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Arch (Gerbang) : Prepared By: Miss - Izzati Yahya

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prepared by : Miss.Izzati Yahya

• System structure that

transmit the load to the
corbel via a curved
shape in a single plane .

• Under load , it undergoes

compression force .

• Must be designed to
overcome these forces
with minimal bending .
Example : Natural Surrounding
Parabolic curve
This two arch are very effective in arch system
Catenary curve

Formed if the ballast is horizontal and Formed if the weights suspended at

continuous suspended at points equal distances along the cable.
equidistant horizontally from a wire that
hang freely .

(Terbentuk jika pemberat yang mendatar dan (Terbentuk jika pemberat digantung pada
selanjar digantung pada titik-titik yang sama jarak yang sama di sepanjang kabel tersebut.)
jaraknya secara mendatar daripada suatu
kabel yang tergantung bebas. )

Parabolic curve Catenary curve

shows an inverted catenary arch to form the

(menunjukkan lengkungan katenari yang

disongsangkan untuk membentuk gerbang.)

Lines stress produced by the load evenly

located inside the gates is compressive stress

(Garisan tegasan yang dihasilkan oleh beban

sekata terletak di dalam gerbang dan
merupakan tegasan mampatan.)

Lines stress produced by the load evenly

located inside the gates and is compressive

(gerbang katenari songsang merupakan

bentuk geometri yang paling berkesan untuk
menyangga beban seragam yang bertindak ke
atas gerbang.
Catenary curve
show traditional semi-circular arch
(menunjukkan gerbang traditional separuh
Line break in the catenary arches representing
the stresses produced by the weight of the gate
(Garisan putus di dalam gerbang adalah
lengkungan katenari dan mewakili garisan
tegasan yang dihasilkan oleh berat gerbang.)

If the arches does not have ballast , it will

collapse .
(Jika gerbang tidak berpemberat, ia akan

The bending of the ribs will force the exit

portion of the arches and then the top will
(Daya lenturan pada bahagian rusuk akan
memaksa bahagian gerbang ini keluar dan
seterusnya bahagian atas akan runtuh)
Gate will be stable if the internal forces can
overcome the gates of the external forces
(Gerbang akan stabil jika daya-daya dalaman
gerbang dapat mengatasi daya-daya luaran
yang bertindak)
Stability of arches I Kestabilan gerbang
Material used Tie Rod
Reflection of arches I Tindakan gerbang

The forces generated in the arches is to push

out the arch.

The sizes of forces depend on the types of


The forces at the base of the diagonal can be

decomposed into a vertical
component (weight ) and horizontal ( thrust )
Relationship between types of arch and the forces
Perkaitan antara bentuk gerbang dan daya tujahan



Base of the arch overcome Load of the arch are similar The thrust forces bigger
the thrust forces with the thrust forces than the load of the arches.
Types of basic arch I bentuk gerbang yang lazim

Horseshoe Lancet Parabolic

Three - centered Segmental

archI Ibentuk gerbang terbaru
bentuk gerbang terbaru

Monolit Arch Two hinged Arch Three hinged Arch

• Consists of one • Have a pin / hinge at both • Consists of two elements

continuous element . ends to enable it to swivel . which is hinged at the top
and base of the gate .
• Has a rigid connection • The load may cause the
to the supporters . peak arch goes up or down , • spin independently on each
but no resulting bending at pin under the action of
• Addressing the bending the bottom arch . different loads .
forces in all parts of the
arch and supporters • The thickness of the top • No bending power
arch allows the stress lines produced at the three hinges
are in the form of the arch. .
• Construction is of coated
wood - made ​and transported
easily .
Side of stability I KESTABILAN SISI

Geometry arch & post and beam

Series of arch : diagonal ties

Lamellae arch system
Case study
(Analisis rekabentuk)
Pont Du Gard, Nimes
• Consists of 3 storey semi-circular stone
arch .

• Built of stone resistance in compression and

without mortar .

• Stability of thrust available from the

interaction between adjacent gates and two
ponds .

• Resistant to the form because :

1. The weight of the flanks

and heavy
stone arches above .

2. Lines stress in the gate.

3. No bending .
Case study
(Analisis rekabentuk)

Jefferson Memorial Arch, Saarinen

• Similar to the catenary ballast .

• Forces is generated in the form of a arch .

• Forces respond into the structure .

• the structure grows at the bottom :

1. increased mass resolving power and thrust .

2.Generate stability

3. Distribute the weight of the arch to a larger

Case study
(Analisis rekabentuk)
Rheim Cathedral, Rheims

• strut thrust transfer curve of the ceiling

vaults to buttressed (flying buttress ) .

• Stability is available through buttressed

heavy enough to withstand the thrust of the '
flying buttress ' .

• act as an ornamental stone decoration and

added mass for stability buttressed
Case study
(Analisis rekabentuk)
• Size and functions of the arches
which is enclosed the space are
produce from the technology.

• steel and concrete reinforcement

materials complete the transition
from arch functions, this is a way
to stretch the opening in the wall
as the main structural elements

• The main structure of exhibition

hall without any buffering is steel

Halle des Machines.Paris.Dutert.1889 • Width 375 feet.

• High 150 feet.
• Length 1400 feet.
Case study
(Analisis rekabentuk)

Jambatan Henau-Uzwil,Switzerland.Maillart.

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