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Brochure DPA UPScale ST EN

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Three-phase UPS system

10–120 kW
Best-in-class modular UPS
for maximum availability
Designed to provide large system
benefits for medium power applications

Designed for medium power applications, the DPA DPA UPScale highlights
UPScale ST delivers true modular power protection from – – Capacities from 10 to 120 kW in 10 or 20 kW modular steps
10 to 120 kW (one to six modules) in a single industry- – – N + 1 redundancy (up to 10 kW N + 1)
standard frame. Its flexible design provides a “pay as – – Up to 96 % efficiency across a wide load range
you grow” model, ideal in situations where requirements – – Near-unity input power factor at partial and
change quickly and unpredictably. The DPA UPScale ST full loads (PF of > 0.99 at 100 % load)
enables cost reduction through best-in-class efficiency – – Low input harmonic distortion (THDi of < 3 %)
performance, fast and efficient implementation and – – 283 kW / m2 power density
extremely low overall operating costs. – – “Six nines” availability

The modular DPA UPScale ST is based on ABB’s unique With DPA technology each UPS module
and proven Decentralized Parallel Architecture (DPA™). DPA has its own independent
means that each UPS module contains all the hardware – – logic control
and software required for full system operation. They share – – control panel
no common components, and as a result system uptime is – – rectifier
maximized. – – inverter
– – battery charger
Space costs money and with a footprint of only 0,42 m2 DPA – – static bypass
UPScale ST (10 –120 kW) takes up less floor space than
alternative UPS solutions. The UPS provides all the benefits
of a modular UPS solution with a maximum power density of
283 kw / m2.

DPA UPScale ST 80 DPA UPScale ST 120

02 DPA UPScale ST 10–120 kW | ABB UPS SYSTEMS

DPA – always protecting your
critical applications

The three major concerns of IT facility managers when DPA – high level of flexibility
assessing the life-cycle cost of their power protection UPS systems based on DPA allow for incremental expansions
infrastructure are availability, flexibility and total cost of whilst ensuring redundancy at all times. It is possible to start
ownership (TCO). The DPA UPScale ST is based on ABB’s with just a few modules and add to them as required in an
unique and proven Decentralized Parallel Architecture easy and safe way. True safe-swap and safe-scale modularity
(DPA) that has been developed specifically enables the safe replacement of UPS modules and their
to respond to these concerns. integration into the UPS system without the need to transfer
the critical load onto raw mains or to remove power from the
DPA – maximum availability critical load.
Parallel architecture limited only to modular design does
not guarantee the highest power protection for critical DPA – lowest total cost of ownership
applications. The success of a parallel modular system Saving costs and optimizing capital deployment are top
depends largely on the design of the parallel architecture and priorities, and IT facility managers must make effective
on the level of intelligence of the individual modules. Modular investments to increase the efficiency of their IT systems. An
systems based on DPA are free of single points of failure and infrastructure that uses cost-effective and flexible modular
maximize the system’s mean time between failure (MTBF). power protection solutions with significantly lower operating
Quick and simple repair by safe-swapping modules while costs will create competitive advantages in the medium term.
the UPS is online minimize the system’s mean time to repair The DPA UPScale ST boasts the lowest cost of ownership
(MTTR). of any UPS system by offering energy efficiency, scalable
flexibility and highest availability due to true redundancy and
easy serviceability.

ABB’s modular DPA UPScale ST is built of self-contained
rectifier inverter static bypass modules that include the entire UPS hardware and software;
logic control control panel hence, it eliminates all the common parts which are potential
single points of failure.

rectifier inverter static bypass

A DPA module includes distributed CPUs, distributed control
logic control control panel
panels, distributed power units and distributed static bypass
switches. Even the batteries are separately configured for
rectifier inverter static bypass each module, which makes the parallel system fully and truly
logic control control panel redundant.

Technical specifications


Number of UPS modules 2 3 4 6
Maximum number 80 240 – –
of inbuilt batteries
Maximum output power 40 kW 60 kW 80 kW 120 kW
Output power factor 1.0
Topology True online double conversion
Parallel configuration Up to six modules
UPS type Modular (Decentralized Parallel Architecture)
Cable entry Front access
Nominal input voltage 3 × 380 / 220 V + N, 3 × 400 / 230 V + N, 3 × 415 / 240 V + N
Voltage tolerance For loads <100 % (–23 %, +15 %), < 80 % (–30 %, +15 %), < 60 % (–40 %, +15 %)
(Ref. to 3 × 400 / 230 V)
Input distortion THDi ≤ 3 % at 100 %
Frequency 35–70 Hz
Power factor 0.99 at 100 % load
Rated output voltage 3 × 380 / 220 V + N, 3 × 400 / 230 V + N, 3 × 415 / 240 V + N
Voltage distortion < 1.5 %
(Ref. to 3 × 400 / 230 V)
Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Overload capability 10 min.: up to 125 % or 1 min.: up to 150 %
Unbalanced load 100 % possible
Crest factor 3:1
Overall efficiency Up to 96 %
In eco-mode configuration 98 %
Storage temperature –25–70 °C
Operating temperature 0–40 °C
Altitude configuration 1000 m without derating
LCD display Yes (per module)
LEDs LED for notification and alarm
Communication ports USB, RS-232, SNMP slot, potential-free contacts
Safety IEC / EN 62040-1
Electromagnetic IEC / EN 62040-2
compatibility (EMC)
Performance IEC / EN 62040-3
Product certification CE
Manufacturing ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004
Weight (with modules / without batteries) Up to 135 kg Up to 238 kg Up to 168 kg Up to 262 kg
Dimensions W × H × D (mm) 550 × 1135 × 770 550 × 1975 × 770 550 × 1135 × 770 550 × 1975 × 770

ABB UPS SYSTEMS | DPA UPScale ST 10–120 kW 04

DPA UPScale ST – system architecture


Maximum output power 40 kW 60 kW 80 kW 120 kW
No. of internal batteries (7 / 9 Ah) Up to 80 Up to 240 – –
Dimensions W × H × D (mm) 550 × 1135 × 770 550 × 1975 × 770 550 × 1135 × 770 550 × 1975 × 770
Weight frame (without modules / 92 kg 173 kg 82 kg 133 kg
without batteries)

The DPA UPScale ST can be deployed in a variety of system DPA UPScale ST – safe-swap modularity
architectures to support the specific requirements of your The ability to safe-swap modules significantly reduces the
IT infrastructure. The ST 40 and ST 60 cabinet types are system’s mean time to repair (MTTR) and simplifies system
suitable for applications with low run-times, limited space upgrades. Thanks to the unique, compact design and
and no extension requirements. For larger autonomies and low weight (10 kW = 18.6 kg, 20 kW = 21.5 kg) of the DPA
incremental future growth, the ST 80 and ST 120 are the UPScale modules, inserting additional modules or replacing
best choices. existing ones during operation is easy and can be performed
by a single technician.

High power –
low weight!
20 kW = 21.5 kg

MODULES M 10 or M 20
Maximum output power 10 or 20 kW
Weight 18.6 or 21.5 kg
Dimensions W × H × D (mm) 488 × 132 × 540 (3 HU)

05 DPA UPScale ST 10–120 kW | ABB UPS SYSTEMS

Contact us

www.abb.com/ups © Copyright ABB. All rights reserved.

04-2827_DPAST_EN | Printed in Switzerland, 2012

ups.sales@ch.abb.com Specifications subject to change
without notice.

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