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Phoneme Flip Chart-2

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Phoneme Segmentation Phoneme Blending Phoneme Segmentation

On occasion, have students write The most challenging way to present

Break a word into its separate sounds.
the word and then read it aloud at a nor- this activity is to not give any clues to
mal speaking rate. the categories. Students say each sound separately as they
First, the teacher says the word raise a finger for each sound.
“What do these words have in com-
slowly and asks, “What is the word?”
Students respond.
“Say the word _______ in two separate
Next, the teacher asks, the chil- Two Sounds
dren to say the word as separate sounds.
t-oe kn-ee u-p s-o i-t d-ay
Then the teacher says, “Let’s write the
sounds in the word.”
m-y b-ow sh-oe l-ie d-ay Two Sounds
The teacher writes the words on Phonemic m-oo m-e i-s a-t g-o i-n a-m pie bee shoe it knee is day
the board while saying the sounds. Then Three Sounds key chew he zoo tie shy
the children write the word, saying the Awareness hay whoa so bye to no see
sounds. Finally, the students read the j-o-b b-e-d r-oo-f d-oo-r b-u-s
my row do in toe she mow
b-oa-t f-oo-t b-a-ck m-ou-th day go boo hoe tea say
Three Sounds
ch-i-n l-e-g r-i-ght o-v-er Three Sounds
pad bed pig pot rag
s-l-ow t-o-p d-ow-n l-o-ng d-r-y lug tug mom big bus hug
rat rip fox rub sat Activities to use on h-ou-se ch-ee-k l-ou-d l-a-te pan sit cap cup cut dim dog
let sun bed ten tub the run
p-u-sh w-ea-k h-ar-d sh-ou-t fat bib gum sat hen hid hop
van web fill tap man
Including Phoneme Four Sounds bug hum jam kit leg tag lid
fin six hat can log
t-ea-ch-er t-r-ai-n f-a-st lip tip mad beg map mat fall
tell net bat mop fall  Isolation u-n-d-er l-e-f-t s-l-i-d-e mug top not nut fun run
rob win pet met get  Identity b-r-ea-d g-r-a-p-e s-t-ea-k
Four Sounds  Categorization
s-w-ee-t g-r-ee-n y-ell-ow
block bread crab snake  Blending
 Segmentation b-r-ow-n b-l-a-ck p-ai-n-t
glass grape truck find gift
 Deletion
jump grab glad small fast  Addition Follow up by having students write
stop steak clean scout lamp  Subtraction and read the words.
desk land train left sweet
green yellow brown slide
Phoneme Deletion Phoneme Identity Phoneme Categorization More Fun with Phoneme
Students recognize what re- Avoid initial blends as they are made Students recognize the words Deletion
mains when a phoneme is removed up of two distinct sounds and may in a set of three words that has Teacher says,
from another word. confuse students. a different initial sound. “What is ham without /h/?”
The teacher says the sound, Final Sounds “Which word doesn’t belong?” cat without the /k/
NOT the letter name. Letters in-
Hearing final sounds is a more advanced task blast without the /b/
side the // mean the sound. bus, bun, rug
than hearing sounds in the beginning of
“What is …. smile without the /s/?” words. “What is the final sound in this set of mop, rat, moon cloud without the /k/
frat without the /f/ coat, hose, horse slap without the /s/
him, time, gum / m/
split without the /l/ pants, pink, four gram without the / g/
rib, tub, robe /b/
pray without the /r/ x-ray, jam, jet bleep without the /l/
if, beef, leaf /f/
prod without the /p/ door, plate, desk skid without the /s/
eat, light, boat /t/
grit without the /r/ ball, cat, big plod without the /pl/
yes, us, nice /s/
blue without the /l/ apple, alien, red clean without the /k/
make, look, duck /k/
brash without the /b/ television, phone, tent slam without the /sl/
up, stop, clap /p/
price without the /p/ table, horse, taco pluck without the /p/
been, can, fun /n/
bless without /b/ dog, sun, sub snob without the /s/
car, jar, far /r/
drag without /d/ ruler, mat, rocket trip without the /t/
fall, call, ball /l/
blow without /b/ sand, queen, quarter plus without the /pl/
bed, good, had /d/
slang with out /l/ rake, baby, bed graft without the /g/
egg, pig, fog / g/
black without /l/ zoo, wolf, window clot without the /c/
cage, huge, fudge /j/
snob without the /s/ house, hunt, pumpkin splint without the /sp/
love, dive, stove /v/
spray without the /sp/ nickel, jeep, jam pride without the /p/
Variation with Initial Sounds trot without the /t/
drug without /d/ corn, dog, cage
Example: “Can you tell me a word clash without the /k/
snag without the /s/ hot, hat, shirt
that begins with the same sound as
spend without the /sp/ rug, mirror, make seat without the /s/
Repeat this question several times with vari- first, fourth, second gram without the /g/
ous, initial sounds.
seven, eight, six spot without the /s/
Phoneme Blending Phoneme Isolation Phoneme Categorization
Students listen to a sequence of sepa- Students recognize individual sounds
rate sounds and then combine them in a given word. Before isolating
to form a word. Say the word sounds, be sure children have the
slowly, stretching but not distorting concept of first, middle and last. Students will recognize the words in
the sounds. To make the activity eas- Students should respond with a set of four that does not start like
ier, begin with a simple riddle. the sound (phoneme) not the letter the other three words.
“What am I thinking of? It falls from name when the teacher asks: “Which one does not belong?”
the sky? r-ai-n” “What is the first sound in ….?” sink, seem, sing, thud
“I sleep in this at night. b-e-d” two four six eight dive, dove, vest, dad
“I wear this on my foot. s-o-ck” thin, shine, think, thumb
“A red light means to do this. s-t-o-p” “What is the first sound in ….?” spill, sun, sand, six
“They help you when you are hurt. farmer doctor teacher soldier rode, roam, prod, roll
n-ur-se” nurse painter lawyer dentist boat, thin, bike, bath
“It helps me find a street in a city eagle, eat, ape, eel
m-a-p” “What is the first sound in… ?” acorn, apron, ice, able
banana pickle milk ice cream More Difficult to Distinguish
To make the activity a little harder, hamburger apple bread hotdog chin, chocolate, chair, sheet
only give a category. zig, zag, zeal, sing
“I am thinking of things that you “What is the first sound in….?” joke, cheer, choice, chest
would do in a gym.” lion dinosaur turtle pig rabbit van, that, vine, vow
r-u-n s-k-i-p h-o-p j-u-m-p bear ox cow elk fox ape deer
chin, chunk, chill, jump
r-a-ce j-u-m-p j-o-g g-l-i-de
they, dare, day, dive
“I am thinking of different types of “What is the first sound in….?”
fin, fire, free, thin
weather.” jacket boot hat pants mitten
shin, cheer, sheet, shade
r-ai-n s-l-ee-t f-o-g s-n-ow
feel, vase, fine, face
w-i-n-d i-ce “What is the first sound in ….?”
jump, jar, cheer, junk
circle round triangle oval
sheep, sheen, shop, stop
dove, dig, drove, dump
Phoneme Isolation Phoneme Substitution Phoneme Identity
(Final Sound) Final Sound Changes Students will recognize the same
“What is the last sound in….?” Students will follow the clues to cre- sound in different words.
ate a new word.
boat plane bus ship
“The word is bug. Chage /g/ to /n/.
horse ship taxi car
What is the new word? (bun)”
cat change /t/ to /n/
“What is the last sound in….?” “What sound is the same in the
dip change /p/ to /g/ beginning of …. ?”
arm hand knee toe leg foot
not change /t/ to /d/ (Teacher can accept the sound or
sock change /k/ to /b/ the letter name.)
“What is the last sound in….?”
fish change /sh/ to / t/ moon, map, monkey
big small on off up
ham change /m/ to /d/ bike, big, bubble
over fast slow quickly snap
nice change /s/ to /n/ sun, seven, soup
lug crack nest grass
hedge change /j/ to /d/ time, tent, toad
tree stick snap crack sun
win change /n/ to /g/ foot, fence fish
globe rectangle round map flat
had change / d/ to /t/ apple, alligator, actor
square house roof trailer
door paint pizza orange pie can change / n/ to /sh/ camera, coat, cup
plate change /t/ to /s/ pizza, piano, penny

(Medial Sounds) wage change /g/ to /v/ itch, igloo, icky

These are the hardest to hear! age change /g/ to /k/ hunt, hook, hi

“What sound do you hear in the gas change /s/ to /p/ leaf, lady, lucky

middle of the word….?” mass change / s/ to /sh/ doll, dinner, dinosaur

balloon kitten cotton sugar price change /c/ to /z/ key, kite, kitten

rotten wood river gallon water egg, elephant, exit

mitten flower mother brother Pull a new word yellow, yarn, yes
out of the hat! thank, thumb, thin
sour cover oven memo
she, ship, sugar

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