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Reliable and Safe Power Supply For Biscuit Production Guaranteed

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G LO B A L W E B S TO R Y, A P R I L 4 , 2 0 1 8

Reliable and safe power supply for biscuit

production guaranteed

Romania’s S. C. Croco safeguards

its increased food-production
capacity with more uninterruptible
power supply units from ABB.

— For many years, ABB has been supplying equipment 24-hour, three-shift production going. But custom-
01 The maximum
production capacity is to the food and beverage industry. ABB has invested ers seem to have a very sweet tooth, and increasing
93 tons per 24 hours of in extensive R&D and customer collaboration to demand led Croco to decide to double production
biscuit products such as
such as Brezel, Crackers, launch products, solutions and services that help capacity, with concomitant requirements for more
Sticks and Petit Beurre. the industry become safer and more efficient. In electrical power and associated power protection
fact, as part of its Next Level strategy, ABB is plac- measures.”
ing special focus on this sector to support custom-
ers achieve their sustainability, operational and Croco’s production was operating with two power
financial targets; by embracing digitalization; cus- distribution transformers fed from two different
tomers will benefit daily from predictive, condi- power lines. Both of these power feeds were on the
tion-based maintenance, with a focus on reliability. same public grid, which meant any problems – such
as blackouts or power surges - could knock out the
A significant example of this close collaboration entire biscuit production line. This was a potentially
with the industry was demonstrated by an order for expensive issue, since unfinished goods must be
an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system from thrown away and the production line must be reset
S. C. Croco S.R.L. in Romania. CROCO S.R.L. is the and restarted. Not only that, but 30 to 60 minutes’
Romanian leader for such well-known biscuit prod- worth of production could be lost.
ucts such as Brezel, Crackers, Sticks and Petit Beurre
and has been established in the market since 1994. In 2014, the customer had already installed two ABB
400 kW PowerWave 33 UPS devices in parallel con-
Cristian Bucur, managing director for ABB’s Roma- figuration to ensure a reliable supply of clean power
nian UPS channel partner, Power Back-up Services to the original production line. Now, with produc-
S.R.L., explains: “Croco invested 6 million euros in tion doubling, this power safeguard needed to be
2014 and 2015 to ramp up its biscuit production enhanced. For that reason, Croco purchased two
capability to 93 tons per day. In 2017, the company more 400 kW PowerWave 33 parallel systems from
planned a new investment of 8 million euros to ABB. Each UPS is equipped with two strings of 50
expand the production facility. The factory cur- battery blocks with 100 Ah batteries and DC inde-
rently employs more than 400 people to keep this pendent breakers are used for each battery string.
— —
01 02

— The new units had to be installed in the same room Bucur concludes: “Discussions started in March
01 PowerWave 33,
an online double as the original UPS, where space was very limited. 2017, the contract was signed in August, and the job
conversion UPS, This situation required the engineers to design a was all done by mid-November! The customer had
delivers continuous
power availability to special Kunstmann battery cabinet and resize the chosen ABB because of his very good experience
network-critical infra- previous UPS devices to create more space. The with the previous installation, especially with ABB’s
structures of both data
centers and process small footprint of the PowerWave 33 also helped local partner. Croco can continue now to rely on the
control environments. matters. same technology, which is superior in terms of effi-

02 CROCO S.R.L. is the ciency, quality and service. Additionally, the small
Romanian leader for well- To help Croco embrace digitalization and benefit footprint of the ABB PowerWave 33 and the custom-
known biscuit products
such as Brezel, Crackers, from predictive, condition-based maintenance, ABB ized DC battery cabinets were key selling points
Sticks and Petit Beurre is working on a UPS remote monitoring solution during negotiation.”
and has been established
in the market since 1994. specifically for this customer.
In all, Croco now has 1.6 MW of backup power, and
the consumer’s supply of biscuits is guaranteed.

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