Title of Show The Musical, Partnership Opportunities
Title of Show The Musical, Partnership Opportunities
Title of Show The Musical, Partnership Opportunities
Title of Show – NZ
Partnership Opportunities
[title of show] is an original musical developed in 2004 for the New York Musical Theatre
Festival chronicling the authors’ journey writing the show itself.
The show is a one act comedy, slice-of-life musical featuring four characters exploring the
creation of the show itself. It entrances audiences with its relatable explorations of the
creative process, self-doubt, and friendship. [title of show], at its core, is a love-letter to
musical theatre, which allows it to connect with all fans of the genre.
This production was notably featured in Auckland as part of 2018’s NZ Theatre Month,
receiving praise from audiences and critics.
With musical theatre continuing to gain mainstream momentum, audiences in the Bay of
Plenty and across New Zealand will love [title of show]!
If you are interested in any of the following partnership opportunities, please contact
titleofshownz.com or producer Griffin Jenkins directly at:
[title of show] NZ
Naming rights package
All the benefits of a Gold partnership, plus the naming rights to this production (ie.
“Your Company presents [title of show]” on all printed material, social media, and a
limited run on our website).
1 . Gold partnership
2. Silver partnership
• Your company will be mentioned in our pre-show announcement as a sponsor.
• One half page advertisement in our programme.
• A link to your company website via our website and social media accounts.
Available for $200 NZD.
3. Bronze partnership
• One half page advertisement in our programme.
• Acknowledgement on our website as a sponsor.
Available for $100 NZD.