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ABB UPS (DPA 240) Brochure 051716

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Product brochure

Conceptpower DPA Modular UPS

DPA 240 UL 415V: 40kW–1.2MW
2 Product brochure | Conceptpower DPA 240 UL UPS
Conceptpower DPA 240
The modular UPS for small and
medium-sized data centers

UPS modules


DPA display in
each module

output switches Battery circuit

bypass switch

Today’s data centers require continuous uptime. That target is to be ever switched off – making routine maintenance safe and
why ABB’s Conceptpower DPA 240 is based on Decentralized easy. Conceptpower DPA 240 is designed to secure continuity
Parallel Architecture (DPA). Only a truly redundant architecture of critical operations for small to mid-sized data centers, server
like DPA allows online modules to be swapped out while the rooms and other IT applications. It also protects industrial
system is running. Each high-reliability, standardized module is automation processes, healthcare facilities and many other
self-contained and can be swapped at any time, so nothing has vertical markets where operations are of a critical nature.

Maximized availability Low total cost of ownership

Key benefits Key benefits
– 9 9.9999% availability – True online efficiency: Up to 95.6% at nominal load
– Decentralized parallel architecture – Small footprint/high power density
– R eplace or add modules with no downtime – U nity power factor (kW = kVA)
– S hort mean-time-to repair – L ow input harmonic distortion (THDi < 4%)
– Eliminates single points of failure
Efficient service concept
Cost effective “right-sizing” Key benefits
Key benefits – Simple power upgrade
– Vertical and horizontal scalability – F ast service – low MTTR
– P ay as you grow – R educed spare parts needed
– O nline-swap modularity (OSM)
– O nline serviceability

Conceptpower DPA 240 UL UPS | Product brochure 3

Total vertical and horizontal scalability
The Conceptpower DPA 240 delivers power protection from
40kW to 1.2MW at 415V (one to six modules) in a single
cabinet frame. Horizontal scalability is also given, with up to
five frames in parallel, to increase total power up to 1.2MW.
This scalability means that there is no need to over-specify
the original configuration as power modules can simply be
added, as needed, in the future.

Designed with maximum flexibility

and redundancy at its core for the
6x5x40kW =1.2MW
standardization of power protection.
In a data center, power distribution systems have historically
been oversized to meet the redundancy requirements. The
Conceptpower DPA 240 UPS system is designed for datacenters
and other high availability applications that require redundant
configurations (for example N+1, 2 (N+1), etc.). Adding
redundancy for increased availability comes easy with the
advanced scalability within the Conceptpower DPA UPS family.
These systems complement and complete the datacenter power
distribution system for ABB, providing customers with a
centralized power protection solution.

Centralized power protection solutions

Source 1


Source 2


NN == Conceptpower
Conceptpower DPA
DPA 240
120 UPS
UPS @415V

Sample reference scenario of ABB’s centralized power protection solution, Tier 4 data center 2 (N+1) UPS configuration

4 Product brochure | Conceptpower DPA 240 UL UPS

Conceptpower DPA 240
The modular UPS suits any application
requiring N+1 redundancy and flexibility

True parallel architecture

This advanced UPS design provides the highest degree of
protection in critical applications where the load must be fed
with quality power. These Conceptpower DPA systems utilize
decentralized parallel architecture and ensures the highest level
of reliability and availability with true redundancy across

Each module operates independently, containing all hardware

and software required for full system operation, creating
complete redundancy within the unit. Each UPS module has its
own independent static bypass, rectifier, inverter, logic control,
control panel and battery charger. With all the critical
components duplicated and distributed between individual
units, potential single points of failure are eliminated. Cabinet type DPA 240 frame
Dimensions (WxHxD) 31.16" x 77.76" x 35.17"
(791 x 893 x 1975.5 mm)
Capacity Up to six modules
Weight Approx. 1517 lbs. (688 kg.)
(Decentralized system with 6 modules)

Basic system configuration Options

The module includes: – B attery monitoring

– 4 0kW – Seismic bracing
–T  rue online double conversion UPS – Maintenance bypass cabinet
–B  uilt-in modular isolation – Control and monitoring (Modbus RS-485, Modbus TCP/IP,
–B  uilt-in backfeed protection SNMP, Bacnet and others)
– Individual module display – Line-and-match battery cabinets
–H  MI interface with mimic diagram and LCD providing
information in five languages

The frame includes:

 40kW rated power in single frame
 ottom cable entry (standard)
 ectifier, bypass terminals (single or dual-input mains
connection available) and UPS output terminals
 attery breakers and output switches for each module set
 raphical color touch screen system display
 ommunication interfaces: RS-232 and USB ports, I/O dry
contacts (e.g. EPO, GEN On) and external bypass interlock

Conceptpower DPA 240 UL UPS | Product brochure 5

The lowest total cost of ownership

The Conceptpower DPA 240 boasts a low cost of ownership frames in parallel
compared to other UPS systems by offering energy efficiency,
scalability and ergonomic design to enable easy serviceability.
can be scaled to
The unique and modular UPS Conceptpower DPA belongs to provide clean and
the newest generation of midrange 3-phase UPS-Systems. reliable power.
High reliability, low operating cost and excellent electrical

performance are only some of the highlights of this innovative
UPS solution.

It can be sized to align closely with prevailing IT requirements,

but can be added to incrementally as IT needs grow. This
means that you only power and cool what you need. The
resulting savings in power usage over the service life of the Sized to fit your needs
UPS are substantial.
Designers often over-specify UPS systems to take account of
Rack-mounted configurations can be right-sized by inserting or future demand growth. With the Conceptpower DPA 240,
removing ‘online-swappable’ modules while the systems remain modules can simply be added in parallel to increase the
online, enabling power to be added as requirements grow system’s total capacity. The Conceptpower DPA 240’s vertical
without any footprint penalty. This makes servicing simple as and horizontal scalability allow:
modules can be replaced without powering down.
– Flexible power upgrades and downgrades
Together with the excellent efficiency rating of up to 95.6% of – Easy maintenance
the product, all these factors gives the Conceptpower DPA 240 – Pay as you grow
the lowest total cost of ownership of any similar UPS system.

Protecting power has never been easier

True, online-swap modularity enables the safer removal and/or

insertion of Conceptpower DPA modules without risk to the
critical load and without the need to power down or transfer
to raw mains supply. This unique feature directly addresses
today’s requirement for continuous uptime. The ability to online-
swap modules in a Conceptpower DPA system significantly
reduces its mean time to repair (MTTR) and simplifies system
upgrades. The modular approach pays off too when it comes
to serviceability and availability – online-swapping of modules
means you don’t have to switch off or switch to bypass during
replacements, so there is no downtime in a redundant

Installation and service is easy too: The straightforward

concept of the Conceptpower DPA simplifies every step of the
deployment process, from planning, through installation and
commissioning to full use. Flexible set-up and fast maintenance
means lower operating and maintenance costs. The UPS is
serviceable by front access only.

6 Product brochure | Conceptpower DPA 240 UL UPS

Technical specifications
GENERAL DATA Conceptpower DPA 240 UL UPS
System power range 40kW–1.2MW
Nominal power/module 40kW
Nominal power/frame (capacity) 1.2MW
Output power factor 1.0
Topology Double conversion, transformerless, modular, Decentralized Parallel Architecture
Parallel configuration Up to 6 modules in one frame / up to 5 frames in parallel
Cable entry Bottom
Serviceability Front access only
Back-feed protection Built-in (standard)
Connection 5-wires, 3-phase + neutral + ground
Nominal input voltage 3 x 415/240V + neutral + ground
Voltage tolerance < 100% (–15%, +10%), < 80% (–20%, +10%), < 60% (–30%, +10%)
Input distortion THDi < 4% at 100% load
Frequency range 50/60Hz ± 5%
Power factor 0.99 @ 100% load
Walk in/soft start Yes
Rated output voltage 3 x 415/240V + neutral + ground
Voltage tolerance ± 2.5%
Voltage distortion THDv < 2% in linear mode
Frequency 50/60Hz
AC-AC Up to 95.6% at nominal load
Protection rating IP 20
Storage temperature −25° to +70°C
Operating temperature 0° to +40°C
Altitude (above sea level) 1000 m without de-rating

Number of 12V jars/string 42 – 50 jars
Types VRLA, NiCd
Battery charger Decentralized charger in each module set
User interface Graphical touch screen (one per frame as standard) Decentralized LCD + mimic diagram
(one per module as standard)
Communication ports USB, RS-232, voltage-free contacts, SNMP (optional)
Customer interface Remote shutdown, gen-set interface, external bypass contact
Safety UL 1778 5th edition, CSA C22.2 No. 107.3-14 Third Edition
EMC IEC/EN 62040-2 C3
Manufacturing ISO 9001:2008
Weight (System with 6 modules) 1517 lbs. (688 kg)
Dimensions WxHxD 31.16" x 77.76" x 35.17" (791 x 893 x 1975.5 mm)

Note: Please refer to ABB Conceptpower DPA 240 technical documents for configurations, features, recommendations and guidelines.

Conceptpower DPA 240 UL UPS | Product brochure 7

Contact us

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