size = size;
this.area = size * size;

public void draw() {
System.out.println("I am a square");

Abstract Classes vs. Classes

● Abstract class:
− User-defined type
− Set of data and methods
− Abstract and implemented methods
− Cannot be instantiated
− Designed to be subclassed

● Class:
− User-defined type
− Set of data and methods
− All the methods are implemented
− Can be instantiated
Abstract Classes vs. Classes vs. Interfaces

Interface Abstract class Class

Abstract Yes Yes No

Implemented No Yes Yes

method Yes(since Java 8)

Attribute No Yes Yes

Constants Yes Yes Yes

Sorting and Interfaces

● Sorting Strings, primitives

− Arrays.sort()
− Collections.sort()
● Sort user-defined types
− The Comparable interface
− The Comparator interface
Sorting Collections

● Sorting objects by their natural order

● The Comparable interface

● Sorting object using a Comparator

● The Comparator interface
The Comparable interface

interface Comparable {
int compareTo(Object o);

0: x equal to y
positive: x > y;
negative: x< y;
The Comparable<T> interface

interface Comparable<T> {
int compareTo(T o);

Attempts to use a
different type are caught
at compile time!!!
The Comparable<T> interface

public class Point implements Comparable<Point>{

public int compareTo(Point o) {
if( o == null ) throw new NullPointerException();
if (this.x == o.x && this.y == o.y) {
return 0;
if( this.x == o.x){
return Integer.compare(this.y, o.y);
return Integer.compare(this.x, o.x);

The Comparable<T> interface

If a class overrides the equals method,

then it is
advisable (but not enforced) that
exactly when
a.compareTo(b) == 0
The Comparator<T> interface

What if we need multiple sorting criteria?

− Class Point
− Sorting by x then by y
− Sorting by y then by x
− Sorting by the distance from the origin (0,0)

− For each class we can define only one natural ordering through the
Comparable interface
− We can define an unlimited number of ordering using the
Comparator interface
The Comparator<T> interface

interface Comparator<T> {
int compare (T x, T y);
The Comparator<T> interface (1)

class DistanceComparator implements Comparator<Point>{

private final static Point origo = new Point(0,0);

public int compare(Point p1, Point p2) {
return Double.compare(
ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
points.add( new Point(1,2));
points.add( new Point(2,2));
points.add( new Point(1,3));

Collections.sort( points, new DistanceComparator() );

for( Point point: points ){
The Comparator<T> interface (2)
Anonymous inner class

ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<>();

points.add(new Point(1, 2));
points.add(new Point(2, 2));
points.add(new Point(1, 3));
Collections.sort( points, new Comparator<Point>(){
private final Point origo = new Point(0,0);
public int compare(Point p1, Point p2) {
return Double.compare(

for( Point point: points){
System.out.println( point );
The Comparator<T> interface (3)

ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<>();

points.add(new Point(1, 2));
points.add(new Point(2, 2));
points.add(new Point(1, 3));

Collections. sort(points,
(Point p1, Point p2) ->
final Point origo = new Point(0,0);
return Double.compare(p1.distanceTo(origo),

for (Point point : points) {

Module 7

● Define exceptions
● Exception handling: try, catch, and
● Throw exceptions: throw, throws
● Exception categories
● User-defined exceptions
Exception Example

public class AddArguments {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum = 0;
for( String arg: args ){
sum += Integer.parseInt( arg );
System.out.println( "Sum: "+sum );

java AddArguments 1 2 3
Sum: 6

java AddArguments 1 foo 2 3

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "foo"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:580)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:615)
at addarguments.AddArguments.main(AddArguments.java:line_number)
Java Result: 1
The try-catch statement

public class AddArguments2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum = 0;
for( String arg: args ){
sum += Integer.parseInt( arg );
System.out.println( "Sum: "+sum );
} catch( NumberFormatException e ){
System.err.println(“Non-numeric argument”);

java AddArguments2 1 foo 2 3

Non-numeric argument
The try-catch statement

public class AddArguments3 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum = 0;
for( String arg: args ){
sum += Integer.parseInt( arg );
} catch( NumberFormatException e ){
System.err.println(arg+”is not an integer”);
System.out.println( "Sum: "+sum );

java AddArguments3 1 foo 2 3

foo is not an integer
Sum: 6
The try-catch statement

// critical code block
// code that might throw exceptions
} catch( MyException1 e1 ){
// code to execute if a MyException1 is thrown
} catch( MyException2 e2 ){
// code to execute if a MyException1 is thrown
} catch ( Exception e3 ){
// code to execute if any other exception is thrown
Call Stack Mechanism

● If an exception is not handled in a method, it is thrown to the

caller of that method
● If the exception gets back to the main method and is not
handled there, the program is terminated abnormally.
Closing resources
The finally clause (1)

} catch( AnyException e ){
logProblem( e );
} finally {

The code in the finally block is always executed (even in case of return
Closing resources
The finally clause (2)

static String readFirstLineFromFile(String path)

throws IOException {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
new FileReader(path));
try {
return br.readLine();
} finally {
Closing resources
The try-with-resources Statement

● The try-with-resources statement ensures that each resource is closed

at the end of the statement.

static String readFirstLineFromFile(String path)

throws IOException {
try (BufferedReader br =
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) {
return br.readLine();
Exception Categories

● Checked and unchecked exceptions

The Handle or Declare Rule
public static int countLines( String filename ){
int counter = 0;
try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(filename))){
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
}catch( FileNotFoundException e){
e.printStackTrace(); HANDLE
return counter;

The Handle or Declare Rule

public static int countLines(String filename) throws

FileNotFoundException {
try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(filename))) {
int counter = 0;
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
return counter; throws

} catch( FileNotFoundException e ){
The throws Clause

void trouble1 () throws Exception1 {...}

void trouble2 () throws Exception1, Exception2 {...}


● You do not need to declare runtime (unchecked)

● You can choose to handle runtime exceptions (e.g.
IndexArrayOutOfBounds, NullPointerException)
Creating Your Own Exceptions

The overriding method can throw:

− No exceptions
− One or more of the exceptions thrown by the overridden
− One or more subclasses of the exceptions thrown by the
overridden method

The overridden method cannot throw:

− Additional exceptions not thrown by the overridden method
− Superclasses of the exceptions thrown by the overridden
User-Defined Exception

public class StackException extends Exception {

public StackException(String message) {
super( message );
User-Defined Exception
public class Stack {
private Object elements[];
private int capacity;
private int size;

public Stack( int capacity ){

this.capacity = capacity;
elements = new Object[ capacity ];

public void push(Object o) throws StackException {

if (size == capacity) {
throw new StackException("Stack is full");
elements[size++] = o;

public Object top() throws StackException {

if (size == 0) {
throw new StackException("Stack is empty");
return elements[size - 1];
// ...

User-Defined Exception

Stack s = new Stack(3);

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
try {
} catch (StackException ex) {
Best practices to handle exceptions

● Clean up resources in a finally block or use a

try-with-resource statement
● Prefer specific exceptions
● Don't ignore exceptions
● Don't log and throw. Instead, wrap the exception
without consuming it
● Catch early, handle late

Source: 9 Best Practices to Handle Exceptions in Java

Module 8
Nested Classes
Nested Classes

● When?
− If a class is used only inside of another class
− Helper classes
Nested Classes

● The place of nesting

− Class
− Method
− Instruction
● Embedding method
− Static
− Non-static
Static Nested Class
public class Slist{
private Element head;

public void insertFirst( Object value ){

head = new Element(value, head);
Used only inside
private static class Element{ the Slist class
private Object value;
private Element next;
public Element( Object value, Element next){
this.value = value;
this.next = next;
public Element( Object value){
this.value = value;
this.next = null;
The Iterator interface
Package: java.util

public interface Iterator{

public boolean hasNext();
public Object next();
public void remove();

Make Slist iterable using the Iterator

The Iterator interface

Slist list = new Slist();

for( int i=0; i<10; ++i ){
list.insertFirst( i );

Iterator it = list.createIterator(); Static

while( it.hasNext() ){ Factory Method
System.out.println( it.next() ); Design Pattern
1. Solution – Non-static Nested Class
public class Slist{
private Element head;

public Iterator createIterator(){

return new ListIterator();

private class ListIterator implements Iterator{

private Element act = head;
public boolean hasNext(){
return act != null;
public Object next(){
Object value = act.value; Relation between
act = act.next; Slist and ListIterator
return value; objects
1. Solution – Non-static Nested Class
public class Slist{ Class
private Element head; ListIterator is used
//... only once!!!

public Iterator createIterator(){

return new ListIterator();

private class ListIterator implements Iterator{

private Element act = head;
public boolean hasNext(){
return act != null;
public Object next(){
Object value = act.value;
act = act.next;
return value;
2. Solution – Anonymous Inner Class
public class Slist{
private Element head;

public Iterator createIterator(){

return new Iterator(){
private Element act = head;

public boolean hasNext(){

return act != null;

public Object next(){

Object value = act.value;
act = act.next;
return value;
Module 9

● Definition
● Creation: Thread and Runnable
● Synchronization
● Executors and thread pools
What are threads?

● Operating Systems
- lightweight process
- runs in the address space of a process
- has its own program counter (PC)+stack
- shares code and data with other threads

● Object-oriented Programming
- an object – an instance of the class Thread
What are threads?

java.lang.Thread = Infrastructure(PC+Stack)

java.lang.Runnable = Code
Thread's creation (1)
public class MyRunnable implements Runnable{
private int id;

public MyRunnable(int id ){
this.id = id;

public void run(){

for( int i=0; i<10; ++i){
System.out.println(“Hello”+id+” “+i);

MyRunnable r = new MyRunnable(1);
Thread t = new Thread( r );
Starting the thread

Thread t = new Thread( r );

Constructor initializes the thread object

Calls the thread object's run method
Thread's creation (1)

public class Test{

public static void main(String args[]){
Thread t1 = new Thread( new MyRunnable(1));
Thread t2 = new Thread( new MyRunnable(2));

Thread's creation (2)
class MyThread extends Thread {
private int id;

public MyThread(int id) {

this.id = id;
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
System.out.println("Hello" + id + " " + i);

Thread t = new MyThread(1);
Thread's creation (2)

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread t1 = new MyThread(1);
Thread t2 = new MyThread(2);
Example (1)

public class MyFirstRunnable implements Runnable{

public void run() {
System.out.println("In a thread");


Thread thread = new Thread(new MyFirstRunnable());

System.out.println("In the main Thread");

Example (2)
public class MyFirstRunnable implements Runnable{
public void run() {
System.out.println("In a thread");

Runnable runnable = new MyFirstRunnable();
for(int i = 0; i<25; i++){
new Thread(runnable).start();

How many threads?

Example (3)

public class MyFirstRunnable implements Runnable{

public void run() {
System.out.println("In a thread");

Thread thread = new Thread(new MyFirstRunnable());

System.out.println("In the main Thread");

Operations on threads

● make the current Thread sleep

● wait for another thread to complete (join)
● manage the priorities of threads
● interrupt a thread

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e){

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e){

● It always pause the current thread execution.

● The actual time thread sleeps depends on system timers

and schedulers (for a busy system, the actual time for
sleep is a little bit more than the specified sleep time).

Thread t2 = new Thread(new R());

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e){

public class ThreadPriorityRange {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Minimal priority : " +
System.out.println("Maximal priority : " +
System.out.println("Norm priority : " +

A thread can be interrupted:

- if the thread is sleeping
- if the thread is waiting for another thread to join
private static class ForeverRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
while (true) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
": " + System.currentTimeMillis());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Thread.currentThread().getName() +
"has been interrupted");
private static class ForeverRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
while (true) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
": " + System.currentTimeMillis());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() +
"has been interrupted");

public static void main(String[] args) {

Thread t2 = new Thread(new ForeverRunnable());
System.out.println("Current time millis : " +
Thread's states
Need for synchronization

public class Counter {

private int value = 0;

public int getNextValue(){

return value++;
Need for synchronization

public class Counter {

private int value = 0;

public int getNextValue(){

return value++;

Need for synchronization

class Counter {
private int value;

public int getNextValue() {

return ++value;
public int getValue(){
return value;
Need for synchronization

Runnable task = new Runnable() {

public void run() {
for( int i=0; i<10000; ++i) {
Need for synchronization

Counter counter = new Counter();

Thread t1 = new Thread(task);
Thread t2 = new Thread(task);
} catch( InterruptedException e ){
System.out.println("COUNTER: "
Need for synchronization

value++ <--- Not atomic!

1. Read the current value of "value"
2. Add one to the current value
3. Write that new value to "value"
Solution (1)

public class Counter {

private int value = 0;

public synchronized int getNextValue(){

return value++;
Solution (2)

public class Counter {

private int value = 0;

public int getNextValue(){

return value;
Solution (3)

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class Counter {

private AtomicInteger value = new AtomicInteger(0);

public int getNextValue(){

return value.incrementAndGet();

public int getValue(){

return value.intValue();

Synchronized Blocks

● every object contains a single lock

● the lock is taken when synchronized section is
● if the lock is not available, thread enters a
waiting queue
● if the lock is returned, thread is resumed
Thread Safe

● A class is thread safe if it behaves always in

the same manner when accessed from multiple

● Stateless objects (immutable classes) are

always thread safe:
● String

● Long

● Double
Executors and thread pools
CPU cores

CPU info
$cat /proc/cpuinfo

CPU cores info

then press 1
Thread pool

● In Java threads are mapped to

system-level threads (Operating system

● When you use a thread pool, write your

concurrent code in the form of parallel tasks
and submit them for execution to an instance
of a thread pool.
Thread Pool
// number of increments
int n = 10000;
Counter counter = new Counter();

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);

Runnable task = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
executor.execute( task );
executor.execute( task );
try {
executor.awaitTermination(Long. MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit. NANOSECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Counter: " + counter.getValue());
Module 10
GUI Programming
Swing and JavaFx
Java GUIs

● AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) – since JDK 1.0

− Uses native control

− Appearance/behavior depends on platform

● Swing – since JDK 1.2

− Implemented completely in Java (light weight)

● JavaFX – since JDK 8

− Written as a native library

− Provided on a wide variety of devices
● SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit)

− Eclipse
GUI Programming

● Containers, components and layout managers

● FlowLayout, BorderLayout, and GridLayout
● Add components to a container
● Events and event handling
● Delegation model
● Adapter classes

● Represents an object with visual representation

● Other names for components: widgets, controls




● A special component that holds other components

● Used for grouping other components


contains a picture
The first GUI program

public static void main(String[] args) {

JFrame f = new JFrame("The First Swing
f.setBounds( 100,100, 300, 300);


− Top level container Menu Bar

● can have menu bars
Content Pane
− Contains a JRootPane
− Have title and resizing corners
− Have BorderLayout as
the default layout manager
Positioning Components

● Responsibility of the layout manager

− size (dimension: width and height in pixels)
− position (location of the top left corner)

● You can disable the layout manager:

then use
− setSize() + setLocation()
− setBounds()
Organizing Components (1)

JFrame f = new JFrame("The First Swing Application");


JPanel p = new JPanel();

JButton b = new JButton("Yes");

f.setBounds( 100,100, 300, 300);

Organizing Components (2)

JFrame f = new JFrame("The First Swing Application");


JPanel p = new JPanel();

p.setLayout( null );
JButton b = new Jbutton("Yes");
b.setLocation(200, 200);

f.setBounds( 100,100, 300, 300);

Layout Managers

● FlowLayout
● BorderLayout
● GridLayout
● GridBagLayout
Layout Managers
public static JPanel createPanel( int n){
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout(new GridLayout( n, n));
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i){
for( int j=0; j<n; ++j){
panel.add( new JButton
return panel;
Creating UI

● Aggregation
− FrameAggregation
● Inheritance
− FrameInheritance
Creating UI
public class FrameAggregation {

private static void initFrame() {

JFrame frame = new JFrame("FrameAggregation");
frame.add(new JButton("Ok"), "Center");
frame.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200);

public static void main(String[] args) {

Creating UI

public class FrameInheritance extends JFrame {

private JButton button;
public FrameInheritance(){
private void initComponents() {
this.add(new JButton("Ok"), "Center");
this.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new FrameInheritance();
private static JMenuBar createMenu() {
MenuBar menuBar; JMenu filemenu, helpmenu;
JMenuItem menuItem;
menuBar = new JMenuBar();
// Build File menu.
filemenu = new JMenu("File"); menuBar.add(filemenu);
menuItem = new JMenuItem("New"); filemenu.add(menuItem);
menuItem = new JMenuItem("Exit"); filemenu.add(menuItem);
// Build Help menu.
helpmenu = new JMenu("Help");
menuItem = new JMenuItem("About");
return menuBar;

JOptionPane (1)
Component parent, String message);
JOptionPane (2)
int result =
Component parent, String message);
JOptionPane (3)
String value=
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please input a value");
JOptionPane (4)
String options[]={"Apple", "Grape", "Strawberry"};

int res = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(form, "Choose an

option", "OptionDialog",JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,null, options, options[0]);
JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(parent);
if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
"You chose to open this file: " +

JPanel pane = new JPanel();


Custom properties

● (key, value) pairs associated to JComponent

type objects
− Key: Object
− Value: Object
JButton button = new JButton("Press Me");
Event Handling

● Event – objects that The user clicks on the button

describe what happened Panel

● Event source – the Butto

generator of an event n

● Event handler – a
Event Handler
method that
actionPerformed( ActionEvent e){
● receives an event object, ...
● deciphers it,

● and processes the user's

Event Types
● Low level
− Window
− Keyboard
− Mouse
● High level
− ActionEvent
− ItemEvent

Event Handling

The user clicks on the button

● One event – many handlers Frame


● Event handlers are registered Button ActionEvent

by event source components

Event Handler1
actionPerformed( ActionEvent e){

Event Handler2
actionPerformed( ActionEvent e){
Delegation Model

● Client objects (handlers) register with a GUI component that

they want to observe

● GUI components trigger the handlers for the type of event that
has occurred

● Components can trigger more than one type of events

Delegation Model

Event handler

JButton b = new JButton("Yes");

f.add( b );
b.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if( b.getText().equals("Yes")){
Event source
} (I) Definition of an anonymous inner class
which implements ActionListener interface
}); (II) Creation of an instance from that anonymous
inner class
(III) This instance is responsible for event handling
Delegation Model
Java 8 - Lambdas

JButton b = new JButton("Yes"); ActionEvent

f.add( b );
b.setText( b.getText().equals("No") ? "Yes": "No");
Many sources – One listener
public class MyFrame implements ActionListener{
// ...
public void initComponents(){
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i){
for( int j=0; j<n; ++j){
JButton b = new JButton("");
panel.add( b);
b.addActionListener( this );
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource();
Custom Component
public class DrawComponent extends JComponent{
private ArrayList<Point> points= new ArrayList<Point>();
private Color color = Color.red;

public DrawComponent(){
this.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
points.add( new Point( e.getX(), e.getY()));
this.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter(){
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
points.add( new Point( e.getX(), e.getY()));

Custom Component
public class DrawComponent extends JComponent{
public void paint(Graphics g) {
if( points != null && points.size()>0){
Point startPoint = points.get(0);
for( int i=1; i<points.size(); ++i ){
Point endPoint = points.get(i);
g.drawLine(startPoint.x, startPoint.y,
endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
startPoint = endPoint;

public void clear(){

Event listeners

● General listeners
− ComponentListener
− FocusListener
− MouseListener
● Special listeners
− WindowListener
− ActionListener
− ItemListener
Event adapter classes

● Problem:
− Sometimes you need only one event handler method, but the
listener interface contains several ones
− You have to implement all methods, most of them with empty ones

● Solution:
− An Event Adapter is a convenience class
− Implements all methods of a listener interface with empty methods
− You extend the adapter class and override that specific method
Event Adapter Classes

public class MyClass extends JFrame {

new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
//Event listener implementation

GUI Programming

● https://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/events/jfxpub-events.htm
● http://tutorials.jenkov.com/javafx
● https://www.tutorialspoint.com/javafx

● Creating UI
○ Declarative UI - FXML
○ Programmatic - Java
● Event Handling

JavaFX can run on:

○ Windows
○ Linux
○ Mac
○ iOS
○ Android
GUI components

Core Layout Panes Basic Controls

Stage, Scene, Node, HBox, VBox, Label, Button,
Properties, FXML BorderPane, TextField, ListView,
StackPane GridPane, DatePicker,
FlowPane, TilePane, FileChooser, ...
Web Other concepts
WebView, Font, Canvas,
WebEngine Animation, Video, ...
JavaFX overview

- outer frame (window)

- primary Stage object
created by the JavaFX runtime

- a stage can only show one scene at a time

- you can exchange scenes at runtime
Scene Graph

○ Controls must be attached to scenes

○ Components attached are called nodes
■ branch nodes (parent nodes)
■ leaf nodes
Your first JavaFX application

public class Main extends Application {

public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception{
Parent root =
primaryStage.setTitle("First App");
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, 300, 275));

public static void main(String[] args) {


1. Declarative UI - FXML
2. Programmatic UI - Java
1. Declarative UI


FXML - Adding UI elements

● top-level element (layout)

● children (controls)


public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception{
Parent root =
primaryStage.setTitle("Hello World");
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, 300, 275));
FXML - Control properties

prefWidth="100.0" />

textAlignment="CENTER" />
FXML - Event handling

public class Controller {
fx:id="inputText" public void refresh(ActionEvent e){
prefWidth="100.0" /> Button button = (Button)e.getSource();
// ...
<Button }

text="OK" ActionEvent
textAlignment="CENTER" />
MouseLogger application

Create an application that logs the mouse events!

Event handling - Mouse Events (1)

<GridPane fx:controller="sample.Controller"
alignment="center" hgap="10" vgap="10"

onMouseMoved = "#handleMouseMoved"
onMousePressed = "#handleMousePressed"
onMouseReleased = "#handleMouseReleased"
onMouseDragged = "#handleMouseDragged">
Event handling - Mouse Events (2)

public class Controller {

private PrintStream out =
new PrintStream("mouse.csv");

public void handleMouseMoved(MouseEvent mouseEvent){

out.println("MouseMove," +
// …
2. JavaFX - Programmatic UI
public GridPane createGridPane(){
// ...

public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception{

primaryStage.setTitle("Data App");
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(createGridPane()));
2. JavaFX - Programmatic UI (cont)
public GridPane createGridPane(){
GridPane gridPane = new GridPane();
Button submitButton = new Button("Submit");
// …
gridPane.add(submitButton, 0, 3);

submitButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
// handle the event

JavaFX - Event handling

User interactions →Events

Types of events

● Foreground events
○ require direct interaction of a user
○ interactions with the UI
● Background events
○ Operating system interruptions
○ Timer expiry
Event Driven Programming

○ receives events
○ notifies interested objects

EventQueue notify EventHandler

1. ActionEvent
Event 2. MouseEvent void handle(Event event){
3. KeyEvent //…
4. ….. }
Event Driven programming (cont)

EventQueue EventHandler
1. ActionEvent notify
Event 2. MouseEvent void handle(Event event){
3. KeyEvent //…
4. ….. }

1. JavaFX UI → user clicks a button (event source)

2. System creates an ActionEvent (event queue)
3. If there is any event listener/handler registered to the button → it is notified →
listener/handler runs event handler method
JavaFX Events

■ Event (base class)

● InputEvent
○ Mouse Event
○ Key Event
● WindowEvent
● ActionEvent
● ...
Source of Events

A component (UI control/Node) can be a

source of many kinds of events.
Node Event Type
Button ActionEvent
TextField ActionEvent
Any kind of Node MouseEvent

JavaFX - one interface for all kinds of event


public interface EventHandler<T extends Event>{

void handle(T event);

class ButtonHandler implements
public void handle(ActionEvent evt){
Example (cont)

ButtonHandler usage
● use addEventHandler:

ActionEvent.ALL, new ButtonHandler())

● use setOnAction:

button.setOnAction( new ButtonHandler() )

Ways to define event handlers

1. Define a class that implements EventHandler (previous


2. Write it as anonymous class (if we need only once!).

3. Write it as a lambda expression and use a reference

variable to add it.
2. Anonymous class

submitButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
// handle the event
3. Lambda

submitButton.setOnAction(event-> {

// statements to handle the event

String firstname = firstnameTextField.getText();
String lastname = lastnameTextField.getText();
String email = emailTextField.getText();
out.println( new Student(firstname, lastname, email));

Module 11
Collections and Generics

● Data Structures
● Interfaces: Collection, List, Set, Map, ...

● Implementations: ArrayList, HashSet, TreeMap, ...

● Traversing collections
● Overriding equals and hashCode
● Sorting
● Problems
The Collections API

● What is?
− Unified architecture
● Interfaces – implementation-independence
● Implementations – resusable data structures
● Algorithms – reusable functionality
− Best-known examples
● C++ Standard Template Library (STL)
● Smalltalk collections
The Collections API

● Benefits:
− Reduces programming effort
− Increases performance
● High performance implementations of data structures
− Fosters software reuse
The Collections API
Design Goals

● Small and simple

● Powerful
● Easily extensible
● Compatible with preexisting collections
● Easy to use
The Collections API
The Collection interface

● add(T what): boolean
● remove(T what): boolean
● size(): int
● contains(T what): boolean
● containsAll(Collection c):
● equals(T what): boolean
● iterator(): Iterator
List implementations

ArrayList 0 1 2 3 4

size capacity


Set implementations


Ordered vs. sorted collections

● Ordered
− You can iterate through the collection in a specific (not random) order.
− Each element has a previous and a next element (except the first and the last

● Sorted
− The order is determined according to some rule or rules (sort order).
− Is a specific type of ordering

● Collections
− HashSet: unordered and unsorted
− List: ordered but unsorted
− TreeSet: ordered and sorted

add get remove contains

(append) (position)
ArrayList O(1) O(1) O(n) O(n)
LinkedList O(1) O(n) O(1) O(n)
HashSet O(1)* - O(1)* O(1)*
TreeSet O(log n) - O(log n) O(log n)
* in the case of a proper hash function
Traversing Collections

There are 3 ways:

1) for-each
2) Iterator
3) Using aggregate operations (since Java 8)
Traversing Collections
(1) for-each
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();

for(Object o: list1){
ArrayList<Person> list2 = new ArrayList<>();

for(Person p: list2){
Traversing Collections
(2) Iterator
package java.util;

public interface Iterator{

boolean hasNext();
Object next();
void remove(); //optional
public interface Iterator<E>{
boolean hasNext();
E next();
void remove(); //optional
Traversing Collections
(2) Iterator
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();

Iterator it1 = list1.iterator();
ArrayList<Person> list2 = new ArrayList<>();

Iterator<Person> it2 = list2.iterator();
Traversing Collections
(2) Iterator
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList(); An Iterator is an object
… ● State: represents a position in a collection
Iterator it1 = list1.iterator(); ● Behavior: permits to step through the
while(it1.hasNext()){ collection
ArrayList<Person> list2 = new ArrayList<>();

Iterator<Person> it2 = list2.iterator();
Traversing Collections
(3) Using aggregate operations
Java 8
TreeSet<String> dict = new TreeSet<>();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner( new File("dict.txt"));
while( scanner.hasNext()){
dict.add( scanner.next());
System.out.println("SIZE: "+dict.size());
long counter = dict.stream()
.filter( e ->
System.out.println("#words: "+counter);
Which data structure to use?

Split a text file into words and print the words in
1) Increasing order (alphabetically)
2) Decreasing order
Which data structure to use?

Split a text file into words and print the distinct words in
1) Increasing order (alphabetically)
2) Decreasing order
1) TreeSet<String>
2) TreeSet<String> (Comparator<String>)
Decreasing Order

TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<>();

TreeSet<String> rev = new TreeSet<>(
new Comparator<String>(){
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
return o2.compareTo(o1);
rev.addAll( set );
Which data structure to use?

Generate 2D Points having integer coordinates and
print them in increasing order. Points are ordered
according to their distance to the origin.
2D Points
public class Point implements Comparable<Point>{
public static final Point origin = new Point(0,0);

private final int x, y;

// constructor + getters
public String toString(){ //...}
public boolean equals(Object obj){ //...}
public double distanceTo( Point point ){ //...}

public int compareTo(Point o) {
Double.compare(this.distanceTo(origin), o.distanceTo(origin));
2D Points
public class Point implements Comparable<Point>{
public static final Point origin = new Point(0,0);

private finalpoints1
int x,= y;
new TreeSet<>();
OR constructor + getters
ArrayList<Point> points2 = new//...}
public String toString(){ ArrayList<>();
public boolean equals(Object obj){ //...}
public double distanceTo( Point point ){ //...}

public int compareTo(Point o) {
Double.compare(this.distanceTo(origin), o.distanceTo(origin));


Generate randomly N = 1.000.000 (one million) distinct bidimensional

points (x, y) having positive integer coordinates (0 =< x <= M, 0 =< y
<= M, M = 1.000.000).

Optimal solution is required.
Print the number of duplicates generated.

Which collection to use?

Hint: Finding an existing element must be fast.
1. solution - TreeSet

public class Point implements

Comparable<Point> {
public int compareTo(Point o) { ●
if( o == null ) throw
new NullPointerException();
if (this.x == o.x &&
this.y == o.y){
return 0;
if( this.x == o.x){
} else{
1. solution - TreeSet
public class RandomPoints {
private TreeSet<Point> points =
new TreeSet<Point>();
private int duplicates = 0;

public RandomPoints( int size,

int interval){
int counter = 0;
Random rand = new Random(0);
while( counter < size ){
int x =
Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
int y =
Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
Point p = new Point(x,y);
if( points.contains( p )){

1. solution - TreeSet
public class RandomPoints {
private TreeSet<Point> points =
new TreeSet<Point>();
private int duplicates = 0;

public RandomPoints( int size, ●

int interval){
int counter = 0;
Random rand = new Random(0);
while( counter < size ){
int x =
Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
int y =
Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
Point p = new Point(x,y);
if( points.contains( p )){
● Finding an element: O(log n)
} Implementation
++counter; Random number generator: seed = 0
N = 1.000.000
} M = 10.000
… Duplicates: 4976
Time: approx. 3s
2. solution - HashSet
public int hashCode() {
int hash = (x *31)^ y;
return hash;
} ●

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false; HashSet
final Point other = (Point) obj; ● Finding an element: O(1)
if (this.x != other.x) {
return false; Implementation
} Random number generator: seed = 0
if (this.y != other.y) {
N = 1.000.000
return false;
} M = 10.000
return true; Duplicates: 4976
} Time: approx. 1 s
2. solution - HashSet
public int hashCode() {
int hash = (x *31)^ y;
return hash;

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final Point other = (Point) obj; HashSet
if (this.x != other.x) {
return false; ● Finding an element: O(1)
if (this.y != other.y) {
return false; Implementation
} Random number generator: seed = 0
return true;
N = 1.000.000
What happens if M = 10.000
we don't override Duplicates: 4976
equals? Time: approx. 1s
How many
2. solution - HashSet
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 1;
return hash;

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final Point other = (Point) obj;
if (this.x != other.x) {
return false;
if (this.y != other.y) {
return false;
return true;
What happens?
2. solution - HashSet

The hashCode() contract:

● each time invoked on the same object must return the

same value (consistent, can't be random)

● if x.equals(y) == true, then

x.hashCode() == y.hashCode() must be true

● It is legal to have the same hashcode for two distinct

objects (collision)
3. solution

Which collection to use if M = 2000

Hint: Which is the fastest access time of an element in a collection?
3. solution

Which collection to use if M = 2000

Hint: Which is the fastest access time of an element in a collection?
private boolean exists[ ][ ] = new boolean[ M ][ M ];
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
public RandomPoints( int size, int interval){
int counter = 0; 0
Random rand = new Random(0);
while( counter < size ){
1 T
int x = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
int y = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
Point p = new Point(x,y); 3 T
if( exists[ x ][y ]){
++duplicates; 4 T
++counter; 6
exists[ x ][ y ] = true;
} 7
3. solution

Which collection to use if M = 2000

Hint: Which is the fastest access time of an element in a collection?
private boolean exists[ ][ ] = new boolean[ M ][ M ];
Bidimensional array of booleans 0 1 4 5 6
public RandomPoints( int size, int interval){
2 3 7
● Finding an element: O(1)
int counter = 0; 0
Random rand = new Random(0);
while( counter < size ){ Implementation 1 T
int x = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() %Random
number generator: seed = 0
int y = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval); 2
N = 1.000.000
Point p = new Point(x,y);
if( exists[ x ][y ]){
M = 2000 3 T
Duplicates: 150002
++duplicates; 4 T
continue; Time: approx. 0.2 s
} 5
exists[ x ][ y ] = true; 6
interface Map<K, V>
interface Map.Entry<K,V>
● K – Key type (Key, Value) pair
● V – Value type

Maps keys to values.

Key: country, Value: capital city
● Slovenia → Ljubljana

● Austria → Vienna
● Hungary → Budapest

● Romania → Bucharest

HashMap: unordered, no duplicates

TreeMap: ordered by key, no duplicates

get put remove

TreeMap O(log n) O(log n) O(log n)
HashMap O(1)* O(1)* O(1)*
* in the case of a proper hash function
Important methods

Map<K, V>

V put(K key, V value)

V get(Object key)
V remove(Object key)

Set<K> keySet()
Collection<V> values()
Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet()
Print entries of a map

Map<String, Counter> map = new TreeMap<>();

// fill the map

for(Map.Entry<String, Counter> e: map){

Which data structure to use?
Compute the word frequencies in a text. Print the words
and their frequencies:
1) alphabetically,
2) in decreasing frequency order.
Solution (1) alphabetically
class MyLong {
private long value;
public MyLong(int value) { this.value = value;}
public long getValue() { return value;}
public void setValue(long value) { this.value = value;}
public void increment() { ++value;}

TreeMap<String, MyLong> frequency = new TreeMap<>();
Solution (2) decreasing frequency order
class Pair {
private String word;
private long fr;
// constructor + get and set methods

ArrayList<Pair> list = new ArrayList<Pair>();

for (String key : frequency.keySet()) {
long value = frequency.get(key).getValue();
list.add(new Pair(key, value));
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Pair>() {
public int compare(Pair o1, Pair o2) {
return Integer.compare(o2.getFr(), o1.getFr());
Which data structure to use?
Find the anagrams in a text file!
Which data structure to use?
Find the anagrams in a text file!
● Split the text into words
● Alphabetize the word
− sent → enst
− nest → enst
− tens → enst
● Map<String, List<String> > vs. Map<String, Set<String> >
− Key: alphabetized word → String
− Value: words → List<String> or Set<String>
Map<String, Set<String> > groups = new HashMap<>();

String word = cleanWord(word);

String key = alphabetize(word);
// Find the key
Set<String> group = groups.get(key);
if (group == null) {
Set<String> newGroup = new HashSet<String>();
groups.put(key, newGroup);
} else{

Map<String, Set<String> > groups = new HashMap<>();


private void printGroups(int size) {

for (String key : groups.keySet()) {
Collection<String> group = groups.get(key);
if (group.size() == size) {
System.out.print("Key: " + key + " --> ");
for (String word : group) {
System.out.print(word + " ");
Module 12
1. If a parent class has implemented Serializable interface
then child class doesn’t need to implement it but vice-versa
is not true.
2. Only non-static data members are saved via Serialization
3. Static data members and transient data members are
not saved via Serialization process.So, if you don’t want to
save value of a non-static data member then make it
4. Constructor of object is never called when an object is
5. Associated objects must be implementing Serializable

1. Declared explicitly in the class

2. Calculated by the serialization runtime

public class Student implements Serializable{

private final String firstname;
private final String lastname;
private transient String password;
// ...
Example (cont)
Student student1 = new Student("John", "Black");
// save the object to file
try (ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( new
} catch (Exception e) {
// read the object from file
try(ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream( new
student1 = (Student) in. readObject();
System. out.println(student1);
System. out.println("Counter: " +

} catch (Exception e) {

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